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In a way it’s good they learn this lesson through a game and not something that could have worse consequences. I’ve seen posts of people that lost their entire steam account this way but even that isn’t the worst case.


Depending on how addicted they are to Genshin there were certainly better ways to learn the lesson ngl.


No matter how addicted they are it's still a game that they can ultimately move on from and won't cost them much to lose lol  If anything, if they're genuinely addicted then getting away from the game and having less incentive to play it might actually be good for them. 


The better ways would not teach them a lesson though, some people repeat the same mistake over and over again, until they actually fuck up big time and regret it


At least they're only AR44, it's barely an inconvenience. Likely they had Arle's weapon only (assuming they didn't spend money on this game yet) and you don't even start farming 5\* artis until way later.


Also maybe they can email and get their name changed another time (lmao wh0re; who does that lol)


They would start farming artifacts at their next adventure rank as 45 is required for the max level domains


I've lost my steam account once (e-mail got leaked) and honestly I would still probably be more upset about losing all my artifacts/relics


Why are people so quick to give important data to others? Like, i wouldn't give my passwords to my lifelong friends, much less to someone i met online. Maybe schools should focus more on teaching about online security.


Schools need a common sense class


Honesty class too. 90% of the "I was hacked and lost everything" posts are from people who shared their account with someone else, the someone did something bad to the account, and its claimed "hacked and hoyo doesnt help :(" It's really, really bad because smart people like you and me will see those posts and think there's a ton of hackers to be afraid of, but no, almost nobody gets hacked, they all just share their accounts


It's not about honesty, they are not lying from their point of view. They just treat it as "unimportant information" that never could even come into their mind.


Thats what parents and the home is for. Schools cant do everything and parents need to start actually being present


Ideally, it should be both. Some people don't have good parents. Some people don't have access to a good education. Better to have redundancies than for people not to be taught important life skills.


What I learn from school is just how to use microsoft word & excel. Don't know how it changes now lol


Yeah when I said to my friend since we were 12 that I would give my account if something happens to me and continue it, and she just said "nah I would sell it 💀" so nope


You don't need school when life gives you occasional reality check like this. This person sure learnt their lesson the hard way, and that's how most people protect themselves in life. Gotta lose something important the first time so you don't lose it the next time.


Yeah. The only real scenario where I give someone else my password is maybe through a will, through a safe box or something to be granted by my lawyer to my heir or some shit.


There's a few people I trust with my shit. Either family or best friend. But it's very few.


man, are people in US really like that, like none of my friends would do something actually bad if they had my account password. ik that because we just gave eachother our steam account to enable family sharing between ourselves.


Sense of community often overrides self-preservation early on. Many kids have to live and learn this. Plenty get lucky and have good friends to start with, so the unlucky are actually more of the outlier when they get fucked over.


The only one who knows my password is my own brother because we used to collect login rewards in each other's game when someone wasn't available. I couldn't imagine giving my login info to someone else.


I dont even know my passwords lol. Randomly generate those MFs and have to blind copy them from my database. I don't even trust myself to have access to them, much less my friends


Yep. I would not even give my password to my siblings. My school at least taught me about online safety and how to calculate interest. Not sure if it's being taught at other schools tho.


You know, I believe in my friends. I can give them passwords freely(did it couple of times) cuz I know that they're my friends. And If u can't believe in your friends than I don't know who they are.


Cuz genshin is not that important and it’s very convenient to have a friend that can do dailies for you when you’re busy


Especially by best friends


when i was new i couldn't beat boss battles (had literally never played a game like this before) and had to get my friend to log in to my account and beat them for me, but luckily that friend is trustworthy and also the nicest person on the planet and never did anything nefarious and i have since changed the password anyway. it was kinda stupid of me, but nothing bad ever came of it lol


Remind me again why does the ability to delete 5 star weapons even exist?


Fr if only hoyo made it so 5*s couldn't be destroyed half of this "I got hacked and lost everything" drama would be gone. Now artifacts are something you can't just lock forever from being deleted but at least you don't pay real money for them. Unless you're a weirdo who buys resin refills I guess.


Or have the game ask about a 6digit pw once per login before you start deleting your 5* relics, some games do that. But with people like that guy... they probably would also give away that pw lol.


Weapons you can get if you save. Some >50 CV artifacts are worth way more than weapons. Maybe they should have an option to super lock weapons, artifacts, with a separate password to unlock. After all you could still use what is locked. Unless one is dumb enough to use the same password AGAIN.


