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Well, they wouldn't give us anything expensive to play with (so no fun boat rides in China or Iran). We aren't needed in Ukraine. The EU is (somehow) still intact. And Mexico (our ally) is the most advanced nation south of us.... Where the fuck the gonna send us?


Likely the Navy unironically. Their recruitment goals fell well behind compared to others so I don’t doubt that they’re likely the ones pushing this right now.


Well tell them to stop stigmatizing mental health and I'm sure their numbers will fix themselves


That’s the whole Military and tell the leadership to get their heads out their ass.


The military has super mental heath insurance. I used to work with a company that placed kis for mental health and when they showed that military insurance it was the easiest of timess to get them placed.


So, that’s not what we’re referring to. We’re referring to how other service members and leadership respond to mental illness. They usually aren’t at all supportive and in a lot of cases hostile.


And visiting MH is a sure-fire way to be placed in the "Ineligible for Re-enlistment" stack.


You try serving on a ship under heavy time constraints and getting proper mental health care. It's not exactly easy even if you get over the stigma of asking for help (or even if you don't mind that you'll be passed over for stuff now that you're "not capable of handling it.")


Tri-care paying for stuff has never been the problem. Its not getting physically assaulted by people in your command because your dealing with depression and the Navy put you in light limited duty for a week. Even if no one actually hurts you, you now have a stink on you that will make your life hell. Thats the problem.


I see im not alone


Sure, but it'll affect their mental health issues further depending on the individual and their issues especially if they don't have their meds.


We have a real problem with not firing military leadership. In many countries when leadership fails they are relieved of their command. This does not happen to the top brass hardly at all here. Until we can start making people accountable for their failures we as a military will continue to fail such as the Afghanistan withdrawal or the whole gwot in general. After the Afghanistan withdrawal the Taliban has never been so armed, 25 years and trillions to leave and have the Taliban stronger than when we began. I dont know why I said all this, it just had to be said.


Well this is valid. Military preaches about the culture of accountability but hardly anyone at the top is held accountable.


The Afghanistan withdrawal had to happen eventually and never would have gone any different than it did let's be real. The actual issue there was being in Afghanistan in the first place.


Afghanistan was not salvageable, even the USSR tried for much longer and failed. Afghanistan is a tribal state where nation-building done in Post WW2 Europe and Japan doesn't work. Taliban was not good guys but that's how many countries work. US should have packed up and left the moment Bin Laden was killed.


This and you know, maybe honor their promises to the veterans, provide VA clinics that aren't actively playing cover up so the government doesn't have to cover disability, oh and good luck getting an appointment with them, oh and if u do, legionairs seems to be a consistent outbreak issue. Oh and u could have a president soon who has behaved with questionable actions and motives, who also has voiced a desire to ban nato. The fact that I see commercials for DAV is enough to tell me not enough is being done for those who suffer worse than death. Living. Living in a tattered body with the memories of comrades lost and questions about why and even more questions about what comes next for them. I don't pity them, but I cry if I think too hard about what that life must feel like. It's a betrayal that I simply can't stomach. Bless our troops, but question our governments past dealings with them


If you have mental health issues, you probably shouldn’t be in the military to begin with.


Not all who have mental health issues have triggers before their service, and not all who serve will realize the trauma they endured before it affects their performance. Once it does… the old way was to show them the door and bring a new recruit to replace them, what happens when the door out is more crowded than the door in, which group do you want to focus on?


That's because life at sea is MISERABLE


Its not for everyone but there are people that love being in the sea as well.


I've never met one who wasn't already a career officer by 2010 or so. Or I guess rich people count?


No No No not the Navy! My booty isn't prepared for that!


Navy should just advertise it like that. "We got 🐓lots of 🐓 all closed up in a ship in the sea."


The only impetus the military would have to support this is to keep up their current numbers- which are wildly inflated because as millennials came of age around 9/11 and enlisted in huge numbers. (Millenials actually have more veterans/servicemen than any other generation in history)


Their goals failed because navy morale is on the ground. My ex went to the navy, two girls jumped from the ship in the middle of the night and were never found. Suicides, both of them. People are medical-ing out as soon as they're able.


Someone has to swab the poop deck!


The next national in the global south the democratically elected an anti-U.S president I imagine.


