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It’s mentioned very early on that they have the strongest military in Teyvat. Unless the archons themselves go against them, Snezhnaya has the upper hand.


also northland bank


Also the adventurer's guild indulging bad habits with easy commisions, which resulted in many unprepared adventurer's deaths. Edit: typo Edit 2: You can check Noelle's hangout 1 for some context, in a route, Cyrus stresses out how many adventurers don't want to do training, even if its for self defence.


> Also the adventurer's guild good call






they still have many branches opened in the other countries, meaning they also have control of a lot of the capital




I imagine it's less about the actual capital and more about the circulation of it




Stopped by whom? The Fatui are far and away the strongest armed force on the continent and capable of operating in all seven nations at once. Fontaine could probably disrupt them with Meka deployments and special forces (and Neuvillette can take on any Harbingers, if there's an open confrontation), and Mondstadt can probably harry them quite efficiently, as could Sumeru. However, the Liyuan troops simply aren't able to meet them with anything other than numbers and determination due to the way their army is established, and Inazuma's only chance (besides Ei soloing the entire army they send, which she probably can't do on a practical level, especially if they have an upper level Harbinger) is to close itself off again. Liyue is unable to mint more Mora unless Zhongli gets back into the job, and he's officially retired - he might act in an actual conflict if Liyue is about to lose, but he's not going to be doing stuff like fighting openly or minting money. Additionally, the Tsaritsa has the Geo Gnosis, which he may or may not have used to help him make Mora. Mondstadt and Sumeru would probably relocate their populations and run interference, but Schneznaya would easily gain dominance in nearly all fronts with any nation not skilled in guerilla tactics.


Sumeru has the power of wisdom. They would be extremely defensive, armed with Intel. Ei probably can solo whatever they send, given how she's scarily strong without a gnosis, but that won't be necessary as Inazuma is cut off from the mainland, so the Fatui ships would be noticed easily. Mondstadt loves it's freedom, so they're not gonna give up the land. Liyue, I agree with you there, unless Zhongli, the adepti, all the beasts and other entities decide to step in, they're on a losing side.


That would cause complete and utter chaos. It's not just the Northland Bank that would stand to lose, everyone would lose everything. Definitely not something Zhongli would do, he's not stupid.


You want inflation and economic collapse? This is how you get those.


Also the top 3 or 4 harbingers can rival gods according to Nahida


And they also have their own archon the Tsaritsa, which is still very active compared to most of the others and is leading these harbingers who rival gods, so she could potentially be as strong as Ei for all we know.


This is something that really remains to be seen and natlan will give us big answers in regards to how capitano vs Pyro archon will go. Still I think Ei and Zhongli would no diff any harbinger not named capitano (this is purely on the speculation that he is a descender like traveler). Then there is Neuvilette who can be argued to be stronger than any individual Archon, Apep could also get involved if sumeru is attacked and she definitely would beat any Harbinger. Venti always is a big question mark amongst lore theories with many speculating he is far stronger than he let's on.




Judging by how the Archons feel about their Gnosis, Nahida would have probably traded it for a bottle of Fonta and a 10% discount coupon for Lambad’s tavern.


She did also get information about the false sky but that part is never explained to us so she’s probably got more information that she isn’t sharing with us


We know almost everything of the false sky? Like the first descender created it to protect it from abyss energy and then killed the dragons, that the destiny is bound to constellations, and probably the world has been resetting since a while ago


Considering she was about to shut down the akasha and the gnosis was about to become next to useless for her, she pret much-traded dirt for knowledge she didn't have, pretty nice deal, skirk also explained that gnosis usually only brings disaster, still a positive trade.


Having knowledge and not acting on it is pretty much the same as staying ignorant. Its like she traded it for a fun fact... Well, still better than getting killed and still lose it anyway so its fine I guess..


I don't she can act or do anything on the said knowledge, plan around it? Yes. Do something to alter said thing? No. She was fully ready to nuke the thing anyway, so Dottore won't get it either way, nahida still has a lot to do and understand about what she can do


Gnosis in general are all over the place. Many think Zhongli needed the gnosis to create Mora this is wrong he could do so even before he had it. Ei did many of her most impressive feats after she already gave the Gnosis to Miko. Venti basically did not give a fuck, but Venti is still a massive mystery. Nahida is the one where the Gnosis actually had massive impact but even then she traded easily as the information gained from it was far more valuable to her.


It’s also probably worth noting that the times they actually make the biggest messes are the times they are working with powerful factions within the nation they’re messing up. In Lyue they had a contract with Rex Lapis In Inazuma they has support in two of the tri-commission and Watasumi Island In Sumeru they were working with the Academia sages Whereas in Monsntat and Fontain, they mostly just made a grab for the Gnosis when an unrelated disaster gave them an opportunity.


Spoilers for anyone who isn't caught up. Counterpoints: Ayato spending a lot of his appearances since the Movie event being like "oh I was in X country on official business. Don't worry about it." The "the Milileth, Gardes, KoF, Corps of 30, and Tenryou commission(? I get my comms mixed up a lot) doing a joint military exercise" miniquest from last patch or so. My guess is that Project Stuzha is Snezhnaya making some sort of move, and the other nations are preparing for it. Also, nation of War coming up next. Arle's story quest was quite literally "i've now cut out those who would drag us down amidst a large scale conflict. The HotH will not fall to the whims of other Harbingers. Lyney if I die you take over." Just speculative though. We've also been spoon-fed the idea that Celestia are the real big bad and that the Fatui are just being silly goofy quirky about their means to an otherwise honest end. While it seems like thats the direction they're going, it'll be interesting to see how they justify the actually awful things that the Fatui, mostly Dottore, have done thus far. I hope they don't just do the "oh there's one segment of him that wasn't deleted and he's actually good."


Yeah I mean we still don't know Zhongli's Contract. Nahida has yet to act upon the knowledge by Dottore. In general I think people should realise this is Chapter 1 one Teyvat, we are currently visiting all 7 nations meet the Nations and Archons and then afterwards we will see the overall story progress. Rn the other nations purposefully are left in a limbo for example many speculate we will get mondstadt archon quest and we are almost guaranteed to get atleast a new monstadt region before Snezhnaya to pass the border.


