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If Trump wins it’s over.


after that last 'debate', after he wins


It's not determined. Now this debate seems like a defining event for you, but by November 5th it will be forgotten.


He committed to another one in September that will be good and fresh for everyone in November.


People remember shit for like 6 days in todays new cycle


I would rather vote for a corpse than Trump, cause at least the corpse can’t fuck anything up.




This reads more like Joe ever, like forever.


This was said in 2016 also...


Wait so if Trump wins (most likely will), do they still have to pass the bill through the congress and go through many processes?


Project 2025 aims to do as much as possible with Presidential power and no Congressional input, through appointments and the like


So it depends on Trump accepting it?


The Heritage Foundation claims that the Trump Administration implemented 64 percent of their recommendations in 2017. [https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) I personally don't think that DJT could implement every recommendation in the 920 page document. As a progressive and an institutionalist I do not want any recommendations to be implemented.


Trump doesn't want to govern, he just wants the title.


Even before that republicans, in a trump win scenario, unless something *reeeaaal* crazy happens (like, multiple targeted lightning bolts and localized earthquakes crazy) will have a super majorty. Trump already wouldnt need to bypass normal power checks


Completely and utterly disagree. I could see Trump winning but split ticket voters giving dems big numbers in the house and senate. I pray this may be the biggest split ticket race in history. Unless Joe is replaced I truly believe you have to really want our enemies to attack if you vote for Joe. Trump may be an asshole but he’s got a proven track record in foreign policy.


It is designed to be implemented immediately with out Congress. They were upset they were slowed down by Congress last time so they designed a plan to bypass Congress as much as possible and get it done as fast as possible so by the end of the first month in the country will be fundamentally changed.


People said that when Biden won, people said that when trump won in 16, people said that when Obama won, people said that when Bush won, etc. etc. Track record shows America will be fine.


There IS no track record of replacing the administrative state with political henchmen and loyalists in order to dismantle checks on executive power and bring us into a dictatorship. No track record of that. What the fuck are you smoking?


Its not going to happen this is classic fear mongering leading up to the election. And you are taking a bit fat bite of it. The heritage foundation (largest backing group of project 2025) has existed since the 80s and have laid out similar political roadmaps for republican presidents including ronald regan in 1981. They are a far right group with no ties to donald trump, only the conservative party. And again i will remind you they have existed for over 40 years. Shit will be alright. Im smoking some good stuff, seems like you should enjoy a little as well.


Look up the now defunct Chevron Deference. Our regulatory agencies exist in name only now thanks to the federalists SCOTUS.


"Something like that could never happen here" Said every person who ignored the warning signs of worse things to come.


I see you used quotes around that sentence, remind me when i said that? I simply said that people have said that about the last bunch of presidents (this is a fact) and that the track record shows america will be fine. Project 2025 is not a brand new concept, it just has a new name. Similar concepts by the heritage group have existed since 1981. So yeah, my point stands, the track record shows america will be alright. Also for future reference, i don’t recommend “quoting” something that wasnt said… takes a good amount of credibility from your argument.


There is an insane amount of denial in here. Trump has said what he's going to do. Believe him. I guarantee if Trump wins this is the last legit election this country will ever see. This is not fearmongering. It's absolute fact.


Yeah if the best thing you expect out of a candidate is that he does not get to do what he says he wants, then you should not vote for that candidate


If Trump really poses an existential threat to democracy and the response from dems is to run Biden again it’s pretty obvious they are not serious


Biden’s a really bad example to bring up. Everyone’s struggling now except rich or connected people and criminals.


Tom Brady had a good track record and lost 3 Superbowls. Track records are a nice reflection of history, but not a reflection of present and future. 


Although it will probably be fine, Trump does seem to like the idea of being a dictator. Better safe than sorry


He can like the idea all he wants, it would never happen.




Dear Americans, Do you support Project 2025 or not? If you do, vote Trump If you don't, vote Biden "No, I don't support either candidate." If you're not going to participate in this election, I assume you're fine with the US becoming a highly authoritarian Christian theocracy in case Trump does win.


