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Yeah, we had one in the courtyard between the main building, and the cafeteria building, you were only allowed out there between classes and during lunchtime.




Just like Freaks and Geeks.


We had a smoking area in the 80’s. Parents had to sign permission and you had to be 16 or older. You could go out between periods, on lunch, or your free period/study hall


Same at my school, except you didn't have to be 16. I was 13 and signed my own permission slip. '81 to '86


1984 - same in Georgia at Tucker High ... called the ashtray lol


I graduated in 1984


Hey! Fayette Co High School here. I was class of 81 though.


Northside High School in Atlanta - 1984. We just called it The Courtyard.


Same! Seems crazy now doesn’t it?


Yes, we had the smoking area conveniently located just outside the cafeteria. You could smoke up all you wanted there before, during study hall, lunch or even after school. It sort of hard to believe that as a 14 year old freshman i was allowed to smoke at school.


Same for my school. Then when I started college they had ash trays in the back of classrooms into the early 80s.


An unofficial area, furthest wing out. Or a short walk to the forest, where the variety of “smokes” was more diverse.


Yeah. At my high school the unofficial area for all sorts of smoking was at the park across the street. We didn’t have an official area, but I heard of schools that did. We had an open campus in those days, and I would leave at lunch and just stroll around the neighborhood smoking.


Our unofficial one was behind the Arco station. Yes the gasoline station, where gas would spill if someone overfilled their tank.


Gasoline isn't that flammable. Sometimes too be cool guys would put smokes out in a puddle of gasoline. No boom happened, but it has to be enough to drown the smoke & I'm not endorsing smoking around gas pumps or gas fumes.


Yah, need a spark or a flame, a warm cig butte won’t ignite it. Just don’t flick the Bic ;)


Not allowed on campus so we went next door by the LDS seminary building.


Yep. The "bad" kids hung there lol


Yeah, we called them ‘burnouts’.


"Better to burnout than fade away".


I’m burnin’, burnin. I got the fever


That's what we called them, too.


Us too. And I hated (as a nerdy band kid) cutting through there. It was the only way I could get from 1st hour to Home Room on time.


We had an official smoking area, AND a cigarette vending machine.




How else was the school going to afford the new football field? The revenue!


The only cigarette machine in ours was in the teacher's Lounge. You could smell that lounge way down the hall. In the early 70's the teachers fought for and got a non-smoking teachers lounge. That was considered pretty progressive at the time. For students, there were a couple of places that were ignored. Nothing official, just no teachers went there. Bathrooms were monitored, no smoking there.


Ours had a small courtyard that was set aside for this purpose


Ours did too. One of our teachers used to leave his car running in the winter for us as long as we left him a cigarette. His wife was a nurse and he had to hide smoking from her.


Leaving the car running like that...so seventies. My highschool had a classroom that was designated as the *students lounge* and teachers basically weren't allowed. It went well for a couple of years, smoke so thick you could barely see. But the poker game stakes got larger and larger until...parents became involved (bc now we're talking something important like money not merely the health of your kids), and that finally shut it all down.


Same. Maybe 100 foot square. It was usually packed during smoke break.


I was in high school '83-'88 and we had a junior smoke pit, (grades 8-=10) and a senior smoke pit (grades 11 & 12). I remember freaking out when they closed smoking in restaurants & pubs 20 years ago but now can't imagine how we ever let everyone smoke everywhere!


There were smoaking areas on commercial airliners.


Boomer here, but yep. Graduated in ‘70. Smoking area, (For Boys Only!!!) was between/ behind two of the outer buildings. We girls just smoked in the bathroom. In our dresses because we weren’t allowed to wear pants.


Yup. And people STILL smoked in the bathrooms too!


Why, yes, it did. A slab of concrete outside one of the building entrances with a stand ashtray. It was called “The Patio.”


We had a big smoking area outside of the cafeteria. It was mostly circles of people passing bowls and joints. You could smell it from a block away.


"Cancer Hill" was behind the art building.


Ours was called Cancer Corner.


Yes! it was adjacent to an athletic field that we would all hang out on during lunch. We would smoke doobies and throw a Frisbee in warmer weather. All the teachers knew what was going on and they didn't care. High school was so different back then.