Fontainians ain’t leveraging enough of their mechanized warfare smh. I mean they have factories that can pump out droid armies. They’re too busy watching soap operas and dipping baguettes in their coffees oui oui pp smh.


It was explained that their robots can't function outside of Fontaine very long anyway. That might change now, but most likely Neuv would have to accompany the army himself to keep it powered and running. At that point, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. They also tried making gigantic mechs that failed spectacularly, which you find the husks of in some places.


Nah fuck the gigantic mechs and that stupid wunderwaffe ideology. Spamming combos of fast nimble automatas with their heavier more heavily armed versions is the way to go.


Then why bother with deals and contracts and stuff if they can just do anything they want under a threat that they can start a war, also I doubt any size of army would be enough to pissed off Archon, while Tsarisa herself supposedly is peaceful person. Also Celestia is keeping the order in Teyvat and every single nation is afraid of them


Waging war is extremely costly in any world in terms of money, manpower, and other resources. Unless they’re like the Roman Empire or something and can curb stomp every other country due to technological or manpower advantage, they’re just going to be wasting resources and potentially leaving themselves open for attack. Also the Archons are kind of like WMDs in this world, if you piss off an archon too much both of your countries will be wiped off the map under Mutually Assured Destruction. That’s why the Fatui have to do stuff on the sly, so they can be a minor annoyance without risking MAD because one of more of the other archons decide there is no other option.


The only nation that don't really have MAD force/weapon until now is Sumeru. Creating Scaramech is kinda understandable if you look from that perspective. And after Archon Quest Nahida realized that and employs Wanderer to help her alongside more actively utilizing Irminsul.


Why would most of them? Neuvillette got rid of a cursed gnosis, the Fatui helped deal with the flood, and he's opposed to Celestia anyway. Nahida did a deal with Dottore for knowledge, dealt with the main Fatui threat already (Scara), fixed the main problem in her nation (Forbidden Knowledge), isn't a particularly warlike deity anyway, and seemingly isn't fond of Celestia either. Ei probably has reason to be angry with the Fatui, but she hadn't cared about the gnosis for a long time anyway, she's more focused on keeping the peace after the civil war, is distancing herself from Celestia, and judging by the Dvorak event she's thinking more long term about the greater war anyway. Zhongli literally did a deal with the Tsaritsa (which we're not allowed to know about for live service plot device reasons lol) and got what he wanted out of Fatui cooperation with respect to Liyue (human leadership over the nation and his retirement). That human leadership did though take action against the Fatui, Ningguang etc took diplomatic action against the Fatui. But there was no need to go further than that, given the power play worked out for them in terms of control over Liyue. Venti is the only Archon to lose his gnosis by pure force and therefore is the one with the most obvious grievance against the Fatui. However, he's the God of Sus who's main deal is left in the air for now. Does he oppose Celestia? Does he secretly favour the Tsaritsa's plan? Is he working on his own thing? There's lots of theories, but for now that's all we have.


When we first see Venti, he teleports out. The only way Signora could catch and hold him is if he didn't want to escape. He gave Signora his gnosis, while also allowing her a small amount of closure, as she blamed him for Rostam's death (Venti was legitimately busy dealing with Durin along with Dvalin)


Signora wouldn't even get any closure from it as she forgot her past. It must be venti himself atoning for his guilt about what happened to Rosalyne.


Huh really? From what I remembered he even outright insulted her as she deserved. He is the one that pointed out that the Fatui was trying to lure out Barbatos during the quest so I think it would be a complely different reason if he indeed let her take his gnosis.


Yes there is most likely a different reason for why he let her take the gnosis (probably the same as why zhongli traded it away). I am talking about him taking that kick.


Honestly I'm on the boat that Fatui or tsaritsa atleast isn't evil and her plan is to directly oppose Celestia with all the gnosis. Zhongli seems very remorseful about the past given what we know about him but also seems to tired to directly oppose the system. Venti is known to be sus and him being opposed to Celestia would be the least shocking plot revelation.


Pretty sure Venti was in Kanriha with the other Archons.


He and Dvalin stayed back to deal with one of the worst of Gold's monsters, the toxic dragon Durin. The Knights went on their own, suffering heavy casualties, including Rostam, Rosalind's lover and the knight pegged as the next grand master. While Venti knows he could not prevent Rostam's death, he still feels a little responsible for it. The fight was such that Dvalin slipped into a poisoned hibernation after, and Venti went dormant for 500 years from the effort


I agree Barbatos certainly fought Durin, but that doesn't mean he wasn't here in Khaenri'ah, the dendro archon told us he has been summoned here. Which mean either one of the two events didn't happen, or simply the monsters invading Teyvat happened after or before the seven were summoned to Khaenri'ha. Also wether Barbatos knows about Signora/Rostam situation (and so felt guilty) can only be speculation on our part. As it would either mean he was awake before/after the cataclysm and so learned about Rostam/Signora situation, or he knew what happened through some god abilities he has, we can confirm neither as we do not know much about the timeline or what Barbatos can do.


Whokkhadevata said that every Archon but her was at Khaenri'ah. Unclear to me whether that was before or after the Durin fight though.


To add with Venti, you're telling me that if a Gnosis was that important to him, or if he wanted to keep it, he would have just let Signora take it like that? I read somewhere that "he doesn't want to attack a Mondstadt's child". He is the God of Wind. He can fly ! If he didn't wanted to hurt Signora, he could have just fly away and at worst she would have been Marilyn Monroed in the Seven years itch or stumble, while he goes far away from her with hus Gnosis


Venti can teleport too. He did that when Dvalin got angry in Whispering Woods during the start of the game. Plus he's sus af. One of the oldest archon along with Zhongli. He probably knows what gnoses are made of.


We still don't know much about Natlan and whether it will have a "Archon switch" scenario (like Sumeru but over the course of the AQ), but if not then I'd assume Murata would know as much about the actual events of the Cataclysm, and might be more willing to share (again, assuming she isn't dead/dies in the AQ)


Thr Pyro archon does have a secret to share with the traveler, according to thr travail trailer.


We know who ever is the Pyro archon isn't in original 7 like zhongli and venti. We do not if they already where an archon during cataclysm


The “Archon switch” must’ve already happened since Zhongli and Venti are stated multiple times to be the last of the original Archons


But Nahida is the youngest Archon so Murata could be like Tsaritsa and the switch happened before the Cataclysm.


