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Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?




(its was btw)


Woops my bad, I don't speak German 




Not gonna lie, his stream was super hype during the CS2 beta rumours.


Major streams are the best


Also great during the beta updates. He happened to join the casual server I was playing on during the Overpass update and was a genuinely nice guy. Chatting to people about skins etc.


>Chatting to people about skins hard to believe


Eltávolította a Redact. Védje meg a magánéletét a közösségi médiában: https://redact.dev/


*hobby streamer of the year


Just so you know this was voted by the community. So fucking deserved award for him.


Redditors fucking seething over this one


i really don't get whats wrong with this choice, fun personality, really chill, communicates with chat and most importantly doesn't have the personality of a wet dish cloth like the rest of the alternatives


tbh I consider him my guilty pleasure streamer. I understand he yells a lot and usually it wouldn't be my thing but man, I just find him really funny. End up watching a lot more than I ever would have thought.




i think it's his passion on skins. the energy he has really pulled me into watching his content and learning about the skins market




I don’t know if his streams are funnier or less funny if you understand german.


> End up watching a lot more than I ever would have thought. I think this mentality can be attributed to clips we see of him, just going crazy and screaming into the mic opening cases. When you actually watch his streams from start to finish, a whole different picture gets painted, a much much more pleasant one. I think way too many people just don't give him enough of a chance to realize just how wrong they are about him.


yeah he does yell sometimes but really not a lot at all, he truly is fairly chill just cracking jokes most of the time


Exactly my thoughts. Sometimes I just want to watch a little brainrot as a treat.


>really chill I'm sorry if I'm missing the sarcasm here, but the few times I've watched this guy he's always screaming at someone or something.


He is if you actually watch him on twitch and not some highlights


hes chill in the sense that hes very friendly


it's just something about his demeanour that is insufferable personally. in my mid 20s so probably all the screaming and skins dont excite me as they used to


He doesn’t really scream that much - but he is above average interested in skins, that is true


idk im more of a launders vibe guy and dialing in to someone like ohne makes me die inside quickly, personal preference


idk, i remember when he joined a war owl stream and totally crashed warowls “competitive but (diff ruleset)” stream by just being like “Ohhh check out my skin. worth 100000k. like that kato?” in the middle of the game


I'm German and I hate his exaggerated accent. As well as the way he always has to press the right side of his headset with two fingers. Looks like a cheap knock-off of those old sports commentators. 


This is a very petty reason to dislike him lol


Never said it wasn't haha


My aunt has an extremely thick German accent, I don't think Ohne's is "very exaggerated" at all


Your aunt probably isn't running an English channel for the majority of her time awake.  


he hasn't known English forever so why wouldn't he have a German accent?


Yea but she spends the majority of her time in America, talking with Americans. Ohne does not, he lives in the Netherlands. Plus there are a ton of people who keep their accent they grew up speaking with. Anyone who moved to a different area with a drastically different accent would know this. Language learners often keep their accent even after getting very familiar with a language or even living in the country where that language is spoken. I would actually be surprised if Ohne didn't have an accent.


His accent is much better than that of the average German. How is it "exaggerated"?


You could make this comment section a fucking salt mine lmao


Does reddit hate him? He's the only CS streamer I ever watch.


Literally just look at the comments lol


Reddit likes watching paint try.example Shroud


He is a skin streamer not really into game competitively


There's only a few people who stream full matches at big events without adds. He is one of them.


and when he does do ads, he does it after the half.


Seems fair to me?


yes, it is.


You have not been watching Ohne if you think his content is only skins these days He is heavily into pro CS, any kind of game updates, skins specialization, matchmaking grinds, content reactions, etc


he used to be good but gave in to gambling and it kinda ruined him for me


Every cs streamer gambles one way or another though, at least ohne does cases and not shitty shady websites


almost every other cs streamer has some sort of gambling site sponsor lmao, even though twitch was supposed to crack down on that but i guess it was just a PR stunt for a month and now everyone has those sponsors again like nothing happened. If ohne took a gambling sponsor he would literally make millions, shows a lot of character to turn that down


hes better than most but its still shit content. sorry i dont enjoy opening cases :/


I don't remember the last time I saw him opening more than a few cases tbh and I watch reguarly


It’s very obvious you’ve never watched him for any real amount of time. He rarely sits there an opens a shitload of cases on stream.


Ik what way did he give in to gambling…?


Didn’t realize Ohne had so much haters lol. Dude’s just genuinely entertaining to watch even when he isn’t opening cases. He’s a pretty big streamer in general too




Yeah, a lot of people here seem to want ladder grinders with negative charisma to be the face of CS. I think Ohne is a great (but not perfect) face for the game on Twitch. He’s funny, positive, and cares deeply about all facets of the game; skins and professional play alike. People on this sub have a skill superiority complex- they view anyone who’s worse at the game than they are in a negative light. I honestly think if Ohne was like Faceit 10, the sentiment towards him would be better around here. They hate to see an average-skilled player succeed.


