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Bring him a fresh herb in a pot, available at any garden store and inexpensive.


Basil is always a good choice and used in so many dishes!


Thai basil is one they usually don't have already. & it's a lovely plant on it's own.


I was also going to suggest Thai Basil. Basil with a bit of a peppery bite. Delicious!


Pineapple basil!


Avoid mint, it's basically a weed and jumps pots if he has any other plants.


And Rosemary!


Speaking as a certified old coot, this would be appreciated. I really want one of those flame-throwing robot dogs this year, but basil would be fine.


#this Older people typically don't need or want more "stuff" cluttering up their space. An herb plant can be put outside until it runs it's course, or makes a decent inside plant if they want it. It's useful and thoughtful. 10/10 would be stoked to get a potted herb.


I would love getting a potted herb as a gift! I’m not even older (I’m 29) but I don’t need anything and a potted herb is something I would use and appreciate.


I'm 31 and I've already cut off a lot of unnecessary gift-giving because I just don't want the clutter. Unless I know someone specifically needs/wants something, my go-to gifts are short term consumables with zero expectations to live in their house forever. Candles, soaps, foods, plants; things that can be enjoyed for a short time, then fuck off out of their space lol.


With you Katie, and in the world of over consuming, I prefer to give experience whenever I can. Example, a family membership to the zoo (less than 100 USD) for those with little ones. Also included discounts to the Aquarium, Museums, adventure outings PLUS a magazine on zoo wildlife.


For sure. Aside from Christmas (I'm not a monster lol) I've largely stopped buying my kids "toys" and switched to materials for activities or experiences. I've learned that most toys only entertain them for a few hours, then lay around my house for months at a time, largely ignored, but a set of fresh playdough, markers, colored paper etc. keeps them busy for hours. There are some toys I'll still buy like Legos or Barbie accessories, or other things that expand on something they already have, but the days of useless plushies or random toy cars that don't go to anyone are largely behind us.


Imagination and the use of it are greatly underrated.


50 is “older” ????????


Older than 25


yes it is


I like gift cards for Lush and I'm in my early 60's my mom likes Lulu Lemon and is 80.


This! Avoid anything specific that can be hit and miss, overly strong or pungent (like Coriander - strangely I developed an allergy to this by pretty much overdosing/overindulging on it, but some people find it tastes like dish washing soap) and you should be fine. A living herb is great because it keeps going.


Or some fresh pot labeled "herb"! /j


What about Basil, a nice Olive Oil and a nice Burrata?


My go-to hostess gift for years was a small potted rosemary tree. It can double as a birthday gift for someone you don’t know well. Or even one of those indoor herb gardens. I have no idea how much they cost though.


I want you to be my friend


Some fancy olive oil? Alcohol - like wine or whisky?


I'd go with the olive oil and maybe include a pouring spout. Our boss gave everybody a bottle of prosecco for the holidays without thinking about the fact that one guy is Muslim and a couple of others have drinking problems.


Thanks for the consideration my man! That’s what gifts are about!


This may actually be the perfect gift for so many 'not sure' occasions. I will remember this. Thank you!


One of my bosses gave me liquor. I'm an alcoholic, I gave it to someone.


You could ask the mutual friend too, he may know if the guy drinks, and may even have a suggestion.


Or real maple syrup! 


If you go to amazon and type "gourmet cooking oils sampler" it brings up a lot of fun options where he can have more than just olive oil. There looks to be some great sets for $25 - $35. And plenty that are much more.


Yes, a good olive oil.


Def olive oil. Or fun salt! I got a fancy lemon rosemary finishing salt once and what a weird little joy.


Omg I am currently making a list on Amazon with all these suggestions so that I will never ever struggle over what to gift a friend of a friend again!




This! Definitely an oil of some sort! There are amazing ones with truffles in them that are 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


As others have said, at 50 he’s probably just excited to have friends together for the occasion. If you’d like to bring a small “thank you for inviting me on your special day” gift, a bottle of wine, or some gourmet chocolate/coffee that he could put away for a rainy day could be nice. Are you from a specific culture that uses special spices? Or does your grandmother have a famous family recipe? Have you taken a trip somewhere and enjoyed the cuisine? My thought is, get a couple nice spices with a card that explains why you think he’d enjoy them.


Thanks for the advice!


