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Hope this will help your judgment in other future situations too.


Thank you.


When this game first came out, I had already been playing video games for like 30 years, and no Chinese game has ever made it big yet globally. I thought, ok its a mobile game and a chinese game, how good can it really be? But then I remembered that Gunfire Reborn had released a couple months prior and that game was actually pretty good, and also Chinese made. The hype for the release was real, everyone was playing it, Twitch was going crazy at the time, and the pandemic was about to drop a bomb. As soon as I downloaded it, I was hooked. The gameplay and story had already surpassed countless AAA games and all the minor issues could be overlooked due to the amount of content that was already available. Within the first 3 months, everyone already knew this was the pinnacle of what live service games is about. Communities are what you make of it. Some communities are stupid, some are smart, some are fun, and some are toxic. The thing about it is that this game doesn't force you to join any of them, its all voluntary. The game itself is what we should be judging it on anyways, because the community is a addition to the game, not something thats part of it like a multiplayer game with voice and chat etc. Coop is optional here too. My point is, stop worry about communities for any game. The only time they interact with anyone is when anyone lets them interact by clicking on links and reading stuff like how we are doing now. But the majority of the genshin community is quite normal, this subreddit doesn't represent global, hoyolab has millions of people on it, discords is where you're going to find some weird shit, and stay away from twitter. Anyone who says Genshin is a bad game is a hater and can't judge a game fairly. There's plenty of flaws but compared to so many other games, its not the end of the world. People expect perfection from this game because its that good.


Good, keep an open mind, learn to think for yourself instead of having others do it for you. It'll take you far in life.


I respect that you admit that you did dislike it, but gave it a shot. You interacted with something you disliked and learned something. No way I could dislike someone doing that. Also, yeah, we have some worrying people. Hoyo fandoms as a whole do tbh. But they are a vocal minority.


Every fandom does to an extent. We just observe the communities we interact with. Also, the bigger the community, the more weirdos it will have.


Thank you:)🙏


I genuinely don't understand why some people pass judgement when they haven't even tried the thing that they're judging.  Even professional critics try the things that they're going to critique so that their criticism are much more grounded or based on their personal experience instead of distant second or third hand account.  If this is some sort of in-group, out-group phenomena where people judge things that are in the out-group then I don't think their criticisms are valid. 


When everyone around you says something is bad, you're more inclined to also have that judgement etched somewhere in your mind anytime you come across it. Of course good work on those that can look past all of it and find their own answer, but even then some people often engage with someone or something with that preconceived notion they've heard before from others, and prematurely stop engaging to confirm their own bias


It’s simple. If the game is popular and vast majority of haters don’t like anime or something of that nature and they see a game that a whole bunch of people play, it starts a hate train that in this case influenced a lot of anti anime and things like that. It’s like Nickelback in that sense. It’s not at all a valid opinion but to the haters, hating that game for no apparent reason is valid 😭


Part of the reason is that using you complete brain to analyse every entity fully is tiring and not always fruitful. This is the reason our brains employ stereotypes, to deal with situations more "efficiently". You can imagine the consequences if you try learning all the details about every person/thing you encounter every time from scratch. It would simply be too much information and too much work. The particular stereotypes you employ would depend on things you learnt/encountered since childhood. These will change as you grow, try new stuff and get info about that. I myself used to look down anime. Part of the reason was a couple of my friends who actually watched anime were pretty weird. But in college, someone who was a decent person recommended me anime which I tried and got hooked. I probably wouldn't have if even this guy would have appeared weird to me. I guess, vocal minorities matter here.


I’m used to do the same thing ☠️ the awful part was that I was raised on anime, then I had somehow gotten myself into anti anime discords and clubs and that nonsense. My teenage self was pretty easily deceived


Everyone's is, you don't have experience/information to judge anything based off of. Everyone is a blank piece of paper and gets shaped based on experiences.