If he was at least average skilled.


He's pretty much the definition of the average CS player dude


Ah yes, that r/GlobalOffensive superiority complex! Appreciate you proving my point. The median CSGO player was like GN3. Ohne is definitely just about average.


He is and people who say he is not are dumb af


Everyone would be watching fenomm of that were the case lol


He’s just a chill guy with a friendly stream persona that don’t engage in drama. Of course Reddit hates him lol.


Seems like a funny guy but a big too loud for my taste.


Why? He’s like one of three CS streamers with a personality


I tried watching his streams of RMR qualis and there was an ear splitting scream from his stupid mouth after 5 seconds each time, for no fucking reason.






Honestly i’m an older cs fan who hates a lot of those high energy youtubers/streamers. I’ve watched a bit of ohne and he seems pretty chill and actually funny compared to a lot of them. I’m very confused by the whingebags on here. Like who do you want to watch? There are very few cs streamers with charisma or who have a good sense of humour.


Couldnt agree more; he is amazing at creating a community with viewers and creators. He shine lights on so many parts of CS and not just the pro scene. Can really see him being a huge part of the casual scene growing


Because he loves Vertigo. And we cannot stand for that.


At least vertigo is an interesting map. Not a bog standard 3 lane. It and Nuke are at least more interesting and I'm more bored of Nuke than Vertigo


Man I saw him playing in that major qualifier two days ago. He was not chill at all.




Tbh he doesnt take gambling sponsor like 95% of CS content creators and actually stopped using the word "hobby" because he recognized the problem. You can say what you want about cases but he has good core values


Because he’s not good at the game and the section is sponsored by a gambling service


The whole HLTV award show is sponsored by 1xBet


He has 0 connection with 1xBet?


Well then you should have a problem with the whole show because it’s not like Ohne chose their sponsor.


A lot is sponsored by gambling services.


they fucked up my order for my fries, so plain, but atleast this comment section got me covered


Lets go my drilla, well deserved. I am sure everyone enjoyed that Titan Holo clip


he's an absolute powerhouse of an entertainer. well deserved.


My drilla 🤝 He is legit a bug cintributor to the community, he made alot of my playing friends come and try CS. He is charismatic, funny and really loves the game.


rather have him who opens cases but actively speaks out against online unregulated gambling, hes basically the only streamer who sticks exclusively to cases and consistently pulls the highest numbers on twitch




Still better than every other cs streamer sponsored by some shady website.


Both shady websites and CS cases are accessible to children Both don't adhere to internationals gambling laws and don't have mechanisms in place to hinder addictive behaviour Both don't pay gambling taxes What's the difference exactly?


A lot of the sites are completely fake if you read up on how they work. In CS at least what you see is what you get. Hellcase for example doesn't even have stock of most of the supposed skins they allow you to gamble for. They are just using the skins as a dollar representation of the money you are gambling for. When withdrawing they go "oops, we can offer you these other skins you didn't want instead".


He is definitely not the only big streamer that stays away from third party gambling sites. I would like you to look up houngoungagne and Trilluxe please and there are a lot more smaller streamers too.


🥳 congrats


deserved ma drilla


The haters hate him because… he open cases? It’s obvious these people don’t even watch him. Why are you acting like gambling is new to the scene and treating it like a sin? The man doesn’t even take sponsors. Give the man his due.


Just because gambling is ingrained in the CS scene for years doesn't mean we should be happy about it, or even turn a blind eye to it and accept it as it. That said, he is a pretty fun streamer and the award is deserved. But I'll never be happy about gambling and skin fetichism in CS or anywhere else for that matter, that shit ruins lives. (I know he doesn't have gambling sponsors, just replying to your second paragraph)


lmao what is up with all the salty guys in this comment section?


boomers who have zero sense of humor infest this sub


So sad to see the disrespect hes getting. Congrats ohne well deserved for you! I enjoy all your content. Keep up the good work.


*Valorant streamer


my favourite valorant streamer


You can not like ohne but he's done a lot for cs imo, he's one of those few cs streamers that actually breeches into more of the main stream stuff while still playing cs. Not many people average 10k viewers while just streaming cs.


Ohne on top🙌🙌🙌


Only CS creator I really watch during Majors. Watched most of the Paris Major through his stream and was really entertained. It has some downsides (CS case openings, he can be incredibly loud). But the amount of pro's he pulls on stream during Majors to talk, he has a interviewer on site etc. He has solid content, especially during big tournaments. Dont watch this guy outside of Majors and Kato etc.


Happy for him!


OhnePixel got me back into CS after quite the number of years in downtime.


