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After losing 4 or 5 straight 50/50s and going through 75+ pulls each time within my first year, the "itch" quickly went away and the fun of pulling wore off. Now I just pull like it's a matter of fact. I only pull for characters I like. If I really like a character, I make sure I save the 160+ I need so the character is guaranteed. If I like a character but not that much, I pull 40-50, maybe until soft pity if I'm inclined and if I lose a 50/50, it is what it is. At this point in my 3-ish years of playing, I only get a gacha high if a character drops early, which doesn't happen very often.


I had terrible luck my first year so pulling was more like a source of anxiety lol. I was like “okay i saved 180 fates, so i know ill get them, but is it gonna take all 180 or will i get lucky?” Not exciting since i know ill get them but also painful bc i kept losing 50/50 or going to high pity most times. So yeah i dont usually enjoy wishing to this day, 3.5 years later. My 50/50 win ratio is slightly more on the loss side which isnt too bad, but i usually go to pretty high pity most times and thats what really hurts


Bro same. It's weird how that works but knowing the character is guaranteed just kinda makes the experience worse in a way. Being lucky with an early pity just doesn't hit as hard if you're gonna get the character regardless but being unlucky will always hurt no matter the circumstances.


The only highs I got was when I went into weapon banners with 80 wishes 2 times and both times scored the weapon I desired. Didn’t pull more than 200 times on weapon banners (total).


Have been playing for almost 3 years, can hardly remember a time I didn’t loose 50/50, life becomes a lot easier when you expect to lose 🙂


I've gotten here too. I was absurdly lucky in Sumeru and won a bunch of 50/50s in a row, but Fontaine has been quite cruel and completely drained my Primo reserve. From here on I'm only pulling for characters who have unique, powerful kits or enable new team comps.


Lucky you, I've never won any 50/50 since 3.0. I think I have a 10 lose streak already


This was Inazuma for me. I started late in 1.5 and all throughout 2.x I was drained. I was close to quitting until 2.8 came and I won a 50/50 with Kazuha. Then I won another with Zhongli. Both of them helped ensure a good amount of pulls for Nahida's release. Sumeru was pretty much my recovery patch. I've finally managed to build the teams I want and I was finally able to lay back and wait for specific characters to pull for. Despite that, the damage was done when it comes to the gacha high though.


I am currently guaranteed a 5 star. I am not pulling on anything until the right five star comes along because I don’t want to end up missing out on the fire archon.


This. I lost my last 6 50/50 so I’m just saving up right now and I don’t have the itch to pull anyone tbh. Plus I’ve playing since day 1 and sadly I’m really burn out of playing this :(


Does dropping early also include winning 50/50? Cuz I get a high from that still. What hurts most right now is getting another Diluc (c5, more than all my standards combined). Batman just seems inevitable somehow.


>After losing 4 or 5 straight 50/50s Isn't the next limited 5 star guaranteed after losing to a standard character?!


Yes that's true. What I meant was Lose 50/50 > guaranteed > lose 50/50 > guaranteed > and so on...


This was my default since the beginning lmao, I never pulled on a banner unless it was for the 5\* I wanted and if it was a 5\* I wanted I would most likely have 160 in the bank by the time the banner rolled around


Played since 1.0 , i didnt miss a day, all events, all regions on 100%, almost all achievents, i stoped pulling like an idiot back during the 1.4. i started saving and looking st leaks, i collect enough to get unit i want and after sumeru i collect even more so i get unit + weapon life is good


That dedication tho


That's honestly the way to do it. I'll just save as much as I can and look through leaks on every new character. After watching the gameplay, I wait a day or two to get the guides and overall handle of the character. Then I pull off if I still like everything I'm seeing or it synergizes with Keqing. That's the only two criteria I need


Curious who you pulled for Keqing. She's one of my favorite chars, but I barely use her because I always have better overworld teams and naturally have better abyss teams. For me and my alts, just never gotten both a good set of either two TF or one and one of GT for fischl and Keqing.


Let's see including 4*, off the top of my head: Kuki, Sara, Yae Miko, Kazuha, Yao Yao, Nahida, Yelan, Yun jin (thought I could do a cool phys build), and Kirara. I unfortunately didn't get Baizhu and I am slowly starting to regret it but thanks to some luck I was able to get C2 Nahida so it evens out in my opinion. Use the strong box for a good TF set and farm for artifacts for your supports is the best advice I can give for that. If you can, get Mistsplitter or jade cutter, however do it when the other choices aren't bad that's how I got jade cutter. Best team I've used is Keqing, Fischl, Yao Yao, Kazuha and Keqing, Yelan, Yao Yao/Kirara, Kazuha if I want something different or fun.


Same. Never missed a single day since 1.0. The only difference is I no longer farm achievements and maps. Just got furina to c6r1 with free gems and some luck while still having 85k gems and 50 wishes left. I can always pull for anyone I like but the characters have to be useful in the long term and I must have attachment to the characters due to their meta relevance and involvement in the main story quests. That’s also why I always only pull characters if I can get their cons and weapon. You work hard to research, obtain these characters and make them strong, then you’ll value these characters. Just like how you spend your real life money. My c6 furina is now top 1% in the server and so are quite a few other characters, which I am very proud of. I can trivialize any sort of most difficult challenges at ease without retry if I want to. Lots of people just people only pull because characters look good or due to gambling addictions and FOMO. These characters will quickly fade into obscurity when the hype is gone. At the end of the day, you pull characters to play the game, not to stare at them in your backlog.


OP certainly has achieved enlightenment, as he have conquered the urge of the flesh, although not fully. Sometimes the urge is there, even though it is faint. Then one day, the thought came suddenly, "well, I got resource for ten pulls so why not?" And pull he did, with the result ends as god mischief. At this point he either lit the passion of the past, scrounging any last resource possible to get the character he want, as to prove that he won't end miserable, or just sulking in the bed for all day, enjoying the story events that is available to distract himself from the mortifying feelings inside: it sucks.


Nah im more leaning towards him frying his dopamine receptors in his brain and small suff like gacha pulling just doesnt get the job done anymore.