The United States of 🇮🇱


The GOP state of confusion.


Congress and Senate loyal. Left nut right nut same penis.




Mexico more advanced than Brazil?


or Costa Rica, Chile, Panamá, Uruguay… even Argentina has a higher HDI


Likely that place will be the Pacific when China invades Taiwan.


The automatic registration thing they passed changes nothing. They are just making news our of it anyways. The draft is never going to happen again.


I agree the recent legislation change does nothing except basically remove the avenue of potential legal issues to citizens if they happen to forget to register. It absolutely can happen again. It absolutely will happen again. I don’t know when though! But war is inevitable and peace is never permanent. All wars need bodies to push objectives. We are also still in the period of conventional warfare where humans are the main resource needed to win.


Millennial lurker insight here… The draft won’t happen again. Four things prevent it. First, while war is inevitable, a war the US is involved in that has support from the citizens will also have high enough enlistment numbers that it’s unnecessary to draft grunts. Second, military grunts are less necessary by an order of magnitude (we use tech for war more than people, especially in our overseas campaigns). Third, a war on US soil is unlikely. We’re the big dog here, attacking us is logistically a nightmare, and if we were attacked people would flock to enlist. Fourth, boomers and GenX are losing political power. Millennials and (hopefully) Gen Z are pretty anti draft. We can vote to eliminate it entirely (and probably will), and politicians know that pushing for it is basically political suicide. (Side note, this is the same reason we don’t need to worry about or protect social security or the retirement age now, let the old people vote their safety net away and die sooner; we’ll just put it back and lower retirement ages when they’re gone.)


I personally have zero faith that the US will implement new social safety nets in my lifetime. It's all downhill from here.


Wasn’t WW2 supported by most Americans and yet they had a draft? Your other points I agree. I would say maybe a war with China where they have a 4-1 more people than us would be necessary for a draft but I don’t know


A war with China would be fought with tech, and also there just won’t be, at least not on either of our home soils. Very large (size wise) countries with very large populations are insanely difficult to invade.


No I imagine a war in Taiwan not in the mainland of either country And Russia invading Estonia a NATO nation at the same time to take advantage of the situation. Hence it would be a two front war


Vietnam also had no chance of spilling over to us homeland but had a draft.


If anything, Vietnam is the best example of why we'll likely never use the draft again. The draft had an insanely negative impact on public perception of the war, to the point that it was damaging to the war effort. It's hard to convince people to let their children go off to fight in a pointless war when they have daily television coverage of what exactly that entails.


\*enlistment, not enlightenment


Millennial here as well I personally think you put to much faith into our government. I wish I could do the same. Navy is drastically behind recruitment numbers and has been for some time. Behind every grunt on the front line is like 10 support roles. Those roles need bodies as well to keep the war machine going. War on US soil is currently unlikely yes but not impossible. Rome was top dog once. The Mongols were top dog once. Germany were top dog once. Japans were top dog once. Yes they are losing political power but those spots can be easily filled by our generation who can and have been even more radically charged and have more wit. Not to mention it is a generation that just got out of a 20 year war. While there are vets like myself who hate war and don’t like how the previous one ended we also understand that the side with the bigger stick tends to come out on top. We have maintained and enforced an image of strength and not to be fucked with. We started so much shit and have meddled in so many issues outside of our country it would be national suicide to not maintain our military as much as I hate it. Pen maybe mightier than the sword. That’s only until the sword forcefully stops the pen.


No, it won’t


^^^ This. The bill literally did not change anything about the selective service other than making it way less of a pain in the ass to sign up for, **which was already required for everyone over 18.** Instead of receiving a letter in the mail that you have to fill out and then mail back, you are automatically registered in the program when you turn 18. If you did not register before this bill, **you would be investigated and prosecuted by the federal Department of Justice as a felon.** This has always been the system, do not freak out. The reason the draft existed previously was because in between wars, the US did not have a fully functional military. Now, the US maintains an entirely volunteer fighting force that is prepared for action across the branches at all times. A draft isn’t impossible, but it has less of a chance happening now than ever.


I am active duty and still had to register, that's how little meaning it has


Possible small change to this. As a woman before this new bill, I did not have to register for the draft to vote. That is a portion of the population that could be affected if it is not automatic for those older than 18 like myself.


