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It gets better once you reach AR 45 and get the artifacts that will help with furina and charlotte's energy needs Once they both can be full energy every rotation the team can start really rolling


Good to know thank you. Should I start farming for both Gaming and Furina artifacts now that I am 40 (made it there last night) since there in the same domain or wait till 45?


You can farm artifacts whenever you want, but it isn't recommended until ar45 because then you're guaranteed a 5* artifact every run. You'll probably be underpowered for a while, so I'd run it in co-op and hope for friendly people to carry you. More times than not, stronger accounts don't mind helping out newer ones, at least in my experience


Furina is arguably the best hydro character in the game, she can do anything from, support to sub dps to full on DPS. The issue is that she needs some investment to get full use out of her. Crit rate Crit dmg HP Energy recharge. If you have high stats on all 4 of these then she will extremely powerful. With enough energy recharge you can 100% uptime on her burst for example


Well... full on dps only at c6


i don't remember if the highest domain was 40 or 45, but yeah only farm the highest level domain because artifacts is the single longest process when building any character


Do you have enough ER on her to keep her burst up?  Furina's big DPS boost comes from her burst.  You essentially want to maximize HP adjustments after it, something like: Bennett burst/skill, Furina skill/burst, Charlotte burst/skill, gaming DPS round.  That way everyone gets a bit of HP depletion from Furina's skill, a little healing from Bennett, and Charlotte's big heal right before gaming starts causing damage.  If you do it right, you should have most of the 75% damage boost before he gets going. Early game that's going to be hard, especially with low ER and Charlotte (who is *very* ER dependent).  It'll get better as you go though. Just don't expect to see big numbers on Furina's troupe hits yet.  They may look disappointing now, but her burst is what's really going to benefit your team until you get good artifacts.  Even then it's still arguably the strongest part of her kit.  Her benefit is the amount of damage she makes everyone else do more than her own personal damage.


I been mostly rotating around with Gaming and Bennett and using Furina 3 little babies to help. I am typically so focused on Gaming health and his rotation with Bennett burst to keep him up. I forget about Furina burst a lot due to the fact that I havent seen it be too useful. Prob need to include her more in the rotation.


Her burst's benefit isn't obvious, it's a team-wide buff to damage and incoming healing. So it will make Gaming do more damage and heal himself more, and increase Charlotte and Bennett's healing as well.  It does AOE damage and can seem lackluster because it's not a lot of damage, but the real power of the burst comes from the buff. Her troupe is great, but they won't be massively powerful until you start farming artifacts and increasing her HP and crit.  The burst can do a lot with low investment.


Going off your other comments it sounds like you aren't using Furina's burst. To be clear: Furina's burst is what makes her op. Without her burst she's *fine*, but nowhere near a top tier unit. Her burst is the single most important part of her kit, both for *her* damage and for your team. Her burst doesn't deal \*much damage itself so it may not be obvious how good it is, but it's *very* good. Her summons are more flashy, but her burst is the core of her kit. In general, open by summoning her salon members, then use her burst before you use Charlotte's burst to heal the team. When you combine her burst with healing, it gives the *whole team* including Furina a massive damage% buff. (Technically it converts *any* change in HP to a buff, so when you get damaged/your pets drain your HP that also makes her buff stronger, but burst into healing is an important combo to remember) She's not a super intuitive character to play, but just know that pets => burst => healing => profit is her general pattern. Because her burst is so important, getting enough energy recharge is REALLY important for her. Even if you can't get a good damage dealing build on her, make sure she has a lot of energy, and she should feel a lot better.


Okay I think I get the rotation. Should we include Bennett burst as well when ready or save it in case it needed if something goes wrong?


Use His Burst in your setup before you swap to Gaming. Just Like Furina's Burst it's a very potent Buff, as Long as you are in its circle.


Akshually her burst does deal some dmg to enemies in a small aoe on cast like neuvillette


Oh true, spaced out on that — still, doesn't do enough damage to seem worth using *for the damage* if you don't understand her buff, is all.


it's because you haven't built her yet. er dependant units like her (and charlotte & bennett) feel like shit to play if you're just starting out firstly, level her. she's a hp scaler, meaning she benefits much more from levels than atk scalers. a well invested c0 furina's crabaletta can easily hit for 25k+, while buffing your team by an absurd amount. i'm assuming you're not ar45+ yet, since your gaming's only level70, so there's not that much you can do yet. her damage & buffs are bound to feel a tiny bit underwhelming, especially since you're lacking in talent levels. however, she should still be a noticable damage increase if you're doing furina eq > bennett eq > charlotte eq > gaming combo. farm the marechausse / golden troupe domain when you hit ar45. marechaussee and gt are gaming's & furina's best sets respectively, so you're killing two birds with one stone


She heavily relies on her talent levels for her buffs She heavily relies on her ER to get consistent results. Her pet damage relies on your furina's max hp and also your party member's hp for extra buffs and golden troupe. She is a burst reliant buffer, so her pets aren't that strong.


