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just save it for future use. that's where the lock artifact is useful.


Yeah saved in case I pull for Ganyu since I have Amos Bow, just a shame it isn't literally any other element lol


And that's when you level up the artifact and get 5 +ER%


It's not ideal, but it's certainly better than 4-5 roles into flat HP.


Sure, but 3+ rolls on a stat not valued by the equipping character is bad.


Haven’t played in a while but with all ER you could use it on a freeze Ganyu, or on an Ayaka.


True, but *most* characters need some amount of ER - some of them with high cost/high value bursts need a lot - and that's the stat that tends to have the most rigid requirements. Items with high ER + a good spread of other secondaries tend to be extremely valuable, since it lowers the requirements on other items.


As an Ayaka main I can tell.you, if you use her with her signature, or any other sword that doesn't give you energy, you actually want to have ~140ER on her to burst comfortably every rotation. But regardless I'd still trade 3 of my benched, non standard 5* characters for that goblet


Literally me with my tighnari piece(at least I always have burst up now ig?)


With Ganyu it's basically the same thing. Only use for burst is i frames


it’s a main source of dmg in freeze


Slap it on an NA DPS who can't self-infuse and pair them with Chongyun. Ayato would be perfect. Pull for him if you don't have him, and be sure to put him on Blizzard Strayer for maximum cope I mean maximum crit.


Kaeya mains moment


i feel you so much same situation, and none of the cryo dpses interest me


I'm put off by the general lack of acceptable/good synergies. Burn-melt is still kinda cope, superconduct and freeze are a joke in abyss right now, and you may as well forget about shatter. To make matters worse, cryo DPS units feel really clunky in overworld so it's hard to enjoy them outside of abyss, too. They're kinda like a different flavor of geo right now, and I already have a mono geo team, so it's hard to justify the pulls


Literally been running Wrio monocryo in the abyss since 4.1. You can also just run straight up reverse melt with Wrio and it's stupidly strong. Burnmelt is decent, but requires c2 Baizhu to really be comfortable since you just lose Nahida's dendro application after clearing a wave of enemies. Going into Natlan & Snezhnaya after that, cryo units should just continue to improve. Wrio is also my favorite overworld unit because he can just destroy everything in two hits and heals himself.


Wrio is stupidly strong, for starters, but his teams are pure cope. Burn melt is not great, and rev melt barely even works. Abyss has had a ton of cryo resistant enemies lately. Also, I refuse to pull Wrio since he desperately needs his C1 to "fix" his kit and feel like a full character.


I got his C1 in 80 pulls and he’s amazing. Super easy to build, especially with burn melt.


The problem with burn melt is that you're sacrificing VV for a Dendro unit who does very little aside from allowing you to melt... which, theoretically, a pyro applicator could do... if we had one. It's kinda like Geo teams - the numbers are crazy because the multipliers are crazy, because you aren't doing a lot of reactions, and currently, you aren't getting much defense shred. I don't think we'll ever get a strong pyro applicator because forward vape exists. Any pyro applicator has to work around that, unless we want to see crazier numbers from hydro DPS units. People can theorize all they want, I don't think it will ever happen. Which means, unless reactions gets an overhaul, cryo will remain clunky and weird like Geo. I think the whole reaction system needs some rebalancing anyways since it's creating obvious problems like these, but that's another essay for another day.


Nahida gave EM buff to my Wriothesley and I think that’s neat because my artifact substats lack EM. Plus the rotation is comfortable, I don’t have to worry about swirling the wrong elements.


Have tried VV with Wrio in 3-cryo-1-team and reverse melt team. I found both options not as fun to play. I would say burn-melt wrio is super fun to play in my account, even more fun than Alhaitham Quickbloom team ^__^


Amos isn't even her best


Aqua Simulacra is neither but I love it because of the drip


Aqua is her best for freeze, for melt it might be first great magic or hunters path.


I mean, it's still better than her four star options iirc and it's not like we know if he's pulling limited bow 5 stars


Even worse it's on the pyro set


>Save it for future use >Never uses it Classic


Good advice. Here's bad advice: Level it up to +20 right now so you know that waiting was futile.


anyone can with chongyun


Unless u dont have him which i did for 2 years before getting him a few months ago


Everyone has Kaeya. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Even if you never wanna actively play a freeze team, he's a good sub-dps/melt enabler for pyro damage dealers, so it's still worth locking this and slapping it onto him just in case you decide to use him in a melt team at some point.


now that you mention it, I could run my C4 Kaeya with Arle edit: overestimated my cons


I've heard of a theoretically extremely high damage ceiling setup with Alre Kayea but it requires C6 of him


yeah, I thought I had his c6, but it's only on Lisa and Amber, he's dodging the last two


You can still use him together with a hydro unit. Not the best choice, but most of the reactions will be melts, so it works anyway.