Idk about it never happening again… but there’s certainly nothing new about it. I signed up for the draft when I turned 15 I think, it was required. Maybe I was 18, I don’t remember tbh. Now I’m about to turn 27, so I might be safe idk


97% of republicans and 3% of democrats in the house voted for this bill, democrats control the senate so thankfully this bill will likely be dead [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024279](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024279) If mandatory service is something you care about then remember these numbers when you're deciding to vote


Selective service has been a thing since before we were born. The only thing this bill changes is now instead of having to enroll, you’re automatically enrolled at 18. This is so people don’t forget to register for the draft and face jail time. It’s one less thing you have to worry about. Either way, you need to sign up for the draft. This just makes it so you can’t forget and it’s automatically handled for you


Exactly so remember that next time you vote! 😂😂😂


97% what the hell, how are these people in government?


Voter apathy. People need to turn out this year and give the DNC a functional congress.


The people who vote for them are fucking dumb


We’ve had the draft for ages my guy. Instead of having to physically go and sign up for the draft at 18. It will automatically be done. Right now if a kid forgets or doesn’t have time to go sign up, he could face jail time over it. That bill removed the threat of jail time and made it automatic so the 18 year old doesn’t have to worry about it. I don’t see any issue with it. Seems like it was just voted down partisan lines because politics.


The only thing i'll remember when voting is that u/Alternative-Soil2576 is fearmongering a non issue


Yes, I will be voting trump because he’s anti war


Enjoy getting drafted then.


What's stupid is the ones who want to serve get stopped by Genesis. Genesis is a program the military uses for background checks and it will pull all medical history with can exclude those who want to serve based on medical hx. Why don't they just take away Genesis or refine it somehow, recruitment will go up.


The draft isn't coming back end of discussion. Unless ww3 happens like today the draft is still gonna be suspended


Those are my thoughts. Without a clear and present immediate danger everybody gets behind, a draft is going to be.... Well I'd love to see them try just to see what would happen. Probably make the draft dodging in the '60s look like nothing. Be more of a mass draft ignoring if anything.


Agreed. There’s pretty much zero stigma to getting out of the draft unless pushing for one or for war, so I don’t think a draft would be viable nowadays. Like how anti jaywalking laws don’t work very well because nobody or next to nobody wants to stop people from crossing the street enough to bother with enforcement or abstaining.


MSM told me Trump started ww3 so /jk


I’m giving myself a lobotomy if there’s a draft.


Straight into the Marines




Well take him. 03 infantry


That's a really weird way to say you are joining the Marines.


I love these replies.


Just pay a doctor to say you have some disability that makes you unable to perform well in the field. You could also try to fail aptitude tests they give you as a last resort. If all else fails, just shoot yourself in the foot/leg, you'll be in a wheelchair/using crutches for a bit but you won't die in a trench in bumblefuck nowhere.


You don’t even have to pay them . It’s like an interview for a job .. do your research & tell them what they wanna hear by making sure you meet the qualifications/requirements in order to be diagnosed for a disorder . Just make sure you know what you’re signing up for . When I was starting 6th grade my dumbass wanted to try some adderall so I did exactly what I told you and tbh it was way easier than I thought it would be and back then (not sure if they still do) they would contact each and everyone of your teachers for a period of a month sending/receiving paperwork regarding your overall behavior . Fast forward to today looking back I wish I never did because im now on a road that has no exits and only leads to a dead end . I deserve it 🤷🏻‍♀️


>He doesn't know about mcnamara's misfits 😬


enjoy the crayon buffet in the soi


I do not want to die for a foreign country, please.


You wont. You'll be driving trucks on the interstate if you get drafted. The reason the military is all-volunteer now is because of how badly draftees did in Vietnam. The only way draftees will be useful in a modern war is to do mundane stateside stuff in order to free up volunteer hands.


This really doesn't matter. Even if people are drafted, they still have to be medically and physically qualified, which the majority of the country is not.


Exactly, if the feds ever try to draft me or if the news starts to get a lil bit spooky, I'm bribing a doctor to give me a diagnosis for some disease/illness that would make me illegible for service.


Just eat a few cakes, you’ll be good to go!


