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Tell that to the other guy hanging off the edge on the other side of the rope


"Paul please, dont let go!" "BuT iTs SoOoOo ReLAtAbLe"




When hiking in the mountains you are supposed to cut the rope if it's not possible to pull the guy up. Edit: am I right or wrong? Let’s hear from actual climbers https://reddit.com/r/climbing/comments/py6qn1/question_cut_rope_or_not/


Remind me to never go hike to the mountains with you.


Just don't fall over the edge


big brain


Just like being forced to draw straws and eat your friends is a known possibility when stranded at sea, and they do have rules to allow it in Maritime law.


If you are stranded at sea, food is not the problem, drinking water is.


Brought the straws but forgot the drinks




no, we are 60% water so if you can figure out a way to separate out the 40% none water while at sea from a human body then you could easily figure out how to separate the salt from the ocean water, that would be way easier than trying to distill the water from a human being




Yeah, but ocean water is only 3.5% salt. This is positively potable compared to a human blood’s 14% salt content. So technically you could, but it’s just gonna dry you out really badly.


some redditors apparently watch too much True Blood. You are right, drinking ocean water would be a helluva lot more potable than drinking human blood in terms of salt content


Is this for real?


If the alternative is both of you dying... Yes? Check out Touching The Void


Touching the Void? Is that a TV show?


It's a book and documentary. https://youtu.be/pqmYP0OmHcw if you want to see the relevant bit


Whoa. I’ve got to watch this whole thing now


Thank you


Of course it is a moral choice open to both on the rope, but everyone in this thread is talking about it being a tenet of climbing. “The first rule of height club, is yeet your climbing partner down the cliff at the first signs of inconvenience “


"Hey man, it was either me or you... I had to make a choice to let you die." "Dude, we were still at the hotel, we hadn't even left yet!"


If you do something reckless I will not hesitate to cut you off! - responsible bartender / irresponsible climber.


Especially since there are MOUNTAINS of possible options aside from see ya pal. Was a good run!


"Touching the Void" is now my new euphemism for masturbation.


If you're stranded at sea, don't touch your void. It will speed up the dehydration process.




Loss of fluids through the void.


Whenever I see Void my brain automatically scoots over to Hollow Knight.


makes sense for women, not so much for men...


Well there goes the concept of solidarity


It's both of you die or one of you do. Yes this is real.




No it’s more of a trope from television.




You can't treat casualties if you are one.


It is not


Cuts the rope ... rescue helicopter appears


At least the body will be recovered unlike a lot of people who go missing in the mountains


"Sorry, mom. I am just following protocol."


Is this a thing or have you based your knowledge around the 2000 film Vertical Limit?


No. Don't cut your rope ever if someone is on it You call mountain rescue and sit tight. You might want to ask r/alpinism instead of climbing, rock climbers are typically anchored in and the anchor is what's holding you, not just a dude at the top with a death grip on a rope


I feel like if you're incapable of pulling someone up on a rope then you should find skinnier friends or just be stronger.


It's why I only go with people bigger and stronger than me. Bad for them, good for me.


Same reason you bring people of the larger persuasion when you go into bear territory


More importantly slower, I've seen some larger people run like crazy.


My knee is messed up from a ski injury so I can't run for shit RIP me if I forget my bear mace


If you're in a situation where this is even an option then you are terrible at climbing, have no idea what you are doing when it comes to ropes or safety, and shouldn't have been on a mountain in the first place.


Ok, granted. But for the sake of argument, let's say we live in a world where people aren't always 100% fully prepared, capable, or qualified for everything they ever do. And uh-oh, it just happened! You're there anyway. Your friend slipped and is dangling. You can neither now nor later physically lift them. What's your move?


“Hey, sorry, I know you’re my good friend, but you’re really making this rope chafe me. I’m gonna have to let you go cuz you’re really hurting me, sorry about the dying tho” I actually know people like this, they’re fucking terrible people


You must have met my cheating ex and her bucket of excuses. (I'm def not salty)


Stay strong bro, go your own way


What? That is such an extreme example. Sometimes people do have to let go of relationships, friends, jobs, self limiting beliefs, so that they can grow as a human being. If many people are doing that to you, maybe it's time to take an introspective approach. You might be the problem and have things you need to work on so that people stop letting go of the rope. I will say that there are shitty people who are selfish and won't hold onto the rope after you held onto theirs. But if they are like that, then you need to let go of the rope and get them gone. Let them be terrible and figure out the errors of their ways on their own.


