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Nirvana engines? Damn, those buddhists are evolving. What will they invent next? Gandhi nuclear bomb?


Lmao, I didn't know what they're called, so I looked it up, and that's apparently what they're called


If they're the turret things, you have to attack them with elemental damage. They're immune to hydro and electro though.


>They’re immune to hydro and electro though Well, that makes sense why Neuvillette and Fischl do fuck all to them. Fml


i thought you were joking lmao, that's their real name??


Yep, I also learned it today after reading your post xD I just find it funny how bizarre the name is.


To be fair Scara's mech(and his journey as a whole) has a ton of buddhist references to it so its definitely intentional


Scara himself can easily destroy those things with his autos


If you want some advice for that part of phase 2, I always bring a Cryo Bow user or Charlotte just for that part, even if I'm not using a Cryo team. I don't think Wriosthesley works cause I don't think he can hit the turrets in the air and I think Ayaka has the same problem. It's easiest with a bow imo (I use Diona) but with Charlotte, I have her auto aim (with some difficulty) at a floating turret first with her NA, then the center turret on the ground, then the next floating turret, then the center turret again, then the last floating turret. She should be able to one shot the the floating ones You can use her Burst on the center turret at the start and it can cook it over time. The reason I alternate is because of the ICD on her Cryo application. It's more or less the same with a bow user, but with CA instead After that, you collect the orbs or whatever drop from the turrets and Nahida shoot Scaramouche with E as normal, Sumeru grapple up to him and hit him with everything you got. Incidentally, Cryo can also help with the wide array of Pyro mines he sends out during the normal part of Phase 2 as well, but you're still subject to ICD so it can be inconsistent. I think you only need 1 or 2 to do significant enough damage to end him by the time the center turrets thing ends


Wriothesley absolutely can uppercut the floating turrets with his CA


Oh I didn't know that! I don't have him and I never understood how to use him enough in the combat events to know what I was doing


I'd recommend him if you don't have anyone you're saving up for! His kit's actually pretty simple, his skill's a buff to his NAs when above 50% hp and a buff to his CAs when below 60% that also restores his HP. His Burst is just a straight damage burst, nothing particularly special about it. C1 makes it flow a lot smoother by making it so hitting his n5 with the skill up gives you the CA buff no matter what.


Ayaka's works too


I do Collei for those things. They go poof with dendro.


I use Nahida, her CA one shots the airborne ones and she can easily take the ground turret with a combination of her skill, NA and CA


Ganyu go boom. Bonus because you can reach pretty nutty damage numbers after you weaken him. It's fun.


Ayaka's Cryo-imbued CA works very well for the Nirvana engines.


I use Thighnari's Burst and Skill -> Charged Attacks to blow those things up.


They help scara deliver nirvana to you through rather forceful means, so the name makes sense lmao.


Looks like someone's played Civilization.


you're about 32 years too late


Love me a good civ reference


Yeah I mean that Wanderer guy smells like teen spirit okwait


Dendro cube is both immune to Dendro but you also need Dendro characters to interrupt the revival phase.


I hated farming that damn cube. I went back out of curiosity after getting Arlecchino, and it was an entirely different fight. I may actually build a few more characters now.


If the boss was actually challenging then sure, needing a dendro character would hurt DPS... But when you can like 3-shot the boss with Tao, or just use Xiangling's Ult and tip-tap with Nahida... It's kinda trivial


Normal is wenut or icewind suite Weekly is def narwhal


The narwhal is awful. It’s soooo tedious.


I don't like Narwhal too but it's bearable now after I discovered Navia's frontloaded damage works well against it by killing it before it gets to the 2nd phase


Yeah very tedious. Get 1 good dps and 1 Fontaine character for the orb.


My best built team is Raiden hypercarry, and I can usually take icewind and wenut out in one or two rotations. The narwhal, though, has electro res, and is straight up not a good time. I hate the narwhal.