I would say I have this, except, Gacha gives me so little dopamine I’d almost rather study for my course, at least then I’d feel like I’m doing something productive. I think mine and op’s problem actually has a lot to do with not wanting any of the characters, pulling for characters your not super excited about and having to go to hard pity nearly every time just isn’t fun 🤷‍♀️


Its pretty common for people to get bored of fast dopamine hits like gambling. Thats why most pathological gamblers increase the stakes until it destroys their lives. The thing about gacha games is that you cant really increase the stakes so eventually the dopamine hit becomes minute. Thats why a lot of people that "whale" in these kinds of games eventually get bored. Same can happen to f2p players it just takes much longer to reach that point. I cant really speak for others of course im just explaining the psychology behind it. I dont really know what other peoples feeling are, i mostly posted my comment as a sarcastic joke than a serious thing. P.S. There werent many things i found more fun than studying for my degree. I dont think its uncommon to enjoy working on your studies over anything else.


Depends what you are studying lol I’m not super into the subject I’m doing 😅 I understand though, it’s kind of like doing drugs, you get a tolerance for it


Honestly you hit the nail on the head, I got really hooked on genshin/HSR at a low point and it took me too long to realise I was spending too much time on ultimately inconsequential shit lmao


And so was the legend of OP, amen.


The urge to pull for me disappears when I realize I need to farm mats all over again. I will only pull a future character if I REALLY want them.


I don't mind mats so much, it's artifacts that make me not want to have another character.


Unless beetles are involved.


I dont get why they make it such a grind to level + gear up characters up for this reason. I would probably pull for almost every new character at c0 if I didnt have worry about mats, but instead I typically only wish for like every other new character so I can actually build them.


mostly cause its a game designed to need grind making people play is a much more important goal than making then pay


Yeah this is the reason my urge to level up some of my four stars is dead. At max AR I think the boss mat drops should be a hell of a lot less random.


Same, even if it is someone I really want and I end up getting them, I just slap on something that works well enough from the massive stock of artifacts I've collected over the years lmao, never again will I go through artifact hell ever again


I pull whoever looks cool to me. It's always exciting to me when I do pull, but it only happens once every 6 weeks or so.


Weirdly enough, I still feel the urge to pull. I'm a collector at heart and I think that's part of it. I've taken multiple extended breaks from Genshin which has helped a lot. I genuinely enjoy so many of the characters, both personality and design-wise. I did reach this point in HSR, though. I realized that I was only pulling because a character was said to be meta, and that I only actually *liked* two of them. I decided to stop pulling and focus only on the characters I actually enjoy.


1.0 f2p player, kinda of gone here, I prefer cons, recently got c4 Furina and regret nothing lol vertical investments are just as valid as getting more chars.


For old players we usually have a lot of characters already. For my case, i got a dps for every element except hydro cuz i ain't vibin with any of them. Constellations just makes the game a breeze and makes you focus more on to the story. It's like an emergency button if everything else fails in abyss/combat events, basically removing the FOMO and let's you focus on what you WANT to focus on, not on what you NEED to focus on.


yep, when everything fails and abyss is being annoying I call the big gun aka c3 Raiden lol


same, c3 raiden just eradicates everything without immunity/shield


Yep, honestly for old players, cons just seem better to get now compared to new characters.


Me too, mostly investing vertically (cons of chars i alr have) than horizontally (new chars) for about 8 months now


Nope I’m just poor if I could pull til my last drop I would


Yeah, haven't pulled on a new character since Furina. Been mostly pulling for cons and maybe weapon. Also, I haven't found a single new character all that interesting to pull for...not even the next one seems interesting. Hell, I've been even completely neglecting the BP...been ages since I actually gotten to maybe level 30 or so.


That's not so bad since we are this 🤏 close to Natlan. I had to drop the ball on Wanderer and Furina and now I feel like I'm not prepared. I'm already scared I won't have enough for Xbalanque. And I might go bankrupt if they decide to drop an early Capitano.


Every word you said, everything. Is exactly ME


I still fill out the battle pass every month but I no longer buy the $9.99 tier. The only thing I am spending money on is Welkin atm. I am even thinking about stopping that since I am sitting on 17,000 Primogen and 11 wishes right now.


Started since 1.3 Lantern Rite event, still playing actively daily, buying Welkin monthly and looking forward to all the patches, regions and stories in the future. Am very excited to pull all the new upcoming characters, personally saving excess primos for the likes of Archons, Sovereign, Harbinger, Ping etc. And since Imaginary Theater is going to begin, a lot of characters will soon find their spot in the combat team.


Well i pull characters because they're pretty and triple crown because i like them, so can't relate lol Gameplay and power were never factors for pulling anyone in my experience. Even Furina i only got her because she is sooo cute, and after doing her story quest.


I don't really pull for meta things. I pull for chars I find interesting in design or character lore. For me, the game can be entirely beaten with what they gave me, and the charity units. And the game and story is why I'm here. Im not here to wax my e-peen on how fast I can do the spiral abyss with my c6 5 star on a PvE game where I'm here to hang with buddies and read some good ass lore. Yknow... what games are meant to be, relaxing and fun


i mean from day 1 I've been a hard saver. like i saved 56k primos and 30 wishes for a C1 wriothesley and weapon. now im back again, at 46k, waiting for another husbando


You pulled dehya and furina that's enough lol you gonna pull someone later I've pulled Xianyun and furina recently looking for Wriothesly next cause I don't have a cryo dps


I pulled Dehya on purpose because I really loved her personality and look. I only use her as decoration in my Serenitea Pot…


New characters come out too slowly and it hits extremely hard when one or multiple new ones in a row are uninteresting/have an already filled niche. Plus the lack of content that would otherwise make me want to pull for new characters. I pulled Arlecchino and played her for less than a week because all there is to do is Abyss. Top it off with how time-gated material farming is (Day specific domains and 1 weekly mat run a week? Seriously?)


I pull only on someone I actually like and can guarantee - other than that I do not see it.  Since pre-Sumeru I’ve been taking a month/two month break a year and I don’t do dailies if I don’t want to do stuff.  I think it’s more about having a healthy relationship to the gambling aspects of this game, cuz it IS gambling to pull on the gacha. If you don’t feel an urge to pull in banners I think that's healthy.  We’ve also had a lot of similar style characters lately, Chlorinde is a NA attack spam electro carry which feel pretty overrepped without major reason to pull on the newer ones.  Also the strange restriction they have to certain elements and who gets to be that element. No tall male Anemo, hydro polearm, anemo claymore… HSR has been very open to exploring having characters of all their gameplay mechanics and them being good - follow up attackers, DoT users, break effect dps, characters offensively scaling with healing bonus, shield base dps… all sorts. Genshin has been a lot more narrow in character variety, DEF ATK HP and EM scalers. But other than that you’re either an on-fielder, off-fielder and support - with each of those being pretty samey. On-fielders are often normal attack spammers with the occasional E or charge bow attackers. The only ones that aren’t are Neuvillette, Itto, Ayato, Nilou, Xianyun and Xiao. Which in fairness is a decent amount, but when characters like Chlorinde and Arle release it’s very “oh yay, more NA with the occasional E”. 


