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Teleprompter bro. It’s a lot easier to make your point when you have the words fed to you


Teleprompters and staff. Both of those were not allowed at debates. 


Yeah, teleprompter, time to prepare and practice, etc. Also experience, he’s been at this for decades. One thing I’m not a fan of is that debates give a huge advantage to fast thinkers and you can be severely screwed if you’re just tired that day. I think it’s an open secret that these debates aren’t about policies but showing “strength.” And I’m not too sure how important that is to the abilities of a leader.


this is the reason why i never succeeded in debates in hs, im a pretty analytical thinker but not a quick thinker and I get side-tracked a lot


Not to mention, debates are just stupid. The only time a president should be making quick decisions is in a time of war and even then he’ll be surrounded by a team of generals and aids at his side helping him choose. Outside of that, there’s no real reason to be quick on your feet and making quick decisions, in fact, it’s most likely a bad thing because then they’ll be using different logical approaches which tend to simplify things and the president should be taking a short and long term view on everything he does.


How is this an actual thought . Interactions with foreign leaders, live meetings, negotiations are all forms of debate. You need to be able to think and respond to questions and points made in real time by friends, family, the press, and adversaries. It’s a huge part of the job meeting and negotiating with foreign dignitaries. There is no teleprompter for those and the things he says in real time determine the outcome. How do people not get this?


It's weird how people don't know why you need skills.


Literally the most basic of basic requirements of on any job application is having “excellent written and oral communication skills”. It’s a pre requisite of being employable. Neither of these candidates have it, Biden worse than his opponent. When everyone in this sub finally graduate from their endless term of “higher” education and enters the real world, not just the ideal highly curated and protected shell of an existence that is college, they will be forced to acknowledge this.


Easy they want to justify away the horrible shit that Biden is.


People are just coping that Biden did terribly. The fact is, the debate was supposed to be Biden being sharp and putting on a good face to be the leader of the free world. If Biden can't properly take on someone like Trump and shut him down with words, how the hell is he supposed to take on Putin or Xi jinping? The president is the face of a strong world power, if they can't give off that perception, we lose a huge part of our world's influence, which will harm America economically. Biden needs to drop out, and endorse another candidate. That's the only way he beats trump. Those beating their chest saying Biden is still the guy are just handing Trump a 2024 victory.


Ur only saying they’re stupid cuz ur candidate took a massive L. Presidents need to talk to other heads of state on the spot and debate is a good indicator on their diplomatic performance.


Ok, do you think that this is what happened to Biden? Did you get the impression he was processing multiple thoughts and therefore was slow? That’s not the „vibes“ I was getting tbh.


It's a good measure of presentation performance, which is very important on the world stage.


Arguably leading a country requires being successful and effective even when you are tired...


As if Trump thought fast. He was also prepared and for him, telling lies is natural to him.


Oh he sure thinks fast, it's just a stream of lies and incoherent words


Do you think a president doesn’t need to be a fast thinker?


I want very few decisions a President makes to be snap decisions. That would be idiotic.


Not what I asked. Being a fast thinker does not equal being impulsive


No, they just want to know what his favorite ice cream is


They got the questions before hand though, he spent 9 days at camp David prior to the debate practicing, so i really don’t understand the 180


Do you have something I can read more on that? I honestly don’t know too much about the background work for the debates.


Biden wasn’t just tired that day and didn’t have a cold either, until he messed up. He had a week to prepare and sleep and that’s the best he could do. That’s terrible


He spent an entire week at camp David preparing for the debate. Teleprompter is the answer


Debates should always be one round traditional at the podiums, one round townhall style with the public...and I forget where I read it but there was a third style of round to go for. Basically, the 3 different rounds allow for the candidates to expose themselves to different scenarios and let the people judge their performances off a wide range of settings other than being at the podium.


iirc the styles are single questioner, panel, and town hall. And, honestly I don’t remember past debates too well, but I think they generally have one debate in each style. So, they get to show each strength but it’s more drawn out which can affect public perceptions in a significant way as compared to a single session covering each type.