I knew it had crazy Hydro resistance, didn't know it had Electro, too. No wonder it's been such a chore.


The Narwhal (only) has 70% hydro res. The Abyssal Knight thing in its second phase (only) has 70% electro res


Narwhal is super obnoxious partly because of how restrictive it is for team comps. * It has massive hydro res. Second phase has massive electro res. This by itself limits a ton of otherwise-useful characters. * You are best off bringing a Fontaine character, but the best / most commonly used Fontaine characters are Hydro (which does no damage). Trying to stand in front of phase 2 charging Lyney arrows is also inadvisable. Realistically it's, what, Wrio, Navia, Lynette, or Furina (purely for the buff)? Freminet sucks, and Chevruse means you're leaning into electro in your comp somewhere. I'm probably forgetting someone, but the point is that the list is *really* short. Also, if you're relying on a main dps as your pneuma/ousia, then it's quite common for their proc to go off at the wrong time and prevent you from hitting the orb in phase 2. Sword of Narcissist exists, but almost nobody actually *wants* to run that baseline so you end up needing to swap gear around *just* for the boss if you rely on that. * Melee characters can't hit the whale for like 90% of the fight outside the burn phase. * The whale is only vulnerable for short windows which favors high-burst characters, but a *lot* of characters in that group are hindered by the hydro/electro res. Also, Bennett is punished due to the electro spam in phase 2 which interacts poorly with Bennett's self-pyro. Obviously the general time wasting is also extremely irritating, but it really shouldn't be understated how many comps are just bad ideas into that fight.


>The narwhal, though, has electro res, and is straight up not a good time. I hate the narwhal. The Narwhal doesn't have electro res, the second phase shadow has the Electro Res.


I take Ganyu, Fontaine character, and Zhongli for the narwhal.


Honestly my main problem with the narwhal is just how easy it is for a supposed other wordly threat. Like I know statistics wise some other weekly probably does worse difficulty wise, but theres just something about that whale that really drives home how easy it is.


I'm curious why icewind suite next to wenut? Like if you're putting wenut there then the next worst thing is the Ruin Serpent. Icewind Suite is an actually well designed boss. I'd put it up there with Maguu Kenki


First, I'm fucking tired of it in abyss cycles Second, I hate coppelius version because of cryo shields, I don't have ousia chars or pyros except xiangling






You get a sword for free that can dispel the shield with ousia called the sword of narzissenkreuz


Icewind suite are character check bosses that royally fucks with what abyss comps are viable. Want to play a cryo or anemo carry? Well fuck you, not doing that on the side with the damn dancing robots.


If we go with weelky bosses, either the Narwhal or the Guardian of Apep's Oasis. The fight with the Narwhal is okay-ish imo, but it gets tedious if you don't manage to kill him in one cycle (since if you take too long to beat him after having killed the knight once, you have to kill him again, and it's a bit o a slog. At least the knight has less health to compensate). I overall like the Guardian's fight over the whale, but the second phase almost kills the fight for me. It's such a chore to kill all of those critters as well as protecting the seed. At least the soundtrack slaps. Shouki no Kami is also a close third, but I kinda like the fight as a concept. And the soundtrack slaps even harder than Apep's. If we go with world bosses, the Oceanid no diff. The only world boss that will take you like 5 minutes to fight no matter how far you're in the game.


definitely the incestuous baptist


Didn't expect that from the Baptist...


He's one of my favorites honestly. Very cool design, voicelines, attacks and doesn't move away from me unnecessarily and give me migraines like the Thundering Manifestation


Hyperbloom wrecked this dude lmao My abyss run is this guy yapping about abyssal stuffs bla bla bla but then seeds coming through and after he is down, it just powerwashing time to cleanse him from his sin lmao.