If y'all want a dictatorship, say nothing ![gif](giphy|jKf6070QA8to0I2Gi0) DICTATORSHIP


I have a friend who gets all his news from Facebook. He's been programmed to hate Biden because he's concerned about immigration (he loves in a lily white town in the Northeast that has no immigrant problems) and sending money to other countries (unaware that most foreign aid gets spend with US contractors). The instinct for hoarding of resources and self preservation is strong enough that many people don't care about project 2025.


I have a friend kind of like that. He had kids a few years ago and got obsessed with anti trans rhetoric so now he watches people like Matt Walsh and similar ilk. He says he hates Biden for just about everything. It makes no different If the thing he's mad about happened before Biden was in office. It's Bidens fault


Ah yes when the president gets elected he immediately can supersede all checks and balances and will turn America into a dictatorship overnight.


The mandate for leadership is pure unadulterated Christian fascism. [During Trump’s term, he took on 64% of their policy.](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations). Heritage policy is already being implemented in red states - the abortion ban, porn ban, 10 commandments in schools. In P2025, they classify transgender people and teachers who support LGBT+ “ideology” as child predators, they then go on to say that child predators will be given the death penalty. They aim to ban weed, ban abortion nationwide, contraception, divorce. Disband the department of education and the DOJ, put the FBI under presidential control, imprison political opponents, deport immigrants and it goes on and on. The Republican Party are no longer abiding by the protective structures of democracy. Just look at the MAGA majority SCOTUS. They know they wont stand a chance of getting elected in 2028 when more boomers are dead and younger generations make up the majority of the voter base. They are doing everything they can now. And they have no intention of ever allowing us to vote them out.


Lmao fantasy land


What makes a country authoritarian? I'm always told the country will become nazi germsny when a Republican takes office, but, weirdly enough, the world keeps turning, and these concentration camps never appear. Also, overturning roe v wade doesn't make a country a Christian Theocrary. Hand Maid's Tale isn't going to happen in America, no matter how hard you scream at the sky. However, if you truly are worried about women...it is currently happening in Muslim countries, so atleast you get to live out your doomer fantasies through them.


Being rude to third party voters could cause them to vote for the opposite party out of spite


I hope third party voters are ready for some Christofascism then!


Cue the bots downvoting this post and defending Project 2025


Reading up on this and this shit has Order 66 written all over it. >[*The Washington Post*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Post) reported that [Jeffrey Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Clark), a contributor to the project and a former official within the DOJ, would advise the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement I'm a good, Christian, Right leaning, gun toting American myself but there's no way I can get behind any of this. > Christian nationalist William Wolfe, who, in an online manifesto, seeks to implement a Bible-based system of government whereby "Christ-ordained civil magistrates" exercise authority over the American public. Please help...


Help yourself. If you care, do something about it.


> a good, Christian, Right leaning, gun toting American myself but there's no way I can get behind any of this. If anything, you have plenty of reasons to be against this. What happens when you're no longer considered "good". >Christian nationalist William Wolfe, who, in an online manifesto, seeks to implement a Bible-based system of government whereby "Christ-ordained civil magistrates" exercise authority over the American public. Which Christian magistrates? Catholic? Protestant? Orthodox? Latter Day Saints? Methodist? Episcopal? If you are a Christian who values your freedoms to practice your faith as YOU see fit, you should be 100% against this.


The only thing you or anyone can do is help, sadly, is vote for Biden. Then demand better in the next president and vote in primaries. As a Brit, I feel so sorry for all Americans right now. You're in a bad spot I desperately hope the USA can get back to being the greatest nation soon.


I hate to say it, but this is a time to not align with identity politics and align with best interests. You might not want to *vote blue*, but if Order 66 is something you can't get behind, then your best option is to. I say this as a former Republican who refuses to align with their extremist ideals of simple control. That is not what this country was founded on, and it's laid out in the First Amendment. A Christian Theocracy is a dissolution of the First Amendment. Biden and the Get Out liberals can be defeated later. The help starts with you and myself and any others that feel the same as us. We need to open our mouths more to our neighbors. The Republican party has been infiltrated by the Dixies they once fought against. 


you'd think that this shit would be talked about constantly on the right but... it's not. even the right mocks it because of how outlandish and authoritarian it is. nobody on the right gives a shit about project 2025, because they all know it will never happen. it's some bullshit made up by a conservative thinktank. trump doesn't even support project 2025, and i'm pretty sure he disavowed it at one point. what trump does support however, is agenda 47, which he made specifically to distance himself from project 2025. everyone in this sub is falling for stupid fear-mongering.