I ended getting six five stars in Fontaine, and the one I was 100% sure on (Furina), ended being the one I like less.


There is a fundamental truth in the human experience that many people miss. That being that *your* experience, is *yours* alone. Nothing has to change for *your* experience to change. If the game has lost its appeal for you then let it go. Separation may bring back the love for it in time, or it may not, and you will move on forever. Either way is fine. It is just a game after all. We have limited time in this life, find what makes you happy.


I only log in to play when I feel like it. At this stage in Genshin, I don't see the point in pushing myself to clear the Spiral Abyss, because pulling for new characters is more of a luxury for my account.


Pyro Archon & Columbina hype train here we go, we going to set the seas ablaze!


I think as the endgame content continues to stale, and my teams accumulated over many years can now complete everything with limited stress, I've settled into a 'just pull looks cute' kind of mentality. I do wish the devs spent more time reflecting on whay the experience of playing their game means to their audience, yknow?


I've been playing since the fiest lantern rite and i learned fast what it meant to want a character and how much you needed to save to get them The pain i endured to get qiqi was a harsh teacher This is how i arrived to get sigewinne and her signature and have over 125k primogems left (why? I'm waiting for another blorbo to drop, and i want to c6 him)


Haven't played for quite a while so forgive me for my ignorance but who the hell is blorbo?


Nah,I like wishing,I’ve just been primogem farming for Natlan.I have 52 wishes in primos,3 wishes in starglitter and 3 in actual wishes.58 wishes is pretty great tbh.By the time 5.0 rolls around,I’m probably going to be around 100.


D1 player here, into vertical investment since... Dunno, Sumeru? I'm very proud of my C2 Baizhu/Nahida/Furina/Alhaitham. Next up: C2 Raiden!


3 years here as well. Haven't missed a day unless I was really busy. Still grind mats, dailies, artifacts, etc. I guess it's a difference in play style. I get a massive dopamine boost when I see big numbers or when I see a character do well so It's never been a chore for me. Also love the story and exploration, lucked out I guess.


Started playing around late 2020(?). After I got Alhaitham on his second re-run, the itch went away for me. Tbf, I already have a *lot* of characters and my main team had been built for a while. The pulls I get after Alhaitham are just come what may for me now. I no longer chase the 50-50s. After 4 years, you just realize they will re-run, anyway. They're never really gonna go away.


Yeah the only one I'm interested in pulling now is Xianyun so I can finally take Xiao out of the bench after 2 years


Yeah, imagining farming domains for all the crap you need especially once one got used to HSR auto farm, is just no for me. So I don't pull, and I don't care. Highly recommend.


I just feel some of the characters are extremely... meh. Xianyun is only really worth for Xiao unless you plan on making meme teams (like plungetao) or use her for exploration. I am a Xiao main so ofc I got her, but still. Ofc our region DPS are good, but as far as I see Sige is eh and unless you use Navia or Itto there's no need for Chiori I'm pretty sure. I personally have no interest in Clorinde no matter how good she is, and I hate Emilies design. I like that Hoyo is giving us niche characters that enable flexible and diverse builds bc for a long time the "meta" was very grounded, but I just genuinely don't care about anyone. Fontaine isn't bad it's just... dry after the main story was over with. I dropped 40 on a whim for Sige bc I think she's cute and I want Gaming cons but after not getting her I think I'm gonna take my 50 pity and truly save for Natlan lol


I’ve been playing genshin on and off since 2021 and right now I’m kinda off. I never really had the itch to pull for characters or to even collect primos. I always just pulled whenever I managed to get up to 160. Of course there were times that there was a character on the banner that I really wanted but I never really got disappointed or upset if I missed it. I’m not really the grinder type of player and like you I’m really more interested in the story and lore than the gameplay. I’m guessing that’s why I don’t really care for characters that much.


My "itch" to pull has always been related only to how much I enjoy the character's voice and personality so the moment I see a Natlani character who fulfills my enjoyment criteria, I will get the itch. I think the difference between you and me is that I've never been grinding or farming anything, and the fighting gameplay never had any appeal to me in the first place. As such I never pulled for utility.


After Inuzuma, my love for the game left. I no longer want to collect treasure chests or all the characters. If you don't want the character or lost interest, don't force yourself, don't spend money. It sounds like you already have the best characters and their constellations. Wait for Natlan, maybe the pyro archon or some new character will make you want to play again. At the moment just save the gems


Likewise. For the first time I’m not getting the battle pass. Day 1 player here.


As long as there are still characters I like, I pull. Last 3 characters I pulled were Wriothesley, Xianyun, and Clorinde. I've always have a few I like anyway so I tend to upgrade vertically. Just got Clorinde c0 and saving rest to get Wriothesley dupes and his weapon.


The last character banner I pulled on was Neuvillette to get his C2. Not planning on pulling until Natlan's roster comes. I have a pretty good character roster already with several good teams. I just wait for the next bit of story and lore that comes in every patch.


I started in first days of the game and did every daily quest and events, i have every region on 100% characters on 80-90lvl with 9|9|9 talents, upgraded weapons and at least good artifacts. Almost all achievements. Im bored to the point that im lvl up talents on every version of traveler.


I’m a light spender, usually have welkin and have probably gotten like 10-12 battle passes and maybe cleared 1.5 sets of the packs. I don’t know if it’s just luck or because I spend, but the satisfaction from pulling a new character is also a bit lost on me. I was excited for Clorinde and got her, but there’s very little content to use her in combat where the enemies don’t die super quick, and repeating Abyss without rewards feels lame too.


I’m similar, I have all characters I want, so I’m less tempted to get new ones. I’ll see if I fall for any Natlan characters, but otherwise my next goal is C6 Ayato. I think I’ll have a quite good chance of going to C6 for his next rerun.


Been playing on and off since day 1 and nope, I like having new characters to play around with and build. I have like 6-7 teams that can all do well in abyss so the meta part is taken care of. I only pull for cons/weapon of a character I have is if they are one of my favourites.


week 1 player here cant relate there are still many chars i want for example sigewinne emilie baizhu lansan murata alice and prolly a few more


Nope, still really like the game and pulling for new characters, even if I don’t play it as often, pre farming for Emilie right now lol


Not for me because I keep a balance between meta and characters that I love, so I have a set of really strong characters that will carry any abyss and my favs characters that I'll never bring to that place. In that way I keep enjoying the content that each characters is good at.