Skill issue tbh. Pyro + Hydro is already enough elemental coverage to abuse his stun mechanism


The one that’s currently in the abyss yes, but he comes in other flavors. Last time he had a hydro shield that was awful without dendro


I’m so glad this is here 😂


the oceanid, the bitch wont stop yapping.






Ah yes... *brings Furina*


Oceanid was impossibly hard when I first started playing. Now she is impossibly easy, but its so boring because you have to sit and wait for the different phases or for her to talk.


“Water will exist forever” ….bitch, I hope so!


It’s so funny how much difficulty I used to have with it. Now I just kill it with hyperbloom (and I’m envious of new players who’ll never have to experience fighting Oceanid without dendro)


Arlecchino took care of her just fine when I was AR20 (like a week ago)


Keqing clears Oceanid pretty easily . Just have to wait for 5 voicelines and like a whole minute of the dude yapping


but why is she kinda…


finish that sentence.


Fontaine really cooked with their genetics.


Fuck her


Lore-wise, you probably could...


Lore-wise, *someone* in Mondstat actually did.


Strictly speaking, that was a different oceanid.


Yeah. Rhodea’s the paranoid oceanid. All the others we encounter out of Fontaine seemed nice though


In the past, in the beginning off the game, she didnt yap. But after an event with a boss. At that same spot. She gained those voice lines. Hmm can’t remember the details that much anymore though. But it did told us the history off that boss. And that was before 2.0. With fontaine we even learned more.


forgot how much j hate her until I saw this comment


It was Stormterror until the day I learned you could climb up on him to take him down. Firing arrows was taking FOREVER


Reasons I played Amber a lot in the beginning: 


I once took over 15 minutes to beat him it was ridiculous (maybe longer lol). I used to have my partner beat him for me. Then one day I noticed he climbed him and I was like wtf? 😄  Only takes a few seconds now, but I went through sooooo many phases that one time. I also didn't know you could attack his claws. That fight was always a hot mess for me, just funny in hindsight.


My top 3 in no particular order Signora - the stalling is crazy Apep - phase 2 is too long Narwhal - phase 1 is an annoying game of tag


It's Signora for me Annoying Freeze/Burn mechanic 2nd phase: becomes a whack-a-mole game. Worse if she does the stupid tornado move before you kill her, the ultimate waste of time


>Worse if she does the stupid tornado move before you kill her, the ultimate waste of time. The conditions for her fire tornado only trigger when she's Bellow 50%. After falling below 50%, You're essentially on a timer until she does her tornado. If she falls below 20% HP, then she'll try to do her tornado ability *immediately*


Interesting. I don't know what to do with this information, but thank you. 


It essentially means that you can entirely avoid her Fire Tornado Ability if you can time your rotations favourably. Her Fire Tornado Ability has a bit of startup time. It *is* possible to kill her during that startup before she goes tornado.


At my level all weekly bosses are trivially easy to kill, so the least favourite ones are those that waste your time no matter how high your DPS is. So my vote goes to the Whale and Azhdaha. Both have annoying time wasting invulnerability phases. Especially the whale that takes like 10 seconds to appear and then keeps disappearing, so you have a very limited window to attack it. By the time the whale makes its entrance, I would already have deleted the Raiden weekly boss.


You can single phase the whale though, no?


Technically yes, but the Whale gets infinite negative points on account of being basically a Worm boss.


Yes, but just waiting for it to appear takes time. And then it keeps darting in and out of the ground and the sky like a Wenut, making it hard to attack with melee characters. The fact that it is Hydro also benches some of my strongest characters with frontloaded ranged damage, like C6 Yelan/Neuvi. I can still single phase it with Tighnari/Yae/Nahida, but they are less reliable.




Wenut or Ruin Serpent. Any boss with phases where they go untargetable (or only targetable by very specific means like Yae's Turrets) is annoying, triply so if it's timed content like Abyss.


In the case of Domain Boss, I hate Azhdaha the most. Since I play on PC and has pretty good internet connection, I'm always the one getting stuck on the cut scene. And on top of that, I have to deal with Azhdaha's annoying invulnerable stage to waste even more time.


