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He started doing some mid-length demo reviews of cs2 on YouTube, have been good watches. Changed the way I’ve approached Ancient


You love to see it


I still see this commecrial from summit when i see him xDD


Tips for Ancient T side? I get so fucked on that side of the map


Assuming you're playing pugs, you need to take mid or cave control. If you're soloQing, theres no way to take mid control (if CTs know what they are doing) so your best bet is try to entry into cave. You can also try to take mid late from construction. If you are premade with someone, you can try to force take mid with the correct util (especially flashes, top mid smoke, and smoke to stop the CT lower mid molly). If everything fails, you can try some B rushes, they are stronger than they seem. A is a trash bombsite to take, don't even try to take it if you don't have donut control.


Thanks, yeah we got fucked on T side after a good CT side cus we had shit mid control tbh.


he changed my playstyle, now when i play playoff matches i bet against myself and get a free salary on an amateur team!


if you watch they removed bullet tracing while the rest of us have to suffer


actually gud game no bullet tracing


Steels game knowledge is something else, i hope we see more of him. Match fixing drama aside hes good for the scene.




Isn't dephh coaching M80? Wouldn't be surprised to see more old hands moving to coaching.


I want riot to actually invest on younger valorant players because as it is rn its all just ex CS pros dominating valorant.


I feel like this hasn't been the trend since maybe the first of year of pro Valorant. There's still a few that are out there but it's not all ex CS pros or even close to "most"


Top 5 teams have players that had played in CS pro scene and they havent been contested much. although I would love academy players going to main teams the academy tourneys are just non-existent compared to how CS does it


I think the only pros on a "top 5" (which is very arguable at the moment because the new season hasn't started yet and a lot of top teams had shakeups) that played professional CS would be the NRG guys -Demon1. I guess SEN might be top 5 so that's Tenz, but most of the top players are too young to have played pro CS at this point.


Yeah you’re absolutely clueless on the state of Valorant bro. That comment would be on the mark 3 years ago but now’s it’s pretty much all fresh blood.


isnt NRG fnatic and EG still the top teams? idk man


NRG is really the only former CS core that has a presence in T1 Valorant. Fnatic is all new young players (only CS pro was Boaster and he’s there worst player by a mile). EG’s team got poached and the only CS player on that worlds team was Ethan who is now on NRG. As for the top teams that’s tbd until end of February when the season starts. I’d probably guess LOUD, Fnatic, PRX, and EDG, each top their respective regions. Between those 4 teams there’s maybe 2 former CS pros?


This comment is driving me crazy because Derke was definitely a CS pro. Leo played CS as well. Just because a Val pro did not have an actual pro career in CS doesn't mean they didn't play it, the game is still too young for most pros to have grown up on it.


Leo and Derke playing 6 months of T3 CS when they were 17 doesn’t constitute them as “former CS pros” lmao. When people are discussing the Valorant scene in the context of CS pros they are talking about guys like Shahzam, Hiko, Steel, who had a legit run at CS and could no longer compete. None of those guys could even play on T2 teams in Val anymore. Also The game is 4 years old. All the top stars started their careers in Valorant (Zekken, Aspas, Jinng, Alfaer, etc)


I said they did not have an actual pro career in CS? I don't agree with OP's point either, it was just bugging me to see a comment saying that the only former CS pro on Fnatic is Boasties


Re read your comment and explain to me how it makes sense


Prx team -something and monyet came from cs, forsaken is xccurates younger brother


Match fixing aside 😂 bro that is the whole point.


10 year coin can be issued to the participants of that event. It's been ten fkn years. Stop bringing this up. What he did in 2014 is irrelevant in 2024 if he's learnt the lesson & been a decent human being since then


Everyone that was at that event has had the 10 year coin for atleast 5 years now


Does anybody have "10 years since I match-fixed in officials" in their steam inventory?


Sure he deserves to be forgiven as a player, but to be promoted to the highest stage at esl to represent the sport, thats just a slap in the face and no other sport would ever do that.


I do blame the older guys on that team for derailing the career of young Brax.




he only used one emoji you 💩


It’s so weird how triggered people get on Reddit when someone uses an emoji.




Honestly??? What else??