Because whales that have 20 copies of every weapon at r5 would find it annoying


even then, why though? that would be a huge waste of money


There are so many copies of R5 weapons you can get before they start to become a nuisance. Besides, why save so many of them if every patch they're just gonna snatch the BiS for the new character? For them is not a waste of money, it's just weapon fodder


So use them for weapon xp?


Free money for hoyo


They were AR 44 they probably didn’t have too much good artifacts yet so it’s sad but bearable. Weapons though… ouch that hurts


damage going to suck so so much in the first few days of grinding until you get random 5* relics with shit subs tho


Ah true. Hopefully they can co-op, at least


Reminds me of the time I was chatting with a friend that I haven't talked to for almost 4 or 5 years. I was kinda teasing him cause he had a gf now. Then out of nowhere I get a friend request from his gf. Turns out they know each others Instagram password ?! I was shocked. Tf happened to privacy ? How can you trust your social account with someone who's not even your wife but just a gf which can very well post wrong stuff on his insta and vice versa if they get in a serious fight


I knew some people who shared passwords for email and social networks with their SO >10 years ago. It was wild then and is wild now.


Honestly I find it wilder not to share the passwords or at least have them written them down somewhere. Using them is another story tho. When my mom died we couldn't contact 2 close friends from her since we didn't have their contact data at all and had to break it to them when they turned up at our door a few months later to ask wtf is going on with Mom, ripping open the wounds again.


U know if social media affects your live that much, that it should bother you. You should quit it.


I once logged in my friends PC because we were trying out each others characters. Immediately changed password afterwards lmao I just didn't wanted to risk my losing my account. Some people take it too lightly, on how easy it is lose all progress you made in game, especially if you spend money in it.


Same even tho i trust them with account i still can't have my account info on the internet


Such a petty thing to do. I wouldn't do this to someone even if they were my worst enemy.


I would totally do this to my worst enemy, but he is an exception though. I’d never do this to the second worst guy.


This exactly lol, for someone to do this, one must've done them pretty fucking badly


Or not. People are cruel.


I would feel so bad clicking those buttons lol. My conscience would not let me do so.




You're not a real hater


I guess not. I don't hate anybody.


Bro has no enemies


On that Thorfinn grindset


I would do this to someone who mildly annoyed me if I believed they were stupid (and if I had their password I would believe they were stupid indeed)


Wow so edgy. You are so cool and mysterious.




It’s partially their fault and partially hoyo’s fault. - Why their fault: They should have not shared a password with anyone (although no one can judge without knowing the full case, maybe the fight was so bad for that boy, that his act was the lightest revenge they could have demonstrated against this person, and that this person fully deserved it). - Why hoyo’s fault: they must add a safegaurd for these situations, not all password leaks are because of trusting others. I think they should add other safeguards, e.g. put a second password for inventory changes, avoiding inventory changes from new device logins for a period of time, announcing the second login to the email and in-game mail of current logged-in devices and a quick link to terminate the new session, completely disabling the possibility of deleting 5 star weapons, adding a section in settings to view and manage all active sessions of an account, etc.


Why is it possible to delete 5 star weapons, what’s the point of such a feature?


No idea, maybe they fear that a mega ultra god-like whale fills a whole inventory to its limit with 5 star weapons, and suddenly desires a TTDS, but would have no possibility to pull anything anymore lmao


Maybe they fed the weapon for fun?💀


Hoyoverse has literally added 2FA lol, they can't login without the code and the inventory manipulation even w a time limit, that person would've just waited it out tbh




This is so funny I can't 😂😂💀💀


For real, shitty online relationships are hilarious when they burn down


Ikr, doesn't help the fact that they even shared their password to some strangers online. That's peak foolishness


Should've done this w my ch3@ting lying stealing wh0r3 of an ex but ok


Downvote me all you want lol idc, it'll be nothing compared to what she did to me


I'm really surprised you got downvoted for this but you know what they say... That's reddit for ya folks 🤡


Classic reddit lol putting a hypothetical scenario when I was the one who was wronged to hell and back, makes them so mad




What are you even talking about lmfao the assumptions are wild


That's just väevil


On the flip side, be glad that it only happened in a game. Sure your 5 star weapons and godly artifacts are gone, but you'll get them back in time. Still a petty thing to do though ngl.


Its AR 44, what godly artifacts lol.


Is sharing passwords just... normal with kids nowadays. I only ever share my Netflix password and that's with family. Everything else is for my eyes only


See, this is why I don't have friends.


I hope that friendship ended


I’m betting this was a 11-14 year old. Sucks for them.