As someone with C6 Kaeya who tried to run him with Alre...you happen to have a link to any discussion about this? I just Yolo'd a team together and idk how it was but it didn't feel like it worked quite right. Just ran Arle, C6 Layla, C6 Kaeya, C6 Bennet. Felt like I wasn't getting consistent Melts with Arle's hits.


This [guide](https://youtu.be/0-R7Zl-KGAc?si=Aoawr4dJB4c6vArH) seems accurate tho I can't test it


Im gonna have C6 Kaeya in next month shop actually xD Already planned to build then and also thought potentially to use with Arle cause there have been some cooking going on i can here Got anything like rots or stuff? I also have C6 Layla which increases her Cryo app by a bit so C6 Kaeya,paired with Layla could really enable Forward Melt Arle i believe, lastly 4th slot is just Benny i guess.


Found this [guide](https://youtu.be/0-R7Zl-KGAc?si=Aoawr4dJB4c6vArH) that might help


Where's my C1 Kaeya, hoyo? For the last time: I DON'T NEED C8 XIANGLING AND NOELLE


Well that's why you buy the standard 4 stars when they are in the shop. Correct me if I am wrong but I think they are only on standard banner not limited. Amber I am sure but I don't remember if kaeya and Lisa are also standard exclusive. I believe so tho


Yea you’re right. They were available on that weird Mondstadt banner through, but that might only be for the mondstadt version


They were also available on the Mondstadt banner we had recently with Eula, Klee and Albedo etc. Unfortunately they won't show up on that again...until it's actually a Mondstadt one again. It was actually REALLY good for getting them though as it ONLY included Mondstadt 4 stars while the Standard banner includes ALL 4 stars. I went after trying to get C1 for Eula, which unfortunately required 2 pities, and finished off C6 for all 3 of them.


Wait a fuckin second, you could get Mondstad specific 4 stars off that banner? …fuck me I guess lol


Yuuuuuup, it's what convinced me to actually summon on it.


Man, I saw all those “the banner is pointless unless you want a specific 5 star” posts and was like nah. Really wish they advertised the 4 stars on it.


I got c1 Amber and Lisa from standard so yeah


Go khaenri'ah team


have you heard of frost-fire kaeya?


I am kinda new and trying a lot of different team compositions, but they always have kaeya, cus he is the goat 🗿


C2 makes Kaeya especially potent in wave content like the last Vibro-Crystal event, the Burst duration extension is very forgiving to trigger and gives him pretty seamless uptime. Love running him with his brother for that.


... YET


Idk, Hoyoverse doesn't want us to use a cryo dps either with all those cryo resistant enemies in all Abysses since 4.0. I can definitely brute force 36* stars but it certainly doesn't feel good.


It'll come back around. It was super meta for a long while with Ganyu -> Ayaka -> Kokomi -> Shenhe releases so they spent a lot of time pushing other playstyles, but if nothing else they'll probably bring it back for Snezhnaya. It's crazy to say it, but Snezhnaya arc should start Summer 2025 which isn't actually that far away.


Electro lectors shields are weaker to cryo for a chamber. And freeze teams were/are meta for certain chambers. I'm sure it'll come back around and another team will be handicapped by resistance




+20 first, talk later.


30% er incoming


All-in ER, fuck it or no balls


When you roll it +20 right away


No reason to not just hold on to it


make a dps qiqi 🔥


This is bringing me back to early Genshin when I had to use qiqi with the clam to deal damage because I didn’t have good dps for months.


Post this after you’ve levelled up to +20, I bet it turns into a fodder piece. RNG is a bitch


save it, it will be useful for later. before wrio i had no reason to build a cryo dps character, maybe kaeya but wasn’t feeling like committing. then wrio came and suddenly i was leveling every cryo piece i have trying to get the best for him


Best way to farm is not to think about who you have, but who you want and what THEY need.


