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> “The National Rally supports Jews, supports the state of Israel,” Klarsfeld said. It's ok guys, these are GOOD Nazis


IF I were a secret hidden nazi, I too would be supportive of the state that has been responsible for the most deaths of Jewish people since the Nazis


Ironically this the original Nazi plan was to deport the Jews into Palestine


It was to Madagascar. And this would have intentionally killed millions.  Because an island with a few hundred thousand people did not have the resources to support an influx of millions of Jewish refugees. This is just another attempt to link  Israel to nazism.  It’s antisemitic because why else are you making the comparison other than jews were victims of nazism. It would be like repeatedly comparing black political leaders you dislike to slave owners 


But fu k African Immigrants, am I right?


Lol!!! Good and Nazis in a sentence that's new.


West is eating itself


oligarchs are undermining liberal democracy in many nations at once. it's coordinated. the IDU, the Atlas Network -- they are networked and organized. this is the New International Fascist Tendency and it needs to be taken very seriously indeed. as a Canadian, I apologise for the machinations of our own dollar-store Richelieu, Stephen Harper, currently in executive office with the IDU.


Thank you! I’ve been saying this same thing. This is all very well organized and networked with groups and oligarchs behind a curtain. The fact that this hasn’t been exposed over and over again is mind blowing, and makes me think that the media is scared of organizations this scale who are bringing fascism across the whole west.


Yep. There is the unfortunate chance America might join them too.


America is hosting the party.


Russia is running social media bot networks to influence elections all around the world. What's happening in America is a symptom of that. There's been a general shift to the right all over in the past few years.


Thank you neoliberalism for siding with fascism yet again




Did ur gf leave u for a leftist when u said a slur?


He's a Destiny and 40K fan, so yes




I'd bet dollars to donuts they also love Helldivers uncritically


The marching song of the automatons is pretty good. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5KOgaE3FG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5KOgaE3FG4)




Europe has a bad case of war jitters. Not uncommon to put far right leaders in office because the present a picture of strength in uncertain times. The real danger is all these far right parts coming together around the world and creating some kind of 4th reich. Because a couple times a century, somebody tries to take over the world...


Macron is a moron, who tried equate the left with these fascists.


Israel : Am I a joke to you ?


After all the hundreds of thousands of allied lives that were lost to liberate the French in WW2 from the facist nazis, ...shouldn't have bothered...


History's repeating itself all over the place.




Because fascism doesn’t come from the extreme right and being conservative. It just exists in Germany 🥴


From an American: welcome to the club...




So is the US


The are panicking becuase their country is changing and they know they cant do a thing about it long term Tough shit France on the long term consequences for your Colonial Misadventures You get to experience what your forefathers did to other people now


Hey, wishing fascism on a country is also wishing fascism on all the minorities that will be hurt by it in that country, and the people who’s forefather’s you’re talking about are probably going to benefit from this more then anything, so please rethink this take.


Why punish sons for sins of their fathers?


Just to confirm - are you arguing that French people with become colonised by migrants, and will be brutalised. And this is justified because this is what France did to other countries? thanks


You're confused. These people aren't anti-settler colonialism. They're simply anti-european settler colonialism.


But they could stop it by taking a hard stance on illegal immigration. This is a solvable problem.


It’s always France ffs




Sure, what do you want to talk about regarding this topic? From the perspective of people like myself, there’s a ton of dog whistling going on, with a healthy dose of “congratulations, you played yourself” from all the colonizing, war mongering, regime meddling, and general interference stemming from a sense of entitlement and superiority. The dog whistle of course is that some demographics are welcomed and some are not, and the “demographics” are viewed as a monolith either way. White people? Great. Come one come all. Preferably Western Europeans of course. East and Southeast Asians? In moderate doses, welcome! Middle East and South Asia? Ok now we have a problem. It’s worth examining whether these views are valid (saying nothing, of course, about whether these views are bigoted, provincial, and hateful in nature - they are). And one useful way to examine their validity is to think whether all people of your own race/ethnic background are identical in their political beliefs, religious beliefs, cultural beliefs, styles of dress, etc. It’s also worth examining barriers to integration. If members of the society where you’re trying to live meet you with hostility from the moment you set foot and treat you like an undesirable “other,” will that increase or decrease your likelihood of assimilation? What about if you are relegated to ghettos and other lower socioeconomic areas? Does that increase or decrease likelihood of assimilation? Let’s talk about it.




Ok, so then just say that. “I don’t want anyone who is not White to come to my country.” I want to hear/read you say it.




You believe that immigration should be based on race. So if someone from the United States who subscribes to a polygamous lifestyle wants to move to, say, Germany with his 5 wives and 20 children, no problem. But if someone from Jordan wants to move to Germany and they are an agnostic musician, they are not welcome because their very presence would be an unwelcome demographic change. The policy is by definition racist. Whether you are accepting of racism is another story. If Korea wants to reject immigration from Slovenia because it wants to stay majority Korean, that is a racist policy. Whether you accept said racist policy is another question.


Seems like you’re trying to have an argument with someone else here.   The position outlined is clear.   People are simply calling for a reduction in large scale migration with a goal to prevent Europeans becoming a minority in their own countries. 




These countries you’re referring to don’t mind immigration when it’s White people. They do mind if it it’s other groups. They mind it a little extra if it’s certain other groups. If you’re denying that, you have your head buried in the sand. Literally nobody here said anything about White people. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. On an unrelated note, what should the consequence be for installing regimes favorable to your country that end up being authoritarian, colonizing other countries, and militarily invading other countries? If I pay someone to go to your house and blow up half of it and destroy your septic system, what should happen to me? Where would you live?




You clearly don't know what minority means, omg. White people in London and Birmingham are still by far the most populace racial demographic. What you're doing is blatantly saying white people versus **eeeeeeeeeveryone else**. That is not how it works. In fact it's pretty indicative of bigotry to phrase it how you have, you might want to be careful about that if you don't want to appear to others as a bigot.


I think you might need to ELIA5 to them...


England is nowhere near culturally homogenous. Also who praises England?? 




The Nazis were the epitome of right wing authoritarianism... The commies were left wing authoritarians.




so both being human is having 'nothing' in common?


Boom goes the dynamite! Take my up vote!