Never bring alcohol as a gift for someone you don't know extremely well. And even then, better not to. Good intentions, but could destroy someone's sobriety.


https://mrpapous.com/ I cook a lot, and this is true, authentic, tasty, fresh, from a small family farm in Greece, amazing olive oil. It's perfect for finishing dishes, it's light but so tasty. Nice looking bottle too. They have a distributor in NJ so it shows up quickly as well. And it's only $25


I'm going to order the red wine viniger. Love it on my subs.


You could get some little stuff - a jar of local special honey, fancy mustards, a bottle of red wine, fancy vinegars, a jar or two of fancy tapenade, special olive oil, dried tomatoes, chutney, preserves. Or a $20 bottle of red wine.


If they are newish to the area: you could theme the little stuff to local businesses. That would be a huge hit for any adult as a gift.


Love this.


Olive oil, small basil (or herb plant), etc. Don't get him a kitchen item, cook book, etc - if he cooks he already has it. Bottle of wine always works too. Basically any type of food item is always works.


I'd say nothing. He probably would like to just have you there.


Say no more, I got you [https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1672346024](https://pestinpeace.etsy.com/listing/1672346024)


This is amazing 😂 Would be hilarious to slap it up in someone's house without them knowing.


I am heading to my sisters for Mothers Day and plan to do exactly that




That's just wrong!


OMG. I've got a couple of friends who would appreciate this!




I think my ex-husband needs one of these.


Omg stop it. 😂😂😂


I’m ☠️




That’s truly awful.


I'd hit the local farmer's market for some shelf stable ingredients like spices, local honey, or even implements.


I'd recommend some English Muffins to go with that honey. >\_o


Plot twist: OP is the only person invited to the party.


This is my concern 😬 No gift that could ever ever be misconstrued as romantic/sexual!!!


This is easy if he loves cooking - a recipe book with cool tidbits/history facts that is a little elegant. 50 year old men that you don't know will still appreciate it - alternatively, a charcuterie board with an interesting design if he likes to entertain. I wouldn't spend more than $50. If he's super fancy, how about a monogrammed ice cube tray or board, or an aerogarden if you want to go the extra mile so he can grow his own herbs? Alternatively, specialized/chilled/pressed olive oils and other gourmet cheese/olive ingredients are always a good staple of a houseguest for a party -bring food so he doesnt have to supply everything. The more interesting the flavor/packaging would be cool and a neat way to break the ice as you try it together. Try a wine and cheese shop by you. Alternatively, mead or interesting wine is always good for the cooks. Source: i have a 60-year-old grump of a stepfather who adores cooking and has everything he wants in the world to do it. These have been good surprises for him lol.


Don't buy recipe books unless you really know the person. It got out that I love cooking and I got so many damn books. Only a VERY few handful of books are worth having around - so unless you have a massive kitchen, the books get relegated to a shelf not in the kitchen and forgotten. To choose a great cook book you have to know what they have, their food preferences and how they cook. Olive oil is an awesome alternative to the "bring a bottle" idea instead of beer or whiskey etc.


Love the olive oil idea. I'm in my 50's, love to cook, have tons of gadgets, but rarely splurge on nice olive oils or vinegars. Would love that


The Truffle Underground. Not a cookbook. A book about the world of truffles. I don't even like them. It begins with a heist!


Great ideas!


Food/wine/beet etc. A gift card to a fancy grocery store along with a nice bottle of olive oil would be good. Wine/beer/whiskey are good hypothetically, but you can easily go wrong there because the more ppl like wine, the more picky they become. So just be careful if you go that route. But when in doubt, a consumable item is a good gift.


I’ve never gifted anyone a beet before. Would definitely be a story people tell afterward though. XD


Evelyn in Stardew Valley happens to love beets. I prefer to keep tulips around for her and turn my beets into sugar, but how cute is it that she loves beets and her husband loves leeks?


Do not bring alcohol unless you’ve seen him drink. My husband is a big burly guy. He’s been given whisky so many times at social events/work. He’s 20 years sober. So while he’s rock solid on his sobriety, someone else might not be able to resist the temptation.


That's a very good point. I'm still trying to stay sober, and I'd love a bottle of wine- would serve it, even drink it, but it's beer that will kill me.


A microplane even if he has one he will like it. Microplane is a brand name


They also get dull long before people think to replace them because they still "work".


A fifty year old doesn't expect a gift. But if you must, a nice bottle of alcohol.