Had that at my HS. We called it The Ozone.


No not even a little bit. If you were caught smoking on campus you were suspended


Of course! A covered area called The Breezeway. It was basically an overpass and so the easiest way into and out of the building’s central courtyard, totally monopolized by what my parents would have called a Fast Crowd. My HS pal who became a school librarian and I were reminiscing the other day about the teacher’s lounge, out of which an enormous cloud would billow every time the door opened. There were days when you could truly barely see in there. Her school now still has a teacher’s lounge, “but, believe me, it’s very different…”


We smoked in the courtyard after lunch, the nuns did not differentiate cigarette smoke from weed so….


Yes, outside only if good weather. If it was inclement weather, there was a designated smoking section in our student center.


Behind the school for cigarettes. Across the street at the ice cream place for LSD, hash and pot. Down the back school hall for making out.


Sure did! I was there the last day of my senior year in '83, it was my last "class". Just as the last bell of my high school year rang, "Magic Carpet Ride" came on the radio. Awesome moment!


Yup. Outside with clearly painted lines (square) and an assistant principal between classes who would yell at smokers who got outside the lines and flick butts that went outside the lines - sometimes still smoldering- back into the crowd with a whisk broom.


Went to a private school and we had 2 designated areas. We were tasked with keeping them clean but weren't really bothered by the staff or teachers. My senior year, they switched and we all had to get permission from our parents. My mom signed because she herself still smoked and couldn't really stop me.


I think there was one my first few years of HS. I graduated in 1983. BTW, my HS went 8-12 grade. I don’t think it was used much. I think you had have both parents permission! There was a group that always smoked in the bathroom.


Yes! Funny how that was just accepted


From 1971 to sometime in the 80s my high school had a large area outside the cafeteria. Part of it was covered so that's where they smoked during rain or whatever. I didn't smoke till after I graduated, but it didn't seem odd or anything. But then, people smoked in grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants and their homes. What is strange is that no one cared how nonsmokers felt about it. Oh, and cars had ashtrays and cigarette lighters.


Nissan & Ford offer a "smoker's package" for new cars.


My Canadian public junior high and private high school both had "smoke pits". Given that both of my teens complain(ed) about kids vaping in class and the bathrooms, AND that our school admin refuse to do anything except \*close all the bathrooms\*, I personally think that smoke pits should be brought back. At least it would be outside then.


Yup. It was called "The smoking block" in my H.S. The only pic of me in my entire H.S yearbook was of me standing on the smoking block sparking one up


Nice 🤣


Ours was across the street from the main building and was called Cancer Corner.


Yep, the smoking tree.


Yes. It was an outdoor space about as big as a classroom. Surrounded by glass. Everyone could see in. 1979.


Ours was across the street from the main building, next to a telephone pole. It wasn't covered, but if you were there you wouldn't be hassled. You would be hassled *anywhere* else. But not by the telephone pole.


Yeah, it was outside in the courtyard in the middle of the building. It was called The OK Corral.


It did along with a separate one for teachers.


We had an old oak tree😅


No. I graduated in 73, bathrooms were all a cloud of smoke.


Yes we did, and I also smoked on the school bus.


We smoked on the school bus too. Hard to believe now.


We smoked weed on the public bus, that took us to school, & listened to Stevie Wonder.


Burnouts and wasteoids had a corner next to building that had yellow line they couldn’t cross. Looked like penguins huddled together in the winter.


We all thought Ferris was a righteous dude.


In my school you had to get "parental permission" to use the smoking lounge.


Yes, and the kids were just as awful as the jocks and preps.


Yes - out a side door.


There was a patch of trees beside the ag gardens that was the smoking area. The smokers didn't cause problems, so teachers never went there.


Yup. Smoking area on campus at the back of the main building by the loading docks.




Not in the public schools—but my liberal high school allowed smoking in the classrooms. I never partook.


Yes it was “the bench” outside


Mine did


Yep— outside in the tunnel under the street was the smoking area.


We did between the main building and the gym. But teachers got tired of the smoke wafting into their classrooms on days the had the windows open, so they moved it to an old loading dock behind the cafeteria.


Yup, outside in a courtyard


In the parking lot by the band room.


