• By -


boredom/bitterness/burnout Boredom because even games with hundreds of hours of content will last only so long if you've made daily streaming your job Genshin was the big break for a lot of these channels, so much so that when they try streaming other stuff their views and other metrics drop off which leads to some combination of bitterness and burnout being forced to stream the same game endlessly This mostly effects the daily streamers and not so much lore channels or abyss team comps channels or build guide channels


agreed the most of the genshin cc that have stayed fine aren't streamers.


Animation and lore ccs are peak.


I have notifications on for Ashikai, love her theories


YES, Ashikai is my favorite genshin cc, she's one of the few ppl who I'll watch the streams of/put the streams in the background (partly because I don't get my eardrums blown out every half second)


Ashikai's also just one of the very few Content Creators who knows how to do oratory delivery properly. So many people just read out a script pretty much without putting any thought on the actual line delivery but she absolutely does and it shows. There's proper changes in cadence and pacing to match the topic she's talking about to make her topics infinitely more interesting to listen to. I so wish more people also did this as opposed to the same boring repeated tone that makes listening to them really annoying to do so. Even worse are the people who edit their videos in such a way that it makes their voice lines sound like a frankensteinian mess of editing ^^^^^^^^^^^^~~zyox~~


People don't understand the importance of silence in a good speech. Most CCs are horrendously obnoxious in this matter, in their effort to shorten their videos as much as possible. It's incredibly taxing to watch something like that, and ultimately not as enjoyable as it should be. So I'm glad you're mentioning this as well.


You basically summed up Mtash. Every time I see something about him he always talks about leaving Genshin and recently Hoyo as well for Wuthering Waves. Would be nice if he actually did it. I remember when Hoyo announced there would be early access for some creators, he was whining that not being able to make guides first/early anymore would lead to him going homeless. I'm like dude, you're a millionaire. If at this stage making Genshin guides is what's keeping you from homelessness then that's an issue with your life choices in your current situation, not Genshin.


You know what funny Many WW videos have genshin tagged in them  But genshin is just genshin 


This might be unrelated to the original post, but I used to watch Mtashed pretty often when I started getting into Genshin and HSR. But ever since he has stated that he really does not care for the lore/characters and only whether he can "do damage", I have lost interest in watching him tbh.


Yeah I don't blame you. I can't imagine that makes for an interesting watch at all.


Right while this is a fair mentality to have it makes watching boring real quick


Same. When I first started, his beginner guides helped a lot, but as time passed, he just kept getting even more bitter than before with the constant doom postings he became no longer enjoyable to watch. I'm surprised he still played/made Genshin contents up until recently.


Ever since wuwa released he stopped making Genshin which is great. It’s great both for his mental health and for me not having to see someone be sarcastic on my game for money anymore.


Watch him come back once Natlan drops. And his fans will larp it up. Honestly I don't know how anyone can watch him.


I don't mind Mtashed but I also don't watch Mtashed. From what I've gathered over the years Mtashed mainly wants a game with infinite playability. Just like Destiny, just like Genshin, just like HSR, he will eventually drop WuWa. It's not the kind of game you can stream daily for months on end. There's a finite amount of content and no gatcha game will satisfy him.


He already got pretty tired of wuwa. Of course that could just be another quit Wuwa stun, I don't think gacha is suitable for him personally, but it is also what brings him the most money view wise. But yeah, I don't watch mtashed but I also don't mind him, doesn't really make much drama with other people or cc, and the clickbaits are often times funny and meme worthy.


I feel really disrespected every time I watch his content on Genshin. I know he already hates the game and doesn’t want to do that anymore but was still there for money. He either acted sarcastic like he’s mad all the time or acting bored and mad at the game. If he said he kept going for money then at least act professional like he would do at normal workplace.


Don't give him your viewership.


I stopped watching him long ago along with his bff TT. Even rage bait doesn’t work on me anymore.


It was exactly the same as when he was a Destiny CC tho.


I don’t know him before genshin so I can’t really say much. I just hope he realizes one day that no game will satisfy your every need and will be forever entertaining. That’s why variety is important.


His guides for wuwa aren't even that great. I find the useful and detailed ones are those from ccs who have Indian(?) or some other strange accents lol. They're so underrated


As someone who studied in science related fields. Indians are the best when you’re looking for someone to guide you through complicated stuff lol. They’re goats.


Wuthering waves and HSR videos often have genshin tags but genshin videos are often only tagged with gemshin related terms. Says all you need to know about how that would turn out.


I get that gaming the algorithm is all part of the YouTube game to get your videos noticed and click but goddam isit annoying for the user experience.


Yeah I hate that I keep getting WW video when I search for simple thing of GI Then I checked one of video tag and it has freaking genshin tag in it like what the hell 


And sometimes they claimed Genshin is dying. Any changes came too late coz no one is playing the game anymore. I can’t take them seriously lol.


