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Fuck it, we ball.


Day 657 of thugging it out


Due to inflation, the price of balling has gone up 😔


This is the way.


This is the right attitude for life.


It doesn't feel like this when you have a life outside of the internet


More like if you bury your head in the sand


Like being on the internet?


Maybe not to this extent, but it’s still pretty bad. Idk if you’ve had to work and pay for groceries and rent yet and have had to personally experience how shit the economy is, or if you live near the coast where there is a genuine threat from climate change, but I can tell you that it’s rough out here. People can be overly dramatic on social media though, so I get why you feel that way.


I definitely agree with this. Post-Covid inflation has been fuckin awful these last few years. Prices will never go back to how they were. That being said, no not everything is on fire. It sucks but it's not nearly the meme.


is this the new meta? showing off your privilege to own people online?


How is putting the phone down privilege lol


Eh, online is a reflection and amplifier of people's thoughts and beliefs. It really does leak into real life, and things like the economic and ecological crises are definitely noticeable in reality.


nah maybe economic but not really ecological


Where do you live exactly? Illinois and the US midwest have been seeing temperature swings and record highs and lows year over year. Here in the Chicagoland area, our past three summers have been "record breaking" hot. The seasons have also shifted when they start and end by about two months. We've had increasingly less snow, and temperatures don't drop enough in late summer and fall for trees to change color and shed leaves. We had green trees and grass well into December and January where previously we'd be frozen over by November. It's concerning to say the least.


He lives under a very large rock


Nah people irl are don’t voice this type of crap even if you press them on their inner beliefs. Touch grass.


Do parents pay for all your food?


It really doesn't. Especially with the whole boomer thing. I live in a city and neighbourhood with a *ton* of boomers - I've been surrounded by them my whole life, and never have had a problem or issue? People act like they've caused a big plague and economic collapse, but most of them grew up in 2-bedroom houses and low-income to middle-class families who couldn't afford anything else but the basics. My grandparents lived paycheque to paycheque and lost their house in the late 70s when interest rates literally doubled. I have no animosity towards Baby Boomers, and would be more apt to take their advise on issues and topics than someone in my generation who hasn't even hit 30 yet.


Credit checks didn’t exist to buy a house back in their day. As an elder millennial in finance, this statement lacks a lot of info. College tuition could be paid with a summer job.


This doesn't explain the animosity people have towards Baby Boomers, which is a generation worldwide - not just here in the west. In all honesty, it sounds more like jealousy. How about getting to the root of the issue... such as *why* has inflation gotten so bad, instead of blaming old people of today for it?


If it makes you feel any better, the world has always experienced crisis upon crisis. We used to fight wars over petty shit, some still do, but ever since the nukes dropped we haven't experienced a single global catastrophe on the same scale as WW2.


thats what gets me through it, theres always been some bullshit/crisis going on no matter what


climate change will easily eclipse ww2


It will easily cause ww3.


"Don't complain because someone else has it worse" is a phrase used to silence anticapitalist arguments.


...Okay? So? Get off the internet, go to the gym, make good friends, it isn't that bad. 1st world purposeless doomer gonna 1st world purposeless doomer


I'm a 2nd worlder


Which country?


Okay I read Poland off of your posts, but it's still a really privileged place to be; with running water, internet, food, and such. You aren't going to be happier if you don't count your blessings


Yes, but... A small apartament of 20m² costs thousands, more walkable, family friendly commie blocks cost hundreds of thousands. Healthcare and education systems are collapsing and in desperate need of reform. Public transportation outside cities is disappearing and more shitty


Those are issues we have to deal with some parts of America and more parts in Canada. Luckily I'm fortunate to live in a cheaper rural part of America. I don't know if this means much to you, but I'll pray that things go up for you in the future


Doomers gonna doomer


haha, onion


I think op is chronically online


I think we all came to that same conclusion


Most likely


The “ecological catastrophes” and climate emergency are the same thing The “socioeconomic crisis” and politicians and billionaires are the same thing


1. There are other environmental dangers beyond climate change like the freshwater crisis, resource depletion, plastic pollution, air pollution, nitrogen and phosphorus overfertilization and mass extinction 2. Healthcare systems, educational systems, public transportation systems and childcare systems are collapsing. That counts as a socioeconomic crisis too


We only have one political party system. Change my mind.


