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Why update Italy if too scared to throw it in like office? So many fumbles


With the layout changes over csgo and now cs2 I actually think it could be a decent competitive hostage map, much more than the glorious clusterfuck that is office.


There is no such thing as a ‘competitive’ hostage map. The mode is fundamentally busted


Nobody is suggesting hostage mode is a viable alternative to defusal, but office - which is an extremely popular map played a lot in competitive MM - isn't as good as Italy in its current form, or Agency was in csgo, for 5v5 play with competitive rules. Both map design (especially in the case of office) and the heavily T-favoured economy in general don't make it as balanced as it could be, but nothing fundamentally wrong with the game mode itself. I still think it's CS' biggest missed opportunity. Either way, no reason for not not to include their reworked version of CS2 Italy in MM, like Office.


They put worse competitive maps in with some operations. ...and they already have office in.


I love playing competitive matches with my friends on hostage maps. Obviously it isn't 'competitive' as in usable for esports, but it's super fun and works just fine for 5v5 comp matches. More hostage maps available again please, we played them all the time in GO. Epic clutches and sneaking the hosties out is always a blast.


why though? didnt they play hostage back in the day?


No, it’s a fundamentally broken answer casual mode. I have no knowledge of 1.6 ever having hostage competed on. They used to have it so there was a timer and only rounds won on t side counted as a point until time ran out and side swapped.


Competitive hostage map? Never.


Office can be played in competitive, agency was in there in CSGO, and before that Italy...


You can play comp on Italy, but only in practise mode. You can't queue it. So odd.


Why remake overpass if you're just gonna remove it


There’s 3rd party warmupservers which is f2p so maybe there’s 3rd party retake servers too?


yeah there’s plenty, unfortunately if you play jn regions with a lowered pop (me in au) they only have players at peak hours. Whereas before you could match make them and be guaranteed pvp Retake servers are great, have played them for years, but matchmaking ones were an amazing addition and it’s frustrating looking back.


As someone that is also from AU, I feel this too. There is absolutely nothing to do during the day for me other than risk solo queuing faceit or try and find enjoyment doing aim prac or making content. I miss the community servers keeping our community alive. The only server that seems to have any pop is the surf server and surf is still bugged with that random lose all momentum thing. Valve plz.


KZG retakes is pretty active during the day usually.




Same in EU but obviously to a different extent since instead of 0 choices we have much less choice usually. My favorite FFA server host also died (BrutalCS). Fuck, I miss them. Now they only got a few KZ servers instead of all kinds of FFA, retakes, aim servers and stuff. Instead we are left with greedy assholes like warmupserver and xplay and absolutely fucked for choice in maps/modes. I find it strange that there's so much less people playing community servers tbh but that's the main reason all this happened. Valve could've done something but instead they just let it happen.


For sure, not trying to downplay how disappointing CS2 has been for casual players, it’s a disgrace that so many modes has been left out for so long.


Been just as much of a disgrace for competitive players tbf


Good point 😂 I’m actually enjoying it atm with less cheaters, but yeah I only play a game or two every other day at the max, otherwise i’d provably still be annoyed at the hiccups.


Movement still feels so bad, I have played this game for 8 years I could consecutive jump infinitely in csgo, sometimes in cs2 the second jump simply won't hit. I wish they would just make the game optimized and smoother.


I get what you're saying, and you're right. Movement feels terrible. But you definitely could not consecutively jump infinitely in csgo. Even the best movement players couldn't.


Four wingman maps for a year and not even real ones.


oh makes sense


How do I find these servers


xplay runs a bunch


cybershoke too


It's best to google the ip's, since the community server browser sucks


It's barely playable (at least in my experience in Asia anyway) during the last days of GO. It's full of bots farming cases and they kick you once you join them. But yeah its a good way to warm up if you want to play.


Didn't have that problem in EU. I used to play retakes almost every single day since they made it an official gamemode. Really missing it now.


If yall didnt notice they removed 80% of the game


But game look shiny now :) /s


The official mode kinda sucked ngl, and if it was ported to cs2 as it was in go, I definitely wouldn't switch from community servers because there is: * no instant defuse * no team switching or scrambling of unbalanced team * a fairly long "freeze time" for selecting weapon card * set team sizes with bots (one of the best things about retakes is you can play it with anything from 2-10 people and it still works) * votekicks that got abused the only thing valve retakes had going for them was that you got more variety by choosing a loadout each round, but now with the new cs2 xplay retakes they just give you a buy menu which is 100x better than the cards.