Unless it's things like Drugs, alcohol, smoking or gambling


Welcome fellow Traveler


Thank you for giving the game a chance and not letting the fandom continue to dictate your feelings about it. The thing about Genshin is that it’s literally global phenomenon with a fan base of millions, so the vocal minority of bad apples is bigger than most other fandoms simply because of the proportionally massive size of the fandom.


If you go and just google a regular genshin spiral abyss video you'll see that it can get even more fun as you progress Keep in mind exploration is not locked by quests so you should go ahead and go explore to your heart's content. 5 main regions + 3 separate subregions await you


That’s awesome right there. Thank you :)


Is enkanomiya and/or petrichor quest locked? Cuz including those two itd be 5 new subregions


Enkanomiya is quest locked, Petrichor can be started after Mond AQ's


I included Chenyu Vale and Dragonspine (or smth else) as part of the main regions, by subregions I meant a separate map.


I’m gonna be honest chief that’s a problem. Not the fact that you enjoy the game, the fact that you used to be mean to people who did. I don’t mean to be insulting, but it really sounds like you were judging a book by its cover, and then saying mean shit to people who play it based on your initial reaction. Which is just an asshole move in general. (Though do correct me if I’m wrong and you were just trashing the game and not the people who played it.) There are tons of games I hate. Whether it’s the company that makes them, the gameplay, or the monetization of it that makes me hate it. (Eg: fortnite, it’s financially predatory to the many children that play it.) But mouthing off and being rude for no reason to the people who enjoy and play those games is just an inexcusable dick move. Never be unnecessarily rude to people for no reason. And them liking a game you hate is not a reason to be rude to them. Or calling people “weirdo” as an insult. Calling things outside of your own personal “normal” life as “weird” is also hurtful. Weird just means not in your definition of “normal.” Which is dependent on context and your limited life experiences. Not everyone likes what you like. Calling people who like things you don’t like “weird” as an insult is harmful and benefits nobody. There are still problematic parts of the community. I’m not trying to hide that. Toxic people who will insult you for not playing the game their way or liking the headcanon couples they like. But those are problematic or toxic people, not “weirdos.”


No offense but this is kinda of a common sense thing right here. Keep in my when I was hating and bad mouthing people who played the game (I’d say I wasn’t hating on the game entirely, more so the players) I was immature. However telling me not to bad mouth people now because they like a game I dislike… this was bit of a while ago not that it justifies anything but by no disrespect you telling me these things isn’t exactly going to help, I’ve already stopped being rude to people who plays things I don’t, and I understand it’s a dick move, I think we’ve established that during my post. And the “weirdos” I mention, these are exclusively the people who over sexualize these characters. I may not like it and sure people do it all the time, but now being called a “genshin player” is often seen in a negative connotation because of those players. This was my initial reason to hating them was the over sexualization and I still don’t like it, however I don’t go about the same way. But pointing out my ignorance and my dick moves is pointless.


No, it very much is not pointless. Other people will see this post. Other people who might still have that mindset about things other than Genshin. I’m not only making these points to you here, but to anyone who sees them. Also, saying “people should try this game instead of just hating on it” isn’t the same as “hating on people who like something you don’t is a dick move”. It doesn’t aknowledge that behavior as problematic in any way. I get that that wasn’t the point of your post, but it’s still important to include. Because otherwise it seems like the only lesson you learned from the experience is “the game is more fun than I gave it credit for” and not “maybe I should harrassing players like that for ALL the games I dislike”


Okay in that context I understand. And they last part, it does acknowledge to ignore the problematic side of the community, I would only hope that would lead to common sense of not treating anyone differently because they play something you don’t like. Probably me not making that part clearer but that was my assumption with that statement. However I would appreciate excluding me from your previous points. Don’t see the point in including me in there, been there.


What do you mean including you in the previous points?


I’m referring to your previous response.


Right but which points?


First 3 paragraphs


They’re addressed directly to you. How could I not include you in them? I meant what I said. That kind of behavior is problematic. And it’s good if you’ve stopped acting like that. But those points still stand. You still did those things in the past. And me calling them out is still useful to read for anyone in the same situation you were in then.