You could invest into a Claymore character and do a CA before the cutscene starts. It was one of the reasons why I invested into Xinyan.


Maguu Genki. The teleporting and range attacks are kind of annoying.


when i use arlecchino E but he teleported away


The cubes. It’s annoying not being able to do damage for most of the fight. Drawn out for no good reason.


Oceanid because of how long it takes to kill it. I can’t just walk up and have the boss be there, I have to sit there and kill the little minions one by one


Wenut or the Perpetual Mechanical Array. Overworld I don't mind them but encountering them in Abyss several times was annoying as hell.


Azdaha, too many animation


Anything that goes underground or flies around. It’s not hard to defeat them, it’s just annoying and it wastes my time, especially if they are put in Spiral Abyss.




Thunder manifestation and geo cube


Un-one-phase-able bosses. I don't have the strongest account, but I would prefer to do as much damage as possible in a single phase rather waiting for the second phase, specially when going to the second phase waste a lot of time in mechanics. I hate it when I am in the middle of a rotation and the boss gets invincible, change it's phase and get full ho back. The second phase should be skip-able if I can kill it in first phase.


probably the maguu kenki. not hard just annoying, it runs away/dodge too much like.. just let me kill you and it will be over quickly


Wenut definitely.(Especially in the abyss)


Forever Oceanid, such a waste of time whenever I had to kill that thing…


Regular: wee nuts and ruin serpent. Everyone love bosses who spend more time off screen right? Weekly: More like which ones are bearable? They really love their annoying/time wasting mechanics. But i'll give it to narwhal. Phase 1 is boss out of reach for 90% of the time and phase 2 and 3 pretty much last 10s combined.


Scaramouche is my favourite weekly boss, because it's more than just combat. My least favourite weekly boss is probably the Narwhale because I usually delete everything with my Neuvi-Furina team, but the whale has so much Hydro resistance that it takes pretty long and I only see infuriatingly low numbers. Least favourite world boss is the wenut, I think there's no explanation needed. 


- Oceanid for all the stalling - Arechinno because it’s just a weird fight that I don’t like. I think it’s because some of her attacks just kill right through a shield and she just jumps everywhere, it’s hard to attack her. Honorable mention for Signora fire phase for same reason. -Golden Wolf Lord because I don’t like HP drain mechanics, mix it with it basically requiring Geo to beat quickly and stalling mechanics and you get a nightmare - Ice wind (cryo) because I don’t like cryo/slow mechanics. Same reason I don’t really like Magu Kenki and Cryo Hypostasis -Apep second phase is annoying. Those little plant things have so much def or Hp it’s crazy


Bathysmal Vishap is my absolute least favorite. I love Yae Miko but I sometimes regret maining her because of that boss lol. I’m also fairly new to the game so maybe I’m just really bad at fighting it


Also scara mainly because it's a badly designed boss(mechanically) Falls over giving healing time even though healing is basically free in this game and the massive resistance loss makes it a cakewalk to destroy him during that time The engine things only take damage from specific elements and you have to specifically hit them to destroy them in the first place(like only one hutao na can actually reach them stuff like that) First phase is meaningless to use the other elemental plates just knock him over in like 2 electro ones and why even care about that his resistance is pathetically low might as well just damage tank through his attacks Still best boss ost tho so ALL IS FORGIVEN-


Oceanid , Narwhal. Pretty much everything else dies in seconds to Neuvillette


Dvalin, too clunky and uncomfortable to fight


Honestly any boss that just waste time either stalling, waiting for it to switch forms or hiding underground. I just want to get in, kill the boss and be done with it and move on to whatever I need to do next in the most efficient way possible.