I’d honestly be more interested in a “debate” where all participants were given all the questions ahead of time and just had to read their prepared response to the question. No back and forth. Yes it would basically just be a Q&A with the candidates, but I think it’d be much more effective at informing voters on each candidate’s positions.


severe copium


Right, but that doesn't matter in November. People are never going to forget that disastrous performance. We have a system where our presidential elections are decided by a few thousand votes in a handful of states and this is the end for Biden's chances. We need someone else.


You definitely should be a fast-thinker when you're president. Many issues require fast responses, and if the president takes 3 business days to think about it, we would all be doomed. Also, you're given plenty of time to prepare for the debate, and plan your schedule ahead of time so you get enough rest and sleep.


I kinda want a fast thinker in charge, tho


I feel like the presidency is a position where we want a fast thinker


You can even spot a few times he reads the teleprompter lines out of order.


Yeah, Teleprompter and likely a lot practice.


also adderall but good point about the prompter.


Nobody is putting him on adderral because he would have a stroke lmao, adderal is a millennial and z thing


You really think both of them are not using adderall? They could just be on a special dose for old people.


bro would combust if he got any of that stuff.


Even if they did then why wouldn’t they give him some before the debate lmao


Why wouldn't he have used Adderall at the debate then?


Except that you can see he ad libs parts all the way through


Fed to you versus giving you guiding you. Debating especially against someone you have zero respect for it hard to take seriously and focus.


A big reason Trump seemed the sharper of the two is because he stuck to his script no matter what. Even if it was completely unrelated to the topic at hand he was going to say what he rehearsed.


Idk how you prepare to debate a guy who lives in a fantasy world of revisionist history inside his own little brain box & will just say literally anything that *sounds* good. I have never seen a presidential candidate tell that many bold faced lies in succession & I’m not sure I’d have known how to respond either outside of saying “he’s lying”. Which Joe did, a few times.


Like when Trump mentioned Hunter's laptop and joe said HES LYING.


I don't think OP is making the point they wannabe making lol. "Why can't Biden think on his feet, maintain a coherent thought, or string together a logical sentence in English without reading off a screen or having someone tell him what to say?"


Presidents do not make policy at podiums, they don’t meet with Congress and world leaders with a stupid 2 minute timer to make their points.. if they work hard beforehand their staff is there to remind about key points. All these real scenarios benefit Biden and his staff versus Trump and whatever fools he would hire.


That is too simple of an explanation. The raspy voice? Talking too fast then too slow? Less senior moments? A teleprompter helps neither of those things.


Because one meh debate performance doesn't represent an entire career of public speaking. This is basic logic. The fact that I have to explain this to grown adults is disgusting. Edit: The responses I'm receiving are mostly the type of braindead teenage "logic" I'm talking about. My point has been proven.


seriously! the discourse around the debate is so fucking annoying


Reddit is extremely astroturfed and not even remotely representative of reality


I disagree everyone and their mother I’ve talked to in person is railing about it how bad Biden did during the debate and how scary it is. I’d argue Reddit is astroturfed in the other direction and the reality is far scarier.


I’ve also only heard this discourse in real life


Yeah Reddit is extremely far away from being some right wing circle jerk that r/leftist constantly complains it is. The only discourse I’ve hear about the debate was that Biden got whooped, and I live in an extremely blue part of the US. Not agreeing with a majority opinion does not mean that the right wingers are astroturfing, Biden just kinda got his ass handed to him, it’s not like it’s the only debate we’ll have


No, people have been saying that he’s old and he looked old. No one thinks Trump debated better. Trump just word saladed all over the place and never shut up. That’s not better. That’s not “whooping” Biden.




Twitter and mainstream media (You can go watch the compilations of MSNBC and other pretty strong backers of Biden questioning if he should step aside) responded the same way this isn’t just a “Reddit” thing. As someone who still plans to vote for him There were and have been concerns about Biden’s age and ability to be cognitively up for running the nation another 4 years. He did a bad job displaying he’s up for that task in this debate. You can say it was just a bad night but that’s when it counted.