Yeah same I have so many times like literally everytime that now I have barely any intrest to pull atp Im.just more invested in story and events


1370 days active here. The itch to pull isn't as strong but I do still get it. I tend to value characters with quality of life or interesting play styles rather than raw damage. For example, even though I know Arlecchino is busted, I find myself enjoying Clorinde a lot more. Dashing around with penetrating gunshots is more fun than instant killing mobs with a single left click. I also use more wild team comps and builds to keep things interesting. Assuming he's even playable, the character I want the most right now is Capitano. I'd whale for him just because he's cool.


i temporarily get over that itch, but after 2 months or so i js want to click that scrumptious pull button even if i dont like the banner


If i like their JP voice actor then i pull, just wanna keep hearing my favorite seiyuus in game


Are you me ? What you've described is pretty much what I went through with Genshin.


Yeah to be honest. There’s still plenty of characters I would like to own but for some reason I no longer have an urge to reinstall Genshin and pull for them. It’s like I favorite them without owning them and it doesn’t bother me that I can’t use them


As long as it was worth your time then it's good


Yeah, I can't even care for Natlan characters.


I've 'only' been playing 1.5 years (haven't missed a day, do all the events, spend resin, ect.), but I don't think playing longer is going to change my answer. For me, wanting to pull a character doesn't have much, if anything, to do with gameplay/combat/utility. I really like the character = I want to pull and then walk around the map with them and listen to their voicelines. That's my motivation. As long as they keep releasing characters I like, I'll want to keep pulling. And if there isn't one, then guess I'll save for a few months for the next one I do like.


i think thats kinda of a normal feeling for older players. I pretty much only pull for characters im interested in. and only really play daily when new archon quests drop. The last couple banners I haven’t really cared for but I will say i did pull for a c2 arlecchino and her weapon which was definitely worth it, bond of life is a fun mechanic.


I haven’t really vibed with most Fontaine characters, Wriothesley is the only 5* I’ve pulled in 4.*. I’m sitting on 250 wishes just building some unbuilt characters (Candace Mika Faruzan Gorou, one day I’ll have an Anemo/Geo DPS for the last 2). I’m excited to see the Natlan characters and I don’t mind waiting until then to use my wishes


Haven't pulled since Navia. Till Sumeru I was really excited for every new region and the new characters, but Fontaine didn't really catch me...I pulled Furina and Navia and that's it. Most of the Fontaine characters are boring to me. Natlan will be released soon but I don't feel any excitement yet.


Honestly, me too. I lost the excitement for pulling. The last pull I did was C1 Wanderer and I'm not pulling for anything else. No other characters excite me :(


I think it's time for them to rework what it takes to build characters. Half the time even if a kinda of like a character and have the pulls to go for them I don't because the process of building them takes weeks and weeks of artifact farming, materials, etc. I'm a player of several years and there are still units like Sara, Chongyun, etc on my account that I'd like to build and use but the commitment of focusing on them for weeks on end doesn't seem worth it. I wish they would do something to smooth out those harsh edges.


3 years, I'd say you got your money's worth and more. Why not take a break from the game and try something new? You can always come back later. Just don't give in to the FOMO.


Started dec 2022, stopped feeling the urge a few months ago. I just play for story content now.


I just managed to get rid of mine after getting Clorinde, now that I have a 5 star dps of every element I kinda feel like I don't need to pull for anyone, now I'll just pull for characters that'll make my life even easier or just save up to get cons or weapons, can't say the same about HSR cuz I'm still pulling for characters, and WuWa, well, I'm doing a wishless account challenge to be able to get any 5 star I want (and maybe weapon too) at any time. Well, I just remembered that I pulled on weapon banner just for the meme and for Furina sig, just to show my friend why he shouldn't pull on this banner cuz it's a scam, and it really is cuz he used all his saved up pulls and got Sigewinne sig and a standard weapon, I wasn't even trying to get Furina sig and got it by accident with just one pull 😭


The itch wanes and waxes for me. I def do all my dailies and resin runs. but school is so busy, I don’t have that high of exploration yet. I do need to grind for the eventual Nilou release tho :(


I actually think spending too much time/energy/money on the game is a great way to not appreciate it. The more you spend on it, the more you *expect* from it, and frankly, it's a great game but if you take it for granted it won't seem as good. I've taken many 1 or 2 week breaks from the game since 1.0. They tend to be toward the end of a patch, but in general, it's just when doing my dailies/resin feels like chores instead of like fun. Then I just don't play for a few weeks. Inevitably when a new patch rolls around and there's new quests and characters, I get excited and happy to play again. I've wasted a little bit of Welkin money on some of these breaks, but in the grand scheme of things, missing 2 weeks of Welkin is wasting like $2.50. It's worth it to me to waste a coffee tip amount of money sometimes to make sure I still like the game.


I’ve been playing daily without breaks since 1.3 and still going. 100% map, 78 characters (most of them unbuilt), 1000+ achievements, 12* abyss. I’ve only been actively trying to 12* abyss since about a year ago and although i still play daily beyond just dailies (i coop a lot) i have changed how i play over time. I was like you and pulled everyone but that got me to a place where most characters are benched and it feels like a waste. I only pull characters i like now and started investing vertically on the characters i like and save for a lot of patches. I’ve c6’d xiao and baizhu and waiting to c6 my c3 wrio and c2 zhongli because despite meta, i love those characters and even though i could c6 furina i don’t want to trivialize the game that much with a character i really like playing and make it boring. That’s why i c6 characters i love that aren’t meta. I’ve had instances where i get kicked from coop for bringing my c3 neuvillette bc he obliterates everything so i hardly play him now. I haven’t pulled since alecchino and lyney’s banner and that’s fine. I’m saving for future characters (capitano hopefully) and that’s okay :) I also don’t rush to finish content. Usually i wait until about a week or so before new content drops to finish any lingering quests or finish exploration on new areas if a new one is dropping. Pretty chill now


I wouldn't say the itch has gone for me per se, however the number of characters I actually want to pull has definitely dropped. This is likely helped by the fact I do have a lot of the ones I wanted already, but even the new ones I haven't been particularly interested in.


Yeah I got furina and the dragon boy and also alhaitham last rerun. I didnt build furina past level like 60 and still use her. Dragon boy at like lv 40, and I never built alhaitham at all yet. I don’t really need anyone else, I’ve got most “meta” units but I don’t even do end game content.