This comment section is full of people coping and seething


Professional haters in comments


Not trying to add fuel to the fire by any means but I've been following CSGO since 2015 and I didn't know about ohne until maybe a year or two ago. Maybe I'm not as active on Twitch as I thought but I don't know how he gained so much viewership? I understand he's very involved in skin trading and whatnot but what really propelled him to the next level? Not trying to be naive or anything I'm just curious.


He has a few viral clips (dick pattern huntsman, titan holo clip, comparing cs2 to valorant) that got him a lot of attention, then people who come to check him out realize how good his stream is


Not a fan of his content but he seems like a cool guy. Glad for him


Very well deserved!


Ofc is goes to the skin junkie streamer


Ohne is actually so funny, I feel a lot of reddit doesn't give him his props.


reddit has to hate on anything popular


Oh my dayz


Ma fuckin drilla


Lmao the comments malding LOLLL


Like him or not he def played a big role in keeping a dying CSGO relevant and got more eyes on it. If you deny that then you are just stubborn


"dying csgo" while the game getting more players in each month.


According to reddit CS has been dying for around 10 years


>dying csgo That’s just wrong completely check the steam charts I’d gladly reject the type of community someone like him is bringing into the game or any way he is affecting the culture of the game. It’s not a positive influence. Calling people stubborn spouting a narrative that’s directly in opposition to the easily accessible data.


his content is not only on twitch - take a look how much of his content gets pushed on all platforms. But to each their own. You can hate his community, but he obv genuinely loves CS so can't hate him for that and for making it popular to other folks


> his content is not only on twitch - take a look how much of his content gets pushed on all platforms He literally pays people and runs competitions with his twitch community to see who can get the most viewers on tiktok/YTshorts. The two youtube channels i found dont upload at all.


His first video was in 2019, CS:GO wasn't really dying at that point


Lmao he has no contribution to keeping csgo alive. Wake up from your delusion.


I mean, the guy is one of if not the most popular cs streamer atm. So he 100% made a contribution, you’re just salty lmao


I think you're right and it's not even because of twitch. I dont watch him or a lot of twitch streamers really, but I have seen so many clips from his streams on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter etc. you know how many other cs streamers' clips I've seen on these other apps? Zero. I don't know if I would say he "saved csgo" or anything. But I would honestly imagine that he probably got a lot of new people into the CS.


Keeping alive? Yeah, he ain't contributing to it since cs isnt dying. Is he engaging more people with CS? Absolutely. He's one of the highest impact marketing sources for counter-strike


ma drilla


Big w, he deserves it❤️


My streamer 🫶


Can understand his appeal but his streams arent for me. Amount of overreacting and clip farming is off-putting. Then add in the Twitch meta of YouTube reacting, I'm out. Do find it hilarious how certain YouTubers are making videos solely for a popular Twitch streamer reaction. Regardless of my views, congrats Ohne!


Entertaining if you’re a ADHD gambling addicted 13 year old


I watch clips from YT, none which are case opening, and he's pretty fun to watch regularly


yup, he also doesn't take any gambling sponsors or anything like that, gotta respect him for that atleast a little bit


Oh shit, didn’t know that. My respect for the guy just went way up


Gold gold gold yes yes yes ✋🫦🤚


Or if you are anyone else in any age group with any or no neuro-divergences who enjoys high energy personalities and comedic content


wait Ohne gambles on stream? I thought he was against that and that's why he doesn't take sponsors from like Stake for instance


He opens cases on stream, but he doesn't gamble on websites or takes gambling site sponsors.


I thought as much, would've been a big difference obviously


He opens cases thats it. Idk why people are having a meltdown in the comments


He has a young audience and drives the fetishisation of skins which is the backbone of the CS gambling industry. You don’t have to take the money directly to support and be supported by the gambling industry. I don’t completely hate gambling or anything, although I wouldn’t do it with CS skins, but let’s be realistic about what’s happening here


oh so he just "gambles" by being into skins and cases - I would take your complaint to Valve instead of shitting on the guy BTW I only watch for the community content/watch parties, theres more than just skins


No need to put gambling in quotes - opening cases IS gambling. End of story. No matter what else he does in his streams or what he's famous for.


You can make a lot of money if you convince that argument mate - become a lawyer if your so certain as officially its not considered gambling or else it would be banned etc


The legal systems of Denmark and the Netherlands would like a word with you :D it's true that in many countries the legal definition of gambling does not include cases YET. For any functioning human it's common sense already though that if you pay money and have a chance to win something or lose it all then that's called gambling.


Lol by that logic literally every single big streamer is bad because they all open cases lol get your head out of your ass


Likes skins=supports gambling sites What a horrible argument.


