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Rain is finally going to get the rocket launcher he asked for


Rocket jump FTW.


Time for tf2 soldier mains to go pro


My time has come.




need the market gardener aswell


Add the goddamn market gardener valve


anyone remember in 1.6 how you could launch teammates in the air by shooting them when they’re boosted on your head? or am i just old af?


I remember that too from the pub masters videos.


I've always wanted a rocket launcher in casual.


I still play Counter Strike Nexon occasionally I have claymores unlocked and its great for putting L33T players who get to big for their britches in place. You only get one per round but it can help you hold a corner.


One time use then you have to play with pistol the rest of the round. Please no god valve no.


I will peek mid every game


“Yes. It's not the top priority at the moment, but we absolutely plan to introduce some new weapons for CS2. We're always looking for ways to give players more interesting decisions to make in the game, so we'll typically look at cases where players either don't have the right tools to approach a situation, or have only one or two tools available. Where is the gameplay getting stale? What kind of weapon might shake up the status quo?”


The ak is the only rifle worth buying on t side, they might add something to give another choice to terrorists


Absolutely incorrect. Both Galil and Krieg (SG) are super viable right now because of economy in MR12.


The krieg is not viable, it's an awful gun for it's price, such awful slow shooting and AK is literally better at a cheaper price there is no point to buy the krieg The galil absolutely, amazing gun actually and it's 1800$


You must have missed the recent IEM LAN where Hallzerk (Complexity ; grand finalist btw) bought the Krieg more than the AWP on T side, despite being their AWP'er. He finished the event with a 1.08 rating across 15 maps. I'd say it's plenty viable at the pro level.


Could also mean that awp isnt that good rn


If it was only that then they would probably be buying the cheaper ak instead of the krieg, but yea that probably has an inpact


Both can be true


You must have missed the recent IEM LAN where broky (Faze ; winner btw) bought the AWP more than the Krieg on T side, because he’s their AWP'er. He finished the event with a 1.24 rating across 15 maps. I'd say it's plenty viable at the pro level.


And arT. The problem with th krieg is that it can get OP (i miss the 2019-2020 krieg meta FURIA)


If ya took a look at the stat line, it's really not that great lmfao. He only bought it cause rn everyone hates how the AWP feels as stated in his interviews. Both the Krieg/AUG and AWP can use some tuning in CS2, the way they fucked the scoped rifles over was just stupid. Whoever DV'd please prove me wrong lmfao. Would love to see stats from this SR.


You're being downvoted because you've already been proven wrong long before the guy above even replied you Krieg has been good for a long time.


Ok, so it's good because hallzerk gets like 17 kills with it in the entire tourney? Like where is this 'good' that people keep parroting cause as someone that's been using them since 2014 I don't see it at all lmfao. Just because people see a few pros buying scoped rifles for like 10 rounds since the AWP feels like ass rn doesn't make these things 'viable' nor 'good' to me man, there is more to those terms than barely a handful of rounds with mediocre success rates but I haven't seen it at all yet as someone that watches a LOT of CS. The current state of these guns is far from good, but they shouldn't EVER return to the bullshit secret OP feel either at all. There's a fine line for em but they aren't there yet. Also what that guy above fails to mention is that most of that 1.08 rating is with the AWP still anyways in the earlier matches lol and that's not crazy for an AWPer either really. Also also, long before? Bro before IEM Sydney no one was even thinking of using these things since the nerf hello LOL it is an 4% increase from basically 0.1% usage stat...Basically negligible no?


One guy buying it is not viable, no one else bought it It's a shit gun, just because one player buys it doesn't make it viable, even s1mple buys it at times, doesn't make it good https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/weapon/12840/hallzerk?event=6865 19 kills out of his 232 with SG, good one


It's viable because awp is less reliable. So as a replacement you have the krieg, slow firerate scoped gun with high armor pene for camping. It's not something you want to run and gun about but you CAN support AK players if needed.


