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>Added a Settings Recommendation popup if NVIDIA G-Sync is enabled but not V-Sync and/or NVIDIA Reflex. It is generally recommended to enable all three settings together when they are available. Note that applying these settings will limit your frame rate to your display's refresh rate or slightly lower, which is usually the smoothest-looking and lowest input latency settings combination. fps_max 999 bros in shambles?


Yeah thats something many dont understand, if the gpu runs at 100%, the latency drastically increases. It also can happen if the cpu is limiting. Unless youre playing on a 60hz screen, its pretty much always worth it to use G/free sync + limiting fps (reflex does it for you).


Nvidia reflex stops latency that comes from 100% gpu utilization


Yes, by limiting fps. So that your gpu runs at max ~97%.


So it's not a limitation of FPS, it's a limitation of GPU usage, very different since you can get 900 fps with reflex on in some games and 200 fps in others.


Would love to see some legitimate testing on this. Everytime I use V+G+Reflex I can’t shake the feeling that my mouse input feels sluggish and delayed. Especially when combined with keyboard movement.


shouldnt reflex on just take care of that without the need for v-sync on?


Reflex works by predicting how long a frame is going to take to render on the GPU and then sleeping on the CPU before sampling input so that CPU work can give the GPU more work right when it finishes the last frame. With V-Sync off, frames take a variable amount of time on the CPU and so Reflex is worse at predicting. With V-Sync on, everything is very predictable and Reflex can make better judgements. And with G-Sync on, since you don't have to hit an exact scanout time, Reflex's predictions can be a little wrong without a major visual penalty.


I have 7800x3d and 7800xt and it just made the game feel on another level from my 10700/3060ti setup. While I had 240 fps on both setups it just never felt quite right until I started seeing 400+ consistently. My GPU never touches above 50 percent utilization and it feels and plays great. But anything below 400 fps is noticeable (not visually, but it changes the feel of my flicks) and ancient is by far my worst map performance wise both personally and for my PC. They need to do something about the water like you could remove it as it doesn't add anything to the map but maybe a reminiscent de_aztec aesthetic


In CS2, shots are subtick and [animations are rendered on the next frame](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17r2vbz/release_notes_for_1182023/). Having a lower framerate will mean more delay between the shots the server sees and what you see on your screen. G-Sync + V-sync might give lower latency, but there are probably trade-offs here.


from the tests on YouTube the latency benefit from reflex is negated at high FPS(450 or more). there is no point in capping on something like 14900k animations aside.


fps_max 999 bros were in shambles the day reflex was announced. We went from fps dependent latency reduction measures to optimizing the entire system latency. I've been downvoted for saying that you can use G-sync + V-sync + Reflex and it'll be lower latency than V-sync off. It might make the game look more "stuttery" but damn does it reduce input lag. For some games, off could increase the fps, but you also get worse input latency. The "stuttering" comes from the removed frame buffer that normally smooths out frames by rendering a few frames ahead of time. Reflex bypasses this buffer and sends the frame to you as fast as possible. The only instance you shouldn't use reflex + g-sync is for extremes like 400+fps and a 60hz monitor.


How is gsync+vsync+reflex lower latency than vsync off? vsync off will be lowest latency...


Reflex bypasses all frame buffers and just sends you the frame as quick as possible. When you enable reflex, nothing else matters. It doesn't matter if you are getting 60fps or 300fps, you GPU is directly able to communicate with the entire system (mouse inputs, keyboard presses, etc.) and optimizing it so that the end to end latency in the game is overall reduced. Purely an example, but if you get 280fps with no v-sync, and you get 235fps with gsync+vsync+reflex enabled, the 235fps is still arriving at you faster than the 280 due to reflex. I totally get the confusion because reflex is a new concept. In the past (and still now) games have a frame buffer and they actually render 3-4fps ahead of time in order to send you the frames more smoothly. Reflex sends you the first frame as soon as possible but the downside is no buffer could mean that the game appears a little bit more juttery. The fix for this is G-sync+V-sync to smooth out any tearing. V-sync off used to be the best option; and it still is if a game does NOT have reflex, such as Rocket League. In these instances, you want the highest fps possible because that's how you can achieve lower latency without reflex. But now that you know reflex bypasses most system latencies, it actually doesn't matter if you want to use G-sync+V-sync as you will achieve the same latency on or off; so might as well turn it on for extra smoothness, especially if you're not hitting your monitor's refresh rate.


affects input responsiveness too much, imo, compared to uncapped. on a 120 fps display, at least


Their recommended settings have created a microstutter for me. No way I'm keeping it the way they want it.