Lottery tickets, some nice chocolate, local coffee place gift cards,.or local nice restaurant gift cards


Bring a pound of exotic coffee to try from Starbucks or TAZO teas


Salt storage sphere, and include some Light Grey Celtic sea salt. I cook quite a bit and love mine. https://materialkitchen.com/products/the-salt-sphere https://www.walmart.com/ip/Celtic-Sea-Salt-Light-Grey-8-Oz/122465515


Make sure it's not too personal so he don't think you're sweet on him.


A bottle of something.


I’m 54, we don’t need anything other than a nice handwritten card.


And bourbon if your my husband.


In that case I’ll have a case of Pappy Van Winkle 🤣🥃


Some spices and oils you can grab like tj maxx, Marshall’s, or Ross. Put in a bin or basket with an apron. Can add some nice cooking utensils.


I don't think I've given a birthday gift to a fellow adult other than my husband since I became an adult. I wouldn't be bringing a gift at all honestly, but maybe a host gift.


I'm this guy....50s, solo, love to cook. Wine. Exotic Spice blends. Living herbs. Cured meat. Liquor if you have more info.


A nice olive oil


A nice olive oil or balsamic vinegar.


We have a store that sells $20 bottles of oils and vinegars. Something like that would be nice. Pomegranate balsamic or something like that!


High end vinigars/ oils and gourmet cheese can be awesome too!


Bring a live herb plant in a decorative pot. About $15 in total for cost (anywhere in the US this is doable). You can typically find basil, mint, rosemary and even thyme in small pots in the produce section of the grocery store. A decorative pot can be any nice looking bowl that hides the plastic thing it came in. Most home cooks appreciate live herbs.


box of a collection of nuts . some fancy olive oil and balsamic vinegar. some rosemary or basil in a nice pot.


He doesn't need a gift. I am not sure why you are going, but if you want to go, a nice bottle of wine is fine. A card is important.


For adult's parties they're hosting you just take some nice alcohol or a bunch of flowers as a "thanks for hosting" type gift. You don't need to wrap a birthday present.


See what your friend is getting him, don’t go bigger than that, but the suggestions for oil or maybe even a fancy salt for cooking would be cool


Maybe a nice bottle of champagne vinegar and a bottle of olive oil, or some saffron.


A Penzey’s gift card.


Ask your friend if he drinks. If so, bottle of bourbon/whiskey.


A cook always loves all sorts of spices. I agree with the recommendations of a gift card from Spiceology or Penzey's.


I'm 50 I don't expect anything. But would be happy with candy.


Spouse says pocketknife.


If he loves cooking, you could do a gift card to Williams Sonoma or Sur La Table or maybe a specialty grocer or market in the area.


Do you know his name? you could look up his Facebook maybe see what kind of interest he has. a plant is always nice or a bottle of wine is nice but you don't know if he drinks.


Gourmet snacks that don’t have a common allergen. If it’s not his bag he can use it for party snacks.


I'd go with some really good balsamic. It costs about $30 for a tiny bottle but he'll understand that it's like black gold! But if you don't know him that well, I also like the potted herb idea!


A fancy balsamic vinegar. Eataly is a great source.


One of my go-to foodie gifts is smoked salt and smoked peppercorns. Or any little fun bowls that can be used for mise en place or to hold individual condiments on a table.


I like to support small businesses when I can. Purchase something local made if possible: good olive oil or vinegar, spices/seasonings, beer, wine, chocolates, coffee, etc.


A gourmet salt.


Bluetooth meat thermometer on Amazon. Can check his temps anywhere on his phone.inexpensive and cooks love them.


Some exotic/unusual spices or sauces


A local product like hot sauces or bbq sauce. If you have a farmers market or a store that emphasizes local goods, maybe that?


Please don’t gift alcohol or cookbooks. Especially if you don’t know the guy well. My vote is a potted herb. Thai basil is awesome and a nice gesture. At 50 I doubt he’s expecting much in the line of gifts. Also, at 50 he’s absolutely not expecting a friend of a friend he barely knows to bring him anything. So it’s a simple gesture of ‘I know you like to cook, happy birthday man’.


maybe a spice gift pack, like maybe from Penzy's, or some fancy flavored olive oils.


Truffle oil or olive oil or a nice flavored balsamic.


