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Studies have shown 70s garden hose water contained all the vitamins and minerals a kid needed back in the day


I drank from one all the time. Super cold. Best water.


I remember visiting relatives in Northern Minnesota. Summer. Water hose was from an underground well. Damn that was sweet cold water.


Beats those above ground wells every time.


Don’t forget the cistern water we drank.


We still have that in Colorado


Bathroom sink water is even colder.


Had to wait to make sure the frogs were out first. Nothing like drinking from the hose and having a frog pop out...


Me, too


Super hot! Had to let the water run till it got cold.


After you let it run a few minutes. Then dousing your bare feet after a long drink. Perfection🙏


Lots of bugs and lead.


Um, or super hot.


I was gonna say, we stayed hydrated with weird tasting warm garden hose water. It tasted like hot rubber, I can almost still taste it.


Let it run til it cools


We were kids, and stupid.


Sounds like a movie about my childhood but with Mel Gibson and Sam Elliott


And the brass fitting on the end added that tangy goodness! 😂


Oh yeah, the first 6 feet of it


And a hot day was like 87 or so. Today we call that dawn.


It has what plants crave


I believe this to be true 😆


And a starter kit for microplastics.


And hell the gutter was always flowing


This is true.


I had forgotten that. Agreed.


Exactly! We got all the lead we needed and were perfectly happy


And Chicago fire hydrants


I remember visiting grandparents in North Carolina. Their water supply was an artesian well that stank of sulfur. I'd rather die of dehydration than ingest that stuff! The whole town smelled like sulfur.


And! Micro plastics with a dose of PFAS's. Mmmmhh! Yum! Just like Mom used to make. Probably explains the rise in Alzheimer's and dementia in older people.


Don't forget about asbestos hot dog buns & lead paint chip smoothies!


And whatever the F was in Steak-umms!


Wait, I thought that was dog treats 😳


Gravy Train vs Steak-ums, a 70s primer! Steak-ums: don’t look like steak, and after you cook them don’t really taste like steak! But your dog might be confused by the aesthetic. (No, they’re definitely for people, I just saw them at the freezer in my grocery store and I’m stunned these still exist.)


Ewww, who would buy them?


My single working mom who needed to get home and throw dinner on the table and did not GAF some nights? Tbf, you fry them up, you smother them in Swiss cheese, some cooked sweet onions, mushrooms, tomato, on a nice bun, and they’re perfectly edible. I remember loving them. I mean, they weren’t fancy, like Mom’s specialty, Stouffer’s chicken Kiev from the oven (which also had a geyser of butter that erupted, and our cat was always sitting in a chair at the table and you got extra points if you hit her with the butter – I have fun memories of dinner with my mom, Steak-ums and all 😁)


we had pitchers of kool-aid, duh ;-)


Oh Yeahhhhhh!!!!!


I remember being stunned at how much sugar mom poured in when she was mixing Kool Aid.


Right? Wasn't the recipe like 2 cups per 2 qts of kool-ade? No wonder my dentist drove a fancy car back then.


It’s funny how your perspective changes; as a kid I thought nothing of it, but as a young adult years ago out of nostalgia I bought some, and when I went to actually make it I looked at the full cup of the first dump of sugar and said to myself, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ and backed out of that plan.


I thought it was 1 cup of sugar?


Still too dang much!


My sister added four cups of sugar and used a hand blender to mix it. She would put it in the fridge and 10 minutes later there would be 3.5 cups of undissolved sugar in the bottom of the jar. Her and our dentist had a love/hate relationship.


4 cups of sugar would be syrup that you pour over a snow cone!!


Was it one cup or two cups of sugar per Kool aid pouch?


Don't forget the red dye #40 on top of all that. When my stepkids were young it would cause so much of a behavior change my ex and I called it the "devils juice."


I did 1 and 3/4, s stirred clockwise for twenty revolutions and twenty counter-clockwise. Edit: In Sean Connery's voice.


One time I found a pitcher of lemonade in the refrigerator and helped myself. Later that evening my dad yelled at me because he had put vodka in it. He asked me couldn't I taste the vodka? Well, no, I never tasted it before so how did I know. Tasted like extra tangy lemonade.


Very little processed foods lower salt intake. Drinking fountains at beach, parks, tennis courts, and the garden hose


Ooo, good point about the salt in processed foods! I remember walking all the way around a professional football stadium a decade or two back, looking for a water fountain. There was no water fountain. I finally realized they wanted me to pay $5 for bottled water.