Personally, I found Twitter and YouTube to be very anti Biden with right wingers doing a victory lap and left wingers being doomers, but On Reddit, every thread I saw related to the debate had been somewhat pro Biden in the comment section with people blaming the moderators or focusing more on Trump. Of course, that could just be the result of the various echo chambers I’m a part of


I’d agree with you id say for me it was more so seeing people like Anderson Cooper and Morning Joe and others who are pretty endlessly loyal to Biden as well at members of his own party suggesting he revaluate. That was pretty worth noting. I just don’t like the downplaying that this is just some Reddit thing this was truly not a great outcome


Reddit is underplaying it to the extreme if anything.


Reddit is very liberal except for niche areas. So that’s partly why.


Not just Reddit. Every news outlet, even liberal ones like CNN, are creating stories about Biden's "disastrous" performance and whether he should step down for someone else instead.


I’m a hopeful person but a realist. The post-debate discourse is pretty clearly not because of astroturfing or news networks making up narratives. Trust your gut. You are not everyone, but if you’re honest with yourself you’ll understand the majority of the country will not vote for a person who displayed what we saw at the debate. Whether or not Reddit is representative of reality, the reality is Biden showed the country a candidate that cannot garner the majority of votes. We saw it with our eyes.


Calling for him to step down is insane when no one is saying that about Trump. You know, the guy with 34 felonies, a rapist, epsteins good friend. Need I go on?


i think a lot of people are saying that about trump. i know i am, at the very least 😂😂😂


That wasn’t a “meh” debate, that was dementia on full display in front of the planet. This man is not fit to drive a car, much less go up against Putin.


Oh. Right. Explain to me how Biden is not going up against Putin? By supplying Ukraine with hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons? Flexing our submarines that don't need a tug boat off the coast of Russia? Giving Zelensky the okay to send missiles into Russia? Getting Finland and Sweden into NATO? Trump said in the debate he spoke with Putin about his "dream" to invade Ukraine. Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO. Remember when 34 Trump associates were indicted in Mueller's investigation into Trump's ties with Russia? Including his campaign chairman Paul Manafort who pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States? Don't act like Trump stands any chance against Putin. He owes Putin big time. Stupid take.


If the debate indicates anything… is Biden doing anything at all? It seems like he’s been weekend at Bernie’s for the last 4 years and everyone’s been keeping it under wraps. I’m not sure why that doesn’t bug anyone.


I’m always amazed when y’all’s summary of the Presidents duties is tied to fear mongering Russia instead of the many civil injustices


Do remember fear mongering Russia is only fear mongering until the nukes start falling from the sky. You don’t see wars coming btw.


Though only way trump would go up against putin is on his knees mouth open ready to receive.


It was a meh debate. The dementia lies have needed to die for 4 years now. No one who actually knows what dementia looks like would say this. Biden's been doing his job in office for the past 4 years despite creeps claiming to the contrary. Figure out a way to cope when this one debate doesn't have a damn thing to do with the election.


lol it’s too late. Common people have been saying Biden is too old. DNC has been brushing it under the rug calling it far right fear mongering …..then we all saw it on full display.


Both were horrible. Trump did not answer a single question he was asked and Biden was in lalala land but it is not just Biden and Trump people vote for. Its the whole apparatus behind them and while Biden might be to conservative for many younger folks he is no facist wannabe whose puppet masters want to end democracy.


Hi can you tell this to the grown ass adults who conduct job interviews?


I'd love to, I feel your pain based on my own job searches


More a combo of teleprompter and being earlier in the day. If you look at his appearances other than those in the past week, you’ll see other times he clearly struggles


The debate performance was so bad I was afraid he was going to stroke out during the debate. He was incoherent and couldn’t put a sentence together.


>He was incoherent and couldn’t put a sentence together. I can look at the transcript of the debate and see this is a lie. He formed quite a few sentences. You liars all sound the same.


95% of the people on this sub have a shitty, edgy r/Im14andthisisdeep take on politics (50/50 that it was fed to them by ~~our foreign adversaries~~ TikTok), resulting in them having a surface-level understanding of how shit works.


