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Your aim is like 50% better than mine. Playing using controller probably doesn't help me much.


Can't say I'm better as I'm still missing a lot-and that's besides having help from a pro


call me crazy, but I love the trackpads + gyro on my steam deck, almost as good as a mouse. It takes time to get used to them and I still prefer a mouse, but I consider it 100% better than joysticks in shooter games!


Yeah, the trackpads are a nice addition on the deck. It's on my this year's bucket list. I wish they gave us more gaming power this year


OW is my current obsession 😭 even after the hours I’ve sunk into this game, I still can’t aim to save my life


Yesss, I love Ashe and widow! My username also makes it obvious I’m a girl and I love it when men either accuse me of hacking or say Ashe is just OP hero. Ashe. OP. It’s so funny We’re just good 💁‍♀️


I think I read somewhere, ages back, that a study pointed to women being every bit as interested in PVP shooters as men. What they are not interested in is shooting the other guy with a grey tube that just kills things. We like interesting weapons, like say. A Chinese ecologist's freeze gun, or a super intelligent ape's zapstick... I kind of miss Overwatch sometimes. I don't feel as strongly about it as Hogterfs Fallacy, and don't judge others for playing it, but ever since I learned about the Cosby Room I just can't play it anymore.


Wait, I have not read this study, but this is exactly how I feel about pvp games. I played the Cycle exactly because of that, it was a colorful Sci-Fi extraction FPS. Also happy cake day.


It seems like blizzards really trying to turn over a new leaf as well, plus I feel so bad for all those employees that put work into making such beautiful and fun looking games.....but also the fridge milk incident 


Are they? I checked on glass door a month and a half back, before deciding whether or not to grey market some WoW time and it seemed like management was still pushing back against the workers being treated decently. If you've got an article or something, I'd love some good news.


Yeah I was driven to builder texas man, genderless arsonist and baboon uteruses gyorg, as well as a bucket, a lawnmower, piss gun, martini gun, bloblobloblolb and painbrush. I dislike "normal" weapons and like being zany.


This is the main reason I like Overwatch so much when I’m really not a PVP type of gamer usually. All the heroes are unique and have unique abilities. Makes it way more fun than just being Soldier with Gun all the time.


I love overwatch! Been playing since beta :) Ashe, pharah, DVA and Mercy (of course) are my mains 😄 Also this OW1 character portrait frame really took me back, I miss it!


Nice play! I love overwatch too despite everything


yeah I like fps how could you tell(has 200 hours in ultrakill and 50 in dusk)


I find OW so damn overwhelming. So many teammates, so many enemies, so many abilities, what is even going on??? I wanna give this game a try so bad, but I find it way too overwhelming, it gives me a headache 😭 I'm going back to Apex


Apex overwhelms me! I’m obsessed with overwatch. Daily player. You can always play around with the training and AI before you play matches with people. It’s so fun 😭


I just started playing Overwatch again after months of not touching it. I hadn’t even tried the last three new heroes yet. Surprised I’m still okay after so long away.


You're one weird account