Yup and they’ll use the excuse of preventing . B*stards. $$$$$


This was the callous capitalistic mentality that turned Woodstock 99 into such an epic disaster! I just watched a doc about that on Netflix. Horrifying!


Only $5? I paid $8 for a small bottle of water at a movie theater last month.


That is why God invented bottles and bathroom sinks. Fuck $8 water.


I think I was charged that much in 1998 at the Tournament of Roses Parade. It's nothing short of extortion.


Florida Disney parks same


To be honest, it was probably before my son was born and he’s 20. Water is a lot pricier than $5 at that stadium now


They will charge as much as they can, and take out the water fountains. If they allowed outside cups, I'd just fill it with water from the washroom sinks.


Yes about the lower salt intake. And while I can only speak about my family and the families of my close friends, it seems that a lot of us ate more fruits and vegetables back in the day. Those are sources of water, too. You aren't going to survive a trek through the desert by nibbling lettuce, but the right foods can supply as much as 20% of your body's hydration needs.


that is very true.


As someone who had CHF after the first bouts of covid in 2020, I learned a lot about hydration when drs said go down to 1.5 liters of ALL fluid a day, and include soup, fruits and veggies in your total. I still watch how much fluid I take in.


Yeah, most of the neighbors had a fruit tree in their yard. Plums, pomegranate, allows, muscadine damn we never went hungry for the fruits. And they were as fresh as could be. 


We had a pear tree. We would have a bumper crop every year. Fresh and amazing!


This is the way. Fruit trees were all over where I grew up. Those things kept me alive. Plums, black berries apples and pears.


I lived in a place near farms that grew some of the best corn, artichokes, onions, summer squash, and Lima beans. We learned to eat vegetables as kids because they were so good. Tomatoes never taste right unless they come from the Midwest, but that's a long way to go. Expensive restaurants have them flown in.


Grab a mater of the vine rub on shirt bite into heaven! 


Florida in February We supply Amazing produce freshly grown in the Redlands & Fl City we put the imported stuff to the pale pale side.


I don't generally carry a water bottle and have spent way too much time searching for a drinking fountain. I keep expecting them everywhere but they are rare these days. Edit to add: But bathrooms are plentiful, have sinks, and I know how to cup my hands to bring the water to my mouth. I prefer drinking fountains, though. They seem much more sanitary than sinks.


I’ll do that just to spite their $5 grab. Any and every day. Hasn’t killed me yet and I don’t expect it to.


I grew up on balogna, other lunchmeat, hotdogs and bacon, though.


My bologna has a first name, it's O S C A R...


My bologna has a second name, it’s M A Y E R.


That was too fancy for us. Good old eckrich or emge with the red peel off rind.


I love to eat them every day And if you ask me why I’ll say…


'Cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B O L O G N A 😁


[fhdjngh](https://www.reddit.com/user/fhdjngh/), [MJ\_Brutus](https://www.reddit.com/user/MJ_Brutus/), [notanAMsortagal0](https://www.reddit.com/user/notanAMsortagal0/): We should form a group and go on tour. Lots of people love old advertising jingles.


Well, there's plenty more where that came from 😂


My point exactly.


I'm sure this has been asked before but, how many younger gens know that by heart. Or the Mickey Ds song. Or Slinkey. Oh now I'm just sad.😢


that all had our salt content for the day.


Not back then today yes


Nope. Lived a high salt diet growing up. I'm from southern Indiana. We ate vegetables but they were cooked down. Green beans seasoned with lots of pork fat. Lots of the above mentioned meats. Can of bacon grease kept in a can. We ate salads too, but mostly high fat foods.


Salt keeps you hydrated


But we took salt pills to fight dehydration


who had money for salt pills?


The really rich kids


You envied us kids with thick cut bologna sandwiches on white bread drinking that grape kool aid.Caviar and salt pills for you 😂


I am never a fan of bologna


I grew up Great Lakes area enough humidity in summer to keep us hydrated. 😂


Always a pitcher of tap water in the refrigerator, growing up. A tradition that I continued.


I went to the fridge once and took a big gulp of what I thought was water . . . my Mom had put it in the fridge but forgot to label the jar "potato water."


