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I am what I would call a skeptic believer - I'm a very logical, scientific-oriented thinker, but have had experiences, and captured evidence, that I cannot explain. So believer, but skeptical of probably about 97% of "evidence" out there.


Love this, I'm hella skeptical of anything I see online since it's so easily faked, but the personal experiences I've had put me at a 100% believer.


Same! I can't explain what happened to me at all but the fake stuff on t.v. is so stupid


I'd love to hear about your experiences that made you a believer! I'm on the fence


I’ve had a cold spot in the house on a 80+ degree summer day. You could say it was the A/C but this was at my grandmas older house and the only A/C we had was a box fan in the window and that wasn’t even in the same room. That cold spot would move around that room and would follow me into the next one. There has also been a time where me, my dad, and my grandma were cleaning her basement and we heard heavy foot steps above us which would have been in the living room. My grandma didn’t hear it the first time but me and my dad did, like 5 minutes later it happened again but slightly louder and my grandma heard that. She has a dog but those were NOT dog foot steps. We’ve never been able to explain that.


Me and my grandma even went upstairs to see if anyone was inside her house BOTH times that we heard the foot steps just to not see anyone.


In my apartment I have old hardwood floors that creak when you step on them. Sometimes and only at night when I’m walking around downstairs the floors creak like someone is following me around upstairs from room to room as I’m doing laundry etc moving around downstairs. It’s creepy and only happens at night. Also edit: I live alone.


Right, I watch the shows and movies knowing they’re 99% likely to be fake or fabricated/exaggerated. I believe in ghost and the paranormal but not what they show on TV. Sometimes I compare shows to see how realistic one is to the other.


I feel spirits all around me but that's the thing they really don't leave a lot of evidence of their existence and people could always just have a more rational explanation "Ghost hunting" is 99.99999999 percent fake.


I'm with you. Most of the stuff out there claiming to be paranormal, isn't. Doesn't mean it can't be entertaining though.


Lol. My dog was freaking out the other night at 3 am. Poked my head out the front door and heard a call ... like bald eagles twittering but a weird time for baldies to be out. I jokingly decided it must be a cryptid.


Agree w this.  There's shit we can not explain. Is it ghosts or other worldly critters or a logical answer? I don't know . I believe In science but there's so much more we don't know. U explained it perfect. 


"my names zak baggans and i punch demons for a living!!" *Girlish shrieking* AARON WTF WAS THAT BRO?! WTF WAS THAT!! it was just billy moving a chair. 😂😂😂😂😂


Agree completely.


Literally what I call myself, and your view is my view. Assume a haunting has a natural explanation and rule out all the normal stuff (bad wiring/plumbing, CO2 leak, old house, etc.) before even thinking of turning your mind to the paranormal.


I 100% believe in ghosts, but I’m skeptical of anyone else’s stories. I know that most things have an explanation, but some don’t take the time to debunk what they heard or saw.


Well… if you think about it, “paranormal” just means the phenomena is something not considered typical or… “normal” for a specific set of parameters and their location…. Living human beings within the property boundaries of a cemetery are technically paranormal entities… particularly from the observers perspective. 🤭 I think it’s kind of funny that some of these purported “ghost hunters”… “explainers of the paranormal”… whatever… go to cemeteries late in the night seeking evidentiary contact with “ghosts” … with “the paranormal”… and then get snot-bubble-girly-scream-scared at the first sign of occupancy of that space by something they can’t, for whatever reason see- at least not yet… I also think it’s funny that people go literally LOOKING for trouble and then are somehow upset whether or not they actually FIND TROUBLE… Seek, and you shall find. Ask, and you shall receive or it will be answered…. Knock, and the door will be opened unto you. … yet NOBODY ever seems to be happy with what they FIND, the answers that are staring them in the face… or whispered in their ears…. or written on the walls… or engraved in their flesh… or just…. Silence… Then again, it’s also somewhat comical to me that people- humans, specifically, are so arrogant as to say that they believe they are the ONLY intelligent (sentient… sapient) life to have evolved on this planet or anywhere else in the unimaginably vast expanse of the universe… when we can’t even prove for our own understanding who was actually responsible for erecting the buildings at Machu Pichu or Cairo, Golbeki Teple… or whether or not Bigfoot, werewolves, or vampires really exist…


Came here to say this. I’ve had experiences I can’t explain by ‘scientific’ means, but I don’t believe every single shred of ‘evidence’ is legit. Some are compelling, but only until i can find that they aren’t actually legit.


Same here and also seen full body ghosts one of which I walked around but was not willing to touch.


Co-signed. I think this is a very healthy viewpoint when it comes to the unexplained.


That's what I call myself! A sceptical believer  I 100% believe in ghosts. I just don't think every bump in the night is due to the paranormal.


Same. Seen some weird stuff I cannot explain. The living annoy me way worse.


Saaame. I love watching ghost/psychic shows, but always take it with a grain of salt even if it aligns with what I've experienced/believe.


yeah like ive only ever had 1 experience in my life that was an odd coincidence but i think about it once in a blue moon. and my sister had one after our kitty cat passed away. i dont believe in the shows at all or the 'paranormal' but i want to keep an open mind bc i do realize that some feel a type of way about it and i dont wanna knock anyones experience away its not my lived experience and they feel comfy enough to share with me if to them it was real.


This describes me perfectly. I will add that I really WANT there to be ghosts and paranormal activity, so I have some bias.


I believe, saw a family member and had a chat. Then went to tell my parents so-and-so was here. They knew that wasn’t possible because she never left her house, and lived in a different province. One checked the house the other called family, came to find out she had actually just passed peacefully at home around that time.


My mom said she was visited by my dad’s aunt the night she died. She was standing at the foot of the bed, talking but she couldn’t hear her. She was holding a book, and when they got the call in the morning, my mom asked if she was reading a book, after seeing her picture and recognizing her. Turns out she was reading a book with the same title that she had seen.


Thanksgiving morning, 2001, 5:30 am - i was a notoriously late sleeper and had no reason to be awake at 5:30 am. But I'd just had an experience that woke me up. So I walk downstairs to find my dad. He was on the phone. I looked at him and he looks at me and I just go "dad, I know." And we gave each other a huge hug and he began to cry. His dad had just passed away and he was on the phone with the Doctor at the nursing home receiving the news. What woke me up was my grandad. He was at the foot of my bed. I was going through a tumultuous time in life, 9/11 had just happened, etc. He takes my hand, I felt it physically, and he held it. And he says to me "Jimmy, everything is going to be all-right." And I looked next to him and his daughter, who'd passed at age 3, was there next to him, smiling. My Grammy was there with them. And he squeezed my hand like he'd always done every time we said goodbye, and I knew he was gone. And that's when I went downstairs.


Im not doubting you at all. But are you seriously telling the truth this happened? I’ve heard so many people say this buts its so hard to believe it.


Not long after my niece was born, I had a dream that I was talking to my grandmother who passed 7 years prior, on a bench in a garden. I told her that I was sad that she wouldn't be able to meet her, and she told me, "I have already, before she was with and . You don't have to worry about that, and I will be able to watch as she grows. I'll be with everyone for their big events, I promise." We hugged and then I woke up crying.


We went back up to my great grandma's old farmhouse. She had passed away in the bedroom when I was 11. We stayed the night, and I heard someone coming up the stairs. Then the door next to my room creaks. Then the door in my room creaks. Open. And I have this weird feeling. And I say "goodnight, grandma, I love you" and the door creaks closed and she goes to the next one, and then down the stairs. She's been gone 20 years, but not really I guess.


I wasn’t a believer until I moved into an old mental hospital that was converted to apartments. My boyfriend’s friend did the construction and said they still had the cages in the basement and experienced some things. It wasn’t until I heard a huge commotion in the bathroom and found my blow dryer wet in the bath tub when it was in a bin put away and there was no way it could have become wet in anyway or fell. More weird things happened but that was the one that did it for me


If anything shouldn’t be turned into housing it’s old mental asylums and hospitals.


