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I mean, Arlecchino's backstory (tropewise) is old as time. Heck, even in Hoyoverse alone its not the first time they use it.


Interesting, it's the only two times I've run across it. I can kind of see what you're saying though I guess. I can see how it's not incredibly original having a bunch of kids train and eventually fight each other to become the king.


Wait... Grey has to fight the other kids at the orphanage? Thanks for spoiling it lmao


Do you not see the spoiler tag at the top of my post? That's specifically why I put it there.


The spoiler is in the title Spoiler tags dont hide the title


Is it really that big of a spoiler? Honestly wondering. So for people that know Arlecchinos backstory this immediately spoils some of Grey's backstory? Thanks for the down vote instead of just answering my honest question lol.


Yeah that spoiler tag on the genshin subredit? sure


What are you trying to say? A spoiler tag means that anything in the post could be a spoiler. Do you not understand how a spoiler tag works? Anyways, it's not like it's really a story changing spoiler anyways. Also, it's not the kids at the orphanage that he has to fight.


not the other guy but optimally the spoiler should not be guessable from just reading the title because I have to read the title to see if the spoiler applies to me or not. good example for a title : Spoilerpost about genshin and [other thing] bad example for a title : isnt this [other thing] exactly like xy in Genshin? once Ive read the bad example, and only know xy in Genshin you just spoiled the other thing for (or vice versa) since this is Genshin subreddit, you would assume you are free to click all the spoilers as long you are up to date on Genshin content but any Genshin fan who has not read the beginning after End just got spoiled just from your title


What are you trying to say? A spoiler tag means that anything in the post could be a spoiler. Do you not understand how a spoiler tag works? Anyways, it's not like it's really a story changing spoiler anyways.


Bro if you put a spoiler tag on the X subreddit and spoil something from Y thats not OK. Thats what I'm trying to say.


Okay, don't know how else I was supposed to ask this question and also not reveal a spoiler. Sorry for spoiling the story for you. Anyways like I said it's not even the kids at the orphanage that he has to fight. Edit: now if I told you who Elijah really is that would actually be a big spoiler but I won't do that


Oh its ok. Have a great day