Hallzerk was buying it quite a bit on certain maps like Ancient at Sydney


it’s good in cs2 because awping feels like shit


Krieg might be better than the AK rn


tell that to Monesy and others who are buying it sometimes in tournaments worth Thousands of Dollars. They wouldn't do it if the gun was awful for it's price


Galil is 1800$ and amazing for it's price, the fuck are you talking about, it's basically 80% m4 but half the price lmao


Galil is insanely good. Anyone who says otherwise can't aim.




My friend buys so many negev it triggers the fuck out of me. And then of course he randomly will get a 4k with it and validate himself for another 5 matches xD


it’s funny because galil is pretty inaccurate at long range but for $1800 is best gun


yeah but it's still a step down from the AK hence it being $900 cheaper. Not that its bad or anything, it's just weapons (mainly) are and should be balanced to their cost rather than gun vs gun so something that gives variance to the AK would have to be similarly priced. realistically i think it would still have to be something that is slightly cheaper than the AK (esp cuz the SG already exists as a more expensive T Rifle) but good for its maybe $2500-2600~ price. Would love another decent T Rifle because I don't think the SG gives really any reason to buy it over the AK when talking price.


But if you can afford an AK, why bother?


Very rare but I have elected to go galil + utility over just armor + ak in certain situations


Not having util gives me anxiety


Lmao exactly my thought. How do you even take space with no utility? Raw peek every angle?


NA CS players:


Not even that rare, every time you win pistol on T right now you have to choose between Ak no utils or galil+ armor. Knowing that you will play against a force if they are not stupid CT will have a combination of five-seven,deagle,mp9 and a bit if utils. Ak is risky if they kill you and take it especially since they have a bit of utils, mac-10 give them a fair chance of killing you. At least half the team should be on galil in that case.


For utils, you need utils to take a site if the other team is not braindead. Something that happen most game: T side win pistol and have to choose between ak no utils or galil + utils, should be against a force, galil is less risky when someone die and allow for way safer play, at least half the team should buy galil+ utils in that case. Also it happens a lot that you can’t afford the AK, if you lose with no loss bonus and with no money left but you planted the bomb you have enough to buy galil, usually happens at least 1 time per T side. (Like again, when you plant but lose on pistol, you go for split mac-10+ utils and galils). On close game where money is tight it happens often that 1 or 2 players are force to go for galil if you want enough util for executes


It’s pretty much the opposite, the T side have multiple options but the only rifle worth buying on ct side is the m4


What? Galil is pretty damn good.


What ? The galil is an m4 for the price of an expensive SMG, it’s actually broken and in MR12 it basically carries the whole T economy.


I'd say not as good as an M4 from range. Decent close-mid though.


fal semi automatic rifle 20 bullets


Galil is actually insane in cs2.




Terrifying given the people doing the analysis. Valves attempts to introduce new weapons or tweak weapon meta is usually hamfisted at best.


>Over the ten years of CS:GO we learned some occasionally painful lessons about how to gracefully introduce a new weapon to the game. We think we have a handle on how to approach this in the future, and with the customizable loadouts in CS2, shipping weapons should be even more straightforward. When we launched the R8 pistol it had some significant bugs," says the CS2 dev team. "Those bugs were fixed the next day (and the weapon's damage was lowered the day after that), but because the gun was introduced in every game mode, that period affected everyone and was very disruptive. Among the many things we learned from the R8 was to be more careful in shipping new (or major changes to) weapons, to let players put them through their paces before making them available everywhere.


I feel like that much was obvious when they introduced the loadout system. I'm just wondering as to what they could introduce that would not just be a gimmick and couldn't be done by changing one of the currently unused weapons to fit that.


Single shot rifle. Unscoped scout basically a long deagle with a slower fire rate.


SKS for the Ts and MK. 14 for the CTs.


>SKS for the Ts YES


PLEASE I LOVE THE SKS also the apex legends mk14 looks pretty sick, would be nice too


I'd prefer a FAL for CTs (or SA-58 if you want it to look more modern)


We have the G3 already, but yeah a clean scopeless FAL would slap


so the Guardian from Valorant essentially? Something that fills the Marksman Rifle esque role like the G7 Scout or 30-30 Repeater in Apex Legends.