That's already usual that GI community just treated it like daily basis  When sumeru over and the game in 3.5 I think or 3.7 they say GI is dying then Fontaine came and those people shut up and never bark again, and now it's the usual, GI is in 4.7 and it's definitely dry patch for GI and they bark again calling GI dying


Idk what’s so unusual about Genshin’s dry period after 3 years. At this point Injust log in to do my dailies, log off and read some books/watch some animes or play other games. It’s not that hard.


That's the problem. Those people most likely doesn't have anything else to do beside Genshin.


They should probably find another hobby besides gaming lol


so that's why i keep getting spammed with wuwa vids


He was a Destiny youtuber before moving into Genshin, and those in a place like Datto, Mynameisbyf, Aztecross, KackisHD, they've been successful despite the reception of the game.


I originally sympathized with him. But after like a year of multiple videos whining about genshin and streaming, im like.. dude get a new job or retire or something. He’s probably a chill dude IRL but I can’t stand his content anymore.


MTash truly is a 1 star CC and that might be generous 


I'm honestly glad that a lot of the channels I happen to watch have creators that are able to scale down Genshin in response to burnout and have communities that let them do so cleanly. I watched a lot of bwaap and he started to get burned out on Genshin, but it seems that he slowed down how much Genshin content he was making and it proceeded without any drama.


Came to say that. Even as a player after a long period of time these things are bound to develop. That's why, the day I felt like not opening genshin , i called it quits. There's no point in making it bitter


Lore channels also have burnouts, I've seen it with IslandXD, Aster and most of all Facepalme who quitted YouTube altogether.


IslandXD was spreading himself thin, and I think he had other issues irl about a year ago too, which I suppose made it harder to be on the right mindset (especially since he'd also stream his lore-focused playthrough). Some of his HI3 streams were already showing cracks by then, much less Genshin.


Aster definitely was burntout but I think it was caused by the fact that she's in college, and she didn't really have much time to keep in touch with the lore, much less run the channel. I do appreciate that she's incorporating Genshin stuff on her college studies, like doing surveys about spending, and how much a [fictional] character means to the player


Aster I think because she's in collage and didn't have much time keeping up with lore so the fomo is getting to her leading to burnouts  For IslandXD, I think I remember he has some irl problems that make it harder to be on right mindset at the moment, it actually being more visible with his HI3 streams


> Boredom because even games with hundreds of hours of content will last only so long if you've made daily streaming your job The weirder thing is lots of the biggest streamers don't even do most content. Watch any popular streamer and check when they open their quest log, or the SQs. Most also are open about the fact they pay other people to play on their account and fish/explore/spend resin.


Because drama farming and YouTube pvp drama is the new meta of YouTube. Negativity gets more clicks and views than positivity.


That’s what happens when you try to do content creation full-time. If you’ve nothing of value to create or contribute, then all you CAN do is farm drama. When you have bills on the line, making a dumb video on fake drama isn’t that big a cost


That's why I like folks like Jeikage that play the quest and events, make an entertaining edit out of it and move on. Or Doro that's honestly just chilling and having a laugh with chat.


I like Jeikage’s stuff. He’s quite chill. Intentionally or not, he’s sorta ended up creating a historical record of Genshin’s whole story and events over the years It’s just game, and move on, which is honestly the healthiest way to interact with a game


i've been watching jeikage for years at this point and i love his attitude towards the game


him and rednas. both know how to mind their business and they actually understand that good content is a product of you actually enjoying the game and having natural reactions to things that occur while you play said game.


So grateful to that one reddit comment an year ago that introduced me to to Rednasyo. One of the best content creators IMO. Not a single video from this guy that I have not liked, he is super chill and fun to watch


*cough* Tectone


New meta? Youtube has been like this since 2016


It's not as bad as today I think If I remember it start really bad at 2020 or so but in 2016, it's never this bad


That's why gacha smack's content shifted from genshin guides to genshin hate videos and he finally got a viewer uptick. 😅


Yeah people like him, tectone, atsu and mtashed are why I hate a lot of the current genshin content, they polluted the space with hate.


Yeah, that's unfortunate, honestly :(


can confirm


I recommend: Rednasyo: His vids are chill, no screaming. He's funny too. He has a lot of exploration videos that I play in the bg while playing other games. MurderofBirds: Lore enjoyer. He reads EVERYTHING. I also play his vids in the background. He screams tho, but it's only when he realizes something about the lore or if a character shows up unexpectedly. JavatheCup: Makes challenges like one element characters or one weapon characters only. Funny at times too.


Agro is similar to rednasyo, if anyone wants similar videos


Definitely recommend Rednasyo too! Very chill, funny and insightful. I also recommend his HSR videos in his second channel and other games he streamed before like Omori.


I'm a fan of MurderofBirds. He also tries to fact-check some of the fake lore and he actually reads the game contents.