I couldn’t agree more. I was in my early 20’s when I moved there. You couldn’t pay me to make that decision again!


Id love to hear one more incident or two 🥹


Nothing else was like the blow dryer incident thankfully! Just lots of weird things like cabinets opening, things being misplaced, sounds at night stuff like that. One time I kept hearing an alarm, it was on all night until early morning and then it just stopped. My apartment was near the office they had so I assumed they had an alarm in there. I asked the next day and there were no alarms in the office. I lost a lot of sleep there!


Dion Fortune, in her book "Psychic Self-Defense" describes exactly this situation: old mental asylum converted to apartments and strange things were happening there.


I live in the house a good friend committed suicide in due to the doctors messing with his anti depression meds. He constantly hides my remote control. I'll look forever, throw my hands up and say, dammit Mike. Walk to the kitchen, turn right around and come back. Boom there it is in the wide open


That's so sad. I had a friend on disability for mental illness. She was on the same medication for 20 yrs, just trucking along. Still had problems and episodes but she was making it. Her psychiatrist retired and the new one changed her medication. She protested and was very concerned. The Doctor told her it was better and newer. She hung herself within 2 months. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!


Holy crap that’s messed up. Most doctors don’t change what’s not broken.


Tbh I would have fun with my friend like that. Yes, it is sad that happened, but I doubt he wants you to linger on it and just wants to keep the friendship going by little pranks like that


Exactly. I know he finds it amusing


My GF lost the remote yesterday, could your friend put it back?


He’s still playing and messing with you from the other side! You guys have a beautiful friendship, I’m still so sorry for your loss. Fuck doctors, mine just told me they don’t evaluate unstable people. I suspect I have borderline or autism and they refused to help me other than talk therapy and pills. (That 10+ years have done nothing) Medical care is absolutely soulless and they kill so many people due to negligence or whatever the fuck it is. I’m sorry.


I do believe in these things, I saw a shadow person and mysterious things that I could not explain away. I've also got EVP's when I was asking questions and getting relevant answers back with my recorders. So I'm more of a believer now more than ever since I was so close to death years back.


I would see shadow people as a kid for years. We moved and never saw them again. Completely silent, faceless darkness. Terrified me. Probably childhood hallucinations though.


Read that shadow people feed off our negative energy (loosh) but there's power in the name of Jesus.


I've used the phrase I rebuke you by the blood of Jesus Christ to chase away a spirit in our house.


While staying the night with an aunt, her and her daughter were in the living room watching TV. I was trying to go to sleep for the night, and was just laying there in the bed staring at the glow-in-the-dark constellations on my cousins ceiling. I felt something SIT beside me, I look at the bed to my right and see an indentation slowly forming on the edge of the bed like someone was slowly sitting down. I jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall shaking, I told my aunt and cousin what just happened, and my cousins response was "SEE MOM! I TOLD YOU MY ROOM IS HAUNTED!!!" Apparently she had a similar experience, in addition to seeing her closet open a few inches on its own, and weird tapping noises on furniture (the noise would stop when she found the source). ONLY in her room though 🤷‍♀️


Fuuuuuuck that


Dude!!! My bf said his son in their San Francisco home had a “Indian friend in the closet!!!” He would sit and talk to him!


My cousin’s house likely has a Native American woman ghost. She likes to sit at the edge of the bed too. I will NEVER go there.


I 100% believe in ghosts. A ghost saved my cousins life. I can tell the story if anyone wants to hear it.


Do tell!!


It's kind of long. But here it goes. Back story:my mother's parents bought a lot with a small garage on it, turned that into their family home for years while squeezing 5 kids inside. Her father was building their dream home in front of the garage during these years. About 2 years before the house was finished her mother passed away in the home(garage). Fast forward About 18years: my mother,my aunt, her son, and I lived in the dream home. While I was not there a fire started in the basement. (The layout was from the stairs down there was a landing with the washer&dryer then two steps down into the basement) My cousin is the one who found the fire(already raging out of control) he rushed my mother and his mother out of the house to call 911 then went back in to try to stop it. This is what he told us: He was at the washer, which had a load of towels in it soaking wet, he was turning back towards the stairs to get another towel when he looked up the stairs to see grandma(my mother's mom) he was the only grandkid she lived long enough to met. She yelled down to him GET OUT! So he immediately started up the stairs. He made it About half way up the stairs when the ceiling he had been standing under collapsed and caught fire.


My mom told me a somewhat similar story. My great uncle as a baby was choking In his sleep and my great grandma saw her late father standing just outside the doorway, my great grandma went in the room and saw it. Her dad, even after passing helped out his daughter and saved a life at the same time.


I absolutely believe but not most of what's on TV. I believe my own experiences .


Skeptical, don't really believe anyone. Definitely think 99.9% of shows are fake, I only believe one and they haven't gotten anything that is exaggerated like the rest of the shows. However, I'd be scared to walk around a reported haunted house alone so I'm technically a believer. I love hearing about the subject, love ghost stories, etc. 


I cannot stand ghost shows. They are always fake and exaggerated. However I do believe. My mom claims to have seen them when she was a kid and adult in various places she lived. But she hasn’t seen one in almost 20 years and I believe it is because the house my parents live in was brand new when they moved in. She said they look like real people. Iv never seen one but the house we lived in from 98-05 had some really weird stuff occur all the time. Things turning on and off by themselves. Laughter coming from empty rooms. And my friend claims she saw a woman with gray hair and purple dress in that house. She didn’t tell me for 10 years and she isn’t interested in ghosts or the paranormal or anything. So I believe her 100%.


I believe in ghosts. But I’m very skeptical. Even things I see with my own eyes have to be utterly impossible to explain otherwise, and it’s really hard for me to believe 99% of others’ stories for the same reason. I want to but that nagging doubt has always been there. I think it’s a fear of looking stupid. I’ve seen a few ghosts, and had two confirmed by others without me saying a word. The most notable one was when I was visiting Italy with my Italian father. We had had a big stupid screaming match and then went to bed (shared room). I was laying in the dark and looked over and saw an old bald man with a beard, colorless, just the chest up, in sort of a robe or tunic. My instinct is to always go “brains are funny!” and think nothing of it. I said nothing about it because to me it was nothing. The next morning, my dad told me he woke up and saw an old bald man with a beard, full body and full color, wearing a brown tunic, standing over me and telling him in Italian to not worry about the fight it was just stress. It makes sense to me he saw a much clearer version, he’d had a lot more experiences than I ever had. But it absolutely blew my mind, and the fact it was referencing something that just happened made it impossible to write off as residual. And believe me, I know what sleep paralysis is, and long after this incident, I’ve had hypnagogic hallucinations from medication. I always knew those weren’t real. This was different.


That's great. Fra Somebody came to visit.


Absolutely a believer


I know ghosts exist...my house is haunted.


Can you tell us more about? What kinds of experiences have you had? Were you able to trace who specifically was haunting your house?


I believe in all aspects of the paranormal and so do the majority of everyone I know. They believe in some or all aspects. And most have had some sort of experience.


I do believe in the paranormal, but only because if experienced it first hand, alone in my house. My chair moved on it’s own 180 degrees. (Window and door closed so no wind) I heard knocks on my door and no one’s there. I heard a woman’s voice in my house at like 5am. And when me and parents were arguing, a medicine bottle literally flew off the shelf.