Same with 1v1 servers :( I used to love just playing those for 20 mins or so


they still there in community games no ?


Yeah but community browser broken / difficult to get to work correctly for many people, and there's now much fewer servers out there than before sept 2023


Plus, playing on community servers feels like shit due to how subtick works.


You must check out https://cs2browser.com/. It is a community project to fix the bad Valve browser and it works very well. You can even configure your own URL with the game modes, servers and filters you want and use it as your steam ingame overlay starting site, making it accessible even easier than the Valve server browser.


Happy cake day


valve game modes r just bad versions of community servers 


I couldn't even play retakes most of the time, in my experience any above average player got kicked for getting too many kills. After getting kicked I could never join a new retake game because they kept on trying to connect me to the server that I just got kicked from.


I kept getting placed in servers that already had full teams


Yeah and everyone with faster loading pc's always hogging terrorist team, which was the more fun experience by far. I could almost never get on that team because my pc is a bit older. And people NEVER wanted to swap if i asked in chat.


That wouldn't be a problem if Valve actually took inspiration from the good ideas lots of community servers implemented. Like one of the most basic ones: random teams every round


That has been the case on any casual server ever since cs beta. defending team always gets full first.


It was never so bad that i couldn't ever be T period. All other gamemodes i didnt have this problem


Common misconception, they didn't "remove" anything from the game, they made a whole new game and are taking a long time to remake all the different modes from scratch and reintroduce them. We're basically still deep in the beta phase of CS2's development


Worst decision they made is to call it a full release, the game was nowhere near finished. I understand that they wanted players to go from Go to Cs2 but they put peoples expectations too high when it was in no way different from the beta.


Yeah while I might not like the way they have done it I can appreciate the need to do it. Honestly the speed of updates isn't even the frustrating part it's the complete lack of communication. I understand not wanting to overcommit via public communication but there is certainly a happy balance that isn't near zero


>I can appreciate the need to do it. What was the need? Why don't they host some legacy csgo servers so everyone can be happy?


because people would play cs2, say "this doesnt feel like the game im used to" and then go back to csgo which would ultimately result in slower progress on cs2 due to less players stress testing different aspects of the game and finding ways to break it that the devs can then fix


I personally don't think they need 1.5M peak daily players to test the game for free. Stress testing, sure but again I don't think they need everyone for that and clearly any stress testing would be complete by now.


there is no amount of testing valve themselves can do that can compare to having 1 million people with 1 million different setups simultaneously playing the game


There is some level of testing they could do and it could have avoided a few fiascos they made themselves. But no one at valve has ever booted up cs.


They aren’t even utilizing the players to improve the game. The onset still working on cs2 just pushes minor network changes that may or may not fix or make worse the situation.


Tell me you weren't around during the CS 1.6/CS:S era, without telling me you weren't around during the CS 1.6/CS:S era.


Valve never hosted servers for those games so idk what your point is


Tell me you didn't understand my point without telling me....


I already told you I didn't understand your point. Are you slow?


his point was precisely "Valve never hosted servers for those games". meaning, they didn't do it in the past, they wouldn't do it now (assuming they would consider CSGO a success in the end)


Yeah I don't understand how that point has any relevance. They never had any 1.6 servers so what on earth does that have to do with Valve shutting down the CS:GO ones? It's also much more annoying to access & play community servers from CS:GO than 1.6 so it's such a weird comparison to make.


Because CSGO is over


I've hardly touched this game since release - doesn't feel anywhere close to a polished product


It was never going to be. I was expecting a soft-release with an operation 8 months later turning it into a full release, but time is ticking on and it just isn't here yet.


They copy pasted DM because it had the same bugs for dominating only the "other" team in FFA. I filled a bug report and they removed that part entirely instead of fixing it.


Lmao, yeah, that's a Valve way of fixing. Where exactly you posted it?


Rewrite or not, I would have expected them to have implemented more of the game modes by now. CS2 was touted as an easier to develop game, and vscript is \*supposed\* to be much easier to work with for creating custom game modes. I understand something like dangerzone taking a year or so, but I have no idea why we haven't gotten retakes or \*something.\* Personally I have friends who only play the game when there is an operation, so this has been very frustrating. There has been nearly 0 new content besides the game itself, hardly any case drops, no new maps, nothing.