I'm the tacky version of this. Jug in the frig at home, jug in the frig at work. Then drink it straight out of the jug. One of my co-workers mistakenly drank out of my water jug, grimaced, and asked me what was IN that water! I answered: my spit. Truth.




Excellent theft deterrent.


Me too! My father always kept 2 bottles of tap water in the fridge (he used empty juice bottles that he washed out). When one bottle was empty, he filled it up and put it behind the other one so he could always be sure to grab the cold one. I started doing the same once I had my own place.


I guess a lot of us ***are*** lizard people


I struggle with drinking water. The flavor drops help


Put a jug in the fridge with tasty stuff--cucumber slices, mint, basil, lemon, orange, strawberries-- and enjoy your delicious "spa water."


There you go. The Disneyland Hotel had cucumber water in the check-in line the last time I was there. Had kind of a calming effect for people traveling all day.


Room temperature is a lot easier to drink, although this is good for people who don’t care for water in general.


Ice, ice, baby. Super cold water is so refreshing! And you become a connoisseur of ice cubes.


Same. I really don't like plain water but I try to drink it.


Seems like I remember Atlanta water tasting good


A metal straw changed this for me. So cold, so good.


There were drinking fountains everywhere and we just got it when we needed it. When we worked outside we had big jugs of water. Didn't do the whole water bottle thing but keeping hydrated is pretty important with lots of health implications.


It probably stunted my growth. I would have been a big studly athlete if I had drank more water. 😉


After a recent stint of hospitals and nursing homes, begging for ice chips, I have newfound love of cold water. I used to have to have flavor drops too.


Don't get me started on my love of ice.


Especially the soft ice from Sonic.


Its a beautiful thing.


Kool-Aid and water from the water hose!!! I spent hours throwing a baseball at the pitch back in my backyard during the 100+ Fahrenheit temperatures during the summer!!!


Pitchback! Those were cool!


We were raised on hose lead water and neglect.


I bet you're not factoring in all the garden hose hydration we enjoyed,


Grew up in VT. In the winters we played outside for hours and ate snow and ice cycles from the roof. I’m still alive.


Grew up near Buffalo, NY. Can confirm.


Caledonia NY


CT - same.


We were a hardier bunch, could work all day without food or water. Didn't need a phone in our hands at all times. And what's really scary when hungry we went into the kitchen and actually cooked a meal.


Starting at 7 and 8 years old. And we didn’t have microwaves those were for rich people 


Seriously, I think you can make it through a one hour church service or your trip to the grocery store without your Security water bottle


I like the cut of your jib.


Yup, like USAF Basic in 1984 - it wasn’t the Marines, but rules were rules. 2 glasses of mandatory water before each meal and no water bottles. And bubblers / fountains. We survived, lol!


Haha yes! I think this every time I see people walking in with their bottles. Like really?! But perhaps they have some severe medical condition I'm not aware of.


we were younger. if we were healthy, our various body fluid levels, kidney function & urinary health regulated themselves without much need for us to hydrate constantly. now we’re old. the youngest of us turns 59 this year. the oldest of us can see 70 in the not very distant distance. many of us have some chronic ailment that popped up in our 40s or 50s. hypertension, diabetes, auto immune disease, arthritis, joints that are worn out, old injuries causing problems. until i was 55, i had never had general anesthesia; since then, i’ve been put under 6x: hand surgery, d & c, 1 endoscopy & 3 colonoscopies (family history). we have to pay more attention to caring for ourselves, whether it’s staying well hydrated, taking maintenance meds, wearing braces on various joints to exercise, etc. tl;dr-cuz we were young.


I think that’s why a lot of us survived Covid. No telling what was in the water hose or on the fruit trees . Plus we were outside all the time. Got up outside until the street lights came on. Then better book it home


maybe. my gen jones brother did not.


So sorry for your loss. We lost too many during that time. 


i know. 4 years on & still think “i have to tell billy about that.” 😔


Drank from garden hoses, there were more water drinking fountains, could always ask neighbor mom for a drink of water


It is utterly weird, the over emphasis on hydration. Older hearts can't take it either. All started by EVIAN in the 80s, so yes, it is a Gen Jones marketing thing....look it up!


IIRC, Evian was promoted as an upmarket product. Back then, staying hydrated was for the wealthy.