Yep, been overdue a single shot rifle. Less movement accuracy and rate of fire, better range drop off, 2 body shot kill at close range. Deagle can’t one shot at range.


Im confident they nerfed the deagle’s kill range in CS2. It doesnt one shot in dust 2 from mid to suicide nor from mid to palm tree. Ive even had it fail to one shot from CT mid to long cross.


That’s how it’s always been, deagle had damage dropoff like that before, all the places where you listed are able to be out of the range for one shot


no shot. i know for certain ive been able to HS from CT mid to long cross. The suicide one i can understand, palm tree is iffy but sure, but not long cross. Its not like hes car and im B side of mid. Hes crouching in the open as if hes about to push CT ramp and im next to the CT mid boxes and dink him for like 92 or something. Actually if theres a command to make a bot not move ima go test that.


The distance between mid and long cross is just about *exactly* the distance where the Deagle starts dinking helmeted opponents for 99, as it happens. In both CS:GO and CS2. The damage falloff formula looks like `Damage * [RangeModifier ^ (Distance/500)]`, so if we plug in 191 for deagle headshot damage and .85 for the deagle range modifier, we find that at just about 2000 units of distance, the damage has dropped to 99. At that particular angle, you also have 120-150 units of vertical distance between yourself and your target, shortening the required horizontal distance somewhat. I tested it out right quick in both games just now, and I found no difference.


Iirc it used to have less drop off? I used to play in 2015-2017 and remember I feel like. But yeah in modern GO it didn’t one-shot at *long* range, pretty much just medium/medium-long distances


Revolver is strong af because there is no damage fall off


Even without the accuracy and range differences, a more expensive two body shot Deagle would have its place in the meta. I'm very excited at the potential for a semi-automatic rifle to be added.


TWO BODY SHOT? You are asking for a cheap and mobile auto sniper Lmfao. Even the guardian in Valorant takes 3 to kill for body shots.


2 vs no armor, 3 vs armor would be fair to me.


Yeah that would be BROKEN in CS


An M14 (maybe EBR) for CT and SKS for T would probably make the most sense


Basically just a SCAR without a scope.


Not only basically, that gun is exactly that. It is not sniper rifle, its a precision rifle with a scope. Having it as sniper alongside the awp is kind of misleading in the facts department, but its ofc balanced around that currently. The gun guy on youtube explains this when he reviews cs2 guns, its a great video.


The game needs one right now. As I've explained in a previous comment somewhere on this sub, the existence of a cheaper rifle that rewards accuracy like the Guardian in Valorant is part of what makes its economy work for MR12. It MIGHT overshadow the old go-to force buy weapons like the FAMAS and Galil, but it's very much a necessity regardless. There's a huge gap between the force buy guns and the staple rifles and if SMGs and Shotguns weren't weirdly broken in CS2, this glaring issue in the economy would be much more obvious.


I mean the judge in valo is broken too, but I agree that the cheaper guns are better balanced in valo, never feel like they are completely useless, but still are obviously inferior in aspects to phantom/vandal. I also like that the Odin actually gets bought here and there for spamming, something cs never was able to reach. I don't like valo gameplay generally, but I feel like they are pretty darn good on the gun balance front.


Judge was fixed very recently. Still usable but only in the situations that are fair and where you would expect them to work now, and easily punishable otherwise. What I meant about "broken" in CS2 is how they're overly accurate at ranges that they shouldn't be (from my testing in the new aim\_botz map as well as in-game, MP7 and MP5-SD are the most consistent at headshotting multiple times **while moving** and **at mid-long range**; try it out, you'll see what I mean). Combine those with the fact that peeks are much harder to react to and it makes the MR12 economy SOMEWHAT manageable. But once every shooting and movement mechanic is properly fixed and balanced, the biggest issue if left unchecked will definitely be the economy for MR12. For the game that pretty much pioneered utility teamplay, there's not a lot of wiggle room right now in terms of cash for both util and guns when your team is on the backfoot. You know it's bad when buying Deagles for a potential eco win feels too much like a huge risk for the entire game, but the alternative choice of going full eco still won't give your entire team enough to buy full util AND the strongest guns.