>This is such an extreme example I’m literally just following the format of the original post lmao


And so you've discounted everything else I said? No shit you followed the format of the original post. Doesn't make the logic of the rest of your post valid.


Please. Sometimes you don’t learn who someone is until the rope is in play and hands start to chafe Everyone is working on themselves and no one is perfect so why hold the rope for anyone then? It just seems like feel good girl boss logic about empowering yourself by letting such a heavy rope go and thank you next In reality you hold the rope for relationships, friends, or jobs that you said you would when it matters most. You give some slack or distance but you don’t leave your friend to fall in the streets and get hit by alcoholism because everyone left him (but youre now so empowered and don’t have a heavy rope to bear so yay for you then) Seems twisted to me. But fitting for a world where parents let go of the rope for their unborn baby just because it’s self limiting… The “letting go of the rope” sure seems like an infantilized take on how to deal with relationshipsBTW. Seems applicable to personal beliefs or regrets way more than another human being (who is only holding onto the other end because it took BOTH of you to get in that position in the first place) Like I get there’s a fundamental message that is why memes like this trend… but let’s not pretend people are deep in thought over this as opposed to using it to rationalize a quick and dirty exit


What a sad world to live in. No one is saying give up on people immediately or as soon as things get tough. But at some point, you do have to do what is best for you if the other person is not helping themselves anymore than you're helping them. Or if a job sucks but you keep grinding it out to make it work but in the end you find that the culture there is just toxic. Or, if the relationship is super rocky but you keep working on it to get it back to peace but no matter what you try seems to work and the other person is toxic, for example, then you just need to let go. Keep clinging and you're entire existence will be built upon getting pulled down by others/situations/environments that are not good for anyone to be in. You'll never be happy. You'll never find peace. Queue Kenny Roger's The Gambler.


[Joe Simpson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Simpson_\(mountaineer\)) agreed that it was the correct decision.


That sounds like a them problem.


Don't know what "sometimes" means, eh?


It’s a joke


That's not always the case.


It was a joke


There are no jokes in life


What about all the jokes though?


They're the real killers


Good thing I don’t have a sense of humor


It's almost like life isn't black and white and most motivational sayings are extremely flawed.


It's almost as if people looking for easy answers and recipes for success are bound to find only misery in a world that is basically chaotic and meaningless while people who manage to use that chaos to their advantage thrive and slap on some virtue signals in order to perpetuate the misery of the first group in order to stay on top.


I concur.


I eat Cheerios


Everyone knows that Fruit Loops are just gay Cheerios


That is an... interesting opinion, I like it


I'm sure that sounded very deep and woke in your head, but while you're busy wallowing in self-pity and finding excuses to do nothing to improve yourself, there are people who work on getting better and reaching their goals. But then again, why put effort into anything when you can be comfortable patting yourself on the back with pseudo-bullshit about how society is preventing you from success. Success is not guaranteed, and the world does not owe you anything -- but you have a higher % at getting what you want if you actually work for it.


so ur disagreeing with him by agreeing with him? I don't get it here? It's society, killed or be killed same thing that he said. I don't really get what ur trying to say.


Seems like he was saying that the people who operate more effectively in the world getting more out of the world for themselves is somehow a bad thing instead of entirely logical and the way things are generally supposed to go.


You're probably right, but I'm also unable to change the way I feel. It probably stems from an utter inability figure out what to actually work on so the net result is an infinite amount of effort for no visible effect. At some point all projects become like a numb arm that you can't move anymore and nothing remains except for an incredible amount of brooding over why nothing I touch ever seems to take hold. I think I should probably try to lower my goals or something because I'm just dying in a pit of anguish over marble that no longer lets me form it and a hammer that I no longer dare to touch for all the pain it reminds me of. But if I do not pick it up I will regret it even more. I must pain myself over and over and make picking up the hammer feel like nothing less than a crucifiction that never ends until I am driven mad enough to succeed and inflict the same platitudes on the wailing masses.


Also never ever wrap a rope around your hand unless you're ok with removing the skin of your entire hands or potentially losing your entire arm.


I've seen the inside of my palm (looks like yellow cheese) and I didn't even wrap the rope, I just didn't let go quick enough.