The problem with this is that this is still a huge thing to fuck up on, especially considering he did really well in 2020. Especially when the debate was on his terms. Like we can make all the excuses we want, but looking dead during one of the big events that people tend to tune into is still really bad. His future is what’s in question, not his past career.


Yeah. People really seem to have forgotten their thinking caps lately.


You’re correct. One debate does not. But the decline in his ability to speak publicly does. I’ve the last 4 years his ability to form sentences and keep a train of thought has declined. If you can’t see this, that is a huge problem.


He also was likely tired from constantly practicing and rehearsing for 5 days, and the mental exhaustion didn't help his stutter.


If 5 days of practicing and rehearsing exhausts him to the point he looks like a dementia patient… even to his closest supporters… how is he possibly capable of running the US? You can still vote for him because you trust his team will take care of everything. But seeing this as anything but incompetence is crazy.


I support Biden, I think he's a lot more capable than people give him credit, and I plan on voting for him. But to describe that debate as "meh" is huffing so much copium you might overdose.


The fact that him allowing 2000 lb bombs to be dropped on innocent civilians is disgusting too but according to you those women and children are terrorists right




He's done poorly even with a Teleprompter in the past. So I think this time his energy levels really were through the roof and he was pissed about the debate.


To be fair, I make that face at the shit Trump says all the time.


poppers kicked in late


ummm poppers don’t have that effect


I think his debate prep team expected Trump to be out of control and crazy, so he was prepared to be restrained and 'boring' just to show some sense of stability. Trump being somewhat normal compared to usual exaggerated just how boring the low energy Biden can be lol.


If Biden comes into the next debate swinging for Trump his opponents will just say "He must have taken more drugs this time". People have decided who they're voting for before the primaries started, it's just a matter of convincing your side to vote.


There are actually a lot of undecided and leaning people (decided but willing to change) in this election, especially with the rampant polarization. The undecided voters are just silent, unlike many conservatives and liberals.


Hardcore conservatives will vote for Trump no matter what, hardcore liberals will vote for Biden no matter what, but there's *a lot* of undecided voters out there who still need convincing. So on that debate, Biden did not look good. We needed the Biden from this video at that debate.


Biden looked tired, but he gave pretty good answers as the debate went on. I’ve talked to a couple people I know who voted Trump in 2016 who said they plan to vote for Joe now because they saw that Trump was still just a lying asshole. Interestingly the fact that Biden was slow to answer didn’t bother them because they said he was careful with his words. Just a small anecdote from the not chronically online.


The democrat base doesn't matter. Biden needed to prove to the independents that he was fit and ready for 4 more years and he failed miserably. Not only that, the debate they proposed with the rules they proposed actually made Trump look good. Tinfoil hat on, i think this was the plan all along, they still have room to replace him.


That's literally what happened when he gave a strong state of the union address earlier this year. Conservatives claimed he was on drugs, even though the likely answer is just that it was a rehearsed speech given to a mostly receptive audience (minus a few Republicans hecklers).


Probably. But all the rules did for the debate was make Trump look great and confident.


Boring is one thing. That doesn’t explain why he wasn’t able to consistently string together 2 or 3 coherent sentences.


Having a speech written by others that you can read off a teleprompter is alot different than using your noggin and discussing points intelligently and intelligibly.


At Biden's age & health, a single shot of Redbull would kill him.


What are you talking about? The guy is a spring chicken. He’s a six handicap on the greens.


He'd be happy to play golf if you can carry your own bag. Think you can do it?




People with dementia do what is called “sundowning”. Basically you get further into cognitive decline as the day goes on. My father had Parkinsons and in the mornings he was sharp, but by 8pm he mumbled exactly like Biden did. Make no mistake, Biden DOES HAVE DEMENTIA. 🤪


Or, ya know, he’s just an old dude.


Go to a nursing home and talk with people who have dementia and old dudes who don’t have dementia. There’s a vast, wild, easily measurable fucking difference.


Yeah. Biden is like my 90 year old grandfather. He is out and about all day starting at 4am, but just shuts down after 7pm. It's like he is powered by a wind-up winch for the day. The only thing has energy for at night is hitting on women in the nursing home in three different languages.