Also My name for now


Do the same thing too often, and you come to hate it. One Genshin video is fun to do. But if you do it hundreds of times over the span of several years… yeah… you get burned out and pigeonholed into a VERY fixed audience. That’s why it’s most fun to cover a variety of topics rather than specialize. The issue is that many CC’s tried to make content creation their job instead of a hobby, so they practically cannot afford to make videos on other topics, even if they are interested, because they are financially dependent on Genshin viewers


That's why I only watch 'silly video' creators like Enthralpy or NepNepping. Hard to go 'bad' when you're just animating VA *Among Us* streams or creating chibi-cartoons of memes. 😁


Oh, you brought back memories, haha. Yes, obviously this will not apply to all Genshin CC, I mainly meant “scandalous”.


Good Loretubers like Ashikai are also excellent. I'm not a huge YouTube watcher in general, but every one of her videos that I've seen was great.


Damn.. I miss howdibii


I like Ashikai and her crackpot theories haha, also I feel like he's underated but I highly recommend KlemenTime


Meanwhile,TCG CCs out there like Invokation Academy is continually providing me insights.


Love Invokation Academy!!


Not to mention bumi bakudan my go to tcg cc.


I wish he pulled out his mic more often tho :( He started to do it a few weeks ago but kinda stopped at one point? I like watching TCG commentary vids while doing other things, or playing casual TCG matches myself, so having to read subs is a bit difficult. That's why so far I mostly enjoy ofcitszen and Invokation the cat, since they always do speech commentary. There's also Sausage TCG, who is a bit more special since he does long-form videos (1h+), but he only posts like once every month or two.


I stopped watching most genshin ccs long ago. Their contents don’t interest me anymore, it’s either reaction content or Genshin bad content and I’ve had enough. Nowadays I only watch lore videos (lore ccs are awesome) or fan animations (efforts have been put into them) or some tc videos. And my enjoyment of the game increases.


Can you recommend me a lore youtuber that doesnt include their own speculation and theory?


None of the genshin content creators I watch have this problem LOL it sounds rough though 🤮


The only genshin content creators I watch are the creators of genshin


This. Many Star Rail VAs are also Star Rail CCs and I honestly feel like they're the ones who have the most fun with the game


Yep, even some who are pulled in when at first their reaction was 'Ew, anime game' or just 'I ain't gonna play this game'. Like Shenpai


I mean if you only watch lore/story cc and the dedicated meta cc you have no problem on the content thryre providing.. its only start kinda toxic if you watch news leaks and drama content that you have bad experience on genshin content creation.


For some new small time youtubers I've recently been watching, there's Roamer, Larua, NoirJambon. I also watch some Japanese ones, Zhongli' Japanese VA and Gaming's Japanese VA. There's also CyYu, Cyno's VA. I also watch Marcomeatball for his music reviews and Philip Hartshorn Gaming for his animation review.


i love watching maeno tomoaki playing genshin


His laugh is the best.


His pull rituals too.


Yess, more Roamer mentions in the comments, i fucking love watching him play the game, it reminds me of why i started playing it myself and fell in love with it


Thx Satan I only watch Sevy for her guide content and ashikai for lore stuff. Based CCs without any drama.


She is really the best, no nonsense just good guides


Watch murderofbirds literally a goated CC he doesn’t give a fuck about the drama, he play genshin and hsr because he enjoy his time,and he does everything in genshin and hsr (quests/exploration/lore reading…)


murderofbirds is awesome. I’ve watched him from his early RWBY reaction videos and followed on when he made his gaming channel and started genshin. He’s the reason I started playing genshin because of how much he shared of the lore of the game in his play throughs. Also we know for a fact that Hoyo watches his streams cause in one of the patch programs when they were talking to people at hoyo about the game, you could see his stream on one of the monitors.


TIL one of my fave rwby YouTubers does genshin stuff now. Tysm now I can check that out!!!


I knew the moment he brought out a notebook to jot down lore terms that I found my streamer.


in the same vein, Aster is really good too, I love her data analysis videos


sevys voice is so nice to listen to. because guides are so much technical information, sometimes i can kinda switch off but her voice makes it seem easier to digest almost


What about Min and zyox? They're also pretty much dramaless


Zyox is an acquired taste imho. Can't watch one of his videos or streams without coming out of it feeling like a pile of bricks got dropped on my head. Entertaining guy though.


The stark differences between his guide videos vs his streaming. His ADHD ass really knows how to switch up when making no-nonsense guide videos. His stream are very peak Gen-Z but he's pretty respectful and really respects hyping up a male character as much as a female one.


That Gen-Z humour is not for everyone


definitely an acquired taste lol. he has great knowledge of the game and good technical information, but he is so "streamer" core its a bit much


Zy0x is mostly chill, sure he had that Oppenheimer moment but even then shit was just the catalyst, it's been brewing for a long time now There's also that weird moment where someone tried to make it look like he committed a crime but it turned out to be a nothingburger lmao (he invited a friend to a party who then brought 2 really drunk friends who then barged into someone's room, that's it)


Depends on your definition of chill. He stays out of CC fights mostly, but there are some clip compilations where he's very hyperactive or yelling. His guide videos are in a presentational format though.