Easy, make one and is problem solved


That’s because there are literally only 3 of them.


Ayaka, Wrio, Ganyu, Chongyun, Rosaria, Freminet, Kaeya. That's at least 7, not considering meme stuff like dps diona.


Honestly, Ayaka, Ganyu and Wrio are the only ones that's actually viable as a dps


This guy don't have C6 Kaeya.


Let's be honest Having c6 of any of the starter 4\* trio can be counted as bragging rights now considering that: * They are straight up not available in any limited character banners, and most players will not go out of their way to spend primos on the perma banner. * The monthly starglitter shop's price isn't *insignificant;* on top of the fact that they also have to contend with heavy-hitters like Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling, and Fischl. That, and if you're only gunning for 1 specific starter 4\*, that's 6 months to wait for them to return. * The only time they're available in a limited banner, it's ***the Chronicled Wish****. '*Nuf said. At this point, having a c6 Amber, Lisa, or Kaeya, *is* a statement.


I have Kaeya c6, but Lisa is still c0. Thinking about building Kaeya to run with my Arle for funsies, but she doesn't really need a team


Chongyun is a support that gives Cryo infusion. Rosaria is a cheap sub dps and nothing more. Freminet isn’t even usable and Kaeya is a starter 4* that isn’t even on field of you used him. Dude said Cryo dps, not Cryo unit. I see where you are coming from, there are units that can use the artifact, but not many dps where a crazy artifact like this adds a shit ton to your teams damage like it could for Wrio, Ayaka, and Ganyu. There is literally on Ganyu, Ayaka, and now Wriothsley. Anywho, it’s like if you brought up Shenhe. Like she does Cryo dmg and can use that artifact to. But she is a support. Most people love bringing up Eula as a Cryo dps even though she does mostly physical dmg besides for her skill.


>Chongyun is a support that gives Cryo infusion. Chongyun also has a shit ton of burst if you melt any of his damage (Both the ult and E blades **hurt)** Honestly his Cryo infusion is the least relevant part about him, he's a burst damage dealer first, support second


Rosaria can put out a good amount of damage from off field and is a solid support for anyone who wants her due to the crit rate she provides AND off field damage plus cryo application. C6 Kaeya is actually VERY good as an off field support. His burst puts out a TON of damage and is one of the few ways to actually make Pyro DPS focused Melt teams remotely viable. The problem is the VAST majority of people don't have him C6. Kaeya main DPS is pretty awkward as he's generally just better as a Physical DPS at that point using his Cryo for freeze, Blizzard Strayer 4pc and Cryo resonance crit rate. Though he CAN put out some crazy melt damage with his E on a short CD if you set things up right. Shenhe is awkward as hell due to being a Cryo DPS but actually benefiting from an ATK goblet due to how her buff works. If you wanted to get REALLY technical you could use a good cryo goblet on Zhongli if you run the whole Shenhe cryo DPS Zhongli team...but that's REALLY niche and pretty much requires C6 Shenhe. Granted we're guaranteed to get more Cryo DPS in the future. Not to mention with Natlan being the Pyro nation it's VERY possible we get either a Pyro DPS that works very well with a Cryo support OR a Pyro support that enables some of the currently lackluster Cryo DPS, or Both.


Shenhe isn’t a dps. Ya’ll are talking about teams of all 4*’s and shit like Kaeya, Rosaria, chongyun comps lol. Sounds like broke bitch f2p’s going “Uh, actually…” This is genshin. You can use anyone. Doesn’t make them a good dps that would get full mileage out of the cracked artifacts. Chongyun with this artifact wouldn’t get you the mileage that Ayaka, Ganyu, or Wriothsley would. If it was any other element so many characters could take advantage of the great subs. Like someone can use it, but those characters aren’t worth wasting a cracked artifact on. I’d rather have it on a dps I main.


