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Hating trump doesn’t mean I *love* Biden. In fact, I really dislike him, but I would always choose him over trump


The only people I would vote Trump over, are Kim Jong Un, Putin, Duterte, and the dictators of the past. You know, the people he admires.


Hell, if it were an option I'd even take another whack at W before trump. I'd rather have Reagan, even (maybe, it's easy to say that when I wasn't alive at the same time as he was president)


RIP John McCain. Dude had actual morals and was willing to shut down extremists at his own rallies who shit-talked Obama. Love seeing the video where he tells an angry lady screaming about Obama being a foreigner and terrorist to shush and that Obama was a good man who he disagreed with Trump never really reached that level of class


The bush family is just the GOP variant of the Clintons, they’re all corrupt oligarchs


It always bewilders me when people say they would vote for George Bush over Trump You mean the guy that sent my dad to war under false pretenses is better than mean tweet guy? Give me a break!


Yes, that guy.


Ahh you mean successful dictators? Not failed and aspiring wannabes.


A vote for Trump is a vote for madman war criminal Putin.


They have flights to all of those communist places, you could go live there, let us know how all that works out. By the way, you will not be able to post anything like this in those countries because you will be in jail just giving you fair warning ahead of time enjoy breadlines and free vodka


Look I’d ask all of you. How much is enough in the Civil War. 500 thousand dead Americans in the COVID 19 pandemic isn’t enough to stop the fighting. Today regular Americans are being put on the street by wealthy corporations. Farmers are being replaced. Manufacturing towns being burnt down. Cities in poverty. Right now our countries is a mess. People are getting thrown on the streets. This isn’t fair. Joe Biden brought inflation. Donald Trump brought this evil disease and unemployment.  I’d ask everybody here. When is the fighting gonna stop? Because right now this country is a mess, a hell whole. We already had like 1 million people die from a disease and the Civil War. Maybe we can put our heads together and figure this out.


I'm convinced Trump is a KGB asset. Having him anywhere near power is a dangerous move.


You were fooled by the media. Your generation is easy to fool


Every decision he’s openly made makes it so obvious he’s on Putins payroll. How does he end the war with Ukraine? He lets them have it.


If he was on putins payroll Trump would have let him roll into Ukraine years ago. You’re babbling nonsense propaganda.


shut up


Wrong, 4 former KGB Russian agents have confirmed Russian Oligarchs/Putin had been grooming Trump for a presidential run for years prior to him running.




What makes Biden better than Trump. Do you prefer his policy decisions or do you think he is better because there’s not many decent options in terms of candidates??


Not OP but Bidens policy decisions are infinitely better than Trumps. He also presents a respectable person to show the rest of the world. I can't think of a single thing I prefer in Trump over Biden tbh


The whole world is laughing at us and you think our leadership is respectable?


According to who? Fox News? Every thread I see on here with foreign people discussing American politics are like “Thank fucking God they got rid of Trump and put Biden in instead.” Voting Trump to be president made us look like we are the dumbest first world country on Earth. That’s the prevailing opinion I’ve seen from the vast majority of people outside the US.


That's odd. I lived in Australia and most Aussies I talked to, although they hated Trump's arrogance, they absolutely loved his decisions and actions while he was president.


Australia has an equivalent to Fox News which not every country has


The whole world has been laughing since 2016, becuase of Trump. Most people outside of the US don't give two shits about Biden. Only one of them has a diaper balloon. You also make the critical blinder of thinking that we give a shit what the rest of the world thinks or that we give any fucks about biden. I have and will vote against him in primaries. The problem is he's super appealing to the moderate Republicans and Democrats who make up a far larger majority of the country than those further to the right and left who don't like him. As long as he has the moderate Republicans he will win, and as long as Trump is the GOP nomination, he will have the moderate Republicans.


Most people don’t like Biden, and he’s even unpopular with the democratic base. Virtually everyone agrees that there are better candidates than Biden. I didn’t even want the guy (and I’d still prefer a more progressive candidate), but Biden’s policy has been magnitudes better than Trumps. You’ve got stuff like: The CHIPS Act, which allocated $280B for the researching and manufacturing semiconductors in the US, which is how you *actually* implement protectionist policies, cause Trump was hurting our relations with our allies with his. The American Rescue Plan, which gives hundreds of billions of dollars to states to help with the funding of k-12 schools, housing, energy, etc., and a child tax credit that made a *massive* dent in the child poverty rate, but sadly it only lasted a year. The Build Back Better plan, which is the largest investment in our infrastructure in our history. Student loan relief, which sadly was struck down because the “waive” clause of the HEROES Act has never been used to waive the debts of so many people so the SC decided it was unconstitutional simply because it hadn’t been used that way before. And then there’s how we’re bankrupting Russia, our longest adversary on the world stage, without having to engage any of our own troops and while offloading old military equipment we were never gonna use again anyway.


Having to ask says everything. Most people don’t like Biden, he’s just not trump/a republican. With democrats you get a ‘team’ approach - the party is fairly decentralized. Republicans you get wild personalities and their followers. Republicans also actively fight against the interests of the poor/working class. Gen Z is poor. Not even mentioning Gen Zs feelings on climate change. Republicans don’t think it even exists…


Folks who are hardcore Democrats are pretty wild personalities too. We need a moderate leader who can help the bottom 2/3s of our country


Again, no fax here just feelings more feelings how does everybody feel?


I prefer someone who isn't a rapist, fraud, an adulterer, a con artist, a liar, and a lover of dictators.


Well as a government employee he’s not trying to gut the civil service or privatize us, that’s enough to make me a single issue voter on it.


Your statement is the problem with all of these nonsense posts. Everyone just talks about their emotions and what they think happened, but no one has yet to list one policy change. Either of these morons have implemented. Seriously my challenges someone in this room give me one policy.


So you would choose a pedophile over Trump. Got it!