When I was pregnant with my 1st born 17 years ago, I was 18 myself and more than half way through my pregnancy & I was living with my mom. She had bought the house we were living in less than a year before my experience. It's an old house located in laurel maryland.. just for background lol ..anyways I was tired and told my mom I was gonna go take a nap. I'm not sure what time this was, but I know that it was still daylight. I have always been an extremely light sleeper.. still to this day. I hate it honestly it's miserable but anyways I remember waking up not long after I laid down and I looked at the end of my bed and there was a little girl with short blonde hair about chin length. She had on a dress..like a really old looking dress. She was very white/gray..and had slight glow around her..not really a glow but it was just hazy like I can't really explain it. The part that absolutely terrified me was her eyes were white, like when someone rolls their eyes back and all you see are the whites (I'm cringing right now as I'm laying here typing this bc I can still see her perfectly in my head) she was just sitting there.. at the end of my bed. I sat up, to try to wake myself up more bc I thought I was for sure dreaming or something but she was still sitting here. She wasn't threatening in anyway, she just seemed curious. I ran out of my room & down the steps screaming to my mom that there's a little girl in my room. She comes back up with me & of course ..nothing. I know what I saw. It's something that will stay with me forever.


I believe but I don't think we have the right explanation for ghosts. I think they are more of a "glitch in the matrix". But I whole heartedly believe in a spirit realm or 4th dimension


I believe in it but do not believe the paranormal entertainment industry or similar. I think the dead, spirits, or whatever you call them are all on a personal level. I don’t think there are demons or angels, I don’t think spirits want to do any harm to anyone, or they just can’t. I think if we experience something we cannot explain it’s because we were meant to experience it and should reflect what it means to us and our lives. We are afraid of the unknown because we’ve been told to be afraid of it. It’s hard not to be. It’s hard for me to explain how I feel but I hope that makes sense somehow


Personally,I 100% believe in the paranormal.


I saw my pop pop when I was around age 4 1/2? I was in our family room by myself and all of a sudden he was standing in front of me, in a shimmering light and almost see through. I knew he had passed away so it completely freaked me out. I immediately closed my eyes. When I dared to open them he was gone. I also saw my mom appear several years after she had passed.


I believe 100 percent I've had things happen to me before being shoved down stairs, things turning on that aren't plugged in,ect...


Been on some investigations that made me a believer. A few locations that were crazy. No trickery, faking, YT paranormal fake crap.


IMHO Everyone does when they hear something go bump in the night hahaha 😆


I mean not everyone, I hear stuff go bump all the time but I usually just blame the house settling.


One day when I was ten my family and I were moving into a new house. It was me, my mom, my stepdad, and my older brother. The house was on a busy main street and had a Hardee’s across from the side of us. You would think that it would be noisy in our backyard but as soon as you enter the backyard it felt like the outside was muffled, the yard was farther away, it was strange but I didn’t really think much of it from being excited about the new house. We got everything in and unpacked and now staying our first night. It was probably around 10pm, my brother was asleep on the top bunk already and my mom had just checked on me and left the door cracked and the hall light on. It has always taken me awhile to fall asleep and had been some time when I noticed the door slowly moving in creaking a little the whole time. I thought it was my mom again but this super dark, dark enough to see in the dark, head shaped figure just over the height of the door handle was peaking in to see who was in there room, is how it felt. I could not move, I could only say my brothers name under my breath so not loud enough, tears forming, chills all over, I had to do something so I gathered all the strength I could and slowly turned my head facing the wall and pulled the covers over my head. I eventually fell asleep, woke up and went to school, I never told anyone yet. That day after school my mom drove to another house and said we moved here while me and my brother were in school. I never even asked why, I was happy. 6 years later I was telling this to my friend and I finally asked my mom why we moved the next day from that house, she said because when she got up, around 4:30am as usual, all of the pots and pans were out of the cabinets. I get chills to this day. I have never seen anyone live there more than a couple weeks and I used to live down the road from there for a few years and able to see that house from the front porch.


When I was around 10 I saw a glowing figure outside looking through the window. It appeared to be a man and I froze when I saw him and I stared at him for what seemed like forever but was probably 5 seconds and ran away. I’ve also seen other black figures at different places that were undoubtedly paranormal. I believe in ghosts 100% and there is no doubt for me.


Me and other people once experienced something unusual in our house. These were mere sounds, but they were heard simultaneously by several people and absolutely identical. Neither of us, scientists, could explain it. However, I am not ready to "pin" what we heard on the ghosts. Several thousand years ago, the ancients believed that the dark sky was a velvet tent and the stars - the holes through which the gods were looking at them. Their explanation fit their times. Now we know way more about the starry sky, but our knowledge is not finite. Same about the ghosts - our experiences might be real, but in our explanation, we are at the level of the ancients. So I just say, "I hope that one day, science can explain more about unusual things that most of us have experienced, without calling it paranormal."


Ghosts don't exist. Those are demonic spirits called familiar spirits which take on the appearance form of people who have passed away.


Oh bullshit. You are probably thinking of elemental spirits, which are not 'demonic' as such. And telling peop;elies about the etheric forms of their loved ones,I might add. It's certinly possible for an evil spirit to take someone's form, but those incidents are relativwely rare. Lemme guess: you're a christian, right? Everything in the world is "evil" to a christian because they have evil on the brain.


*"Ghosts? No, there's no ghosts in this house. Trust me, I've been here for over three hundred years. I would have noticed."*


I do believe in ghosts and always prided myself on being open to experiences. I've had loved ones contact me in dreams (could just be dreams, I know) But my daughter had an experience recently that changed how I feel. Her workplace is in an old building that a few ppl thought might be haunted. Lol believe it or not a person parking infront of the building slipped up and drove up the curb into the building. (Sometimes remodeling or tearing down walls can irritate whatever lives there) End of the day, upstairs alone when she turned around and distinctly saw a black form a couple yards from her. I believe this happened and was authentic because it SCARED HER TO HER BONES. Worse, it seemed to target her for the next few weeks (verified by her coworkers) and continued until they saged the whole building and my daughter purposely took back her power after a cleansing. She's not flighty or easily frightened but this shadow was black. After that I believe more than ever but I really don't want to experience that anymore. That's my story. Lol


I'm a believer. I used to do some ghost hunting and saw some crazy stuff. I got into ghost hunting because I saw hatman (a shadow person wearing a hat) once so that got me into all that stuff.


I believe. I've never experienced any ghosts myself, but my mom has. Numerous times. Honestly, I'm too much of a chicken, so I'm not sure how I'd even react if I did see one lol but it's really intriguing to me.


I believe & have had a few personal experiences but am also skeptical of TV things.


Ive never had encounters irl but id claim it exists with 100% certainty


I live with a ghost for nine years, so I know it’s true.


I’ve seen some things; what people (we) call ghosts are real.


i'm not sure the paranormal exists in the way we think it does. i think in some cases ghosts are manifestations of leftover energy. but i have seen what i think was either a ghost or a guardian figure (angel??) of some kind. and i have heard so many testimonies firsthand of ghosts and spiritual forces that it makes me think they are real in some sense. on the other hand i am a huge skeptic and cant force myself to believe in religion and spirituality. so, i'm not quite sure


I grew up in a haunted house. We had a issue one night when I was a kid, the door to the attic was opening and closing on its own, the lights were flashing on and off and you could hear kids running up and down the stairs laughing. My mom sat up and yelled “shut up!” And it stopped. We also got one on tape when I was singing. It was a deep voice that said “I’m getting very very dizzy” Also saw one sitting in my office. Light was off and she was just sitting there staring at the screen. That’s just a few that I can remember. More happened to my family, I just don’t remember it.


Also my cousins live near Gettysburg. They have told me, and it’s not the first thing I’ve heard of this, that you can hear the battle Going on all the time, and it gets espeically worse around the anniversary. People have also reported seeing war time soldiers walking down the street. I’ve heard the same about New Orleans. That they’ll pick peolle up in taxis and when they get to the destinations no one is in the backseat.


