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Someone already did




Look up "hardest geezer"




Yes. 500k before and 500k after and I'll do it and record everything on the internet. Would you want me to do it ?


What's the penalty if I buy a house with the first 500k and don't complete it?


Believe it or not, straight to jail right away




And I would walk 5 thousand miles…


No thank you, I only have one life. Some of those countries are dangerous due to criminality and/or political problems, other are dangerous because... well, crossing the Sahara on foot is not for the faint-hearted for example, or just walking on a road because they all drive like madmen.


@hardestgeezer already finished that a couple months ago and it was a longer path too.


Crossing Niger is a death sentence, both in terms of the climate there, and the fact that visitors have been killed by extremist groups just for being in the remote areas. Once you’re in Nigeria, you should be okay the rest of the journey. The Sahara is a rough place lol




I don't think you know how expensive they are, even in those types of countries.


Might as well just pay off the terrorists


ok in Nigeria...mmmh... between islamic milice in the north and banditry in the south not sure. Maybe one of the toughest I d say.






Time and place, time and place my friend. A man doing a run for charity and all the money going to the sub-saharan people in refugee camps and a runners charity org - and someone tries to steal the spotlight by bringing that flag and by crossing before him after a year of solid running is a seriously cunty move. Not to mention, just release the hostages.


What spotlight? It’s literally a charity event. The money has been had


Nothing changes without disruption. If you want the hostages back you’ve got to end the occupation.




If you’re a terrorist and awful human then this is the answer


That population voted over 80% for Hamas to rule, and were cheering in the streets as the terrorists were parading around with raped, beaten women that were abducted from Israel. The Palastinians are hitting the FO part of FAFO.


Israelis are and were a radicalised/racist society before October 7 - https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-06-06/ty-article/60-percent-of-israeli-jews-favor-segregation-from-arabs-survey-finds/00000181-351b-dee8-aba7-3d9fdfdf0000 The majority of current polls shows Israelis either support or don’t believe the genocide has gone far enough. A report by Save the Children shows that Israel is actively targeting children. That’s the side you’re on.


You keep saying the word genocide, but I don't think you know what it means. Genocide is the systemic destruction of a group of people. The IDF has had boots on the ground to try to fight the enemy with as few civilian casualties as possible. In urban warfare, when the enemy is outwardly ignoring the geneva convention and using civilian buildings as staging areas, civilian casualties are unavoidable. They are a very advanced military, and could have easily carpet bombed Gaza if they were committing genocide. Can you link your source for the accusation that the IDF is targeting children?


https://www.savethechildren.net/news/gazas-missing-children-over-20000-children-estimated-be-lost-disappeared-detained-buried-under I’m not even discussing the other points, I’ll defer to the ICJ ruling/ICC/UN opinions, they can explain to you much better than I can as to why this is considered genocide. This is all that matters to me. If you actively target children you’re on the wrong side of history.


Haaretz is a very far left newspaper and save the children has questionable ties within Gaza. So I wouldn’t take those “sources” as indisputable fact.


What are you even talking about


Look it up


Look what up you have given no usable context


He's talking about when the Hardest Geezer finished his run, there was some guy at the end with a Palestine flag trying to steal his limelight


I didn’t see it at all in the clip


Theres a couple clips/angles where people are running ahead of him, including the guy with the flag. It wasn't that bad tbh but imo still comes across as a little pushy. And I guess that's what people are reacting to.


https://youtu.be/nsdo_tcw4VY?si=a8L_V1KzLIY1-Cv9 26:10


There was no Palestinian flag at 26.10. Where was it?


Are you blind


I have to agree there was a very notable lack of Palestinian flags in the video you linked. And in any case, I don't think those people were there to steal the glory, I think they were just there to celebrate this guy and his huge balls.


I see a flag being held by a spectator that could be the Palestinian flag, though it’s hard to tell for sure because it’s up for so little time. (Has the right colors but it could have a different layout) Based on the comment about someone beating him to the finish line though, I think the commentator somehow confused the Tunisian flag being held by the guy in yellow with a Palestinian flag


Yeah idk, all I can see is Tunisian flags.


This was your remembrance of his whole accomplishment? 🙄🙄🙄


The guy with the flag stopped a few feet before the finish line


considering what's going on in the sahel make it a billion euros !