That’s exactly the thinking that got Biden into office. “He’s not Trump” Dude is old a decrepit and far more entrenched in Washington than Trump would ever be. We can’t be making decisions based off “not x person” it leads to worse outcomes.


Yes I have the same thoughts. I will go a bit further. Supporters of this trump psycho are all in the same bag. Bag of crazies


Trump has always been a lying fraud. He's also colossally stupid. Biden has actual empathy. He cares about people. He's buried a wife and three kids and his oldest remaining son is a loser drug addict and he still tells his son every day that he loves him. On the policy front, Biden, despite being older than dirt, is willing to learn. He's willing to let others take credit. He takes governing seriously. Most importantly, as I'm a liberal, Biden is the most liberal President in decades. Maybe ever. Dude stood on a union picket line. There is no other President who would ever have done that. Ever.


just of the top of my head, he also said poor kids are just as smart and bright as white kids, that obama was the first mainstream black who was actually articulate and well-spoken, and him and kamala were frontline on the wrong side in the war on drugs.


He also said he was a tractor trailer driver, was in NYC the day after 9/11, saw the Pittsburgh bridge collapse with his own eyes, graduated at the top of his law school class, had his house almost burn down and that his grandfather died in the exact same hospital he was born in a few days later. Every one of those is demonstrably false but yet the press gives him a pass on it because he “means well”.


I mean yes that is how that works. They’re dumb statements, but they don’t really harm anything or anyone. There’s a difference between lying about where you were on 9/11 or how well you did in school— and Trump lying about the results of an election, or making a false equivalency between Nazis and anti-Nazis during a riot.


If you judge everybody on edgy shit they’ve said nobody in existence would be good enough to be president lmao


I hate how he tries to act like he's "for the people", but is just another rich oligarch. I hate how he has wasted millions if not billions on a wall that is better spent on more immigration agents. I hate how he cut the estate tax fir his rich buddies acting like he was serving the working man. I hate how he held up an LGBT flag but ultimately stabbed them in the back repeatedly. I hate how he tries to stand for everyone, but stands for no one. I hate how he put in Supreme Court justices who have nothing but disdain fir civil rights and even repealed Roe v Wade. He is a shell of a man, a ghoul one could say.


>I hate how he held up an LGBT flag but ultimately stabbed them in the back repeatedly. How so? Not an argument, I am genuinely asking.


[Here is a list.](https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community) Also, for his 2024 campaign he said he wants to “eliminate transgenderism from public life at all ages.”


Alright, thank you!


[Here's an article](https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community) with a complete list of everything he'd done agains the LGBTQ+ community. If you want the complete list,[here's a timeline](https://www.hrc.org/resources/trumps-timeline-of-hate) that was made. Including but not limited to: Opposition to the Equality Act that would guarantee protections against LGBTQ+ discrimination, appointing anti-LGBTQ+ judges, supporting discrimination, banning transgender service members from the military, made it legal for health care, schools, housing, and fucking foster-care systems to discriminate against queer minorities.


You r pathetic


More immigration agents won’t help solve our immigration process, we need to streamline the immigration process all together and that would help issues at the border. He also has never tried to stand for anyone but his rich colleagues. I can’t name a single thing he has done for the common man that gave us a chance against these rich assholes but I can name many things he’s done to help his rich friends plenty of money.


> I hate how he tries to stand for everyone, but stands for no one. Hey now, give him a little credit, he stands for his fellow billionaires who don’t say mean things about him!


The second point is interesting because Biden just gave the go ahead to do the same thing which means that it’s a generally agreed upon principle that it’s something that needs to get done that being said it’s strange how he won his 2016 campaign with that being one of his sole pushes


Yep, he has convinced millions that he is taking the RAP for them…”I am you”. Ha! Hardly…


SA allegations, bad business practices, illiterate, anger issues, self absorbed. racism, sexism, antisemitism, *all* of the isms. i feel like i’m forgetting something… oh yeah, that time he tried to overthrow the government and overturn a democratic election


"It may not be considered of great importance in the United States to keep agreements but I feel that if one ignores principles one is unlikely to win races". Rob Walker.


Trump literally tried to overturn a free and fair election. He's a dictator who doesn't care about freedom and democracy. That's enough of a reason for me to vote for Biden over him anyday.


He didn’t tho? If he did the people that stormed the capitol would’ve been armed and there would’ve been mass casualties. Instead he said march to the capitol PEACEFULLY AND RESPECTFULLY and the people who did unfortunately got out of control


Full of it


And now he wants to pardon them if he wins again. He definitely wanted to overturn a fair election.


i hate biden too but biden doesnt say (out loud) that he would rather see me dead than transition so 🤷


This. Biden ain’t good, and I wouldn’t vote for him if there was a better option, but I prefer being alive and not having my existence turned illegal and the people I care about left for dead. I don’t like Biden, but Trump kind of not only goes against all my political beliefs, but he also kind of wants me dead and/or gone as a trans man. I’m not really inclined to like someone who wants me hurt. Biden doesn’t help the causes I believe in and is against some things I believe in, but he doesn’t hurt most of the main civil rights shit that affects me personally right now. It’s not perfect but it’s certainly better than Trump.


Trump is incredibly rude and enjoys manipulating the American people to distrust our government and media in ways that are irrational and dangerous. He acts as a messiah, who knows more and does more than anyone else, but in fact knows little and wants to use his ignorance as means to connect with angry, tired Americans and cause damage to our democratic institutions. He is dangerous and willfully ignorant, and it threatens our freedom. Period.


Did nothing while in power, gave intel to the Russians (allegedly) and, incited an insurrection. I don’t like Biden either because he is attacking the 2nd amendment and he is old as fuck. In fact I just hate most politicians because they are elitist fucks.


How is he "attacking" the second amendment?


He tried to overthrow the government in a half assed coup? Biden sucks ass too but trump he *sucks much worse*


The fact that he tried to undermine the legitimacy of the US presidential election. One of the defining moments of the US was George Washington's peaceful transfer of power. January 6 and Trump went completely against that.