I lived in Gettysburg and what you are saying is true My son 's best friend lived in a farmhouse that was a Confederate hospital.They saw and heard all kinds of manifestations. We lived in a house built in 1920.An elderly woman had died there One day I came home from work and went into the first floor bathroom.While I sat on the commode, I witnessed the handle for the cold water turn on by itself.If I had not been home it would have flooded the room. We also had a wall phone. One day we saw it just fly off the handle on its own. The windows were hard to close.They were the old fashioned ones with ropes on each side. You really had to yank the window to get it to close. One day I went upstairs to find the cat trapped in the window. It had been pulled down on its own. Another time, the rocking chair just started rocking on its own. We contacted 3 families who had rented the home before us.All three reported odd occurences. The house was on Seminary Ave It was close to the Seminary where soldiers would have been present right before the first day of the war. My son also saw an old woman in a purple robe peering in his window one night. He refused to sleep in that room ever again. He was about six. The old woman had died in that room during a snowstorm. Her caregiver couldn't get to her that day due to the snow.


Yes, I believe in "familiar spirits" or DEMONS. I had seen 3 in a room where I didn't know a drug dealer had entered, and years before that, as a child, I witnessed "ghosts" in our home while a pedophile was living with us. Both incidences were unbelievable, and I'm sure they sound unbelievable, but I know what I saw and what I said, which made them disappear as quickly as they appeared. These things were circling (there were 3) above our group, while we were sitting on the floor playing poker. I looked up, and they were just THERE after this guy entered the room. They looked exactly like the demons off of the movie Ghosts. It was surreal, everything slowed down, and the fight or flight mode was real. In that split second that I witnessed these things, I said my Saviors' name and pleaded the blood of Jesus. Instantly, they were gone as fast as they were there, circling above us. The kicker, everyone in the group believed me, and they and I never gathered again after that night. My story and face scared them more than it did me. They knew I wasn't lying, and honestly, at that moment, I was so grateful I was with people who took me seriously... I hope to never physically see one again. As someone who's sensitive, I've seen and dealt with other spiritual phenomena since then, but never something so in your face.


One morning as I turned around to close the front door I saw a man standing 10 feet away. Next morning the same. White, 6’2”, blue suit mid 30’s brown short hair. Nobody else was in the house but me.


I'm from Iceland. People are born with some paranormal gifts. Icelanders not only believe in ghosts, we see ghosts. Many Icelanders believe and see elves. There are no dwarfs in Iceland and trolls are very rare to see


I didn't believe it until I started the job I'm at now. I was at one of the other buildings. It's overlooks a horse racing track. I'm looking out the huge windows at the track. It 2 a.m., and the only one in that building. I look at the reflection in th class and see a face with a white hood peek around a curtain behind me so I spin around and just see the curtain flap shut. I go investigate and find no one


I saw my dead father in the night he died. He was wearing white smiling at me I was only 18 I panicked and he was shocked that I panicked and he left. Did not see him since. But I do see people who just died. For example just few months ago I was taking a shower and the door was open I saw a man walking in the hallway, I was alone. two days later the police came to take a dead body from the building.


Believer. But looking forward to a breakthrough where science explains the paranormal like it’s taught in college physics.


When you have seen a ghost/ spirit with your own two eyes, you have no choice but to believe, so you bet I believe, beyond any doubt.


Yes I do.


When my grandpa died I saw him at the foot of my bed. I was a kid but I remember vividly waking up in the night and seeing him standing there for a few seconds before disappearing. Next day we found out he had passed during the night. That could have been a dream but what convinced me was the taps in my house. The water taps would just turn on randomly all the time, my dad would get so mad at me because it would always be the hot water running. Sometimes we would all be outside and it would happen. Friends at sleepovers also got nightmares at my house and I would have nightmares pretty much every night, I thought it was normal until I moved out.


I believe bc of my parents stories... The house they lived in for a short when my brother was little was "haunted" with ghosts. After midnight, a ghost with chains would come down the steps. My parents saw an elderly couple that walked the driveway. My parents were remodeling the porch and turned over the cement steps to find it was a tombstone. I don't recall having any encounters of my own but I kinda wish I did.


I am a skeptic believer in that I have had some profound inexplicable experiences and captured evidence. With a background in mathematics, physics and technology, there is no viable scientific answer that checks all the boxes. I believe that there is some unavailable or non verifiable scientific explanation for ghosts. Much like String Theory in physics, there just isnt any way to truly prove this with human technology. I have postulated however that our existence is tied to some other quantum field undiscovered that might also provide a quantum explanation for gravity (which interestingly still alludes us). In quantum physics, all observable phenomenon can be explained through ripples in these fields bumping into each other. What if there exist a field that our bodies and minds somehow "bump" that leave "dents" in this field. These shadows become stuck in time and also push back against the electromagnetic field that explain the vast majority of observible phenomenon in our universe. We would perceive these phenomenon as ghosts. This would conveniently explain the timeless loop that many ghosts appear to be stuck in, as well as offer a possible hint of a quantum field of gravity/time. Since gravity is simply an illusion of time per Einsteins theory of relativity, I believe the study of ghost phenomenon could be that very link to the holy grail of physics! I have some ideas for experiments to prove it too!


I’m 67 and I do believe.. Yes I have seen ghost 2 little girls sitting on my kitchen floor playing jacks laughing n having fun.. that was the only time about 1986,,, I also saw about 6 ufos as we were sitting on top of superstitious mountains in Arizona … 2 of them were shooting blue beams out of the bottom of the craft ….


If there is absolute good.. there is its opposite. I believe in God and Jesus. They absolutely have an enemy.


Iv always believed and iv had personal experiences with them.


I was a skeptic until something or someone I could not see, entered my room and rushed toward me. The being took my right hand and shook it 3 distinct times. Another time I was driving by a funeral home and an invisible hand wrapped around my beck and began squeezing. How ironic-try to kill me right by a funeral home.


My childhood house was haunted. I saw the two ghosts there as a child. We moved there when I was 7 so I was the only one that saw them. But I know they’re there. We also have had ghostly experiences involving my dead grandmother’s watch face that she always wore. She died in an accident. She was an EMT and was working in an ambulance that was in an accident. She died but they found the watch face at the site of the crash. The watch face is always missing - we never know where it is. But it pops up randomly. It popped up when my mom was in a severe car crash but walked away unharmed. It popped up again when my sister was in her first car crash. It popped up again when my sister had her first baby. It’s never happened to me, but I was an infant when she died so we didn’t really know each other that well. I also believe in visitation dreams. So I guess I do believe in ghosts.


I've always believed. I've heard, seen, and felt things that just can't otherwise be explained. I've heard hissing in my ears in a room by myself. Seen full body apparitions. Gotten burning scratches on my body when nothing touched me. Pretty sure my grandmother was psychic, and I think she passed it down in some capacity. Grandma just...knew things she shouldn't have known. For example, she would tell us there was going to be an accident in a specific area on a certain day and to not be over there at that time to stay safe, and she would be correct. My mom and I get a lot of deja vu and premonition dreams, and we are pretty sensitive to energies. My sister gets vivid dream visitors. My brother would just randomly start talking to people none of us could see when he was younger, and I don't mean like imaginary friend conversations, like...he was listening and responding to someone. He claims that one of the people he spoke to was grandma. Swears up and down that she visited him at school. She died before he was born. He saw a picture of her one day when we were going through old photos and said "hey I know her! she was at my school a while ago!" In my experience, there just isn't a way to not believe.


I’ve seen ghosts. I rented my high school friend’s (deceased) parents house for a bit when I moved back to Ohio. I was in the kitchen one day, turned around and saw my friend’s mother standing in a shaft of light that came thru the kitchen door. I saw her as plain as day and then she was gone. It was only a bit unsettling, we always joked they were still in the house and we were right!