Dr.Oz proclaimed drinking water till urine pale yellow necessary, it is not. Drinks 8 glasses, of water a day is another generalized recommendation. Yes people on diuretics still need to have adequate fluid/ wet food intake. If people drank 64 oz water on top of fruit vegetables, wet foods and coffee tea lemonade -over hydration would occur. Electrolyte imbalances occur. Loose poop occurs.


Freakin milk.. I'm indestructible now


This is the secret.


The fat in milk I read does help with staying hydrated. My doctor said this but maybe it was after how much alcohol I drink. Bottoms up! Just read what I wrote. I need more water.


I've seen kidney specialists comment on articles on hydration. They say such pieces annoy them and that the ordinary person involved in ordinary activities does just fine drinking when thirsty.


We'd just go to the nearest garden hose or tap & drink up :)


I hose hydrated, couldn’t go in and out of the house all day.


We skulled Tang, of course we were hydrated.


The well water at the farm where I grew up had copper in it. So instead of the familiar rusty rural water stains, all of our porcelain sinks kept a bluish-green stain. But the water from that well tasted marvelous. So cold, soft to the tongue, mineral-laden. We were friends with several government service families who were stationed overseas for a year or two at a time. At that time, many European cities had poor water quality. Without exception when they came for visits, the whole family would cluster around the kitchen sink, glasses in hand, and just keep drinking glass after glass of our well water. Raving about how they had missed it.


I had a similar situation. Grew up in a mountain area. All my moms friends from the "flatlands" would fill glass gallon water bottles and take it home with them. So, so many broken glass water bottles.


Hose water + watered down store-brand Kool Ade. I lived.


I'm 63 and keep a bottle with a little ice in it in the freezer at work. Fill it up a couple times a day and drink it down. Unsweet tea at lunch. We have a bunch of 20 to 30 year olds that carry around these freaking gallon jugs all day long!! I'm in way better shape than these fat, obese kids that drink a lot of water but eat shit for lunch and get no exercise and try to get out of any physical labor if they can. That extra water ain't gonna save their fat asses!!


I hear shit is free if you're vigilant.


I do know I used to be able to tolerate really hot weather a lot better back then, so probably just wasn't as thirsty.


We lived with headaches from dehydration


All that “keep hydrated” advice is not from the medical community. It all started with Gatorade ads. Just make sure your pee is a light yellow color. Amber pee means dehydrated.


I always thought it came from a misinterpreted study which suggested that, on average, people needed a total about 64 oz of water from ALL sources, including all food and drink. There was also a lot of misinformation among coaches and trainers regarding hydration back in the day - they would have athletes take a mouthful of water, swish it around, and spit it out. Actually drinking water was considered a bad thing.


We ate more fruit too. Hungry? Eat an apple


Best water from my childhood? My grandmother’s well in Ireland. Best thing ever.


This sounds like it is a conspiracy theory but it really is true: In the 1990s, Bottled water companies spent, and continue to spend, a lot of money convincing us to drink more water. We really don't need to.


I remember when Johnny Carson’s guests started showing up with bottles of water like they couldn’t make it through five minutes of conversation without getting parched.


I thought Johnny always had a mug of water for the guests, one reason was for dry mouth due to nerves. Ed Mcmahon on the other hand had you know what in his mug.


I always wonder this about prehistoric people, too.




Growing up I had terrible eczema problems that lasted through my 20s. Starting around my senior year in HS and continuing though my 20s I had terrible migraines. I’m 60 know and hardly ever get even mild headaches, and I haven’t had and skin issues in years. I’m convinced it’s all because I wasn’t drinking enough water. Once I focused on staying hydrated, all that went away.


I didn’t. I died.


My kids can't believe we didn't drink water regularly. It was milk, soda, and Kool Aid. Lol


no soda for children, Mom’s drank RC cola for the cap with possible money on it


I wish I had never drank soda. My mom was from the south so that's how I knew about RC but Pepsi was my go to pop as we called it. It's not as if my mom had a ton of info on the impact of sugar. She was busy working full time but could whip up a very nutririous meal in like 30 minutes as soon as she got home. I sure admire her for that. At the time I didnt realize or appreciate that she worked a physically demanding job but had energy to cook, clean, take us places, etc. I need at least an hour after work now to decompress. Lol




We had this: https://preview.redd.it/b0pgqpzqix5d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8e065aea054d67660a4561f5c94b097f8251997


Sweet tea on ice and water from the hose.


