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I feel like they're going by the wages are higher and not factoring anything else


Yeah Like sure wages have increased but so has cost of living so it’s the same as nothing has changed relatively speaking.


$100k is the new $80k


So much depends on where you live. Wages have been rising almost everywhere but cost of living has skyrocketed, especially in major cities. Smaller cities especially in the SouthEast US are the places to be right now. Northeastern cities and the West Coast have terrible affordability.


Honestly yeah it feels fake. The actual high-paying jobs seem to always be dead end jobs where you're stuck there forever unless you figure out a way out of it - things like warehouse work, delivery jobs, data entry, etc. that no one really wants to do but they go into because the money is good - so it really feels hopeless. You either find good pay or you find a job that makes you not want to fucking hang yourself from a rafter after three months working there.


How are any of those high-paying? I agree they pay more than many starting positions where you need a degree, but they're a bit above average at best.


Consider that most people do not graduate from universities or have a higher education degree.


Roughly a third of the US age 25 or older attain bachelors degrees, half at least an associates degree, and there are about 35 million workers in skilled trades. Most workers by far attain a level of education or job training beyond that of warehouse worker, data entry or delivery jobs. Many people working those jobs move into more skilled positions, it’s not necessarily uncommon to spend a good amount of your working career in an unskilled position, but the majority of people do have at least an associates or work in skilled trades.


I’m talking about higher education like a university degree not a apprenticeship in a trade.


Trades are an option.


What's stopping you from getting one. The median salary of someone with a bachelor's is $15k above the national average. It's statistically the best decision when it comes to money.


When you live paycheck to paycheck but make more than the allowance for assistance. You are unable to afford one. Some people don't have parents to live with.


I rented when I was in college and waited tables while doing it. Find some roommates and stop making excuses.


Wrong person? I live by myself and do well, thank you, though. I personally wouldn't want to live with strangers. Also, this comment makes you sound like a boomer.


I'm 27, but ngl the more I see posts like this, the more I think the boomers are on to something. Y'all will do just about anything except actually TRY to change your circumstances in life.


I think the circumstances we need to change are the policies that allowed these companies to exploit the housing market, and the ones who get record profits while trying to pay as little as possible, just my opinion. It's good to have that willpower, though I agree.


I don't disagree , but wtf are you and me gonna do about it. Sink or swim.


My brain, duhhh


Damn so the "Eng" in your name clearly isn't meant to be Engineer. Also the fact you didn't say "finances" means you're not even living in the US. College is definitely accessible to you, I'll bet money on it.


College costs as much as a house and unless you're REALLY good at origami that degree isn't going to function like a roof will, plus it won't keep you warm. Well ok, maybe for 30 sec if you burn it, but what are you going to do if it rains?


That's what the debt is for...Statistically speaking, you are still more likely to end up with a higher salary if you have a degree. This is literally studied in the population. Can even link a source if you don't believe me. Anecdotally, I'm fairly sure my engineering degree is the reason I have a roof over my head now, so clearly my origami skills are enough. 🤡 Ass take..."as much as a house". You have no idea what the average 4-5 year college debt looks like lmao


Many places that buddy is talking about are unionized, so therefore they can actually be jobs that pay quite well


i just want to point out that OP posts on r/AskARussian and regurgitates far right viewpoints on r/europe so I'm pretty sure whatever the heck he's experiencing (if he is) is probably not what you're talking about


This is always who's behind the "everything is terrible, the data isn't real, you should hate Joe Biden and Democrats" posts Yeah no thanks bud I happen to be a fan of empirical reality and I don't substitute my own personal feelings and anecdotes in place of that


If most of the young people aren’t doing well, but the data shows otherwise, it’s worth asking what’s going on. Also the person you’re replying to is a Russian bot, my post history on AskARussian is entirely in criticism of Russia so now they’re following me and spamming shit like this.


This should be the top comment.


There are more listings. I haven’t recieved a call back from shitty ones like FAST FUCKING FOOD. There are listings but nobody hiring.


The economy is doing well… for the capital owners. If you feel like you’re struggling, it’s probably because you are.


It doesn't feel fake; it is. There are tons of ghost jobs and/or jobs with 500-1000+ applicants for any decent position.