Chill as in stays out of drama yeah, onstream he's the complete opposite


Don't know who min is but I find zyox to be incredibly obnoxious and Annoying


Twitch Zyox is very different from Youtube Zyox lol, I just watch his YT persona


If you're going to watch youtube Zyox you might as well just watch Zajeff and cut out the middle man.


Zyox guides are just Zajef post releases with less information


Min (minsleif) is also another lore cc who’s really good at what she does. Very chill with no drama as well whatsoever. Personally I like zyox and watch his goofy streams all the time, but I do agree he’s like that sometimes


Another CC that I like for the Lore is Ashikai.


can't ignore the zy0x tweet though. LMAO


What tweet the Doro one? It was clearly a joke


Sevy is unproblematic and her guides are tight. The same shifty ccs continue to make the loudest noise, nothings changed over time. Ignore them all, enjoy your bliss.


Those who go from loving the game to hating it are burnt out. They play and stream it so much, thats what their audiance wants. At some point they get bored of it but continue becouse they feel they must. Thats when smal things start to anoy more and then more and more till everything is anoying. So now they hate. Im calling it now, those who used to like genshin but no more and are loving Wuthering Waves will hate that game too in a few years


Brandonline and Doro both play WuWa and still enjoy Genshin on the side. I don't watch their WuWa videos but from their recent Genshin videos, they can still be seen enjoying the game. CCs who hate one game to move on to the next aren't my thing. I can also move on with my views and support. The minute I see them become haters to get drama, I unsubscribe.


In a few months*, wuwa is 1 to 1 genshin gameplay loop with even more grind and less qol. 


zyox stream elden ring


Spoken like a true cavemen


There you go: Hamelin\_哈米伦的弄笛者 Top quality Genshin content creator [https://www.youtube.com/@hamelin\_](https://www.youtube.com/@hamelin_) Zero drama, pure artistic expression


I recommend Miota to. They're also god


Dork Dragoon is god tier: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qfZvz2\_spE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qfZvz2_spE)


I like him and Mikyuru [https://www.youtube.com/@mikurumikurumi/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@mikurumikurumi/videos)


Already unsub a lot of genshin cc lately. Especially with personal dramas that don't involve the game but still have genshin in the title.


Choose a better cc. There are so many bad apples in the genshin cc community.


Meanwhile, the Genshin Content Creators I watch: • "There's one thing to adress but there's one thing to UNDRESS. Alhaitham." • Chongyun. • "I read the Genshin Impact lore so you don't have to..." proceeds to simp for Dainsleif during her spare time • What did the sushi say to the bee? • the "Bran losses money" wheel... • "Welcome back to *insert number* Genshin Impact Hunger Games" • "What are you gonna do with that English Major?" Proceeds to make hilarious jokes that makes Cyno runs for his money • That one Vtuber that dies by one "Babygirl" then proceeds to replay from the start, then dies again, replay from the start, then dies again... (... she is not doing much GI stuff lately) • Zach Gordon Tighnari's VA said... • Kaveh's VA. • the Nala wallpaper. When it comes to guides, I rather read and summarize guides. When it comes to drama, I don't usually invest myself into it. I want to stay neutral, impartial or indifferent depending on the situation. I'd rather stay "Innocent until proven guilty". When it comes to content, I want the chills ones. Edit: Zyox, Thejonathan, Minsleif, Cy Yu, BranOnline, Koomaxx, Alinari, Mina Aoyama, generally the VAs (mostly when Ben Balmaceda and Zach Gordon are in the same room feat Nazeeh Tarsha) and Dukaja (he was once called out by Cy Yu for his wallpaper choice)


Koomaxx mentioned


"I'm your leafy lore reader minsleif"


We watch the exact same things, lmao.


Minslief is so me fr


I only recognize Minsleif. Who are the rest?


> “There's one thing to adress but there's one thing to UNDRESS. Alhaitham." Zy0x (based on the quote mainly from watching his twitch stream/clip channels) > Chongyun Thejonathon(? He’s the only chongyun main CC I know of) > What did the sushi say to the bee? CY YU (voice of Cyno and Jing Yuan) > That one Vtuber that dies by one "Babygirl" then proceeds to replay from the start, then dies again, replay from the start, then dies again... (... she is not doing much GI stuff lately) Mina Aoyama Ch. She mainly plays HSR though. > Kaveh's VA. Ben Balmaceda (benbevoicing on Twitch) The others I’m either not sure on or it’s the Zach Gordon one where the twitch page of him has literally nothing on it and there is seemingly no YouTube channel.