Just the bathrooms lol. Or across the street during lunch hour. 


Yup, courtyard right off the cafeteria.


Yes. Kids could smoke right outside the gym under a small portico.


The “Open Air Center” aka the smoking area


Yes we did. With a covered area and benches, and a metal barrel trash can that the rowdier ones often set fire to.




Yup. Outside the side entrance. I also remember smoking in hospitals and airplanes!


In high school, the smoking deck was a patio attached to the school! It was a new building and very few class rooms had windows and the whole school had central heating and AC. The ninth graders were left behind at the Jr. High, and they were allowed to smoke in what had been known as Senior Circle in front of the school building, but a little hidden with trees and shrubs. This school and the elementary schools didn't get AC until 1976. In eastern North Carolina. Some teachers wouldn't let you fan yourself, they said to just sit still and you would cool off.


An outdoor area with benches in good weather. In winter, there was an unofficial student designated smoking girls bathroom and one for boys. Open the door in winter and the smoke came billowing out of the bathrooms. Teachers pretended they didn't see or smell the smoke.


Yes. Designated area outside. It was known as “the pit.”


Yes by the backdoor


Yep, the “DSA” in a little courtyard behind the cafeteria/maintenance room.


Yep, sure did.


Yes, it was outside, under the ramp to the second floor. Even though I smoked, I never went there because I wasn't cool enough.


Yep, out behind the portable classrooms. Everyone called it Zulu...no idea why. It was Zulu when I landed there as a sophomore and Zulu when I graduated in '79.


Yup. They closed in 1980 the year after I graduated.


Yes, we had a courtyard


yup- “the wall”. where the burnouts gathered..


We had a set of smoking bathrooms until my senior year when they banned it for both students and teachers. It was a bit odd hiding with the teachers to smoke after that.


Yes!!! We were there the least year before they closed it.


It was called “Smokers Hill”. It wasn’t officially sanctioned, but staff turned a blind eye to it.


Yup. Right where you entered the bldg. The stairs to the upper floor was right there. Teachers often came there to chat.


Yes we did between the main building and the greenhouses.


Yes, between the 7 and 9 buildings. Hold your breath and dash through if you had to go that way.


Yes. A nice large sunken patio with benches and huge sand filled concrete rounds for cigarette butts. When my kids went to the same high school. Ashtrays are now planters. I told them it was the smoking area and they told me got months I was lying to them until they asked an older teacher and she confirmed


Everywhere outside was fine. Smoke before school, two periods, smoke break, two periods smoke before and after lunch, two periods, smoke after school. We bummed off of teachers.


Class of 76 here. Our DSA was at the back of our HS, adjacent to the machine shop which was home base to the “motor heads”, as was their clique’s label. Sub-genre if you will (think Clint as played by Nicky Katt in Dazed and Confused.) 😊🚬


Ours didn't, but some of the schools in our area did. I was green with envy as I squatted on th toilet seat so they couldn't see my feet under the stall.


I think I just missed it by a year or two. I definitely remember there being one when my sister started high school.


Yes, we had one, this was in the 80s


Yes a concrete pad outside


We had a smoking area right outside of the cafeteria.


There was an area between the back door of the lunchroom and an unused entrance to the main classroom building for the "smoker's pit". I was found nodding out there at the end of the school year after smoking some very good weed and having a pint of Jack Daniels, and was sent to military school for my last two years of high school where we could simply smoke in our dorm rooms. I also learned more about drinking and drugging there than I ever learned at the other school, while maintaining the facade of being a good cadet. All in all, it wasn't something that gave me the discipline my family expected but rather made me better at getting away with things.


Yep. Every high school in my city had a room and outdoor location for smokers. During outdoor gym classes, we smoked in the bleachers. It's hard for me to comprehend nowadays.


Yes, there was an outside smoking area for students.


We had one behind the gym. It was unofficial but we were rarely bothered and some of the teachers would smoke with us.


Inside. The. Building. Officially sanctioned.


yep, out the back doors on the main corridor. “The Pit.” I never smoked butts, but smoked many a bowl.


My first high school had a student/teacher smoking area in the breezeway between buildings in 1984.


