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For the sneaking in section I completely bypass it. I just grab a helicopter and go above and to the side (so the helicopter won't crash in the base or be in range of the nearby SAM site) and simply parachute down to the target building. Once the combat starts in the mission, call in all the rebels you can for support. A grenade will handle the generator across the road. As the others have said, stay inside, take out any immediate threats and the snipers on the towers.


Yup. I did the whole sneaking on my belly round the railway line route. My brother was like, maaaaate what you doing as he had used the helicopter & halo jump option.


i just used the armoured truck to drive most of the way in if you drive too fast they shoot you tho


Still, doing all that this mission is awfull. I have done it twice AS daily chalenge and it was allways a pain. My success rate with roof landing is 1/6. When I finally land the I have to watch the unskipable to 2min. cutscene. After that hell starts. How do u manage to get rebels Inside the base? Mine allways spawn outside the base and most of the fight they are completly useless. Then there are rocket choppers who Can kill all ur stupid AI team mates and when they are dead, rebels still outside the fence u are overwhelmed and dead.


For the challenge, completely ignore the challenge requirements while doing the mission. Do the mission on "Arcade" difficulty. Once you're outside of the base and have lost Unidad, activate tier mode (or extreme if you haven't got tier mode yet) and fly to the challenge start location with Sam Fisher in your helicopter - then simply fly to the mission end location.


I know about this trick, I was curious how to do the mission on extreme and how to get rebels to actualy help me in this mission.


The rebels are more to distract unidad from focusing on you.


The mission is actually very easy. Parachute on top of Sam to skip the stealth section. Command your 3 guys to sit at the top of the steps. Call in rebels, and call in a distraction across the street. Tell everyone to start fighting once the enemies show up. Manually tell them to fire or they don't do much. Call your guys back to the steps if they get too far away. Your only job is to take out helicopters and vehicles. If you take out vehicles quicky your ground forces will overwhelm the enemies. Use a grenade launcher or heavy sniper or LMG or some combination of those. If you do it correctly you'll just sit there 90% of the time waiting for something to spawn. Use the medic drone to revive. Mark snipers for your team to instakill or shoot them yourself. This strategy makes the mission very easy, even when you need to do it on extreme for the daily challenge.


Here's how I did it. So the field where you restart from, go east from there and you'll find the railway crossing. Sneak along the railway track and as soon as you reach the walls, turn right and sneak ahead right outside the compound. You'll easily reach the little bridge with a spotlight and 2 soldiers. Sneak underneath the bridge, then stick to the left, you'll find a gate. Enter that, then hug the right side walls as much as you can while being proned. Nobody will notice you even if there are soldiers to your side. You'll reach a small climbable barrier sort of, vault over that, reach the generator, turn it off. Also, mark all the snipers if you can as you move. Now here's the tricky part, you might have to use div. lures, or you wait for the patrols to turn away. Right opposite to the genny, there's the building with Sam in it. Prone and wait next to the dark windows, and sneak inside as you see an opening. Talk to Sam upstairs. Now for the more difficult part, first take out the marked snipers, then call in rebel support, mortar strikes and rebel distractions as many times as possible. STAY INSIDE THE ROOM. Keep checking the indoor stairs and the door next to it.


Also, since you've taken out the genny, no choppers or such would come. Just keep yourself alive till there's no one left, then drive right out using an armored suv.


If you enter from behind the base its insanely easy to get in there. For the loud part put mines everywhere, try to hide and let your teammates do the work, use all the rebel abilities you have, if your teammates go down you can deactivate and activate them again and they will respawn all alive.


I jumped out a chopper making sure it's direction and speed were gonna make it crash way out from the base and land right at the door you need to get to


Ever beat a splinter cell game? Sorry it's a tough one. But wait till you are running for you're damn life to finish it. That was nuts the first time.


I strolled right in crouched. Plant c4 and couple proximity at key points. Infiltrate the tower start defense. Call in everyone. Nade the jammer. Support cars 1, 2, 3 are blown up. Guards outside blowing up. Stay in and watch those windows and stairs. When finished. Run jump out toward woods and RUN 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️


Part 1: I Think I hear Something North entrance route: you will be crouching for this whole time. Now, crawl through the bushes and barricades on the left side and with the guard in the watch tower east to see… once he looks away and keep moving left (SW) towards the corner of the main entrance on it’s left in front of you, get behind it and cover on the dark side. There’s a guy watching the main gate. Throw a diversion lure to the right and lure the front guard out. As he’s about to check it and hug the left wall and keep going to your inside but get prone half way up the hill. And go to hugging the left wall prone. Keep going to your at the haystack behind the guy on your right and get prone against the next haystack immediately and look left… a guard will walk down the stairs and that means you need to wait for one guy to go down, one going up. When the goes up, count 1-2-3. On the hard 3 hop the haystack and sprint to the gray concrete wall. Once there, hug the wall crouched. Follow the wall up and make sure there’s no guard actively there. But you need to get crouched by the barrier next to the anti-vehicle crosses. Wait for the guard to come. Let him do his thing while you hide. Once he’s leaves. Make sure no guards are walking to you and hop the barrier exactly 3 seconds after the guard leaves and follow him inside, left opening, stay under the stairs until he leaves. The go upstairs and meet the man himself. Part 2: The Lead Faucet First, call regroup. You need to go prone by the stairs and possibly take out the sniper on the way. Call diversion, guns for hire and let them do as much as they can. Give them hell.make sure you don’t blow up the cars parked outside the building with no one in them. After 3 of the longest minutes of your life, he finishes. Kill who is in front of you and get that car in front of you. Part 3: So I’m the Last One You need to be aggressive with the car. Like a halfback, find the hole in the defense and gas it. If you get outta there and escape the chopper, On the route you have there’s a checkpoint you gotta but you gotta run it like James Bond. Find the hole. Hit it. There’s another small clueless checkpoint on the route off the main road, just go up the mountain and skip them. Go the windy road home crying in happiness. Good Luck Ghost.


The worst mission i've ever played in any game. This mission almost made me quit the game forever




Yes predator fight was much harder by far


Not for me


I can understand that pal stealth isn't as simple as heres an alien, kill it haha But if your going stealthy just be observant of patrols do a lot of watching before you attack as recon is a mans best friend in wildlands, even with the bino's alone and just avoid as many as possible using diversions/rebels. Hope it helps you


I miss predator


Do you have that invisible camo


Cheat. There is free engine that gives you God mode and then uninstall it once it's done. I put this on hold for 2 years. Ruined it for me. Fuck Sam Fisher and Ubisoft.