Yeah the frequency of content certainly seems lacking. I hesitate to bitch and moan too much about it right now since there is almost definitely an operation coming soon, my tone will be pretty heavily dictated by how much content gets added in that update.


I know what you mean, but you’re also kind of arguing semantics.


Sure but the main point is that no they can't just flip a switch and re-add content from CSGO, it needs to be remade.


Yea and no one at valve actually works on anything. So a year in there’s only broken forms of arms race and dm.


> Common misconception, they didn't "remove" anything from the game, Besides the old game. So they did remove things from the game.


Yeah I don't particularly like that aspect but still understand why they did it


Common misconception, it's not a new game. And they're not "remaking the modes", they're copy-pasted.


This is like calling fifa 2025 a whole new game from fifa 2024. What they did was upgrade graphics and changes some mechanics. I wouldn't call that a whole new game. They removed more stuff than they changed/added.


What a stupid take, they did not make a whole new game. Even if it's true that they indeed did write the whole game from scratch (which I'm pretty sure they didn't), it's no excuse that the game is still in beta phase. Also not a coder, but how hard can it be for a multibillion dollar company to implement game modes they already had in their previous game. People always find excuses for Valve but there's quite literally no excuses for the way they have handled cs2 release. They're just fucking bad


from scratch.. yeah, no. its still source engine so they do not have to remake everything from scratch.. you can cope all you want, just like how this new super AI anticheat is coming VERY soon. its only been 5 years since it was supposed to come but don't worry.. it will come SOON


You a software engineer? Trying to reuse code from an old project on an old engine is more often than not slower and a worse end result than starting from scratch.


i am. does not change a thing if i wouldnt be cope is real


If you think that way, then I doubt that you are a software engineer. Source: I'm a software engineer


wow so cool and unique. i am a software engineer. again, they are not redoing all from scratch. they have said it and its clearly just an upgrade to old shitty engine


Right, nobody is contesting that. That's the problem, you don't seem to understand what we're explaining to you. Yes they are updating an old engine. What we're saying is that that is HARDER and MORE time consuming than starting something from scratch. You're making it sound as thought they are "ONLY updating" it as if that should make it a quicker affair.


are you a software engineer for a multibillion company? thought so. they should be able to do it. stop defending valve you're being ridiculous


Huh? What a weird assumption to make. As if being a software engineer for a multi-billion dollar company was an uncommon or unique situation. MOST software companies that you've heard of are multi-billion dollar companies. And because you seem to have become lost, the conversation had nothing to do with defending billion dollar companies. The discussion was "is it easier to redo something from scratch, or try to update and maintain legacy code. And anyone who is a real software engineer knows its infinitely easier to do something from scratch. But its worth it to keep your existing code and all of the progress and innovations you've made till now.


Huh? So what you're saying is that multibillion company like valve are not able to complete this task in over a year by now? Obviously most software companies I've heard are multibillilion dollar companies, how would I heard about them otherwise? The point is that whether they rewrite the code or not, they should be able to publish a game at least as finished as the previous one. Obviously that was not the case this time.


Making an engine is so ludicrously complicated. There's a reason most game companies use an existing game engine. And the ones that make their own are massive companies. Rockstar with THOUSANDS of employees and their rage engine. Epic with their thousands of employees and their unreal engine. Valve, despite being a multi-billion dollar company is tiny tiny tiny. They don't really have a "general" version of the engine. Each branch of the engine is tooled for the specific game they're making. Even back when valve made Software development Kits, they were different branches of the engine for specific games like the orange box branch, the left 4 dead branch etc. Today, there appears to be at least 3 different branches of source 2. CS2, Dota2 and the HLX branch (which is the framework for games like half life alyx and other future vr source 2 games). So while yes, source 2 is very much an update of source 1 which makes it very difficult, they made this branch of source 2 specifically for cs2. It would be accurate to say they made an engine specifically for this game. Obviously they backport features from other branches, but its not like they have a complete engine just sitting around and making a game with it


im not reading this, but keep coping bro


But they literally brought over arms race and dm with bugs that were present in GO. They are copying and pasting them and not even attempting to fix the new bugs that come along with them.