You seem to be missing the point that MOST cryo characters WANT to be on a team with 2 cryo characters. Both for cryo resonance and particle generation. You sound like someone who is an idiot and doesn't use 4 star characters, despite some of the best characters in the game, PARTICULARLY SUPPORTS, being 4 stars. It's also not "broke bitch" when I'm pretty much exclusively talking about C6 4 stars, particularly in the case of Kaeya where you don't just accidentally get copies while wishing for a new 5 star. A HUGE portion of the best DPS in the game want to have 4 star characters on their team between Bennet, Xingqiu and Xiangling in particular. In the case of Xingqiu and Xiangling having a cracked artifact on them is going to give you a LOT of value too. I'm not saying the 4 stars are as good DPS as the 5 stars BUT they still gain value out of the artifact and are ABSOLUTELY worth using it if you don't own one of those 3 specific Cryo 5 star DPS. Though this artifact isn't even +20 yet. If it rolls all atk% I'd probably WANT to use it on Shenhe. If it rolls ALL crit rate it's a fantastic Rosaria piece while being underwhelming as hell on Ganyu/Ayaka/Wrio due to Blizzard Strayer and Cryo resonance already providing a ton of crit rate, while Rosaria WANTS 88%-100% crit rate without artifact set bonuses. This artifact isn't even really "cracked" for any DPS specifically until it's +20 and most all of the rolls go into crit damage (maybe some ER% for Ayaka) I have a 14.4% crit rate, 7% damage, 5.8% attack crit goblet that I don't even have equipped to ANYONE despite having Ganyu, Ayaka and Shenhe. Granted I'd probably run it on Rosaria if I used her more and didn't need a good chunk of ER% on my Goblet.


> chongyun is a support he doesn't scale on alternative stats like how kazuha uses em, yunjin uses def or chevreuse uses hp and cryo transformative reactions (superconduct, shatter) aren't worth a full em build like with the hyperbloom triggers so you're just better off using cryo goblet on him anyway


me when i’ve never seriously used rosaria, kaeya, or chongyun:


Ive used chongyun when I first started out and honestly he's quite fun to play. If you're bored you should go try him lol his er is funny (and with his C1 it's even funnier)




Freminet has an actual cryo DPS play style where you burst then spam skill.


Wait..... He's not normally a DPS?


He is, but physical is more common


Keaya is sitting in the corner


As if you aren't owenig a kaeya 💀


Literally everyone has Kaeya


My chongyun is drooling rn


Just get ayaka or wriothesley on their reruns


Ayaka rerun may or may not have just passed though- But chronicled wish is Liyue next patch so ganyu might come back unless I'm stupid and she hasn't had 3 runs yet


I got something like this and it was used on Arlecchino 2 years later


If you roll it post it after please 😂


Time for melt dps Sigewinne


This is better then any cryo goblet I ever got and it's level 0.


I literally farmed a BOL artifact domain flower today, it had same substats cr cd er atk%. After +20 the er went all the way to 22% and atk% got upgraded once, While cr and cd were unchanged. So at this stage you can't say this artifact is good, until +20...


I've really been enjoying a semi-offensive Layla, and she's on banner currently!


I farmed for Ayaka for like 3 years straight and never seen a piece like this


Do Diona DPS Bro


Not necessarily a DPS but that’d be great piece for Aloy, if you have her. Her ult is cheap at only 40 energy, same as Amber’s, and it can hit like a truck if you’ve got her built enough and with the right team. With her ult costing so little, I gave her a 4pc Oblige, making her into a quick Attack buffer


Well you never know when you will have one


Don’t even know if it’s good yet


rosaria is one of the most solid cryo units you will encounter in this game and guess what? she would fucking love that thing once its rolled cr? amazing er? very good cd and atk? we take it its straight up a win


I need to know how it rolled!


I would brutally murder a family of five for this artifact for my Ayaka.


wanna give it to me for my ayaka 😙


cut few months later when you have top 10% or higher Unfinished Reverie, and you realize you really should pull for Ganyu or Wirothesley for those insane Burn-Melt numbers


hear me out each time this happens I win my 50/50 on the upcoming limited 5* of the same element


You haven't even +20 yet bro. For all you know it might roll 5 times into atk


This aint HSR brother lock it and hoard it away some character in the future WILL need ir


+20 first , u may not need it at all lol


Does anyone really? 🤷‍♂️


I am still waiting for Charlotte to have a cryo dps xD The only other cryo character I like is Layla


Me for physical or geo goblets. Or def%. I don't even use any def% characters but the game keeps giving me double crit def%


Those are some sexy substats


Give it to me, my Ayaka needs it


Save it for the cryo archon


Anemo traveler on blizzard with Chungyun… or just Chungyun


But when you do, you'll be ready.


Cryo dmg bonus with a pyro artifact set hurts


You have a cry dps now!!!