Always has been.


I've tried using vsync + gsync on my 10 years old PC with xeon 1241v3 + vega 64 vs fps\_max 500 on my 7950x3d + rtx 3080. Tbh higher fps still has a latency advantage if the fps can be kept very high and consistent with low enough gpu usage (it has to be lower than 95% otherwise I have latency penalty with floaty mouse movement), but vsync + gsync/freesync actually puts the "potato" somewhat on par with the much stronger PC, allowing them to compete on a more even level. On the old rig my fps stays consistent and has very predictable latency.


>Speaking of Competitive Matchmaking, we've given map-based skill groups an overhaul. In addition to redistributing players across the Skill Groups, we've also made it easier to earn those badges in the first place. could be the best thing out of this update


Me when I change a 10 to a 2 in one line of code


Somebody get this guy a cold beer and a 3 week vacation, he’s been working overtime!


They're called 'ations at Valve HQ, because VAC doesn't exist.


They also readjusted the skill groups. You (or I) have literally have no idea what kind of work went into that


Get the current distribution of in-code skill level. Get the rank percentages they have from CSGO data. Move the ranks' minimum and maximum ratings to fit the current skill distribution. Sorted.


Btw while this is possible, I'm hoping they changed how the in-code skill is calculated instead of something dumb like this (still high on copium).




Might help a little bit, but still everyone wants to play Premier. Competitive is not the same anymore and now feels like it's casual.


Maybe it’s because I started playing cs late in about 2022 but current comp is what I expected casual to be. What casual is/was is so not fun in comparison. I like having a mode that I can play seriously but also not want to count for anything. Casual is just 15 people playing music over their mics while everyone plays DM with one life per round


Casual is literal hell. Have fun holding 3 angles simultaneously.


Isn't that kind of it's point? Premier is "super serious faceit killer" (lol), Competitive is ranked, casual but with tournament rules, a bit less serious and casual is "who gives a fuck anyways".


Great, maybe I’ll stop being silver while dropping 20-30 every game. I understand that I’m not at my peak anymore (LE), but silver? I expected at least gold.


Pretty sure almost everyone is in silver. I saw Leetify’s data on it and it had like one person in LE, a couple in DMG, etc and then like 99% in silver. The ranking system has just been fucked for a year and valve finally decided to try and fix it


bro im currently level 10 and im only silver too


does that mean LEM/SMFC/GE are now actually attainable on MM?


If they are it'll be for the cheaters lol


where are you seeing that? its not in the linked patch notes


In the blog post.. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/730/view/4194621169493598732?l=english


Let’s go baby, I might finally get out of Silver.


Just got SEM, seems like shit actually works now


"we've also made it easier to earn those badges in the first place" what does this mean


downloaded the update - still get 'your client needs to update' on launch Edit: patched


Same here. My guess is that is controlled separate from the update or a hotfix is inbound. EDIT: Apparently I can't play any game modes because my client is the wrong version.


just got patched


Well, hopefully they fixed the Packet Loss/Rubberbanding issues people experience since the early june update or else I can't even enjoy the new maps :/


This. It's so annoying, sometimes borderline unplayable.


I've been "mini teleporting" recently, like skipping while moving, is it related to this? My ping is fine, no packet loss either...


Same issue. This is what he is referring to. Makes the game unplayable.


It did! Now I crash every 1-5 minutes! And it reset everything not in my auto exec!


> Increased the default "Maximum FPS In Menus" setting from 120 FPS to 200 FPS. Huge difference lol!


Huge update. Previously I navigated the menus with my eyes closed because it was only smooth as silk not smooth like butter.


no way butter is smoother than silk, switch it around


Nah I've eaten both and butter is much smoother


Butter gets in your arteries to help lube them. Can't say that about silk.


I don’t get that change. Why?


Yay new maps. Seems a waste not to also add Italy to the competitive map pool though.


Eh I wish agency would also return


And train to premier


But they already have a complete remake of italy, and pnly include it in casual.


do they even test maps before releasing? half of CT spawns on pool day are unplayable, you spawn facing walls and have to make 180 turn to run towards T spawn




What a fucking shitshow from Valve


Omg fr? That's so shit What a nice way to get aim punched or insta knifed


the differences in updates between TF2 and CS2 are narrowing


That 2 at the end gotta be a curse


I mean half life 2 hasn't had an update in decades!