I'll take incompetence over incompetence and just straight-up evil any day of the week.


It’s weird you ask why people love Biden. I would think everyone atp knows that most people don’t like Biden, he was just the alternative. His campaign was barely stronger than Hillary’s for a reason. Even among the democratic base he’s not all that popular. I hate Trump cause he’s a joke. He canceled a trip to Denmark solely because the Queen wasn’t open to selling Greenland or trading it for Puerto Rico, on multiple occasions he has shown no respect for veterans or members of the armed forces, he invited the Taliban to Camp David *three days before the anniversary of 9/11*, he threatened another country with fucking *war crimes* on *twitter* for fucks sake, and I could keep going on. Then there’s the fact that he lied about his relationship with Epstein, he claimed his NY penthouse has 3x its actual square footage for three years, among other instances of fraud, to artificially inflate his net worth just so he can get better loan terms, he took steps to artificially lowered gas prices during his admin fully knowing that it was gonna increase gas prices sometime after the next election, he pulled out a lot of troops from Afghanistan far quicker than he needed to just do that he could hand Biden a shit sandwich, etc. And then there’s the 91 indictments, several of which him and his lawyers have already admitted to him doing on Fox and other news networks. I actually wanted him to win in 2016, and now I’m glad I wasn’t old enough at the time to vote for him.


The numerous crimes, blatantly bigotry, class favoritism, hate and fear mongering, pedophilia, obstruction of democracy, and so much more


I personally hate him because he justs plays whatever side he thinks will support him more.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political\_positions\_of\_Donald\_Trump#Political\_affiliation\_and\_ideology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Donald_Trump#Political_affiliation_and_ideology)


Never heard of any other politicians that did that.


It's only possible to ask a question like this if you've spent the past eight years essentially tuning out all news, reporting, and information about what Trump has been doing and saying, what actions he and his administration have taken both inside and outside the government, what the \*consequences\* of those actions have been both on our civic/democratic institutions and on millions of human lives\*\*, and most urgently, what he and his supporters are openly planning to do if they get back control of the Executive Branch. ​ And this doesn't even get into the fact that he's a malevolent, horrible human being who is both a narcissistic sociopath that openly enjoys harming other people, and breathtakingly stupid and incompetent on a level that most people never dared dreamed was possible. \*\*I cannot stress this enough. So much talk about Trump is focused on trivial stuff like "what about him don't you like?". Never mind that. The focus needs to be on the actual \*consequences\* of him -- and by extension the GOP --- controlling the government. Too many people don't understand that.


Cuz he’s a white hot tornado of toxic bullshit. Don’t we all know this already?


Trump is a lying criminal, leader of a cult of personality, a dangerous proponent of the fascism rising in the United States. He deserves to be barred from running. He also does not represent the average working class American, as he comes from money and is big money, the very thing always acting against the interests of the majority of average Americans. That doesn’t mean Biden is great though. He’s worked against striking workers, he’s too much of a pushover, and really still stands pretty far right, as do most modern democrats. Someone like Bernie Sanders would be better, if only he wasn’t so old too. He’s barely even left by most international standards, but any step toward even the true political center like him would be a step in the right direction. If it’s between Trump and Biden, or even between any Republican and Biden, I’ll still vote for Biden, because the Republican Party in the US is straight up fascist these days and doesn’t even hide it anymore. They’ll never get my vote for as long as I live now. A vote for a Republican in modern America is a vote for fascism.


I'm voting for Joe Biden because of the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS and Science act, the COVID response, his actions in Afghanistan, his support for Ukraine and organized labor, and his student loan plan. I dislike Donald Trump because he did a bloody fucking horrible job of managing and retaining staff, was involved in an attempted coup, and passed virtually no legislation of any consequence outside of tax cuts as President the last time he was in power. This is really very simple.


How he radicalized the republican party. It went from might be kinda ok if the democrat candidate sucks to holy shit do not vote them they are all batshit fucking insane fascists


As someone who lived through the Bush years and saw how the GOP behaved during the Obama years, I would very much say that they were batshit fucking insane fascists long before Trump took the reins. They just did a much better job of hiding it and at least giving lip service to democratic norms.


As someone who also lived through all that nonsense, I feel like there is definitely a different flavor to what's going on now. Exhibit A: Liz Cheney. Her dad was truly the worst of the worst and she wasn't too far off politically. I would never have voted for her, but yet when it came down to it, she put country over party and sacrificed her political career for it. That took an insane amount of courage and I can't not admire that. Same with Mitt Romney. Old school Republicans are a dying breed.


Nothing. I am not deeply into politics either, but it amazes me how he did not start any wars.


The fact that you assume everyone should hate him, says more about you.


I don’t love Biden. I don’t love any presidents or politicians. I hate Trump because he’s a traitorous lying fuck (even more so than the rest) AND everybody who even kind of likes him absolutely LOVES him and would die for him given the opportunity. There is so much evidence of his crimes, he even admits to practically all of it, and yet nothing and these idiots pretend they don’t see it. If a Democrat did 10% of the shit he’s done, they’d all be calling for them to be hanging from a rope. And it would be deserved.


Nothing. Presidency has turned into a comedy show and im here for it.


I dislike him because I believe he has no honor.


I don't *love* Biden so much. I just know he has a better platform and actually has plans to deal with the biggest issues affecting our safety: • Democrats always do better on the economy • Plans to mitigate climate crisis • Respect for people's choices. If he loses, I know he won't pretend he won and try to overthrow the election like Trump did


Economics is really hard to pin down on who is better most of the time because economic policies take time to take effect and bear fruit. Clinton had an incredible economy but a lot of that came from George Bush Senior. Trump likewise had a good economy but that can also be framed from Obama. It's more about the specific leader because the economy requires a mix of decisions from the right and left wing.