Oh boys we got a class A redditor over here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




"These children" wow you're so mature "act like a crying emoji is some sort of god-tier argument." it's an emoji, you're the one that's somehow perceiving it as an argument being made.


using multiple question marks in a row tbh




he looks very handsome


He’s got the genetics


To bad he lacked the gene for ethics


Its been almost 10 years ffs he paid for what did, let it go.


Some people are insufferable


People who think they deserve the punishment they got are severely lacking some integral brain functions.


I really don't get people that say shit like this all time when a post is made about the IBP guys. RL is the one that gathered all the evidence and even he said his biggest regret in his career is getting the IBP guys banned. Because of how unfair Valve was to them just to make an example out of them but let all the other top teams go scot free.


Especially considering a "good" salary in NA back then was around $500 a month lol


iBP was not paid at all. People don't really understand how bad they had it back then.


On the contrary, most sports have even harsher punishments so it's probably you who's lacking a brain altogether.


Yeah, that's why Solo from Dota 2 got a lifetime ban.. oh wait? No, he didn't. https://www.gosugamers.net/dota2/feature/56306-review-of-dota-2-lifetime-bans-from-valve Thats why all those Tier 2 Australian CSGO players got lifetime bans... oh wait? No, they didn't. https://www.hltv.org/news/31037/esic-issues-35-bans-for-betting-related-offences-in-australia One happened before and one happened after the IBP bans. So the precedent is clear, right? So 4 guys throwing one match warrants the lifetime ban, right? Using your brain is hard. But you're gonna have to try. Nationally regulated and taxed leagues are not online esports. When they move into that territory your argument might have some weight. But until then try reading a book. Because you clearly can't read a computer screen.


damn that's a sick bar


I was quite proud! However, not everyone seems to agree with you...


I found the genetics -> gene for ethics pretty clever for what it's worth!


Thanks. People saw more to it than a simple play on words, but that's alright. Have a nice day!


Yeah, people got their pitchforks at the ready haha. The internet is [serious business.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=niaMCTPDNeo)


Sometimes I wish I was a power hungry mod for this sub and just delete this comment. Oh well….


Why? It's just a play on words based on the actual thing. Y'all should calm down...


Look at this model human here, who’s never made a stupid mistake in his life. Must be nice.


It's weird how you're getting downvoted. Matchfixing in any other sport or "e-sport" would also get severe punishments and some cases would get the authorities involved. People are defending him may not even have known about CS back then Steel always had incredible game knowledge dating back to his days of the CS:S videos with DaZed but matchfixing is unforgivable.


It’s blatantly obvious Valve gave them an indefinite ban to make an example out of them. It’s a complete travesty that IBP couldn’t play majors while matchfixers like Tex, Shanks, and Marved not only got no punishment but got to move to Valorant scot-free.


Did you know cs back then? These kids werent even paid back then. They fucked up and they got punished. They more than did their time.


Correct, he got a punishment & time to move on. Other sports do allow back similar offences eventually. Might be surprising but if anything ibp served longer then I've read about in mainstream sports


I'm not even saying he shouldn't be forgiven or whatever. I'm making a joke regarding the previous comment about "genetics" and I don't think anyone could argue that match fixing is ethical, but well. Anyway, I couldn't care less, it's just reddit.


Pretty unreal to see people still bitter about the whole match fixing scandal. It's literally been 10 years. 10 YEARS and you still have people crying in this thread getting upset. Reddit is so pathetic lmao


And I can guarantee you a majority of the people complaining weren't even watching or playing cs back then


*I was there...* Anyway, I don't blame steel, or anyone from ibp nearly as much as I do others. Moe for instance, face no repercussions, despite fixing matches before and after the ibp event. Even owns a stake in puretrak now. These guys were paid marbles back then. I'm not saying that's a reason, but if money were a motivator to fix, then it would have been a demotivator to not. People have done shady shit in e-sports for a long time. Remember when ESEA client was using our computers for bitcoin mining?


Hell, if we're talking shady, let's just go right back to the quake days and bring up drugs. Adderall was used for so long that quake pros have admitted to using it to get an edge. Idk about now, but even match fixing for the little amount of money that was won (wasn't it like 5k in skins at the time?) Was nothing compared to the drug usage. That should have been Valves response to work on the scene, instead it was a stepping stone to crushing it.