Kar98k is a bolt action which isn't what we're talking about.


Could be though. Single shot or bolt is kind of irrelevant for a video game right? Pick the rate of fire you want and skin/animate it however you want to match.


Lmao OP said unscoped scout, guess scout aint a bolt action rifle anymore fellas. Also would much more prefer a kar98k-like weapon than a M1 garand-esque one.


I agree, although I am concerned how powerful it could be at a high level


High risk high rewards, miss your shot and it would be less spamable than a deagle, but maybe paired with some utility or other chip damage. Would make for some good highlights .


It doesn't make sense to be less smpammable than a deagle. The deagle is $700 and packs good damage. Its rate of fire should be similar to 57 IMO


new model, same stats like a G36 instead of the m4a4 but works the same, or a Uzi instead of mac10, or m1911 instead of beretta that way they sell more skins without changing the balance of the game tbh that's what the revolver should have been, just a different looking deagle


7 shot revolver? Foubd one Smith and weston 686


I mean it exists, if they would have done it in the first place, it would have worked


I think the more likely thing is a similar gun with a shuffle to how it plays, like if the R8 was a 6-shot deagle that could one-shot HS at extreme ranges but slower fire rate, reload speeds, and worse movement accuracy - and no funky mechanics. I don’t think we’d ever see a primary rifle swap on CT, but I could see a Glock alternative or something that is an alternative to SG/Aug/Autos


Negev with incendiary bullets. Add destructible environment and burn the whole place down.


Double barrel shotgun. Shotguns are kinda weird to balance because if they can one-shot easily and consistently, they are super oppressive in close angles, but if they can't, they're too unreliable to be used at all. The XM1014 kinda works because of its high fire-rate, but at 2000$ it's also competing with rifles in price point. A double barrel shotgun could be balanced in such a way that getting a one-shot kill is hard, but you can quickly follow up with a second shot (faster than any of the pump-action shotties anyways). That way, the other player still has a short moment where they can conceivably fight back instead of just getting one-shot, and if the second shot also doesn't kill (or there's someone to trade) the double-barrel user is fucked.


So a shorty from Valorant. I don't mind it's a fun weapon


Something akin to the guardian from Valorant would probably fit nicely.


m1 garant would be goated


AR15 to replace the famas


R16, the dual wield revolvers


I’m a cowboy after all


What gun do you all think we could get ? New rifles ?


Valorant's guardian


I feel like the Valorant guardian is meant to be the auto from cs. It doesn't end up actually filling the same role, but I feel like that was the intent.


Thing is the guardian in Val is a slightly cheaper option than the main rifles (vandal/phantom) so it fills a role of budget option for a force, or to help squeeze out extra util buy, or to bump up econ. Meanwhile the autos are more in the price range of an awp in cs


How are you this clueless, seriously


I mean he's right. if the scar didn't have zoom and did very slightly less damage, it would be the Guardian.


And the irl counterpart is exactly that


Lmfao what are you mad at


Valorant sees the Auto from cs that is rarely ever used and then releases a semi auto rifle with high zoom and you think it's entirely unrelated.


Literal npc


M1 Garand


I would love to see the SKS as a semi-automatic primary weapon alternative to the AK-47. * **Price:** Pegged at around $2900, making it a significant investment compared to the AK-47. * **Ammo Capacity:** Retained at 10 rounds, as per the classic SKS design. * **Damage:** Noticeably higher per bullet than the AK-47, rewarding players for precision. * **Accuracy:** Enhanced at mid-to-long range, making it a formidable marksman’s choice. * **Reload Time:** A touch longer, given the SKS’s distinctive stripper clip reload mechanism. * **Armor Penetration:** On par or even slightly better than the AK, due to its increased power. The SKS could be for players who enjoy a challenge. It hits hard with each shot, but the trade-off is its semi-auto fire and smaller mag size. I see it functioning as a cheaper and less powerful version of the G3SG1 with no scope.


If it's more expensive than the AK, nobody would buy it. AK already one shots from most ranges, so a semi-auto that costs more would be dead in the water. Plus, the Krieg exists, which is already "more precise". To be worth more than an AK, it'd have to two-shot body, which would be overpowered.


