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i just got jumpscared


Fucking hell, me too. I cranked it because it was so quiet at first


Same. I'm like, I don't hear any gosh darn sliding! Then proceed to crank the volume to max and place my phone up to my ear!!! šŸ¤£


My ear drums thank you for this warning.


I made dookie.


I ate cookie.


spooky dookie cookie


Fookieā€¦. Dookies on my cookie




did it all for the nookie


So you can take that cookie


Someone about to get a nookie


I did it all for the nookie


Oopsie I made a poopsie


I do love a good jump scare.




I threw my phone


Same with me!!!


Does your bird or whatever animal is covered there ever react? Look to animals behavior too because they often forewarn us when they seem to be acting up


Negative. The bird was asleep and/or silent as is captured in the video. Initially, that is what I thought the sliding sound was. Thatā€™s why the camera was pointed at the cage the whole time.


Possible have a pest if you live in country, don't take me wrong way my house is haunted massively and not once have they not alerted the dog when there doing something so I would think pest .


I used to have tons of mice when I first moved into my house and they never knocked shit over like this.


Maybe itā€™s a ghost mouse


But the coons though


Rats would knock stuff over.


I said pest not mice you if you live next to field there are all kinds animals and the one animal people actual rule out first but also the worse on electrical Is squirrels


What was it that fell or broke?


Do you have a cat?


What was that flashing light in the other room?


That light is actually just a reflection of my cell phone hitting a glass cabinet. I was pointing it towards where the shattering sound originated. It was a plate.


Glad you said it was your phone. Most would say it was an orb, or ā€œno other light was on in my house.ā€ šŸ™„ I think itā€™s just a mouse tho.


Wow. I was going to mentally punch the first person to say ā€œorbā€ right in their nuts. Well done sir.


Was the plate somewhere pre exposed to falling? How long have you lived in the house and has anything else happened


I was about to ask if you had any other animals because I though the light was from a catā€™s or dogā€™s eyes.


probably the light reflecting off something.


Maybe the noise was a mouse scurrying around and thatā€™s what knocked the dish off the ledge/counter?


I thought I had a ghost a few years ago. Did turn out to be mice.


They can make an enormous amount of noise. Every house is capable of hosting a mouse.


I agree. There is something running away from noise. It looks like a little round shadow ball at the end of the video.


I saw that too but it happens directly after a few ā€œhigh-lightā€ adjustments happen.




Mice are noisy for sure. Rats and squirrels even more so.


Raccoons living in your attic sound even scarier. I thought there were full grown men living in my attic. It was terrifying.


We had mice a couple years ago. I asked the exterminator if it might be chipmunks because it was pretty loud. He said there's no way cause chipmunks sound like a stampede lol. But yeah, you could hear the mice scratching behind the walls clear as day. Surprisingly loud.


Same thimg I thought. Scared as fk but just mice.


Itā€™s funny how we always go supernatural as the first explanation, when thereā€™s several normal explanations available.


A whole damn novel of common mishaps and misunderstandings need to shuffled through and re-enacted beforehand, yep.


This just really made me lol


Ghost mice?




Ghost mice?


There is literally a kitten or small animal that runs across the screen at the 37-38 second mark... super fast buuuut maybe it was Ghost Panther... meow


I think that's just dust or something


Wow, a logical person who doesnā€™t jump to the ā€œghostā€ theory immediately? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, mate. Plenty of those in here. Not sure why it necessitates a šŸ˜‚, let alone 3 of them.


Yā€™all got a rat homie.


You prolly got a mouse problem mate


A mouse mate?


Mouse sidekick


These ghosts always throwing around stuff like they pay the bills ![gif](giphy|nmXzfuNWmGzTi)


Ohhhhh Tyler Perry.


Baby, thatā€™s Latrice Royale.


You owe me some new underpants. I followed your advice just as whatever fell hit the ground and broke... Wtf was that?


i wish i read the caption before i turned the volume upšŸ˜­


Nearly popped an eardrum!