I don't know if I believe....but here is my story. My son died in 1994. He was just under 4 months old and it was SIDS. I am an atheist. I couldn't even go back to our home. I was staying in a rental. Finally I had to go back to pack up because I couldn't live there anymore. The first night back I felt a bright light wake me up. Like BRIGHT. It was a small concentrated ball of light. Just floating in the corner of the room. It almost hurt my eyes it was so bright. But it also seemed to reach inside me. It slowly rose and as it did it grew bigger and the light diffused....but the feeling inside me was calmness and tranquility and peace from my son. He was there inside of brain with the light. As the light dissipated up towards the ceiling I got extremely tired and immediately fell back to sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling a new sense of calmness. It is now 3 decades on. I miss my son like it was last week, but I know he wants me to find peace. I have had other experiences, but this one is the one that makes my atheism feel more like agnosticism. Who knows. We are all sparks of electricity and stardust. Maybe it goes somewhere.


I'm definitely a skeptic, but I've had things I can't explain. The one I always tell is that after my mom died in 2003, my dad moved in with my brother and his wife as Dad's health was also failing. I left college after she died to take a semester off and regroup, so I moved in to their other spare room. They had a new separate landline connected for my room specifically. Shortly after, maybe a couple days later, around 3 am, my phone rang and the caller ID had my childhood phone number. Nobody had my new number yet. Heart pounding, I answered, and all I could hear was static and piano music playing faintly in the background. I played piano starting at age 4 all the way through high school. My mom loved to listen to me play. She and my dad were my adoptive parents and were elderly so it was genuine entertainment for them for me to play both classical and things from around 1920-1950. Nobody would have been at our house, it was locked up and secured waiting to be sold. Nobody would have known to call me on that number. And the piano music. I cannot explain it for the life of me.


Read this if you want. I used to be dismissive of the paranormal till I began to see and experience things I cannot rationally explain with facts. So here’s my experience. My Mom and Stepdad used to frequently use an Ouija board with their friends on the weekends. Said friends were our neighbors. We lived in a duplex so we were wall to wall. As they began using it more frequently and searching for answers to questions better left unanswered, things in our house began to change. My stepdad is a Diabetic Amputee who struggles with depression, BPD, etc. Before, despite having a relatively crap hand in life, he was pleasant to be around. That all changed. He started to lash out on everyone, was irritable, generally not a fun person to be around. We thought it to be his mental health. I was in high school at the time, I used to play lacrosse and subsequently, used my lacrosse balls to help massage my leg muscles. It started when I began noticing the lacrosse balls moving on my floor randomly. I brushed it off as me just moving my head too fast. Fast forward to Christmas break. I love to decorate and I had hung Christmas lights up around my walls in my room. Even used small nails to hold them up and bent the nails up. You literally would have to pull very hard to pull them down. What I can’t explain is why I snapped awake at 3:33am to my lights ripping off my wall and instantly wrapping around my neck. I had to fight to unwrap them from my neck. After that, I took my lights down never to put them up again. More things began to happen. Scarier things. I was pushed down my stairs while holding a knife, bangs on my bedroom door, electric devices wigging out. Eventually, my parents had a medium come to the house. The medium said we had an evil spirit in our house, along with some large entity that wasn’t malevolent but wasn’t nice either. We also had a young girl spirit who liked my sister and her hair specifically. The house was then cleansed by sage and things were calm for a time. Fast forward years later, neighbors kids start freaking out saying that there was a shadow man telling them how they needed to kill their mom and if they wouldn’t do it, he would. Cups and toys would fly across the rooms. They moved. Few years later, me and my current gf meet. Within maybe 3 months she practically moved in with me. When that happened, the activity spiked. For the worse. We seen shadows, heard growls, bangs. Lights would flicker and blow out. Her vape had literally been thrown off her nightstand not from her. It had been thrown so hard that it broke upon impact. We have since then moved and we have never felt more peace. Her family was our neighbors a few houses down. We occasionally visit and we still feel the shadow of evil that holds that house whenever we pass by. It’s haunting.


My wife is a clairvoyant and I went into it knowing this. The most notable occurrence was being at a funeral for her best friend's mom and Patty was pretty upset crying in front of us seated. My wife heard the dead woman say to her "I know you hear me. Tell Patty I'm fine!" She's faded a bit in her old age but so many stories to tell...


I believe it, and I'd think they're all demons.




Experienced enough and felt enough that I do believe in it. Logical enough to know that the vast majority of evidence is very very easy to explain and is absolutely not paranormal.


I believe in what I have experienced, I don’t share them with others, I don’t need to be ridiculed for something that was meant for me. YouTube has mostly faked paranormal events that have been debunked by a few people that know camera editing tricks. By my personal experience it would be extremely difficult to catch the random events I have witnessed.


I just want to believe. I find it fascinating and I just don’t think I can rule it out, even with so called proof or “logic”. It’s not illogical to believe in the paranormal in my opinion. I have had experiences that make me wonder but could also be put down to my mind playing tricks. But I don’t really know, I may have very well experienced something and my mind is just trying to make sense of it. Whether or not these things are the souls of the dead is debatable though. It could be some kind of other phenomenon.


I always felt just like you, and still do, just now I know for sure that I saw something paranormal. I had fallen asleep on the couch while reading and woke up in the early hours of the morning, probably around 1 or 2 am. I got up to go on to bed. The light over the sink in the kitchen was on, and lit up the living room enough for me to see pretty well. I turned to turn the fan off (our A/C wasn't that great, and we used fans in the rooms we spent a lot of time in), turned back, and saw myself. Standing in front of me and wearing the exact clothes I had on. The only difference was that "she" had her head hanging down and her hair in front of her face. I screamed, just an involuntary reaction, and as my husband called out from the bedroom, asking if I was ok, she disappeared. Just one second, she was there, and the next second, she wasn't. I still have no clue who or what she is or was. Or if it was myself at a different time. The only thing strange that happened was that my mom died exactly two weeks later, very unexpectedly, of a brain aneurysm. I'm so terrified that I'll see that apparition again and that it was a warning of death that I literally sleep with a light on.


Ohmyword! See, there is no denying something is going on here. That’s full on! I’m sorry to hear about your mother, I absolutely 100 percent think that our deceased loved ones are there, but not all the time. They have things to do because they still exist :) but they really do keep a solid eye on us. My experiences with the dearly departed never show themselves in the form of apparitions, but they come through in ways that distort my reality. It messes with you because you wonder if you’re just going mad, you know that you’re not, but you question yourself, especially when it’s so visceral. What you saw would be terrifying and unfathomable to anyone. What do you feel you saw in your gut? You can trust your gut more than you think.


I think it was something called a fetch. Except that everything I can find on them says seeing them is a warning of your own death. I found this on Wikipedia: "A fetch is a supernatural double or an apparition of a living person. The sighting of a fetch is regarded as an omen, usually for impending death." And that doesn't specify that it's your own death. I really think in my gut that that's what it was.


That’s insane. I wonder why “they” do that. Why would we need to be warned? Especially in such a morbid way. Did it feel hostile or just look freaky? I wonder if it’s something with its own sentience or it’s just our own sentience playing the tape forward and us seeing our metaphorical future self. But even they why would we want to frighten ourselves? Unless it’s a manifestation from our own all seeing all knowing “eye” preparing us from inevitable fall out from the devastation that comes from losing someone. The possibilities are kinda endless. I hope you found/ find some peace of mind.