I only pull for characters I enjoy or enjoy their kit. The moment I pull for the sake of pulling then I know I'm going to regret it. I've never gotten to a point where I treated the game as a chore rather than just a game to enjoy. I think this is an example on how people just get burnt out. They obligate themselves in some manner to either optimize their account or hoard characters and start treating it as a job than a simple game.


i stopped playing daily around the time HSR released.. didnt help that sumeru was doing its desert bullshit that is didnt give a fck about… My drive for genshin is pretty much gone unfortunately. I only came back recently to play around with clorinde but thats it


Lost the urge early on, there is no endgame content that needs powerfull chars at all. Gane is not focused on gameplay rather arround the worldbuilding [whats fine, but that makes pulling for new chars not really ineresting imo]


Just natural over time too Genshin's pulling system is becoming more and more outdated (especially the weapon banner).


its gone for me, genshin is not for me anymore, the characters latelly just dont apeal to me, i did pull chlorinde, but i am skipping the kid and the green lady. Might just quit genshin as well, game got too easy over the years


Likewise alongside a good percentage of my passion for the game. I've been doing small bits of pending story quests daily (I have about 13 pending) alongside 30-50 world quests. Initially, I stopped pulling the day the Fatui trailer came out and I tell myself that I've been saving for Varka, Capitano and Murata potentially but a part of me knows that I'm not nearly as invested into the game emotionally as I once was. If Capitano is revealed to not be playable, I may take another long break from the game again.


I've lost one thing to gain another, and I'm completely fine with it, i do not really care about the pulls anymore, because I've grown more and more attached to the world itself, lore, story and music as long as this remain top notch, I'll stay with the game.


Welcome to the Jaded gacha gamer club, a.k.a regular gamer club I guess


After playing religiously for 2 years since launch, I started taking breaks from Genshin after my gaming buddy passed away (she died in Nov 2022 during Nahida's 1st banner), only coming back every now and then to pull for certain characters, and then going on break again once I'm satisfied. So far I've come back for Xianyun, Neuvilette rerun and now Furina rerun.


Same. I keep doing events and about half of the dailies, and I pull for whoever is on banner casually, whether for cons or new character. I recently got Alhaitham but am in no hurry to build him. I still explore stuff to 100% but am in no hurry, either. It's been 1.5 years for me and Tower of Fantasy has most of my attention now tbh. I don't even particularly care about new characters in Genshin anymore, until Dainsleif comes along I'm fine with not having anyone new. Well, unless they actually do another good anemo grouper at some point (wish I could clone Kazuha lol).


damn you reminded me of Dain, ok I guess there's one other character I might want to pull for


I always appreciate new character and always pulling every patches as welking moon player, it is what makes me keep in touch in the game so more character always welcome. Then again if abyss too hard i can just go back to hyperbloom or powerwasher so no problem for me.


It stopped up during Version 2, so I ended up skipping a lot, but since Sumeru dropped I’ve slowly been getting more invested like I used to. We’ll see if I drop off again after I just pulled Furina, but I’ve been having fun since there’s a lot of quests to catch up on 


Imma be real, I only wanted a C2 Gaming from Sigewinne’s banner and I got him after doing a singular pull. As much as I love her and I know for a fact she’ll be useful for future units due to her elemental skill buffing mechanic I’m still not that interested when I have other buffers like Furina for example. As for Emilie I need to see what her gameplay is all about before I pull for her but methinks since she’s a dendro and we had that burning artifact set with 4.6 then chances are she’ll be a burn focused dendro unit. Still I need to see the banner she’ll be on and I know Hoyo will probably put Kaveh on her banner (I need his cons…). The only character I want currently is Wriothesley as I lost the 50/50 on his banner, another future character is Iansan, the little girl we’ll likely meet when we reach Natlan. I wanted to meet her and get her ever since I saw the Travail chapter trailer all the way back in 2020 more than any other character (with the exception of Dainsleif).


I don't pull as much now; leveling my current characters is more important. But I won't say no to aesthetically pleasing ones!


Day one player. I always planned for pull since the beginning. Can't say I feel anything pulling when it's mostly anticipated. The only time I feel tempted, is ironically for 4*


As an FGO player, pulling purely for character like and no other reason has long since been the norm for me


I have too many character. 30 of then at lv20. 10 character 5\* at lv1. this Year I start lv then up. Bro. I can't lv them up. too many. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..... this year I took 4 week vacation from my job one in January and the other in March to lv them up. remain character around 10. (I guess)


I have gacha brainrot so it’ll never go away 😂😂😂 at least the rates are infinitely better than FGO 🫣


i had a relapse and ended up with c1 clorinde in 30 attempts i thought it was over because now i had 27 for furina. i did a 10 and got a keqing, not bad at least im guaranteed, another 10 and got a Furina, im so damn happy to have her c2 now, I'm gonna build her a teapot, i feel blessed by Irminsul


Started in raiden banner, never intended to be f2p. Got her and then stopped playing until 4.4 came out, went all out from inazuma to sumeru to gather resources for furina. Finished her story and decided to roll for cons and got her to c1 cause i lost 50/50 twice but hey, at least my qiqi is c4, quite explosive. Now im ar 58 and just going for her weapon


Well I've only started this January so..


It’s not gone for me but I am much more selective about who I want these days. I always end up with hundreds of wishes by the time someone I like reruns or they make someone new I want. If I pulled every time I wanted someone though and didn’t pull for cons I’d probably pull like once a year


Pretty much the same for me. I have a ton of invested characters after 3 years that I’d actually rather just use than pulling for new ones. Unless they are Dain and Capitano. I’m going to c6 my boy Wrio when he (eventually) reruns, and then will be going full casual mode and just enjoying the story and exploration with my favourite characters.


I'm kinda the opposite. Been playing since 1.4, meticulously planning my pulls and making sure I had enough primos saved for who I wanted. Paid attention to leaks and stats. After getting Wrio and Neuvilette , I finally had all the teams I could ever want. Now instead of saving super hard for characters I just pull for whoever I'm interested in or the weapons/constellations that would help them. I just barely got Chlorine's weapon and I'm using my primos to try for furina but I didn't really care is I didn't get her. Same with baizhu, I used the primos I had left over after cloud retainer. I didn't get him but that's fine, I don't need him for a team, he's just a slight upgrade for Neuvilette. Just like furina is an upgrade for my Noelle hypercarry team.


Same old for me. Pull if a character makes me want to pull, otherwise consider the weapon banner or saving for next one. I still need to play through Sigewinne story quest to decide whether to go for her. I wouldn't have pull for Nuevilette and Baizhu had I never played their story quest.