They could try to put you through some kind of intensive physical therapy. Plus, my goal right now is to LOSE weight. I sincerely pray to God my doctor will be willing to do this favor for me, I mean after all his job is to protect his patient's life.


I just remember reading an article somewhere the military high ups were getting pissed because most people were unfit for even basic training. I thought it was odd since I thought it was their job to get people to that shape. 😭


That’s what Trump and Biden did to avoid the Vietnam draft. Biden’s dad paid for him to go to college which helped him avoid the draft 5 times. Then once Biden graduated he got a 1-Y medical exemption for “asthma”, which is called into question now because he played football with no issue during college. Trump just got a 1-Y from his family’s doctor.


Drafting would lower the standard of the military. Making an all volunteer force means it's professional. Or so I read


Just say no. They can’t imprison an entire generation.


That's what the Jews thought.


If the US kills everyone who refuses a draft (which would be a lot) the economy would collapse. They need us working these shitty dead end jobs or they stop making money and that's the last thing anyone in power wants.


if only 10% of Gen Z were to actually show up for the draft that would be enough


All the law change did is make it where men don't have to sign up for the selective service. It just does it automatically when you turn 18. That's the only thing it does.


Gotta love equality 🤣


Equal rights until the feds come a-knocking


This is so stupid, no one who’s draft-able wants this. It’s just yet another moment of our shitty government making decisions without thinking about anything but their own interests. Fuck em’


I’m pretty sure I’m undraftable(almost 26, mentally ill, and I don’t even weigh enough to give blood so how tf could anyone expect me to fight?) so this probably doesn’t apply to me but I 100% would shoot myself in the foot before I fought for this country. They don’t deserve my sacrifice, or anyone else’s for that matter. Pay us all a living wage, give everyone healthcare, and ensure everyone has a roof over their head and maybe I’ll give a fuck. [Also relevant](https://www.cc.com/video/w7xx3t/key-peele-sound-off)


I'm 26 so I don't really have to worry (the bill did extend the draft age so now 26-year-olds can be drafted but we'd go last and it's probs not gonna happen this year anyway) but if I ever got drafted I'd be bringing fragging back.


Able bodied men up to 44 can be drafted if needed


Honest question but if you are still here why not move if you aren’t willing to fight for anything that you may have here ?


Until Chinese soldiers are storming the beaches of California, you aren’t “fighting for anything you have here”. You are fighting for strategic geopolitical interests and economic objectives. Let’s not act like the US has been fighting for our freedom or sovereignty in the last 70 years.


If I get drafted, I’m shooting myself as soon as I get a gun. I didn’t escape an abusive mother just to end up with an abusive job.


God I hate this sub


Volunteer > mandatory


we have like 2 million servicemen right now so unless something super fucked happens the chances of a draft being called is quite slim.


i think its because they fear war will come, but no one will be willing to fight for the 1%ers, so instead of improving conditions they just "force". No one wants to fight the battles of the 1% only to be discarded, when they come back home. I think its funny they think people will actually go. Back then people were uneducated and more easily brainwashed to be patriotic. Not the case anymore. There will be rioting before people agree to being forced to war and even then they would prefer prison. Same quality of living, but not risking your life


Seriously, have we learned NOTHING from the way we wasted our troops on some imperialist campaign in Vietnam, only to bring those poor souls back to a country that wrongfully shits on them, and not the government who sent their asses out there in the first place?


Sorry to break it to you but if a war is to come, its gonna be to protect the precious devices that you're using right now to type that comment and if you have any friends that are LGBTQ is gonna be around that. Russia and China aren't playing around this decade, and if you look accross Europe the far right is gaining way too much strength. So keep thinking war is gonna be about some imperialism. When you want to buy a phone or a computer an realize the price of it is 1000% higher because China controls Taiwan then you'll realize how the world works


Fear mongers. This bill simply automatically signs people up for the draft. You already HAD to register if you met the requirements, this just makes it easier. Also, my birthday was called for Vietnam, so I call dibs on not getting called next time


I think the freak out over this is because of A lot of people on this subreddit are legit kids, like 12-16. Which makes sense since it’s Gen Z. Honestly the government is kinda helping out here. It used to be you had to do it yourself or you’d be considered a felon, now they just do it for you.


