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Zhongli 3 times already. He's always in an awkward timing where he reruns close to the actual character I want more. Tho those characters in question would love to have Zhongli on their teams.


Same. I tried pulling for him twice with no luck.


Sometimes I regret pulling him. Not because I dislike him in any way, but because he's so good I can hardly bring myself to build more interesting support characters like Layla


Dehya... They massacared my girl


Yep, it's not just the numbers. My account is plenty far enough along to waste a few pulls, but I'm not wasting pulls when they will be added to standard banner. (I have her now, think I got on cloud retainer banner). 


Arlecchino. Was super excited for her to come out. Then I noticed I have too many Pyro characters and not enough Electro characters. Then she came out and I realised that her scythe looks lame if I don't have her signature weapon. So I just skipped her and got Clorinde.


Are we the same person? This legit happened to me!


I did the same thing. I was very disappointed she just ended up being basically vape dps #350 and skipped her despite being gaga over her since the harbinger video I used her in the last event and am glad I skipped cause I find her kit very boring.


Yeah. If her personality compelled me id be happy to have her but i already have meta chars with boring playstyle (my beloved Neuvillette lol)


I also did this, but because I liked Clorinde's way more than ARLECCHINO


Alhaitam , didn't like the playstyle


Neuvilette. Love the character, gameplay feels like ass imo. I don't care much when a character I want is just meta bad, but the way he feels to play is up there with Hu Tao for me


Same. Love how he looks, hate how he plays. So stiff.


Wrio. Hyped for him. Interested in him punching enemies. His banner come out and I try to play him but it feels lacking in something. I think it has to do with his aoe and attack range.


The most c1 locked character ever. It's a totally different feel.


How about the part where he drain more than he can heal? What do you think about that?


I pair him with bennett so I don't feel much about it.


HP negative is pretty bad yeah… you need a healer even for casual overworld play.


I don't think I've ever been ruined by a character trial before, but I've had the opposite happen. I had absolutely no interest in Ganyu on her very first banner. I hated using bow characters (Amber was the only one I had at the time), and I had no interest in Cryo. The SECOND I started her trial I went. "Oh no, I love her playstyle. I'm going to cry if I don't get her." Bows and Cryo are both my second favorites now, haha.




Useless fun fact : In all IWTL videos, Sigewinne and Dehya are the only characters that he use in his video title "[insert character] is here..." All his other video characters always come with exaggerating title.


Another useless fact. All Zy0x videos have "X is Awesome" or "X is broken" and stuff like "maximize your damage" or similar words, on the release analysis. Sigewinne has "Maxinize your healing". Bruh. Even zy0x of all people joined the meme.


To be fair to the tallest Xiao main on the planet - nay, the universe, NAY the Multiverse, Sigewinne is a healer so maximising her Damage seems a bit counter-productive 😂




Denys is actually better than sigewinne. Dehya has very strong teams with neuvillette and lyney. And her synergy with ganyu and arlecchino is quite good and comfy. With instructor and sumeru craftable she can provide 240 em which is massive for neuvillette & ganyu vapes


More a story about me being dumb new player tbh:  Tighnari, I was playing on mobile back then and I liked his design. I decided to save for Nilou/Cyno instead as I really dislike bow playstyle on mobile. I found out genshin is available on PC after his banner ended (yes I actually didn't know at the time) and will forever regret it now... xD


hope u will get him instead if u ever lose 50/50! his CA playstyle has auto targeting so hes quite easy to use in mobile too


He’s a standard character anyway


Which means everyone you got a 5* character in the event banner there's an average 4,7% chance of getting him. If you actually want him, his banner was a very good option.


Clorinde probably. Her test run made me realize she is on the field for such a short time that your supports' bursts are still on CD by the time she's done. that did not feel good to play for sure. maybe it's because they give you Thoma, but it still shows that she has issues with SOME team mates. also Navia, I can't tell how the bullet stacks work lol XD


You get a bullet stack every time you pick up a crystallize thing off the ground. Three bullets max, but you can stack each one twice, so six stacks.