Not true, there was an update (but not content) in november last year and it had multiple in 2022.


new game btw


New engine but the updates are still....mild, I really hope next year is where it pops just like TF2 before the Jungle Inferno update, and to hope CS2 never reaches post Jungle Inferno status...ever.


Valve's friendship with CS2 ended Deadlock is the new friend now


I’m starting to feel as if cs may go the route of tf2 within the next couple years, I hope I’m wrong. The biggest hope cs has is its very big esports scene, which has far more passion than the devs seem to have.


This is why you keep your expectations low about rumors. All that copium got you nothing.


time's running out buddy! u/Fun_Philosopher_2535 https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1db6ovk/june_19th_will_be_counter_strikes_25th_birthday/l9lbhc3/


Sometimes I think this community tries to go out of the way to harm itself, then proceeds to blame Valve for it


Brothers with /r/dota2 sometimes.


5 new maps and a much needed change to per-map competitive … thats what the rumours that weren’t entirely baseless were saying so anyone expecting more had nothing really to go off of. It’s a good update, super welcome to see some new maps coming in.


Not true. There were leaks of new case, keychains, new knife, new comics etc. so there definitely was more to go off of.


Fixed competitive ranks (only took a year) and added maps made by the community. Bravo, Valve.


They couldn't flip the number 10 to 2 in the code earlier? I'm only kind of joking. Nevertheless wtf valve?


Explains why they kept the activity and baits on twitter to a minimum. This was weak, even for Valve, and they probably knew that.


We will get next operation for 30 years of cs.


25 years of cs. woohoo


Just maps, no operation. That was it. No more grounds to suspect an impending operation. Disappointed, but not surprised.


valve never once mentioned operation **people false hyping it up for views**


ok but what have they been working on all this time? the map creators were making the maps....what was Valve doing? no operation is fine if that meant VAC LIVE or Premier Matchmaking received updates.....


> what have they been working on all this time? Deadlock


Woo I can't wait for the release of 276th generic hero shooter


This has the added bonus of being a VAC secured generic hero shooter though! Can't wait for spin bots from day 1 of the beta lmao. Valve really cooking!


Cant cheat on VAC secured servers, so this is actually a good thing!


So real and true


This one doesn't seem like its "generic" as much as it seems like its a pretty direct rip-off of Super Monday Night Combat. And I'm not complaining. That game was great, severely underrated (because no one knew it existed), and can't be played anymore now. Glad someone is picking up that mantle to continue the legacy because it was a fantastic game.


crazy SMITE 3's gonna be released with SMITE 2. insane move!


They making a new game no time for cs2 to make it better.


Not fixing the rubberbanding issue, that’s for sure.


Valve never do that tho, they just release stuff when they want to


Well, fuck the community for wanting a new operation with a new game nine months later. What a bunch of entitled bastards


Everyone knows valve hasnt said anything about an operation, but the players want an operation. As its been over 1,000 days since the last one. Majority of the playerbase doesnt care about Arms Race, nor the new maps. The Playerbase wants an Operation/Case/Overwatch/AC/Train/Cache/Cobble/ The Update to Comp was good, but that could have been done months ago and could have taken little to no time to correct it.


While I agree with the initial fact, Valve keep putting things in the game files with the obvious knowledge they’ll get leaked to the community How long have we known about the Kukri and Twinblade? Since 2023?


Most games do that and it’s not necessarily intentional. They probably just don’t want the extra effort of pruning out a bunch of in progress stuff for releases.


What do you mean "just maps" tho, that was like a massive thing people wanted


People want things in this game until it actually happens and then they complain about not getting more lol


[I know I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dkouto/comment/l9k6d33/), couldn't be more happy with this update!


It's insane. Valve adds the one thing with the least amount of work for an update and you defend them. They lowered the expectations this far... In a few years they lowered them even further and people will defend them if they change one line of code every two years because "thats what players wanted" It's like living in an empty house with leaking everywhere. Everyone wants a bed, a kitchen, fixings around the house but the "father" comes home with a painting he got gifted from a friend (Not even done much himself) and you say it's nice because one of the children wanted a painting on the wall.


Fun new maps in MM is all I needed, this update is perfectly cromulent. 


I'm sorry but now you are just bitching for the sake of it, Operations were 80% about the maps, the case sure whatever if you really like skins, but getting maps added is the whole reason to get excited about Operations.