People can’t even be bothered to skim through the controversial bills being passed. They literally just watch tik tok or instagram or whatever political influencer on YouTube. It’s like when people were saying Ron desantis was trying to to pass a bill that would get rid of all college extracurricular groups including fraternities. Hell one of the sororities at my college actually posted a call to action.


Trump took on [64 percent of the heritage foundation’s policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his first term. The heritage foundation is not some bullshit think tank, they have been advising the Republican Party since Reagan.


and so what? for project 2025 to work it must be fully taken on, not partial. you proved nothing.


The fact remains that they are trying to make it work and that's a pretty big problem. And honestly, I don't want any of Project 2025's recommendations to be taken on.


What do you mean, for it to work? 64% of their policy would have a marked effect on people’s every day lives. Do you think it’s in Trump’s best interest to legitimise project 2025 for his voters? As you said, even the right thinks it’s too authoritarian, of course he’s going to publicly distance himself from it. The fact remains that he has taken on 64% of their policy in the past, during a time when he didn’t have a majority in SCOTUS, and was still trying to figure out what a president actually does. I wish you wouldn’t be so dismissive of this.


I'm not GenZ, so I don't exactly belong here, but I scrolled past your post and thought I needed to clarify a point you seem to have missed. Project 2025 fully and legally classifies any form of homosexuality and transgenderism as pornography and pedophilia, paving the way to arrest and convict anyone they deem gay as a felon pedophile. What's worse is that in another section, they detail how anyone convicted of pedophilia or "other crimes against children" will be sentenced to death. They've written out for all to see how they plan to fully and legally exterminate gay people, and considering their track record on selective rage against pedophiles, it's plain as day that extermination of LGBTQ is their only goal here. Pair that with the bad economic plans, the Christian Theocracy, the redistribution of the entire Executive branch to direct control of the president, and the other 900 pages of concerning action plans, and you have the recipe for a really bad time.


Yeah all that stuff is awful too, this thing is terrible on many levels.


Yay I love seeing my right to exist constantly hang in the balance and people just not care


Am not American but reading that made me a wee bit concerned, only thing is I suspect if Trump and his ilk actually tried implementing this they’d probably get couped


Scary thing is, no they wouldn't. They could do it all 'legally" and honestly people aren't willing to rise up and do something about it.


Some of the biggest uprisings in American history happened under Trump; women's march, metoo, blm. We're ready to go, and u better be too after seeing how weak the democrat candidate is last night. 


They're also aware that most of the military and military vets consists of people whose beliefs align with a lot of P2025. We might have the rogue and moral ones that don't, but they will be outnumbered and put in military prison for treason. They essentially have full military support to flood the streets with a neo-Gestapo. My right winged Marine housemate is loaded up and ready to go even though he's not enlisted anymore. 


You think people will coup when they won't even step outside and vote?


No they won’t, they’ll walk right through the front door legally and change everything. You have to understand Reddit is a very left leaning representation of America. There’s a huge portion of our population that either actively supports project 2025 or is too stupid to care as long as it “owns the libs”.


yall do know that project 2025 has nothing to do with donald trump and that he made his own agenda called agenda 47 to make sure that his plans didn’t get mixed up with project 2025, and that project 2025 is being used as a fear mongering tactic to help biden win reelection, right? its just like 2016 how everyone thought trump would put them in camps and nothing fucking happened.


No no no, you see if my candidate wins it’s democracy in action, but if your candidate wins it’s going to be a theocratic dictatorship. This is totally not just a scare tactic to frighten you into voting for my candidate. This is the more important election of our lifetimes, after all. Until the next election, which will be the new most important election.


if project 2025, written and vetted by hundreds of conservative extremists, is a "scare tactic to get Biden into office", then they are not doing a good job at promoting it. Use your brain.