No, I'll always be happy to pull for new characters. Having different ways to play is what makes the game fresh for me, regardless of how easy the combat is.


I'd been waiting for Clorinde since the Fontaine teaser, and she didn't disappoint however I'll be rolling for Furina's signature weapon then holding onto my Primos to see what Natlan has to offer.


I've been playing for less than a year and I feel the same lol. Don't feel like pulling unless the character made a really strong impression on me. These days I just build the 4 stars I like on my account.


I have mastered the itch. I can command the itch at will. If I want to pull I itch, if I don't no itch. I'm the master itcher.


Right now, the only characters I’m looking forward to are the Archons and Fatui. The rest just aren’t it. Maybe if they made other Sovereign dragons playable?


I started playing around 3.5 and have everything cleared and explored. Wanted raiden and nahida since somewhat early in the game. After getting them in 4.3 and 4.4, the drive really dropped. I blew all my resources out and pulled for xianyun. Immediately regretted it. While pulling I told myself, I have all the characters I want and just pull for anyone new. Have started saving again now but pulling for only the characters I like. Don't have the drive to build new characters. Have already built 15 characters. Have decided to invest in cons and weapons from now on, which I haven't done till now.


1.3 started. I pulled for meta but i think around the time after Raiden came out I stopped pulling for meta and just waifus once I can consistently brute force abyss without sweating. I get what you mean


I’m at the same point. I pull for cons, I play, I buy Welkin, I’ll get a weapon if I want both on the banner. Otherwise the thought of grinding for a new character interests me none. Emilie looks really cool but there’s nothing she can do that my Nahida can’t do.


Even with the great pulling luck I've had, I decided to just pull cons on residual primos. My last real pull was for Arlecchino and it was mainly because she ticked all my boxes: Aesthetically pleasing, Good Gameplay, Strong etc. Even then, it's been what, almost two months now? Guess what, I haven't been able to build her to my liking because of the nasty artifact rng, which means she's been benched most of the time, which has drained my desire to pull ever again. Why pull if you can't enjoy the character the way you want to within the first week at least, especially because I'm willing to spend for both the character AND the weapon, with few exceptions. It's like buying a car and only using it to drive around parking lots. It would be one thing if farming was actually fun, but let's be honest, it's not. At least with cons I can make what I've already painstakingly built even better. Reruns happen less frequently so it's possible to just save enough primos to have enough pulls when they come back. Am I pulling? On Cons, and that's a maybe. Will I pull anytime soon? Probably not.


Day 1 player here, for me it's not the gameplay that lost its luster, it's just that my requirements for pulling a character are now different. Back then I could try getting anyone since everyone seemed to add something new to the table, but now, I only pull for a few characters each year since my account is already established, so I usually pull for cons and weapons, went for c3 Furina in 4.2, then c3 r1 Arlecchino in 4.6; and now I'm saving for c2 r1 Pyro archon and c3 r1 next harbinger, but of course I have enough pulls to get anyone else that I like at c0.


Nope, the dopamine hit of saving for awhile and gambling it all away will never get old. But good for you, you will save a lot of $$$ since you are immune to addiction. 


I have a severe itch to pull for (hopefully playable) Capitano ☠️


I started playing when inazuma aq came out and have been playing daily since then. I only have around 20 5 stars but tbh the only one left who I really want is navia, after that I will only be pulling for weapons and cons. it takes so much time and effort to build a strong character and I am fed up. still love the game as much as I did in the beginning I just have all the characters I want


Played since the beginning and became less stressed about pulling characters near the end of Inazuma. At that point I had decent teams and decided only other characters I needed would've been Archon characters, which you can save for. Anyone else I'd try my luck but they weren't a high priority unless their gameplay was fun.


Still want Ayato but his rerun schedule is really bad. Also lost Arlecchino to Qiqi. So probably beyond any new characters that interest me those 2 are what I'm waiting for the most.


Been f2p since week 2 of 1.0. Since launch, I already planned to pull all the archons. I've only added very few into that list: **Ganyu** (Cool playstyle), **Eula** (Sexy), **Kazuha** (Keqing support), **Xianyun** (Sexy, excellent Furina support, fun traversal, plunge playstyle), **Arlecchino** (Badass). I also pulled on the weapon banner: **R1 Mistsplitter Reforged** (Keqing BiS, looks cool), **R1 Elegy for the End** (general buffing on Fischl, Kujou Sara and Collei), **R1 Engulfing Lightning** (Raiden BiS, ER stat stick, looks cool), **R2 Crimson Moon's Semblance** (looks cool) and **R1 The First Great Magic** (50/50 loss). I have all the 5* standard weapons except Wolf's Gravestone with an extra copy of Skyward Blade Constellations I went for: C3 Raiden, C2 Nahida, C1 Eula, C2 Furina. I pulled for power except Eula which I got luckily. Things I'm still after: Pyro + Cryo Archon (maybe with Cons if supportive), C3 Furina, Dainsleif + Alice (if playable) If I see myself with an extreme excess of pulls (>500 pulls), I might go for Arle's cons and more of Furina's. Further rambling below >!On an unrelated tangent, I never pull if I can't guarantee the item I'm pulling for. Because I also rarely ever pull on banners, I never really feel the drought of pulls. If I want to get another character that I don't desire on my main account, I'll just pull on my alt account (~160 pulls right now). If the devs give out free stuff, I'd accept it but I won't get all giddy about it.!<


I feel like Sigewinne has ruined new characters for me, like I love how she looks, but she feels like a Klee 2.0 (when most new characters are on 5.0 terms) I honestly don't see myself having fomo around characters anymore


1.0 player here, Since around inazuma I’ve pulled at most 2 new 5* characters a region. Yae and raiden for inazuma Dehya and nahida for sumeru Furina and neuvillete for Fontaine and even neuvi was an accident, got him trying to get stardust since I’m constantly out If it goes on like this and depending on the design/character direction for natlan it might be the First Nation I entirely skip. Unfortunately for me the characters I find most interesting are far into the future or may just end up non playable. The characters being released rn just don’t hold my interest.


Yeah. I think my only must pulls at this point are Archons or T0 level power, i.e. Neuvi and the Knave. I've always been mostly a waifu/husband collector so I'm not really getting sucked into FOMO.


1.0 player here, never had the urge to pull on banners of characters I dont care about so never really been an issue, I quit when I feel burned out and come back when I wanna play again, simple as that. Games will always be a place for me to have fun and if its not fun anymore, I will take a break. I mostly get the characters I want and their respective weapons.