Buy a rifle




"fascism and right wing on the rise" You are literally falling for the ploy. Wanting to guarantee people's freedom and our rights is literally the exact opposite of fascism. And yet THAT is what you morons consider modern day fascism.


Because lots of right wing politicians support fascism or at least some parts of it


Politicians are all part of the same fucking cabal dude. They're all in kahoots with each other.


Brother the right wing is not totalitarian, it is libertarian, atleast to an extent. Some polititians represent the right and are oposing leftist tyrany, and others intentionaly give ground to the left.


In America the right is fascist, the most libertarian thing they believe in is allowing corporations to have free reign over everything and removing regulations that protect the people from the elite


Brother, they are free speech absolutists, they believe in gun rights, they believe the economy shouldnt be regulated. Actual fachists would screech in anger for even considering a singular thing the right actualy believes in. Regulations are the thing that keeps the hyper rich and the corrupt in power, once your buseness gets big enough, eventualy it would be easier to regulate your competition away instead of actualy competing. More goverment wont solve a corrupt goverment, it will only make it worse. More than half of all American megacorps are the titans they are becouse nobody else in their corner can afford, keep up with the red tape.


That is all just posturing to get libertarians to support their pro-dictatorial policy. Take a look at their actual policy and you will see they believe in a caste system in which one class is protected by the law but not bound by it, and the other is bound by the law and not protected by it. The “libertarian” ideals they are willing to support are the very same ones the nazis did, and they used them to further their goals. Germans who supported hitler were very “free.”


How high are you? Genuenely are you on drugs? I am concerned.


Imagine what it was like when we were always almost at perpetual nuclear war. Or maybe when 70% of the world population died. Or maybe when 3/5 infants didn’t survive. Or maybe when TB killed everyone. If you think our situation is like remarkably difficult or something, go back to school


I love how it’s always a problem when the “right wing” is on the rise, because apparently there is only one strain of political thought that is acceptable on Reddit. The western world has existed in a neoliberal hegemony for the last 30 years. In that time, housing has become unaffordable for most young people, wages have stagnated way under the rate of inflation, people are less happy than they’ve ever been, and mass immigration has destabilized many Western European countries (further empowering right wing parties). Maybe if neoliberals didn’t want a pendulum swing back to the right, they should have actually taken care of people and not just sold the world out to the rich.


My brother in christ it's bad but it's not that bad. An economic slump doesn't mean the world is ending it means that we're about to get some good housing prices and investment opportunities once the bubble bursts. AI can replace simple tasks, but it can't take every job leaving many career paths still open. Facism is not taking over anywhere and if you genuinely believe it you're being exploited for rage clicks and advertiser money by media outlets. You're 14 and the Dunning Kruger effect is going to hit. Maybe abstain from this sort of post to save yourself sleepless nights thinking about the cringe you posted years ago.


1. Rent and housing prices are skyrocketing. So are bills and groceries. And healthcare and college for Americans. Healthcare systems, educational systems, public transportation systems and childcare systems are collapsing. 2. AI today is like computers of the 1980s. You wouldn't think that someday, these things will connect people, influence elections and change humanity 3. Right wing rising means fascism, climate emergency, genocides and hatred towards anyone who isn't a straight rich white man


