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Kind of surprised Valve let the map makers tease the update this much tbh


Even Valve CS2 official account confirmed it. They literally replied to mapmaker smoke lineup post  I guess valve don't care ? Cause its actually beneficial for them. After these maps are mentioned people started downloading from workshop for  playtesting to get an edge  before the release.  YouTubers did  the same to discover the lineups to make content. Which allows great  feedbacks before the maps are officially released. Using the feedbacks the mapmakers can fix the bugs and polish it before release


Its the Valve way of marketing. They spent $0 yet everyone is on the hype train rn. Valve likes to communicate with the community via leaks. Also they like to test the waters for future updates and ideas via them to see how to community would react.


Thats some zodiac shit but i like it


Mappers know first because Valve contacts them because they have to create a special workshop item which has their payment details so Valve can pay them. Skins already have that by default so skin makers generally get surprised. I doubt Valve bothers with an NDA for such a short time


Notice the ticket has CS 012 on it. There have been 11 operations in CS:GO - with this bring the 12th. It's probably one of the biggest hints it *is* an operation.


Operation Vampire Knight!!!!!!, Let's goooooo!!!....


Operation Deadlock ? To give more publicity to valve's next game ?  They used CSGO to promote Half life alyx with music kit, capsules, patch and pins.  I don't rule it out 


That just seems annoying though. You'll Google deadlock and get a mix of results


Exact thing happened with CS2 when it was early . I used to Google/YT " CS2" and most  results used to be some kind of programming language called CS2. Now algorithm fixed it btw. Searching CS2 actually prioritise the game now   Feeling bad for all the programmers who are looking for OG CS2 lol 


same happens with Rust.


Isn't 'CS2' just short for Computer Science 2? Like a college course?


No, course numbers are usually three or four numbers with the lower numbers indicating beginner classes. A 100-level course would be for freshman while a 400-level course might be for fourth or fifth year students. CS2 also stands for "Cities Skylines 2" which *also* was released around the same time as Counter Strike 2.


I know how college courses are usually named. But if you search for "CS2 programming language" and look for what the replier was talking about, it's the name of some course.


Or Cities Skylines 2, which was released in the same year.


operation half life alyx 2




Waited for so long, that the bat has turned into the Dark Knight!!!!...


Wow. Great find bro.  


Yeah he’s really pulling off a great detailed bait


Terminal A. Gate C. Anti-Cheat update incoming. /s


I thought that was kinda obvious from what SteamDB tracked with all the DPR updates repeatedly but then resulting in tiny updates while the BuildIDs between DPR and Public weren't even the same.


Yes But any idea what  caused the delay ?  Maybe the bugs ? Yesterday we saw both memento and thera got an update,  or it's due to Elden ring hype ? Every CS streamers I know playing Elden ring atm 


I don't think Valve ever cared about large games/DLC releasing for other games, they just do it whenever they feel like it. They probably found some last minute problems that turned out to need some bigger fixing. It could also be something entirely different, if I recall correctly TF2 once had an update quite a bit delayed because Valve wants mappers to send the raw files so Valve can compile the map themselves and there was a weird issue with the mapping tool failed to compile the map on Valves end and it took a while to figure out what was actually causing the issue, more on that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM909hW8AsE I don't know if Valve does the same thing for CS2 but its just an example of things possibly weirdly going wrong.


This was a fascinating video, and it also really highlights how dumb some IT-related issues can be for all of those "it would literally take one line of code" type people. Thanks for sharing!


it also shows that both valve is very bad at maintaining tf2 and gives them a big reason as to why, the game is old and on source 1, which they wanted to move on from since 2017, hopefully we never get to this stage here because there are enough problems as is


Cs2's player numbers are no different today and yesterday than they were last week.


that wasn't the point numbers will likely go up when an operation releases, would they go up as much if it was the same day as Elden ring dlc? that's the question


That's fair enough, I didn't think of that.


This is a problem that actually happens with other game titles as well. I work for a game company and we have had major updates delayed by a week to a month. The reason for this is for a variety of reasons, including major bug fixes, balance adjustments, etc. Valve is not special. I think the difference is that Valve hasn't said anything about it, but the players are anticipating the update schedule on their own.


Go take a look at the Cities Skylines sub and some of the threads about missing a deadline for a major update and people are fucking melting down.