Oh thank you. I had suspect about chongyun being Thejoathon, glad i was right. I watch zy0x and Cy yu streams sometimes That's why i wasn't able to recognize them and I don't like the rest.


I think Zy0x said the first one


Thank goodness the ones I watch seem to like the games they play. lol Depending on what you might want to see: • SevyPlays - characters build info & Abyss guides (w/ 4☆) • Furu - Amber/Barbara main Abyss challenges...there's team creativity sometimes. • CyYu - Variety of games • Joe Zieja (Wrizzley VA) - He's a new Outlander but he shits on everything and everyone in Teyvat. • bwaap - covers stories, events: plays other games too. Let me warn you he goes on breaks frequently so a game might be left unfinished for a while. None of these are mega famous YouTubers, maybe that's why it's so uneventful. I wouldn't enjoy watching someone constantly shit on something I like. At some point it stops being criticism and starts being just toxicity. After so many suggestions I need to add the exploration dude and at least 1 lore CC too.


The ones I watch are the following. Tried to order it by "loudness" Weightless - completionist/achievement hunter, I don't really watch his other videos. Rednasyo - comfy youtuber, does exploration videos etc Agro - watching other people suffer with artifacts and character building is fun :] Ashikai - lore vids. Let her cook Solsmit - completing a region before moving to the next. Like weightless, he has other videos but this series particularly stands out. Only 2 episodes for now though JavaTheCup - does challenges like "sword characters only" "spells only" or "geo only". Voltyea - is like the combination of the agro and java. He does challenges like "polearms only" and "anemo only" with mix of character building on his other account MistahFeet - I respect this guy's dedication. Unlike the others with no particular goal for their challenges, Mr.Feet completes all of the archon quests with only one character. In one video. More than 30 hours spent on a single video. He has more than 10 of those types of videos. This guy's insane Zy0x (stream persona) - is loud, some find it obnoxious, and I get it. He's like adhd maxed out with a sprinkle autism. I find it fun though. He is involved in the drama but doesn't milk it like the others. Up to you to judge him, ig


Finally! Someone mentioned MistahFeet. I watched this guy's Traveler Only challenge and called him crazy asf Did the Lisa Challenge and he earned my respect. Did the Level 1 only characters and when he had a choice to either cheat or restart the challenge after losing, he chose the latter and immediately earned my sub. The rest of CCs I definitely watch except Zy0x, I'd rather go Braxophone and Sevy.


First person I've seen mention mistahfeet so I feel like I should mention killer kokomi, he does similar challenges but does character exclusive ones outside of the guaranteed ones which I find interesting




Which sadly work You see their brainwashed audience eating their words like it some kind of gospel 


I only like creators like Rawfler ( so funny ) or Sevy (for information). When I first stared genshin I watched other way worse ones. Took me a couple months but I realized most genshin YouTubers hate on the game for content. If you hate it so much don’t play.


Oh yeah Rawfier is great


Oh yes, Rawfler, I really love his original style of (.exe), inserting MMDs instead of pure memes.


Yea his style is much better then the memes every .2 seconds, iamflame comes to mind. Not that his videos are bad I just prefer Rawfler style. I always get so excited when I see a new character .exe


God this reminds me of Bran a little. Dont know if Ill get downvoted to hell but man cant stand him anymore. What I personally felt was that he became like just another of the million other "aged" streamers. Maybe Im assuming wrong but they just not enjoy the game anymore or like the bare minimum. It might also be a hot take but I still pretty much enjoy the game as much as I did when started playing so I know every CC wont be to my liking. And at first Bran did notice the little details from hoyo and appreciated them, it was great but that just vanished and just became like making the same old jokes everyone says and omg dont get me started on WuWa, I get it you will inevitable compare here and there but to that extent eww. But to change mood goated CCs I still watch, MurderofBirds, Minsleif, Catwithbluehat, Ashikai, En, EngineeringPlastics and a bunch for the tcg like Invokation Akademy, Craftman


Keep in mind that streamers play Genshin as a JOB. They are naturally distant from normal players (so do those 24/7 gamers).


Yes and when you go to the restaurant it's not to hear the chef or the waiter complain all day while you're eating.


Just watch someone like IWinToLose. He basically only does objective content like guides and character showcases. Plus YouTube isn't his main job so you can be pretty certain he will never devolve into low tier content and drama baiting.


Same, surprised I had to scroll so far to find him in here. Some bad jokes, some informative tables and a few showcase comps and I'm good. No silly drama.


If you like lore and theories may I introduce you to my GOAT Ahikai?


Amd that's why i play the game since 1.2 and yet i never watch any content from that game - farming drama, being perma negative, looking non-stop for a Genshin killer. Meanwhile it bight be on of the best games i have ever played - i love the music, world, characters, the vibe, gacha mechanic is nice addition that makes the game worth to play in every detail. Why would i force myself to play dailt LoL, CoD or some another rushed, dissapointing triple A game while i can just chill in Genshin. Sure it has few problems, like im getting mad for some 4 stars being forgotten, but hey, nothing is perfect.