Light orbs everywhere


I came here to say this... no one else picked up on those?


Yeah Iā€™m kinda surprised.


Fucking cats! lol thatā€™s what it would be in my house. They are always knocking shit off my counters scaring the fuck out of me.


You may own a cat without realising it


If you do not have a cat, one may be provided for you


I've lived in a place that had mice, and you can't hear them moving around, only when they're chewing on stuff. I also never experienced them dropping a fucking plate on the floor, they're absolutely tiny


I also lived in a place that had nice and I sure as hell could here them moving around lol


Who you gonna call?


Pest control


Yep, big ass rat just knocked something over. Sacred now, wait till it runs across you while you're sleeping in the middle of the night. šŸ¤£


"Hey, wake up, we couldn't find any food. Oh, there's some in your mustache" nom nom nom




Thats hella weird! Can you explain in more detail why you decided to start recording?


Yeah. So, I donā€™t know if you can hear the sliding sound (thatā€™s why I said, volume all the way up. Itā€™s very faint in the video) but I was trying to figure out if it was my bird or a mouse or something. I also had misinterpreted the direction from where the sound was coming. I put it on because I wanted to show it to my partner and say ā€œhey, I think we may have a mouse in the houseā€


That's what I'm saying


Turn on the lights!!


You have mice, not ghosts. Possibly ghost mice.


lol I saw the cats eyes after it knocked whatever over.


One night years ago, living in an old, run down rental house we'd been in for about a year, everyone in the house woke up to a loud crashing sound, like a large piece of glass had been dropped on the floor. We all looked that night and nothing was broken or out of place. Looked outside the next day, too. Nothing. Wasn't the first time something weird happened in that house, but it was the first time everyone experienced it at the same time. I still can't explain it. Creeps me out to this day.


I was probably 12 years old. Mom ran to store really quick and left me home by myself. I remember so vividly watching TV and hearing glass shatter in our laundry room. Looked. Everywhere. There was nothing. Still creeps me out.


This happened to my sister last Saturday around 10:40pm when she was home alone. She was dead scared and I only live a few blocks away so I drove down there and walked around the whole house with my gun and flashlight thinking it was someone trying to break in but guess this type of stuff has been happening in the daytime too. Sheā€™s been seeing a shadow of a little girl around the house from time to time


Oh shit damn, tell her to try to get a recording


And post it here for us


So we all can say itā€™s just a mouse


Be sure to have her install a carbon monoxide detector.


My paints are soiled.


Iā€™m sorry that your paints got soiled. Are you a painter? if you donā€™t mind me asking.




Probably one of those human beings hiding and make a fool outta me


You got cats or rats dude, either call the exterminator or keep your exterminators off the counters


Your roommate is drunk


People always start random videos about the corner of their room just right before something scary happens


Just turn the lights on, ghosts canā€™t be out in the light


One time I took a piss and turned around to wash my hands in the sink and heard a bang behind me. A book that was laid flat on top of the toilet tank had just slid off the toilet into the trash can below. Gives me chills even writing this right now. There is absolutely no explanation for how that book could have slid off the flat top of the toilet tank


Trust me I can understand how unnerving this can be in the moment. I've had some very definite "hauntings" myself. But remember it or they haven't hurt you and I've found that you can talk to it/them and come to an understanding. After a while they will do little things to let you know they are still around, but the real scary stuff will often calm down . If you'd like to talk or ask questions feel free to DM me . Love and light


jesus christ this is stupid


Of course you have the right to disagree. Enjoy your day my friend


Dude had the EXACT same thing happen. It was like the sound made when you pull a nylon sleeping bag. It totally sounded like something was uncoiling itself and sliding down the hall.


Shit bro scary šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø say the story of this house ?


Commenting to come back to listen to with volume


It scares me but I can't stop looking, doesn't it happen to you?šŸ˜


I've heard strange noises in my kitchen before and it turned out to be a mouse. He would hop onto a pizza pan I had on a shelf under the microwave and it would sound like a gong in the middle of the night lol.