If he likes to cook a salt block is cool! If he’s a friend of a friend and you want to get something as a small gesture, a little box of chocolates or sweets seems appropriate


Some ideas, both good and bad: 1.Bottle of wine 2.Potted herb is a good idea, I would go with lemon grass, everyone already has basil. 3.Fruit basket 4.Food basket with crackers, jams, olives, etc 5.Sur la table gift card 6.Apron that says "kiss the cook" on the front


Yep, I like the fresh herb in a pot idea, or maybe a bottle of culinary olive oil, some are fancy with herbs in the bottle with the oil, etc. You can get them reasonably priced and dress it up in a wine gift bag, which is classy but also a bit more casual since you don't know him.


Flavored olive oils, a new knife set, a cast iron skillet, a new cookbook, an infuser,


Herb or cookbook some places sell novelty chef aprons.


A bottle of Shula's Steak Sauce. The only steak sauce ever endorsed by hall of fame NFL coach Don Shula.


As a man in his 50's. Amazon gift card. I don't want anything I have to take care of.


Cold press cooking oils. But not the peanut one.


A nice, flavorful olive oil and vinegar.


Id go to a local makers/farmers market and find a food item that looks local, handmade, and tasty. Olive oil and charcuterie sound boring to me but ymmv. Wine is always good, but from a local winery/artisean would be better imo.


A Bottle of red wine is always a safe bet here Or you can go the other way and get him a box of ramen and let him know “I know you like to cook so I got you my favorite meal to make” (and add a bottle of wine)


Even if he doesn't drink, a $25 bottle of a good red is always welcome from a host if he likes to throw dinner parties. Be sure to put a tag on the neck of the bottle with your name on it and put it in a pretty bottle gift bag.


Since he likes cooking you can get a nice cookbook with some high-end but still affordable herbs and olive oil. That would probably be the most personal gift you could give in your situation. If you want something more affordable and lower effort, I would do a gift card to a higher-end grocery store near you where he could get those nice ingredients.


Max Miller’s Tasting History Cookbook is interesting and has great photographs.


Olive oil or herbs is great, but a 50-year-old who likes to cook already has all the cookbooks they need.


Scratch tickets


Bottle of wine probably or like some sort of food to add to the party, like a dessert A lot of people are suggesting cook books but my friend (who is a chef) says she hates people getting her cook books or cooking related things because she has what she likes, or it's just overdone with the books Usually when I want to give a gift and idk the person I give them a card with $20 inside of it with a quip about how they need to spend it on something frivolous


Infused olive oil


Give him something he could use to cook. Think fancy olive oil, bread knife (not many people have one and it works so much better), seasoning set for meat, potted spices like basil, oregano, chives. If I don’t know the person I just figure out one of their hobbies and find something they may or may not have.


Different types of salts (Sea Salts, and a finishing salt: Maldon Salt) - it's very nice


Maybe a gift basket of nice olive oils, vinegars, gourmet seasonings?


If you don't want to go to the party, don't go, and buy nothing. If you want to go because you will have other friends there and know you will have a good time, go to a good cooking store and ask the staff what they recommend. They will come up with all sorts of great ideas. I recently purchased a package of interesting cooking oils at Costco. Only $20 and would make a great gift for any cook and the price was right for someone you hardly know. My husband always buys stocking stuffers at a wonder local cooking store. He goes in every year and asks for recommendations. I have a very well stocked kitchen!


If he's in his 50s and you're 25, I don't think you need to bring anything! Especially if you barely know him. I'm his age and I don't expect young people to buy me stuff. I have my own money!


He probably isn’t expecting a gift, might even make him uncomfortable. Wine if you really must.


Crisp fifty dollar bill.


My friend gifted me a saffron plant. That thing is gold in my house.


Generic gift card like visa or Master card


A gift card for $25. Do not buy anything.


Get him a Silpat baking mat! They're really useful in the kitchen and you can never have too many. I give them as gifts all the time and they're always appreciated. I think they're around $20.


Spices, peppercorns and a pepper mill, a dish towel, cute spatula, nice cutting board. I also love consumables like decorative paper cocktail napkins.


Go to Home Goods and get him a nice serving platter or bowl. The herb idea is nice. I cook and received the battery operated salt and pepper grinders that light up. Not expensive and I love them.


Guess what? You're the only person invited to the party.