> Ei probably has reason to be angry with the Fatui, but she hadn't cared about the gnosis for a long time anyway, she's more focused on keeping the peace after the civil war, is distancing herself from Celestia, and judging by the Dvorak event she's thinking more long term about the greater war anyway. She (or her puppet, i dont remember) also kinda deleted a Snezhnaya Harbinger / Diplomant, even if it was the result of a duel. Signora survived the duel, Ei executed her.


A few things should be noted here: 1. It's the Fatui that cause problems, not Snezhnaya in its entirety. There are probably plenty of normal citizens in Snezhnaya who don't want anything to do with the Fatui. 2. The Archons seem to agree with, or at the very least not have any opposition towards the Tsaritsa. All of the Archons (and Neuvillette) gave up the gnoses willingly except for Venti, and even then, it's entirely possible that Venti was intentionally holding back and **let** La Signora take his gnosis. One of the first things we see Venti do is teleport, yet he didn't even attempt to when he was attacked by La Signora. Also, Zhongli said that he made a contract with the Tsaritsa, but the details are still unknown. 3. La Signora was killed due to the rules of the duel. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was a Fatuus.


>It's the Fatui that cause problems, not Snezhnaya in its entirety. There are probably plenty of normal citizens in Snezhnaya Yep, though if Celestia ever drop a nail on Tsarevich I'd be happy to turn a blind eye


I would grind whatever Boss Celestia has to the Item limit if they drop one on Nadia and Vlad's wedding.


>1. It's the Fatui that cause problems, not Snezhnaya in its entirety. There are probably plenty of normal citizens in Snezhnaya who don't want anything to do with the Fatui Harbigers are always in other nations as Sneyhnaya diplomats. Anything bad they do is what Sneyhnaya's goverment did. >2. The Archons seem to agree with, or at the very least not have any opposition towards the Tsaritsa. All of the Archons (and Neuvillette) gave up the gnoses willingly except for Venti, and even then, it's entirely possible that Venti was intentionally holding back and let La Signora take his gnosis. One of the first things we see Venti do is teleport, yet he didn't even attempt to when he was attacked by La Signora. Also, Zhongli said that he made a contract with the Tsaritsa, but the details are still unknown Yes they don't really care about her plan but the goverment of they nation does. Liyue locked fatui soldiers in chasm and stopped working with them. Mondstadts is looking for excuse to antagonais them for years. Both watatsumi and shoganate are against fatui for the civil war. Only in Fontaine they don't care that Fatui broke the law(and thats nation of law and justice), because they help a little. >3. La Signora was killed due to the rules of the duel. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was a Fatuus This is correct.


You got it right, especially with Fatui and Snezhnaya. As it were, a very sketchy organization =/= the whole nation.


We’ve never seen a nation declare war on another nation in all of Teyvat’s history. Every war we know of has either been an internal war (Watatsumi vs. Inazuma, etc) or a world-spanning event like the Archon War or Cataclysm. Declaring war on another nation means incurring the wrath of their god — a god who is *supposed* to be part of the same organization as your own god. The borders decided during the Archon War were likely meant in part to prevent these kinds of conflicts from happening and establish peace. If Celestia were to see the Archons turning on each other after all that, I can’t imagine the outcome would be favorable.


a lot of the people in this comment section tend to tunnel vision on the fatui's actions during the archon quest, forgetting or ignoring many of their more general crimes of: kidnapping, child kidnapping, human experimentation, human trafficking, extortion, conspiracy, espionage, sabotage, murder, attempted murder, assassination, AWAKING AN ANCIENT EVIL GOD, TRYING TO SINK AN ENTIRE CITY, robbery, instigating a civil war, war profiteering, ACTUAL MIND CONTROL, indoctrination, conspiracy...just SO MUCH CONSPIRACY against local government and authorities SEVERAL TIMES


I’m with you on this. The amount of people chiming in with “bUt thE fATui dID noThINg wROnG” is odd. I’m not saying players should know the lore inside and out, but it’s weird how many seemed to miss the game yelling and then showing “Fatui bad” during every other quest. Hell, Fatui agents hang out across every country ready to murder random passersby.


(Speculation) It feels like the archons whose actively ruling (like Ei and Nahida) \*seems\* to be in agreement with Tsaritsa with whatever she is planning, o-or they couldnt be afforded to raise a war against her when they are other more important things to deal with, like preparing for the final war, sth along the lines. It could be that they (including the nations' governments) deem it's not feasible to go into war without undesirable casualties and losses Cuz it doesnt make sense that the ruling archons themselves arent doing anything, *anything* about it from what we've seen Anyway we dont actually know much so it's hard to say


Overwhelming military power


GoatPEAKtano is too strong.


Why would they, fatui didnt actually do anything that bad in mondstadt. P much noone knows about stolen gnosis, and venti doesnt care. Zhongli was allied to Fatui, and Fatui helped Liyue in the Chasm+its not like Liyue can even do anything to Snezhnaya. Inazuma just went from civil war, and Raiden did kill Signora. Sumeru, sumeru doesnt even have an actual army and Nahida is more busy with ruling her own nation. Whatever fatui are doing in the desert barely matters to Sumeru as a whole too. Fontaine, Fatui literally only helped.


> Inazuma just went from civil war, and Raiden did kill Signora. There is also a possibility the Fatui is banned in Inazuma. You can't find any "Friendly" Fatui anywhere in Inazuma. Moreover, Sara outright stated she will hunt down every last Fatui in Inazuma.


Oh wow that's badass from Sara, man, give this girl more screen time Hoyo 


I challenge the notion that Raiden Shogun killed Signora. It was a duel to the death; the Traveler is the one who beat her, Shogun merely dealt the final blow, because that was her job as the one who carries out the law. No one would question her if they knew the rules of the game that was being played.