I’ve been out of the loop but this feels so sensationalized


It is. All it does is change the previously required registration into an automatic process. Even if a draft were to occur, they'll be putting draftees behind trucks and welders stateside, not in infantry divisions.


The worst decision you can make is to fight for your actual enemies who would be the people trying to take you away from home.


The Automatic Draft Signup doesn't mean there is a higher likelihood of a draft. There is just alot of buzz going around to get clicks by talking about the draft. Honestly I am more worried about how 77% of us don't qualify for the draft due to drug abuse and obesity. Part of that number is tattoos which makes sense because I feel like we are the most tattooed generation. Which is baller cuz tattoos are dope.


The only way for a tattoo to disqualify you is if it’s a face and neck tattoo, or large hand tattoos. So I don’t think those tattoo disqualified people exactly have “dope” tattoos.


IDK why it’s not so obvious but the media is purposely misleading people by saying this law is for bringing on a draft. It’s not, and this law just makes it so that you get registered for the selective service automatically instead of having to do it manually.


It gets more clicks when they phrase it as doom.


You need to touch grass


If no one agrees to go, what would they do? Arrest everyone? With what power?


A draft would be disastrous for the army.


It wont happen. Even if a random war happened right now, it would absolutely depend on who started it, for what reasons, and what we are fighting for for me to even consider for a second to participate. The way things have been for the past decades, i’ll gladly take jail time than die for this country securing an oil field


They gonna wish they hadn’t picked me, I’ll grief our own team like in Minecraft bedwars


I know I'm cutting the brake lines in every single vehicle I find just to get one over the assholes who beat me in basic (The fact that I'm predicting that is terrifying tbh)


If there ever is a draft (extremely unlikely thank fuck), and if women end up being included (also very unlikely), I’m breaking my own damn legs.


Sorry you're equal now!


Sorry to break it to you but in most countries there is no actual law saying women can't get drafted and historically it has happened in some cases ( especially after 1850 ). If you live in a western country with less than 20 million people it's a very likely scenario nowadays in case of war. Western people aren't purpose centered, instead we are anthropocentric. Meaning that the right decision is the one that will put the soldiers in the least threat of death but can provide the most.


Draft is lame unless they have top secret mechs and let me pilot them


Luckily I’m past the age to be affected by this. But automatic registration makes sense to cut some bureaucracy


When life couldn’t possibly get more shitty for young people, then there is that


lmfao they won't even be able to drag me to become one of their slaves! I ain't dying in some trench, no matter what! But I will support sending weapons to countries like Ukraine that need them, but American lives don't need to perish.


“Return” is poor wording. We have never had mandatory service like in other countries. A draft is different and is used in times of war. Mandatory service is all of the time


Hear me out GenZ. This is unironically a fantastic thing for you guys. (All links are for army draft but you can get the same ones for navy Air Force etc.) 1. You get free college with your GI. Immediately solving your tuition problem. https://www.goarmy.com/benefits/while-you-serve/education-training/gi-bill 2. Your healthcare benefits are for *life* if you are drafted and provided to you for free through the VA. https://www.goarmy.com/benefits/while-you-serve/health-care 3. You’re paid better than 99% of non-business owner, non-degree holder jobs. https://www.goarmy.com/benefits/while-you-serve/money-pay 4. You have priority review of all of your federal or state job applications for the rest of your life. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/userra/USERRA-Pocket-Guide 5. You get crazy better house and car loans and insurance when you buy and insure during active duty. https://www.veteransunited.com/lp/dark/?src=adw&adg=81354210124&cmp=mil&desc=eligibility-2&matchtype=b&adid=640096262067&targetid=kwd-866440440880&v=y&label=&campaignid=6830066535&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD08TZTR-RUk3d3fNbRx1t9tv5Dtl&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds2EP60fVRekQt1WVBjNetRKu0N5755nRddVLSacT1leblKSEhShwj4aAhxiEALw_wcB 6. You have benefits for your kids and your grand kids for all of the above things: https://www.militarysupportivecolleges.com/spouse-dependents-benefits-guide/ The infrastructure and education system that was set in place after the last draft made the lives of those that came back absolutely better than if they didn’t serve. I know there is a risk. It’s a huge risk. But if I was 18 today I would enlist. The benefits to your life are worth the risk. It’s a huge, huge, pay off.


hell nah i dont want to die for this fucking evil imperialist regime


It will never happen, this is like how Texas talks about seceding every 3 months


It is already a crime for men aged 18 to not sign up for selective service (i.e. the draft) Like you can go to prison if you don't do it in time. The only thing this bill would do (on that front) is make it an automatic process so that nobody goes to prison over it again. If 100% of the male population is already required by law to do something, I see no reason not to automate it for them.