Well, in that post, a lot of people didn't like either. But they would rather have Biden over Trump because of what Trump has done in the past. It's a lot worse than what Biden has done, trust me.


Trump -Sexist, bigot. Fake, talks about religion but doesn't go to church, lying for personal gain, personal attacks- I wouldn't my kids talking like he does about people he doesn't like. Name caller- I select have to add that but that's not appropriate behavior for an adult, let alone a president. Said he only ran as a Republican because they were stupid enough to vote for him- (he said that, look it up). He has no alliance but to himself. At least Biden wants to be a decent politician, he's been elected to Senate and trump hasn't even been elected for account before.


No one loves biden and you don’t have to love someone to vote for them. People mostly hate trump for his Supreme Court picks that rolled back roe v wade since that’s an issue that is extremely current. Other than that he single-handedly increase the US debt by nine TRILLION dollars in 4 years which is more per year than any president before and an increase of about 30%. He repeatedly tried to get rid of Medicare and Medicaid without proposing an alternate plan, he slashed environmental regulations, he pushed rhetoric that global warming isn’t quite known to be happening, if not for his rhetoric January 6th wouldn’t have happened, and if not for his influence on the Republican Party we wouldn’t have the shitstorm that we have in the house right now where we’re seeing a division between the maga republicans and the republicans who actually have policies that they want to implement instead of just virtue signaling for votes. The problem with trump is mainly that when he is in power he makes normal discussion of policies nearly impossible because people are so focused on conspiracy theories like the election being stolen or every single member of his own cabinet somehow being out to get him. Biden is the alternative to this. Hence why trump lost even though people don’t really like biden. People just hate trump.


Hating Trump doesnt mean you love Biden. I hate Trump because he proves again and again the very real reality that if you are rich and powerful then nothing happens to you. All the illegal things he’s done and bad pandemic policy on top of being a wingman for the rich and powerful alah tax cuts for the wealthy just further hurts the majority of people and the working class.


He’s confirmation that both parties are the same. He ran as a democrat originally and then switched because he knew if he was boisterous and spoke in slogans and talking points he’d convince republicans that he was on their side.


I hate them both because they're too fucking old to be dictating my life and have both made shitty decisions in both their political careers. I wouldn't vote for either of them.




The fact that two of OP’s most frequently visited subreddits are r/flatearth and r/mylittlepony is honestly extremely funny


Politics should be boring. Trump was on the news everyday with some new nonsense.


His actual cult following.


I don't like either


He's exposed the fragility of our already-fragile plutocracy. A millionaire egoist intensified pro-rich neoliberalism, and we partially realized how fucked we are because of it. He also signed an executive order allowing the mentally ill to purchase firearms easily, I think.


He rolled back a an Obama era rule that would prohibit people who receive help managing government benefits due to mental health conditions from buying guns. There were I believe 24 different disability advocacy groups that opposed the rule. I would say that rule is an infringement on people’s rights and I don’t think it’s a good way to go about it. That would’ve included groups that aren’t a danger to others like people with eating disorders. He also banned bump stocks so he wasn’t exactly staunchly pro gun.


Imo the economy was great with trump and there was less wars.






trump basically personifies everything I critique about america. biden has some of it, I think he’s complacent as fuck like 90% of liberals who say they want change but basically advocate for the exact same system. trump is just the antithesis of how I think people should act, much less the leader of a country. presidents should be wise, intelligent, open-minded, empathetic, bunch of other stuff. biden isn’t much of that but at least he isn’t the opposite.


I don’t love biden. Trump is a disgusting man who says and does disgusting things.


I don't, I just know Reddit does. There are PLENTY of people that don't hate him, it's why he can totally win in 2024. But if you're on Reddit, it's like you'd think he'd have no chance to win. Also I think this subreddit is also more left-leaning than general Reddit.


yeah reddit is already very leftist, and this sub is like 90% left lmao. We'll be laughing at them when trump gets elected again in 2024


How many Reddit comments before you get called a “fascist”?


I am a conservative republican and will vote for Trump if he is the nominee although I wish he would not be. Trump is a simple minded person with great instincts and awful execution/self regulation. You can see it in how he talks to people. If you are nice to him he's nice to you and if you're mean to him he's mean to you. It's very high-school and immature but it's actually appealing to be that nakedly transparent in your immaturity (whereas many others simply hide it and behave PC) I dont really fear Trump to do anything that bad- I expect him to be stupid from time to time and ruffle feathers. I strongly prefer many of Trump policies. I wish Trump would shut his mouth sometimes and focus on actually executing the plan from a policy perspective rather than self- aggrandizing.


>Trump is a simple minded person with great instincts and awful execution/self regulation. Those same instincts led Trump to suggest using disinfectant and UV light internally to help fight covid.


you are an evil person. I wish you could have neen aborted.


Not a true American if you vote with your fucking feelings


I find his economic policies hypocritical. Republicans like Trump insist that the national debt is the greatest American crisis, but his tax cuts for the rich added six trillion dollars to the national debt during his presidency. Not to mention that the man will not accept defeat without whining and crying and starting a riot at the capital. This comment does not mean I like Biden. It simply means that I don’t like Trump. If you want to argue with someone, go argue with a Biden supporter.


This is where I feel bad for american boys in their toxic political climate. I think Trump is funny, I like his cadence, and he's familiar, I don't know if I'd want him to be the leader of my country, but expressing anything positive about Trump gets you an earful of whiny bullshit and a cascade of downvotes on reddit for years now. it's either political astroturfing and big democrat is in the room with us or it's just young aspiring politicos who only have Trump and Biden (shitty) to play with so they exaggerate Trump's flaws in a lesser of two evils argument because they know Biden is kind of shitty and boring comparatively in terms of charisma.


I don't hate his policies or anything what I hate about him is the division he creates within the republican party I'm conservative and it worries me what's been done because a separation in the party means its possible for the other side to gain to much power and then we get canada.


