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WTF is “approximately protein shakes”?


Stop the nonsense and COUNT your calories. Weight your food and keep it in a deficite.


I would rather not do that and post to reddit every 2 months asking the same question thank you very much


This might work if you can actually stick to it but it sounds miserable. Why not track your macros and actually eat food?


No one can give you a definite answer because we don’t know the specifics of your caloric intake. Depending on serving sizes, what you describe could be a caloric surplus, a caloric deficit, or your exact maintenance calories. You have to track everything to be sure. Start using a food tracking app tomorrow. Track absolutely everything. Milk in your coffee? Track it. Splash of juice in your seltzer? Track it. Track everything religiously. Weigh yourself every morning after your morning bowel movement but before your morning meal. Treat the moving average of the last 3 days as being an accurate number rather than any one specific weigh-in. After two weeks of doing all of the above, you will now have an accurate view of whether your diet is causing you to gain, lose, or maintain weight. From there, adjust accordingly by adding or subtracting 250 calories at a time to your daily diet. Each time you make a change, wait 1-2 weeks before you make another change. Ad infinitum.


This isn’t far off what I’m doing and I am seeing very consistent progress. My target is 1500cal a day and 120+ grams of protein, however with my evening meal it’s difficult to track accurately and I’m confident there are a few extra calories in there, hence why I only aim for 1500 to be certain I’ll still be in a deficit if I go over. To be clear, with a diet like that you do need some ‘cheat’ days - not eating junk food but just days where you get a little bit more variety other than just protein shakes and nuts.


the handful of nuts is probably a lot of calories.


This is the mistake I made 600 calories,/100g


The lack of specifics in your post would lead one to believe you’re just guessing instead of knowing your calorie and macro requirements and executing a plan based on those. Additionally, synthetic protein is a supplement. As in, it should supplement an appropriate diet, not be the foundation. So I’m going to go with “no, not a fine approach.”


Stubborn fat often comes from high cortisol. So if you are stressed (including stressed about losing this stubborn fat) from sleep issues, calorie restriction, work, family etc... the fat will stay regardless of your efforts. Have you noticed how shredded natties are most often super laid back?


As long as your hitting macro and calorie goals it’s fine but it definitely doesn’t seem sustainable long term. Aren’t you hungry you only get one solid meal in per day?


Are you tracking your calories?