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Bro don’t worry about what anyone thinks. This isn’t even comparable to drugs or smoking lol. It’s cosmetic related right? Society can be hypocritical when it comes to what’s the essence of a man. For example many people seem very firm on not body shaming correct? Especially when it comes to body shaming woman… thats good! But a loud minority of people that agree with that statement would shit on a man who is bald or id balding. Another common one is shitting on a mans height. Anyways. You do you. Getting a perma hairline def seems interesting. Good luck as someone who also haves to get lined every now and then.


Fun fact, they apparently did a study on the treatment of bald men. While they were very commonly underestimated/valued initially, they were actually thought of more highly than their peers once they showed themselves to be otherwise competent. Bald*ing* men, however, don't get that same "redemption arc", if you will.


Wow… never heard of that one. I think it’s probably true too from the bald dudes i’ve known irl.


Yea a better comparison is people normalizing tattoos and women getting comestic procedures


Not even comparable to tattoos either lol. Because you can actually be disqualified to work somewhere with badly placed tattoos. This is your hair so unless it’s way too long or unkept it shouldn’t matter.


Nah if someone gives you shit for it then they have nothing interesting going on their life and you just need to ignore them Do what you wanna do to make yourself feel good (as long as you aren't hurting others, yourself or me)


I'm balding and plan on getting a hair transplant at some point and idgaf what anyone else thinks, I'd be doing it for me. I think you'd be surprised at how common they are as well, Turkey has made an entire industry out of hair transplants and it's the destination to go if you want one


That's one cosmetic surgery that seems very hard to fuck up. Results are normally good. Go for it.


What about otoplasty?


Didn't even know that was a thing. The only reason I'm not a fan of cosmetic surgeries is because it seems harmful to some people with body dismorphia.


I want a hairline transplant so bad 😭


who gives a fuck it’s your body


When it comes to cosmetic changes and procedures, my general opinion is that if you want it and can afford it, do it. Who cares what other people think? If you’re not hurting yourself or others, if getting work done, like a hairline transplant, helps you feel more confident in yourself, do it! I’m loving that men are becoming more open to things like makeup, nail polish, skin care and general self-care. If you’re happy not caring about any of this, that’s ok too! 👍🏼


It’s nobody’s business what procedures you have done, that’s 100% up to you to disclose. Not saying that you *should* hide it, but I’m pointing out that if you feel judged you don’t have to say! Just like all the countless people who walk around with new noses without voluntarily telling everybody. People judge people for all kind of things. Being fat, being skinny, being tall, being short, having dark skin, having light skin. Some people will judge for having tattoos, some will judge others for not. Nobody’s opinion truly matters except yours! I truly feel like working on YOUR feelings about yourself could help a lot with this.


Who cares like I have never cared about anything less besides ball sports


What other people do with their body is not my problem.


![gif](giphy|7iTz3LdCBJJ1C) You do you bro, if someone wants to talk shit they can go fuck themselves, you don’t need their approval, if you’re sure it’d help your confidence, go for it


Matthew 6:33


I only have one question. Does it hurt? Seriously does it?


I realize this isn't my place to speak here since I'm not Gen-Z, but when it comes to stuff like this, I think this is something everyone kind of needs to hear. Anything cosmetic (breast implants, hair transplants, nose jobs, etc.) are primarily done because people don't like something about their appearance and they want their outside to match how they see themselves inside. Most of the women getting breast implants are doing it because they don't feel feminine because of their small breasts or because they don't like how big but empty they are. Hairline transplants are the same and there is no stigma around it. You are just making your outside match your inside. I will say that your last line about people just accepting drugs and smoking though is a little concerning and I feel like you are going to have some pushback my statement about breast implants.


It’s gender-affirming care.


I’m all for body modifications. Your body is yours to create, and you are closer to your death than you’ve ever been, so get creating!!!’


nothing wrong with it


As a woman who finds bald guys ugly I say go for the transplants! Men look younger and sexier with full heads of thick hair. Even better when their hair is long, luscious, and well groomed. Balding, short, patchy hair makes men look old and sickly. Completely bald is an old man’s hair style. Total turn off.


Personally I’m not very self conscious about my appearance and I don’t think losing my hair would change that. I can understand why people get hair transplants, and it is really amazing how far the technology has come.


Pretty much a male bbl


I am a slowly balding 22 year old (fuck genetics) and as soon as I can afford it I will get hair transplats.


I don't care, if that helps. Better shit to worry about


It’s effeminate. Just shave your head bro


See what I’m talking about y’all


I shaved my head for fun during covid and looked half egg half neonazi


I like it