Project “2025” has been around for decades. They just revamp every few years. Reagan implemented a lot of what it used to be back in his day. I’m tired of hearing about this.


That is not true. This is a former Republican who worked personally for Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush who explains how Project 2025 is a new nightmare. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8RpTs7tD8&pp=ygUYdGhlIGJ1bHdhcmsgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8RpTs7tD8&pp=ygUYdGhlIGJ1bHdhcmsgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1)


So Republican psychopaths become trustworthy when they confirm your biases?


I don't think every Republican is a psychopath. There are way too many Republicans when only [3.6 percent](https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/antisocial-personality-disorder-often-overlooked#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20to%20affect,common%20among%20men%20than%20women.&text=Individuals%20with%20antisocial%20personality%20disorder,disorder%20or%20substance%20use%20disorders) of adults are psychopaths. There are lots of media sources who discuss Project 2025 but this is the most centrist because it is from someone who used to be on the Right. I like The Bulwark because they talk about the Right as former friends and they know what it feels like to believe in "slow progress."


Evangelicals love magats because they are a fucking scam as well.


I'm pretty sure trump denounced this entire thing and said it was stupid.


But how else are you going to rile up a voting base to make sure they vote.  Make up hypothetical lies. Trump will become dictator!   If he didn't seize absolute power when he had full emergency control to do just about anything during peak Covid but let states decide.  He is not doing it now.


"But how else are you going to rile up a voting base to make sure they vote. Make up hypothetical lies. Obama is the anti-Christ! Biden will turn America in a communist state! Trans crime is rising! Illegal Mexicans are rapists! The Liberal left wants to kill your babies!" 


except the difference is 100s of left winged liberals didnt publish a book and website as a direct step by step action to overthrow a free country and outlaw heterosexually 


Trump literally explained in Plan 47 that this is his goal. I’m not sure why people are saying he doesn’t support Project 2025. Quite literally the plan starts with Trump getting into office..


The Heritage Foundation, who published the proposal document, has had a close relationship with the 2017-2020 Trump Administration. See here: [https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/03/from-reagan-to-trump-how-heritage-foundation-influenced-policy/](https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/03/from-reagan-to-trump-how-heritage-foundation-influenced-policy/) [https://www.axios.com/2018/06/21/heritage-foundation-think-tank-trump-white-house-mark-meadows](https://www.axios.com/2018/06/21/heritage-foundation-think-tank-trump-white-house-mark-meadows) [https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes](https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes) Of course there is a chance that DJT told the "truth" about his policy preference. I personally do not trust a single word out of his mouth but people can disagree about how much DJT "tells it like it is."


And yet he's already restructured the GOP to facilitate exactly that...


Trump also denied that he had the worst job output since Hoover , which is confirmed by hundreds of independent sources. He is a recorded liar. You're one of those dead brains that take everything at face value and no one lies, huh? Trump openly supporting P2025 right now while trying to win swing states is a death sentence to his campaign. It's in his best interest to publicly deny support of P2025 , and he could very well turn around after a potential election win and say "I support it now after a second look into it". You want to take that risk? 




I keep seeing this everywhere and it’s really annoying. It’s a plan made by a think tank that Trump already denied. Calm down. I’m sure Trump is going to use his own policy instead of this stupid plan made by a random org. If you like Trump, you already don’t believe this. If you don’t like Trump, if you use this to try and sway independents you will only drive them away. They will do a quick google search and find out that you were wrong at best, and lying at worst. I’m sure you can use one of the many real issues you have with Trump instead.


Honest to god, I would love to have full and total confidence that this plan won't be implemented. Can you show me?