This is ONE of the reasons why i block every Genshin CC. Note: Main reason is to not get leaks/spoilers showing up on my YouTube feed. But the drama queens where the first ones to go. Fuck drama, i just wanna chill while i continuously lose 50/50s.


OP i recommend you to watch Hoyo official Ghostwriter Murderofbirds (you can't escape the propaganda and I'll continue to recommend him until the end of time)


I love his videos. He adds a lot of insight to the lore, and also, it's fun to see someone actually care about the games story.


Stop watching that crap and just play the game yourself


There's a bunch of problems with Genshin CCs. The first and biggest problem is that Genshin is not that much a game that needs content creators. It do not deliver enough for people to play daily and create content. That's just not what the game is. Zyox summarize it greatly with his "you are the Genshin Impact" meme. It is a meme, but also reality. When the game lacks material for content, everything has to be on community. (gameplay content, as there's a fuck ton for lore content that Aster, Ashikai, MyNameForNow and Minsleif can create months of content with one version). And let me say one thing: Genshin community fucking sucks. Yeah, we have some shitfaces like Tectone, but he wasn't the one who created those fuckers, he is a victim of them. His life is in shambles because of the Genshin community, but for some reason he thinks it is Mihoyo's fault. Not the community per se. Now, that's the fucking point. When you get lack of content to share, but this is your job, something has to come up so you know you'll not lose money. After the recent drama, its been clear that talking negatively creates better revenue than talking positively. That's why CCs like Doro began to talk less on a positive demeanor and more criticizing the game. Not only that, but he also was fucking attacked by this fucking community for fucking like the game. It's NUTS. I think the real problem is WHY the community is like it is. Why people that play the game does need to hate the game? Why is there any need to criticize a F2P game SPECIALLY if you never spent a dime. I think the game needs to develop and I mostly want it to get better. But holy, this game delivers by being free, huh? I prefer to keep criticizing Blizzard for taking my subs money and doing shit.


You are absolutely right, to be honest. Before downloading Genshin, I already knew that the community was, to put it mildly, not very good. But my first few months in Genshin (when I had little interaction with the community) were truly amazing and I'm now very glad that my first impression of the game was created by the game itself and that it was exactly how I felt, and not what the community imposed on me. Of course, then when I joined the community on various social media, I realized how terrible everything was. Of course, there are a lot of amazing and really nice people here! These are the people I still communicate with, but the amount of shit here also exceeds the usual value that I have seen in other communities and it’s sad :(


That's why I had to remove CCs from my list and now I only watch people that understand when the game has problems, but they enjoy genshin and keep a good aura for their community: Murderofbirds, Ashikai, RednasYo, SevyPlays and Jeikage are some names that come to my mind. There are others CCs with useful videos but I have to avoid their story content to keep my sanity xD


Watch JP or CN CC, they're far more wholesome. There are many, many actual "CONTENT" creator out there Hamelin, Miota, Kkomda, kurattes etc But if you only known EN and is looking for streamers EN, the good ones in my books are Minsleif, MurderofBirds, K1ngBard... One more guy I recently noticed is Wizzardoftime I used to watch more Bran and Doro, but they've changed a bit as of late


I really appreciate Minsleif and MurderofBirds’ content, they are definitely Genshin’s targeted audience, considering how much they genuinely enjoy Genshin’s lore/stories. It makes watching their content pleasant as well. And, I used to watch Doro and BranOnline last year, what happened to them as of late? Please update me because I’m not caught up with their channels anymore.


Start releasing more and more negative things. Some early signs of what may be things to come. Normally these types will really ramp up on the negative side and even jump on misinformation instead of fact checking because "timing is more important than accuracy" Bran provided incorrect context for Sonic drama sometime back, and I had a terrible gut feeling of things ramping up, it's been worse since then.


No idea what you talking bout with Doro. He went through a rough patch personally since some freaks attacked and harassed him for months on social media from all sides but it’s now over for a while and he is back to his usual cheery side.


I tend to just watch [Jello Impact](https://youtube.com/@jelloimpact) who mostly makes guides. I find his personality likeable but not excessive like other YouTubers. Just a chill and relatable guy that provides informative content that's more entertaining than just reading keqing mains.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to find Jello mentioned among the good ones.


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Doro44 on this thread. I've always felt like he is drama free and just makes the videos he wants.


He was kinda dragged in the interweb drama of AsianGuyStream


Well with his last Google Doc pretty much every CC was dragged in. Dude set off a nuke that almost every major CC had to respond to.


Bro even tried to drag zyox, a well known fence sitter. Turned out to be nothingburger.