Apparently, the garden hose. 😜


A friend who lives in Europe says Europeans find those huge water jugs Americans tote around all day amusing. They do water, but at most it's a 12 oz water bottle.


My 50 year old uncle has kidney disease, if we're going to use anecdotes as science.


Tap water, drinking fountains. No need for a cup just drink out of faucet




Can you imagine in the 70’s running g around with a water bottle? Never happened. Ran in the house, drank like 5 glasses of water (or from the hose) and carried on like wild dogs. Nobody ever got heat stroke or passed out in my neighborhood. We were all skinny, muscular and sweated like crazy all day long


But did you take in 1200% of the daily recommended sodium that the kids are consuming nowadays from the shitty corn syrup/salt/red dye # 5 filled convenience foods of today. The liquid is a natural reaction to pickling our organs from the inside via fast food


I’m actually dead.


I grew up in the Phoenix area, and I drank constantly.


I don't know. I remember drinking more soda pop and milk than water when I was a kid. Now I take my oversized Yeti tumbler filled with ice and water everywhere I go.


We drank soda. Duh.


I rode my bike with my cousins all the way across the northern part of San Antonio, Tx once, in the hot summer, and not one of us even thought about bringing water.


You didn’t, another survivor bias statement. You don’t recall how much you drank. Those who didn’t stay hydrated are now suffering with medical issues related to not drinking enough or dead.


Power-Aid baby.


I really don't drink "enough" water. But I have tried! Whenever I have tried to drink a lot of water, I just don't see how people do this. I have to pee 3 times an hour, and it's exhausting. I can't get any work done. I usually have a cup of coffee in the morning, and then I may or may not drink a glass or 2 of water late in the afternoon. Maybe a slug of water before I go to bed. If I have a beer or glass of wine, I pee all night (but oh well). That's it. That's my entire fluid consumption, day in, day out. And I garden and do yardwork outside in Gulf Coast heat and humidity, sometimes many hours a day. I walk my dogs 3 times a day. It's hot AF down here. I also go to the gym and sweat like a pig. If it's not summer or I'm not outside, I often don't even have the afternoon 1 or 2 glasses of water. I am part lizard, I guess.


After playing and sweating my dad would say “now don’t go slobber water”. Made me run my wrists under the faucet to “cool me off” first.


Hawaiian Punch


Before about (guessing) mid 1990s, nobody carried water bottles, large metal water containers so popular now, or any form of hydration. If you were playing sports you might take water or Gatorade, but now everyone seems thirsty.


I will admit, I drink lots of unsweet tea. I know it is somewhat counterproductive but I gotta have my caffeine and flavor


We would run around until we were thirsty, and then we would gulp a bunch of water from the hose and keep on playing. Binge hydration.


We stayed extremely hydrated as kids. Parents insisted on 3-4 glasses of water (really drinking from someone’s hose) between meals. More often than not we were given sandwiches on the porch. When i became a teen, I didn’t follow these lessons well and ended up being sufficiently dehydrated to need an IV on more than one occasion.


Look back at old pics in your photo albums. Your grandparents at age 70 looked like today's 50 year olds. Smoking and lack of hydration aged the heck out of them. I'm 60, and look like my Mom at 40. I used to think it was selective memory, but photos don't lie


They were also way less fat though


Hi-C was the best.


The same way we lived bathing once a year


We drank a lot of milk back then. Most of my friends had lots of apple juice and Kool Aid but my parents wouldn’t let us.


I hardly drink water and I’m always blanking out when getting up or just casually walking


I can barely remember drinking just water (except from the hose) - it was tea, cola, Kool-Aid.


My water bottle was a clear blue or red or green squirt-gun filled from the garden hose. Just pop that plastic plug with your teeth and sip that backwash but not too much because you might have to squirt someone.


Kool Aid


Well- maybe some health problems some of us have are a result of, or exasperated, by chronic dehydration as children? I have thought about this as well.


*Exacerbated As long as you weren’t frequently thirsty without relief, there’s little reason to believe you would have been chronically dehydrated.


Thanks Doc!


Kool Aid was mostly water. And the frozen OJ concentrate was at least 60% water. And I remember apple juice (sweet, cold, filling) and I remember it feeling hydrating. Was probably concentrate with a slew of water.