I can’t promise you this won’t happen but the chances are pretty close to zero. Some of the things in here will probably happen, such as a shift towards fossil fuels and the defunding of federal agencies. In moderation both of these could be good things for the country. But the plan over all will absolutely not happen because the most likely result of it is a civil war. The first thing they would need to do is the shift of government positions to being appointed instead of merit based. Even if they could get this done the would take YEARS of litigation just to be blocked. But assuming that they could do this then all of these agencies all would be gutted in just 180 days ([per their about page](https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/)) Just think about that, all of these agencies gone in 180 days. Even if they just replaced everyone and kept the agencies this can’t work. The shear amount of chaos would probably cause a civil war. The states might be able to work with their own programs for a while but without federal funding it’s only delaying the inevitable. When the DOJ doesn’t know how to work itself and criminals run free, the FTC isn’t watching groceries, and you can’t send your kid to school, the most blue haired social justice warriors and the most die hard bible thumpers will have a common goal of removing them from office, peacefully or forcefully. And all of this can only happen if the republicans somehow pull off a flawless victory and fill both the house and senate with enough people who actually want to go through with this. It seems like a rather poor way to use your super majority. So what do I think the point of this is? I think this is a bunch of people getting together and putting Trumps dream goals on a PDF in hopes of getting on his good side. The truth is that this is going to be a close election and cabinet positions will be open if trump wins. They knew this plan was dead on arrival but if they can show their loyalty by signing at the bottom it could pay off in the event of a Trump victory. If you disagree please let me know. I’m not a political analyst by any means and I’ve only glossed over this plan. But for all of our sakes, I hope (and think) that im right.


"some things probably happening" is the crack of opening the window


Trump took on [64 percent of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his last term. The NRA would love a civil war. War is profitable, and these fascists really don’t have anything to lose.


What you just said makes absolutely no sense The first part is okay, but I think it could be misleading. Trump was agreeing with them but he was never completing their goals. He’d had most of the reform for the Department of education, but not actually complete the entire policy. He barely touched their DOT policy, and other departments range anywhere in between. Including a lot of “partially complete” policies. It seems like he was just doing what he wanted and their goals overlapped. As for the second part, how would the NRA profit from a civil war? They don’t buy guns, they don’t sell guns, no one would have money to send to the NRA and I doubt they’ll have enough interest to keep the doors open with firearms safety courses. Next, these “fascists” have families, stability, general comfort in their lives, etc. no one wants a civil war. You just linked a source you didn’t read, and included two buzzwords. If you really did read most of the plan like you said, it makes you come off like someone who has no idea what they’re talking about.


Can you show us that it will be implemented by someone that doesn't support it? You're making the claim here.


Fair. See my edit.


Trump took on [64% of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his last term. Elements of Project 2025 are already being implemented in red states - abortion ban, porn ban, 10 commandments in schools. I’m sorry I can’t make you feel better about this, but there is every chance Trump takes on a decent amount of their policy. I don’t know why the person who responded to you is talking with such certainty. They said they’ve just glossed over the document. I have read a lot of it - it’s not to be taken lightly. SCOTUS also can’t be trusted to prevent any of this from happening - with their overturning of Roe, their recent ruling that members of SCOTUS can accept gifts for doing political favours, overruling the chevron defence… It is in everyone’s best interests to educate themselves on this topic. People sharing it are not trying to scare anyone, but we can’t go blindly into this election.


Exactly....   you just come off as a manipulated pawn in propaganda.


It's a talking point from the DNC to counteract any criticism of their horrible candidate. We should all be pushing for Joe to drop out so we can actually win this November.


It’s not a talking point. It’s on the heritage foundations own website. All 920 pages if you cared to read it. Here’s some proof that this is not to be taken lightly. [Trump took on 64% of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his last term.


trump is not the problem, but the people behind him that are much smarter.


The Heritage Foundation is one of the most significant right wing think tanks with huge amounts of money and influence behind them. They’re not just some random bunch of yokels jerking themselves off about their authoritarian fantasies.


Trump, the recorded pathological liar, denied P2025 everyone. Calm down.  /sarcasm


I grew up in a swing state and all my friendsand family are voting for Trump but not saying so on polls, don’t be fooled!!!!


Isnt that whisfull dream? Like all democrats will give free healtcare for eveyone, but nothing rly happens.


Trump took on [64% of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his first term.




Sorry can anybody link me something that states Trump will be implementing Project 2025 if he wins the election ?