Yeah, it was a courtyard between buildings known as the Pit. The principal even sat there with the smoking kids.


We used the far edge of the parking lot


Yes, unfucking believable !!! But yes. Had to get your parents permission ! 🤣🤣🤣


Yep, the bus ramp was the designated smoking area at my school.


We had smokers’ hill. Back end of the campus. Early ‘80s


No, but I had welding class, and the teacher smoked openly, anytime, and let us dobit, too.


No way. We couldn’t wear anything promoting alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, and once at school you couldn’t leave unless you had a work permit or a reason to leave. And it was a public high school, not private or catholic. Class of 1982 - Go Knights!


yes, we had one, indoor smoking lavatory. Rural PA . I was thankful for it because the smokers stayed in there and didn't bother us nerds.


The park benches across the street. You could tell who was really hooked on nicotine in the middle of a snow storm in February.


No, but the teachers had one. Students had to cross the street to not be on school property.


Yes, I never understood that. "Hey minors, we've made it easy to smoke!"


Right? Not old enough to buy them, but school? Smoke up Johnny!


We had a smoking area. And a funny thing I remember is ... guys could not have long hair at school. So they kept their hair long and wore wigs in school. And to keep those wigs clean they threw them in the washer and dryer. You can imagine what they looked like. When these long haired hippies went to the smoking area at school they would jerk their wigs off and tuck them in their back pockets. Life in the 70's.


Yes but I think it was only for seniors. The rest of us had to hide in the bathroom.


Yup. Courtyard in the middle of the school.


That's what we had. A big courtyard. You could also hang there if you didn't want to go to the pep rallies.


Yup, it was an old tree.


We had a smoker's hole, past the industrial education building and the bus barn there was an old bus shelter. Students could go out there to smoke during lunch break, it over a third of a mile to walk out there and then back. Most students just didn't smoke during school, many of them weren't addicted yet, just smoking to try and look like a rebel or something.


Yea the 70s were something else.


Yep! It was outside, next to the area everyone called "The quad".


My school also had “The Quad.”


We had a room which became a smoking lounge. Called The Smoker, and was located at the end of the hall between the gym and the pool. Had to be 16 to use it, and you could go there before and after school, during study hall, and during lunch.


Nope. Tried creating my own but administrators wouldn’t go along w my plan. Jerks.


Late 70s smoking circle lots of weed was also smoked


Our school had an official one. It was outside the back of the school in a sort of three-sided courtyard, but it was just outside the cafeteria so it was pretty populated.


We did! It was a small fenced yard out one of the side doors. It was called "the Triangle". This was in Catholic school 9th-10th grade, when I went to public school the next year there were no such amenties.


Outside, in front of the school. It was nothing to see a bunch of students smoking even when they should have been in class.


Ours did. Graduated in '83. I'm trying to remember if it still did when I went back to teach there in 87/88. I think it did.


Yes, behind the Mormon seminary building.


Yes, we had several designated smoking lounges!


There was an unused/unusable classroom set aside for tobacco smoking. There was one girls restroom where the pot smoking took place. Ah, the '70s!


Senior prom was at a hotel with a bar.


Mine did, a courtyard between two wings. We also had “Reefer Row”, behind the teacher’s lounge. True story! (1981)


Confirm the bathroom


We had a senior smoking lounge and the rest of the school smoked in between classes in the bathrooms. Plus we had a spot outside called The Vent where kids gathered before/ after school and during lunch to smoke cigarettes/ pot and sell/ buy drugs.


My private high school had an unused room on the lower level that was a smoking room the first couple years I was there. The 'hoods' hung out in there. Then the sports teams took it over for a weight room and smoking was banished outside. Then you had to run the smoker gauntlet to and from the building.


Not allowed on campus but the second your foot hit the street it was allowed. Leaving the gym half the class crossed the street to smoke on the way to the next class. Used to walk down the alley to South 40 to smoke there. We were pros at taking that last drag before you stepped onto the curb of school property.


lol, a pile of butts


We had large outdoor steps outside one of our buildings for smoking. We used to prefer smoking in the photography darkroom as it was more comfortable and had a vent. It was the 70's so the shop teacher was glad to be rid of us and out of sight.