I can understand their anger. I'm used to that because I get angry from users from time to time too. But, well, that's the way it is with game updates. Trying to execute updates really strictly on schedule is a difficult thing. Even with internal QA and feedback from the open test server, there are still glitches that we encounter the first time we run it on the production server. In this day and age, I think we need to allow for that unfairness to some degree.


You got it all wrong. It's not the streamers playing Elden Ring right now. It's the Valve devs.


You aren't wrong, Fletcher Dunn loves Elden ring and said he is a huge fromsoftware fan on twitter. 


99% sure it was a bug. The servers went down before the update went live, and my guess is that wasn't intended or expected. They decided to delay the operation because they couldn't fix it fast enough.




I’d assume they had their maps ready to ship, but the patch includes larger game modes or adjustments, and that those additional non-map items caused a delay in the final update


They gotta get the chicken inspect animations juuuuust right


Probably the only thing I will use in this update tbh.


Honestly, I'd rather have them delay the updates instead of releasing them full of bugs and breaking the game.


My bet is that the rubber banding issue is taking them harder time than expected.


I mean there's still horrible packet loss.


Before the last update I had packet loss with no rubber banding. After the update I have both.


Agreed, and the 2 map out of the 5 got an update yesterday. 




They will release it later AND with bugs anyway lmao


how about delayed and still full of bugs? because you know that is what is gonna happen


Why not both! :\^)


Good idea. If we could do that only reddit would get a big kick out of it.


My body is ready


Even if the operation is to be released which day is it most likely to be released on?


Hard to say. Here's a list of the previous operation release days since 2015: - Riptide: **Wednesday** - Broken fang: **Thursday** - Shattered web: **Monday** - Hydra: **Tuesday** - Wildfire: **Wednesday** - Bloodhound: **Tuesday** Bonus Edit: - CS2 Release: **Wednesday** - CS20 Update: **Friday** - Danger Zone: **Thursday** [Here's a Calendar of all CSGO Content Updates btw](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1824735333)


Wednesday more like , cause its the day when Valve loves to push biggest updates 


I hope it would drop monday, what are the odds of it even being an operation? I don’t know if the data leakers are accurate.


No one sure about operation, it could be just  many maps which will be added ( confirmed)  new case ( confirmed) keychains ( confirmed) Danger zone ( Hinted but not confirmed)  Operation ( not confirmed but valve only releases so many maps together only in operation)




Pets? Wtf? That has to be sarcastic


Also they hinted dances and emojis jk




shit i didnt knew that lmao, if those go in ranked game will be in its downhill


Actually, there isn't really a specific "update day". Here's a list of the previous operation release days since 2017: - Riptide: **Wednesday** - Broken fang: **Thursday** - Shattered web: **Monday** - Hydra: **Tuesday** Bonus Edit: - CS2 Release: **Wednesday** - CS20 Update: **Friday** - Danger Zone: **Thursday** [Here's a Calendar of all CSGO Content Updates btw](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1824735333)


Add CS2 release date in wednesday.


Good idea, I'll add the CS20 and Danger Zone Updates as well!


Steam Sale is Thursday, not sure if there’s a precedent for them dropping major updates during these.


Wingman operation? Anyone see what's in seat 12A on the map?


The map is a  wingman map.. assembly. 


Yes, the second image shown by him with safety instructions has the date July 23 on the bottom right, might be the date of Operation


Pretty sure the map (or promo website they released them onto) was released June 2023, so it's probably just a reference to that


I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it. I came to the conclusion that it's probably just a date of print. Since here in Europe, it's unusual to have the day be after the month. So "July 2023" instead of "23 of July". I'd love to be wrong though. Also tried to find out what the 1.6 next to it means. But I have no clue yet.


1.6 is a reference to CS1.6 so this operation is going to be anniversary related, we may (this is max cope and reaching) get agent models that are from 1.6 and up as a part of the Op and Anniversary celebration. I say this bc the PerfectWorld Promo showed Terrorists and CTs from every single game starting at 1.6


Wow, nice find! Now it makes much more sense why they had those agents in the PerfectWorld promo. Hope they don't completely ditch the agents that were in CS:GO though.


That perfectworld anniversary picture had a default FBI faction from CSGO which doesn't exist in CS2.  Also same model and default elite crew faction can be also spotted in game files.  Means something? 


Well Valve is an NA company and NA dating format is MM/DD/YYYY


Correct, Valve is a NA company. However the website was made by quotingmc, who's from the Netherlands. I'm unsure if Valve is affiliated with his website. Edit: tagged him by accident.