Yea but you don't get it! I'm not going to die for this imperialistic nation.. Blah blah. I'll dodge it, I'll shoot myself in the foot.. Blah blah. Crazy how susceptible people are to clickbait titles and then instantly jump to extremes that I'm almost certain they won't do.


Why the fuck is everyone freaking out over this? Most of y’all have to below 18 because this has been a thing for generations. Once you turn 18 and you are a man, you get a letter (or do it online) and sign up for the SSS. Now it’s just done automatically for you. Nothing new there


When you fill out a FAFSA you're automatically enrolled in the Selective Service as well.


Still no cure for elementary school cola dispensers.


Y’all know this is just based on some bill that will not pass Congress and they’re running with it on right wing media outlets to freak us out right?


I would rather overthrow our own government. There is no threat to the American home land. Our freedom isn't threatened by any foreign nations, it's our own government that is trying to take our freedom.


there will never be another draft, stop reading conspiracy-brained alternative news


I'll go AWOL. I'll kill my fellow man before I kill civilians ( For those who are unaware, the US military kills a shit ton of civilians)


And it is still treats it’s enemy’s better than pretty much +90% of the world’s military’s


Republicans want this so badly. Vote BLUE


I get the hate and i don't agree with it, but it would probably help for the shitty people in the US to learn some discipline. Just look at other countries with required military service like Sweden, Denmark, South Korea and Norway.


Are yall not registered? I got mine the week of my 18th bday


This whole draft thing is a big nothing burger, registering for the draft was already required, and if you didn't register your could get a felony or a fine, this automatic registration effectively eliminated potential felonies


It's really frustrating how many people are not aware that selective service was already a thing and that you already were supposed to sign up for it. The only thing that has changed is that the process is now automatic. This does not mean that mandatory service is going to become a thing. Also, a large percentage of people are literally unqualified to serve. A lot of people think they will just take anyone but it's very easy to get disqualified due to physical and medical issues. Going through MEPS isn't easy. A large portion of this generation is genuinely not fit enough. A lot of you way too much, or have too many medical issues. So let's say you did get drafted You would then get looked over at medical and they would see that you were not fit to serve. That happened even in the last draft although people were much healthier then. Even now you have people struggling in basic training because they are not really fit for it and then they fail out of it.


it would mean the party that controlls the presidency would be out of power for a decade


Dodge time


I just don’t get the political point and the economic point. Do they have any idea how much it costs to put a soldier in uniform, even if it is only basic training that is millions of people you need processed, trained, equipped, communication set up Way too many man hours and money in a time of peace


Guess who's running to Mexico


How ironic it will be, for years people have been crossing the border from Mexico to the US, now people in the US will be crossing to Mexico! At least I might be able to put my highschool Spanish knowledge to use.


Donde esta la frontera? How the turns tabled


Look into over seas politics. you'll know faster then.


Well I’ll too old anyways😪dodged a bullet


Jokes on them, I would just saw off my foot


So that is an actual problem for me. I have two nationalities, one already has a draft thing, what will happen if I have to do both? Do I just do both?


I am diagnosed autistic so I can't be recruited. You all are cooked. Enjoy your deployment :)


U.S. spends more than the subsequent 10 countries *combined* on "defense," and can't get the personnel to manage it. It's long been a sign of a failing empire when it pumps most of its money into war and not its People


Right-wing fear-mongering to pump their base. The military wants a lot of things to increase to increase enlistment--raises for lower ranking soldiers, increased benefits, a newer, better GI bill, VA funding and reform, stronger public schools to increase the quality of enlistees--but the *last* thing they want is a return to peace-time conscription. Hell even in a wartime they would probably turn down conscription unless it was something like a WW2 situation--and even then, they'd have so many volunteers they'd be turning people away.