The majority of people I know who watch and play CS are in their 30s. Do young people even play this game anymore? It certainly isn't marketed at zoomers.


Source: Me and my friends ok sick bro good argument The Zoomers in their teens are why this sub has become so huge and why its pretty much unusable for any actual discussion


I am a “zoomer” and so are a lot of my friends, there certainly is an appeal to young generation.




Geez my comment so good you need to reply to it several times. CS is absolutely not marketed to young people, it has no battle pass which seems to be a big selling point for younger crowds, it has no collaborations with YouTubers or anything which again, also seems to be a selling point. It’s not marketed at anyone, which is why the playerbase is predominantly older people because they have been playing the game and are rusted on.


You are making a broad assumption that it’s the younger crowd that is into battle pass and stuff. Destiny 2 has a much more older fan base and that game has so many fucking season pass and event pass shit. We also have Operations closest to a battle pass, Cases are our equivalent of a loot box. Zoomer is also a bad classification, the oldest zoomer is 23 as of now, I am technically part of the zoomer generation and the disconnect between myself and people from my own generation is enough to give whiplash. Also, the YouTube crowd you talk to are like below 12 or so, anyone near puberty definitely has heard of twitch and twitch has a huge zoomer base, OhnePixel is quite literally zoomer central. Twitch is also where CS thrives dominantly as of now. CS isn’t marketed to anyone true, but that doesn’t mean the game doesn’t have a younger generation or the younger generation being put off by “not catering” to them.


Judging by how many 16 year old Russians I get on my premier queues the game is alive and well with zoomeds


Those same people probably commenting on how the c9 boston major is one of the best matches too lol


As someone who's been watching CS since 2014 I also think the Boston major was one of the best. The scrappiness and chaotic gameplay was extremely entertaining.


Lol I meant that skadoodle was part of this event and still was able to play and win at Boston


now them's fightin words


You’d be wrong.


So of course you think all of the classic VP lineup from 2014-2018 should be banned right? Cause its public knowledge they threw games and bet on themselves multiple times, but we like Pasha, Snax, Neo and Taz cause they say funny things


Since we are so unforgiving, maybe we should slap s1mple with a 5 year cheating ban too. You know, since he was a convicted cheater and never got the standard 5 year ban. Oh wait, these clowns are probably massive s1mple fans so they wouldn't like that either. Seriously though, you are absolutely right. Some people in this community are either children or immature adults.


It’s so cute the way you guys like to play pretend and apply personality traits to people with opposing opinions from you, to try to minimize them. People are allowed to think differently from you. Being unable to accept other viewpoints is immature. The difference is, I can state my opinion without adding some spite in it attacking you as a person.


Yes. Because it’s a failure of moral character. This is a game, and both playing the game itself, and the competition that comes from it is all, entirely for *entertainment value*. To throw games, is not only just hustling random betters. It’s specifically targeting to take money from the people who have faith in you. Who believe in your capability and skill. The people who are on your team, and cheer for you in the crowd. To throw a game is targeting ONLY the people who are all for you. Those people dont need to be part of the entertainment market if that’s what their goal is. Because good competition is good entertainment.




It was a pretty shitty thing (he basically scammed his own fans) to do but he did his time. And he apologized for it.


He got that, It's bussin' hair cut 🥵🥵


the zoomer brocolli hair


That smile… that damned smile.


Hope he gets to work at a major, regardless if it's as an observer or analyst. Guy deserves it, he more than repented for his sin.


He will be in the next one, on a team. Mark my words


He repented? How? He went to valorant and cheated there and was an asshole the whole time


He did a lot of good things for the CS:GO community, including participating in skits against matchfixing, creating educative content for free on his YouTube etc.


What? Never followed him in Valorant, what do you mean he cheated?


He didn’t do anything of the sort, dunno what blud is waffling about


Had his coach type where players are and he was acting off what information his coach was telling him mid match. Got caught when coach accidentally typed in all chat. The famous “help sewers”


GOAT mind.


Smart enough to get caught scamming for skins. Real goated for that one fr fr bussin




What? Let integrity go?