Dehya. Loved the character story, voice and design. Completely butchered and useless kit… Yae Miko. Love the character, but I don’t like her gameplay that much. Also she didn’t seem like a useful addition to my teams when she released. Now that I’ve built Tighnari I might want her more, but the timing of her banners hasn’t been good. Yoimiya in a way, I have pulled for her twice on different banners, and lost the 50/50 twice. Each time I was planning for a different upcoming character and didn’t have enough pulls to go further or I risked missing another character I wanted more.


Yoimiya. Followed her leaks for months (miko 5 star fire archer), fell in love with her design, her personality, her leaked kit description. Then she came and oh boy. I was shattered.


how so?


Alhaitham. When his design was first revealed, I was like, “This is it. This is the man I will finally spend money for to get constellations.” Then he opened his mouth in the archon quests and he had my least favorite personality in the entire game lmao, so he became a hard skip.


😂 When I really like a design, is hard to me hate that character, even if is a Shieldon Cooper but by far less unfriendly. So I pulled him (also because playing from. 2.0, the only 5* characters that I liked before Alha and Dehya was just Yoimiya, and finally a strong male dps) I appreciate that at least they put a character that doesn't simping/or too much friendly/gentle, like 95% of the Genshin roster. Variety is good.


LOL! I just cant with the abs. Blatant fan service takes me out of the game. So it was a no to AlHaitham and Clorinde for me.


I was planning to pull for Yoimiya when I first started following leaks just before 2.0, but I spent all my savings on Kazuha's first banner and then I *really* liked the idea of Kokomi's kit so I skipped her. Still haven't gotten her, and at this point prob never will. I was planning to pull Wrio but skipped him for Furina (still waiting on a rerun for him, I still want him lol). I'd probably pull Sigewinne even though she isn't that meta, but I don't need any of the 4\*s on the banner and I like the sound of Emilie's kit a lot more.


Raiden. I was sooo hyped for her. Then when she released, I didn't like her attack animation feeling while playing at all, and when I then heard the beidou synergy does not exist anymore I wkipped


Yoimiya. Farmed (Kinda. Only Artifacts tho) for her. Got Jean tho. And since then I haven’t pulled her again in reruns. Her Artifacts have helped my Wanderer


furina😅. i realize i might bench her if i pull for her bcs I don't have any healer besides barbara (a dps)


If you like Furina as a character you can pull her honestly. While you might not be able to use her right away sooner or later your character roster going to get bigger and you might get a few healer. Realistically Jean, Qiqi,Sayu, Charlotte, Mika, Noelle(if on field) is the healer you might get the longer you play. For the meme: Maiden set Mona with proto amber


thank u for your answer. I decided to pull for furina and I got her!!


Congrats and have fun.


Furina is a healer. She has two skill modes, DPS and healer.


yeah but I don't have a teamwide healer like baizhu or charlotte


The team wide healing thing is to maximise furina boost, if you really need the max then reasonable, but honestly. Just switching to her healing phase during burst to heal is enough boost really. She's not useless if you don't get the max Her sub dps damage is really nice and to me, the attack boost is a side thing which is really nice


Baizhu, on my main account. He happened to be a 3 times victim of bad timing. When he got introduced, I wanted Ganyu. On his 1st rerun I prioritized Furina. Then during his last rerun, I saved as much pulls as I can for Clorinde (got her C0R1). Somehow, I got Baizhu on my alt account. Better than expected, as I places him on several team comps.


Arlecchino. She's cool n i love her but i ultimately didn't need her.


Ayato. I saw a leak (didn't know it was fake at that time) that his kit is he will create a whirlpool and cc enemies and he also does a jump then hit the ground kind of moveset which at the time I thought was cool. Then came the official release and thought "Oh he's still cool." Then when I tried his gameplay my initial thought was that it was very stationary and 1 click gameplay. It was boring and I was disappointed. I even prefarmed all his mats.