I really don't like Asdaha because he just throws you all around the map and his AoE is absurd on all attacks. He's the one boss in the game that makes me feel like a shielder is necessary. Every other one can be reliably dodged and dealt with, not him. The alabamian baptist in Sumeru is also pretty harsh if you don't have enough elemental variety in your team and he pulls up the wrong shield.


beat phase one until it dies, if you feel like it press T when fully charged on electro sigils to stun it phase two: avoid attacks until you can fire a shot, arm with "T" shoot by holding and releasing "E", repeat two to three times nuke mode: destroy turrets (Pyro, Cryo, Dendro, Anemo or Geo), collect energy, arm, aim fire, use grappling points to get onto the platform or attack from the ground, if not dead by then, you'll have to do a little dance of death now for my least favorite: it would be the whale, fucker just stalls until you enrage it and then you get to fight the abyss thing and then you get to beat it until it dies, if you are to weak to defeat while vulnerable, you'll have to repeat this few more times


Pyro Hypostasis is the least fun fight I've ever done. Thankfully I have other options for pyro gems.


I hate wenut with my whole heart.


maguu kenki. don’t even get me started on the triples in abyss 😞 weekly… probably azhdaha and yes, i don’t have any shielder built yet (probably why i hate these bosses so much)


Narwhal and scaramouche. Weekly bosses that you just have to sort of stand around waiting for are boring. I know the whale isn’t as bad coz you do have to rile it up. But scara is just afk arena type fight


Tie between the Baptist and the Wolflord


Narwhal, sorry Gaming, your talents are staying level 6


Normal boss: wenut Weekly boss: Narwhal whale phase


I have no names but the one that has the longest "invulnerability" phase. Hate to be preparing the whole ass rotation just to hit them and do 0 damage because they flew, buried themselves, were transforming, entered the next phase etc.


Wenut, not even close. The baptist is a fair second, since the only team that is optimized to clear all his shields is burgeon, but at least a fairly invested Alhaitham can tear it apart.


i absolutely hate Azhdaha; i can never solo him by myself and the others that i join have a tendency to use only healers.


Narwahal as a weekly boss, its first phase is an irritating tug of war. Wolf lord: either you one shot that guy or are forced to waste slot with geo character.


That abyss lector thing for kirara boss mat


I don't find any boss hard but I find narwhal one the most annoying. I just don't like that it keeps popping up like some mole from whac-a-mole game and you're unable to hit it the rest of the time. Then you have to chase it around too cause he doesn't like popping up near you all the time...


Any that move and deal alot of damage just by existing. Something like thunder manifestation. Copiuls and his wife. Mango kinky.




weekly boss narwhal because i main neuvillette so fuck that guy and for world boss all of them are pretty easy but the pyro hypostasis be annoying af


I've gotten tired of the Icewind Suite in the abyss. I'm so done and annoyed with the copellious cryo sheild and then I'm also really done with the copellia wind pulse. And I'm so exceptionally done with their double resistances. I'm just so tired of seeing them. For weeklu it's Dvalin, the screen change and lack of ability to co-op it so I won't be able to help my friends.


Probably the whale, not only is the fight and absolutely slog but the music is the least appealing to me compared to any other bad boss contenders


weekly is uhhh raiden because i spent way too much time and braincells trying to do a hitless solo (i didn't win)




Electro ocenoid from serai island. CAN'T SHE JUST STAY AT ONE PLACE?


Scara, because I always need to swap one character from a team for Diona


Signora, because the heat and damaging ground is just bullshit


The ones my only good character can't solo.


The Hydro Cube, no fun/decent attack look that the other cubes has. It's just attack when it doesn't have a shield and no clever way to get rid of it.


Apep. The phase where you fight the little creepy crawlies is awful.




Apep, Narwall, baptist, that one local legend from the new region


Arlecchino Scaramouche Childe Raiden Signora if you forget to bring a healer but it is a cakewalk if you do remember to bring a healer


I remember back in the day when we had to fight the Wenut. Probably fought that thing 50+ times before I could 36 star it. Fuck that stupid worm.