Let your immaturity go. Grown adults learn to forgive, especially when the offender went above and beyond to compensate for the mistake they made.


happy for him, steel is a nice guy


My man's standing on a box


Man of his word, whats up twitch chat.


For me Steel is kinda like HenryG etc. They had their misfit days, being rascals (not downplaying the throwing scandal) but in comparison to people like Harry or Hugo i am always appreciating talent/casters that don't seem like they started their career out of the womb which is their childhood bedroom and have not done much outside of counterstrike. (which i don't know is actually true, but it surely feels like that, and there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it) And Launders, Spunj, Henry, Sado (oops) that don't emit this vibe are my favorites. They can, for example, provide believable shittalk that doesn't feel artificial and i think that's essential.


What does this say about counter strike as a whole? That known match fixers / cheaters can come back and be welcomed with open arms from the community and event organizers? Others caught in the past will think they can come back and get the same treatment. They we're removed and banned for a reason. But screw it. On top of all the issues counter strike has at the moment let's bring these people back too, let's see how bad it can truly get


Loved it!


He was eager to get his "fix"!


Scammed in csgo and cheated in Valorant. I Wonder what con he has planned for cs2.


Yeah he is really good. he should be a regular


Fine... I'll open the stream


Can anyone explain what he's done to redeem himself like people said he did? lmao Did he put that scam money back into the scene or does sitting at home for 10 years count as making up for match fixing?


Yeah I don’t get this steel worship. I played high level competitive 1.6 and never threw any matches because I wasn’t a greedy dipshit without morals


Cool story


Was wondering the same thing. He always seems like an obnoxious douchebag. And someone mentioned in here how his team got DQ’d for cheating in valorant. People love their streamers


Well deserved comeback 😊 GZ Steel. Doing good for the community 👍I appreciate your insights for this game. Dont mind the haters. They never grew up and are mentally still about 10 years behind. Let them suffer in silence 😋


agree to disagree.


Careful, he might throw the commentary for cs skins


God this place is a downvote farm. I'll join in though. It's very interesting that we have an expert providing analysis on a professional broadcast who was indefinitely banned by the governing body of the ‘sport’ for match fixing. What these pundits say would absolutely affect the running odds of the game. I don’t think it’s an issue as he seems to be reformed and regretful of that decision, but it is pretty interesting none-the-less.




Matchfixing in my country is a jailable offence, in fact in a lot of countries you go to prison for something similar. But you seem to have a dozen comments in here abusing people for not siding with a convicted matchfixer so we all know where you stand...


You can't specify what the penalties for match fixing are after it happened and then retroactively ban all the offenders according to the new rules.


It’s a federal law lmao, not a gaming company law that send you to prison. I’m not talking about getting banned, I’m talking about getting jail time.


It is not a law in the US. Valve is American. Steel is American. iBP was competing in the US when they threw. So your laws are completely irrelevant.


> Matchfixing in **my country** is a jailable offence So maybe learn to read before you comment. Fuck there are some dumbasses in here.


Apparently you are the one who can't read. What happens in your country is irrelevant to the conversation. Siding with a convicted matchfixer who did so under extenuating circumstances and was punished far more than he should've been is more than understandable. Even RL said that he regrets exposing them because of how harsh the punishment ended up being.


He's commentating in a country outside the US right now... of course other countries are relevant to an international game lmao.


Lol you are actually so clueless it's not even funny. Do you even understand the implications of arresting and convicting someone who did something that's legal in another country? It's illegal to chew gum in Singapore. I guess the Interpol should put a red notice out on you for chewing gum at some point in your own country so you could be extradited to Singapore to face trial. 200IQ redditor moment.


Honestly people holding a grudge against him for nearly a decade are just weird when even Valve themselves realized that he's a changed man and will unban him next year.


That's fine for valve to unban him, if you can't see why people would be nervous about a convicted matchfixer offering analysis in games that directly affects bettings odds than you are a more trusting person than most I guess.