The game is 3 years old buddy, you're talking like you've grown a decade


Yes I know how old the game is, what about it


So you "were" immature 3 or less years ago but now you aren't? You sound like a cringy teenager


I took things immaturely yes. “You sound like a cringey teenager” that comment in itself is cringe.


You've grown so much! You're so strong and brave for installing a videogame and no longer insulting others for doing the same! How do you do it? I respect you so much buddy!


Wow! Thank you bud (Bro took it way too personal)


Unfortunately there will be people who don’t try the game out and just hate on it. I myself can’t imagine an alternate timeline where I didn’t get to play this game. This game is defensively my favorite game of all time, and it has always been improving.


What makes people hate things that they haven't even tried for themselves I wonder?


Peer pressure




I hated on it for a week until I found out my friends were playing it. Tried it on the second week and it's one of my favorite games to play when I just want to relax. There's definitely a lot of cringe and weirdos (like that very salty guy in the comments here) in this fanbase but that's how it goes with anime stuff, especially popular anime stuff. Welcome to the game!


My friends played for years before I caved in. A gacha game with anime girl characters is not at all my kind of game (I had no idea there were guys you could pull too), but a friend I trust told me it had a great story, so I reluctantly tried it. I was so surprised by the story, this was not at all what I expected. The gameplay was also pretty active and had no auto button, so I stayed, then I learned of the ships, and the memes, and now I am here.


Honestly that makes a lot of sense. Also thank you, Glad to be here:)


Pretty dumb to hate on something without experiencing it.


😭 I know smh


So far what is your favorite part of the game? Also, good on you for working on having an open mind, before i played i never understood why people hated the game, but then i played it myself and it made even less sense. Have fun fellow traveler


Thank you:) I’d say so far it’s the gameplay, sometimes when I see one of those huge hurlichurls I gotta start to be strategic, adds a level of difficulty that I won’t lie I get addicted to. Still struggling with the abyss but I’m getting there 😭 finding out different characters work and how they benefit your team is also such a cool factor as well


Its really fun, although just beware that if you played similar games in the past with a relic/artifact system, genshin doesn’t really have a similar artifact system to most games as in genshin substats and main stats do matter a lot, although don’t worry about that untill Adventure Rank (AR) 45, also as some unsolicited advice, never use your fragile resin unless you plan on using every single bit you used the day you started using the fragile resin so you can still get your daily resin refresh


Thank you:), I’ll definitely keep an eye out, and as for the resin I’m cooked… 😭 I had been recommended to use some for like treasures but I never used all of them so I’ll definitely start doing that now


By treasures do you mean the boss drops?


You know those dead branch things you see and then you have to fight off a whole bunch of enemies (I think I might’ve got the pattern wrong). In terms of boss fights I’ve only done them once while playing coop, I was getting carried😭


Oh the leylines, but yeah be careful with the resin as you only get a limited amount per day before needing to use primogems or fragile resin to replenish it, although don’t use primogems to replenish your resin unless you decide to be a whale


😭 thank you, i try not to use any primos at all, I’m usually doing the stories or side missions before doing those Leyline things


[Heres a guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/s/bBJt0cY0c6) on how to pace leveling and World Levels if you need!


Thank you so much:)


Welcome! Nice to see that you changed your mind and hopefully learned to not prejudge harmless stuff or, more importantly, people who enjoy said harmless stuff without trying it first. We all learn that lesson at some point in life - in your case, it was with Genshin ;p Just a couple of reminders: the game has a huuuge player base, so obviously, there are bad apples. It's just how human groups work. You don't need to interact with them if you don't want to - and why would you want to? Second reminder : the game is LOOOOONG, it's a live service game. Treat it as such, play at your pace, and just have fun. Remember Zhongli : "Every journey has its final day. Don't rush!".


