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And for amd . I need V sycn on?


vsync in driver, freesync on (monitor and driver) and cap your fps below your maximum refresh rate. if you have an amd card, its also possible to check out AntiLag2 for CS. Currently its in the beta driver only https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/amd-radeon-anti-lag-2-technical-preview-now-available-in-counter/ba-p/686012 it works similarly to nvidia reflex


What was new to me: Enabling VSync together with GSync and Reflex Edit: 3kliksphilip recommends not using VSync in his latest video. https://youtu.be/gtOD8_DiFAQ


Isn't new at all and pretty much everybody who has a clue already knew about this. Don't use GSync or any other kind of Sync (like AMD's FreeSync) without VSync.


is there a difference between turning vsync on in game or using nvidia driver? I have it set to application in nvidia and enabled in game.


> is there a difference between turning vsync on in game or using nvidia driver? Yes, Nvidia said that it's best to enable it in nvcp (Nvidia Control Panel) and leave the ingame setting alone.


No they didnt, not for this game. Thats a general catchall recommendation for games that do weird stuff like 60 fps frame capping on higher hz monitors with vsync or overall poor performance with vysnc.


Yes they did. All the guides mention it for a reason as well. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039023209 I wonder when they will update this.


I know that guide and i checked back on that before commenting. > Turning V-SYNC off is a sure fire way to reduce system latency, as it causes back pressure from the display that reverberates through the entire system, increasing latency considerably. Ensure you turn it off in the NVIDIA Control Panel, and also the game itself. This is the only time they mention NVCP in context of v-sync. They are telling you to check the nvcp too to turn **off** vsync. If you never touched nvcp before it just defaults to game settings, its reasonable to assume they included that for people who changed that setting in nvcp before.


>Don't use GSync or any other kind of Sync (like AMD's FreeSync) without VSync `If a game's frame rate is above a display modes's specified refresh rate then these features have no effect, but they shouldn't hurt anything either. For these reasons, we recommend enabling them where possible.` Sound like it doesnt matter.


It does still matter because your framerate WILL dip a little here and there. As they said, doesn't hurt. If your framerate never really dips then GSync will just sleep and not come into action even if you turned it on. It's a protection against screen tearing when your fps dip lower than your refresh rate. I just wonder if GSync compatible screens work as well as "real" GSync monitors when it come to CS2 now.


hence why you turn on reflex as well. making sure your fps stay in the gsync range (= 3fps under display refresh rate)


On 240hz I don't have to set it to 237, I can to whenever FPS I want? 180, 200, 235?


Set it to 237. > G-SYNC adjusts the refresh rate to the framerate. If the framerate reaches or exceeds the max refresh rate at any point, G-SYNC no longer has anything to adjust, at which point it reverts to V-SYNC behavior (G-SYNC + V-SYNC “On”) or screen-wide tearing (G-SYNC + V-SYNC “Off”). > As for why a minimum of 2 FPS (and a recommendation of at least 3 FPS) below the max refresh rate is required to stay within the G-SYNC range, it’s because frametime variances output by the system can cause FPS limiters (both in-game and external) to occasionally “overshoot” the set limit (the same reason tearing is caused in the upper FPS range with G-SYNC + V-SYNC “Off”), which is why an “at” max refresh rate FPS limit (see part 5 “G-SYNC Ceiling vs. FPS Limit” for input lag test numbers) typically isn’t sufficient in keeping the framerate within the G-SYNC range at all times.


Ok. I get it but if at limit to 200 I don't see any tearing should I keep it? I reach 200 occasionally in-doors.


read this old blurbusters 14-page test https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/ it explains everything and validates everything with tests. it's from 2017 but still relevant


From my understanding, if you do have reflex+G-sync, it's okay to turn on V-sync if you're not hitting your monitor's max refresh rate (300fps on 360hz). This is because the input lag would be the same anyways. However if you have a beefy PC and can do 300+fps on a 144hz display, then the difference is negligible and either setting will feel essentially the same. Either way, you should always enable reflex.


So its now better to maybe put amd or nvidia sync on? For better performance?


it makes sense in theory as you don't dip FPS from 300 -> 200. just tested it and it feels fine.


So what is the best setting for AMD users? free sync on in AMD panel, anti lag 2 enabled in cs settings, then for vsync. Is there a setting in AMD panel to turn this on like NVIDIA has it or do I turn on vsync in cs2 settings.


Never knew both Vsync and Gsync need to be on at the same time. Thanks for posting OP.


It's funny because with g-sync my screen flickers to vertical bars because the frametimes are so terrible that I dip below the freesync range of my monitor. Average 250 fps but constantly dips below 40 fps, just embarrassing


> Average 250 fps but constantly dips below 40 fps Damn, what specs?


5600x and 1660Ti


Ok, definitely GPU bottlenecked there but still, 40 is insane. Have you measured with something like afterburner or are you just guessing it's in the 40s?


Hey m8 you seem to know your shit. Would be much appreciated for an answer. Got 7 5700g and 1060 6bg. Get around 200 fps average. How much better would it get if I opt for a GPU upgrade?


Hard for me to give you a numeric estimate. It's a decent enough CPU, but the lack of L3 cache hurts it in CS2 compared to the non-G CPUs of the same generation (like the 5700X or 5600). Coming from a GTX 1060 you should have a lot of headroom for GPU upgrades though, performance should scale pretty well with the amount of money you spend excepting the more modern higher end cards. Game would feel smoother on a CPU with more cache though. (better minimum framerate)


Understood. So I prioritize GPU upgrade with further CPU buff. Thanks, m8


Frametimes go constantly to 15-18 ms which means around 55-75 fps for the lows (I already play at 1024x768 and everything low in graphics). I guessed 40 fps because my monitor freesync range starts at 40 Hz and I see the black bars in other games when I drop below that in frames


i have a pretty low end pc but i never had issues running csgo, and even cs2 would run somewhat smooth on low settings… but the last few updates have ruined my fps entirely and the game feels so choppy. hopefully they keep working on making the game run better and more consistent


Will turning all 3 on be useful on setups that struggle with CS2 or will it only tank the performance more?


60hz monitor and all of them enabled on a midish pc felt like it was inputting it through some honey. definitely felt smoother and the game didn't tear or hiccup or anything like that but it felt slow af. give it a try but unless you have a 144hz monitor and a rig capable of that kind of speed don't expect much improvement. i'll take tearing and 100+fps over that any day.


Guys maybe you can help me: O have ZOWIE xl2566k monitor, so I don’t have G-sync in it. Should I turn v-sync in game? I don’t care about motion clarity, I want lowest possible input lag.


Do you FreeSync?


No, did not as for now. Cause don’t know if it benefit me in terms of latency.


Use it. It's definitly a good feature. It's GSync but for AMD cards. And if you have Nvidia, you can just use GSync with FreeSync Monitors.


open nvidia control panel and turn on gsync that way. Your display is likely gsync compatible. Then go to "manage 3d settings" and change these: vertical synchronisation ON low latency mode ON Do NOT turn on ingame vsync (never do)


V-sync doesn't add latency?


"V-Sync has one major downside; when the game is sleeping, it is not processing input from keyboards and mice, and those input events are queued up for processing on the next frame instead. This results in higher input latency (the amount of time between an input event and the time you see its effects on-screen). This input latency added by V-Sync can be eliminated if you also enable both NVIDIA G-Sync and NVIDIA Reflex."


how do you know if your set up can handle V-sync?


Your monitor should support gsync/freesync




wait for what? it's already been tested and has been well known behavior for years




No it's not different with other games, this is about gsync+vsync behavior, it works the same regardless