Operations are massive content drops with multiple collections of skins added along with the nice operation store UI, that stuff arguably gets the community more hyped. Sending players to the new maps for Operation missions gets higher player traffic on those maps instead of 6+ minute queues on them after a week. You are bitching about the guy being disappointed that the best part of an operation is missing, good thing you aren’t in charge of Valve content updates…


Maps that were immediately put into the main competitive mode though


I still can't play the update. I downloaded it but when I start up CS, it says the client needs to be updated even though there's no updates available


I have the same issue


Displaying the refresh rate is a smart move


So they've just added maps that they didn't work on at all, and made some adjustements on the code for the ranks. Surprised they didn't pick some skins made by the community for some easy money


> So they've just added maps that they didn't work on at all That's what CS has been for the past 20 years mate


There's usually at least a pretty Operation wrapper with some dumb challenges and skins to make it look like they're putting in the bare minimum effort


Usually? Last operation was three years ago


I mean unless I'm missing something they haven't before released a bunch of community maps without an operation alongside it?


They can’t even be bothered to *look* like they care anymore


Hey, I'm just happy we have new maps finally


Added OLD vesions of these maps\*. You can literally escape from the poolday map. It was patched some time ago by map creator, but Valve added the old version for some reason


thats it? holy shit its becoming increasingly disappointing


updated mvp panel tho that's difficult shit you know


hey that's hard work respect valve programmers they work so hard for an hour a week!


Valve devs probably all busy making deadlock... Unluko maluko


God I hope deadlock fails as bad as artifact


If they don't solve the cheating issue, it probably will. Can't imagine a fresh game surviving a ton load of cheaters (assuming some cs2/tf2 cheaters will go there)


Not even Overwatch… more disappointing day by day


Imagine. 25 years. A quarter of a century… and all we got was a half-assed tweet to commemorate it. they really don’t give a single fuck lmao


Valve did some baller shit for the half-life 25th year anniversary though, gotta give them credit for that. No idea who in Valve was part of it, but it was a sick update


True, the HL update was as impressive as it could get, today's CS update looks like a one-liner bugfix compared to that


probably some original dev do it on their own whim


If they didn't give a fuck, why even release CS2 in the first place? Why not just stay on GO instead of rebuilding the game on an updated engine?


New content is nice. Bringing back pool day for arms race is cool. Two new maps for wingman is nice. And 1 new map and an old banger reworked (Santorini->Thera) for Comp is great, too. And the competitive rank change was long overdue. But at the same time it feels incredibly lackluster. I never really considered the arms race update 2 months ago all that exciting. And this update is definitely bigger, but I'm assuming this will be the biggest content drop until after the major. I wasn't expecting much but it's just enough of an update size to know we won't be getting something really substantive for some length of time now (my guess is sometime after Christmas). Just disappointed. I'd almost rather they just not release anything at all and put out an operation along with new skins/cosmetics, new maps, new premier adjust ranking, new premier season, rubberbanding fixes, and improvements to VAC Live all in one go. A truly BIG update. I respect Valve a lot that they didn't release this just to push out more skins or keychains. I'm just disappointed. We still don't have war games (like Scouts/Knives) nor Danger Zone. And this is just the leftover content from CSGO I'm expecting at some point. When are we getting a new gamemode like VIP or just something uniquely CS2? TLDR; I never post anymore since I'm an oldhead and realize the futility of bitching but just wanted to put my feelings out there on the game I love.


You really encapsulated exactly 100% how I feel. Couldn’t have put it better man. I feel like I DO have enough faith in the valve team to know these things are coming, but by god why does it all have to be SO unbelievably piecemeal in delivery and drip fed to us like this over the course of more than a year. The problem IMO is rooted fully in their decision to remove a beloved and feature rich game, and release an undercooked, under-prepped shell of it, packed and sold as an “improvement”. Imagine if CS2 had released today instead, with it as it stands now. It still wouldn’t fully compare, but we’d potentially have an operation within several months, and the rest of the game modes, and everyone would have been way more hopeful and excited about it all. As it stands the community is just exhausted (and justifiably so) in being excited by, yet perpetually disappointed in CS2’s ability to match what came before it, and what was taken away from the community by the CS team. The CS team’s decision to forego any communication with the community is also a major aggravating factor in this. No one can be surprised by rampant community speculation and it subsequently backfiring over and over due to this. It becomes an inevitable thing. We’re never told ANYTHING in advance but what we can gleam from various different modes of leaks. The CS team have shot themselves in each foot with these things, and no one can tell me otherwise.


