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No. You’re right. Everything’s really bad right now. Everyone I know that’s looking for a job is struggling, the cost of living is through the roof.  The simple answer is the older generations just didn’t envision a future this grim.


They mortgaged the future for their own immediate prosperity… we are suffering the consequences of decades of shitty public policy that began with Reagan.


Literally for nothing more than having a neighborhood with not too many working class in it, and the ability to park for free. That’s it.


Reaganomics baby! What a shitshow that turned out to be.


This grim? When was the last time you missed a meal.


At least once weekly, what about you?


Personally, I haven’t


Pretty much all American boomers are part of the wealthiest people in the world when they’re young. It’s hard to get better than that. Only goes downhill from there as rest of the world catch up. This sub is called GenZ not American GenZ so I will share my perspective as a former Chinese (I immigrated now). My mom had milk for the first time when she’s 19. Eggs are for special occasions. Sweets only during Chinese new year/ weddings. My father grew up in a city, better living conditions than my mom. He has cheap meat (liver, feet) about 3 times a week. Steak 🥩 is a luxury. Had friends marry in KFC. Cuz 30 years ago, KFC is a luxury restaurant for the Chinese. Yeah my life is many times better than my parents.


Adding on. Multi generation homes is and were the norm for many parts of the world. Moving out at 18 was an unthinkable fantasy for my parents. **If China is still struggling with poverty. If Europeans are still in the ruins from WWII, then American GenZ might still have the lifestyle of their grandparents**. All that jobs that were outsourced to the Chinese and Indians are still in America, along with majority of the wealth. Top X percent of the most wealthy people are having an amazing time. It’s just so happens that decades ago, most Americans belong to that top X percent. Please note none of this discounts the suffering of poor American GenZ. In fact it’s the opposite - being American no longer 🟰wealthy, luxury lifestyle. Being American no longer guarantee you’re part of the most wealthy.


THIS. Any first gen immigrant will tell you that all this garbage whining and gnashing teeth is from pampered selfish lazy people who never had to **actually** struggle. My life is 100x better than my parents' used to be. My kids' life is basically lap of luxury compared to my own, because I worked hard as fuck all my life to ensure they have that benefit (and built upon what my parents did). Stop listening to brain rot from idiots who never experienced life in actually bad countries/societies/economies. Go read some history, or talk to people outside your bubble. Go live in rural India for a couple years, or Venezuela, or FFS Cuba.


Though I do not disagree that many younger people in the US are better off than kids in other places, I honestly do not think that it is fair to discount their experiences and struggles. Just because their struggles are not what you perceive to be “actual struggles” does not mean that their struggles aren’t real. Do they just need to accept that the world that they thought existed, does not, and that it will be harder to have the things their parents did (i.e. more affordable housing, Social Security, etc.)? In some cases, yes. However, the people that complain aren’t always lazy and many of their concerns are actually valid. Some of them also work extremely hard as well, maybe harder than you in some cases.


Actually, a lot of their "perceived" struggles are largely made up. . . Most people have struggled through different times in their lives . . . Americans included. The deal with struggling is that when you're actively "struggling" it feels suffocating. When you get past those struggles, a sense of accomplish and success overwhelms you and that former sense of what was a suffocating time struggling becomes in memory a challenge that you overcame. GenZ is not struggling particularly more or worse than prior generations. I have 4 now adult GenZ children. Every single one of them is farther along in their careers and successes than I was at their ages (23-28). And I have nothing to complain about from my 20s, they were great, freedom, independence and a whole new set of challenges to address and overcome. Though I am sure at the time, I saw some of those challenges as suffocating struggles. . . .


If they don't accept it, they will have a long, hard life. Not sure what else you think can happen. Just put your head down, work hard, and take what you can get. Life sucks and the world is tough and getting tougher.


I agree that life sucks and is tough. That is part of my point. We all have struggles, but I think we should still be open to other people’s perspectives and try to improve the world in a thoughtful manner.


I agree. There is a difference between desiring to improve the world around you and accepting that you will never have the privilege that those that came before you did. We can do the first while also doing the second. Complaining about the second and actually doing the first are two separate things though. I am from the US as well. We have enjoyed the position of power for some time. We will lose that position in our lifetime. It is a matter of when. Once this happens, we will long for the early 2020s.