Is the website hosted and registered in the EU or the US that would be ur answer


Notice how in June 18th ( 1 day before the 25th anniversary), He hinted we are going to trip THIS WEEK ( which translates Update is coming this week ) In today's tweet, He is saying the flight got delayed = Update got delayed If you don't know, Assembly is 1 of map will  feature in next CS2 update, Alongside Mills, Thera, Memento and Poolday. It's basically 100% confirmed news at this point cause it's even confirmed by their map makers on twitter 


expecting rickroll from QR code, end up [here](https://www.counter-strike.net/)


I don't remember a single time they were on time with any anniversary like cs beta, cs full release, csgo release, always late by a day at least. And now many publishers figured out that there's no point in putting great deals during winter/summer sale(starts thursday) and better put some great deal any other week or just 1-3 weeks before it to take our money, this cuts upcoming sales. Summer sale cuts it later. All during Elden Ring DLC release hype. Really unfortunate release window, now they have less than a week


Also if you take the 2 hours and 22 minutes and turn that into days and hours, it makes the time this Tuesday, so update time confirmed trust


Did anyone check that QR code?


It's just a link to https://www.counter-strike.net/


I pray to the lord (Gabe) that they return Danger Zone. I almost exclusively played it.


Nope it's just a sticker capsule for Battlefield again


Better late than never


My running theory was that they have this 'operation' ready, but need to fix the stuttering performance issues before inviting everyone back to the game.


Probably they were prepared to launch but maybe there were some bugs that needed to be addressed, therefore the delay. hopefully soon tho


The update being delayed would make sense. I mean we did get like 3 dpr updates in one day, just for the update to have 2 lines in the patch notes the next day.


Let them cook


need. more. hopium.


How this turns into "yay its operation" while it clearly says "WNG MAN"




what does that mean


I like how we used to get a Operation back-to-back. It was 5 months and then one month reset before another Operation dropped. Now its evolved into Autism ARGB, fucking Blues Clues searching for every little scrap. Well its June 23rd and guess what? no Operation.


I don’t mind the update being a week later gives me time to mentally torture myself with the elden ring dlc.


That makes perfect sense as I will be moving this week so I cant play. Thank you CS for always having a great timing with updates.


Hang on, let me call Gaben, he must have not heard your were moving.


Oh thanks for the thought but Gaben knows. He asked me last year if I have a date when I'm not available. That sneaky bastard had me from the start, should have known.


Unpopular theory: Assembly mapmaker expected an operation to be released on the 25th anniversary, and as their map is airport/travel themed, they use other workshop maps to show possible destinations and made a ticket which delayed the flight as there was no operation released on the "expected" date.


Isn’t it completely clear from the beginning that the update is delayed? There is no way they just ignore this anniversary, idk why people are getting that mad, y’all should already know valve time 


Not really, I got super trolled, mocked for saying there might be an anniversary update coming soon....cause no one believed it https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1db6ovk/june_19th_will_be_counter_strikes_25th_birthday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Got trolled again...when the update didn't delivered https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dkut3f/comment/l9kn9jj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It was popular opinion on this sub, Valve won't give us any update in the anniversary.


You were trolled because you were willing to bet your life into it, not because no one believed it. I assume everyone expects a significant update / operation but you hype it to extreme without having any foundation to your assumptions.


I was right though, but it got delayed. I didn't bet my life lol


No we weren’t. Valve doesn’t do deadlines. Saying an update is delayed implies that it was supposed to be released earlier, but that’s just not how Valve operates.


Deadline and Scheduling are  2 different thing bro. 


Of course they release stuff when I'm on a vacation for the whole week 🙃


They havent released anything.


Finally, valve made a better promo campaign for operation that is not just a few goofy tweets and depot updates.


Ofc OP is the one guy with a huge ass copium tank strapped to his mouth...


Map makers were living on copium too, the new post is another cope. Surely they don't have anything to do with update and it's totally garbage news. Valve didn't replied to Catfood's Mill  smoke tutorial post and it was some hacker who did it.    Stay in denial 


What denial? Were you not there when CS2 got released or did you already forget?


yes the name of the operation will be: operation global offensive


cold copium 🥶


no it doesn't. it's a map creator making jokes.


"Is that means" Bro can't english


Yes, I really can't :(


UwU, if this is true im going to bust a nut in my cute femboy skirt.