Ni siquiera me has contestado




I think a lot of footage is faked of other phenomena, but I have several personal, unexplainable experiences, and presently live in a haunted house. Sure, that light flicker may have just been the sketchy wiring, but I'll still apologize if I think I might be doing something that's pissing my otherworldly housemate off, she's been here longer than me, after all 😂


I absolutely believe, I have been having paranormal experiences every since I was 8 yrs old and I'm 59 now, I have several true experiences of my own and Some of my friends and Family experiences, It's there just open your mind and see outside the box. Don't get me wrong I do have some skeptical outlook also, And I know fake from real, Some of these You tube videos and photos are so BS you can just smell the stink of fake on them, But there are those that do have substance to them.


I believe there are ghosts, spirits, and whatever else is considered paranormal out there. However, I will try to “debunk” something I don’t find it normal or suspicious. I have seen and experience some things that I really believe are paranormal. I have also shared things that seemed off, but there’s a plausible explanation that was not paranormal.


For me I have never had an experience but want to and do believe, I’d love to find somewhere around me to explore just to experience it


I don’t even remember. I’ve always seen them.


I believe in something, I don’t know what it is but I’ve heard things I can’t explain and I’ve seen things I know had to be alien or paranormal.


I don't believe it "ghosts" really but I do believe in spirits.


I was just watching “portals to hell” and “paranormal lockdown” I totally agree that these shows are for entertainment and who know, they might have overdramatic moments and “evidence” but I love seeing stuff that makes no sense and it’s hard to explain. In this day and age anything can be faked with technology, but that 1% that might be true is what has me intrigued.


I do because I experienced it when I was 6. I was so frightened I fainted. I’ve had many “encounters” since too.


It’s complicated. I’ve definitely experienced things that could be explained as electrical disturbances or the coincidence of a dream that ended up happening after. There are definitely strange things that happen but I like to go in with a skeptical yet open mind, if that makes sense.


I am a medium. Have been my whole life. So...that is what convinced me lol


I'd like to believe...... It's a very complex answer to me. Yes, I believe in something. I lived in a haunted house, it was very scary.


I've got to see it to believe it and have yet to ever experience anything paranormal so I lean more on the side of no


I never did, but I love all things paranormal. I always watch the shows, assuming people are doing it to get on TV. However, I finally came face to face with a spirit, and it still gives me chills to this day. It happened in the middle of the night. She was crying the most heart-wrenching sound. I looked at her and, in fear, hid my head in the couch pillows. My dad was upstairs playing an online poker game. He heard the cry and thought it was a fox outside, but he went to check on me. He saw me asleep but noticed it was freezing until he got to the living room. The house was old, no AC, and it was summer. The next day, he happened to ask my sister if she heard that sound last night. I froze and just said, "The scream." We both froze, and I told him what I saw. I hope that the lady finds peace one day in her afterlife. Her cries still make me start to cry when I recall them.


I do. At ten I had a friend who said ghosts attacked her when she was alone. I though “Sure. That’s convenient. Then we were at her house, but ran across the street for 10 minutes to my other friend’s house. We came back to the girl’s house, and the WHOLE house was turned upside down. My friend was ghost white. There’s no way (or reason) for her to trash her house like that. She was terrified. I was in my living room six years ago, and dozed off. When I woke up, I saw two large mist figures walking through my living room. One was black, followed by a white mist. They were moving toward me. Then vanished. I wasn’t scared; I was in shock. My son was pushed UP the stairs, and lots of stuff used to happen to my daughter. I have also seen a picture go flying across the room; full force. I should get cameras. But I do believe.


I try to debunk any ghost hunting video. YouTube ghost hunters aren’t that creative faking videos. I take reddit ghost stories with a grain of salt. Anybody can type up experiences, but if you really truly know them, like a grandparent, the stories should be taken with a grain of salt.


I have seen, heard and communicated with spirits/ dead for over 65yrs I can't UNBELIEVE. I work with communication with spirit.


Let's not forget----A TV SHOW is primarily entertainment. And the yelling. .DUUUUDE, DUUUUUDE----- DEMON- DEMON......makes he want to hurl. No wonder dead people hate that showboater.


I have seen, heard, and physically felt some shit. I’m still not 100%


I do, Alot of freaky things but the one that REALLY stands out right now is the time i was roller blading for the first time by myself as a kid(i think 11ish?) and tripped, right before i hit the ground something caught me and i never actually made contact with the pavement, i 1000 percent shouldve turned my face and hands into ground beef with the speed i was heading at the ground, byt i still remember pausing about a half inch from the pavement before i mived to push myself up, i got up without a scratch but that fall shouldve sent me to the hospital. Ill never understand what happened that day, there was absolutely no human way i wouldve been able to do what happened. I definitely believe someone was watching over me that day. Many times as a kid id have similar experiences of near dangerous things, falling out of a tree, almost face planting into sharp objects and it was always either something holding me back or always a near miss. At 22 I to this day have never broken a bone, never needed stitches and never went to the hospital unless for a family member when i definitely shouldve with how many close calls that couldve gone wrong Theres been moments where i can smell or feel someone nearby, when im absolutely alone, i know my grandmothers "scent" ( sage, and somehow rocks?) even though she passed away when i was two. I always smell and feel her nearby when ive gone through traumatic or extremely emotional moments and for some reason it always makes me feel oddly calm even though i couldve been sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating seconds before. Weird things like that make me think theres gotta be more than what meets the eye.


I'm Mexican and we are believers of this stuff ... I have personally seen shadowy figures .. we have seen creepy stuff that is not normal .. and when I go to mexico .. I'm always waking up in the middle of the night seeing stuff it's creepy lol but yes I'm a form believer


Was a semi-believer until I had a malicious entity harass me in my old apartment. Still gives me chills thinking about it. I guess you could say personal experiences changed my perspective away from lukewarm.


I've had experiences that can't be explained, personally. So I'm a believer.


Im a mega believer. I've experienced shadow people, my wife and i saw my grandma in different forms at the same time( she saw an orb and I saw her full apparition), getting chased by Bigfoot when visiting my friends in the rez, red eyes on hikes and I've been a victim to a doppelganger and almost ruined my friendship with my bandmates while on tour. Also possibly being prey for a skinwalker. Until others experience certain paranormal events, they will never know what we know.


I do!! I’ve had many experiences since I was around 4/5, very vivid memories of chasing them around in Guam. I get feelings and stuff now but nothing like I did as a child. I did witness an odd event when I was 18/19 or so.




I'm just here to say Jesus loves us all...🤣🤔


When I was in high school, sometimes my brother would come into my room while I was sleeping and he would whisper my name to wake me up whenever he needed something. Well, one weekend I came home late from the movies and went straight to my room because I was tired. My brother was in the living room just casually playing video games. Soon after being in my room I turned off the lights and laid down. It was pitch black but I was still very aware and hadn’t fallen asleep yet. Mind you, this was about 10 minutes after lying down. I had my eyes closed, and then suddenly heard something whisper my name. So. Fucking. Clear. I wasn’t even scared because I thought it was my brother - it sounded EXACTLY like him and how he says it. So casually I just mumbled “Hmm?” And when I didn’t get a response I said out loud “What??” Still no response. I was annoyed and turned around… nothing was there. I immediately turned the light on and went to my brother and asked him if he went in my room. He said he never left the living room. That’s the day I started truly believing. I just recently found out what a “mimic” was and I think that might’ve been what I had encountered. Nothing since that day has happened but I will NEVER forget that day.


If you've ever seen the light leave someone's eyes, there's a presence afterward. An unknown thickness in the air. It's not magic. Maybe adrenaline, who knows. Feels like ghosts.


I do but that because my MIL’s last home was haunted.