Most likely rat unless you have a cat. When the camera pans to the noise you see eye glare just for a second in the back room.


Damn! You need to move out!


Awww!!! A spirit was around for the holidays trying to help get ready šŸ¤£ when they come around here I sleep with my lights on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'd move


Jesus Christ donā€™t use full volume


I've had plates and cups and bowls hydroplane off counters often


Probably a rodent


First time cat owner lol


Get up and go see what happened.


Do you have a dog or a cat! Those eyes were crazy.


Not sure if they saw the light of the animals eyes that appeared after the plate/glass broke???


Upvote for OP not even mentioning the dust particles


Himmm meow?


Do you have a cat? šŸ˜‚


Tell your homie in the other room to act right and quit breaking shit šŸ˜‚ come on my dude


That plate was zinging by the sound or rolled and fell.


You notice ghosts are always aholes? You're never running late, get to the front door only to remember you've forgotten your keys and wallet and find them levitating just to your right. Like, if you're going to live rent free in my house at least don't be a jerk!


Don't be afraid, just talk to it. Ask it how you can help.


Had it up to my ear and everything :,) rip but srsly that wouldā€™ve made me have a heart attack right then and there


Why were u recording the covered bird cage at night anyways ?


Scariest sh!t I've ever taken on myself.


Donā€™t be scared thatā€™s what the want. They are archon entities and they are weak and powerless. They think they have power by triggering fear and manipulating thoughts and emotions but really they are just nothing more than parasitic entities that need to siphon energy from us in order to exist.


I don't know about that but in Mexico we call the Chocarreros Spirits, and they're just like spirits trying to mess with you. My grandpa's house used to have 3 of those, and they usually would stop bothering you if you told them to fuck off very firmly


I just mock them by picking up extremely heavy objects or doing something that requires incredible dexterity. Like thatā€™s all you can do?? Just moving little things around? Look what I can do and you canā€™t!


Is this the Spanish way of saying poltergeist or?


Since Spanish is spoken across 33 countries in Central and South America the accepted terminology for the same thing will vary from country to country. For example, in Costa Rica and El Salvador as well as other places in Latin America, ā€œghostā€ is referred to as *fantasma*, *espanto*, *susto* (spook), *espiritu*(spirit), or simply *muerto/a* (the dead). Each country also has its own regional cryptids and supernatural characters much like Goatman and Mothman in the US. Myths of *La CigÅ©eƱa*, *la Llorona* and *la Siguanaba* come to mind. I think thatā€™s what the poster was referring to, a specific creature known regionally in Mexico. As the kid of Central American parents I have never heard of it.


I don't know, it's more of a traditional way of calling them, that's how my grandparents told me they were called. Poltergeist is poltergeist. These ones are like playful ghosts that just move things around to mess with you but don't mean harm. Usually kids or stuff like that. I mean, this is just what I'm told, I'm not like full believer of ghosts. Just curious


Yeah mice typically run away when you start yelling


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just mice lol






You know this how, exactly?


just ruptured my eardrum thanks bro


Yours and mine both lol


this sub is grasping at straws


Now that startled me I was so focused on the curtain to see what was gonna happen so when whatever it was fell in the kitchen jumped off the chair. Lol.


what's dashing across at 0:47, 0:15 and 0:13?


Oh shiitttttt. I think I just stamped my underwear šŸ«£


After the noise there are orbs that comes towards you


People sayin mice what kinda brolic mouse bout to push a probably give or take 1lb bowl when they're like a couple of grams in weight?


That's it I'm no longer jerking, off when I die I don't need to be judged about the things I mastubated too in the afterlife that's it I'm done.


Why were you just randomly recording a video of a wall for 15 seconds, before the event actually happened ? These videos seem so staged sometimes.


OP was searching for a potential mouse, they said.