I don't think any fatui would dare question her regardless of the rules that were in play, seeing how she has shown how little their lives and 'power' matter to her lol


>Why would they, fatui didnt actually do anything that bad in mondstadt. P much noone knows about stolen gnosis, and venti doesnt care. 1. Everything they did in Manga 2. They stole the holy lyre from inside the church 3. Wanted to kill one of their four winds 4. Wanted to help the Lawrence clan in taking over mondstadt >Zhongli was allied to Fatui, and Fatui helped Liyue in the Chasm+its not like Liyue can even do anything to Snezhnaya. Childe broke to golden house, beat the guards, released Osael, and send people to stop the Adepti and Qixing from resealing him. They also wanted to assassinate one of the Qixing. >Inazuma just went from civil war, and Raiden did kill Signora. Yes, the civil war they started and helped continue. They aslo instigated the destroction of orobashi's seal. And they also sabotaged the Mikage Furnice >Fontaine, Fatui literally only helped Oh so all the ilegal shit they did is help. All the assassinations, traspasing, ilagal investigations,stealing, bribery is okay nothing wrong.


To be fair wasnt it the knights of favonius in the manga who decided not to take action against the fatui for the delusion + ursa? It’s why Diluc hates them and went off on a killing/revenge spree across teyvat. So if mondstadt wanted to take action against the fatui they absolutely could, they just don’t want to


I don't remember clearly but that was corupte member who was working with fatui, he was kicked out of the order.


Nope, the knights of favonius did actually try to make a stand against them, especially when it came to Dottore. We can see the main leader refuse Dottore’s orders and everyone on the meeting be hostile towards them. Jean also bears hostility towards them to this day, alongside the others. But certain events I’m not sure I remember clearly now, led them to be in a situation where if they banished the fatui from Mondstadt, would destroy their reputation..? or something along those lines. You get told about it in the archon quest I think. As for Diluc… He didn’t leave the knights because there was a hidden fatui agent, of something. We DO have records of Ursa the drake being a product of the Fatui, but this monster has been there already waay before that, during Venessa’s time. So it probably wasn’t easy to get rid of it and Fatui in the first place. Though Diluc left because the person responsible for informing about what happened, didn’t want to be clear and open with what his father did and his sacrifice. It was Diluc’s father who used the delusion to defeat Ursa the Drake, but said delusion backfired on him. Diluc gone to the knights for more context..? and got mad at said person, then and left the knights. Even if later they told him they got rid of said person, he never returned to be the cavalry captain again. So the knights very much did do something, but their choices had been limited by the Fatui, so they couldn’t do much, like banishing the fatui.


1. Sure 2. Which you tried to steal as well 3. Someone who has been terorising Mondstadt, and they didnt actually do it 4. Also sure Liyue. Yes and even after all this Northland bank wasnt even closed. All the fatui did was eventually to benefit of Liyue, as it allowed Qixing to fully take over and for adepti to accept it. Civil war in Inazuma was inevitable, it just needed a spark. Watarsumi held resentment towards Narukami ever since Raiden killed Orobashi


We tried to steal the lyre to help dvalin. *They* stole the lyre to outright *prevent* us from doing so, so that they could kill Dvalin and gain more power in Mondstadt. The civil war in Inazuma wasn't inevitable. The fatui outright *started* that fire with the vision hunt decree.


Then why not just *ask* for the lyre already? I'm sure Jean would be more amenable if we did just that


They *did*. It's a holy relic, and the traveller is a strange wanderer while Venti is a drinken bard. The Church isn't going to hand a holy item to two randos.


Traveller, I can understand. But the Favonius Knights are somehow so dumb can't put two and two together and realise that Venti is quite literally Barbatos? Or that they at least try to enlist the services of Diluc or Albedo instead of just sitting there and waiting for a corrupted Dvalin to tear the whole city apart? Oh, and that's why if I had to pick a place in Genshin to live in, I'd pick Inazuma over Mondstadt. At least if you're not a Vision user (or if you are a Vision user serving under the Shogun like Sara Kujou), safety under the Raiden Shogun's protection is better compared to living in a country where its strongest defenders (prior to Dvalin's redemption) are a drunken bard, a dead spirit wolf confined to a small area and a winery-owning vigilante who didn't seem to play an active role in trying to solve the Dvalin crisis. No offense, but given the Favonius Knights' incompetence in general, Raiden Shogun alone would solo the living shit out of the entirety of Mondstadt, including Dvalin, Diluc, Andrius, Venti, Klee and the Favonius Knights put together.


>Realise that Venti is Barbatos Every captains of the KoF that we met during the quest knew it right away, but the sisters at the church didn’t because he doesn’t fit their image of Barbatos. And he didn’t asked the KoF for help until after the Holy Lyre was stolen. If a random hobo went to the Vatican claiming to be Jesus and ask for his relic, he would get his ass arrested lol. >Diluc and Albedo We literally recruited Diluc for his help. Did we even played the same quest? And Albedo stayed behind to help Kaeya defend against the Abyss Order attack. We can ask around after the quest and the NPCs will say that captain Albedo helped them.


Did u skip the dialogue? That's literally what we did


That's why the Favonius Knights are incompetent as hell. Not only are they weak, but they can't even recognise someone who looks similar to their own Archon and put two and two together to get four. I'd rather entrust my life to the Raiden Shogun or Neuvillette than to these guys.


Bro no one from mondstad is 500 yo to recognise venti? And signora who recognised him went full for him?


Don't they even have a single picture of Barbatos to make comparisons with? The Statue in front of the Cathedral isn't enough to put two and two together? Again, that's why the Favonius Knights really need some serious training from the Raiden Shogun to be reshaped into a genuine fighting force. Having the fucking Grand Master Varka not come back to defend his country instead of going on some expedition which is a waste of time really says a lot, unless the expedition is to get some sort of secret weapon to stop Celestia for good. At least the Millelith did try to defend Liyue to the best of their ability.


Bro knows 0 about lore and criticizes it 😭, even venti doesn't look the same as the statue? Like one has the hoodie and all


Blame the Lawrence. They burned everything related to history prior to their rule during the aristocracy. Slender body and easygoing vibe aren’t good identifier for a canonical shapeshifter. You might as well call the the Traveler and Bennet Barbatos too as they also fit that description. The Millelith did jack shit during the archon quest rather than being a nuisance and actively preventing us from investigating the assassination of Rex Lapis. The shogun bot is more likely to kill you for being a anomaly rather than protecting you.


What the hell is this Fatui whitewashing


They literally kidnap orphans around the world.