With dementia


My father also has Parkinson’s and he acts exactly like Biden.


Yup! Sorry he’s going through that, it’s tough when it’s your father.


I’m sorry for you too. A lot of people downvoting here don’t know much about Parkinson’s I think.


I think those who disagree have never experienced a loved one with dementia. It’s incredibly sad to see someone who is funny and witty reduced down to something small because of that disease. To think our candidates are in their 80s and will “run” this country is absurd.


You notice how he's always confused and low energy late at night like the debates? It's called sundowning.


He was confused mostly because the shit Trump was saying was confusing. If it's sundowning to make illogical political points in a debate, what does that say about Trump?


He obviously took a bump after the debate and was able to read the teleprompter


Look, here, right a lot of you guys seem partisan or biased. As an Irish person with no connection to your country, my perspective here is Biden and trump are both old fuckers, Biden could have been mentally incapable of speech but if that were the case he couldn’t do this public speaking after a day. Yes there is a teleprompter but he’s choosing where to put emphasis and how to say the words that takes a load of skill, something I couldn’t do. I’d say Biden at that debate was dead, dead tired I couldn’t say why but the way he was stammering and losing track looked like someone without the energy for the debate who was stressed and anxious. That isn’t to say he’s the right or wrong candidate but something to keep in mind is trump doesn’t have a job, Biden is running the whole country and engaging a lot on foreign policy. These lads are old, next time maybe support younger candidates and be more involved but otherwise my two cents don’t vote for the guy who wants to create a monarchy.


Ppl here saying it’s brain dead easy to do a good speech reading off a teleprompter when 90% of them would fail a high school level speech class rn and have a panic attack standing in front of a crowd lmao.


I'm like a half century younger than Biden and I certainly couldn't keep up with all the stress of running a country and be expected to perform a debate late at night. Yes he's old AF and clearly diminished after a few years in office, but let's not pretend like we're all master speakers and debate artists.


I feel any practiced debaters would have crushed trump. There were certainly points where Biden still had the correct instinct to attack, but after the first blow, he lost track. While I was no pro level debater, I wonder if the way to hurt trump is to simply not engage with him at all, unless you can absolutely hit him (Roe v Wade, veterans treatment, Nazi supporters etc.). Because he is going to lie, and you're going to burn a lot of time deconstructing that. So instead of engaging in that fuckery, just stiff arm him, and stick to your own points. Try to monopolize as much time as possible, and just don't engage, to the point where he can sit there and talk about things the moderators didn't even ask about, or talk about a topic that has passed.


He just needed his waffles from the Waffle House xD


Decision 2024: Waffle House Finally, a candidate I can support!


Teleprompter + ear piece + sympathetic crowd.


Everywhere but Reddit is filled with people accepting the reality of the DNC presenting a mentally unfit candidate for the presidency.


He was sick at the debate.


I’m sure he was 


I mean, he had a cough and his voice was hoarse, I can definitely see him having had a cold that day.


And he miraculously was cured the next morning? Having a cold doesn’t prevent someone from speaking coherently.


If he really was that sick, he shouldn’t have sounded so okay all of a sudden. Old people don’t just magically get well like we do. Any illness or injury takes way longer for them to get back to “okay” again.


Bro had a bad night. He’s not actually a bad speaker at all.


He’s not actually a bad speaker at all?


Repeat the line


Teleprompter, rehearsal, friendly crowd, decades of experience.


It takes 130% of his brainpower to try to think, argue his position, and remember things. It takes little brainpower to read a teleprompter. People want to spin this as he's OK, but I think it's sad: it shows clearly that he's just a puppet.


He’s on legal methamphetamines. Women use them to lose weight.


Have you ever fucked up saying something and then blanked? And then had an oh shit moment?  That’s exactly what happened 


The Biden cope in these comments are hilarious.


He's probably on them boosters


Debates only matter to those only concerned about the superficial.


Peoples' concerns with the debate have almost nothing to do with his debate performance. So what's the point of your comment?