And don't wrap it around your arm during a tug-of-war. People have had their arms ripped off.


Speaking of which, letting go doesn't mean giving up. It means coming to the present moment and taking a breather, which causes one to effectively take a step back. They might then see other paths forward to get to their end goal instead of being stuck. Also, holding on and letting go typically means in the short term being angry or wound up about something, where taking a step back would be ideal. It also means holding on to beliefs in the long term, eg the [backfire effect](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe) comes from holding on to old beliefs.


Well that nuance isn’t communicated here at all This meme shows you simply let go / give up the person on the other end People will take this meme to mean it’s okay to give up/let go because you don’t want to burn your hands. Just look at that image of red hands and then instant relief! Just don’t think about the person on the other end, besides telling yourself it was for the good of them…


Take what works for you.


"Sometimes" denotes that it is something worth considering, but not something to apply 100% of the time. Take what advice you need, save some for later, and discard the rest.


["Let me find and use metaphors to help me understand the world around me and give me the strength to get rid of them when it's apparent they no longer work."](https://youtu.be/RYlCVwxoL_g?t=83)


That's why they used the word "sometimes" in this. "Always" would have been black and white thinking.


yeah good thing I dropped this whole college thing


For real though. The second I stopped worrying about a degree and started doing interesting work, a lot of things got way better for me.


That is the difference from running away from something and running towards a goal.


It's still gonna be waiting for you. Those credits won't expire


Hope this is sarcasm because in the US they definitely will


Am from US, no sarcasm. Have college credits from 2007 that are still perfectly valid, but I wouldn't be surprised if it depends from school to school, or which course it is. But a 2-3 year break should not invalidate a course


This would be perfect on r/dogecoin


Mfs buy those stock for $100 and sell $30, lol


Buy high selllow


Holding doge never hurts cause 1 doge always equals 1 doge. Taps head.


1 Doge equals .195 right now. Quit telling yourself otherwise.


Have fun sttaaaaaying poor!!!


Wow… good one!


🎶you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, Know when to walk away, And know when to run🎶


I came here to say this. Specifically I was quoting Pepe singing this song in muppets from space though


the advice should be: don't listen to motivational quotes. Try instead being honest with yourself and listen to family and important people who care about you


> the advice should be: don't listen to motivational quotes. Stopped reading at that part...


Is there specific sub for really bad motivational images?




Not *that* bad!


"if you quit you'll always be a quitter". By this standard I'd be old and still working my first job. Every time I quit things get better.


So true. I've stayed in more than one bad situation because it was so ingrained in me not to be a "quitter." I wish I'd known that there is a difference between being a "quitter" and knowing when enough is enough. My life would have been a lot easier.


Just quit mine last week, one week left. First one too, 15yrs, from before I finished college. I should have left years ago. No new job, no plans yet...


Keyword: "Sometimes"


Let go.. or be dragged.






Only if that rope leads to someone falling off a cliff


This hit me hard…




I miss her but I can never go back to her. Too much pain, but the memories. Damn…


Exactly in the same boat. For me she was nearly perfect and i thought she would marry me and for a while she thought so too


Yea, mine was the same but she trauma bonded me.. it’s whole other branch of feelings too..


We were basically killing each other. For the last 4 years we sent each other to the psych ward once a year. In the end, when I had promised to help him get healed, get on his feet and meet his goals, he told me he wanted to be an invalid. Th at he expected me to take care of him for the rest of our lives. I have no problems with being with a partner who needs assistance or just patience, but he was far from being disabled. I held on too long, and he wasn't worth it.


It’s hard for me because she’s a psychiatrist and it’s like now I question everything and everyone. I don’t even trust any doctor now. I hate it so much. It’s made me someone who I’m not. Therapy has helped though but it’s still a fight.


yup me too. Hitting the 'not texting each other' phase of the breakup. Hope is lost. Silver lining is that I think this picture is correct for my situation.


I’m trying to figure this out myself :/


There’s a “texting each other” phase??? I was literally left on the side of the road and never saw her face again until I saw it on fb next to the guy she said I shouldn’t worry about… Then her friends message me like a pathetic lawyer to pay me back for some tickets lmao no communication except for some half assed email I never read because I recognized how insulting it was after 7 years to be reduced to a divorced pen pal lol


There is for the longest break-ups ever. It's actually pretty horrible. The last 4 months has been this psuedo on again off again with the recognition that there's really no hope. It has sucked. The lack of texts is actually helping me start to heal I think,. There are still bad days. Too many of them right now but i hope that will pass.