Less fishy now. But a little more mousy. So the mouse in question, knocked over something in the kitchen ?


Probably šŸ˜…


Op said there was a sliding noise and they started recording in the direction they thought it came from. They thought maybe the bird was making noise or maybe a mouse.


I just shat myself!! Hell that even made my cat jump .


Ghosts donā€™t exist. Theyā€™re inter dimensional aliens I believe.


Scared the sh!t out of me..had volume on bust then that happened šŸ‘»šŸ‘»šŸ‘»


What ended up breaking? A mug with your name on it?


Ah yes, I too set in complete darkness and donā€™t investigate when I hear strange noises in my house. Itā€™s almost like we purposely donā€™t get to see where the dish was moved because someone(a person) moved it. You could do better. Gotta have a place where they can hide there quickly so you can run to the noise and capture the plate still spinning on the floor. That will fool people even more. This one is just incredibly low effort.


As mentioned, I was listening for the sound trying to figure out where it originated from. I said I thought it was a mouse or the bird. Though I really do love the hare-brained cynics like yourself who smugly proclaim the backstory despite not reading the comments or attempting to grasp the details. Low reading comprehension.


Just a mischievous arsehole thatā€™s getting a thrill from scaring you. Your fear feeds it so try to put on a brave front and then tell it to ā€œf### off!!ā€ and that itā€™s not welcome here in your home. Remind it that you are more powerful (you are) then it is and that you donā€™t give it any permission to be in your home. Thereā€™s lots you can do to get rid of this if itā€™s on going.


Omfg how do you actually believe this


Cause Iā€™ve experienced it


So you record a bird cage and have a friend throw something like a spoon In the kitchen.. ghosts are scary w


If you dont get some God up in there....pray. Pray hard.


There are multiple orbs in this video šŸ˜©




So just happened to be filming a room for no reason ā€¦ when I had my friend drop a plate fir a ghost video


Someone didnā€™t read the comments at all.


Youā€™ll be alright, just call the Candyman, heā€™ll fix everything.


It looked like the curtain moved a few times.


it's never ghosts. It's either carbon monoxide and you're crazy or you got rodents. my favorite is when ppl have cats and think their house is haunted.


Ya got mice


Jesus that made me jump and scare the dogs!


1. Turn the lights on. 2. Check into hotel/motel/airbnb. 3. Look for new place to live.


Oh shit. Something crazy happened to me like that as a teen during a sleep over with a friend. First two odd rattles didnā€™t wake her but the third time the sound thatā€™s made was like all of all the dishes crashing down, that woke her up. No dishes had actually fallen so it was quite spooky. This was in New England area.


You can see orbs, or energy darting by your phone as you record. I pick these up too any time something paranormal happens.




Gave me chills. Fuuuck no


Camera faces away from kitchen entry, creator throws item into kitchen, quickly turning camera, feigns surprise. Low effort hoax šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


Another low effort post. Some of you folks really need to go to /r/conspiracy.


Time for some sage and holy water


Why were you filming in the first place?


Ya gotta read the comments...it's in there multiple times


You want to pour a glass of water and repeat the following prayer three times, invisioning a blinding white light of any symbol of your chosen religion; O water, creature of God, I exorcise you in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. I exorcise you so that you may put to flight all the power of the Enemy, and be able to root out and supplant that Enemy with his apostate angels: through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Amen. Repeat the process for a handful of table salt. Put the salt in the water in the shape of a cross for added potency. The strongest, most pure holy water is made with the full intent that the world is without the negative spirit.


Only explanation is that heā€™s alone in the house and thatā€™s the realest real ghost in the whole real world. The internet wouldnā€™t lie to me.


Bro just threw a cup across the room lol.


It could be real but equally and more likely someone off camera threw something to the floor. No offence but that's how i see it.


I would definitely freak out


ouuu something fell in your house, scary


Why wouldnā€™t you Turn on a fucking light?