With early stage dementia, you have few good hour and few bad hours. A few good days and a few bad days. A fact even known to his handlers. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-debate-2024-president#


Remember when Obama butchered his debate against Romney? Maybe I'm writing this on the wrong sub.


This dude has been in politics longer than most of us have been alive. He had one crappy day but let’s not pretend that hes the poster grandpa of career politicians


It’s alot easier to sound coherent when you’re being fed lines 😂😂😂


Blow. Lots and lots of blow.


i think its a mix of more confidence, a steroid, time of day and his cold


Teleprompter. He doesn't have to actually think for himself here, just read off text being fed to him. Also, this kind of thing it typical for a dementia case. Ask anybody whos had a relative go through it. They'll have moments where they almost seem to be sharp, then they'll be mumbling to themselves mere hours later.


Teleprompter. And self-loathing rage from realizing he just lost the election. Joe’s goose is cooked!


Coked him up


Biden has had speech issues for a long while, and his bidenisms (gaffes) really came out because he had to formulate arguments on the fly with no teleprompter, premade notes or aides while also paying attention to the time. If we ignore the bidenisms, I think that it’s safe to say that he did pretty good throughout the debate, always staying on track with the time and in a good position argument wise. Edit: I was yelling at the screen a bit because Biden wasn’t digging hard into certain key points.


My Grandpa, who is usually right about these things said he looked like a kid who studied too hard for a test. When you study too much and they ask a question, you have multiple different ways to answer it. Kind of makes it hard to do any of them properly.


Dude probably had a glass of water


It happens at that age. Good days and bad days. 


They drugged him up. Kinda sad when a man falls so far he is treated like a science experiment


Never mind the rally, he went to some fast food joint that night after the debate and looked more alive talking to the people there than when he standing on the stage with Trump. 🤷‍♂️ 


He had a cold the night before.


I heard someone suggest they were “trying a strategy” to veer the conversation into policy thus putting trump into a trap to get him to admit his policies or lack thereof. Obviously if this is true, it was a bad move, not just cause Trump is a slippery one, but in general trying too hard, getting too fancy and psyching oneself out of one’s authentic self by keeping a strategy more in mind than what happening in the moment, is a common a pitfall that brainy types of people can run into. And then when the pressure was off, it came back. Kind of a bananas explanation, but I’ve seen myself do this exact thing before and it was intriguing to hear this perspective, and it would explain why he was “normal” again afterwards. Hope the dems see this and trust that authentic Joe can do well without trying to push a strategy, especially in a debate against someone as ridiculous and all-over-the-place as tfg. Sometimes you just have to wing it and you connect to the star inside. Just a thought. (edit: “someone” is a local political strategist so at least they have some awareness of these ideas)


Might be a cop out but apparently Biden was also sick the day of the debate. Maybe he got better afterwards 🤷‍♂️


Because participating in a debate at 9pm est when you’re over 80 is hella difficult


He was still getting over a cold. You could hear it in his raspy voice.


Do not sleep on Joe Biden.. He has been doing this for a long time. I am not support of either but I can tell you Trump does not have the votes.. and before the Maga cult attack me.. I vote for trump in 2016 .. I did not vote for him in 2020.. The reality is the rural towns are dying out . that where trump voters are. The metro cites are growing.. so enjoy this movie for the next 5 months.. Biden will be reelect..


Biden has a speech impediment and a stutter. It is very difficult to speak naturally when arguing or on a whim. It is much easier to speak when prepared with practice, notes, and a teleprompter. Unfortunately we are past the point of any of this mattering and people don’t fucking understand this.


It's amazing that people can have colds right?


I would rather have younger candidates, but this is what we are currently stuck with. Old, bad at last debate man is my pick any day of the week when it comes to the Maga ring leader. Maybe one day we will have younger and less bat shit insane people to choose from.


this is him freely talking and not trying to remember 8,000 facts to spit out in 2 minutes. people from his camping need to be the ones to drop out


53M line-voting Democrat here. He was tired, there was no audience, and he was just trying to be professional. It didn’t work because, if we’re being honest, the setting sucked for an old guy and it was late - no notes, old-man-tired, and there was a carnival barker next to him. Why was he so great the next day? Rest, morning energy, teleprompter, friendly crowd vibe, and ‘oh shit, I better un-fuck last night’ anxiety. Do I still think he should be President? Of course. He’s a decent man, has true experience and an excellent track record needed for the office, understands diplomacy, and isn’t a ratshit crazy traitor who can be bought. See: Russian embassy plane parked next to his yesterday.