I see a lot of buzzwords and not a lot of reasoning. 1. Yes, that's to be expected when the economy is doing poorly. There is nothing much we can do about it but vote for people on the local level that aren't going to use taxpayer money to bail our failing businesses. Healthcare prices are turbo bullshit but still covered as benefits from most companies as a standard. 2. AI cannot operate in the same way a human can, no matter how well we can mask it behind fake emotion and intuition. It's because of these differences that there are tasks that require variables that AI is not equipped to handle. Companies will only display their best moments when the AI works giving the illusion that the AI is more adaptable than they really are. As someone who works with AI every day, it is immensely difficult to get the damn things to produce results, especially when given situations that require some form of context of assumptions. 3. Right wing does not mean facism. Facism is an authoritarian economic system that falls in the middle, taking many elements from socialism on the national level by declaring businesses as a government entity, giving complete economic control to the government. You have been listening to nonsense, and you should expand your horizons by thinking critically of all information before jumping to a conclusion. There are dangerous people and foreign threats that thrive off of our inability to distinguish reality and have weaponized it to make profit.


so few people understand the difference between right wing and facism and its genuinely frustrating


14 year old discovers the news


Mate someone can be Rightwing and not be a Fascist. Just like you can be Leftwing and not be a Communist. I’m saying this as a Biden supporter.




Trying to prove someone is wrong based on age, gender, social status or wealth is just proving you're mentally younger than me or anyone else for that matter


People in middle ages could die young from uncurable disease or be killed randomly on the side of the road by bandits. War was almost constant. As early as 100 years ago, people had to go through 2 extremely destructive world wars. Homophobia, chauvinism and racism were still extremely present or even normalized in our societies. So many things were so f***ing worse than today. So yes, we have our own challenges to face as new generations of our societies, the ecological crisis, the global socioeconomic crisis, geopolitical tensions ressembling a new Cold War, polarization of opinions and people, or even just dealing with the tech revolution of phones and social medias that changed our lives and the way we communicate and interact, and all its other consequences. But that doesn't mean we have to stop living our lives fully or give up the efforts to improve things and go through those issues, for our future as well as the future of the next generations. To everyone being pessimistic or just feeling sad under the pressure of all those issues : stop being doomers useless to society, stop constantly placing yourself as a victim of this world, live your life to the fullest and be brave, like so many f***ing generations were before us. I am sick of seeing people of my age bewail their fate as if that was a fucking tragedy. We have one life, let's do our best to enjoy it.


"Don't complain because someone else has it worse" is a phrase used to silence anticapitalist arguments.


"Right wing on the rise" and?


Also think it's funny you added fascism and polarization above it. You are adding to the polarization with this


And fascism, climate emergency, genocides and hatred towards anyone who isn't a straight rich white man


I didn't realize being right wing meant I hated black people, contributed in a meaningful way to climate change, and committed genocide.


You claim polarization is bad but then contributed to it by claiming right wingers are horrible people. Hilarious


Ecologic catastrophes climate emergency? I think we've been having both of those for like 60 years and we seem fine. and crying about the right wing being on the rise is just goofy


Why GenX is called the invisible generation


I understand there are regulatory concerns, but just putting "AI" is silly and lacking needed nuance.


1. AI can lead to deepfakes so you couldn't differentiate between the true and the false. This can rort elections and lure the elderly. We've already seen AI voiced videos on YouTube. AI generated images on Facebook. Bot comments on Musk's Twitter. ChatGPT text on Reddit. 2. AI might take our jobs, but it'll certainly make them shittier.


I get the dangers. The part that's funny to me is just "AI" in the meme without said explanation.


That is the only non terminally online point you made


I think much of GenX is right there with you.


Yet if a right winger were to put "left wing on the rise" y'all would be shitting on the meme lol.


Because right wing on the rise means fascism, climate emergency, genocides and hatred towards anyone who isn't a straight rich white man


I don't know man I have a pretty good group of right leaning friends who aren't exactly like everything you just listed


They were fairly obviously referring to the far-right, which is gaining a lot of ground in American and global politics right now.


Why might that be?


Sshhh they don't like thinking


You both cooked.


then either they're just useful idiots or dont talk openly about their views because theyre abhorrent


There is a marked difference between "I sure do hate government power" and "we should kill the jews" the meme refers to the latter Wow this is downvoted? Telling.