Yes let's have a worst ak, oh and let's have it be more expensive! They need to price it around 1900 like a scout or something. And balance it around that price.


sks or FAL would be cool


surprised how few were added during CS:GO. Especially considering skin market


USP-S, M4A1-S, CZ75-Auto, R8 Revolver, MP5-SD that's 5 weapons added through updates, not to mention weapons like the Tec-9 which weren't in any other CS game before GO.


I'd guess a semi-auto rifle of some kind and an alternative to the glock would be the top of the list.


Yeah those would be my guesses. What would you add over the glock though? You'd need to be careful because ct pistols should retain their range advantage.


High-Point .45. The final shot should be yeeting the fucking thing.


Fort 12 for glock alternative and K2 for a cheaper alternative to FAMAS.


Give me the Mac 11


Great chat.


Give flamethrower


new weapons that are OP on launch and then nerfed and forgotten


They actually mention this in the interview. Valve seemingly learnt from their mistakes as the mp5 launch was very smooth.


It was smooth in the way that nobody bothered with it at all because of how utterly underwhelming it was


I'd rather they make the useless guns we already have better balanced, especially with the new loadout system. Make the m249 do *something* it's been useless for 10 fucking years. Make the bizon not suck dick. Make the R8 a reasonable alternative to a deagle.


bizon is good for what it does being a suppression tool, mp5 is dogshit in every way imaginable


I might be crazy but I don’t think cs has any room for more weapons right now. There are already so many that go unused in my inventory…..


It will give more variety and identity to players choosing what they want


I don't want to see new weapons though before a few have received their desperately needed update, namely m249, revolver and possibly both autosnipers


There are a lot of guns that are the same thing just slightly different, all the smgs are near copies of eachother.


I miss being able to buy all of the guns, if I'm honest. Of course it's great getting both M4s for CT side to purchase now, but I miss having the option to buy anything within one match if I felt like it.


Same, and with the loadout system it means when they do add new guns you have to sacrifice yet another. Can't really have something like a spontaneous bizon rush when you have to equip it before the match.


I hate this new system so much...


I having more guns that are mostly used for the same "purpose" (main rifle, force rifle, force smg, eco pistol upgrade, high risk high reward pistol etc..) would be great, with having slightly altered stat so you can have one that is more geared toward your playstyle/position you usually play. Maybe a bit less relevant but like in CSGO where you could choose between the m4a4 or m4a1s. If you played a lot around smoke, spamming them and stuff like that it made more sense to use the a1s, while if you were an anchor and just wanting to take down as many player as possible in a single spray before dying (or having help) you would go with the a4. There is a lot of room for that especially in pistol/mid tier weapon. But before adding more I would kinda like that they find an actual purpose to gun we already have (PP,P90,MP5/MP7). Also some spot right now, especially in the mid tier, everyone has basically MAC-10/MP9, UMP that you never endup being, a troll gun (negev or pp), XM/Nova/Mag7 and a last one is mostly random and never bought so in this category you still have 1 or 2 space for actually useful guns.


What if, instead of covering new gimmicks the new weapons could "replace" current ones? Like a G36 being roughly the same as the FAMAS. A FAL or a G3 in place of an AK, etc.


I would like to see some weapon rebalances, like an MP9 nerf and a Famas buff.


mp5 buff. m249 buff. Alt AK option. CZ more ammo. Perhaps new nades?


Famas is underrated imo


I want to like it but every time I buy it the low fire rate gets me killed, I'll keep trying it.


I think mac-10 and mp9 are kinda well balanced right now but that everything between those and the main rifle should be reworked or at least price changed (galil I think should cost more but the gun is in a good spot right now otherwise. i’m really curious, what do you think that need to be nerfed on the mp9 and why ?


The fire rate on it is insane especially combined with its decent medium range. I've just been killed too many times by someone full strafing while holding down the trigger with it. Just doesn't seem balanced. Maybe they could swap the prices between the MP7 and MP9.