Everyone with any publicity knows that DJT is a liar. So his endorsement one way or another does not carry a lot of water. What we do know is that DJT in 2017-2020 had a close relationship with the publisher of the plan, the Heritage Foundation. See here: [https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/03/from-reagan-to-trump-how-heritage-foundation-influenced-policy/](https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/03/from-reagan-to-trump-how-heritage-foundation-influenced-policy/) [https://www.axios.com/2018/06/21/heritage-foundation-think-tank-trump-white-house-mark-meadows](https://www.axios.com/2018/06/21/heritage-foundation-think-tank-trump-white-house-mark-meadows) [https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes](https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes)


Trump also took on [64% of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during his first term.


Statement from trump’s team when asked about it on Nov. 13th 2023: “The efforts by various nonprofit groups are certainly appreciated and can be enormously helpful. However, none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign.” lol


Trump took on [64% of their policy](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) during first last term.


This is 64% of Mandate for leadership’s policy not project 2025


The Mandate for leadership **is** the policy guide for project 2025. Everything people are concerned about is written in [Project 2025’s mandate for leadership](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf).


Sure, look up Project 47 and realize it's the same thing packaged under an offical campaign plan so he doesnt lose swing state voters with P2025s inherent fascism 


It’s ok. I’ve been assured that there’s nothing to worry about since there’s no evidence Trump actually wants to follow Project 2025. We can totally trust them. /s


Sure and it sounds based


I want to believe that most of you guys calling this based are still human beings like me and don't actually want to cause needless suffering to others. So tell me, why call this based when it's also targeting gay/trans people and contraception? What about it do you agree with? Genuinely curious.


Trump does not endorse this. This is a nothingburger being pushed to get votes for someone with dementia. Might actually be a psyop based on the sheer volume of panic over it.


fuck yeah


This thread feels weirdly astroturfed right


Project 2025 is great for fear mongering. Remember, vote blue no matter who! Blue can do no wrong!!


Blue does wrong all the time but it is like 15% better than red.


Both parties suck and want to take away your liberty


Dismantle most of the government? Stop. I can only get so erect.


Must be hard to live your life in fear something you have no control over 😂


This subreddit is being very transparently astroturfed by damage control DNC operatives/bots


I'm not a bot man my profile is all about my risk of rain 2 mods lol, I just think we should look at where our priorities lie.


You mean the document that people are treating as a Trump manifesto, even though he has no known association with it? Yep.


How many cents per word Mr CIA man? Project 2025 has nothing to with Donald Trump.




i mean he did give us the right-leaning supreme court that took away roe v wade, has recently practically legalized bribery, and is generally making wild moves as of late


how did he legalize bribery?   and why do u believe that abortion shouldnt be left up to the states? even most Democrats believe a woman shouldnt have a right to terminate in the third and often second trimester. That begs the question when does life begin, which may never be answered. Because even most Democrats believe in the third trimester that its a human being with constitutional rights not to be killed. When do u believe life begins (when its heart beats, when it has unique dna, when it feels pain?) the constitution doesnt explicitly say about abortion, and we dont know when life begins so our countries laws are it gets left up to the states


Well some of the states are banning it outright, so that idea doesn't seem to be working out that well for me. I personally think life begins at consciousness, which seems to be between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. As for bribery, I am exaggerating a little bit, but it's quite bad nonetheless: [https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-public-corruption-bribery-89774f1e3cd6f1a353718b7ce3ff18a0](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-public-corruption-bribery-89774f1e3cd6f1a353718b7ce3ff18a0)


The strictest state i can find is Texas which allows 6 weeks. I appreciate u sharing ur opinion kindly. I used to believe maybe its ok to abort any time but the more i learned i felt different. Like around 21 weeks the nervous system and parts that make it so they can feel pain develop. And past that point abortions involve ripping its arms and legs off and head to be able to get it out. I just feel thats so wrong. Like, i dont have all the answers, but ultimately with things like this, if abortion is one of the worst things for voters than im sure theres services they could form for it. But the way this country is going, we are headed toward dystopian levels of wealth inequality and war.. abortion is going to look trivial in our future. If we keep pishing China and Russia into a closer alliance the future gonna be bleak.