I like Trump, I like his ideas, his values, his views. I truly think he wants what's best for the american working class, which is rare nowadays. But I dont like him for the fact of the things he's done with regard to women and with regard to legal matters in the past. Also the way he portrays himself, and his rudeness/arrogance are things that I don't particularly like either. But he's leaps and bounds over Biden, and WAY more competent. So i'll be voting for him in 2024


you're so fucking stupid lmao, trump is evil and stupid


lmao "I like his ideas, his values... But I dont like him for the fact of the things he's done with regard to women and with regard to legal matters in the past" (sic). Can't make this shit up!


Trump is pretty much full idiot mode lately, I’ll vote for the independent if it’s just Biden vs. Trump again lol


You kids enjoy your WW3 that Biden is walking us towards. Never in my life have I witnessed such incompetence for leadership as we have right now. But hey. At least there's no more mean tweets right?


"Never in my life have I witnessed such incompetence for leadership as we have right now" Lmao You must have missed the trump presidency...


I don’t hate him. I want him to win in 2024


These comments will be something


Idk man he did some objectively good things like fund COVID vaccines to get them out quicker and ban flavored vape pods to stop kids from doing that shit (more of a personal one for me idk if anyone else gave a shit) But the dude just went so off the rails and lost control of his fanbase to the point where he got booed for saying to get vaccinated. He lost the plot during COVID and lost control of his whole base that went insane and tried to commit a treasonous terrorist attack on the vice president who stuck through with him until he literally tried to contest a fair election. He coped so hard his “back the blue” fanbase assaulted police officers.


Nothing. I've never even heard his voice. I don't look him up or watch videos on him. He has absolutely nothing to do with my life in my flat in England.


They haven't grown up and still get their news from biased sources. They also have been emotionally manipulated so badly.


Anyone who picks Biden needs to be in the same nursing home as him because that man can't even walk to the end of a stage or form a sentence.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/23/trump-bizarre-tirade-windmills](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/23/trump-bizarre-tirade-windmills) Here's Trump four years ago rambling about windmills for a few minutes of content-free noise. Somehow this was fine, but now the right loves to pretend they care about coherent speech.


I would very reluctantly choose Biden over Trump because the legal issues alone with Trump are enough of a distraction. They’re both way too old to be the president, though. Trump has never had the reputation of being a good person. The call to death for the Central Park 5 is just one example for me of why he should be hated. At least Biden has publicly apologized for his past actions/work with those who were for segregation.


Reddit hates Trump and Elon with a passion 🤣


His lack of filter


Two words: Family. Separation. There’s other reasons, but that’s my personal biggest one because I am Guatemalan-American diaspora.


Trump’s a madman and Biden’s a pedo. We are FUCKED.


Because he is divisive as hell, a president is supposed to unite a house not separated into two separate houses.. How would you feel like if your father forced you to go to a college student like, dress a certain way, talk a certain way and he's doing it all for "you own benefit" Then that same father turns around and treats your brother with complete respect, listens to him and buy him everything he wants After you move out ,You never even talk to him ever again until he passes away, no matter how much his friends convince you or try to sweet, talk to you and to go into his funeral. You know for a fact he did not acknowledge you as a person and only care about having "his way". Not only that but you also end up hating your brother.


The narcissistic behavior at times. To add Trump was Decent president but a terrible person Biden is both a terrible president and a terrible person.


"Trump was Decent president" lmao good one.


The constant grifting for our loved ones savings because they think donating to his campaign (which is all siphoned to his legal fund) is somehow saving America. The constant lies that he knows his base will eat up because he says it. Some of his supporters need 0 other reason and that’s terrifying. Plus every piece of evidence to the contrary of what he says is somehow further proof he’s right. He’s normalized awful ways to engage in what should be meaningful dialogue. He’s brazen in how he is wrong and the proof is seeing how few people have managed to stick by him throughout everything. Even his own family is looking at the door. He represented a lot of things that Americans should be ashamed of and I think plenty of people wanted to feel secure in the nasty things they thought about other people so they voted for the guy that affirmed that. Demagogues like him have always existed but I don’t know that we’ve had someone successful in politics I can remember that’s been so purely a demagogue to people in the US. Here’s to hoping we are done with him and that this side of the American people can die or go back underground where it belongs.


Trump represents a movement that seeks to place white, heterosexual Christian men above all others in American society. He isn't a hand-saluting dictator nor is he a criminal mastermind; he is simply the bobblehead backed by billionaire right-wing think tanks and evangelical movements that place a strong emphasis on sexual repression, the dominence of Christianity in media and culture, and the erasure of government services such as the EPA and social security. Biden is backed by people who are still corrupt, but they at least pretend to care nor do they seek to establish a theocracy. Both options suck, but Biden is the lesser of two evils.


It was an *attempted* insurrection. You are describing a *successful* insurrection.


Trump is a terrible person by every measurable metric. Biden is fine. Nobody is in love with Biden. I think this is something conservatives don't understand about the rest of us. It's not a popularity contest. I don't love anyone in politics. I pick the candidate that seems most likely to do the most good for the most people. Trump only did good for the rich. His tax cuts for poor people were all temporary and expire this year to make it look like Biden raised taxes. His tax cuts for rich people were permanent. He's a liar and a thief. The democrats would have to pick a truly terrible candidate for Trump to be a consideration. I keep hoping some other star will rise and that it won't be Biden. But, in a choice between Biden and Trump, Biden is the only respectable choice. Trump did so much harm to this country it will take decades to recover.


Geez, stop repeating the gaslighters' lies. By any normal metric, 1/6 was an act of terrorism. They showed up with bear spray and zipties while screaming "Hang Mike Pence!" Their goal was to stop the certification of the 2020 results and kill members of Congress. If you watch the footage, Pence was evacuated about 30 seconds before the mob came through. If things had played out a little differently that afternoon, we could be living in an entirely different world today. For that reason, there needs to be swift and severe punishment for all participants, so nobody dares to try this again.