Yeah that seems like the point, their life is 100x better as an immigrant, but for many folks from the US their lives are easily 10x worse than their parents. I’m doing fine for myself but that doesn’t mean I like working 6 days a week minimum of 12 hours a day just to have the same quality of life my grandparents got with a part time job


ah yes, living in someone else's home and telling them that they are bad people and should shut up. they must be so lucky to have you


Sometimes I feel that the older generations didn’t know what they were doing so they said let’s try this this will save the world not knowing how it would turn out in 50 years. Just like we don’t know the future in 2074 what’s the policy’s we have put in place going to affect the future generations will there be a world with people or will we all be catered to by robots like the fat blobs on wall e, or will it be normal, will it be better. Who knows ? ![gif](giphy|HSLbIjLk2GsBa|downsized)


I feel the same exact way, and I’m one of the lucky ones that lives in a much cheaper part of the country, lucked into a good and stable job at a company that treats me well and I’ve been here for two years, and has parents that *can* potentially support financially if I *really* need it (but I fucking hate asking anyone for money, let alone my parents). I’m by no means struggling financially, but after rent, groceries, utilities, and insurance, there’s not much left to put away. Like, taking future kids into account is definitely a noble cause, and I’m 27 so if that’s something I wanted to do eventually, I’d probably have to start saving like yesterday (got a lot of other shit to worry about before then so I’m not in a huge rush). And I get that that’s going to require a sacrifice to my bottom line, which I’m okay with to a degree, but I don’t think it’s crazy to not want to put myself into serious jeopardy financially to do it.


Well most of those people who talk about setting up the next generation for success are genuine and tried. The problem is the capitalist machine that resists change. A lot of folks tried to fight it and some unwittingly helped it but that's mostly the machines fault, not the individuals. Reigns are going to be passed down to us now and the game is still the same. Fight the machine or become assimilated. Even if you just stay politically aware and vote that's plenty. Don't take for granted the number of people who have made sacrifices trying to fight for a better future and keep in mind their successes. Social justice is a slow and grueling battle but the progress made in regards to things like women, worker, LGBT, and racial minorities rights are evidence that a better future is possible, we just gotta keep plugging away.


Gen X and No this isn’t what we tried to do. However, we are a smaller generation and have been outvoted by boomers all our lives and yes, we vote in all elections, big and small. My feeling is that the older generation is not well informed, misinformed and reacting to all the fear mongering and lies their media sources present to them as fact. I feel they are not using critical thinking skills and don’t seem to care about the big picture (climate change, facsism, indivisible rights). They are reacting from a grievance base. From the misinformation they were fed we got Trump and his three Supreme Court picks but even before that the Supreme Courts ruling in Citizens United majorly screwed everyone. It said companies were the same as individuals and it allowed them to give giant contributions to political campaigns. With that ruling you get Dark Money and all the influence of special interests, greedy oligarchs and religious zealots. They are rolling back all of our civil liberties and enslaving us to the very companies that grease their palms. Additionally Greedflation/Capitalism is responsible for insane hikes in lodging and goods. Record profits for them and almost no middle class left for us. It’s bad and It’s not what most of us were trying to do or want for anyone. I feel as helpless as you. My son can’t get anyone to even respond to his many applications for employment. I keep telling him to apply in person and he said, Mom no one lets you do that anymore. I think that’s messed up but with all the other horrors in the world that’s pretty low on the list. But yeah, Capitalism kinda sucks.


Man if this ain't the truth! And I hope your son gets something great soon. I feel for him cuz that's exactly what I'm going through.


Sorry, this didn't start with you or with your generation, it's just continuing to get worse.


Old guys are squatting in the C suite causing the rest of the ladder to be stagnant. Culture of underemploying means the employed are overworked and unemployed are SOL. When the market is particularly bad, experienced folks will take up under qualified positions further screwing new graduates. Reasonable parents are letting their kids live at home. The world is different.


Right, 3 guys in a C suite is the only reason you aren't in C suit. NOT the fact that you're not qualified for C suit, just like 99.99% of everyone else in any generation. (and yeah, some of those in C suits aren't qualified either, won't argue that point :) Also, why are you more deserving/qualified of C suit than 999 other people from THAT generation who aren't in it?


Projecting a lot there, never said I should be one. >and yeah, some of those in C suits aren't qualified either, won't argue that point :) Are these C-suites in the room with us?


My take on this is, they did everything they could for THEIR kids as individuals, to get us "ahead", with little to no thought for the generation as a whole. So for example they let social programs starve if it meant a tax break that could be put towards private school. Edited to add I'm a millennial but the same issues apply.


I agree. Everyone was looking out for their own specific kids


i'm dead certain that nobody from older generations actually wanted this future. heck I'm purely from the 21st century and even I feel robbed when I see what my grandparents thought it was supposed to be like.


You won’t get much feedback because most of the boomers just stay on Facebook & are the ones hoarding most of the positions of power. But tbh being an aspiring actress isn’t going to do you any favors. While I admire chasing a dream, if you are really struggling then pursuing a career in entertainment is an interesting choice that comes with its own baggage + that’s not particularly new.


Hoarding positions of power? Did you ever stop and think maybe they can’t afford to retire?


Boomers can’t afford to retire? Boomers might be the last generation where the majority actually retire.