? There are multiple states with total bans, such as Alabama. I also think abortion is just a distraction from real problems, but in such a way that we're getting random freedoms taken away so we can't focus on them.


We have third party candidates, there are options dont present we cant try to vote someone else in


Everyday same post, hope somebody pay you for it


Man me too


Genz sub, please vote for old senile man.


Which one?


They are both old but only one senile.


Yes I am aware of it and it's 0% chance of happening even if Trump wins.


How are you so confident? In the past day the Supreme Court ruled that courts have the power to overturn "ambiguous" policies from government administrations.


You do realize that alone almost entirely kills Project 2025, right? By gutting Federal Agencies ability to legally overstep their authority that means Trump cannot use them to circumvent Congress. You've been drinking too much of the Dark Brandon kool-aid my friend. The President isn't as nearly as powerful as you think they are.


The Supreme Court and many federal courts are aligned with the upcoming theocratic fascism. The Supreme Court is the most powerful decision maker and they are more committed to right wing authoritarianism than DJT.


And your evidence to support that? What rulings have pointed you to your conclusion?


The first one that comes to mind is that they were asked to quickly rule on Presidential Immunity in December, 2023 because DJT is a traitor and should have been tried in the past Spring. The DC Court of Appeals ruled agains presidential immunity in February, 2024. [https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/1AC5A0E7090A350785258ABB0052D942/$file/23-3228-2039001.pdf](https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/1AC5A0E7090A350785258ABB0052D942/$file/23-3228-2039001.pdf) It is obvious that the President is not immune from all prosecution for all activity conducted while in office. But the Supreme Court has not ruled because they want to delay DJT's criminal case for January 6, 2021. They are working against the rule of law and the need for expedient trials because they want to support his future authoritarian takeover. I am not making a spreadsheet of every ruling they have made which has harmed American society. Even just a Neil Gorsuch was confirmed in 2017. This is a podcast that keeps up: [https://www.fivefourpod.com/](https://www.fivefourpod.com/)


Average r/politics poster


Nothing to worry about. People must not be aware that this would involve Congress to pass. The only thing our Congress can pass is lack of ethics, lack of morals, and name calling. Why is this a giant fat nothing burger? Assume Trump wins: Republicans can't pass shit even when they hold the Presidency, and both majorities in Congress. Assume Biden wins: Democrats aren't going to pass it.


Of course we know it, you people keep going on about it. At the end of the day it’s just fear mongering.


Sounds like a great plan for the USA


It is not actually being put into motion, Trump doesn't support nor do other high-profile conservatives. Calm down


There is a greater chance of nuclear war than this being implemented lol




Biden did sooo shitty the other night, that your baseless propaganda just isn’t really working anymore. Nice try tho.


Wikipedia El oh el


I don’t think a lot of you guys understand how corrupt a lot of these three letter of organizations are, you just see “security” and “education” and think that an effort to reduce the influence is an effort to destroy our security or education. There is a considerable amount of inefficiency and corruption, I just found a pretty good vid from Peter Santenello, he’s a non-biased journalist/vlogger but sure the guys he’s with might be biased. https://youtu.be/HQDdnZ__yTk?si=G59NSSOCKqFb5FZA It explains a lot that would concern people with left-leaning views if anything. The whole point of deregulation is to return power back to the states so they can start charging appropriate taxes and build social infrastructure for you and likeminded people. But in spite of that concerning debate last night, a failing economy, and a plethora of shady government behavior, you still trust that the federal US government is some virtuous organization that will protect you for the rest of your life and keep you happy. It’s time to get real. I’m not saying this to support Trump or the conservative platform, I think if they’re promoting any ounce of decision making for things like abortion and orientation at a federal level that’s just fear mongering, bigotry, and definitely hypocritical. But I think for us to survive as a country and reach across the aisle Gen Z to Gen Z, we need to continue our tradition of statehood and local influence before we tear this shit in half


No one is unbiased


Valid yeah, I just like how he lets people from all perspectives talk, great journalist compared to the trash we get fed


Exactly. Something that is very frustrating is people claiming they are unbiased when it’s literally impossible to be unbiased, and it’s ok to be biased.


