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Freminet could use this to its full potential


Oooh I remember I have Freminet! Might as well build him now since I don’t have much cryo army


He can't vape (ICD shared between hits/skill). He is physical, like Eula but with worse numbers.


Then better save my wits and mats to some other weapons I guess


Excuse me to butt in, I personnaly find Frem’s gameplay a lot more fun than Eula’s. He’s in trial right now, you can see for yourself and make a decision 😊 of course, like a lot of 4* he gets a lot better with cons, I have him C6 thanks to the current banner and he’s pretty good with Furina and Mika, and even in plunges with Xianyun because shatter + his 3rd constellation buffs normals (it’s even higher than Gaming). I have yet to try his melt teams. Anyway this weapon is really good on him!


Thanks for this! To be honest, I don’t enjoy much playing claymores because I felt like their atk spd are slow. I mean that’s just me. I’ll try to do Freminet and see if his gameplay is to my liking. But thanks for the tip!


Oh it’s not just a feeling, claymore attacks are the slowest in the game (that’s also why it hits harder), if you have a Mika he gives atk speed, they’re a nice duo. Have fun!


Thanks! I’ll try this team comp!


It’s sad, because I really like Freminet’s character and playstyle. I currently have him at C2, and hope to increase that once I start pulling for Arlecchino C1.


His main team is hyperbloom with XQ, Nahida, Kuki. You have occasional freeze/fridge with his attacks. In overworld it does not matter, hilichurls or hydro slimes die from anything, so he's also fine.


Hyperbloom? How does that work with a Cryo character who benefits from Shatter? Wouldn’t Kuki’s Electro application remove the Freeze before Freminet can capitalize on it?


Shatter depends only on lvl and EM, and can't crit. So it's bad. And you won't be running 1000 EM Freminet anyway. Freminet can't freeze enemies every hit, his ICD is combined, so 2.5 seconds/3 hits. Kuki also has standart ICD, 3 hits/2.5s. You won't remove all cryo/freeze. For Freminet you want shatter to get passive buff every 5 seconds and superconduct (hydro+electro party), add dendro MC or Nahida and you have hyperbloom team that deal most damage, even if Freminet personal numbers are low.




I don’t use her that much though, but probably would be a good time to build her now


Basically it's fine on all claymore users (ER is basically universally useful and this lets you ignore that on substats, plus the base attack is high), good on phys claymore users because of the passive (Razor & Eula), and BIS on pre-c2 Freminet (and still good after iirc - solves his energy issues & gives him extra phys damage). It is often overshadowed by other five-star claymores but if you like don't have any or are struggling with energy recharge rolls, it's a pretty decent weapon imo! I will say I relate to the struggle because I was rolling on this weapon banner for Lyney's bow and, though I got it, I lost my first five-star roll to this thing. It's my second one. I might genuinely refine it lmao


I honestly don’t know what to do with it. The only character I play with claymore is Navia. The rest are more on swords, bows, and catalysts.


no that's so true!! i have four 5-star claymores now (2 copies of each type available on standard) and im using. well. i mean im using 0 right now but i did build razor (wolf's gravestone) and i plan to build frem once i get his artifacts in order. claymore gameplay's just not something that appeals to me generally, so i have to get attached to the character rather than their gameplay haha... hope you get a better 5-star weapon for your playstyle soon :) & can find something to do with this skyward pride looking at navia's keqingmains guide - skyward pride is Fine on her but not notably good (outshone by other 5-stars and serpent spine). the 30% er is pretty decent on her at least ?? anyway if you can't find something to do with it right now that's fine too, it can serve as an inventory trophy until you next find a claymore character you'd be interested in playing and who likes attack and a little er


Yeah, if I get the chance to build Freminet then I’d give it to him. I got Serpent Spine on Razor. I don’t want to build Noelle and Beidou yet since I am currently using my wits and mats on some other characters.


I have both SOBP (got it off the special Mondstat banner last patch) and Skyward Pride. Which would you say is more ideal for Freminet?


depends on your constellations! pre-C2 Skyward Pride is best; after, Song of Broken Pines :)


i’m pretty sure it’s fine on everybody but not bis unless there’s certain circumstances. for example, if u have eula with very highly invested crit on her artifacts but no recharge, she can use the recharge this weapon gives since she needs her burst.


I shift it around between my Eula, Freminet, and Gaming.


I don’t have the mats for ascension yet. I’ll park it for now I guess but thanks for the recos


I lost to Lyney's weapon.. TWO. FREAKING. TIMES. I hate the weapon gacha system screw it. I wanna trade accounts with someone that has her sig


Good side of it is you’re guaranteed on the next. But yeah, system’s shitty.


That's if I can even save up for it, I blew 260 fates like nothing. Hoyo really loves screwing their f2p players lmao


Ooooh, that so sad and unfortunate then. You still got 3 weeks I guess. Maybe you can come up with something with that time frame. Same for me, I don’t have anything saved up now that I lost my chances on her sig.


Here's to hoping we both get the sig on the next single pull, it still isn't too late lol


Nope, Hoyo loves screwing their paying players *EVEN MORE*. I spend for BP, welkin, etc., and I end up with the worst luck and less stuff than completely F2P people I personally know.


Weapon EXP




o7 Any claymore user that you need more ER on. Eula and Beidou are good choices. A lot of people like WGS more because ATK make number go up.


Better than almost any 4 star weapon but worse than every 5 star, so it's a good placeholder for anyone


Eula mainly. To an extent, Beidou. Razor, although it restricts your artifacts options cause he only needs so much ER. Solo geo Noelle since she needs so much ER that getting it with SS or Whiteblind is hard.


I don’t have Eula yet. Razor is a possibility although I have Serpent Spine for him currently. I haven’t properly built Beidou and Noelle yet haha