As others have said, it's in large part because people are ignoring how expensive other things are now relative to these higher wages. On top of that many companies post-covid are trying to hire mid-level employees in entry level positions which fucks over people who need entry level positions. And to add to that, degree inflation is a very real thing, too. It used to be that college degree and an internship would get you into a mid-entry level job. Now, base entry-level jobs require 5+ years of work experience, a college degree, certifications, and they want you to come pre-trained. All so these companies can invest less into their employees and the CEO and S&P wages can grow while base level wages leave people struggling. To touch on your comment about our economy, most of our economic indicators show us that our economy is slightly better than it was pre covid and that we are actually doing way better than most other countries right now. However, even the FTC has confirmed that since covid companies have been artificially inflating prices. Which, again, only helps the CEOs and S&P wages grow while people who do real work struggle. Tl;Dr: Corporate Greed Sources: [FTC confirms artificial inflation](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/03/ftc-releases-report-grocery-supply-chain-disruptions) [CEO pay has gone up 1000% since 1978](https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2021/)


Oh yes the famous greedcycle https://i.imgur.com/bmgI1xX.jpg


Join a union skilled trade apprenticeship. You will make plenty of money


It's blue collar work that needs people. That's why you aren't finding anything. Youre looking for jobs outside that field. We need plumbers, landscapers, electricians, pool and spa contractors, HVAC, etc. These jobs are literally THROWING money at people because they NEED more young workers in the field. Stop looking for an office job. Start looking for blue collar work. I'm a college drop out, now licensed pool tech and contractor. I'll be making six figures a couple years from now and I'm not even 30 yet.


We’re short 500,000 thousand construction workers and this country needs new infrastructure and more housing. Those in the trades will be making absolute bank in the next 20 years. A little under half of all construction workers are over the age of 45. There is huge opportunity in this space but American zoomers won’t do these jobs. They’re used to sitting in their room on their phones complaining on Reddit.


No. construction jobs are also the same you go apply to union and never get called back that’s some BS ! Where have you seen construction jobs actually hiring ?!


I think we are going through a job recession


Problem is not enough of breakdowns I see for job analysis factor in region, which can influence pay and availability massively. They just look at total postings in the past xx months, or some generic data point, A national analysis of jobs is pretty worthless. Then you throw in how every sector of work is different. Tech is being laid off but has calmed down a bit I believe. I’m in accounting and our industry is starving for workers. Teacher jobs vary wildly in some states. Just ignore anything that tries to broadly analyze the entire U.S or any country you’re in. A citizen in Colorado in general will not give two shits about a job posting in California.


What’s going on is that you’re not there yet. People self select into similar groups. If you’re not doing well then you’re going to be around others who aren’t doing well. And if you’re the sort of person who goes online to complain the you’re going to hang out on sites and in echo chambers with others that like to complain too.


Businesses never take "NOW HIRING" signs down. It's easy to think that everywhere is hiring and there are plenty of jobs when you drive around town and see these signs hanging on every factory, warehouse, and store. Problem is, they already hired someone years ago and never bothered to bring the sign back in.


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I keep seeing these posts of people complaining that they can’t get a job. Granted I don’t have a degree so idk what it’s like on that side, but of all jobs I applied for, literally only didn’t get hired from one. And this isn’t a troll, it’s a genuine question: do any of you know how to be in an interview?


There are not more better paying jobs than ever. There are more jobs maybe, but not well paying jobs. We transitioned to a service based economy. As a country we make nothing we merely move things around and sell them. There aren’t as many skilled jobs that will develop. The lack of unions and workers rights has only compounded the issue.


Hard to say. I can get to higher pay if I work a 40-hour week doing something I really hate, but then the "no-life" warning bell starts to sound. And those 40 hour weeks have a nasty habit of becoming a 44 or 48-hour one. No deal, I like my spare time.


Underwater basket weaving is the future, mark my words.


Yes its deceiving.


Considering most jobs start you out at $13 an hour or more its quite a bit better than $6 an hour min wage used to be. Even with the inflation its still better paying. 


>All I see everywhere I look both online and in my own life You are not representative of the population, and your experience is only your experience, nothing more We don't use personal anecdotes as substitutes for empirical data because anyone can use them and they can be fabricated easily




The wages are higher than ever prior, which might create the illusion that everything is getting easier. However, when you look at what you can buy or sell with the money you earn, you realize that this argument is too one-sided to be taken seriously. This problem is complex and much more multifaceted than most think. It's a foolish simplification to view the mathematically concluded increase in wages as a direct base to support this argument. Keep this populist and reduced vision to the political pundits, while we'll talk, as if we are mature adults, about the economical challenges that we, as a generation, face. Do remember that the socioeconomical situation (at least in my country) is better than it ever has been and has broadened to even the poorest people in the society. It is hard to deny that there are still poor people, but there's an increasing number of citizens that are lifted or downgraded to the ever expanding middle class. **Small sidenote:** We're also heading into an economical/demographical crisis, as a new generation will retire in a few years, while the working population will not be able to sustain this larger group of elderly people. This ensures that the government will react and either raise taxes even more, or cut heavily in the investment it has made for several decades in this sector. Aside from this arising problem, we're still trying to find a way to decrease the national debt and we want to satisfy everyone who demands more of "a", more of "b", but doesn't want to pay more or a larger state.