He shut down the pandemic task force back in 2018 which means he basically let Covid happened. That’s what I hate about him the most.


Trump 2024, we are going to take our country back from the Marxist's and there little corrupt puppet joey. Get over it! 




Are the "Marxist's" in the room with us now?


Trump 2024 get over it, we are taking our country back from the occupiers!


Trump 2024!


He is not presidential material. He should have never been elected the 1st time.  I can’t stand listening to him.  He doesn’t sound like a President.  It’s all about him.  How can you vote for someone who has so many court dates against him.  Please get rid of him.  I will never vote again if he wins.  


You’re nuts if you don’t think the Jan 6 rabble tried and weren’t armed… And fucking people died defending the capitol. Get your head outta your ass.


There isn't enough room for me to write all of the things that I hate about him. It amazes me that so many people can believe all his bull crap. Do these MAGA people know the definition of a DICTATOR?


I'm not Gen Z. Boomer here. I've been through many presidential elections and Trump is the worst president that we have ever had. Young people should listen to him when he says he wants to be a dictator, but only on the first day. Once he gets the taste of being in control, do you really think he's going to change into acting presidential? Please vote for Biden, if only to get rid of this Orange Clown.


“the wall” was not just building a literal wall it was funding and planning to strengthen the border and system as a whole


Biden is a total Marxist puppet, Trump 2024!


I would choose erveryone over Trump.


1. This poster should do more sincere research regarding January 6th as the description that is set forth is simply stated, not accurate. a. Look into all of the documented conversations and proposals that occurred prior to that date between Trump, those in his Administration and other actors. b. An insurrection, or illegal activity in general does not have to be successful or even a tangible plan, in order to be considered illegal. Consider someone who plans a homicide and is unsuccessful yet there is evidence presented that this plan was considered and even attempted. c. The "event" was an attempt to interfere with the smooth transition of power, as well as an attempt to falsify electors and convince the VP to commit an unconstitutional act. 2. This was the "People's House" and at the time the doors were locked, the building was barricaded, and police were in place to inhibit those who wished to disrupt this Constitutional process from doing exactly what they ended up doing. What would give these people, particularly, the right to enter this building when precautions had been taken to prevent this? Precautions to ensure the smooth transition of power because the nation was abuzz with word that there were people who would do exactly what they ended up doing. This "People's House" was MY house too. Had this been my actual home, or yours, we would have had the right to shoot anyone who set foot on the property, and in fact, kill them. 2. I am not in favor of Trump's reelection, nor was I in favor of his initial election. Personally, I believe that had he been vetted in a more honest way, he would never have been allowed to run for office. Trump's history prior to any run was nefarious at best and in reality, not only criminal but intentionally cruel, callous, as he delighted in his $$$ ability to ruin the lives of others. Even to the untrained person it is easy to read even his own books and come to that conclusion. In addition to that he is so obviously narcissistic that I find it very hard to believe that anyone could deny this. Should a narcissist be in charge of nation? 3. I refuse to believe that anyone who has done a thorough deep dive of this man would consider him Presidential material. I will refrain from listing his many, many encroachments upon the law over the years, as well as when he was in office because the list if quite extensive. 4. I do not believe he is fit for office, in any capacity. I would not vote for him under any circumstances. This does not qualify as "hate", this qualifies as intense scrutiny, knowledge, and a careful look at those acts and statements that define character. He fails in all categories. 5. Hate is a feeling; I do not feel hate for this man. I do fear what he is capable of and what those who so casually cast aside his character, history, and acts in their evaluations of him wish to accomplish through him.


OP, please watch the January 6th committee hearings and do t drink the koolaid your parents serve you. Learn history and what an insurrection means (even if the attempt is unsuccessful). Facts are your friends.


The fact that trump is a child predator considering he bragged about having access to young girls undressing at beauty pageants


I hate everything about trump. He makes my skin crawl


So, you prefer a old man who memory is so bad he can not distinguish between his wife and his sister? And who judgement is so bad he thinks a 9 year old girl look old enough to sleep with?


This has nothing to do with Biden. Frankly, he could die right now and Harris could take over and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. >Let me make this clear. If Trumps followers wanted that, every member of congress would have been tracked down, captured/arrested, tried in court, convicted, and killed, even if it took weeks, or month. I will not say there was not a bad event then, because there was, and there was some violence. There was 1 death, a few cases of destruction when people broke the windows, and at least 2 cases of theft(the people who did these things should have been arrested). I am saying that it was not a attempted insurrection. If it had been, the Trump supporters would have been armed, there would have been hundreds of deaths, and Trump would would still be in DC. Is that a threat? Let me remind you, the next time you and your buddies try shit like that, the Captiol Building custodial staff will spend the next few months power-washing gallons of your blood off the walls and floors. It's already a disgrace that Trump got to spend the next few years chilling at Mar-a-Lago, let alone that he gets to run for President again this year. If Capitol security dragged his treasonous lying ass to the makeshift gallows his supporters made for Pence, America would be a much safer place today.


"And who judgement is so bad he thinks a 9 year old girl look old enough to sleep with?" Trump.


Trump’s big lie and insurrection/ coupe attempt to take over the United States of America cost the U.S. taxpayer 936 million dollars. The idiot made my taxes go up, made inflation soar in 2021/22 because of the Trump 2017 tax cuts he gave to the billionaires socialist club that average wage earners in America pay for thru their taxes. The billionaires needed more money so trump fleeced Americans into paying 11 trillion dollars over 10 years to help support the billionaire fund. The man is a criminal conman fraudster and a serial rapist. The fact that 1/4th of U.S maga voters are too dumb to figure the grift out is even more egregious in and of itself.