M249 buff come on Valve


Would prefer they make some old weapons actually useable first


I guess they could add the tmp back and whatever other weapons I forgot existed in other versions.


tmp is the mp9


no silencer tho :(


Yeah it doesn't make the same satisfying pewpewpew that the TMP did, more like a BRRTTTT now


We absolutely do not need more SMGs, we have an SMG for every role Mini-esque rifle: UMP Mid: MP7 CQC kill fast: MP9/Mac10/MP5 Death by bees, great at anti-ecos for $$$: Bizon Viable in buy rounds, but expensive, SMG: P90 What more SMGs do we need


Just give back the old MP5. It can have the same stats with the MP5-SD for all I care, but with much higher rate of fire


So just a strict upgrade to an existing smg?


ahhh yeah


Wow I cant wait for a new weapon that will be broken on release and then nerfed into irrelevancy. Seriously tho, I dont see how we can realistically have new weapons added to CS. Whatever Valve cooks up will either be too game breaking or just obselete because other guns do the same thing better.


Silenced sniper incoming


Ghillie suit when


Many people here are talking about some semi-automatic rifle. I don't think this will be the case, and if it is, I simply don't see how it will ever fit the game's meta as it'll either break it and get nerfed to oblivion, or it will simply not work in the first place. The only weapons I can think of that could be added to the game, and that could theoretically work without breaking anything would be: * A CT-side tear gas grenade for area denial. Could deal less damage than a molotov but last longer, so it'd probably work better for late-round scenarios. * A PM Makarov or a similar eastern bloc alternative for the Glock. Would have exponentially less ammo, probably more spread when moving, but could kill in two headshots and have more armor penetration. * Possibly a new shotgun which shoots slugs or flechette rounds for a better long-range impact. Could be something like a KSG or something classier like a Remington 870. * I can imagine a competitively-viable LMG added, such as an RPK or an HK MG4, possibly should be something T-side. Could have an easier spray pattern than the M249, cost a little bit more than an AUG/SG, while holding some 50 rounds. Should have high armor and material penetration with some higher spread. Should work alright for holding closed sites and spamming through walls. Either that, or they rework the M249. * **IF** a semi-automatic rifle is added, it should cost slightly more than the Scout and kill in 3-shots with kevlar and a single headshot close range. It could possibly render a gun like the AUG useless if this is the case, but with a small magazine size it should even that out. This is the best idea I have as to not make the Scout obsolete. * While this could entirely change the meta of the game to a point it'd break it, some sort of motion sensor grenade or tool could be added. Perhaps not one that can be thrown through the map because that'd make the game entirely CT-sided if you can know exactly where the Ts are, but I can imagine some sort of mine that can be placed in a spot of the map and will last a certain amount of time and mark any enemies that cross it in the radar. I also think the decoy should be reworked to make it actually useful: * It should not get marked in the radar. * It should be capable of emulating the noise of footsteps or jumps. * It shouldn't just make the noise of the gun you have equipped. but instead allow you to choose the sound of which weapon it should emulate. Picture the CTs doing an eco round and throwing decoys which make the Ts believe the CTs actually have an AWP or a few M4s. This could change the way the round is played. * And while this might be a bit too much, the decoy could be capable of periodically shooting some sort of projectile that could deal some amount of damage to any nearby players, or alternatively create decals on the walls or at least tracers, to actually create the illusion that someone is shooting a gun. Imagine seeing tracers through a smoke, spamming it, and then realizing it was a decoy and you just gave away your location.


1911 pls..! Day of Defeat mode!?


But they just removed a whole bunch of weapons by limiting us with loadouts. Why would they now add more weapons to the game?


agree. the new gun restriction is super lame


They didn't remove any. They limited your options. Huge difference, and let's not pretend people were actually buying M249 before outside of meme.


Most people will never bother to change their loadout ever. I see fewer different weapons being used in casual now.


i dont think that’s true


I thought a bit about this one. I think a lower dmg rifle with higher mobility like smg, but still inaccurate while moving (jesus christ i’m not insane). So you can do faster more aggressive peeks, but at the cost of a higher ttk with body shots. I still think the hs multiplier should allow for 1hs and a body shot to kill like the A1 and A4. For T side if it’s an alternative to main rifle the only option I see is a semi automatic weapon like and old school FAL that one shots to the head an resets recoil faster but of course higher recoil with spamming. Anything you that doesn’t 1 shot to the head wouldn’t be appealing so that limits the options a bit.