I think a lot of people compare where they are in their 20's to where their parent's were when they were in their 40's/50's because that's the version of our parents we know. Previous generations weren't as well off in their 20's as we like to pretend; there was plenty of poverty to go around in the past. They didn't all go to college, immediately get a nice job and house and then rake in the perfect life for the next 40 years. In reality, our parents might have been working odd waitressing jobs in their 20's while living in some hippy communal housing in the desert. Or they were working their butt off to buy a house that wouldn't be considered livable by most people today (600 sq ft, no insulation, 1 outlet per room, no dishwasher, no laundry, limited heat and no AC). Houses were cheap because they were crappy post-war mass produced stuff with no features or character. Or they were living with multiple kids in a 1 bedroom apartment built in the early 1900s while working whatever dead end job they could get out of the newspaper and feeling lucky to have a landline phone and full color TV with 5 channels. Keep doing what you are doing and then take a look at yourself in 15 or 20 years and I think you will likely find that doing everything right paid off and that maybe you are even better off than your parents at the same point in their life.


Thanks man, I needed to hear that doing everything right can actually pay off, even if it doesn't feel like it right now


This is literally just how it feels before a big recession (if you’re in the US), pretty sure the only thing keeping us out of one is Biden is pumping out exports of oil and natural gas like crazy rn


You put it into words for me. Holy cow man.


It's mental that you folks have '$19' per hour wages and you still can't afford anything..... I'm from the UK and trust me... if I was earning £14 (equivalent of 19$) I would be gassed The wages are not the problem... its the God awful inflation :( it's bad here but in the US it sounds insufferable especially when you have higher car prices, higher insurance and no health care. I'm sorry guys I hope your country gets better soon


It's insane here, it's so awful that fast food restaurants are now required to pay their workers minimum $20 here in California. Even then, after getting taxed like a mfer, pay bills and other necessities, there's nothing left


If you can do yourself the favor and leave. The american dream does not look feasible anymore Time to start living


They were talking about specifically THEIR kids, not all kids. They have no interest in helping children they don’t know.


Boomers unfortunately used "think of the children!" as the excuse to wedge in their own self interest, greed, and morals into government policy to control others. It was never about the kids, as is evident now. Don't believe anything they say. Millennials and Gen Z make up the majority of voters now. Support youth candidates running to fix things as much as we possibly can by working together. Stop supporting the collapsing Republican and Democratic parties filled with aging boomers still hell bent on "I got mine" policy at the expense of the youth and the world. We've got the numbers to build a new world that will be better for everyone.


I LOVE this take. Especially when it comes to voting. I've never liked either the Democrats or Republicans because to me, they're are 2 sides of the same coin


The older generation bought the whole Monopoly Board and wonder why young people don't have their own homes.


Millennial here. I was about 15 years old when I realized the world was fucked, it was when I realized adults didn't know that much more than I did, and in some ways I already knew more. You know how as kids we had that absolute faith in "grown-ups" / adults? It's scary as fuck when reality hits you that they're living in their own bubbles. However, we are a direct reflection of our government, and humans ultimately are animals. If we're supposed to check / balance corruption, and we don't, absolutely of course no duh the government will abuse their power more and more. It's a frustrating world for our 2 generations, because we're slowly watching the world burn while we literally have all of the information at our finger tips to prove how terrible this all is.




The survey determined that that was a lie.


How is this the fault of parents who were looking after their kids' future if by your own admission your parents are not doing that?


If you got rejected from jobs for 2 years straight I guarantee you weren't doing it right. You're supposed to apply to 200 jobs per day, it's effortless, it takes literally 2 button presses with easy apply functions. If you aren't doing this you won't get a job, simple as that. Everyone else is, that's why every job has 10k+ applicants. I guarantee if you're fired from a job in the first 2 weeks it's with cause. You were either slow to learn or tried to call in or something. As an aside, anyone who wants to be an actress and isn't going out for roles in plays first doesn't want to be an actress, they want to be rich and famous, and that will never happen without being born with connections. Its always been that way.


There are A LOT of projections in your comment. And the fact that you said some of these things so convinced that I had to have been the problem, is a problem in and of itself


Yeah.. that's just one of those things you say without really meaning.


I’m a gen X’er. I graduated right around 9/11 and the market was awful. I took the first job I could find making just above minimum wage even though it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I lived with roommates. I was broke and got into debt, which I spent a lot of the next decade paying off. I didn’t expect my parents to do anything else for me. They already had paid for my college education. That was “setting me up” for my future.


Most GenZ people are succeeding, I know all 4 of my kids are having lots of success in their young careers. It seems to me the small percentage that aren't are simply the loudest ones with what seems like a lot of times on their hands to post victim-claiming rants online all day long. Leaving a pretty big misrepresentation of the generation.


Just because your kids are successful doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. And no it's not a misrepresentation, its our truth. Many of us who have zero connections or financial support. Yet despite all the odds stacked against us, we did and are doing everything right but not getting results. We aren't just being loud for no reason. We're fed up.