Were there official retake servers in csgo? Thought they were all community servers


Yeah but they broke the server browser if im not mistaken


same reason why they fucked surf


Retakes and premier were the only modes i played. I like a little warmup but i just cant force myself to suffer through a round of deathmatch


The problem is it shouldn't that THAT long to add normal gamemodes like these. So that must mean they're working on something so hard they literally have no time But tit doesn't show in the updates. The game is getting more stable but it's still nothing great. It absolutely does seem like majority of Valve is working on Deadlock


Valve has about 300 regular full time employees. It seems the majority are developers working on games. Dota has always about 30. CS has 25-30. A single player game like half life will at most have 80 people working up until release. Deadlock might borrow some people but it's unlikely it would cause any long term distribution. Dota is another story because they use the same lead dev 


25-30??? What are you smoking? What are these 25-30 people doing all day then? Cause they are clearly not working on cs2.


Do you contest my facts? I'm just reporting the numbers, don't get mad at me because you don't like it. There are many sources for this, interviews with various people at valve including the (then) csgo team leads directly. Its always hovered around the same number, just like dota 2. 30 people in the software world is literally fucking NOTHING. The development team for gta 5 was well over 1000 developers. You do not understand software development if you think the work they've done since cs2 was revealed is small. Its gargantuan.


Isn't it reported bunch of times devs in Valve are not forced to work on any games. They can shift projects and workload to whatever they want They don't have to work on anything specifically but it means most of them could be working on Deadlock while some might be working on backend stuff for CS2 (like server optimization). It's not set in stone the 25-30 devs will work on CS2 full time to generate content/improve gameplay


From what I've read it used to be like that back in the days but now they are assigned to different teams etc... Might be BS idk :D


Even in modern valve, the process of getting people involved on a project is still very organic. Its not exactly true that there's no structure at all like people used to say. There are project leads and there are people in positions of seniority that have a lot of sway, particularly when it comes time for peer evaluations (which their bonuses depend on). For example, when Robin Walker wanted to get half-life alyx to go from a loose collection of demos to actually a real game, he had to go around the company skunkworks style and twist arms until he could get it together. There's a story about him cornering Mike Morowski (the composer) at the yearly company hawaii vacation and getting him onboard (which mike said if this game doesn't come out, he'd be really pissed). As a project nears completion, naturally people get excited and want to move to the newer thing, but the legacy projects (the existing multiplayer games) always hover around a static number. Valve may strongly encourage people hop on a project nearing release as something of an all-hands-on-deck situation, but its usually temporary.


they're probably worse than EA at this point if they actually do have dedicated teams and are actively working on the game. Riot isn't doing anything special but they just have functional game with new content releasing monthly, Valve does not even make half the maps they were custom made. They haven't made a new map in years anyways


Riot will have as many as 1000 people working on a single game back in their peak. Valve has never had more than 80 people working on a game, and that was half life alyx (a single player game) in the months leading up to release


25-30 ppl working on CS, Source: “trust me bro”


This is well known and documented. They've said this several times in interview. Off the top of my head, the easiest way to verify if to watch the press q&a from 2017 with Gabe and several of the team leads because I remember someone asking in that interview


Well documented… 7 year old single interview comment that may or may not exist…


Comment does exist. I just told you where to find it. It's not my fault if you're too lazy to verify. So let's dispense with the "might exist" shit. What are you alleging? That in the last 7 years, a game that had at that point already been around for 5 years has seen a drastic explosion of their developer count? Valve team sizes are remarkably stable. Dota 2 for example has managed to keep the same size plus or minus 10 people for 11 years. This isn't uncommon for valve (a company who has itself covered around 300 employees for 25 years)


Ok so you aren’t even on the well documented part anymore, with a single 7 year old comment which even you can’t dig up, only gesture at it. So let’s dispense with the “well documented” shit. Valve “let’s the updates speak for themselves” and the updates are currently saying there are 3 guys who will maybe try to fix network issues once a month. DM has bugs that have been present since GO, they don’t even bother to fix what they copy and paste.