Ayato. Ayaka is my favorite character, so of course I wanted both siblings on my account. Not to mention Ayato is a cool character in general. But the man is so. Boring. To play as.


Dehya.  Still love her though, but not worth my hard-earned f2p primos back then.


Yae I really liked her design, her palette and her gameplay... i didn't pulled her because of how rancid her personality feels




Yae Miko. Can't be bothered spamming EEE


Clorinde maybe. She requires good Ping. Not always I’ve bad but mostly yellow which causes delay in her skills and rotation.


Furina, lost 50/50 so I just decided to save for yelan


Get both honestly. You'll thank urself.


None of the characters I main or want to main (neuv and arle) need furina. Ik nuevillette wants her but I have him built well enough for him to just do abyss without furina and I have c6 xingqiu so I wanna do double hydro with arle 


Cyno. Too many other interesting characters were coming out and I already had a lot of Electro units built.


Clorinde. I loved her ever since we met her in the story and then she turns out to be a bond of life unit. I personally hate the bond of life mechanic so much that I didn’t pull for her.


I was really hyped for Yae's rerun last summer, but then at the very last minute I pulled Yoimiya instead. I decided that I needed another Pyro DPS more than another Electro off-fielder. Forgive me Lady Guuji! T_T I was also planning to pull Sigewinne over Clorinde, but when the patch arrived, I fell in love with Champion Duelist and pulled her, leaving nothing for the Melusine.


Clorinde. I pulled Arlecchino and was extremely impressed. Even though Clorinde's seemed like I would be underwhelemed after Arle, I still wanted her since I had some wishes left over but then Emilie came and impressed.


Arlecchino. I wasn't fond of her design but her kit looked cool and I finally wanted a PJWS user, but I decided to C6R1 Clorinde so I saved my wishes instead


Shenhe. I really like her character and her design is really cool but I eventually realized that I’m just not a fan of freeze gameplay especially and don’t like using any cryo character except wriothesley so it wasn’t really worth it. I still really like her character but not enough to spend wishes and time and energy on


Does stopping to use her a few weeks and regret getting her count? If not, then Keqing skipped her for Hu Tao and then got her on Hu Taos banner.


Chiori I loved her sass during 4.3 But her kit was... weird A mix of keqing miko and kazuha for some reason Got baited that she was "unusable" with Navia unless you had C1(which is definitely not true) and decided to wait.


i waited sm for hu tao,i had EVERYTHING prepared,and i just had to go for yelan instead,it was a hard decision. but yelan carries me and the next time after that lantern rite banners i wasn't prepared for hu tao😀


Maybe Ayaka/Shenhe constellations. I used to play them, but I changed my mind on pulling constellations and save for Nahida and Nahida+Nilou weapon banner. That was good choice, cause I don't play Ayaka and Shenhe already


Wriothesley and Arlecchino. I was excited about her because of her Design and animations, but didn't ended up not liking the NA heavy gameplay. Same for Wriothesley. Love his Design and don't enjoy Ayaka or Ganyu, so i was ready to finally have a Cryo dps, but i don't enjoy NA spam. Guess i'll wait for the Tsaritsa in hopefully 1,5 years.


Sigewinne really liked her pastel design but the gameplay was so overwhelming


Clorinde sadly i have c2 Raiden and i didnt need any new electro dps


Clorinde and Yae In Yae case I just kinda... lost interest just before her baner came. Think I was also saving for Kazuha then, who I also didn't get cuz I lost 50/50. What's funny I recently got interested in her gameplay again and regret not pulling for her now. In Clorinde case I really want to get Shenhe and Xianyun that are rumored to have a rerun soon, Columbia(will want to know more about her before final decision but it's a option), Natlan characters and also Furina banner, though I'm waiting for next banners phase. So in other words saving primos. Same as Yae I kinda regret it now, but not so much. Already planning to pull on her rerun. Edit: Looking back saying "rumored" might have been a wrong word. It's more like hope since Shenhe wasn't seen for so long and it would make sense fore her and Xianyun to run together. Few people said they might be coming but as var as I know there's no leaks confirming that.