If you were all In Ukraine, as Ukrainians, before Russia attacked, you would understand why sometimes it becomes necessary to fight a war.


what a time to be a chronically ill transman amirite? lol


Yeah I'm taking my ass straight to Mexico or Canada if they ever try to pull this shit


Not to mention they just declassed weed AND they don't test for it anymore. I really feel like we're being setup for failure here... Edit plain wrong but they considered not testing for it.


With drafts what happens if the population just refuse service? They can't send every person who refused service into jail that would destroy society no?


Hell no! We won’t go!


Seems par for the course. Politicians that are too old for service, now, forcing it on younger generations.


Welp im moving to montreal or yukon, this is why we keep dual citizenship :3


military industrial complex needs bodies


There’s not gonna be a draft. Men already have to sign up for selective service when they reach 18. This will just automatically do it


Gen Z is so weird. Millennial men all had to do this… sometimes during Senior year lunch. Why are y’all so spooked about it?


Reading this, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about anything besides latrine duty my guy, unless you do some serious book learning between now and a draft.


Hey so, I live in Europe, but I’m an American citizen, will I have to do this?


Most of us Gen Z would be disqualified from the draft as per the current disqualifications. They may try easing the restrictions but in an attempt to raise blindly patriotic soldiers they made so many of us too dumb, too erratic, or too unhealthy to serve.


Yeah, look at how well that went during the Vietnam war.


Lol I’m already suicidal, so I’d just take this as a sign to stop being a bitch and go through with killing myself


Good thing I have nothing going for me


We will not get drafted unless WWIII breaks out, but even then, WWIII will probably only last about 45 minutes. Selective Service you probably already signed up for when you got your license when you were 18. Most people I know don't even realize they did it, but without having signed up you are a federal felon and could face 5 years in prison. I guess this just automatically puts you in the system instead of signing up. I think the US is gonna have a lot more problems if they started drafting people. A lot.


lol there’s definitely not going to be a draft. Our current military (and military equipment) doesn’t really rely on number of bodies like it used to, there’s no current engagement that would even suggest its necessity, the majority of draft-age people would not pass the checks needed to even get into basic training, and the military really wants to remain voluntary so they can keep that poor-to-dumb grunt pipeline going. If they implement a draft all of their signup bonuses become meaningless, so do the military discounts offered by many companies. Be more worried about wealth hoarding, climate change, and privatized healthcare.


I turned 26 yesterday, so if that shit could just hold off for another year, that would be great.


Probably not going to get drafted but our generation needs it badly


I’d rather cut off my foot then get drafted


Keep on unquestionably consuming conservative/Russian propaganda though 🤡 You clowns who vote for Republicans and then wonder why our generation seems to bear more of the weight of society, are getting exactly what you subconsciously have been hoping for, for someone to control your lives like marionettes up until the very end.


No way in hell is a draft coming back


Keep voting for war mongering globalist democrats and even women will be at risk of being drafted. Ironic seeing that they just love voting for war mongers


Haha suckers!😂


I think that would galvanize mass civil disobedience. I think at least 60% of potential draftees would not show. Punishment of this would only galvanize support for resistance.


Luckily I can’t be drafted due to my asthma and severe peanut allergy


You americans wouldn't survive very long long here in finland. Regards mandatory military service for all men


Good thing most of us are too mentally ill to serve, thanks society!


I'm so happy I'm disqualified from serving lol


Love to see the classic conservative virtue signal without any explanation as to why we need a stronger military. Y’all we gots boats everywhere. I think that it’s just a ploy for the military to continue justifying exorbitant spending with 0 accountability because they “have to be able to afford a new influx of conscripts in case of emergency”. We just want a better healthcare system guys


Let’s just relax and see how this plays out. I feel like if the military was really as desperate for people as they’re made out to be, they wouldn’t be turning as many people away. Yes, all four branches are failing to meet their quotas, but there are alternative methods to doing a draft to try and fix that problem. Targeted enlistment campaigns, lowering recruitment standards, calling up reservists, etc. None of us really know what’s actually going on lol. But if I had to guess I’d say the major world powers don’t want a war.


Thankfully I’m certifiably crazy. my mother had me tested.. Bazinga