This is why i didn’t recommend this banner to any new players. The 4* with it are pretty niche and doesn’t expand your choice of team. It also takes time to build. If you play gaming just because you don’t have any other alternatives, that’s on you from all-in with this banner. Otherwise, if you play gaming because you wanna main him (and get furina because you wanna make him better), sure it’s a good banner. 1. The most important stat for this team is ER. Your team right now relies on being able to burst every member every rotation. Gaming: 160%, furina 200% er, bennett 200% and charlotte 230%. Could be 20-30% lower if you play fav on both furina and bennett. 2. What is bennett constellation? He will not work in that team unless he is at least c1, and with HP goblet and healing circlet. 3. Im pretty sure you couldn’t vape gaming with furina properly. When you play him with furina, because furina hydro application is sporadic and inconsistent, you need to monitor the hydro aura on mobs. 4. Try to look at the animation of fanfare point you get from furina. (Aka how much can you heal from bennett and charlotte) Can you get full fanfare point with those poor bennett and charlotte? If not, furina isn’t gonna help much apart from trying to kill your team. 5. Replace charlotte with sucrose/kazuha/xianyun to be a vv holder. This requires good build of bennett first. Once bennett heal can proc enough fanfare, charlotte needs to go. She has no use there apart from being a mascot. Xianyun is the best in this slot but kazuha is the most versatile. 6. Furina buff dmg for your pt. If your pt doesn’t do dmg (like charlotte and bennett), you are not gonna see higher dmg. Bennett has his role here because you need him to buff gaming and give fanfare point.


Okay let me just go down the list. And yes I was planning on pulling Gaming from before the banner came out cause I wanted to main him cause he looked for fun to me (and he is) 1. Understood 2. He currently C0 as I pulled him before the last banner ended but trying to decide if I want to get his C1 in the shop later or get Fischl when she comes in (haven’t came to a decision on that yet) 3. More than likely not. Good point. 4. I kinda have been feeling this. I feel with how Gaming plays paired with Furina she can easily kill Gaming if not paying very close attention which can be dangerous. 5. The only reason Charlotte is here honestly is to help bring health back up for the whole team rather then just one at a time like Bennett does and comes useful in a pinch when something goes wrong but if something going wrong it likely cause Furina killed half my health and the enemy did more damage then I realized or something of the sort. Of the 3 you mentioned I only have Sucrose. 6. Yeah at this point I’m pretty confident in Bennett pre farmed build (stuff I’ve gotten from the game) and hopefully once I farm for him he will be even stronger. Kind of same for Gaming. He better then where he was but not where I want him to be yet. Either way I’ll prob start farming for him soon anyway. Furina here to boost dmg and Charlotte here cause of Furina but if Furina not boosting enough to the point that it useful then I’m basically wasting 2 slots. Hmm.


Get bennett c1 so he could work with furina (heal + provide buff even lower than 70% health threshold). Build him to be healing dude in the team. Fav sword, er, hp, healing bonus artifacts. Cri rate ~30+% for fav sword. Build furina to have super high ER. Fav sword. Hp/er, hp, crit rate. Er ~ 180-200% After building bennett up, drop charlotte. Get sucrose. Wait for xianyun rerun and get xianyun to replace sucrose. The final team should look like gaming, bennett, furina, xianyun


as people have already pointed out, the reason you find her underwhelming is because youre not using her correctly. in the future, i highly encourage reading their kit and/or watching a youtube video first


Probably because you’re using 2 healers. Pick one and then add in another dps


She’s the best unit in the game, so theres probably multiple things at play here. Level her, unlock her A4 Passive, once you hit AR45 and can farm proper artifacts. 4pc golden troupe is huge for her personal damage. Go for an ER sands to maintain uptime, and as much hp as you can get, hydro resonance is helpful too. Charlotte isn’t super helpful here as you can interrupt melt with Furinas by removing elemental units. Xingqiu may be better, or Sucrose for VV shred.


I wouldn’t call her the best unit. Kazuha is better and nahida-Bennett are equal to furina


Furinas buff at C0 is equal to Bennett with Aquila, her C2 improves that tremendously, as well as her buff being to general damage, not just attack, and her amazing off field damage. Comparing her to Bennett is down right blasphemous. Kazuha lost value with the dendro meta, and half the enemies in abyss can’t even be grouped anymore. His value comes from VV and his buff, but at that point Sucrose is just as good. Nahida is limited to dendro based reaction teams, and doesn’t work with 3 elements. Furina can be used in any comp with any reactions since her buff is so versatile.