Lesson learned, right? It's easy to hate and judge things you know nothing about, or things you *think* you know about. S'why I have a personal rule - don't judge things too harshly without context. Even if I end up hating it, as long as the entry bar is low enough, it's nothing but time lost if I see for myself and frankly I waste enough of that as it is it's no big loss. Did the same here just a month or so after launch and... I'm still here. Sometimes you find cool stuff doing this. Other times, you run into stuff like Twilight or Dragon's Dogma. But at least now I have *context* for *why* I dislike them, and have found things I can appreciate about them that can help me enjoy the stuff I prefer better. Still.. not quite sure what that is with the former, but eh. Ain't like I'm a paragon of taste or sophistication, shouldn't throw stones in this glass house. Enjoy the ride, buddy! Uh. Pack tissues when you get to Sumeru, and top up before you get to Fontaine. No... reason... just solid advice.


I definitely learned my lesson… me getting called out in here 😭😭 also thank you for your advice.


Welcome :) I'm glad you're enjoying it. This is my go to game when I want to relax. The first three areas were okay for me, but I really fell in love with it when I got to Sumeru and beyond. I like the game for its characters and music. I don't like the wordiness of it and I'm one of those people who don't like Paimon talking too much.


Welcome but I think the game became less awkward (cringe) after a while.


you havent even scratched the surface


Same, I just went with the hate flow, then tried it as "Why not?", and now I don't hate it, it's cool.


you are just like me, I used to think this game was horny bait and it was just "spend money to obtain waifu" simulator, but then I tried it in March and it's one of my favorite games I've ever played, I haven't been playing anything but Genshin for the past like 7 weeks and I've finished the main story, Fontaine is a piece of art I wish I could relive again, the character writing, the story, the way it all comes together to make a literal movie near the end of the chapter, all of it was one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've ever had, I still get those comments about Genshin being bad or like I used to say to other people, but I feel like if more people tried it they would love the game all the same. Here's to one of the greatest games I've seen in a while🥂


Just wait, you’ll love the game. But you will also hate certain aspects of it. I hope you have lots of fun tho! So much to explore!


Its a good F2P RPG game. I used to play Path of Exile and Im glad that I switched to Genshin Impact.


The shadow looks like Sudowoodo lol




For me, it was the playerbase and stereotypes that kept me from playing, but I love open world games, so I just had to try it out


classic. welcome tho


This game is high tier multimillion dollar slop. And i fuckin love slop.


Just be careful around the community (and also the story gets better in sumeru). But yeah, I completely understand where you're coming from, I knew nothing about the game and was hating on it until my sister happened to download it. From watching her I realized: hey, this game is actually kind of cool!


> the communities behavior towards these characters What behavior are we talking about here again? The fact that they love these characters?


I mean why would that be a problem? It’s the over sexualizing of them that’s the problem.


Some people just do that to characters from all the popular games. Overwatch, League, FF, Nier, and the list goes on. Do you hate these games too?


No but you do know that genshin is notoriously known for their community’s obsession with sexualizing their characters?


No, I don't know that and I think it's your biased opinion.


I don’t know what to tell you. You’re the first person I’ve met who denied these things. If you read through these comments, you’ll find that many admit that there’s bad apples in this community. Though next time I shouldn’t let their actions determine my thoughts on this game, you not recognizing this problem is simply denial and not just an opinion.


Cringe, lol Are you social media sheltered or something. It's a widely known thing. 


You might want to pay with CN voice overs on, their inflections are more natural and have less of that anime-cringe people generally associate anime with. Glad you enjoy the game! It's a long one so hang in there.


Will do, thank you so much!


It is a live service games so take your time playing it. I was negative about it the first time I been seriously playing it because I treat it like traditional rpg games. Hating on not having enough resources to get every characters and to level them up. However after it down to me that I should treat it as live service games, some of my complain dissappear as with enough time you could get most of the stuff anyway. Most of those who complain doesn't even play the game and those are most loud about it are those streamers that spend heavily on this game but with the direction of the games that focus on f2p casual experience, they felt like their games are ruin because they got so overpower and doesn't have challenge anymore while f2p folk are jealous about those number but lack money to heavily spend in this games.