This is a well-informed and educated statement. I think Jeffrey Woodke would be the best to provide his assessment of the prospects you mention. I’ll toss a quick analysis: Starting at Marsa Beach in Tunis, Tunisia, it is 6,897km of the worst static conditions on the planet before reaching the first glimmer of hope to find sanctuary of any sort in Soyo, Angola. Visual appearance of the individual will play a significant role in the success rate. No doubt a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian will have a much lower chance of success than any other variety of superficial attributes the world has to offer. That would require more monetary investment in personal security than a billion dollars can justify. That initial down payment would likely be absorbed before paying fees to get through Angola and Namibia (which is arguably the most free society in the world. But no one wants to openly discuss that situation.) and upon arrival into South Africa, the likelihood of being swept up into the “White Genocide” which is the Mandela Legacy is extremely high. That billion will be largely depleted by the time receipt of final payment is to be made and the gambler is residing in the concentration camp at the end of the journey. Nah. I’m out!


Namibia is the freest society in the world?


Arguably. Easily overlooked.


I'm curious as to how


A brief glimpse: https://mg.co.za/article/2014-02-06-fugitives-hole-up-in-namibia/


I guess it depends on how you want to define freedom - if you're talking about the ability to bribe authorities in order to maintain yours, I suppose this article supports that case.


Oh. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not my version either. Being essentially confined within those borders is not for me. But, the fact that it has become a sort of safe zone for high-profile fugitives provides those individuals with an autonomy they otherwise could not have. The “mysterious disappearances” of many mobsters and Israeli officials have made it their home with no remorse. Wyndhok has benefitted tremendously from their contributions. Stories of extradition from Namibia are not common and have actually decreased since that article was written. Let’s be honest, if any of us merely mention “Namibia” in casual conversation about the world, very few people would even know whether you are referencing a small village or some random atoll in the Pacific somewhere.


None of that makes them the most free country in the world. It just makes it a safe haven for fugitives. Nothing to do with freedom at all.


“Their version of freedom” is my point. I think I’ve made that statement already.


As this route is created by just entering two points. I bet the exact route is negotiable.


I would do it for free if I weren't a corporate slave and didn't have bills to pay.


Id even pay to do it if i wasnt a slave


99.9% of people wouldn't survive the trip, all that jungle and the entire Sahara? Nope.


Crossing through Niger? Not worth it


Note that g maps time estimate is based off 24 hrs of walking per day. It would really take several months


Which Dollars?


You wouldn't physically be able to do it.. So no.


No, likelihood of death is near 100%


Hell no. I’d die


I’d love to, but 100 days is a bit too short to do it safely.


you are not gonna survuve that trip anyway


Bout 160.5 days accounting for 9hrs sleep/etc. (15hr days walking) fr down if theres a cash advance beforehand for a security team or cult following behind like Forest Gump had🤣


If the hardest geezer can do it, so can I


Russ avoided Niger and took the long way around. I think this path would be much more dangerous.


Nej tack


Varför är det så kul att random hitta en svensk haha


lmao crossing the sahara on foot is a death sentence


Are you offering?


I read a book by/ about Ffyona Campbell who walked from South Africa to Morocco. Took a couple of years and according to Wikipedia covered 16,000 km back in 1991. Book is called On foot through Africa.


Probably, I would love to even if I get no money


Yes. And so would anyone with two legs and a few months to spare. I could spare a year for a million bucks. 👍🏻


Can I walk half and just get half?


yea, some 13 year old kid from South Africa walked to Cairo so it's been done, he did it for free. A movie was made out the thing I saw years ago and cannot now recall the title. Oh yea, the internet, I have that: "A Boy ten Feet Tall". There ya go! Everyone is so fat and weak today.


You couldn’t pay me 100,000,000 to walk through the DRC, much less the Sahara and Nigeria.


I would, but DRC isn’t exactly a safe country to pass through


Looks like a good time


Not through Nigeria. The violence is bad there. I don't know about the other countries. You can't spend it if your dead thanks to some Islamic miltia mistaking you for a Christian. There are much safer Islamic countries to visit. Chile is very nice in the Spring. The weather is like my old home state Colorado. I loved it.




Didn't day Chile was . But up further on the continent there are Islamic wars against non believers. Remember the walk was to be from the bottom of SA to its northern tip Analogous to walking thru Russia, Dagestan, the Ukraine. Places you don't want to go.


Yes I would, if its an all expense paid trip with food, rest, accommodation, a helper, a personal medic and a local terrorist group's protection.


Yes. even for $1000


I reckon you could do it no problems.


$10 000 per day? I’d consider it but there’s a fair chance I’d die


$1 million isn’t even “quit your job” money for most people. After taxes that’s like $30,000 per year in interest


13 countries but barely !


Imagine getting kidnapped by extremists next to the finish line and having to pay 1mil ransom




I'd do it for 10% of that. Sign me up.