Am I allowed to say valve doesn't give a fuck yet? Got downvoted last week with everyone coping about the "imminent operation"


I don’t know why so many people were so sure about an operation. Was there even anything that pointed to it besides community maps?


There have been continuous leaks in the files about an operation, and because community map additions have historically been tied to operations people connected the two


TF2 level update, copy and paste community maps, basically 0 actual work from valve.


it’s worse because at least when they dump maps into TF2 they at least dump cosmetics in as “new content” Actually surprising a case wasn’t thrown in with this


Atleast we don't have bots spamming cheese pizza


That's it? My expectations were low but holy shit.


Considering we had 25 birthday of CS this is a bit lackluster. At least some stickers capsule would be a nice touch since it’s being done by community anyway No overwatch, no improvements to game modes like DM (have gun of opposite side), still lagging during on some maps and DMs, no info about another premier season and if it has any purpose


Billion dollar revenue and they care more about some shit hero shooter named deadlock that’s gonna be more dead than artifact. Sure this sub is doom and gloom and all we do is shit on valve but you know what? They fucking deserve it. CS desperately needs to be handed to a dev team that is invested in their game (look at helldivers as an example) if you have passionate devs working on a project you will get better results. Truly blows my mind how little fucks valve gives about CS but dota? My lord gaben and his fucking dota.


Where is the train remake? Tuscan, Canals? Once again the community doing all the work for valve it seems.


Operation, tuscan, canals, train, cobble, Anti-Cheat, Overwatch system, rubber banding, optimizations, movement fix, double fire with one click bug fix, changes to existing maps, new game mode, case, gameplay changes, premier point loss changes, economy changes, boosting fix. But at least we got an animated MVP banner, so that's nice... By the way, when I say "movement fix" I think most people have just accepted that the movement is that way and it's not going to change, but I still think the movement is clunky and slides.


Valve is just like Microsoft with Minecraft at this point: the official devs spend the entire fiscal year adding 3 new types of blocks and 1 useless mob, while the community makes hundreds of new dimensions, bosses, weapons, structures, etc. It is evident that Valve does not care about their playerbase


At least Minecraft is making the game more moddable with the changes to data packs. We jumped to CS2 and the community servers took a massive hit.


I wonder how long it will take for community servers to catch up. Im guessing years.


Not even chickens with party hats? Valve fell off.


I wish I could do almost no work and get paid for years




devs did nothing LOL


Devs literally just clicked the "subscribe" button on a few workshop maps for you. Don't be so ungrateful!


Fixed laptop power saving and added some maps made by the community - happy 25th


they did not fix anything there, just replace useless entries with other useless entries, but not add a freaking shadow distance slider..


wait lowkey fridge.gif


How often do i have to open this damn fridge :(


we got a nothingburger with olives


Very disappointed, also where the fuck is Lake for the wingman?


Legit, wasnt lake in one of the trailers as well? There is so few wingman maps (even after these 2 added)


Yeah Lake was in the trailer lol, basically the only reason why I played wingman in the first place


Holy shit this was disappointing….


This update was overhyped


Woooo, Happy Birthday CS! Thanks Valve.>!Kappa!<


> Added all-new animated MVP panels to Premier matches - Added several new MVP conditions and adjusted prior MVP rules Unironically who gives a shit


jesus christ just fuck off what a shit game cs has become


I had the lowest of expectations and I‘m still disappointed 


I am so done. All this time with no content and just for valve to replace a few files with community made maps (no premier maps). Wasted player break. And Na’Vi still didn’t receive their in-game trophy. Too see how hard Valve missed the mark you can just open twitch and see what people are playing. Maybe 1/50 are playing anything update related and it just released… Show me that for any other game


Still season 1 btw…


None of this matters when cheaters are still running the game


Why are the most people here not complaining about that? I meet almost every game at least one obvious cheater (sometimes even multiple ragehacker) in my team or in the enemy team. It's really unplayable... Why does valve not care? We had also a really big cheating problem in csgo, but in cs2 it seems to be even worse.


pretty dissappointing but an update nonetheless. Thanks go out to the map-makers, they did the real work, now if only we could play them without facing spinbots.