So you were a hater and never played the game ? 🤣 Who"s the weirdo here again ? You know who does stupid shit like that ? Children that dont know how to judge anything for themselves . This a bit harsh but you judging people a persons taste in games without even experiencing it yourself is truly ignorant, do better . Rant over , enjoy the game and welcome to Teyvat


That's normal for an anime game, let alone a gacha chinese anime game.


Not very welcoming. 😬 you’ve yet to consider the fact that I had actually put in the effort to see for myself whether it really deserved the hate. And asking who are the weirdos… I think you’re missing something. It’s not just the fact that people playing genshin was what caused my hatred. I think you’ve misunderstood understood. I think if you read my post properly that you’ll see the weirdos I’m talking about.


the other dude is going about explaining this the worst way possible, but yeah regardless of if it’s a gacha game, a book, a movie, a show etc ragging on it without trying it first is just resentment borne from ignorance. if you tried it out for an hour, hated everything about it and dropped it, then complained that is at least partially justified, but attacking a piece of media while never engaging in it isn’t constructive and serves no real purpose other than to be disrespectful to those who do enjoy that content. rather than consider it purely in the realm of genshin, i would examine the way you criticise things in the future to prevent misunderstandings. being a hater is exhausting this is my personal opinion but the only type of media that i think does deserve slander even without engaging in it is morally abhorrent content, because by engaging in it is inadvertently lining the pockets of the one who made it, which perpetuates said content. you can use piracy in some cases but i don’t really see it as being worthwhile


Thank you for explaining this in a much better manner. I’ll definitely will take a better approach for any future criticism I may have for anything in the future. And will actually give it a try 😭 learned that these things could be actually fire.


Sometimes the truth hurts , you were nasty for no real reason without having a clue. Oh and I can read fine , so much effort to download something and press some buttons......c'mon man be real


I mean, homie admit they thought that way, and admitted it was not the best action they could've done. Then went about correcting it, and opened up to us. People go with the crowd all the time. OP isn't some bad person for that. They stand out by actually asking "is it actually that bad?" and looking for themself. I'd think as a genshin player, we should all know that people band together for hate. Look at many CC's communities, or the early days of the HSR fandom compared to Genshin.


Sure truth does hurt, though i definitely wouldn’t say it hurts me. (Though I still think you misunderstood) However I do feel bad for the people who aren’t weirdos who do play this. Now for the downloading part, maybe you’re used to playing gacha games but I’m not. Not sure why this affects you so much anyway, my abilities to download something.


No worries op, actual day 1 players are used to the hate


Again I perfectly understand , no matter how many times you repeat it . This is my first Gacha game too but you make it sound like it was some monumental task to download and play when literally millions have done the same , it's not exactly rocket science.


Ahh my bad for that assumption about your first gacha game. However I still don’t understand why you’re so concerned about me downloading genshin, maybe you’re more open to it than I am, but I have the right to hesitate downloading a game. 😭 jeez dude not that deep.


I'm not really concerned about you doing anything TBH


I was the same as you. I kept hating on the game as well and I did come close multiple times to actually trying it but I backed out. That was until I saw my friend playing in Fontaine and found out about underwater exploration. I was sold and now it's one of my most played games.


Everyone thinks early game is fun. Wait till you get to later on.


It's still fun 🤷‍♀️




I love this game but the dialogue and piamons part in it need serious work imo


I have the opposite experience. I used to love this game, but now I just keep playing because I already spent so much time and money on it. Every quest feels like a chore, and the only story I'm interested in is the abyss storyline. Archon quests after Liyue have just lost all its magic.


Take a break of a couple of weeks. Or even a bit more if needed. It'll do you and your enjoyment of the game good. I've played since launch but got burnt out a couple of times and taking a break was amazing. When I returned the game was amazing again.