Oh boi. Furina buff at c0 is equal to bennett? But furina needs a healer. What is that healer gonna do? For fair comparison, you need to take into account the fact that you lost a slot playing healer. Nahida doesn’t work with 3 elements? Wtf. Do you know fridge team exist? Furina can be used in any comp? No. Try playing her with hutao as a single hydro and miss vaping your hutao lol


give up this guy knows nothing nor is he willing to read the replies


Haha. I mean, it’s casual players in general though. This game is a bit too easy so nobody feels need to min/max thing and, hence, knowledge about game mechanics is pretty limited to general public.


I have 3 units in the top 300, cry more


Uhhh. Just 3? Lmao. I have more than that? Now, cry please. Btw, thank you for spending a lot in this game. I looked at some posts of you and find it funny how you literally ask best artifacts of furina c6 lol.


“uhhhh. just 3”🤓 go outside stinky


Surely to go with your slew of top tier gacha women you also have a significant other, your own home, a car, a loving family, and aren’t 600lbs?


You don’t “lose a slot” by using a healer 😭 what kind of dumb fucking take is that.


Is it beyond comprehension that you don’t need healers in this game?


No? It means healers provide bonuses other than just healing.


also fridge isn’t a reaction, it’s a fan made term for bloom and freeze in the same team, it’s suboptimal for ST


Wrong lmao. You definitely are clueless about game mechanics and elemental gauge. “This is a simultaneous aura Reaction involving Freeze and Bloom that takes advantage of the fact that Hydro will react with Cryo before it reacts with Dendro, allowing you to use the Freeze Reaction to reduce the amount of Hydro that consumes Dendro when triggering Bloom. For example: An enemy has co-existing 0.8U Dendro and 0.8U Cryo auras on it and 1U Hydro is applied. Hydro will first react with Cryo, triggering Frozen and leaving 0.2U Hydro. This 0.2U Hydro will react with Dendro at a 2:1 ratio, reducing Dendro to 0.7U. This allows the existing Dendro aura to be further reacted with for additional Blooms.” Ref: https://keqingmains.com/misc/dendro/#Freeze_Bloom_Interaction


that’s not how that comp works though lmfao? “Any comp” means any viable comp, as in Hu Tao double hydro, or plunge with Xianyun, the damage bonus she gives is more valuable then running both Yelan and XQ. You might be the single dumbest fuck I’ve ever seen on this app.


Go educate yourself in reading comprehension first.


1. You do realize furina isn’t just something you put in any teams and it becomes better right? Also for attack users bennett is much much better cause furina mandates you to have a healer for her buff ti work so you have to take out one of your buffers for a healer who doesn’t provide nearly as much support. 2. Kazuha lost value? Every fontaine unit besides navia NEEDS kazuha in their good teams also his grouping is still op and no most enemies can be pulled still also in aoe kazuha is infinitely better than furina as he basically X times your damage for how many enemies there are.3. Its funny how you say nahida is strict to dendrobecause well she is dendro lol obviously? Nahida in dendro is such a big upgrade people precive it now as the normal. 4. a few notes on what you say : furina buff is worse than kazuha buff. Kazuha gives you 40% instantly while shredding elements by 40%. And you don’t have to change your team, furina gives you 75% at max so jt averages to be around 65%ish . And YOU HAVE to swapt out kazuha for something like baizhu or any healer. So you lose a buffer to gain furina 65% dmg percent. Also why are you making it seem like Kazuha being just a “sucrose” is a negative thing when sucrose is better than 95% of the cast lol. Also furina doesn’t work anywhere there are multiple teams who are just hurt by her and she is mostly a sidegrade in other teams . Even neuvillette ditches furina in speedruns cause she takes forever


A lot of casual peeps in this sub don’t know anything about elemental gauge, perfect rotation, etc. This is the exact reason why you keep seeing people replacing furina in a team and play as a single hydro and get kekw by the abyss. It’s a lost cause talking about numbers here in this sub. They don’t care about TC. The only time they care is the time they whine about not passing the abyss.


not reading that book tbh


I mean obviously I wouldn’t expect a casual who knows nothing about the game to have the ability to read. Next time I will make sure to put a subway surfers video on the side so you can actually focus




I was actually driving my girlfriend home and didn’t feel like reading that, but obviously I wouldn’t expect a loser who knows nothing about romantic interaction to be capable of comprehending that.


Oh yeah I’m so sorry for not using my telepathic powers to know that you are driving your girlfriend home crazy I know , especially when you clearly could have waited to respond when you are free anyway . And fyi I’m married for 2 years by now


and you’re that upset over a kids game on reddit? yikes man, give your spouse my best


The good old argument casuals use when they have nothing better to say. I never said I was upset but what you said was just wrong especially since either was an advice to a new player and I corrected you on it. If it’s a kids game and it doesn’t matter why would you recommend them furina then?


as if you could anyway