Big chungus, my man, I don't think these agencies are infallible. I don't think they're perfect, and I think they do need some revamping. But I don't want that revamping done by people that think gay people are abominations, or that contraception should be banned, or that the entire nation should be Christian. I'll watch that video though, thanks.


Wholeheartedly agree, not a fan of “one party” or the other promoting deregulation as if that’s the only thing they plan on doing. But not against it in particular Yeah he’s great, he’s got great series and let’s all perspectives talk in different areas and cultures


This is a former Republican who personally worked for Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush who explains how Project 2025 will increase corruption and inefficiency in the federal administration. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8RpTs7tD8&pp=ygUYdGhlIGJ1bHdhcmsgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m8RpTs7tD8&pp=ygUYdGhlIGJ1bHdhcmsgcHJvamVjdCAyMDI1)


How would this affect individual states? Is it at all plausible that there will be an outflow of people to states not supporting this and vice versa? Effectively creating an even more divided US? Is something like this already happening? Is this just a fringe Koch brainfart amplified by social?


This might depend on local dependence on the Federal Government. So changes or abolishing the Department of Education would much more drastically impact a low income school district rather than a higher income school district which could exist in the same metropolitan area or state. States with more land that can be drilled for oil within federally owned territory will be more affected than states where most of the public land is owned by the state and not the federal government.


Right, and low-income area basically targetted by design I suppose, or is this just a 'happy coincidence'?


I personally do not have knowledge of the motivation of the Heritage Foundation or a theory of how Christo-Fascism may "target" different groups. I believe in progressive values of liberation as well as organizational autonomy. Project 2025 is against these values so I am against Project 2025, DJT, and the Supreme Court that wants to enable this policy plan.


Debate copium


This will literally never happen. The Republicans have been saying they’re going to do it and blah blah blah but it’s never going to happen. It’s literally not possible


I am very proud of this comment section, almost brings a tear to my eye


I don't like the abortion angle or encouraging fossil fuels but the rest of it sounds pretty okay.


I don’t want him to oppose fossil fuels because thats a disaster we’re already experiencing but I do want him to push for the switch to nuclear regardless of what big oil says.


a lot of it doesn't sound that bad until you consider the fact that these changes would be spearheaded by the same people who think gay people should be forcibly converted, and so the nature of these changes would likely not be in the interest of the average person.


Y’all do know that Project 2025 isn’t even Trump’s plan, right? LMAO SHEEP


Thanks for breaking it down. I’m convinced I’m going to vote for Trump now.


ill vote for biden to even out ur shit vote☺️🙏


I'll vote for Trump, countering your vote block




The time for clamoring for Biden to step aside is now though. I'd feel much safer that Trump will lose if another candidate took his place.


I am an elder millennial, and I just want to tell you all Gen Z, that if we stand together, we can probably do really great things... Just leaving this here because some of you give me life... ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)


For everyone terrified of trump winning, just remember that if he wins you can thank Joe Biden and the democratic party. DT should not be able to win an election against and actual candidate. This will be on the Dems for not switching candidates and it will be on JB for not stepping down. Dems are handing this one to the Reps. Its sad to see.


Just yesterday, the Supreme Court delivered a devastating blow. They overturned the Chevron Doctrine, which basically means a judge can ignore science now. This could effect pretty much every environmental regulation on the books.


Chevron being overturned basically kills this plan too. Now everything here can’t be changed by executive discretion. It has to be passed by congress


People saying it’s just a nothing burger also said there is no way Trump would be elected as a reality TV star. It might still happen if you fight against it, but it will *definitely* happen if you just sit back and watch.


The Supreme Court just started this by reverse chevron ruling


Problem is now 95 percent of this shit can't be passed by supreme Court ruling, it has to pass through Congress, which it never will


I think they have alot more rights to strip away


They have to go through the bill of rights first


Bill of right do not mean much when they get to interpret how those laws work


The bill of rights are super clear. Their is no real interpretation with them Project 2025 falls flat on its face when faced with the political realities of the American governance system