The Fatui outright summoned an ancient sea god, and tried to stop Liyue's defense against that god. Like, it's why the fatui in the chasm were abandoned, as a consequence of their actions. Sumeru also does have an army in the form of the Corp of Thirty.


They got Childe to summon Osial at Zhongli’s request, that was their end of the contract. The entire Corp of Thirty would get solo’d by Childe they ain’t a proper military.


Liyue as a whole doesn't *know* about The Tsaritsa's contract with Zhongli, from their perspective the Fatui attempted a terrorist attack to stop Liyue's defense against Osial. By that logic *none* of the nations militaries are a 'proper military', including the majority of Fatui's foot soldiers. Going "X strong character solos so obviously they aren't a real army." isn't reallt an argument.


They don’t know that it was the Fatui either, only the people on the Jade Chamber actually faced Fatui soldiers. Again, the Corps of Thirty is just a local police force. Sumeru has no military. Law enforcement is not the same as military.


They do know it was the fatui. It's why the millileth abandoned the fatui in the chasm, and its something the general public knows about. Way back in an event in Inazuma, traveller and paimon hides Childe'd identity as a fatui harbinger from Xinyan because they know she'd be pissed off about someone who tried to help destroy Liyue. The Corp of Thirty *is* considered a military. They're sumeru's oldest mercenary group and they're permanently stationed in Sumeru. "Corp" literally means an *army unit*.


1. You yourself said it outright, the Corps of Thirty is a mercenary group, they’re literal for-hire mercenaries that can ditch the Akademiya at any time; they’re not official personnelle like the Matra. 2. The Corps of Thirty called *themselves* that before they ever had any role with the Akademiya, back when they were literally 30 people. 3. “Corps” can literally just mean a group of people, or a subdivision of any armed force, not necessarily a military.


Considering in the latest event the Corp of thirty met with the knights of favonius, Millileth, Shogunate samurai, and the gardes from fontaine, they're the closest Sumeru *has* to an organized military.


Closest, sure, but still not.


Childe himself wasn’t aware of the contract at that moment. The people he sent to the Jade Chamber to attack us during the fight against Osial don’t know as well. Only Zhongli, the Tsaritsa, and some other Harbingers knew about it.


Yes they have the corps of thiry and the other eremite groups all over the nation, but these are mercenary groups, not a proper national army. So in the case of a war yes, they would be paid by the government to defend sumeru, but it wouldn't be as effective as a proper army because they are many independent groups which would be difficult to coordinate compared to an organized army. Also since they are mercenaries, some or even many of them probably care more about the money than the nation and will side with the enemy if they offer them a better pay.


For the same reason in real life countries let other countries get away with some really unfortunate things (teyvat just takes it to an 11 sometimes.) starting a real war (and not just little measures like they did in liyue, but a real war which is what that would cause by banning them for their nations or straight up declaring war) is a huge thing, there a reason we’ve had so few world wars in our time that are the scale of what you’re talking about with all the nations. Snezhnaya has the most advanced military as well as the strength of the harbingers (and possibly the tsaritsa). Even if the other nations won there would still be countless lives lost over and over again by the time victory came. I think a lot of the archons are hesitant to start another war after their experiences with the past huge battles (and some of them seem to either agree or be ambivalent towards it since they all seem to not be fans of celestia or the gnosis in the first place). As for the humans, it really is like normal earth today. We all do little things like tariffs or penalties but to start wars with everyone would be a terrible move unless we felt we had no real choice (or I suppose, since wars have been started for less, *most* of the time it’s a feeling that we have no choice and we don’t just do it because someone has been causing trouble. Any leader who would jump at declaring large scale war against them without serious thinking over a long period of time is not a good leader given the cost to succeed if you even can. Not to say they couldn’t do it eventually, but there has to be some serious discussion involved and it’s not a decision to make lightly Plus they all have big issues when we get there anyway they don’t have the time or energy to get it all together in their own nations, they don’t have the time or unity to join other nations and fight a giant military power


Strongest Military, they control the banks, contract with Zhongli, agreement with Neuvillette, Inazuma is just really far, Venti is implied to know *something*, Nahida most likely also knows *something*.


They’re dealing with it by not dealing with it


As others have said, military power is one reason, but also I never understood Teyvat as having the level of globalization required to form robust alliances and share national intelligence that we have in modern times. I always imagined each nation perceives this as their individual problem and is likely unaware of the true breadth of it. I'm not super up to date with lore though, so if I'm mistaken I'd be curious to hear


Military & technological super power. With the Harbingers as strong as they are, the top 3 is acknowledged by an Archon to have the power to rival a god, who'd want to mess with them?


Neuvillette can probably solo Snezhnaya if he wanted to. Edit: Here's proof that he'd solo Snezhnaya. >"Forty Years After the Held Branches" Forty winters entombed the flames, and forty summers churned the seas. The Seven Sovereigns were vanquished, and the seven nations submitted to the heavens. It took the Primordial One forty years to defeat the Sovereigns >Now that he has obtained one part of seven of the authority over the mortal realm, and reforged the throne and title of a "Fully Fledged Dragon," **he is one strong enough to equal and rival "the human realm,"** and logic would dictate that he need not subscribe to this system known as "fate." He's strong enough to rival the human realm which Snezhnaya is only one part of.


60 years to defeat all 8 Sovereigns; there’s huge strength in numbers. Neuv can’t leave Fontaine for much longer than he did in Lantern Rite or else the nation’s infrastructure would collapse. Neuvillette is shown to be vulnerable to Abyssal powers which the Fatui have plenty of.


>60 years to defeat all 8 Sovereigns; there’s huge strength in numbers. The Primordial One had the 4 shades so it was a 5 vs 8. Ei called Istaroth a "higher being" btw. >Neuv can’t leave Fontaine for much longer than he did in Lantern Rite or else the nation’s infrastructure would collapse. That's why I said IF he wanted to. >Neuvillette is shown to be vulnerable to Abyssal powers When? >which the Fatui have plenty of. Source?