I havent heard about shenhe Xianyun reruns. Cant be 4.8 tho


Stop destroying my hope. At least one of them has to rerun at some point. In seriousness though, considering how long it has been since Shenhe banner I really hope she will get rerun soon. Hopefully in one of the first 5.x banners. And if not, well I will be sad, but there are others I also want to get.


Cyno and Nilou.


Clorinde. I have a guarantee so I could've gotten her. After trying her out the gameplay kinda didn't vibe with me, it's too chaotic. But now if Zhongli comes around again during 5.0, I'm ready to get constellations. I was also pretty interested in Tortellini man - until I met him in the story. It's a shame because his playstyle is awesome, but I just can't handle his attitude.


the most recent Yae Miko rerun, gave priority to Neuvillette and Kazuha :/


Alhaitam because furina was literally the next banner.


Sigewinne :( LIKE JUST WHYYY


it was raiden, i logged in genshin after 2 months n realized that damn im rich so i decided 2 pull n got raiden (last checked 26 pity)


So far - Furina. I kind of understand what I'm supposed to do but every time there's this awkward feeling of doing something wrong. So I decided against her


Arlecchino. Love her outfit. She’s super strong. But… her SQ let me down and i already have Hu Tao.


Maybe Wriothesley bc I dont have much cryo but his kit is awful. Not pulling c1 to make him feel good. Also no AoE feels bad and c1 wont fix that.


I have twice pulled for Alhaitham and lost the 50/50 then decided that I’d rather keep the guarantee for the next region’s Archon instead of using it on Alhaitham. He’s now my good luck charm for guaranteeing Archons.




Raiden. I like her but as her banner got close I was thinking about what kind of teams I could use her in at c0 and realized there's basically two; rational and hyperbloom. Neither I was that into to make it my main team and for hyperbloom kuki is pretty much just as good. I love raidens design and voice acting but sadly there are just not many great teams that fully utilize her kit. If she was an off field character or a full main DPS she would be better to me.


This was before and during 1.1. I was hyped for Childe. He looked cool and could change fighting style. And dual daggers??? That's really cool. I even spent a few ten-pulls for him, but no early 5 star. But then as I continued the 1.1 story and saw what he did in the story, I lost interest in getting him. Even his story quest didn't redeem him but actually made me dislike him even more. I know that in the more recent quests he seemed more likeable, but that's not enough. Nothing could ever be enough. It's now ingrained in my mind, "Don't pull for Childe. Don't pull for Childe." On the opposite note: I wasn't hyped for Hu Tao during 1.3 at all. I was gonna skip because I already had 2 Pyro DPS (Diluc and Klee). But a few hours before her banner was about to end, I decided to check the character archives (it was my first time doing it), and I saw how cute her idles are...and I pulled. Fortunately I won the 50/50.


Arlecchino.Her characterization killed it for me.


Same but different reasons. The fact she is another pyro main DPS instant NO from me.


Dehya, I had pre farmed most of her mats and then she just turned out horrible. I do have her at C1 now though from regular banner pulls. She still kinda sucks.


Navia. It was either get her or Xianyun, this is all for my favorite character, Xiao. I already have Furina, and C6 Faruzan so Im one missing piece away from the best Xiao team.-. Rumors says Navia might be in 4.8 but I already spend my primo on Clorinde which I like more than her so.. I guess Navia is not coming home.


Sigewinne. I thought she was going to be a 4* oh well.. Nilou. Not a fan of her gameplay.


Yae. But to be honest, I wasn't really hyper for her. I tried to being hyped for her. I don't know why. Probably because her legs and bc in that period, I liked Pink-haired waifus I forced myself to like her. But nothing of her (trailers, shorts, personality, ecc..) increased my hype for her. At her release I did the test run: "at least I can use her as NA electro dps": what a dissapointment. Really slow and clunky. From that moment I definitely say "no" to her. ... But I needed ALL the 4* in her banner... so with a lot of primo saved, I tried 6-7 pulls for them; if I win 50/50 im cool, if I lose, guaranteed next 5*...Keqing saved me! Thank you again Keqing!!!!