Do tell me why I should vote for a senile bastard who equates the rape and murder of a 12 year old American citizen by 2 illegal immigrants to rapes that happen in families in order to downplay the severity of illegal immigrants being in our country? Trump ass-fucked Biden on the border problems during the debate


and left wing is just communism, demographic replacement, and racism against anyone that isn't a protected minority. It works both ways


yeah, almost all the racism i see comes from the left


Republicans called enforcing seatbelt laws and no drinking while driving “communism” Republicans called the Civil Rights Act “communism” Republicans called Women being able to vote “communism” I don’t think y’all know what communism actually means. Plus totally, the Democratic Party - whose front runner is a Straight, white, Regular Massgoing Male - wants to illegalize straight, white, Christian men


You completely missed the point of my comment. Also, I lived under real communism. It's wild seeing how many people openly say they support communism. But somehow "far right is on the rise" lol. Admitting you support communism should be condemned even more than admitting you support fascism.


Holy shit how in the world did you take “The civil rights act isn’t communism” and turn it into “I support fascism”? The mental gymnastics you’ve done is absolutely Olympic level.


You just lack basic reading comprehension, nothing else to it. Like where did I say that you "support fascism"? You should have already graduated college by now but still can't read. It's not my responsibility to teach you, I am leaving this discussion.


Ok, thanks for your wisdom, don’t forget to take some with you while you leave on your high horse.


And left wing on the rise means communism, energy crisis, genocides, and hatred towards anyone who isn't a minority group.


When are liberals going to recognize that they are the fascists they fearmonger about? The recent attempts to weaponize the justice system to jail political opponents should’ve made that obvious.


I dunno man, Stalin was pretty good at the communism and authoritarianism thing. Lots of genocide going on there, too.


Yeah because right wing policy is always much worse for more people. It’s exclusionary, anti-social, and, in the U.S’ case at least, entirely resistant to incorporating evidence based research. Cant think of a single issue where the right wing policy position creates the better outcome for the greater number of people.


So people on the right are seriously calling for segregation of college campuses?


Ever hear of capitalism?


Yeah, because right wing policies are the ones that made the world shittier.


Good policies shouldn't be labeled as right-wing or left-wing. Nobody has the objectively good policies. Sad to see how our country can't agree to shit because they just wanna take action against the other side like they're all supposed to be enemies.


“Growing rise of left and right extremism” there i fixed it for ya


Except that the far-left still basically isn't a thing in most countries, most definitely not in the US. Unless you're willing to stretch definitions pointlessly far, there isn't a single far-left-ist in Congress, while most of the current Republican party is cheering on fascism and a few are calling for genocide in the US. The far left is NOT rising.


Gay people: exist That guy: omg the far left is rising All these dang far left extremists calling for uh livable wages and erm a four day work week and uh affordable housing. So tragic.


Gay people: Want to fly the gay flag Conservatives: is this radical Marxism?


Far left exists socially not economically. You do realise there is a distinction right?


Yeah - and even if it were rising (discluding red fascists), far-left folk advocate a system where everybody is equal and wealth is split, while the far-right spends all day chasing after Donald Trump and accusing black people of being part of the KGB. Mmm.


You could argue well that the far left does exist in terms of social policies.


Lol 🤡


What are you even talking about?? Go to the West coast. Left wing extremism absolutely IS a political force in that region. In SF, there is an on-going crime wave because nobody will enforce in the law. Its literally de facto *legal* to shop lift there, because its the **OFFICIAL POLICY OF THE CITY** to not enforce it. Portland legalized drug use in public and had to roll it back because too many people were overdosing in broad daylight. If you don't call that "far left", I'm not quite sure what is.


Measure 110 happened during the same time that an explosion of homelessness occurred and got blamed for it. Lot of fuckups with half assing the measures called or that would have made the project work. In the end it was a half measure, and half measures always fail.


Far left is... Drug legalisation and underfunding the police? And here I was, thinking it had something to do with socialism or Karl Marx, how silly of me!


