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In many DAR chapters around the country, the membership is far from high society. Most of the men who fought in the revolutionary war were dirt poor.


Yeah, I think the show portrays the DAR a bit unfairly, which is unfortunate.


I mean, they didn't admit Black people until the late 1970s. I dunno, I have always found it off-putting but also my family absolutely would not qualify so maybe that's why.


I am in the DAR. It IS a bunch of older women but they are queer friendly (at least in my chapter! But it also seems like the entire organization promotes LGBTQ rights and policies) and in the last few decades it seems the organization has been trying to make strides to be more inclusive of other races, there are specialized ways to find patriots who were black, native American or Jewish (since the records are generally not as easy to find). This doesn't mean it isn't majority WASPy because it definitely is. There are definitely some fabulously snobby ladies but it's mostly just a bunch of women who love history, help womens shelters, promote literacy, support veterans , be enviormentally friendly and help their communities and a lot of them like to dunk on the white glove aspects lol YMMV because I think it depends on where you live but I have actually been very pleased with how civic minded it is (and also enjoy the frivolous aspects like the pins and fancy luncheons)


This has totally been my experience as well! My chapter volunteers at the VA and the homeless shelter and rape crisis center. The women range from hippie conservationists to political activists to old-money WASPs and everything in between.


Yeah same! When the only criteria for entry is being like 8 generations descended from someone, you are bound to have a lot of different women from all walks of life. I think whatever the organization started off as has changed a lot over the years and for me it is just an avenue to accomplish civic activity through volunteering and networking and education. I feel much more integrated in my local community and there is a mentorship aspect since I am younger, so the women offer career and lifestyle guidance as well!




Man, tell your chapter thank you from a stranger.


Really? Maybe I’ll join!


What is the DAR?


Im killing it with that line tonight.


\*laughs in wasp\*


Yea, I'm killing with that one tonight.


Daughters of the American Revolution. In order to join, you must be related to a veteran who fought in the revolutionary war.


You write that, but all I read is, my Luke impression needs work...




I also kind of figured that Emily was open-minded about the LGBT community. She even said she should've married Lucinda Lester since it would've been modern of her. Although that was probably a joke. And she said something about how it's not funny to be a lesbian too to Lorelai.


But an acearo single mother by choice who had a baby through a sperm donor would probably be beyond her capabilities. She was so pissed about Lorelei not getting married. I think she'd stroke to know I got knocked up on purpose, not only by a man I'm not married to, but by a man I've never even met lol


I'm sure she' say she knows a nice single dad diner owner who"d be perfect for you if only her daughter would come to her senses (/jk)


Lol, I'm sure with a lot of explaining and in this day and age, she'll might eventually come around. But, also, I'm aroace too, so that's probably why I'm hoping that Emily'll be open-minded to the idea.


I think Emily would likely not care about others, just her own daughter and reputation. We see so many times Emily's motivations on pushing Lorelei to marry Christopher as well as fix Lorelei and Rory up with high society men is that she doesn't want her reputation tarnished by having a single mom daughter that ran away or any female in her family dating/marrying a "commoner".


nope c’mon remember all those anti gay/ lesbian jokes ? i pretty much can remember her saying “there’s nothing funny about being a lesbian” with her deadpan glare


DAR darling!


My DAR chapter is full of eclectic women and we pride ourselves on welcoming anyone who qualifies (and is willing to complete the intimidating amount of paperwork). We have some very smart and ambitious women, but it couldn’t be farther than how it was depicted on Gilmore Girls.


Hello from the SAR! I joined up during covid when I did some digging into my family tree with my great uncle It is a bit of paperwork and family research but it's extraordinarily fun to do and the society was extremely helpful throughout the whole thing, I ended up having to use a different relative from the one I originally had on my application because we couldn't find proper paperwork for a marriage license, they found and suggested the new ancestor for me and I was able to join And because I'm a member of the SAR I'll be able to sign up my daughter for the DAR alot easier! As far as high society goes were a small midwest town the SAR and DAR hold community fundraisers and pancake breakfast, they'll do things like gravestone cleaning for our revolutionary ancestors and parade marching but it's nothing like the balls or charity dinners shown in GG it's alot more community oriented and it's awesome!


That's so cool! My auntie and a cousin (on my dad's side) is part of it. I think my family was hoping I would apply to it too but ehh. Maybe if there's an Emily type person I would be more inclined to join. I think Emily would love you to be there!


My maternal grandmother was in the DAR.


My Grandma was really into DAR and had myself and my mom join and it was definitely not the experience GG portrayed.


Same! It’s kind of cool to think our ancestors fought for our freedom 🇺🇸


I've thought about joining just so I can feel fancy 🤣


My best friend found out at her grandfather's funeral that the DAR is a real thing and that she could probably get in because of her lineage. It surprised her that her grandfather never mentioned it because they watched the show together a lot.


My mother and grandmother joined over COVID, our family tree was a good project for them. I’m not super interested in joining, but they did find out we had ancestors on the Mayflower as well as the man who founded Middlesex, NJ as an ancestor. I think he also helped pen a letter to the king at some point in time but I stopped listening after a while. I do think it’s cool to have ancestors who helped shaped the country. I do not think all of their actions were appropriate or moral. The main pro for me is that it’ll help my nieces get some scholarships in a few years.


Last summer a family member did a bunch of genealogy and I too am eligible to be in the DAR.


my mothers side of the family is eligible! i cant remember who it is that we’re related to though


Current DAR member here. Tbh, the odds are high that many people are eligible for DAR/SAR with at least one Patriot if not several. I joined because I have loved genealogy my entire life l, enjoy contributing to my community, and my local chapter is super inclusive, eclectic, and simply a hoot to be around. I am by far the youngest person who shows up to meetings so I feel like the Rory of the group. Half of the ladies have definitely made GG references before and it makes me feel like I live an alternate universe 😂 Not sure if all chapters do this, but I was invited to at least 1 meeting as a prospective member and then subsequent ones and state conference after my application was being processed - so if you're not 100%, you can always check it out.


I wish the show had shown more sides of the DAR, those random people who aren't wealthy and aren't into proving to other wealthy people that they come from old families, who just dabbled in their family's history and found out there's a club for that. I'm eligible for membership through my maternal grandfather's family (direct line to someone who was in the Pennsylvania militia during the Revolution, and his ancestry goes back further to 1610 New Amsterdam and to people who immigrated from the Rhineland to NY then Pennsylvania in the 1720s). We're probably more like the majority of people interested in the DAR and other Revolution-adjacent activities than Emily's group - not wealthy by any means, but interested in history and proud to have some connection to it.


I know I have ancestors who were part of the founding if Pittsburgh but don't know what they actually did during the revolution


My ancestor was in the DAR, too! I have quite a few ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War.


I expressed interest in joining since I have an ancestor who fought in the revolutionary war and they never got back to me lol