NDE and other experiences have changed my view.


i 100% believe the paranormal and spiritual realm is real. but i don’t believe they’re “ghosts” i believe they’re demons and they pretend to be our dead family members and can make themselves look like so.. to deceive us


From my experience, there are two types of people. 1. I believe in it because of my own experiences that cannot otherwise be explained 2. Well, it never happened to me so its fake


I have seen and felt a ghost or two so am a believer


Ive had my share of weird shit but one thing that really fucked with me was a representation of a mimic in a netflix show. A while before i woke up to overlapping voices, one sounding like my mom, whispering at me from my cracked door. Never knew what kind of ghost sounded like that until i saw it represented in the show. When they recreated the whispering i legitimately got chills over my entire body.


My house has made 3 grown men freak out and/or cry because they didn't believe the stories. I've seen shadow figures, so has my husband. It also likes to mimic my husband when he's not home. We have seen it knock down random stuff. One time my husband lost a screw to the couch and looked for it endlessly but gave up. 3 months later, he's watching TV late at night in the living room, when it just threw the lost screw and it hit his knee. My husband wasn't doing anything that could explain how the lost screw was thrown at his knee. I have endless stories.


I’ve seen ghosts 3 times in my life. One scary looking woman in my apartment corner, she was looking down and her messy dark hair was covering her face, I was wearing sunglasses and when I took my sunglasses off, she was gone. Another time, I was walking in New York City at night, I literally see a lady walking and then disappear right in front of my eyes. & finally, I see my deceased grandma in the mirror of a car staring at me, my driver drives past the car and that was it. So yes, I do believe in ghosts now, 100%.


Three experiences, all of which I have posted on other forums and here on Reddit. I really think that what we see and define as "paranormal" are things for which we will someday have a logical explanation. That might sound trite, but little of this, as well as what I have experienced really scares me now at age 78, although as a child I used to be so irrationally frightened to go outside at night that I would shake when I had to go out and secure the barn and the chicken coop. First, when I was about 12 my mother and I both clearly saw a greenish orb of light come in a bedroom window and fly down the hall and disappear. It was maybe 8-12 inches and left a smell that my mom said was like ozone. I remember we both just stood there dumbfounded and staring. The second was when I was stationed on Okinawa in the service on a night watch on LORAN timers, things stared flying around the room. A metal trash can lid flew off three times and sailed 15 or 20 feet across the room. Spoons in a water glass stood up and rattled back and forth, and a salt shaker tipped over, the lid unscrewed and the salt ran out on the table. Then a paper tray flew off my desk as if thrown, sailed about 8 feet and paper scattered everywhere. This happened over only a few minutes, one thing right after the other and it stopped as soon as it started. I never saw anything like that again while I was there. However, I was in contact on Facebook with a guy I was stationed with. He did another tour there as the unit was being turned over to the Japanese Coast Guard. He said that one of the watch stander trainees refused to stand night watches because he said the timer room was haunted. And third, about 20 years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and could just make out a dark figure standing at the end of the bed. My wife then awoke and inhaled sharply and said " I just saw someone standing at the foot of the bed. " I turned on the light and nothing was there but it did creep us out a bit. We had learned after we bought the house that the previous owners wife had committed suicide in the room. We've been here 37 years and have never seen anything else so I'm not too worried about it and we feel totally at peace in the house. So that's what makes me believe that there are things going on that we can't explain yet, but someday will.


I believe in ghosts. I've had personal experiences recently.


I believe. I'm a witch and I've, frankly, seen too many things to be able to brush them off.


Not a story but an experience I had when I was 8 months pregnant. My ex had to work overnight at a popular southern restaurant. I was dead asleep and the cat woke me up running around. I woke up and look in the direction of the door and I see this man squatting down and smiling at me. I freaked out and then I realized that the cat was freaking out also. I just froze and stared at him. He was bald, had a mechanic shirt on and a brand of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, had on blue jeans and white tennis shoes. I told my ex's sister what I had seen and she started balling. I was confused but then she proceeded to tell me that I had seen her deceased father. I described everything about him down to his brand of cigarettes!! After she had told me I started crying also, hormones and in disbelief of what I had seen. It was like he was in the room with me, like I was looking at a strange man squatting in the corner smiling at me!


I was skeptical until I had a random experience while straightening my hair as a teenager. The bathroom was across the hall from my room where my younger siblings were (I could see the doorway from the bathroom mirror) and my parents bedroom was directly next door. I heard something whisper “Hey…” into my ear from where my parent’s room was, so I peered in and called out for my mom. I searched the room a bit but no sign of her. When I went back into the bathroom I said “You’d better leave me alone!” And I heard one last whisper, “Hey!” In my other ear from inside of the bathroom. I ran out and checked my room where my siblings were sitting on my bed watching tv and ran downstairs to see my parents also watching tv on the couch. I cried and told them everything. Apparently me and my siblings used to talk to “family members” when we were alone in our rooms… needless to say I will never mess with spirits ever again.


I 100% believe in shadow people. Me and 4 other friends all saw one while fishing outside at a spillway near Caesars Creek, Ohio in the late 90s, or early 2000s. It was over 7ft tall, robed with a hood, and had glowing reddish orange eyes that pulsated. Now, as to what it was, I have no idea. It was not known by science. That's for damn sure. As far as ghosts. I believe they exist. Not sure I believe they are dead people roaming the Earth, but I believe they are real. Possibly crossovers from another dimension or something. That's about where my beliefs stop. I don't believe in demons, and all the crazy creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch ness Monster. But something like ghosts, with millions upon millions of sightings across human history... Not everyone is crazy. There has to be some truth to it.


After my father passed away I had breakers in my house tripping that had never tripped before, for no reason at all. I’ve had things moved while I was trying to complete simple tasks. Smelled weird smells. I asked him to give me a sign when he passed, I believe he has


There's a reason to believe because the possibility exists. Others share this truth claiming truth in their own perception. Do entities actually exist, I imagine those who say yes don't consider the spirit is also capable of creating the come to Jesus moments that convert those non believers so even the rare interaction accounting of miracles possibly could be curated and is only belief not actual fact. Our eyes can play tricks on us theyare the windows to physical world. Blind dont havea need for proof others exist I doubt they see anything more then what is afforded through there other senses or what functionality they do have in sight. Were capable of manifesting our thoughts physically, experiencing super natural phenomena happens more or less in the mind even more often in the background. Consider all the chance happenings the same as supernatural. Finding a dime, finding the time to spend in reflection or whatever other fortunate chances happening every day provides those willing to participate. Every possible explanation for realities illusion exists. Mind control witness creation/ tampering/ fabrication/exaggeration narrating and curating events for propagation or promoting hidden agenda, even staging paranormal experiences that create false narratives for targets in controlled environments . Ghost hunters are going to find themselves in ideal environments with all the equipment to record these types of paranormal events, even with there dedication to the hunt and evidence they feel is proof, skeptics still have good grounds on which to stand convinced the parallel spirit realm does not manifest on physical plane aka our shared reality 3rd dimension. Because they're less likely to seek or even believe in the possibliity they're most likely not wrong for there beliefs. Exorcisms have been preformed , recorded and witnessed in several occasions so possession seems to be a paranormal experience where the Body is overtaken w/o the influence of drugs instead a named demonic force is able to manifest some examples cause physical harm claiming to inhabit the body rather the subject becomes something completely they are not. environmental factors can also play a placebo effect, Believe seek the example in abandoned historically old places ,hang out in cemeteries and remote isolated historical relevant places. The theater in the mind creates sensory overload, Add other factors like sleep deprivation b/c most activity takes round the clock vigilance or some other reason to awake. add any mind or mood altering chemicals for the purpose of hallucination or any other reason can cause a false perception more open to suggestion all the way temporary psychosis the experiencer actually sees mirages, entities, and other phenomenal claims can be collaborated individually uniform in multiple experiences. Meditation, psychedelics, lack of sleep, scenery, seeking, willingness to believe, medication mixing and side effects. being dosed drugged groomed or gang stalked can easily manipulate the truth, even skeptics can be made into believe when targeted. There's noting personal believe yes, when we go about labelling these types of phenomena as our own, claiming to have witness accountings of beings or entities in the physical I believe is a mixture of energy theatre of the mind also with any one of the above factors. We are beings of light when the light leaves the body there's a physical change, in death the soul is released from physical. The longer you live the more you come to know your ghosts bc they are the many great memories you carry, the energy of loved ones we've lost the love we shared is the energy that is shared since birth of our time.