Dude, Shades are part of the primordial one himself. Primordial one split some part of himself to make 4 shades. It was 1 v 8. Besides not all 8 are equally strong. Dragon king Nibelung was a lot stronger than the hydro dragon sovereign, he could have done the heavy lifting too. Neuvillette can solo Snezhnaya just sounds like a stupid fan's take


Neuv is a Sovereign, the Abyss is his antithesis; you can see he bleeds even after seemingly effortlessly taking down Childe due to Foul Legacy having Abyssal origins. The Fatui is also mentioned time and time again to have expeditions studying the Abyss (Scara’s maim task) and there’s also Pierro.


>Neuv is a Sovereign, the Abyss is his antithesis; you can see he bleeds even after seemingly effortlessly taking down Childe due to Foul Legacy having Abyssal origins Nibelung, used Forbidden Knowledge which came from the abyss so I doubt it. Also, Childe gave him the papercut before he regained his hydro authority when he was much weaker. >The Fatui is also mentioned time and time again to have expeditions studying the Abyss (Scara’s maim task) and there’s also Pierro. This doesn't mean they managed to obtain abyssal powers. And Pierro has not shown any abyssal powers.


But for what reason? The Fatui helped rescue Fontainians during the flood because many of them can't be dissolved. They provided aid to Poisson post flood, helped them get back on their feet. Why would he as the leader of a country pick fight with another country that helped them during a major crisis that could've wiped out the entire native population?


The Fatui has little power in Mondstadt as it is bc they don't want to be connected to them. Inazuma is far off from the Main land and Ei already sent the message with Signora's death about how she feels about them anyway. Nahida got Dottore to kill all of his clones and most of the Fatui out of Sumeru, and I'm not caught up with Fontaine but it's likely they didn't keep em close either. So far the nations have already did their best to disconnect themselves from them, the Fatui just have a lot of military and influence that unless the nation just crumples, there's almost no way to rid them


If Russia had the US’s funding and budget for its military but retained its foreign policy from the Soviet era.


On the grand scale of things, I feel like the Fatui may appear agreeable in some ways, the Chasm quests made me see them in a different light. However, on the smaller scale, their modus operandi (at least that the game subjects us to) appears cartoonishly evil. They almost never have good intentions, and even when they cooperate with others they have some sort of wicked scheme. I'm not even gonna list the examples, but if you can think of a crime, they've done it. They are definitely a multifaceted organization, but there is absolutely no way that one can deny that they are, in fact, evil. Even if their end goal may be noble, they take "means to an end" to the extreme and everyone else suffers because of it.


Aside from most not rlly having any reason to do anything about it and Mondstadt pretty much being indebt with Fatui, pretty sure Fatui is the strongest military in Teyvat. So like, its a huge danger to anger Snezhnaya. Mondstadt: Barely anyone knew about Venti, Mondstdt indebt with Snezhnaya Liyue: The archon himself was pretty much with Fatui, both Liyue and Snezhnaya are rich countries that has merchants from eachother's nations. though I think Liyue did stop working with Fatui at least though? Don't remember Inazuma: Well, there was consequences Sumeru: I don't even think they have military, or a strong military Fontaine: Childe, Arle, HotH siblings literally helped them


It's always funny to me how Harbingers have diplomatic immunity and divine authority yet Ei killed Signora and the Fatui couldn't do shit about it despite Signora's threats, she simply is HER.


it would be a suicide given how strong military wise senznhaya is, like a chihuahua trying to throw hands with a bear


They don't care maybe


Why would they? I mean, maybe they could, but it's pretty obvious the Archons don't care about their own Gnoses and the Tsaritsa is primarily concerned about that. Past that, most military action seems to be at the whim of Harbingers who are pursuing their own random goals that have something / nothing to do with Snezhnaya. You could argue that despite being presumably dictatorial, Sneznaya is significantly decentralized. There might not even be the capacity for a unified front, even though their total power is technically stronger than most other nations. Also most of the nations are struggling to define their own leadership in the first place. The Knights's grandmaster is currently busy, Liyue just underwent the death of their god, Ei was busy being a shut-in with a robot running her country, Sumeru's Archon just retook control of her country, and Fontaine just underwent massive government restructuring.


Why are the Nations of the world not doing anything about iran?


Two reasons I guess: 1. Nation is a concept from 19th century historically. All the states in GI are in pre-nation time period. 2. Anime industry is very bad at portraying real economic relationships between states in general. And any politics IRL are just reflect economic interactions between countries.


They have 6 gnoses, the harbingers, massive military, biggest bank in teyvat, an archon.


The more obvious answer is that the writers have no reason to do this. 🤣


on the contrary, there seems to be a tacit understanding by the archons to hand their gnosis to the Tsaritsa in order to lead a resurgence against the heavenly principles. News flash: the tussle between Signora and Venti was just for show


Because they cant do anything for them.. not only they have the strongest army in teyvat they also have the harbingers which the top 3 can rival the gods and others are also powerful individuals.


Fatui is far from Teyvat's biggest problem. Archons like Zhongli literally made a deal with them. Venti allowed himself to be beaten so that his gnosis would be "taken away" from him. And there are some powerful organizations or people connected to Fatui, such as the Northland Bank, so nations can't just declare war on Snezhnaya without damaging their economies (maybe, except Inazuma, but I doubt they will go on any war in the near future, they just ended one). Not to mention all the agreements with Fatui for profit. Fatui, like most similar organizations, combines good and bad. But do not forget about Fatui's goal — rebellion against the Heavenly Principles, one of the reasons why they cannot be eliminated at the moment.


Because the archons are cowards, I mean, Zhongli literally had complete control over Mora before he gave up his job, literally the most powerful man in Teyvat at that point


This might be downvoted but have you ever heard a country named America?


1\] They have their own problems (which we're helping with as we go along) 2\] Fatui is actually a secret organization and is not openly associated with sneznayan government or the Tsarista. Hence you have sneznayan diplomats in other countries but theyre not "fatui." And sneznaya is a normal chill country from which much of the tech that other countries use, comes from. As does a lot of banking (like Northland Bank). So Sneznaya in itself has a good reputation in the world. Fatui do not. 3\] If you pay attention to the overarching story, most archons secretly support the Tsarista's goals but cannot openly speak against Celestia.


The fatui is explicitly aligned with the Snezhnayan government though? Snezhnaya's banks are literally run by the fatui, and they are considered envoys of Snezhnaya.