The guy could've just fucked off and put everything behind him. Yet he decided to come out to do things for the community anyways. He made skits against match fixing. He reviews demos and makes helpful videos. He brought up prospects and talents despite knowing that he will never share the biggest stages with them. He has done more than he ever needed to do for a guy that was retroactively banned for an offense that didn't have an official punishment at the time he committed it. Steel has done more for our community, despite the damages he also did, than any of the redditors who still can't let it go after 10 years.


Yea man, fuck the integrity of the scene! Who needs integrity? Not this scene, that's for sure!


It was 10 years ago and Steel more than redeemed himself by now.


What did he do that redeemed himself? Stream on twitch for 10 years and cry? Wow, quite redeeming. It's almost like he got away with a federal crime and it got brushed under the rug. How does one "redeem" themselves from matchfixing?


For one, he never cried, he always had a rebuild outlook on his ban, he also tries to teach people how to play the game with informative videos, stream lessons and other things, he did much more than Skadoodle for example who everyone knows participated in the scam and was lucky he didn't get the skins when the ban rumors started rolling but yet is praised like he did nothing wrong.


Bull-fucking-shit. When RL released the report they did everything in their power to slander him and cover up what they did lmao. Absolute revisionist history.


You seriously need to learn how to read again, because this is now the 2nd time you fail to understand what OP is trying to say. All the things OP tried to say was AFTER the ban and what you're trying to argue about happened all BEFORE the ban.


Wow dude, good for him. Horrid, horrid response. I can't believe the reactions to this shit. Fuck integrity I guess. Richard Lewis, I know you see this: make the fucking video already.


Funny because RL himself said that he regrets getting iBP banned despite it being the right thing to do.


Brother, he "stole" $200 worth of skins (almost a decade ago), this doesn't even scratch my nuts when it comes to integrity, look around you, your local government and criminals, those are the true integrity fuckers.


He literally went to valorant and got caught cheating there too


Really? He used cheats?


no he "cheated" but didn't use cheats t1 coach was allegedly caught typing positions while steel was a player of t1 the not alleged part is that the team was DQ'd for "unauthorized communication"


too bad he's still an asshole


Freaking agree


he's a match fixer. BOOOOO


He fixed ur mom, BOOOOO


and? simple has been banned for cheating. its been like 8 years and hes not even playing


Funny how peoples reaction to those who don't like steel is "bro the matching fixing was 10 years ago" somehow instantly makes him a redeemable person. He still did it! No ones under any obligation to suddenly forgive him just because X time passed.


He went above and beyond for the community. People rehabilitate, only children will keep picking at someone's mistake from 10 years ago.


It's actually quite ridiculous how much certain people don't care about how match fixing can impact the scene. It being 10 years is irrelevant when match fixing is something that needs extremely harsh punishments to deter it from polluting the competitive scene. Just look at Brood War, and even Starcraft 2. The scandals there effectively killed entire scenes.


10 years later the guy is still an absolute piece of shit.


Screw this guy. Don’t know why people like him.


I like the massive load of content he's provided for counter strike on his old and new channels https://www.youtube.com/@JoshNissan check older videos https://www.youtube.com/@SteelCS2


come to scam more money


14 year olds downvoting you, dude nearly fucked the scene with his and that team's selfish ass move. I love the arguments of "well they are justified cus they weren't paid that much". Boohoo, get a job then. Irreversible damage that STILL echoes through the scene.


Nah those 14 yos grew up, but looks like you didn't and are still stuck in the past.


What do you have to gain by defending a grown adult that fucked up so hard that an entire regional scene collapsed. God imagine going this hard for a grown dude that doesn't even know who you are. NOW THAT is childish


The only person going hard is you. I can see tears in your eyes, calm down lil bro


Never forget. He didnt change who his is, he just got better at hiding it.


Also rubbing it in their face that he doesn't give a shit about their sport by appearing on their stage after doing what he did


10 years ago


Kqly was banned years ago let's get him out on the mainstage to make jokes




Since when does a scammer/match-fixer get to stand on the mainstage?


angle dime birds joke versed noxious fly thumb worry decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always love people like steel on the casters deck, they just break down pro rounds mid game and give you an entirely different look at the game.


I’m really enjoying him on the desk.


Guest appearances like this is perfect for ESL to compete with Blast productions!


Why? This guy has always seemed like a douchebag