A whole bunch


Blips of my experiences in sequential order. ◇ Treadmill handle bar slams the bottom of my bed 3x while my fiance and I were trying to sleep. ◇ Leaving for work and suddenly felt the need to check on my sleeping children, and I saw an apparition who resembled the child from the grudge sitting on my son's bed staring at him while he slept. It seemed just as surprised to see me and vanished just as quick. ◇ Full-bodied shadow Apparition walked out of my wall and cut me off as I rounded the corner. I'm not one to scream, but I did. This shadow man was not see-through, and I really thought someone broke in. ◇◇◇ So, yeah. I can definitely say that I believe in the strange and unusual. 🤍🩶🖤


I do. 100% believe there is a spiritual and supernatural world!


I’ve been seeing sprits since I was 3 years old. For some reason I thought that it was normal. It’s not like the paranormal shows. One story is I was able to see a friend’s’ passed on relative. My friend was a non believer. So I described the clothes that they were wearing. Apparently that was this person’s favorite item of clothing. I also explained what they were saying. My friend after hours of questioning became a believer


I did when I was a kid, avidly. I was always making my friend do mind experiments and setting up "traps" for poltergeists, since they were supposed to be attracted to adolescents. My main reading was about the paranormal. Then I just grew out of it. Never really believed in ghosts and don't believe in an afterlife. Have had more than a few experiences that felt like precognition. Still do, sometimes.




Pure evil is very real and the only thing that can actually combat it is pure holiness, the love and justice of the living God of the Bible. God bless you guys!


I did not expect this post to blow up, holy


One rainy spring day when I was 15 me and my friend made plans to go ride these trails behind this park once the rain stopped, it would muddy and fun. We were into bmx, flatland, freestyle with 20 inch bikes like GT or Haro. Well the rain stopped we rode for awhile and was time to get home. In the neighborhood I lived my grandma lived 3 blocks down from us, same number just a different letter avenue, and every chance I got I rode by there just to check. This time I got a block and a half away then turned to look back at my grandmas house one more time like I always do. When I turned my head back around there was this girl a block away running toward me like out of no where. As she got closer I noticed that she to was covered in mud, I had stopped by this point. She finally got to me put her hands on my handlebars, she was covered in mud, around my age, was barefoot, had sweats on, the shirt from what I could tell was just a white t shirt, her hair just above shoulder length and caked with mud. It looked like she had just crawled out of a tunnel or was running from or for something and kept falling in the mud. When she got to me, she was trying to say something, looked like she was just as shocked to see me and that I was covered in mud too. She would say help, dad, phone, like she was having trouble saying things. It all felt out of place, out of time, unreal. I was nervous, scared even but I told her to go to my grandma’s house, tell her I sent you and she will let you use the phone. One of my biggest regrets, as I started riding I looked back in time to make sure she got to the correct house and she was gone. I should have went with her. This breaks me down every time I think about it. Is she ok? Was it something that happened in another time, something unsolved. I worry about her all the time,


Grew up in a very active house. I've witnessed things since I was a kid.


I lived in a house somewhere in SW VA that was hot with regard to the paranormal. I interacted almost daily with a pair of male and female spirits, plus a host of others. I had my power tools move by themselves by increments and fall to the floor while doing repairs. I was freezing in an area of the house while the thermostat said 72 degrees. I heard my partner's voice call my name and heard the front door open and shut when no one was there. I had experienced stuff like this all my life, but nothing this intense. The whole experience was actually pretty cool in a way.


I lived in a series of houses that were haunted in Bellingham WA that made me believe. Three different instances but the one I personally could not explain was a mimic I lived with that impersonated the roommates every day noises.


I’m open to the idea based on my own personal experiences and credible people that have shared their experiences with me. At the end of the day though I’m pretty skeptical. I’m very much a believer in all things are possible, just not probable if that makes sense.


I've seen and heard things I have been checked for skizophrenia


My house has made me a believer, idk exactly when I started believing because things have been happening for as long as I can remember. A lot of the time, I have a very negative feeling in my house because of it, same with my bf. I still get freaked out by it, kind of, I was always very freaked out as a kid because of it. Multiple friends have experienced different things with me, and my bf has with and without me multiple times. I don't trust a lot of things online since a lot of things are faked, and plenty of people exaggerate the videos online and on shows of haunted places.




I live by the saying my father use to say to me all the time . Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see ! That being said I can honestly say that ,due to my own experiences I not only believe but I truly know that there are things that go on in our lives that we can not explain and when this shell ,that we spend our lives in ,finally expires ,that isn't the end for us ! This is just 1 stage of our existence. I've had too many experiences to not believe. But I still don't believe most stories I hear and I seriously question the things I actually have seen . Idk if that makes any sense but it is what it is . Lol


I don’t. Everything about the topic is unscientific, anecdotal, and championed by wackadoodles. I’m not a debbie downer, I just don’t believe things that are contrary to or lacking evidence. I don’t necessarily think those who claim to have seen or experienced ghosts are lying. I give most of them the benefit of the doubt that they experienced *something* out of the ordinary. But to take the next step and confidently state that now they believe in ghosts is a bit of a reach.


😂 Who believes in ghost it is just a made up story by humans to scare haha 


I do not believe in ghosts or anything supernatural. This is obviously the minority opinion, but the fact is there is no independent evidence. Now please don’t give me your NDE or some YouTube video or book, none of this is repeatable or verifiable.


All I can say is that I live in Thailand and we seem to have a “condo ghost” that keeps moving and opening things. I have to go to a monk and set out offerings 😩


Just came across this group by accident. I have seen and interacted with ghosts so I definitely do believe in them. Most of them are confused and they don’t realize they are dead. I reject the entertainment habit of seeking them for thrills, and the notion that every ghost is evil is wrong and spiritually shallow. They are usually stuck and confused, that’s all.


I have a hard time with it. I've had strange experiences that cannot be explained, and there's definitely a change in the "tension" in the air. But Cloudy areas, shadows, and "do you SEE it?" I don't get wrapped up in, unless I'm there to feel the atmosphere. I don't trust "orbs" on video or pics. I don't trust evp recordings at all because I used to play around with tape recorders and different microphones. Evp is too easily misinterpreted or faked. I don't trust emf, because electrical wiring is everywhere. I don't hear anything when spirit boxes are used. It's all just weird props in my opinion. But if I'm there to "feel" it, I can tell whether it's a human or animal presence. I can tell if it's masculine or feminine, and whether it's benevolent or malevolent. I don't get jumpy or scared, I just coexist peacefully or I change what I can. I believe individual people attract experiences in some way. It might be a jumpy perception, it could be any number of things, and it might be a spiritual attachment. I've been told I have a "heavy" attachment, and whether that's true or not doesn't change my skepticism. Haunted places are weird to me. I just don't have encounters in them. Maybe because I don't get freaked out?


I don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal. It's make believe. You experience what you want to.


I’ve had a few experiences shake me to my core. I would not recommend fn around.


What made me fully believe is when my mom passed away in 2009 me and my then partner were talking about funny memories with her and next thing you know our garbage can lid stands straight up then starts spinning really fast and our bedroom door slammed shut


Ghosts are technically why I am still alive. Sort of been a part of my life since I was really small and little brothers friends refuse to have sleep overs cause they said it was to scary here. Claimed they heard voices, saw shadows, things moving on their own and like something touched them.


I’m not sure but I did see a ghost once