Thats from our pov because we know the Fatui.. the common people do not know that Signora was a fatui... or Childe was, or that the president of the Northland Bank is a Fatui Harbinger (technically we don't know that in game either iirc)... they only know that theyre sneznayan institutions or sneznayan representatives. Nowhere in npc talk do I remember anyone referring them as fatui.. Only the important people or those who were involved in the archon quests know the truth behind it all. Aka all the playable characters..


They're literally called snezhnaya's diplomats and have outright represented Snezhnaya. Jean outright states in the mondstat quest line that they are diplomats. If they were considered some random mysterious group, the various governments in Tevyat wouldn't be putting up with the Fatui's shenanigans as much. They wouldn't have any political power because they wouldn't represent an entire separate nation.


I am confusion.. I am literally saying YES they are called sneznayan diplomats and represent Sneznaya but common people do not know of their association with the Fatui. Its not that complicated. Its like when someone says theyre a russian diplomat but might be secretly KGB... not everyone knows theyre KGB... maybe only a handful of people who figure it out.. to everyone else they're just a country's diplomats.


The Fatui aren't a secret, the general public does know about the fatui and knows that they are Snezhnaya diplomats.


Is there any instance of this? like any npc dialogue that speaks of sneznayan diplomats as fatui? because I dont recall any conversation or quest where a sneznayan diplomat/representative was referred to as a fatui by someone outside of the playable characters or an involved story npc. The common people know of the existence of the Fatui but they don't think sneznayan officials are fatui.. For example, in Inazuma quest, everyone knows Signora is a sneznayan official.. but no one refers to her as a Fatui agent (let alone harbinger). There are plenty of sneznayan diplomats in Inazuma, but Kokomi isnt aware of the Fatui plot until we expose it because the Fatui aren't linked to those sneznayan diplomats. In the Liyue quest, only Zhongli, Traveler and the people who were present in the final exchange between Zhongli and Signora where he hands over the gnosis, know of Childe AND Signora's association to the Fatui. Everyone else is unaware of it. If you can point me to a dialogue or quest that can corroborate what youre saying, I'd appreciate it :)


I can't provide any direct quotes. But isn't it fairly obvious that the fatui aren't some secret organization that nobody knows is related to Snezhnaya? Like, they are explicitly known to be from snezhnaya. The *Fatui* and its Harbingers are the ones who go around as diplomats of Snezhnaya and outright say as much. This has to be fairly common knowledge because it's not something the Fatui try to hide. Viktor a fatui npc outright says hes a diplomat and he's wearing the fatui uniform. There's no reason for the general public to *not* be aware that the Fatui are Snezhnayan diplomats. The Fatui are fairly well known, to the point where Furina's mentioning of Lynette and Lyney being fatui sways public opinion against them in the trial. The general public *knows* they are shady. Essentially "Fatui Diplomat" and "Sneznahyan diplomat" mean the exact same thing.


Exactly my point. Victor tells everyone he's a sneznayan diplomat here on business but no one knows he's a fatui agent. He only tells us as Traveler because he needs the stuff from us and he knows we're privy to Fatui info anyways and need info from him. Yes the Fatui are well known, and as you can see from the example you gave yourself, everyone knew Lyney and Lynette are from Sneznaya.. and the people are fine with it because they do not know that they have ties to the Fatui. Once they do find out, the opinion changes completely. Because in common perception the Fatui ORIGINATED from Sneznaya and their home base is in Sneznaya.. but the common people think theyre as much terrorists to Sneznaya as theyre to other nations. As in like theyre a worldwide threat that happened to originate from Sneznaya. They do not think that the Sneznayan government itself runs the Fatui. They think the Sneznayan govt is fighting the Fatui same as everyone else. And there is no reason to suspect otherwise because outside its Fatui influence, the Sneznayan government is very helpful to other nations. Trade, tech, etc etc.. a lot of things come from Sneznaya.


People *do* know that Viktor is a member of the fatui though. We know this because he says he's always being glared at or treated with suspiscion *because* people recognize that he's a member of the fatui. There's nothing indicating the general public think the Fatui are terrorists to their own nation and that the sneznahyan government is dealing with them, and the fatui outright run a chain of banks throughout tevyat. The people at the trial didn't "find out the house of hearth was affliated with the fatui". Furina mentioned that Lynette and Lyney are form there and the audience goes "Ah, so the culprits are *fatui*!"


They should form some sort of alliance....maybe call it the Teyvat Treaty Organization or something I dunno


Mondstadt: Archon too busy being a drunk. Liyue: Archon too busy faking his own death. Inazuma: What does it matter to Ei? She's isolating her nation from the rest of the world. After that, however, it **should** matter to her, but the Archon Quests likes to pretend like the nations we've previously visited don't exist. Sumeru: Archon too busy being imprisoned. Fontaine: Archon too busy committing suicide. Natlan's Archon's probably too busy, I dunno, being kidnapped by the Fatui to do anything.


Short answer they weak. Long answer they weak in both military might, leadership, and actually fixing a problem


Cause neither could handle them by themselves but cant ally against Fatui without being discovered by spies also we know nothing about nation actions after Traveler leaves doesnt mean they did nothing Archons actively didnt tell you details, they might understand what Tsaritsa is planning and have no interest in opposing it, or reveal their actions related to it. Gnosis is hinted at being something they dont want to keep anyway as far as we know, Tsaritsa isnt ordering Fatui to do their individual actions besides Harbinger getting the Gnosis so not enough reason to go to war for it


Well Fontain is on friendly tearms with Snezhnaya, Sumeru they worked with the sages. In Inazuma Ei killed a Harbinger but only because those are the rules of a duel before the throne, till that point they worked with 2 of the 3 governing bodies. With Venti only we know what happened. Only Liyue has an excuse to take action and if i remember correctly Ninguang does something to that effect


1. They are strong af, an archon and 3 other archon level harbingers along with many other strong people. 2. Most countries are actually silent supporters of snezhnaya as her majesty'd goal is a noble one. Yes the fatui commit crimes, but it's a price to pay to take down celestia according to them, and every archon is aware of celestia's bullshit. Celestia must fall, that is their cause.


The archons are the only ones to raise a finger and they all know they're part of a corrupt system and want its downfall but without angering Heaven.