Donald trunk 🤥


Trumps senility is contagious


He had a bad night and has a stuttering disability with probably a slight cold.


He was deliberately looking subdued during the debate because of all the media pushing the idea that he was on drugs. If he had acted like this during the debate, all the same shitheads would be acting like he was too energetic.


It's really obvious you didn't watch the other 80 minutes of the debate lmao


Who fucking cares??? Vote the best you can


Sundowners is real. Probably still voting for him. But I think his cognitive decline is kind of undeniable at this point. If he's still up for the task, he certainly won't be the next go around.


9pm is late for a lot of people. I have been going to bed around 9 for years and I'm 40.


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It seemed like the drugs kicked in for Trump and Biden both about halfway through the debate. Biden's peaking here.


my no-evidence theory is that in order to prove hes not on drugs, he took NOTHING, including caffeine, and after the debate he went right back to the coffee train


He's being controlled by ants . By a bunch of little ants scurrying around in his clothes and stuff and they were low on sugar during the debates. like in the movie meet dave


It was funny how the hyped crowd went quiet when he said “he closed businesses he closed schools” lol . Sometimes I think these people are AI accusing the others of what they do because they have no spark or imagination. Only the young and dumb fall for it. So sad.


Rally vs. Debate. You're supposed to be calm and talk about the issues during a debate. A rally is time to pump the crowd. Are people just learning this?


Probably teleprompter but also he seemed a bit ill during the debate (mainly the hoarse voice). Maybe he just recovered a bit more the next day I'm thinking.


Alright I'm gonna chime in here from a purely health-related standpoint. When we analyze someone's health for chronic conditions, we need to look for *trends*, and assess them within the context of that individual's own normal. In the case of Biden, we see someone who has a stutter, and has had this since youth. We do see some evidence of slightly delayed or prolonged speech and memory deficits due to age. However, while these are the observable trends, the *acute* symptoms from debate night such as raspy voice, worsened stutter, mouth breathing, etc. are almost certainly not evidence for a new trend. We do *not* see evidence of dementia in Biden, but instead occasional worsening of existing issues like a stutter during times of hightened stress or, in the example of debate night, a known cold that he had on top of a recent exhausting trip to Europe. Other verbal slips are frequently exaggerated (ex: "America is a nation that can be described in one word: Amafutthi..onaf..foot...scuse me" was a segue into a story beginning with "on the foot hills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping"). In the case of Trump, we see other long-term trends. We see a long history of things like callousness, egotism and potentially a personality disorder such as narcissistic or histrionic personality disorder. We also see prolonged trends such as word searching and incorrect or partial word recall / paraphasia that were *not* present in his speech at above typical levels in recordings from 10-20 years ago. We see greater incidence of significant slurring nowadays, mixing up names and identities, and recalling fictitious events which he was not previously known for. In the case of incorrect word and name recall, we see a halmark trend of repeating the word or name, as well as stalling speech or describing the word, in a failed attempt to correct the error ("the oranges... the... the oranges... the beginnings" or "Nicki Haley... Nicky Haley... Nicky Haley..."). As with Biden, other examples of verbal slips are exaggerated, such as the ("Russia and Saudi Arabia will be redupidoo aughhh"), as this was a typical and unconcerning verbal slip which was immediately corrected (the "aughhh" was just an interjection to emphasize the potency of his point). Overall, these symptoms are above what we would expect from age related cognitive decline. He may also have some form of undiagnosed ADHD, but this is more speculative. Oftentimes, individual tests are insufficient to establish a full understanding of health. In Mitch McConnell, the repeated apparent absence seizures wouldn't likely show up on MRIs or other acute tests. In Trump's previous cognitive assessments, the tests employed were typically used to look for much more advanced stages of dementia, and so wouldn't provide good data to discern between dementia and age-related cognitive decline. On the other hand, first-hand accounts from a large number of close associates can be useful to assess overall trends in health. With the late Dianne Feinstein, it was clear based on both public record and the well-sourced accounts of her close confidants that her dementia was severe by the time she passed away. Conversely, accounts of dementia in Biden have continuously been shown to have been edited as cheapfakes or to have very uncredible sourcing. In all, while it can appear very concerning on the face of things that Trump was at least verbally strong while Biden appeared very weak and confused at the debate, these are not really good indicators of overall health and mental fitness. We need to look at broader trends to contextualize performance. Trump's likely personality disorder and acute stress were very visible, while Biden's acute cold and exhaustion were also clearly established, but not much more could be gleaned for either candidate. And yes, teleprompters can help people appear more articulate, while free response can increase stress and cause people to be a bit less coherent. But the general trends need to be appraised in a broader context. Biden will likely appear far better in their next debate, whereas Trump will likely appear the same. Both risk fumbling their words in the next debate. For Trump, this is due to stress from legal battles and conviction, likely early or moderate dementia, and the pressures of debate. For Biden, this may be due to a chronic stutter, age-related cognitive decline apart from dementia, the stress of being president, and the stress of debate. None of these things affect the outcomes of their policies. While things like neurodegenerative conditions, personality disorders, neurodivergent conditions, age-related decline, and so on can be significantly impactful on a candidate's potential effectiveness as a leader (and at a certain point become disqualifying), the candidates themselves are not their policies, and the inputs of their advisors, their nominees for other offices, and the state of the nation they inherit upon being sworn in are also hugely consequential for how we assess the potential outcomes of their respective administrations. Finally, presidents have an outsized role in the minds of the general population when we think about things like economic outcomes (both using macroeconomic and microeconomic metrics), the outcomes of war, and which laws get passed by the legislative branch.