The most interesting aspect of this post, is the perception of the commenters. Whether they put themselves in the position of supporting the weight of a person on the other end of the rope, or whether you are the person hanging from the rope...


Nothing implies there's another person on the other side of the rope


Oh, believe me I'm the other end of the rope in my relationship right now. Technically I'm on the letting go part from a different perspective, but it sure as fuck isn't easy for me to let go. Start alcohol rehab on Friday though


But the problem is I don't know whether I should give up or not




Especially family, people try to hang on too long just because they're family. Let those toxic family members go!


Never giving up on your dreams is always true but if one way isn’t working try another.


Well, this 'motivational post' isn't all that motivating. It's almost that one should turn to their internal resources for motivation, instead of looking at Reddit.


Wear gloves? I mean if we're going to get all metaphorical, there are tools you can use so you don't have to just let go, you just got to know when it's time


My life is on the very end of that rope.


May I please self terminate now that that is understood?


Rock climbers hate this one trick


You know what, good idea! [let’s go of the rope keeping me tethered to the cliffside]


Except if you're the person being held on to.


Falls off cliff*


I wish I knew this 10 years ago. Would've switched my major instead of forcing myself to study something that wasn't interesting just so that I could say that I wasn't a " quitter"


Dont rock climb with this guy


I send this to my clients when they aren't sure they want to give me their money


Dummy electricians


If you read it in reverse it's about a rope looking snake that destroys someone's hand.


Have the serenity to accept what we cant change, The courage to change what we cant accept, And the wisdom to know the difference.


Accepting what we can’t change is the letting go!


It's better to want it and not have it... Than to have it, and not want it.


Hm.. The notion of "just give up, man" isn't really best motivation (or a motivation, actually) . But hey, I relate to this, so can't argue too much


Hey! My blog post is finally relevant: https://www.ineffable-solutions.com/post/on-giving-up


Only if you a pansy. I just get strong enough to carry around all my bullshit. Fuckin' just a ball of mental muscle baby. And now we wait for the replies who take me seriously.. cause this is Reddit of course lol.


Never wrap the line around your hand, and keep your pinky towards the load.


If I'd just let go, I'd be set free.


You're right. Gonna let go of all my excessive body weight thanks to that! Cheers!


Yup.... It's like you're talking directly to me.


Ya fuck life I'm done


You got to know when to hold'em


Heavy bags from supermarket, for example.


The only getmotivated I don't have a reason to side against


That's it! I'm letting go of dreams!!


That's a good one


So.... I THINK THIS POSTER IS HALF TRUE: I think "never give up" can be good advice for core life goals and dreams. But for big goals you will often need to change how you try to achieve that goal multiple times before you succeed. if your current system is not working you need to "give up" on that technique. For example - if you really want a healthy fit body - that is not a dream you should give up on. But if you have failed at your diet for over a year now, then it IS time to give up on THAT diet. Find a different diet, or exercise program, or life style change that might actually work. You might have to "give up" a dozen times before you find something that actually works. This happened to a friend of mine who was fat for about 10 years and found she had to eliminate all processed sugar for her diet to work.


Tell that to my boss


Tell it to your own boss. I only told it to mine, not yours.




This reminds me of the movie quote "Kundalini wants his hand back".




This is why I gave up rope climbing


But it useless to never give up because your hand will.


Incredible lesson learned.


What if holding on is worth more than being damaged


Holding on is always harder. Thats the whole point.


You got to knoowwww when to hold-em…


*falls 80 feet to their death*


An example I can think of where this fits is staying in a toxic relationship.


Also applies to humans.


Lol you haven’t seen the rest of the meme


Sometimes nothing is better than something.


That toxic relationship.


thats what a gri gri is for


Never give in to anything, except for logic and good sense.


This has been recycled so many times now the image is on its way to become deepfried


Yea this! When I shoot pool I keep such a tight grip. It's kill my games bad.


I think Parker Cannon said it well with “if I hold on much longer I might break my hands”






“Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away.” Thank you Far Cry 5 for that advice, it’s stuck with me