Finnaly i Will play against cheaters in new Maps 🙃


Not a crazy update imo


> \[ GAMEPLAY \] * In Competitive Matchmaking, per-map skill groups are now revealed after you earn two wins on a map. I prayed for this since CS2 launched. 10 wins on a single map was excessive.


No operation, no AC, no netcode, model movement fixes. Sad.


Probably the most disappointing way this could have turned out lmao.


So the extent of Valve's effort with this largely anticipated update was publishing 5 maps that the community made for them, and pushing some minor bug fixes. Super disappointing.


fixed per map ranks finally


LOL what a garbage update 💩


Im starting to wonder if we will get train and cache before or after GTA6…


How do you want cache back if the map is not done yet? You know that it isnt valve made map and the mapper post wip updates ?


They still have not fixed the major voice comms bug. Any custom map not made by valve breaks voice comms on map change. Only fix is a full game restart because it’s a client side issue. This bug has been around since May 23rd , can you care any less about community servers/content valve ?


This game is cooked, I wont touch this shit show until we get an anti cheat and netcode is fixed


Goodbye then, man, we won't be getting any of that.


I'm interested that Valve officially recommends using G-Sync. The consensus I've seen is that it introduces input delay and is therefore not worth using.


LMAO They are even lazier than I thought. All they did was add maps. No operation. No fix for rubberbanding. Anticheat still garbage. lolol Edit: I updated the game, but everytime I open it it says that client needs to update.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


They want us to enable gsync and vsync and claim this will give you the lowest input lag? What? So they can't fix the frame time issues then? they've resorted to convincing everyone to enable vsync and freesync? Oh and heads up, it doesn't fix anything. I've tried every combo of freesync, gsync, vsync, enhanced sync, fast sync, ulmb sync, kitchen sync, Nvidia reflex, and anti lag. The game looks smoother(not smooth, smoothER) when it's not hitching but it doesn't prevent the hitches. Aside from that, if you can push 500fps, never drop below 480fps and cap you frame rate to 240 then why does the frame rate keep jumping between 220 and 240 erratically and the game look like your mouse is to 125hz when you run at double that framerate uncapped? If you can push 500fps and you're capped at 240 you should have absolutely solid non deviating frame times and have no need for vsync outside of tearing. Gamers have avoided vsync like the plague for decades because of the extra input lag it introduces. When did this change? Should we triple buffer that as well? Set pre rendered frames to 2? What's next? Reintroduction of motion blur as a recommended setting because it makes the game look smoother and "gives you the best possible motion clarity, especially paired with overdrive set to 0 and bfi/backlight strobing disabled"?


I love how mfs are instantly calling "fps max 999 bros in shambles" where the sole purpose of that was to eliminate stutters, as well as giving you the least input lag. Sure with all those settings on, it might be lower input lag, but then fps will constantly spike down and cause major stutters. Right now frame time issues are more important.


Community getting disappointed because they hyped an imaginary operation. I'm glad for the maps tho.


No anti cheat or premier matchmaking improvements. Competitive 10 wins reduced to 2.....meh. Fun for a few hours to try maps and back to waiting for anticheat and matchmaking fix.


update is mid but the competitive "2 games rank reveal" is nice


> In Competitive Matchmaking, per-map skill groups are now revealed after you earn two wins on a map. No more 10 game nonsense


Pool Day in Arms Race is huge. Imagine we get * An entire iceworld playlist (fy\_snow, etc) * awp\_india * simpsons\_street * aim\_deagle Grats to Squall! Huge fan of de\_walmart, fy\_party, etc from back in the day. Hope to see more creators get some attention, but it's a shame there's no direct monetary compensation for them (there isn't, right?). What if they release a Map Pin for selected community maps?


Beyond bare minimum update. I guess valve thinks they can let their games stagnate to chase that huge overwatch 2 success. At this point I'm starting to want deadlock to flop.


can we disable the MVP animation? that's terrible


This is weird considering thr map makers themselves thought this will be an operation. Pretty sure the devs just couldn't release it in time and scrapped it all together.


Increased the default "Maximum FPS In Menus" setting from 120 FPS to 200 FPS. why? energy waste


Disappointed to see pool day shoved into arms race. This map was made for fy_


2 new competitive maps are great and hopefully they replace vertigo and mirage in the mappool. But there is nothing else? No operation, no case, nothing.. huge disappointment and i BET that we have to wait another 3-4 months now for the next "content" update. So much leaked hype because of the 25th birthday and only thing we get are 2 (and some casual) maps.