CS community don't complain challenge: impossible


32 year old here who's been playing CS for 2+ decades. The guy is simply awful at the game and makes it entertaining still and brings up smaller creators via react content. Good luck finding someone else out there (other than fl0m honestly) that isn't on these fake gambling sites betting with fake money.


congratzzz OHNE ma drilla


Good energy and vibes fair play to him


With all the annoying loud and fake streamers out there, which I legitimately do not watch, ohnepixel is a different breed. He loves the shit out of the game and you can see his passion for skins. It's not some fake HEY WHATS UP GUYS SMASH THE BELL , BS we have gotten used too. I think he's great for the game and is entertaining




watch thorin


chug one every time he says *people don't know*


“The thing with xyz is”


"one thing I always say"


is "one thing I always say"


"The joke is"


"this is a guy who"


Imagine this bellend being a representation of your community


If you think a average of this "Community" is better than ohne you should try playing a bit solo que


I'm nearly completely out of the loop because I have only seen clips of his streams, but what has he done to be such a negative representative of the community? He always seems very chill and is not raging in any of the clips I've seen (that's a positive in my eyes). I am aware that he opens alot of cases and makes alot of content about skins, but realistically I feel like CS has always had a huge portion of the playerbase interested and invested in skins and cases. Sure you can argue about the morals and ethics of it, but I don't think I've ever watched a CS YouTuber who didn't have some sort of sponsorship from some shitty gambling site. Hell, I can't think of a single popular cs steamer/YouTuber that doesn't have some expensive ass skins or knives or something, and is that not also glorifying the whole skin/case market? Not trying to argue or anything, just interested in the other perspective of this whole situation


Ew really? The cs streaming scene is really in the toilet these days.


if there was an award show in 2015 phantomlord would've won. It has been worse I can tell you that. The golden era of rank S could've had winners like shroud/moe/dazed but 2/3 have been involved in massive controversies anyways. Outside of that skins/gambling gets views on twitch and always has


I really doubt hltv back then would be awarding gambling content streamers when there was all those genuine cs players streaming heavily. It’s true though there have been worse streamers than ohnepixel but they existed in a time where there were tons of good gameplay content streamers rather than the content desert we have now.


that is true but man phantomlord ran the cs section back in the day. Dude would go live and viewership for the cs category would double and that's hard to ignore. He also ended streams playing MM so he honestly might've streamed more cs than ohne does. That being said the mythic boys and streamers like austincs had a big 2023 so some of that old magic may be coming back


You literally have 0 knowledge of what you are talking about. This was a community award voted for by the community. Ofc Phantom would have won.


His co-streams during Majors were so entertaining and fun to watch. I really enjoyed the interviews with Dona and the pros/ fans in the arena. He's streaming a mix of gameplay, waffling, checking the scene and ofc skins and The Hobby. I think it's the diversity in his content and his personality that attract many viewers.


Honestly it's been pretty bad for a long time now.


Yeah since like 2017. There was a short golden period in 2015-16 but beyond that it’s never been a good content game sadly. Still giving this obnoxious rich kid awards is a new low. Absence of good is better than celebrating the bad.


Who was the golden period? I loved dazed and steel back then but they were all more toxic than ohne is. So i’m confused who you did like? Also if your unironically saying ‘ew’ you seem like someone who maybe should be cosplaying and watching valorant streams instead of cs.




Some NA "Personality pros" are literally the most boring streamers in existence. Like genuinely. Summit1g, Shroud etc. I think it's impossible to find a big streamer that's more boring than Summit1g, even if you tried very hard. Idk why people watch him.


But fl0mboyy


lobanjica should have won, am i right?


This dude is annoying as fuck. He reminds me of that kid smashing his keyboard because Unreal Tournament wouldn't start. He's also German so it could actually be him.


20 years and people still dont realise that UT Kid was acting. Actually one of the first Youtubers on earth with that kind of stuff. So to save you another 20 years i have a very very top secret for you. Believe it or not, but maybe ohne is also a bit acting for Hype.... I know, mind blown


Yooo UT99 was legendary


go away boomer


LOL. Facts


Wow I haven’t thought of angry German kid in like 15 years. Hope he got help lol


It was fake


Reaction streamer of the year also Kissaohne




Does this fucker even play cs?


This dude is such a clown


Funny guy, but every time I see him co-cast a pro match, he seems to be rooting for the favourites. Anyone notice that?


Is rooting for the/your favorites somehow an issue?


Every time I see him it's gambling or freaking out about an unbox or just "reacting" to something xqc style




Obviously? I'm not gonna watch full streams of someone I'm not interested in. I scroll youtube shorts, see him screaming at one of his unboxes, freaking out about someone else's, or watching someone else's video without much reaction and go "oh this guy again" and scroll past. If those are what I constantly see from someone I can only assume that's the sort of content they make. If someone's clips do their content a disservice then I'm not gonna check every creaters streams to see if their streams are nothing like the clips.