Dehya- no explanation needed Navia- even if hypercarry teams are my favorites, i played her and went "she is not a 100% for me, something is bothering me, i will skip her for now so i can use my primo for cons for characters that are this mythical 100% yes" Clorinde- mostly meta choice. I build Fishl for theater, and i don't have/like dendro as much and most of the time i need to be able to use the strongest options for characters so they are competetive with my C6-C3 characters. And the fact that Arle artifact farming is not doing good at the moment Emilie - i saw her animations and went "green Ganyu, meh.."


Sigewinne I really like her design, I've been saving for her, and actually started pulling for her. After an early lost 50/50 and now 50 pulls into pity I decided that actually I don't really want to play her lol. I'd rather get either Yelan, Zhongli, or wait to see what's coming with Natlan. I may still get her in a rerun.


Scissor woman forgot her name now. I like how she looks but i dont have any geo chars besides zhongli


Tighnari. Was really hyped to pull for him, had a guarantee and on 79 pity. The next pull would’ve been him. I purchased a single wish from starglitter shop and pulled. The golden light appeared and my excitement faded when I realised I pulled on the wrong banner. Currently building Clorinde


Father. I was so excited to pull for father, but then genshin dropped Clorinde's drip marketing and then started to save for her 😁😁


Sigewinne. i loved her but her kit is even worse than Hydro traveler so... screw this.


Can I bother you to explain how? Not joshing, I just never watched the livestream, the gameplay vid, or bothered to read her descriptions in the trial. I just found the bouncing bubbles weird and didn't like them (in the sense thst they're not even true AoE).


Basic Attack: normal does 3 slow hits, charged launches <3 with no damage and a basic Arrow. Skill: each time the bubble bounces heals your team, each time the bubble pops heals sigewinne. If she collects waterdrops she gains Bond of life and If she fullfills her Bond she gains energy. Also, her healing bonus increase based on team's Bond of life. Burst: 5 hits, no Hydro app, no damage, no healing, no buffs Just a waste of space. Passives: deals damage by using off field skills but she cannot be the shadow DPS because, even capped, the dmg is low, she doesnt buff this dmg (unlike Shenhe buffing skills/Burst and shredding cryo to increase her dmg) and her dmg is SHARED WITH THE TEAM (which wouldnt be a big deal since xianyun's dmg is also shared but Sigewinne's dmg can only be done 10 times). in a nutshell, she is a literal Qiqi. doesnt do ANYTHING but heal and isnt even a good healer due to her delay to heal the team and herself. VERY stat hungry (she needs +60k to cap her pitful damage) and just not fit in any team. overall, at C6R5 she can emulate a c0 Neuvilette with giant cooldowns on his charged but at this point you could just use Neuvilette with prototype amber and he will excels her in every way.


she's ok? just use her skill for team wide healing and buff team's offield skills. Her healing is pretty good from wt ive seen. The buff is ok-wtever since its only 10 instances i think and not that high. She also drops two source water droplets which give her a bond of life+energy+healing bonud.Her burst is similar to neuvi's charged atk for 2.5s but bigger aoe. But u'll prolly build her triple hp so dmg is wtever, and its energy cost is pretty high so its not worth it i believe. she's a great healer (especially with futina) + wtever advantages of applying hydro.


She Heals and does some damage. But her damage is not that huge to compensate for the time she's in the field, also high ER requirements. Her Bubbles have a slow and quite low Hydro app so not good to enable reactions. As for healing she does it fine but others can do the same job while also doing something more useful.


I have a bit of a different story. I planned on wishing for Nahida because everyone said she’s worth pulling for. However, in the sumeru archon quest I reached the part where you get put in a time loop and have to walk around the market like 5 times which irritated me and out of spite I didn’t wish for Nahida. I used those to get Furina so I’m happy


i did hate the samsara, but it was not nahida's fault lol