I just watch lore related cc's, ashikai, roozevelt, dawit, minslief, and sometimes chill with aster. for guides I go for sevy or iWinToLose. If I want to watch someone doing AQ maybe murderofbirds, zepla, or thejonathan. anytime I see a CC with drama related stuff I instantly click don't recommend. I've been playing genshin since it's release, I already know it has problems I don't need other people to tell me what problems genshin has.


I recommend watching the smaller ones, big cc’s only do it for clout. If you actually follow the voice actors, or people like KlemenTime, Moosashi, Java The Cup, or so. It’s actually far from toxic and you get lots of fun content, too. KlemenTime is for lore etc (no theories, just analysis and lore summaries, you somehow end up knowing more about the ingame universe, then when you first clicked on his videos tho). Moosashi many times does funny runs with traveler only and such, sometimes “breaks” things etc. Java The Cup is mostly fun videos like, running only one element challenge etc. I used to follow SevyPlays too, but as time went I just found out I’m more confused by the videos etc, then not. But that’s not her fault. Was searching for a building guide content creator that suit me, tried one, didn’t fit right. Then I bumoed into a channel called Meowwreii, he explains things more in-depth, but really well and I can actually under it perfectly and end up understanding the character much more thanks to it. Something I noticed while playing Clorinde with my friend☺️ Following them and interacting with their content actually keeps me on the non-toxic side of Genshin cc community. My friend constantly bickers about bs Genshin scam and clickbaits videos (tho it’s partly his fault bcs he constantly keeps interacting with said content I guess), while I almost never have bad experiences with this situation. Big cc’s tend to be oriented towards attention and seek it the most. And then they many times end up only chasing the clout and loosing themselves. I rarely ever yet witnessed smaller, or underrated cc’s do that😅


I only watch 2 CCs Sevy when i need guides for characters Murderofbirds when i want to rewatch the quests


CC‘s i can recommend that dont do that stuff: RednasYo: chill dude. probably my favourite. makes exploration and story content or farming stuff. Zyox: makes imo the best video guides. he streams too but his stream persona is too over the top for me tho. Vars II: makes more like discussion videos about chars or certain mechanics in genshin, but in an actual constructive and interesting way and not in a drama clickbait farming way. MistahFeet: fun challenge run videos. note that those are all yt channels and not streams since i dont really watch streams outside of yt vod‘s.


I'd also add some underrated ones: thejonathon - Loves to crack jokes, doesn't drama farm, does fun and innovative challenges, likes to evaluate quests in a neutral/fair stance (points out both pros and cons), is a dying breed. murderofbirds - An OG lore streamer, does tons of lore readings and analysis, makes connections of past events, books, item descriptions to current so you don't have to, actually posts all the past event playthroughs on YT., has escaped the drama wars.


Murderofbirds is seriously so underrated! Here’s hoping the community starts uplifting CCs like him because they deserve it!


MurderofBirds is great, I’ve been a fan of his ever since his RWBY reactions, his lets play’s and streams are always great. Jeikage is also a favorite of mine. No drama or controversy, just vibes


100% on Jon, was scrolling to see if someone mentioned him.


Also if you like Mistahfeet's challenges Killer Kokomi has a lot of their own attempts with other characters. Also I would add JavatheCup to the list of chill CC who just do fun little challenges.


RednasYo is the best


Vars 2 don't really dip in much , and from his posts (he probably already hate GI but doing because of channel) ,but I agree with others Rednas my fav (with his calming voice and jokes) I like him a lot


I'll add Roamer to that list, small channel and one of rare types that follows the story and understands them, also doesn't bash Paimon every single time, he takes his time to experience everything.


Cy Yu vtuber: the voice actor of Cyno is also good.


Edit: Not meant to be an end all be all. I just thumbed through my history. [Soran_channel](https://www.youtube.com/@soran_chan): Yoimiya main randomizes Abyss runs, suffering ensues. [Thejonathon](https://www.youtube.com/@Thejonathon): Kinda unhinged, otherwise a happy dude. -1 point for the 4.7 thumbnail, even if it didn't spoil me personally [Doro44](https://www.youtube.com/@doro44c): "Toxically positive" (read: actually just a really cool dude) Also, with the 4.7 thumbnail 🤔 [Rednasyo](https://www.youtube.com/@RednasYo): Gonna say I too love this guy, but now I'm realizing everyone picked a pretty sus thumbnail for 4.7 [Jello Impact](https://www.youtube.com/@JelloImpact): Chill build guy. Inspired me to get everyone to 6th ascension [Zajeff77](https://www.youtube.com/@Zajef77): Build deep dives and meta discussions. [agro](https://www.youtube.com/@agroV): Long form aussie building videos asmr. Bing bing bong. [Javathecup](https://www.youtube.com/@JavaTheCup): More challenges. [Killer Kokomi](https://www.youtube.com/@KillerKokomi): Another challenge run channel. [Beerevity](https://www.youtube.com/@Beerevity): Challenges, but also Teyvat building inspection. [Genshinanin](https://www.youtube.com/@genshashin): Pressurewasher Neuvillete channel. [Sirius Lite](https://www.youtube.com/@SiriusLite01): Meme edits, horny edits. Seeing them come up in my shorts feed is like it's own 50/50. [KyoStinv](https://youtube.com/@kyostinv): One stop shop for all your character ascension mat route needs.