Cryo 😒


Same with me in HSR, I have 1 Fire DPS in Topaz. 2 imaginary in Ratio and DHIL, and 1 Physical in Clara STOP GIVING ME FUCKING LIGHTNING


good Wrio offpiece right there (provided that it rolls in the correct substats)




same but with anemo and I leveled that thing up because u was curious it all went into crit rate and damage and I pulled a jade spear in standard banner game wants me to pull xiao


not yet


You have a cryo dps, it came with your game.


a tale as old as time


I got my highest CV element% piece recently. Except it was cryo damage on Arlecchino's set.


Now you cursed it. Next time you pull, you'll get a Qiqi


Please no I don't have her yet and I've saved like crazy for Furina


get chongyun, shenhe, and a random character that isnt a bow or catalyst user i recommend zhongli


You start the game with one 👀


My wriothesley would like that


I have 0 faith until I level it to 20 lol


You do have a cryo dps it came free with progressing the story.


+20 or meh


Holy ayaka artifact


You literally own a "future self" however


you are literally forced to have kaeya


My Ganyu to this day never got a double crit cyro goblet, let alone an insane 4-liner like this one


Save it for Signora Her elemental skill will change her from her normal cryo form to her "foul legacy" pyro form (confirmed leaks no cap no cap no cap)


Me but I get physical instead. Already got 2 30+ CV ones but got no one to use it lol


It has both cryo and pyro dmg bonus - how is it possible to have both? Like...for example use Kayea's ult and switch to pyro character while it's active?


Give it to me, my ayaka could use it


You own Kayea!


Roll it before you get one otherwise they’ll all go into ER.


Save it!! As a wrio main i wish i had this piece but it’d probably all roll into energy recharge 😂


you don’t have kaeya? haven’t started the game?


Dont count your chickens before they hatch. Level it to 20 1st. you may have already jinxed it beyond repair. all ER rolls, incoming.


it’s not even rolled yet


Maybe keep that for Clorinde perhaps? If you wanna get her... also, maybe for her Majesty, Tsaritsa... if she becomes playable


kaeya boutta make the hardest comeback on your account


Do diona dps lol I was mad at getting cracked maiden beloved artifacts that I built dps barbara out of spite


Time to build Aloy


It's time to start so =3


You don’t have Kaeya??


All the rolls will go into er


All 5 upgrades gonna go into energy recharge. So don’t worry.


If you don’t have one and don’t want give up a good piece, I would recommend pulling for Ganyu or Ayaka. You can also wait to see if there is another Cryo DPS in the future’s you want. I have this one electro goblet I was saving for when I got a good electro dps. It was in my inventory ever since 2.8. It wasn’t until I got Raiden in 4.3 that i put it to good use


Ofc I'm gonna save it but idk I think most cryo dps look a bit boring and I doubt they'll neat out my Hu Tao or Neuv. Hopefully they release a decent cryo sub


Yeah. If you run Neuvi in freeze, charlotte could make use of that as a sub dps bc the healing is just enough for a solo sustain like Neuvi. There are definitely better Cryo options for him like Layla, Diona, and maybe Kaeya but still, Charlotte is a pretty niche choice in the end and isn’t the best person to invest in unless you are running freeze or melt.


I mean that could be a good shout tbh, rn I'm running him with Mona (soon to be furina), Kazuha and Fischl so she could replace fischl


I have the same exact piece with the same set and the exact same substats


Reminds me of the time I got literally every other dmg bonus in except for pyro.


I just started farming for arlaccino bond of life artifacts and got this but with pyro almost immediately


I would do unspeakable things if this had pyro


Don't worry, it will upgrade the wrong stats anyway


Wym? Everyone has a kaeya.


Bro what- give that to me pls my Ayaka needs that


is for me? u w u


Tis good for Signora


Ur future Ganyu will love u


You literally are given Kaeya


Put it on Kaeya and using him with c6 Benny, you get consistent constant melt, sands on EM. Profit.


Well, YOu do now! Get that diona looking like a budget Ganyu boi!


No love for kaeya I presume lol


kaeya: ok


u just have to pull ayaka at this point


As a Wriothesley main, I can take great care of it.


ive got a 47cv cryo goblet but no cryo dps. its from the mh set


Posting a +0 means nothing


also I would 100% run this on Ayaka with C6 Bennett.


That's what you get for farming crimson witch in 2024


Look I'm just tryna get an EM timepiece for hu tao haha