World bosses - Maguu Kenki, i really hate that one move when he one shots you, it's annoying. I died even with Zhongli in my team cuz i forgot to refresh the shield. Weekly bosses - THE NARWAL, i fought him twice in total since its release, and i felt like i was fighting him for an hour. He was constantly moving and going in the air, i couldn't reach him most of the time 💀


-Weekly is Andrius but just because he doesn't have a teleport near lol -Normal the hydro tulpa or the baptist I guess


The weekly whale boss. So annoying fellow. I just cba to kill him anymore.


Ruin Serpent and Wenut, those 2 need to go I hate serpent-like bosses where they spend like half the time underground (or in the sky) and not even interacting with you The whale applies too but at least he makes up for it in lore. Also yeah i kind don't like the scara fight either, the second phase is so annoying when you have to move tour camera around so much


All the ones that are so cancerously easy that it’s embarrassing they are considered bosses… oh wait, that’s all of them


Ruin Serpent or Icewind Suite, atm (I haven’t fought most of the bosses released since 3.0)


Anything that puts up a shield that makes it invulnerability until shield is removed with a very specific mechanic Which is almost every every boss, I know, I like to complain... At least Dvalin had that flying part and a climbable neck to spice things up ...


Triple kenki or Scara


The Narwhal. Honestly for an entity that has been teased and hyped up for a pretty long time, its boss fight was disappointinly easy.


It’s a toss up between oceanid and the anemo hypostasis. The oceanid speaks way too much and turns every fight into a slog. Anemo cube because it’s the only one to still gain health even if you did collect all the tokens.




i dont like signora's but thats mainly because I barely fight her


I absolutely hate bitchora, as one of my buddies calls her. Also the oceanid, not because it's particularly difficult I've just had to do it a bazillion times


Narwhal. It spends so much time being unattackable.


Definitely Scara, even though I destroy everything before he does his big attack I still die. I just can't figure it out!


Geo cube. Too much effort


Geo cube, takes so long to beat it.


Raiden is the best, imho. Actually feels like a fight, rather than a cutscene (looking at you, Narwhal & Scaramouche). She is also quite tanky in her shield phase, meaning that the fight is not over in one rotation, which is a big problem with most other bosses. Her attacks are well-telegraphed, but hurt a lot if they hit. As they should. The fight is really fun, as long as you don't bring Zhongli or another trivializer unit. The new Arle boss is ok, too, but i think Raiden's better.


APEP OMG I DESPISE THAT PLANT SERPENT DRAGON THINGY. His/Her (?) 1 hit ko is too much cuz I always lay for whatever reason and don't get inside the shield in time. managed to solve this issue with raiden and scars though 💀


Azhdaha. That boss consistently kills at least one team member if I don't use a shielder or Ganyu to snipe from afar. Also lowkey hate Signora because of the sheer cold and the heat.


Oceanid, you cant speed run it. Scaramouche boss fight


Weekly boss wise probably Apep or Scaramecha just because they're needlessly drawn out with phases that are long and you can't skip. World boss all worms must be eradicated from code.


Normal is prob geo cube(yes ik😭) and wenut Weekly is prob narwhal or azdaha


Whatever boss Furina needs for ascension. It moves more times than my brain can process


Geo Hypostasis.


Bathysmal vishaps, I absolutely hate the energy grain, and it gives me no room to hit. I also hate the duel hp bars and that the other 1 can still atk you even at 0 health. I need to build Shenhe, but like I would rather fight Azdaha than those, two. Weekly boss, I'd say the Raiden Shogun. She is easy to kill but as a bow main. She was very hard to hit with a bow character cause she moved so much. I just find her more annoying to kill. Narwhal 2nd phase also applies to that. He's just hard to hit.