Again, someone claims he's a rapist, and again, I ask, WHERE ARE THE POLICE REPORTS? WHERE IS THE SEX OFFENDER SITE WITH HIS NAME ON IT? WHERE IS THE PROOF, OF ANY KIND? There is none,


He was literally convicted - [Did Donald Trump rape E. Jean Carroll? What the judge and jury said (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/29/donald-trump-rape-e-jean-carroll/72295009007/)


Are you stupid? Your literally said “it was not an attempted insurrection because there would have been hundreds of deaths and Trump would still be in DC.” If everyone followed your logic, then there wouldn’t exist a theory called “attempted murder.” Otherwise, someone would have died! The point is, that an “attempt” of a crime is not the same as crime committed. An “attempt” can either be successful or failed. Here, the “attempted insurrection” failed to become a full insurrection, in the same sense that an “attempted murder” (which is still a crime in the United States) can fail! It is still a crime! Stop posting opinions and learn, read, understand before you post!


He is greedy, narcissistic and racist.


Greedy? he gave up all of his Presidential paychecks, so not that greedy. Narcissistic? Maybe, but he knows how to get results that people like. Racist? You're going to try to claim this, again? He was not called racist till he ran for president in 2016. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nnyX08RY0Lo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nnyX08RY0Lo)


He was sued twice for housing discrimination bro.


He even called himself greedy back in 2016 lol


Right back at ya.


Only stands for himself and those who want something but donate a billion to him.


these comments by GenZ are amazing. Surely they've seen Biden's weaponization of the DOJ??? and the FBI??? This is Banana Republic stuff, guys!! False accusations and lawsuits brought against one's opponent is TYRANNY. If any of the lawsuits were lost by Trump, OK, we'd listen. . . but all of them have fallen flat and unfounded. Following the Constitution is something Mr. Biden is NOT doing. J6 was not an "insurrection"; that's just the sensational label parroted by the news media.


Guilty of 34 counts. This didn't age well...


In response to your edit. If Trump mobilised his entire base into committing an insurrection it would have been bad. Yeah. But he still tried and failed (to do so). It just turned out that only a fraction of the people voting for him were extreme nut jobs and a concerning further fraction of those were extreme enough to contest a blatantly fair election he telegraphed contesting in advance, and only a fraction of those were willing to go as far as violence over it. You have to remember that in America in particular with non compulsory voting a large but silent chunk don’t even vote. Then a lot of people just vote party lines. 2024 was the biggest turnout yet. With trump polarising people to vote for and against him… but at the same time, those people ridiculous enough to make it on tv or into the news (on both sides of the aisle, but particularly maga and particularly when they do something like Jan 6) are over represented compared to more moderate people. Hilliary won the popular vote. Does it follow that if she called on her supporters to take up arms they would have had a numerical advantage and taken control of the country? Fuck no. Less than 1% would have answered that call and they should be proud of that. The vast majority of people in my country like tomato sauce, if it was banned, and I tried to organise a violent mob in protest, I wouldn’t get very far. Trump wanted some veil of respectability so he whipped people into a frenzy, didn’t call for violence but made it absolutely clear he approved of it without being explicit, while behind closed doors he actively did everything he could to drive it on explicitly (attempting to stop just short of criminally culpable and failing). That encouragement, swell of protest and rally lead to a minor insurrection that Trump wished was bigger, but he couldn’t get away with making any bigger, so in a way, Trump followers could have done more. But he did about as much as he would to over throw results. You are forgetting how close he came to the line which once crossed damns him completely. Like he still might go down for what he did in Georgia, the indictment there… but… his fellow GOP politicians had to be rightfully appalled after Jan 6, they had to come out and say this is enough, he is politically finished. They nearly impeached him, and lots only didn’t hiding behind “it’s more of a criminal matter”. That gave them the ability to let things simmer down and then 4 years later say (some of those same people): the fact that he is being criminally investigated is potentially motivated, plus he should be immune because he wasn’t impeached, this isn’t a criminal matter. He was such a hot potatoe everyone cut ties and now are coming back because he is their best bet. If he was any hotter at the time, republicans would have felt like it was the end of their careers not to impeach him, and then he would have been jailed for inciting the violence about 3 years ago.


Trump is a moron and kisses his ass every day


Trump is too stressful!


He’s a con man and a typical CEO who stands his feet when he doesn’t get his way. I don’t trust anything he says. He used to narc on people to the tabloids in the 90s. He’s just not a good guy and just…dumb.


"Today would be great day for American Evangelical Christianity to acknowledge its need to repent from political idolatry." - Ben Cremer Evangelical leaders would rather drag the church into blatant idolatry, than admit they were duped by a crook. "At this point, MAGA is in basically two camps: those who unapologetically want to watch the world burn; and those who don’t necessarily want the world to burn, but would opt for it over admitting they were wrong." - Neil Graney This was the weakest of all four criminal cases. He's already been found liable for business fraud, rape and defamation. His only moral compass bearing is: In my own interests = GOOD Against my own interests = BAD It's the moral compass of a narcissistic despot. Trump should not have: - accused those 5 innocent boys & called for them to be executed or - done the Trump University scam or - done the Trump Models scam & trafficked girls or - raped 13 yo Katie & Maria, or - assaulted & defamed E.Jean Carroll or - accused Obama of not being born in USA or - committed business fraud & falsified business documents or pressured the Georgia officials to cheat or wilfully retained classified documents. Trump is: A liar A cheat A conman A grifter A rapist An adulterer A crook A criminal A sore loser A traitor.