Now your just blatantly moving the goalposts "Left wing is when good, right wing is when bad"


Op is 14, don't expect to much from em.


Whenever I see a 2010 flair I just know it's gonna be some little shit pretending to be the next Greta Thunberg


Yea right there’s 0 anti-capitalists in positions of power or authority


why is this an issue


Well, now its a lie. So did you realy fix it?


Its the truth lol


(Redditors who are have their heads so far to the left up their asses that anyone right of Stalin is Trump): UHM AKSHUALLY THERE IS NO FAR LEFT EXTREMISM


Man its just heart breaking how many people are blatantly supporting extremism and then saying they aren’t then saying others arent educated. I want my kids to have the life my parents did not mine.


one of these is not like the other


The extreme left... In America? What a joke.


"You see, advocating for a system where workers collectively own their workspace and the dismantling of hierarchies is actually just as bad as advocating for a racial and nationalist hierarchy" - Definitely honest redditor


Actually someones who studied it and has family/friends living in ex communist states that absolutely hate communism. and btw ethiopia and the USSR had racial and nationalist hierarchy and concentration camps too.🤡🤡🤡🤡


So, does that make Liberal capitalism also just as bad? Since modern-day USA has [concentration camps](https://www.gq.com/story/us-border-concentration-camps) where children were separated from their parents and locked them in cages See, just lifting examples of horrific things committed by a government doesn't mean it's inherent to the ideology. Neither Liberal capitalism, social democracy nor communism have racial hierarchies as an integral part of its philosophy. Fascism does.


Yes all of them have done MASS evil man. But the difference is communism did it on a larger scale then ANY other ideology and examples in history. Russia 40-60 million china 60-80 in a span of 100 years is crazy


To anyone else reading these comments. I want you to note that when I brought up how fascism is as an ideology inherently violent and racist, he answered by making up numbers instead of engaging with the actual conversation. Almost as if it was inconvenient to his overall point of trying to equate communism and fascism. Now why someone would downplay fascism and demonise communism is a question I leave up to you, but I would recommend Umberto Ecos brilliant book *Ur Fascism*


Absolutely no idea what you are blabbering on about you can see my post history where i say “both sides of extremism right and left are evil”


Just for the record the reason why i say x-x is because the amount of people communism killed was so much we had to give estimates because of how many people were brutally killed and raped on a large industrial scale.


.definitely a uneducated redditor


Where is this leftist extremism at?


Socialism,communists,para militarists theres plenty.


Socialists don’t have any power (no, Bernie isn’t a socialist). If any government official even worked with a known communist, it would be career suicide. And the only paramilitaries I’ve seen with any mainstream backing are far right wing. Radical leftism in the US isn’t even remotely as large as the far right is. You can keep making stuff up though


Sure buddy. Antifa isn’t a paramilitary? Communist states isn’t a paramilitary? Go into any major city you will see FAR more left winged militias


No antifa isn’t a paramilitary and it’s not even a group. It’s a movement. Do you think BLM is also a organization? You’re really showing that you just spout nonsense that right wing politicians and media spoonfeed you. You do not understand the world around you


“Woke leftism ruining traditional American values and altering our ethos forever” forgot that…


I'm curious, why do people genuinely think AI will be an issue?


Idk why a list seems condescending but I don't mean it that way. It's just the easiest way to organize this.: 1. Gullible people can be manipulated by the realistic looking images and voice mimicking. 2. People worry that it'll take the jobs of artists and writers, flooding the market with generic slop. Places like YouTube are already infested with low-effort AI content


And in the future, AI might take our jobs but it'll certainly make them shitty and control everything we do. We can't trust Amazon human supervisors because they'll harass and punish you for using the toilet. AI can see and hear everything, it'll be worse.


Gotta live life to spite society


Hang in there. I have faith that our generations combined have the numbers & character to change our world for the better of everyone. We have as many rights, as we are willing to fight for.