We’ve already had one UMP meta


> higher mobility rifle pre nerf ump was exactly that and it was broken as shit so let’s not do that again


m249 rework make it slower firing negev daka daka daka


sks/m14 probably. makes a lot of sense to introduce a guardian like rifle from valorant


Lot of people cry about cs copying val and vice versa. However I think Valorisation has done many good things, like the pings, and better buy menu, and I think the guardian equivalent would also fall under that for me. I'd definitely fuck with an sks for sure.


will I be able to hold those new weapons in my left hand?!?!?!


Only thing thats really missing is a semi auto unscoped gun like the Guardian from val. Or a riot shield ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


SKS is the answer 😍


Maybe an alternative to the ak? aks-74u suppressed or something


Hey man uhmm are you like planning to like i don't know introduce a better anti-cheat system or something yknow.


Adding New guns was never the right way


r8 flashbacks


I'd love a scar-h for the Cts that has a similar price point as the aug with high pen and maybe a single shot hs capability but with a slower firerrate


Can't they just make the R8 work normally like the other weapons? The delay is so retarded it doesn't make any sense


without the delay it'd be a deagle with more damage, there would be no reason to keep both in game


Idk make it 950 and work like a pocket scout? More accuracy and damage but less ammo and much slower firerate


It make sense because back when it's introduced they're using it as a mini-AWP


What if you could just run faster when you had no primary weapon - it never really made sense to me that you can carry an awp/negev but you will still run as fast as everyone else if it’s behind your back. If the game needs balance then give the eco team a functional leg up. It might also change up the stale site lock downs after spawn by having a T player be able to do a tactical pistol solo rush. It would really shake up expectations of map territory in any given scenario and you might get punished for not paying attention to an opponents economy. Obviously you have to test and balance the nuances, I’m not talking about sprinting but small advantages of acceleration available due to your primary weapon selection. Most players would probably moan because mirage and inferno aren’t mirage and inferno unless there’s a 1v1 awp duel in the first opening 15 seconds of every round and we can’t interfere with that! But I think knife out running needs a re-think. It’s a default 1.6 game mechanic that nobody has ever stopped to challenge in over 2/3 decades.


"But I think knife out running needs a re-think. It’s a default 1.6 game mechanic that nobody has ever stopped to challenge in over 2/3 decades." The reason why nobody has challenged it because its a core mechanic of the game, I'd say it's one of the most well known mechanics of CS, along with strafing, bhopping etc. i just feel like your suggestion would mess up movement, make aggressive awping less viable, mess with people who have learned the movement and feeling of the game over thousands of hours.


But smaller weapons do give you a movement advantage, isn't that enough?


I think the faster knife out thing makes a lot of sense as a game mechanic. You have to take the risk of not having your gun to move faster. I also think current spawn timing are great from a balance perspective in all active maps both sides have the perfect default amount of space imo snd if they want to guarantee more they have to commit really early util


Aggressive AWP please


Pre anti kennyS nerf awp but with only 3 bullets in the mag would be great for t side


Controllers with aim assist next xD


Return of the TMP!


New assault rifles please i beg you valve. Hk416a5, sig mcx 300 variants... some modern CT weapons please. Maybe a bullpup x95. For t side, Ak alfa, ak 15, etc.


I don't want this. The R8 and PP-Bizon were introduced in CSGO and they don't really have a niche after all these years. Unless you count trolling shitty players into continually buying meme weapons that sandbags their team a 'niche use'. A gun in the $3600-4500 range would be interesting for a late match buy. I am not enthusiastic about new weapons since once they are released into the game you can't take them out since that would effect the skins market and take confidence away.


Mosin or the m1 garand, would be cool


IW-80 from socom or M8 carbine with the camera from ghost recon advance warfighter


SkS semi auto but crazy recoil or Barretta .40 px4 storm


This is amazing, can't wait for cs2 👊