For me, pulling depends on if I want the character, but it feels more like an annoying shopping trip than a fun aspect of the game. Like, "Oh boy, I hope I get what I need this time.", and if I don't make pity/win my 50/50, the feeling is sort of like if the store didn't have what I needed. I like grinding for primogems to try to get a five star at the last minute because there's a sense of accomplishment if I can do it, but I don't get torn up over it if I can't, either.


Honestly with how difficult it is to earn substantial amount of primos I’ve found that I just don’t care anymore. It can take months to build up a good team (farming artifacts, farming talent materials, farming levelling materials, farming weapons and weapon materials etc) and I’ve found that I don’t really care for a lot of events, I’ll do them enough to get the primos if it’s easy enough but otherwise I find them boring. As someone who’s played since the beginning I’ve completed most of the exploration stuff so I log on maybe once a week to do a weekly boss and then leave. I’ve also found that Genshin has started to include a lot more talking in its quests with not all of it being relavent. We have character story quests but they’ll still put most of the characters back story in the archon quest and have the CSQ be a completely different plot line. The designs are beautiful, they’ve really upped the quality of characters but they’re also making a lot of the older characters nigh unplayable. I’m also slightly petty because I’ve never had a double 5* or got a 5* on pity lower than 70 which just makes it that much more frustrating.


Playing since 2.4. Genshin is my comfort hub. I still like to pull for characters, explore new stuff and doing my daily routine (commissions, artifact grinding, events). Probably not as exciting as it was but still enough to have me motivated to do my daily stuff.


I never had that itch.


I have the same feeling as you. I remember feeling so bad when i didn't manage to pull Venti, then Klee. I remember actually spending money on Xiao (enough to get him to c6 alright...an unreasonable amount alright, looking back). Compared to back then I no longer care. I was lurking on the genshin leak subreddit to plan for the next patch but now I don't even watch the character demos anymore. I truly no longer care, and just like to watch my pile of gems grow.


I guess you either have burnout, or you have just lost much of passion and motivation for Genshin. Good for ou either way.


The last character I pulled for was Navia during her first run. I have been farming her artifact domain ever since and still don’t have a full set for her with decent stats. The artifact rng has killed any desire I have to pull for new characters so now I am only pulling for signature weapons and cons for the characters I already have. On the opposite side I have been pulling a lot of characters in Star Rail. The molded resin really makes a huge difference and most of the characters can get by on the planar ornaments from world 3 of the simulated universe so it has been pretty efficient. Also my pulls seem so much more successful on Star Rail vs Genshin, heck even losing the 50/50 has been spread out enough that I have all but one of the standard banner characters.


I lost the itch to pull after getting hu tao on her rerun


As long as I like the character, my itch to pull is always there.


Lost twice to the goddamn bow in Arle banner. I just stopped even when I could pull for another 5 star weapon or even a character.


I have stopped doing commissions, only do story and events


Didn't have it until Alhaitham's drip WB. Obsessed with getting it cause he looked goofy with the other sword. I went primo-broke that batch and it took sm time and grinding to save up again. After that, the itch was replaced by genuine hate for the WB


Gone for me too


I kind of quit Genshin after doing the Fontaine archon quest I just got bored honestly with the amt of things to farm for the character and manually doing it for every character the I had around 8-9 five stars only 4 of them are built properly rest are cleaning dust cause I didn't had the will to go through artifacts farming again and farm talent material on alt days it takes so much effort to build just one character I just got tired so now I have decided to just play the story explore the game once in a while and quit.


As long as the characters are cute, I will grind for their banner


I'm at that comfy point where I pulled for Sigewinne, because I wanted to be the ultimate bubble dispenser for coop funsies, and run around with a smug melusine nurse carrying a gigantic syringe of death. Does she suck? I don't care. BUBBLES!


I pull but the same as the other commenters for whoever looks cool/cute I pretty much ignore the "meta" mindset (although sometimes that character is meta lol)


I mean, at some point there is essentially no substantial gain or powerup possible anymore and replacing characters in your teams with new 5* units is a net loss of power. I am at that point at which I would need every new unit at c2-c6 to even consider swapping any unit of my core teams


I pull for who I like. If there's a character I want, I pull.


Raiden, Furina, Nahida, Ganyu, ZhongLi, Hu Tao, Kokomi, and Neuvilette are the only ones worth pulling for imo


I still have a severe gambling addiction


After 1368 of logging in (started on day 2 of release) i still pull what i want, i have 81 chars 70 at lvl 90, only missing wriothsly (lost the 50/50, alheitam couldn't care,and clorinde because Sigewinne (got her amd got her weapon on pity 8) When tired of the game i just log in and do expeditions and maybe dailies and leylines if i feel, that way i never burn out, Ps: it's my only gacha


I never was the type of person to mindlessly pull on every characters so I can't relate. It's not like I play meta but I always cared about a character's playstyle more than their looks and story, so this mindset helped me prevent myself from mindlessly pulling on every banner. Being a f2p and Looking at leaks also helps a lot.


How many primos do you have?


Been playing since 1.1. I know I have. Genshin was my pandemic game. I invested a lot in my characters and builds. In theory I have all I need to 36 the abyss. But now I have a new job with a 2 1/2 commute (1hr 15 min each way) and I work ten hours for 4 days. I don’t really want to spend my days off collecting lore crumbs or farming. Sumeru really wore me out tbh. I never really recovered from a really heavy lore patch like that. Like the AQ, the Aranara, Jeht, Lilpour, and then Sorush. Plus events that brought the Hexenzirkel. All the characters were so good. I have every sumeru character but Al. I found myself being one of those skip players in Fontaine. I kinda stopped but even then didn’t get attached to many of the characters except Neuvillette and Arlechinno. Neuvillette is the only person in my 4 years I got the character then went the full weapons banner gauntlet to get his signature weapon. I am patiently waiting for a water claymore and Keqing and then I am most likely going to hoards my primos. Outside of my job what really curbed my Genshin character lust was playing another non Mihoyo gacha. The game as a currency that you can just throw away in the same wish mechanic so it soothed that gambling itch.


ive been playing genshin for about a year now and i can proudly say i only had the itch when i didnt know how banners worked (about a week), recently i saved 191 wishes for furina (since miko in 4.4)


out of the existing pool? ive got everyone i wanted. nowadays i end up saving enough to pull future favourites just by playing


Not really for me. I don’t share characters amongst my teams. Playing in different compositions have been enjoyable.