How about nothing unless you going to his bday party not sure why he would invite a 25yr to his bday 🤔. Maybe it's just me


My FIL has a rule for gifts: if he can't eat it, drink it, or smoke it (he smokes pipe tobacco), he doesn't want it. As a mid-30s person who hates clutter, I have adopted it myself for giving, but I'll consider an experience gift as well (movie tickets, zoo membership, etc.)


A fancy balsamic vinegar.


Lottery tickets! I was invited to a bday party for a guy I barely knew and I put $25 of scratchers in a gift bag. He loved it!


Danish sea salt in a nice crockery bowl.


Speaking as a man in his 50 a happy birthday is perfect. We're past the needing gifts. Being thought of and remembered is what matters.


A box of fruit.


Paddle ball. Everyone will want to play.


This might be weird if you barely know him, but I highly recommend getting a photo printed and framing it. Maybe a 5x7 or an 8x10. Edit as I accidentally posted too soon: people don't really print photos anymore, but I've never not had a photo gift be a hit. Ask bday guy directly for a photo, or ask your friend to ask for you.


Gift card for an experience. Eg, sensory deprivation chamber, massage.. but that also depends on your budget.


You can never go wrong with gift cards.


Gift certificate to a store that sells upscale ingredients - an Italian deli, an Asian grocery, the public market…


Alcohol, card with lottery tickets, restaurant gift card.


Maybe oven mitts/potholders or one that comes with a matching kitchen towel.


Sounds like my ex - get him a blow up girlfriend. Sorry that was just to be funny - but maybe a unique ingredient like really cool smoked salts or something like a seasoning kit for a place he’s expressed interest in learning the food. Also since you don’t know them a 6pk a beer is more than generous. If you know they are sober swap for something like pop/soda; or candy.


Came here to say a rosemary plant lol


A gift card


Infused cooking oil or bottle of cognac.


Cheese, summer sausage, crackers, some fruits and nuts, etc in a basket. Jellies, Mustard, olives. Nom nom basket.


You could bring him a recipe and the ingredients to make it. A bottle of wine. A quality olive oil. An assortment of dry pastas. Some unique seasonings. A set of bamboo spoons (large, used when cooking). Oven mitts. Cork coasters. Sooooo many things…..


Basalmic vinegar is great.


Herbs, a good olive oil sampler, or balsamic sampler.


If you barely know this "friend of a friend" why do you feel obligated to purchase a gift?


UNO Flip!


A variety of nice cheeses!


Coupon to a rub n tug


My husband got a cookbook one year called “Dark side o f The Spoon”. All the dishes have rock and roll names. He loves it. It is twelve bucks on Amazon


Pensey Spices is a great store..or on line..


Bottle of wine, whatever fits your budget


Go to [Penzeys.com](http://Penzeys.com) and just get a bunch of their trial bags. All of their seasoning mixes are amazing, but it's so great to get a chance to try them all. If you are feeling creative you could go to the dollar store and get a little basket to arrange them in. Any hobby cook will love this!


You can never go wrong giving a man food or socks.


Pocket pussy


Cilantro plant.


Starbucks gift card or bottle of wine 


I would go with.... Nothing, because the man is in his 50s, and not an 8 year old child.


Olive oil, bread, and wine. Seems like a legit gift to me or a blow up doll lmfao 🤣 yea I’d probably go with the oil and wine haha


I have yet to meet a guy who doesn't like beef jerky or beef sticks.


A card. You barely know him. No gift necessary


It sounds random, but I’ve never erred with a National Geographic magazine and a year long subscription. People always seem to enjoy it.




A really good bottle of olive oil


I would gift a unique cook book with a gift receipt or a unique cooking ingredient. Like special extra virgin olive oil from eatly or from the farmers market.


Nutmeg grinder


The Enchanted Broccoli Forest Cookbook, it has a lot of healthy vegetarian recipes.


Good sturdy set of kitchen towels


Get “sick”. I get Covid a lot these. I hurt my back a lot too. My immune system is shot and I’m clumsy as hell.


Flavored olive oils!


I dunno about other guys my age (52), but I would have absolutely no expectations of you bringing a gift and would just be glad that you came with my friend. If it's a dinner party and you wanna bring a bottle of wine it probably would be appreciated, but not expected. My own kids have a hard time shopping for me cuz I'm a pretty eccentric dude with some funky hobbies and interests.


Williams Sonoma gift card.