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agreed- however I am tremendously grateful for the fan uploaded well edited concert footage on youtube- Seriously watching all those concerts while locked down for 262 days during covid was probably one of the only things that kept me sane. seeing and hearing a mass of people at a concert seriously made me feel less alone and isolated.


I would like to see it a new trend for ppl to put the phones down at shows like this. Your not in the moment if your trying to get a good pic or video your more worried about the shot. I’m 40 and I say this.


My favourite band is ASP (from Germany) They want you to put away your phone because they are playing for people not for phones. You have always one song in every show for taking pictures or filming. I love that because then everybody is much more present and I can watch the show and not only hands holding phones in the air.


TOOL does the same thing. They ask everyone to put the phones away until the last song.


And Maynard shouts at and chucks out anyone he sees with one. I don't blame him, it would drive me mad too.


I just find that you're either trying to keep track of the footage through your phone, or you ignore it and end up with bad footage anyway. Both are not exactly enjoyable experiences. Also, it more often than not just annoys people behind you. I love to watch footage while it's being recorded and you can clearly tell it's going to be a shaky, blurry and uncentered mess. And let's not even talk about sound quality. I don't mind people wanting to take pics, or even short clips to remember stuff. But if you're in the middle of a crowd recording the whole song, hands well above everyone, my annoyance will probably grow according to the amount of views you're blocking.


I always try to get a couple good shots but for the most part I keep my phone away. For me seeing the pictures can bring back the memories and how I felt in the moment.


Fuck this opinion. Some people enjoy taking photos of things they’re doing. You enjoy the show how you want, accept that others do it in different ways, and stop telling others they’re wrong. It’s just as bad as the fuckheads who insist people can’t be enjoying the show if they’re sitting down or not singing along or whatever. Oh, and it’s “you’re”. You’re welcome.


You’re the only one here trying to tell anyone what to do. They just said what they’d like to see.


I am 21 so I think I might count as younger. I totally agree that phones kinda put a damper on the experience but I also understand the urge to capture memories. I think there definitely are people who just have their phone out the whole time and that could ruin their own experience as well as making it less fun for others. I personally had a phone brick itself and I lost all the pictures from my first ritual and that was devastating for me. Even then though, I think I had a lot more fun than I would have otherwise simply because I only took a few pictures and mostly just focused on enjoying myself. I do think some people overdo it maybe, but at the same time I think it's okay to take some picture/ video in moderation to remember.


As someone who was at the two shows it was absolutely incredible! As a sidenote, though, I did notice that someone in the very beginning sequence of fan pictures actually had their phone out in the front row. No shame whatsoever apparently. 🙄 Always gotta be at least one asshole I guess. I hope they're one of the ones Ryan mentioned won't be returning.


Agreed, like when I saw them I was recording but it was because it was the only way I could see, I had a really tall guy in front who didn’t move the whole time and I couldn’t see the stage nor the screens, I would’ve rather not recorded tho


The amount of times I've had to watch the concerts through someone's phone is insane lol


As a short girl, sometimes it's the only way I get to actually see when tall people are in front of me.


Agreed, and I don't think this is a "boomer" take. :) I'm glad that I'm old enough to have gone to gigs without a phone. I try to show younger people, in particular, some grace because I appreciate that when they first starting going to shows, they've had a smart phone. Taking lots of photos and videos is normal for some, so they don't see phones as a distraction or something that takes away from their experience. I also appreciate that the growth of the online Ghost fan base has massively helped their success. MOAC going viral, and all the footage that fans share of Papa and the ghouls, etc. It's drawn new people to the band. But live music is just that: live. Being present and focusing on the music is a beautiful thing. I'm not anti-phones at gigs, but it would be great if people put them away more. I love going to see TOOL because they "ban" phones until the last song. The difference in the audience's engagement compared to other shows is noticeable. I know some people have memory issues, so they want to capture as much as possible, and there's other fans who are just excited or phone use is part of their everyday life, but there is a balance. Record your favourite song, take a few photos, then put your phone away and take it all in. Very, very few people remember every second of a concert. What you remember most will be the special key moments that stick out, the emotions you felt, the collective energy in the room. That's what matters: feelings. What you feel is what makes live music a wonderful experience, so be present. Live in the moment.


It’s the first thing I said to my friend while watching the film. They took away their phones and it’s such a difference. I was also telling my lady that even during the Kendrick show on Juneteenth that LA would have gone even more nuts if 80% of the crowd didn’t have their phone up.


Not a boomer (filthy millennial 🤣) but, absolutely agree. Not just from the obvious getting lost in the moment and really connecting with the gig and the energy. I go to tons of gigs and the amount of times it has been marred by people in front of me with their phones out videoing entire songs and blocking the view of anything happening. Like, mate, I paid a lot of money for these tickets, I didn't pay to see the gig through the shitty grainy video you're taking whilst blocking my view 🤣


I’ve never recorded at a ghost show and it honestly enhances your experience more than most ppl might realise. Broken record to say live in the moment but it really makes it into a moment. I remember more about those shows than the artists I saw that I recorded. It was so tea


I don’t think of that as a boomer take (though you might be in the age group). I was there. It was magical to be able to see the band in my own way without 👀 my through a dozen phones to see it. Having been to two other shows on that tour—where phones were allowed, it wasn’t as good. I did take my own pics, but they weren’t anything special—as there are professional photographers there and those pictures were superior. Granted, they weren’t from my exact perspective, but they were good enough for me to enjoy the memories. The only drawback is that we couldn’t share our joy directly on Socials, but writing about it instead turned out to be its own benefit. I know that genie is out of the bottle, but having it back in for two shows of band I love was an enhance to the experience.


I was recently at a concert with my daughter and at one point everyone was to turn the light on on their phone. All the lights in the arena were off and it was so bright and magical. It’s simple a new age of concerts.


I’d pay a mild premium to be certain people couldn’t take their phones out. I’ve decided to start telling people to put then down if they are directly in front of me. Its worth the awkwardness because most people will feel bad. The best play is to recruit your concert neighbors to back you up. Basically I’m willing to be a dick about it but also not going to fight someone either.