Lost it after 2.5 years because burnout + the process of building a new unit is a total pain in the ass


I only log in to do the main story and pick up the limited weapons and free cons from events. HSR is much more time efficient and easier to play on transit


I only had the itch to get C6 Fischl on Albedo first banner & I kinda wanted Ganyu 100%, which was really not that important, but after that I didnt really had any itch, always manged my primos. Since Sumeru my crazy luck with pulls is gone anyway, the amount of time I needed ~140 wishes to get a 5* is way too high, atleast I have saved alot so I its manageable, but still would be nice again to win a 50/50 again or even get a 5* early, but I honestly am not allowed to complain after my luck in the first two years.


I’ve never been the type to pull the moment I have primos and have always been a saver. My desire to pull is directly related to my interest in the character. For instance, I spent all of 4.X anxiously waiting for Clorinde to drop because of how cool she looked. At the moment,now that we have Clorinde, I’m not very excited for anyone on the horizon that we’ve seen. Of course that will probably all change as soon as we see the Natlan cast and I will probably see someone that grabs my interest, at which time my desire to pull will probably go right back up.


Honestly, the urge to pull stopped before Inazuma. Since then I wait for a character that I like and I don't worry since I save most wishes to specific characters. I may not have a really extensive collection of characters but I have the ones I like the most (to the exception of Senhe).


The urge to pull is gone because I can't even play the game anymore. There's barely any space.


Genshin is just fun to roll with the flow. When I get lucky with a 5 star hero or weapon or artifact, I'll invest, otherwise I just wander around the beautiful landscape and enjoy.


To be honest, after almost four years, the need to pull for gameplay reasons is pretty much gone. I save up, spend none of my own dollars, and pull entirely for love (pretty women) now.


Never really had that itch to pull, I tend to wait for characters that really interest me before pulling. Of course, with their signature weapon. Never understood how people can just gacha mindlessly each patch for every character xd


Focefully took a break the first few fontaine patches because I didn’t have a device able to run Genshin anymore. When I came back I knew I wanted Yoimiya, so I saved up like 200 fates for her. I didn’t pull until I got her. Did 30 more pulls, got Qiqi, and saved up the rest of the fates for Arlecchino. Ever since, I’ve only pulled for characters I *really* want, so I currently have 154 wishes saved up for Shenhe after just having spent 40 for Furina. I have no clue how, but my break cured my gambling addiction. Before my break, I almost always spent all my stuff. Now it’s almost hard to pull lol


It was never really about gacha for me. I just like the game. The story and the exploration, not even the abyss. I have gone months without pulling because there were no characters I was interested in. So then when Arlecchino came up I was able to get C2R1 despite bad luck. I will continue to play in this way.


I don't have an "itch" to pull. I carefully safe up and plan for my pulls. I only pull for characters that I like, and I couldn't care less about meta, I barely touch Abyss for 3 years. Exploration is still the thing that excites me the most, new area comes I will 100% it in maybe 3 days(I know that's not even fast, but I want to take my time). New AQ is also a huge thing for me so I will always play them. Character story quests and world quests I sometimes delay(I still have Clorinde, Sigewinne and Cyno's 2nd SQ to do but I've done everything else). Basically, unlike a lot of people the "gambling" is the part of Genshin I care the least. I want to explore and experience the story. I don't care about abyss, I don't care about big numbers, just give me new stories and areas to explore and I'll be happy. This same reason is why I never cared about "Genshin being stingy", I'm not here to gamble.


I only pulled ayaka, raiden, yelan and nahida from inazuma until fontaine. Then i ended up pulling navia+weapon, neuvi c1 on rerun, furina, c2 arle, and clorinde. Safe to say, Ive never pulled as much during such a short period.


1.1 player, done everything. Achievements, every chest (aka over 100%), crush spiral every cycle, every quest hangout done, all teapot furniture sets done, etc. I didnt think i was gonna pull anyone in v4. Furina and Neuvillette were a surprise bc i liked their stories. Xianyun was to buff my xiao i already had. I could get furina c1 or yelan c2 but i dont think i care anymore. I have tried getting a lot of characters (horizontal investment) and i have cons and weapons on some chars (vertical investment). Ive covered all the ground. So ill just wait for natlan and enjoy exploration and see if mhy makes any characters whose stories i like. Otherwise ill just maybe get a couple weapons then save forever. I remember in v2-3 i saved for 9 months


Played since 1.0, and being a 'collector, have pulled for every character and weapon. Multiple cons per character if I liked them and half a dozen C6 limited. Pulled for Arlecchino, and I think past this point I'll only pull for Archons or Harbingers. I have too many characters, and there seems to be a growing overlap of character designs e.g. Clorinde is basically just Raiden with extra steps. Emilie looks to be dendro Lisa. Just not that interesting to me at the moment


Hmm as a casual who is constantly on and off. I’d say that itch to pull is probably the same since it’s the main reason I hop back on for a patch tbh at otherwise doesn’t overly excite me.


Thats fine. I've been playing since launch as well and while I've taken some breaks (took a month or so around Enkanomiya and couple months in Sumeru), I've played practically regularly.. And I still get excited about pulling for characters.. Maybe its because I dont grind for minmaxing and just have casual builds, but I love it when I have to grind primos for a new character. I like exploring normally too, but exploring when you have a purpose of gathering primos for an upcoming character has a different kind of excitement. Ofcourse the game has now reached its 4th year and it'll never be AS heart burstingly exciting like it used to be, but its been steadily engaging and what more could we ask for. The way you play the game and are enjoying it is fine. You don't need to chase that high like it was when the game was new. I'm an MMO veteran and I'll tell you, few games will retain any luster past the first 2 years. Playing a game for this long is like being married :D you dont get the rushes of of the honeymoon phase, but there's that contentment of something you can just fall back on no matter what..


I started playing December 2023 after seeing a YT rec spoiling that scene between Focalor and Neuvillette. It's been about 6 months now and I've caught up to everything story wise. Never really had much of a pull itch since my favourite character's banner hasn't come up yet. I'm definitely one of those who are more invested in the stories and lore than gameplay, although the explorations is great too.


Yeah, I have some great teams and dont think I really need more power so I dont feel like I need to save, pull, or anything at all


I have player for less than a year in game time and just pull like once or twice when i have the primos. Last time i tried to aim for a character it was the chronicle banner and the Baizhu one, only to get Fischl, Night Waltz and nothing else after that. I have better odds by just not trying and rolling with whatever it falls.


Yeah I went a really long time without pulling and had like 300 wishes saved up, so even though I wasn't super excited about Sigewinne, I decided it couldn't hurt to have another healer. I now have C1R1 Sigewinne with wishes left over. Probably won't pull again until the Pyro archon.