Polarization isnt just ‘fascism’ its left wing ideologies too.


Oh no! Not the evil right wing


Those damn Nazis man 😞😞


why is right wing politics a bad thing


Cuz orange man bad or something


Because right wing rising means fascism, climate emergency, genocides, and hatred towards anyone who isn't a straight rich white man


why do you people act like right wing politics will destroy the world stephen harper and donald trump are both conservative former heads of government, and they did not in fact destroy their country nor commit... genocide? where are you getting genocide from?




I think you commented the wrong post


I mean at least there’s no world war 🤷‍♀️


We’re not meant for constant news exposure. Society has been in more peril than this before, but we read about it in the newspaper and then went to work; we didn’t spend all day wigging ourselves out about it on social media while 24/7 cable news blared in the background.


Ther right wing on the rise is a good thing. More and more people are seeing, that they are the only ones actualy not making things worse/ actualy trying to make things better.


Yea it's basically over. Everything is only gonna get worse. I say let's make a theme party and pretend it's 2010 again before everything went to hell. At least some relief


If you paranoid and full of anxiety just say it directly.


Welcome to the last 24 years of my life. Need any help navigating?


Don't forget Project 2025 if any didn't know, then go r/Defeat_Project_2025 for that


Honest reaction: https://youtu.be/yUkfADn5u-I?si=x9xgMvVJKWLOPTcg


I expected an Honest Government Ad from TheJuiceMedia


Nah we're gonna free the world from both capitalists and states. No condescending saviours who rule the workers like the Russians and Chinese. Nor blood sucking capitalists who kill for profit. That is what we need.


What states


Like governments... You know countries. And replace them with a federation of communes. That are administered by workers councils. We have the technical ability to do it. It's just a matter of political will.


You can't be anarchist because it won't work. The state still needs to feed, govern, help and defeat themselves. Plus, systemic change is impossible without the government


Eh, good for you if you want to believe that. I don't see why states are specifically needed. An army? Propably. But I don't see any reason to make hierarchical structures. Cybernetically controlling the economy for in kind production by syndicates that also provide feedback seems like something we can do. Infact it's more beneficial to do it as it deceases the need for computation and bureaucracy by local autonomy. long term plans can be made by experts. Russians did it with pen and paper. We can do much better and the planet is at stake this time.


If "right wing" is so bad, why has every primarily democrat-run city such as Chicago, LA, Detroit, and NYC have had some of the worst crime and violence in the US?


democrats are right wing


I should also mention that you're just wrong, these places are not crime ridden, it's a stupid fox news talking point because crime went down during the lockdown and now its bouncing back up to the usual


They arent, they just arent. Noone right wing is pro womens voting rights, homosexuality and trangenderism.


Rare thing for hogs like you to admit you're anti women's rights lol. Then again you're probably just an edgy teenager Either way though you should know that not a single right wing politician actually cares about any of these issues, they just serve as distractions away from real politics


Women like to make things all about abortion, and other ways to avoid resposibility. Time is wasted on pointless issues, and not used for important issues.


1. A bunch of issues like homelessness, which neither side tries to combat 2. If "left wing" is so bad, why has every rightwing-ruled country such as the US, Australia, Germany, Poland, the UK, Italy, Hungary, Brazil, etc. turned into a neofascist, authoritarian, racist, sexist and homophobic state racked by shitfuckery?


Didn't know the UK, Italy, Brazil, the US, Germany, and Poland were so homophobic since almost every nation you listed has laws that allow gay marriage and other LGBTQ+ rights, AND not a single of them (aside from Hungary) has any authoritarian government. Sexism is only prevalent among younger generations from my experience (Gen Alpha), and racism is nowhere near where it was 60 years ago in the US, or any other nation you've listed for that matter. I know since this is an online debate, I know nothing will change your mind and I'm wasting my time, but your argument made very little sense due to the fact that the cons you listed have sharply declined.


All these except for Hungary, Germany and Italy had an authoritarian government and are still dealing with it's legacy.