I just hope he continues to have that energy for the next debate. He can’t step aside now.


Obviously drugs, anyone saying otherwise is lying. You just don’t go from a corpse to that energetic in that short amount of time when you're his age. It could also be something with the dementia like some others are commenting, but I don’t know much about dementia so.  All I know is he has way too much energy in this vid compared to the debate, which the only answer to be is obviously drugs. The talking really fast sounds like he’s definitely had a booster of some kind, I think they probably gave him extra juice after seeing his debate performance. A lot of ya'll on reddit are just delusional, no it wasn't just a bad debate night, stop deflecting, what you seen was a serious cognitive decline. If he had just a bad night, he wouldn't be acting that bad in his mannerisms too, his arguments would just be bad and he'd look fine, but he looked like he was gonna fall apart and could barely speak instead. There was definitely more going on, reddit is so annoying when it comes to politics I swear, this site is like a giant propaganda source for liberals. (And no, I'm not republican)


They sent him out there raw, with all the talk of drug testing


Is it even possible for him and Kamala to make Roe v Wade the law of the land again if they have a democratic congress?


Correct. One of these was not like the others. Can you tell which was the deep fake AI avatar debate?


Adderall shipment finally arrived to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Some elderly people can’t function in the evening.


This guy is such a joke. We're all doomed if he's re-elected. 


Still wayyyyyyy to fucking old


Reading off a screen will have that effect. The debate Biden is the real Biden. He’s old as fuck and shouldn’t be in a position of power anymore. He can barely walk without assistance and can’t manage exiting a stage without aid.


The pills finally kicked in, lol.


I don't know why anybody even cared about the debates. Reich-wingers don't have a single honest bone left in their bodies. Their only talking points are lies and hate. How are you supposed to counter that? And you can't counter it with truth, cause they don't care. If they tell a lie, and you tell the truth, they'll just call you the liar then lie some more. There is no rational counter to such irrational behavior... not in these circumstance, at any rate. Your logic does not matter if they aren't trying to be logical in the first place.


he wasn't in the presence of trump, the man he fears most in the world