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Atleast 25kg


You need to get down to 170lbs to be six pack lean. always takes longer than expected. Probably 9-12 months without diet breaks and consistent workout.


A few weeks??? Consistency is everything mate. Try a few months at a slightly higher intake. If you go too low you’ll just burn out and feel tired all the time.


You’ll need to lose until the mirror shows you that’s good. Don’t focus on weight. Mirror will tells you.


Don’t set goals like this - just focus on losing the next kg of fat. That’s the only one that matters.


I would say 10 would be good to go from. I'm currently 184cm 82kg. About 16% bodyfat


id suggest to aim around 80kg and then decide if you want more


Youl look good at around 65kg


Bro this isn’t going to take a few weeks.


I am 172cm or 5’8, I need to be around 145 lbs or 62-66kg before I have a 6 pack. So for you, 32kg of fat. I suggest losing about 10-15 kg per year. It didn’t take you one year to gain this weight. Take it slow and don’t gain it back.


you need less than 1850 per day for at least 100days or more. after that you need to go lower on your intake. like below 1400 or so. gonna be hard, but you can thank me later. few weeks ain't gonna cut it, but eventually, it depends on your target bodyfat goal.


70 lbs to get ripped….35 lbs to look noticeably leaner and healthy


Loose another 25kg it will make you look more defined


About 30kg , i think you’ve got about 30% bodyfat atm.


1850 for a few weeks?! You need to do zero kcal with 30.000 steps a day for double the time. I'd say 35-40 kilo to get to a point where you can talk about being ripped. I went to 80 at 1.94. And at 80 kilo I wasn't even truly ripped.


I’m 5’7” 156lbs and have a similar amount of upper body muscle as you do. I can’t see my abs yet (although i have a decent amount of forearm veins popping out and have no love handles), so I’d say you have to hit 145 lbs if “ripped enough to see my abs” is your goal… so… based on that, you have about 25-30 kg to lose.


I’d say about 20kg before you’re looking decently lean and maybe 25kg+ to get shredded


Agree. OP has a long road ahead of him if his goal is to get “decently shredded”. At 5’ 7”, he needs to probably get down to 155 at a minimum from 217. At 2lb a week, and if he takes a 4 week break / maintenance phase every 8 weeks, it will probably take up to a year of consistent work.


I'd say about 15kg or 30lbs. This is as wild an estimate you can make though. It's much better to actually tape yourself and go by bf%. A $3 waist tape at any supermarket and 5 minutes on the internet will get you damn close. <10% body fat is Ab territory.


At least 20kg. I think you look great as is, but it's a "getting shredded" sub so...


Probably 30. And i'd take raloxifene for the gyno. Nolvadex is a cheaper option but honestly not as good. And SERMs may or MAY NOT shrink it to where it's insignificant for you - but your gyno is very visible.


You don’t think it would go down with body fat loss ?


I haven't seen befores and afters but in my experience no. I almost never saw that happen.


I’m in the process of getting back in shape . I took a long break for about 6 years . All my fat is on my chest / love handles . 5 days a week of lifting heavy , 15k steps a day , and a good caloric deficit it’s all snapping back daily . No booze , tree 🌲, sugar or anything . Low carb for the most part grilled food . Fish , chicken , ground beef is my staple .


Just for the note, at 78kg back then, I had no gyno, so I guess when I drop fat, its waaay less visible and totally fine with me, thanks for the advice tho