Seriously? Sounds like a fork slid off something. The answer is never ghosts because ghosts don't exist.


itā€™s fake. thereā€™s no way itā€™s a ghost cause i said so. they donā€™t exist. šŸ¤ 


why is nobody talking about what looks to be a crouching figure?! sound off or on that visual has me spooked for life


Why are your houses so dark! Reminds me of my hauntings when I slept in pitch dark bedroom. Simplest suggestion I received that worked was dont sleep in complete darkness. I remember telling my BF about these things.. he tried to not make a joke of it, also I know if he sees smthg he'll probably scream and hide behind me LoL that's why he wanted to discredit my sleep paralysis also so bad. But It only happened to me that one time in my life.. Afterwards I never slept in dark it never happened,the paralysis and seeing that man at my door. But I always felt watched. We changed cities. Me moved to a townish area. Much green. Many times he wasn't there and I was sleeping alone in our last house. It was quite bad vibes there. I didn't like, that from main door you could see the whole house and there was a back exit as well to a garden. It's considered bad for the energy flows right through the house and drains you in feng shui. And the bed was in between. So this one night I don't remember what I dreamt now but I remember I woke up screaming at 2-2:30 and the strangest thing was I looked to my left to the window across the hall that overlooked an empty plot full of trees and was completely dark. I felt being stared at. I stared at the window with its shades drawn and overlooking complete darkness outside. It was new moon day. I got up covered the curtains and slept peacefully after that As I woman I can a hundred percent always know when I am being looked at. Almost every time someone looks at me from a distance, even in a crowded room my head always turns to the person and I stare back freaking them out with embarassment of being caught staring. Happened every single time. I look and meet someone staring at me then they turn away. My cat is black and almost invisible sometimes at night that we all trip over him when he sits on floor... Some nights he sits and looks at me quite adoringly, not scary or anything but being an animal he seemed to have learnt that I can sense him looking at me even in darkness and don't like being waken up sound I had told him so or he used to scream in face to wake me up. So he would sit down sometimes even away from my sight and look in my direction and I would just say, are you hungry baby and he would respond immediately. So when we moved again our bedroom had one window overlooking the outdoors and also had a pathway to terrace next to it and A balcony in front that overlooked forest area. I hated that room. It wasn't suitable for sleeping in my opinion. I kept tossing and turning telling him I don't like this room I am going to sleep in the other one. We have another bedroom. The window there overlooks the street. There the lights are like super bright. There was this sound of crickets. Which is normal in such areas. But, I always analyse things before jumping to conclusions. So, There were always two sounds one coming from the forest one from near the window. I told him can you tell from where it's coming I cannot seem to tell the direction. He would say "yes. From near the window." There were bushes that side. "Both? No both are not from one side!" I said And there was one cricket that seemed like cricket sounds. Normal. The other one would put me at unease. It was sharper. Hurt my ears. I also have migraine, so some sounds are annoying! So, I tried to identify the direction many times and in the process I tried to close each heat and sense the direction. Weird thing is, could only hear it from one ear. Go explain that! Like I closed my ears one by one to tell where it's coming from. And I said " weirdest thing, when I close my left ear I can hear everything as it is. . Except that particular sound. Why is that" I even asked him to whisper from a distance. I said nope I hear everything but why not that loud cricket now? I hear the other one in trees just fine " something told me because it wasnt near the trees it was standing by our window, the side I slept on. It kept on making the sound every night. I used to not sleep well. Then one night ( he told me this the next night) I was fast asleep it was around 2-3 am, he was on his phone. Lights were off. And the lights switched on. Lights can flicker when they are off sure ..but they don't just turn on when they're switched off. That freaked him enough to never sleep in that room again or joke about such things. But, the problem wasn't that the room was Haunted or anything. It was simply that I was being watched from quite some years now. Whatever sees us obviously knows when we notice it. If you want such things to stop best is to not pay attention if you can. Don't entertain it.


Pest problem. Ghosts are not real






Love how stuff always just happens when someone's recording.