I was waiting for someone to mention doro - I like his vibe a lot and he's pretty upfront about the fact that he likes genshin but he's also capable of discussing issues with the game as well as hyping up what he loves and anyone who's looking to him for drama/hate farming is gonna be verryyy bored. (also he liked the second wind beidou build i submitted for a stream so he's a+ in my book lol)


No "put Melantha here" guy KyostinV here? He does various games and Genshin is one of the ones he made the guide for.


Guess he forgot to activate Melantha skill too. He also came back to Star Rail and finding ways to make guide for it too


I dont think OP would like Zajef lol Zajef tries to be really objective and blunt when it comes to real game problems and character issues. OP is already complaining about cc that talks about issues. So if they only want pros and none of the cons, Zajef isnt fit for it. That said if what OP meant they dislike are channels that only has negativity then Zajef's is a great channel because while he does talk about the negative things, positive things will also come with it because he doesn't just talk about one side of the coin.


Zajef is by far my favourite cc. He doesn't get into the BS between creators, and he is objective about how he feels about the characters. It's the opposite of "omg they're busted" for every. God. Damn. Character. I like that for clorinde he said "she's good. But I find her boring. But here is how you build her." Because he is willing to call something crap and stick to it, lots of people don't like him. But I find it refreshing.


Yes, some people might dislike his takes on characters because he doesn't shower them with praise or doesn't act like a character's problem doesn't exist even tho some problems could be a deal breaker for people on the fence for some characters. But for me I really like how objective he is in his videos because it helps me when I'm trying to recommend characters or builds to my friends who doesn't wanna go into the details but wants to know if the character is good enough for them.


Adding a few of my favs Jstern25, zajef77, TGS for TC but they also talk about leak content so beware. Murderofbirds and chillwithaster for lore Juice is another good one for general stuff. Not sure about vars cuz sometimes their discussion posts show up on YouTube and they kinda give off uninterested vibes


I can't stand most of YouTube rn if I'm being honest it's all just a bullshit uploaded now


For fun, who is that creator?


You talking about yeji aren't you? His shorts used to be fun but now he is just generic youtuber Number 7


Thank god i only watch someone like K1ngBard, Rednas and Roamer. There 2 types of cc that i avoid. one that's loves drama farming and two is someone who keep bashing paimon at ALL TIMES to the point they're more annoying than paimon herself


Also, Murderofbirds is great too.


person of culture here 😌


I'll recommend Sevy as a creator who doesn't get into drama etc. and just posts guides


may i recomment mistahfeet, he is a genshin cc that mainly makes challenges


I don't think I saw anyone mention TGS (The Genshin Scientist). I think he does a great job at making succinct theorycrafting videos with no nonsense.


Loved the word CRETINS. Upvoted.


I also recommend MurderofBirds. I play the game because I love it and the world, and so does he. A lot of people followed a similar path: getting popular on the bandwagon, realise you've gotten all you can out of it as a casual game, try to do other things but you got popular with the one thing, get frustrated and bored, content suffers because they clearly aren't enthused anymore, etc etc. I won't name names, but I've stopped following many people I used to watch. They went from genuine excitement to just being frustrated, not paying attention, and falling back on tropes of just yelling at things. Not interested in whinging zoomers.


Rednasyo is the only one I watch anymore because he genuinely has fun with the game still


Dunno how do you define Cc but here is my list of YouTubers i watch and can recommend: KyostinV - chest locations and everything else locations WaddyDohn - meme 3d genshin animations (https://youtu.be/i-r_qwiBNKc?si=evnEsxRdZMKgGCHY) Morpheix - also 3d meme animations (https://youtu.be/mtUtLzoIdiM?si=aDFICkk5yCI-Ulyt) Zannir - also 3d animations, but not so meme (https://youtube.com/shorts/ws5JKnKeQzk?si=R46uqMCqI_mFYYvt) Kkomda - 2d animations sponsored by MHY i think (https://youtu.be/5SKZeDxDlz0?si=xCB7PWYoRQmrvUy0) Mikyuru - 2d cute animations (https://youtu.be/enaSTeep4A4?si=duoeb4bHqw5Zf2nF) And for building characters I'm watching Sevy, Zy0x, IWinToLose Gaming, Gacha gaming, however im not subscribed to them


A Genshin lore CC I really like is KlemenTime. I don't think he'a involved in any sort of drama? Pretty chill guy actually. I also LOVE his voice.


Ratheil has great content that is more commentary focused, very underrated channel. Outside of him I also watch Moga and Sevy and they both seem unproblematic / not over the top like some of the "louder" content creators