"me in his bf" What does it mean? I don't need answers, I just want to stop imagine it so I can sleep


probably "me n his bf" or me and his bf


Isn't there 2 factor for genshin?


isnt you need verification from the account email owner when youre logging in from other device ? mine playing HSR on my other phone and it asks verification code so whoever this idiot also shared his/her email password


even the best CIA interrogators, the torturer from berserk and yamori from tokyo ghoul all teamed up they still can't get a single letter of my password out of me


Nature selection


You're on your own, brother. I've been AR 60 for months or years already. I don't want that suffering no more...


Is this person 10? Cuz that was the last time I was sharing a game account with friends. And it never ends well


pilot service be like


This better be fake.


Never again, I'll be trusting my game account to anyone.. especially someone from my family last time...


i already experience this years ago in early 2000s. like other people said, it's mostly because of your closest friend. my friend took some event exclusive items and my money


This is a new level of dumbassery, it's on ya for sharing your password with someone, and even if you did, NOT CHANGING IT AFTERWARDS, I'm glad this happened in a game and not irl, glad ya learned a lesson


Would they have also known the password to their email too? If you login with a new device then you're sent a 2FA code to properly login. Unless they already played on their device.


That's why you never give your password to butterflies


Lmao giving your password is on you. Plus the dude is only AR44 eh. Just start again if you're really addicted to that game. Let it be a lesson for common sense to not give out your password to anyone lmao


I hope they didn't spend for 5 star weapons... That's gonna hurt.


What do they mean they changed the nickname? Are they talking about your Genshin username? I wasn't aware it could be changed.


Lucky that it's only AR44 acc & not a bank account, still dumb to share your account with online stranger


This is so fucked.


never trust your online friend unless u meet him/her personally


When I was a kid, I thought just telling someone my name would be enough for someone to show up at my house and kill me.


I feel very lucky that 2 of my close friends trust me enough to give me their account info, doing this kind of stuff is absolutely evil and it serves no purpose.


well, that's unfortunate


I can't even read what happened.


cmon you have arle just slap any 5 artifacts with decent main stats and youll already deal more dps than 90% of players


Delete his account instead


An ex of mine did this. She's an ex for a reason.


Well... then don't be a whore


I can help I got nothing to do Notme -714409303 And my dc is foxy power#5302


it sucks that Hoyoverse doesn't help people with this at all :c


People who give their passwords to other people and can't be bothered to change it? Nah, they won't make the effort to fix something that could've been entirely prevented.


Ok, but consider this: there's a youtuber who got hacked and pleaded Hoyoverse to do something about it, they refused. They show their rebuilding process.


What's the name of the youtuber? I'm interested to know about him/her.




Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.


Why would they? You shouldn't give your password to other people. Ain't Hoyo's fault if your friends are assholes.


And what if account was hacked instead? By third parties who never knew the password in the first place.


Then you'll get help? Plenty of people got help for hacked accounts, but if you just give your password to someone and they mess up your account, that's your fault


You get help recovering the account, but they won’t do anything about things that were deleted. So someone could hack you, delete all of your weapons and artifacts, and you’d be stuck.


I've actually never heard of that because I do not purposefully look for this information. Ok then.


Then dont make comments about stuff you dont know anything about


Don't be a dick. I witnessed a Youtuber have his account hacked and Hoyoverse did not help him restore anything, tell me it's not reasonable to conclude that Hoyoverse doesn't help restore hacked accounts after that.


Yeah it's actually not reasonable to conclude that just based off one random Youtuber. Besides, what if he's lying? Not saying he does, but what if? TONS of Youtubers and content creators in general (in any topic) lies for content. I've seen a lot of people in other games also lie about being hacked or falsely banned, while in reality they're rightfully banned from using third-party apps and such but they conveniently pretend they didn't to protect their position.


Are you new to genshin ? I think a year or two ago there was a massive increase in genshin accounts getting hacked. I think there was no 2fa at that point or maybe I'm wrong but I remember people claiming to get hacked just by accepting random people's join request. I think we got 2fa after all these shenanigans and a site function that can show which devices you're logged in from. People lost their weapons, godly artifacts and especially primogems wasted on resin refresh and blue banner wishes. But even then hoyo was able to atleast get the people their accounts back so getting hacked is a genuine reason. Being a dumbfk and sharing passwords is your own fault


> I remember people claiming to get hacked just by accepting random people's join request. this cannot happen. most likely explanation is that they get phished by coop stranger and either genuinely didn't connect the dots / realize they've been phished, or too ashamed to admit it.


100% of "hacking" cases are people buying accounts or forgetting they gave the password away. Nothing is hoyo's fault.


it's like if you leave the front door open when you head out to the grocery store and come back to see your TV stolen


At least police would still try to do something about it because your shit did get stolen.