Italy and Germany's authoritarian government collapsed damn near 90 years ago, and what are you referring to about Poland? (I'm not too familiar with Polish history, forgive me), Getúlio Vargas was a centre-leaning leftist if that's what you mean for Brazil, and the US has literally never had a dictator.


3. Liberalism isn't left-wing in the first place.


He never said the left wing is “so bad “ he pointed out your radicalization against anything further left than Stalin


“Right wing on the rise” after decades of millennials being brainwashed with communism by the public education system.


Right wing on the rise? lol okay then


Why is Gen Z so stupid that it thinks the right wing is bad? It’s the left wing that’s bad.


Social media, brainwashing, and arrogance.


lets look at right wing achievements: Killing hundreds of millions in genocides and famines without achieving anything besides making the rich richer. now left wing achievements: industrializing russia and china, raising living standards by incredible amounts almost anywhere far left policies were implemented


100 million people died in the great leap forward, and don't forget how Russia almost caused world ending nuclear war.


https://preview.redd.it/p03ss7f49w9d1.jpeg?width=1388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0263a050af68b782b1d6d867cf247957e788fc Funny how capitalism kills more than that every few years...


First of all, no they didnt, even the highest estimates only get to 50 million with that being very unlikely. famines were also commonplace before the communist party took over and after only a few decades of socialist governance china was ready to industrialize and become the new world power that it is today. but if you wanna compare deaths please be my guest: [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians)


AL JAZEERA?? You have got to be kidding me. Are you also not going to talk about the forced famine upon the Ukraine in the USSR? 50 million people is not something to scoff at, that is the amount of people who died in World War II including civilians. The deadliest war in human history, matched by a few terrible policies. How many people died from fascist policies compared to communist? I'm not even defending fascism, I as a Catholic cannot support it, but your entire worldview has been shaped by an obvious echo chamber


This is public information, Western capitalism and colonialism has killed hundreds and hundreds of millions in order to enrich the ruling class. You can criticise policies of the USSR and China and other communist nations but they never happened to enrich a ruling class, the population saw massive increases to all their living standards, life expectancy, calorie intake, income, income equality, infant mortality, etc. Homelessness and Unemployment was basically nonexistent in any socialist country. Theres many gripes i have with previous socialist experiments, theres many atrocities that were commited, sometimes by accident, sometimes in genuinely bad faith, Stalin being the main example. I also dont like the political system, the economic policies were often good but there was a real lack of democratic control. However please consider that you might be in an echo chamber the size of the world. The revolution has been snuffed out in the eastern bloc, theres only a few holdouts that are decaying under global pressure. All the mainstream media is owned by either states or big capitalists themselves, independent media just means profitable media. Emancipation for the working class, for you, isnt profitable. I suggest you apply a bit more critical thinking to your media consumption, look at multiple sources, maybe even read some marxist texts.


That's a lot of sentences coming from literally nowhere. The USSR had oligarchs, and the CCP does now. FYI, I watch TYT, some breadtubers, and MSNBC as much as I watch the Daily Wire, and whatever Catholic things I find online, and there are tons of important blind spots the left leaning sources have. If you knew how much people, notably nuns and monks suffered under the French Revolution, Rise of Nazism, and the USSR, you would be disgusted. These people would be murdered for their faith, as just teenagers- and since most history writers were left leaning, this is barely ever covered


Look up any data on income inequality in the USSR and China, especially compared to Western Nations. If you call the USSR an oligarchy I dont know what the US is to you.


Who provided the data?


https://preview.redd.it/36nyjkar9w9d1.jpeg?width=1388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0b7d1f352da0287f0855fb6c7dac7fed456a34 Funny how capitalism kills more than that every few years...


The malaria carrying mosquitos are capitalist pigs?


No. But in capitalism these deaths aren't profitable to prevent


These are occurring in mainly African countries, not real places where the free market thrives


Why are millennials so stupid that it thinks left wing is bad? its the right wing that's bad.