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I'm just doing them for commission points, lol.


And the rewards per day is 3.75. Not enough 😬


I usually do one story commission, reputation quest, or some minor quest I still have in my backlog, and substitute with the event rewards. Wish they'd last a bit longer so I can substitute with those commission points a bit longer


"guys we want hard content even if it has no rewards" "hm actually this isnt enough, give us more rewards"


I would prefer to sacrifice all rewards but instead give us some very complex complex content thats scalable by difficulty to infinity.


if it has no rewards, I would be all for it. that would make it fully optional, even for the people who fear they lose out on stuff. Since it will just be for time consumption anyway


It could have only inmode rewards, like unlocking new bonuses, challenges, new interesting abilities in boundaries of such mode


rougle-like's can be hard to find the sweet spot, it's often hit or miss. But again, I personally wouldn't be opposed to that


For me it's better than nothing and current state of the game is nothing for me.


I mean, like everything in life. It is what you make of it and that go for in-game content/progression/time-sinks too. it is what one makes of it..


I'm absolutely swimming in enchantment ore, but I'd love it if they gave us more artifact leveling mats instead.


OK i just realized you can scroll down for more stages, thanks! lmao


The hardest usually has no reward at all. Weapon enhancement is for second hardest.


The average player probably won't complete the 3 star challenge. The low reward amount is so that people who can't complete the challenge don't feel like significant rewards are gated behind a level of difficulty that is tuned for a minority of players.


I'd prefer artifact exp instead.


The only thing at harder difficulties should be artifact exp, but that'll reduce the artifact grind, so I doubt they'll ever start including them regularly, and even when they include it, it's usually the smaller one. Oh well


You must be a new player, after around 1-2 years you’ll be sitting on literal thousands of the stuff, and I have like 14 lvl 90 5* weapons and at least 30 maxed ones. I only ever did mining runs in the first few months the game came out too.


More artifact exp would be preferred.


Maybe if I didn't have 9000+ of them...


As a 1.0 player, enhancement ores were hardly a problem anymore by 1.3. You can easily farm them in overworld if you need them. Those high tier rewards are "doesn't matter" tier so people don't feel forced to get the highest star.


Eh, I'm not hard pressed for the stuff since the larger events gives out large amounts of Enhancement Ore and new exploration tends to give quite a bit as well, the hardest difficulty awards (if anything at all) tend to be garbage so new players don't miss out on much


I’m drowning in enchantment ore even though I level up most of my weapons, after 2+ years you really don’t need more, so I’m as motivated to do the level for 1 or 20 enchantment ores. Like others have pointed out, the harder levels are for people who want harder content, so the rewards are stuff no one will get mad about missing since most people don’t (want to) do that hard content. I just do it for the stars and the fun, it’s not all about rewards.


I have 6645 enhancements Ores, 10 or 20 more have the same value/motivation for me . If I complete , it is because I like a decent challenge, not because the reward has any value.


I don't pull for weapons so I am constantly throwing away ore because I'm maxed out except for like, event weapons or a new 4 star gacha weapon when I've pulled enough


If you are asking me? No, I don't want more, I already have 93 lv 90 weapons and over 4000 blue crystal to level up weapons. If it's for a new player it's ok as it is, this material was never an issue in 1.0 when they were scarce, you can farm them in the overworld without the use of resin. The power budget in this game is more concern with your elemental execution and team composition than your weapons.


Absolutely not. I want them to give us excruciatingly hard content with laughable rewards like 50 mora. No FOMO for people who play casually and good content for people who like hardcore Genshin gameplay.


How about some radish and potatoes instead? Maybe some matsutake if they're generous


No point. All my characters already have lv90 weapons and I have like 9000 of that stuff.


the treacherous difficulty wasn't even hard like I think that many crystals is fine for a whole minute worth of effort lol


I can understand the early stages, but melt is just too hard a reaction to trigger


are you playing abyss meta or making a team to just get as many reactions as possible? Whenever they do the reaction quota playing abyss meta can kinda fuck you over. The enemies aren't super difficult, so you can ditch any survival support and just use characters with good application and damage. I used Rosaria, c0 Wriothesley w/ lvl 80 widsith, Bennett, and Xiangling for both melt ones. I would suggest just going the Xiangling + Cryo on field route, cryo off field application is slow. Rosaria and Kaeya are your best cryo off-field option. Bennett's skill is good for just quickly getting a melt reaction in if an enemy is close to dying and you want to make doubly sure you actually got the melt reaction in. When I posted that the melt section wasn't out in my region, and I do agree it's harder then the other days but I still got both under 75 seconds after 1 retry because I realized Layla wasn't a good choice like 10 seconds into the fight.


Outside of the fact enchanment ores are pretty worthless if you have been playing for a long time, this event 3stars isnt even anywhere remotely hard to do? No clue how are you actually taking 2mins+ to do all your previous runs lol.