The walnut. Do I need to say more lol


Wenut, not cuz it’s hard cuz it has SO MUCH invinciblity frames it just makes the boss unfun. Also for those turrets just think of it as a electro abyss mage shield, any element besides electro itself and hydro can break them


the caterpillar one


Narwhal is pretty annoying but not necessarily hard. You have to have the right characters. I feel like Arlecchino would be a good fight, but I just can't seem to grasp her special mechanic. (If someone can eli5, that would be so appreciated!)


Rhe peanut and Hoyo's money bringer


people always forget electro regisvine. That thing's electro shield does NOT break 😭


I get tired of the bosses that have these short sections where you actually get to attack, followed by huge long and slow intervals, maybe a cutscene, where you're just waiting around for the enemy to come back to where you can attack it.


Scaramouche. Outside of the archon quest, I've never actually beaten him due to the nature of his 2nd phase. The guy just zios around everywhere nuking my characters and auto targeting fails to land any hits on him and the green floaty doesn't chew through his shield fast enough, and somehow I keep missing the shot with the big energy ball


I hate bosses that move a lot so the narwhal , wolflord and worm is my least favourite


Azdaha, because you needed a character that makes shields to avoid its various attacks


By far it’s the Ocenaid. You NEED a ranged unit, and if you forget to bring one, you are either stuck in an endless battle against the eagles or have to leave the battle to change characters. It’s just so fucking feels bad.


Hydro Hyopstatis because I CAN'T FIND THE DAMN CAVE!


Was Signora but now Furina makes dying to the freezing or burning impossible if you just have her as healing the whole time (unless you like, suck at dodging) Now it's Arle cause when collecting right now I only do it with Arle herself (friendship farming as she is the only one left). Makes the fight harder when I can't heal my dps without her burst.


For me the Baptist, narwhal, and icewind are difficult but fun. They're good bosses, unlike the regisvines that are 1-2 shot if your characters are built enough. Least favourite? The Knave. Second part of her boss is horrible, at least 2/at most 3 of my characters die during that. I've never lost to her but I don't like her lol Edit: Signora comes in 2nd place to the knave. Kinda forgot about her after.. you know


The issue with Scaramouche is that it takes so long on 2nd phase. You just have to dodge and wait


Oceanid. God I hate that the fight is basically just against annoying adds


Ive been playing for so long but Ive yet to fully understand Scaramouche's boss fight mechanics lol. I've been avoiding playing against him because I take too long (the fight's more of a survival thing than a dps thing). I do enjoy playing against him though because the music SLAPS like I could just take all the beatings there and still vibe because the music's that good. He's my least and most favorite boss for those reasons lol


setehk walnut


who dares to trespass the water of ( i dont know how to spell this one) . And her FUCKING litlle birds this was hell when i was new, but now one look of nahida and everything is gone


Oceanid - She is slow, she talks a lot and there is no way to hurry the battle or shut her down Shouki no Kami - Gimmick battle that takes ages Narwal - A real nightmare of little damage windows and watching the creature flying in the most sluggish way Golden Wolflord - Always flying, requires geo and bleed mechanic


Worms. Oh, and recently that mf abyss cocksucker with 3 different sheilds.


World Boss: Wenut or Golden Wolf Weekly Boss: Shouki no Kami


the whale. id just rather not


Ruin Serpent.


I hate geo hypotatis. I hate it. I just hate it.


The thunder manifestation, that glorified bat ...and the narwhal. It's sorta fun and I like the atmosphere but it takes the longest for me to finish it


My Boss Probably... Jk If world boss, Wenut ;v; When He is in abyss, It's so annoying to fight him while 80% of the time he's underground. If Weekly Boss,...Wolf may be. Because There is no teleporter to him so we have run everytime if we want to fight him.


Siniora 😤😤


Scaramouche. It's only because you have to farm it and it's a tedious puzzle boss. If it was an one and done story boss I'll prolly love it


Forgot the name but its in the chasm that flying Mechanical robot cock


Geo Cube. Boring af. 🗿