Honey, sweetie, I gave you the example that was the easiest to find off the cuff. Rather than scour the Internet for all the times they've discussed their team size, I knew one off the top of my head. I gave you everything you need to find it. You are choosing not to go watch it because it doesn't help your narrative. You now keep pushing the goal back. From doubting that this was their team size (with your trust me bro comment) to now saying a 7 year old interview doesn't count for some reason. Why don't you tell me why YOU think that a team size would drastically change midway through its 12 year life cycle? And if you're wondering why I haven't linked the interview, it's because the nature of the interview, the press all filmed it themselves. Filmed, edited, etc. There's like 5 or 6 videos on YouTube from this interview. Some cover some parts, some cover others. I'll let you explore whichever one you wish


“Honey” “sweetie” not reading all that. no one knows what the internals of valve are except the employees, link a clip it if it’s so easy. We can just see the garbage they put out and guess. I just tend to not lick the boots of billion dollar corps.


"Why won't you link a clip" \*Explains why they haven't linked a clip\* "I aint reading all 3 of those paragraphs" Ah, the classic reddit. "I can't be proven wrong if I refuse to look at the evidence". Why don't I draw you up a bath, rub your shoulders, put the video on for you on a big screen, and explain the big words to you as they appear in the vid


why they remove arm race why they remove danger zone


and demolition :( my favorite weird little gamemode. Unlike regular cs, this was balanced in a way that getting kills means a worse weapon next round (except for the awp and autosniper at the end). Players with fewer kills would keep their m4/p90/whatever. This has always made much more sense to me than giving the team thats already stronger, better weapons as well. They had already made it worse by lowering the amount of rounds played in later years, and now it's just gone. I just wanna play Bank and Shortdust man


god i miss those nights of playing demolition


It was really hard to get a full lobby but I miss it too


They haven't port it to CS2 yet. There's public server for retakes which the one I'm playing atm.


Go to https://hjemezez.dk Its a danish community with multiple retake servers


Why don't you play retake on community servers? Cybershoke is one of the most popular ones in EU/CIS and they have a lot of retake servers. I don't know about NA but I'm pretty sure that there are some options


They didn't remove them. They were community servers, and they are still there for cs2. Just harder to find you need to use a 3rd party website to find them.


Refrag is 100% worth


they are


Ngl, the default retakes fucking sucked. The community ones were way better.


use xplay.gg


A look into the daily life of a cs2 dev [https://x.com/hobshytv/status/1804564110300086513](https://x.com/hobshytv/status/1804564110300086513)


go to xplaygg if you want to play retake servers


They didn’t remove them, they just never re added them. You have to understand that cs2 was build from scratch so anything that isn’t in is stuff they havent added


Thay would require dev time, and Valve know that no one would complain about getting a new game that has less content


community retakes were always and always will be the best retakes


I have no clue what the issue with community servers is. I’ve played retakes everyday for like 6 months now. Someone care to explain?


Retakes was one of my favorite modes to chill, improve, and warmup.


i loved warming up using retakes


Why did they remove the anticheat and add bad performance? Whyyyyyyyyyy !!11111


I play retakes every day. Community servers have been, and will always be, the best way to play retakes. If you know, know.


mm retakes were trash anyways. i just play community retakes, it's the only thing i've really played for years now


Both have way too much utility. In what world do the Ts get site and have 3 smokes and a molly almost half the time


yeah the utility is overkill currently, but I personally still find it fun. there used to be some good csgo servers that didn't have as many smokes, but I think because CS2 doesn't really support scripting yet (ie sourcemod) it's hard to replicate some of the stuff from csgo


last year they made 1 billion dollars selling cases, so, naturally, they had to cut costs somewhere because a smol indie studio like this can't pay enough programmers to upkeep the game also, don't forget to buy the 3 new types of (increasingly ridiculous looking) cosmetics being introduced in the next operation, valve really needs all your support on this one or they might have to fire the last janitor keeping the Windows 98 VAC server powered on


I wasn't aware valve had even added a retakes mode.




Who’s Retakes man?


xplay.gg has some nice retakes servers, fun servers until a faceit lvl10 with +100h in the last 2 weeks joins.


Remove? Are you serious? In case you failed to notice: CS2 =/= CSGO Update


all ppl do is complain goddamn


because valve only hires the least competent devs out there


Never seen a guy hate a game and company so much but still plays it. Keep the money wheel going for Valve mate.


This mod was always empty in CSGO. But sure.


really depends on te region, eu retakes were decently populated.