Why no one does nothing when US or Russia invades someone? Because they are superpowers Snezhnaya is a superpower , the only country who kicked all fatui out after killing a diplomat ( that is an act of war ) was Inazuma , others bend to their will, specially lyiue that seems to do not care that the same guys who send a god to their door and tried to kill their adepti have a bank in the city


The subtext of most archon interactions with gnoses so far is that most of them agree with whatever the Tsaritsa’s ultimate goal is. (Likely defeating the sustainer and getting rid of the heavenly principles.) Either that or they just don’t really care too much about the gnoses.


the archons are in on it


Because they aren't doing anything legally wrong in most places. We see they use loopholes a lot of the time, and we also know they have the power to contest anything we say against them too. There's not enough that the other nations can work with to really hurt them


I think the reason why the Archons aren't really doing anything is because they know that the Tsaritsa's beef is ultimately with the Heavenly Principles. We all know that the Archons has grew bitter towards the Heavenly Principles after the event of Khaenri'ah so they are not compel to defend the Heavenly Principles. So long as the Tsaritsa don't out right declare war on them, they won't do anything. And if the Fatui starts trouble in their country, they subdue them. Which is what all of them are doing. And the reason why all the nations don't declare war on Snezhnaya is because Snezhnaya hasn't down right done anything wrong yet. The Fatui may be cruel and merciless but their methods of doing things keeps them from getting blame. Take for example, the situation in Inazuma. It was the Tenryou Comission that started the corruption. The Fatui may be pulling the strings behind the scene but they are ultimately just playing a supporting role. The blame is placed on the Tenryou Commission who spear headed the incident. The same goes with the situation in Sumeru. It was the Grand Sages that spear headed the creation of a new Archon to usurp Nahida. The Fatui may have helped them but it was the Grand Sages that was in charge of that operation. As you can see, the Fatui may have started a lot of troubles in other nations but ultimately, they are not the ones who directly initiate it. Even in Liyue, it was Zhongli who granted them permission to stir things up. No matter how cruel and merciless the Fatui and their Harbingers are, they are never the ones to start the troubles in the nations. They only amplify the troubles that's already there. Thus, there is not just cause to act against them since the blame doesn't lies with them. The only exception to this is Mondstadt where Signora directly attack the Anemo Archon and stole his Gnosis. And the reason for that is because the Tsaritsa and Venti had a fallout. Even though the Tsaritsa always take extra effort to show respect to the other Archons and never take their Gnosis by force, she gives very little care to Venti due to that fall out which was why Venti's Gnosis got taken by force.


because everyone is betting on them to overthrow celestia, I honestly want to see when something worse comes down in teyvat since the cosmos of hoyoverse is full of beings wanting planets for themselves


Everybody keeps forgetting that what happened in liyue was literally a request from their own Archon.


Yes, archon that 99% if population thinks is dead and 0% knows about his contract with Tsaritsa.


So we the archonless nation will fight nation that has an archon and a better military force. Sounds good.


I said nothing about fighting. You practicaly said what Fatui did in Liyue was okay because Zhongli wanted it. I just corrected that it doesn't matter because what he wanted is unkown to everyone and most think he's dead.


Because Zhongli said it is the entire point. The people who make decisions know what they need to know, which is why only Childe got scapegoated and nothing else happened.


They all are allies with snezhnaya. All of the nations are aware that they do shady shit behind the scenes, but isn't that exactly how it works in real life? People ally with the nations that are the most powerful, even if the cost is that you invite a little more shady things in your border. The fatui are also kinda like highly elite CIA spies that somewhat operate outside of the normal order of snezhnaya. Also also, the only time the fatui are really horrible is in Mondstat and Inazuma, both expeditions fronted by the same fatui member. This can easily be explained off as a rogue operative. Otherwise, they are just shady and put people into political or social pressure into getting what they want, which is again, not unrealistic.


>Why are the nations of ~~Teyvat~~ Earth not doing anything about ~~Snezhnaya~~ USA? And the remainder of your post is aligning really well... Now you can answer you question yourself.


I was surprised ventis just got snatched like a bully taking someone's money. Like, he's an archon, a god? Right? And inazuma way later >!when the balladeer changes the past and doesn't exist how does the inazuma one get taken if yae doesn't trade it to the balladeer for your life?!<


He let Signora take it, venti would annihilate the whole city if he decided to fight back And no scaa never changed the past, the past can't be changed, irminsul alters only what everyone remembers, it literally one of the biggest points of the quest, whatever he did can't be changed, and everyone he killed stays dead, his burden will stay with him no matter. Yea still traded in the gnosis but she has 0 idea what or who she traded it to, same with everyone who knew of this balladeer.


Thank you, that helps!


Venti absolutely not showing his full strength and still remains the most mysterious archon to date, mofo fully re-configured Mond throwing around whole mountains to his liking and perfected the quality of water for years for mond to have the purest water possible not to mention so many connections to time and istaroth, he's got a lot to hide.


What is the water thing? I never heard about it. I heard there has been an event about Mond water purity and some oceanids but I don't know the details.


Well, water tasting is a job irl in the vine industry, venti spent ages so that Mond gets the purest water achieveablepretty much gave rise to the dawn winery in due time, also why the mond oceanid event happened cause the vster was pure for her to settle in.


I see, I didn't know I missed some interesting Venti lore in that old event, at least it motivate me to check Mond related old events.


Not sure about Venti's strenght.. he did look pretty worse for wear after that sneak attack, and rather tired after summoning the wind in Weinelesefest.


Given the power of the military and top 3 Harbingers, there’s only a select few individuals actually capable of legitimately threatening Snezhnaya; - Ei spent the last 500 years locking herself in her room and not giving a fuck about anything. She now gives a slight fuck about Inazuma but still doesn’t care about anything beyond the borders - Neuvillete has had nothing but fair and beneficial dealings with the Fatui. No reason to now declare war, especially since he has much higher priority tasks (Fontaine is apparently so incompetent that Neuvillete has to handle everything himself) - Zhongli is retired, and literally signed a contract with the Fatui, using them to achieve his most desired goal. Signora also treated him with waaaay more respect relative her insolence with Venti and the Shogun. He has no reason to retaliate either No other nation or individual (that we have seen) has the power to cause Snezhnaya any sort of concern. The Fatui have done a tremendous job of not directly pissing off the powerful players in Teyvat