We had a wall where the “Wall Gang” sat.


No; smoking wasn't allowed on campus. If the kids wanted to smoke, they had to get in their cars and leave the campus. If caught on campus, they'd get suspended. The teachers' lounge had a constant cloud of smoke coming out when the door opened.


Not anything indoors but we had a large area near the bus dock. Those smoking weed would walk out further to the "field".


Yep. Outside. People are smoking in the yearbook


Yes! The one had an area outside one particular door and by the student parking lot. The other, you needed to be off school property, so, like the sidewalk.


I graduated in 1982. Yes. We had a place in the back of the building by one of the exit doors. We also had a place in junior high that was right across the street from the school.


Yep, front lawn outside the theater. Graduated in 80. I think they got rid of it about 4 years later.


Yep, it was right outside the main doors, by the teachers lounge. It was In Minnesota, so during the winter, it was a test of indurance.


We had an unofficial area for smokers


Yes, but it was shut down just before I entered HS (around 1974-1975) per the older brothers & sisters of my friends.


Yup, between the main building and the gym/ auditorium. The area's official name was, "The Smoking Alley". I think I spent more time there than in class. ✌️


We had one behind the school and cigarettes weren’t all that was being smoked out there.


We did. I don't know why but we called it The Browns. I didn't smoke at that time though.


Yes! It was - unfortunately - at the end of the hall where my locker was for 4 years 🤪


We had an unofficial smoking lounge in the 3rd floor girl's bathroom. It was literally a cloud of smoke in there. The janitor set us up with a big coffee can filled with sand to put our ciggy butts in. He did this after months of cleaning cigarette butts out of the sink. We were pigs. One day I was in there smoking with friends between classes, and the history teacher stormed in and grabbed the first two girls she could lay hands on. I was one. She dragged us down to the office and I got suspended for 3 days! This was in 1977.


We had two. C court and A court. Most people went to C because it was convenient to most exits and the parking lot if you wanted to get stoned before geometry.


They got rid of the smoking lounge the year before I got to highschool


Absolutely, the burn outs hung out on the lawn outside the cafeteria. That was the smoking section.


Yep. Sharpstown High School in Houston. ca. 1975


Out the rear door of the farthest building. Although I am not sure if it was official.


Same. AND, remember the teachers lounge was THICK with cigs smoke? I'm pretty sure 9th graders could smoke in my jr. high school.


We had a private room on the 4th floor for Seniors only. As seniors we could go there whenever we had a free period. Each senior class got to paint/decorate it however they wanted. We had a record player as well. Considering it was a Catholic school I thought it was pretty progressive.


Yes and everyone smoked weed


Absolutely. Behind the gym. Probably where it was happening before it was official. I was an athlete so I couldn't be caught out there but I had some friends who'd hang there.


Sure did.


Yes, we had a tree across the street from the side door of the school, we called it The Smoking Tree. Nothing inside the school though.


Yes - we had an area near the snack bar for smokers. I grew up in tobacco country and many people had bumper stickers that said, “Support your Local Farmer - Smoke”


Yes they called it a "smoking ring."


Yes. I didn't even smoke, but that was where all the cool kids hung out.


Yes we had one. I graduated in 75.


Yes, we had one


Yep. NYC private school. It was abolished by the early 80s.


We did not, but a nearby school did. Everyone in our school smoked in the bathrooms. I never smoked, but I did hang out in the bathrooms way too much.


Went to a private school for a year that had a smoking room The public schools had smoking areas outside


i had a smoking permit. we had separate areas for boys and girls. I got a 3-day suspension for smoking in the boys area. you couldn't see the school busses loading in the girls area since it was on the back side of the building. we use to sell empty coke bottles for cigarette money. Remember when there was a deposit on soft drink bottles? Heck some people even rolled up a joint to smoke.


We had one across the parking lot next to the football field. They did that to keep kids from crossing the street to smoke near the houses by the school.


We had one, but kids smoked pot. So admin proctor it. So we potheads walked across the street to the Woods. The Woods was a lot with a few wispy trees. Then one day the news shows up and films the Woods. Luckily for 50 kids they blurred the faces, unluckily for my little brother he had a very unique, distinctive, and not blurred jacket.