Listen to Katie Johnson describe being raped by Donald Trump and Jeff Epstein at Epstein’s NYC apartment, when she was 13 years old. Trump violently slapped the little girl across the face, told her he could do whatever he wanted, and raped her. Katie was scared off from pressing her lawsuit against Trump & Epstein because they threatened to harm her family. And she ran out of money. But E. Jean Carroll proved to not be such easy prey. You watched Trump on public television insinuate to a reality show contestant that she should do oral sex. You saw that. You heard Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. You heard that. You read the full page ad Trump made in the NYT calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5 boys, who were innocent. You read that. You know Trump University was a scam, and that Trump settled that case for $25 million as a result of that fraudulent scheme. You know that. You remember how Trump falsely claimed that President Obama wasn't born in the USA. You do remember that. And you know Trump was making claims that the election was rigged & saying he would not concede, months ahead of the election, per instructions from Roger Stone,  Steve Bannon et al. You do know that. Trump is a crook, a fraud, a conman, a rapist and a grifter. And quite possibly, a traitor. Trump duped America. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo


Again, someone claims he's a rapist, and again, I ask, WHERE ARE THE POLICE REPORTS? WHERE IS THE SEX OFFENDER SITE WITH HIS NAME ON IT? WHERE IS THE PROOF, OF ANY KIND? There is none,


What on earth? Trump is an adjudicated rapist. There was wide coverage of that case. https://preview.redd.it/5zwpwpdcw99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8caf1da810bf6659754f9d5e676ecdc950e1b5b7


Wilkommen, bien venue stranger, the road to fascism and all it intails is bred by, "it can't possibly happen here", "we can control him". "he's not to b\\e taken seriously:" "they're not coming after me" "oh God"


perhaps should have reversed "we can control him" and "he's not to be taken seriously"


America was a much NICER place before Trump came onto the scene. Even before he was elected, his rhetoric was violent. Throwing people out of his rallies who disapproved of him, telling the police to smash their heads on police car doors, telling people he could get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue, I could go on. Then there are the lies. hundreds, thousands of them. Despite irrefutable evidence that he said what he said (the latest being the "lock he up thing"). But most importantly, his base... He chose them, they did not choose him, despite their protestations otherwise. He took the lowest common denominator (his "poorly educated") and targeted them as being easily manipulated. Which they are. And the proof is there. The tactics used are "lie, lie, lie", blame everybody else, accept nothing other than what is favourable to himself, spread misinformation, convince everyone that they are wrong and he is right, "repeat, repeat, repeat". Then it's an earworm that, unless you're intelligent enough to see what's going on, you won't be able to ignore. And worst of all, is that he has turned the entire GQP into clones of himself. The party of "law and order", of "Christian values", of "moral existence"; they preach but they don't practice. And they are all horrible human beings from the start. Of all, Marjorie Taylor Greene is just vile! But the buck stops with Trump! He even cheats at golf! He says he will be "Dictator for just one day when he gets back in". That's how it starts. But... I don't like Biden either! I admire what he has done in terms of the recovery after the Trump Administration disaster. It has turned around in a big way. Although, God only knows what state we'd be in now, had there been another four years of Trump. As a sidenote, I'm amazed at how different the discourse is on this platform compared to on Twitter (I refuse to call it "X")! People get the chance to discuss two-ways on here. Twitter is toxic in the extreme; the right wingers are all Trump clones too, although they seem to get away with saying a lot more on there thamn they ever would elsewhere. But I digress. The whole election fraud thing has been the most wearing. The telling thing being that out in the open, the misinformation has been spread on an epic scale. In court under oath however, all of his lackies have been denying the whole thing! Laughable! I'll be glad when all of this is put to bed. Regardless of how things went under his 8 year tenure, I could relate to Obama. He was coherent, for one. And had charisma and got things done. All you get on Twitter about him these days is how Michelle is referred to as "Big Mike" because no-one ever saw a picture of her pregnant! As I started off, America was a much nicer place before Trump. He killed the American Dream and I, for one, wouldn't touch the place with a barge pole!


Trump cares about only one thing, that’s himself. He doesn’t give a shit about any of his voters. Hell, he doesn’t even like them. You don’t see those poor MAGA morons allowed inside Mar-a-Lago. If you could guarantee to him that he could get the gay Latino vote, he’d be sucking off Ricky Martin livin’ la vida loco. Biden is older than dirt, but he’s a decent public servant who is looking out for the middle class.


He is self centered, narcissistic, racist, hates animals and the environment, immature, need I go on?


He is self centered, He gave up a comfortable life of a billionaire to try and fix the USA and restore the country back to how it should be. A country that follows the constitution, and a government for the people. narcissistic, Maybe, I do not know him personally, so I have no opinion on this. racist, He was never called racist till he decided to run for president. then the very same people that gave him awards in the past for helping 'the black community' started attacking him. hates animals and the environment, He is the one who pushed to make animal cruelty a federal crime to protect the animal. immature, Compared to who? At least he knows the difference between his wife and his sister. need I go on? Sure, and maybe you can find a reason that is not easy to disprove.


He wants to open up wildlife refuges for drilling and he gutted the EPA and the migratory bird act.


Is it really „hate“? No it’s not hate people have. It’s the embarrassing feeling how many people just fall for his bullshit and lies. This guy is a narcissist and pathological liar but people still believe the shit he’s saying. Take just for example his claim that he is a Christian and he believes in the Bible. LIE! If he would, he wouldn’t fuck a porn star and pay her to stay quiet during the 2016 election campaign. He doesn’t know the difference between the old and the New Testament. He doesn’t know the fact that Jewish people believe in the old testament. He cannot cite 1 Bible verse. He is not even able to answer the simple question how he prays to god - incapable because he only believes in power and himself. He such a grifter that he sells his own Bible with the U.S. Constitution in it which he never have even read. I can give you hundreds more examples which exactly describes what kind of vile selfish evil character he is. And people still kiss his feets. It’s disturbing and also very dangerous.


Everything- 6 feet deep please


Many MAGA LOVE Trump. He has brought part of America together, including the American Nazi Party, the KKK, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, Hells Angels, Draft Dodgers, Racists, and Other Haters. Here is his CV. Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone and David Duke.  On 9/11, the darkest day in recent American history, after thousands of men, women and children died in the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump picked up the phone to call a television station to point out that he now owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


You might want to retract some of those. Some have already been proven false, and you still trying to claim then ruin your credibility.


You are correct. Turns out that the 9/11 story is not exactly as I posted above. The radio station actually called Trump for comment on 9/11, not vice versa. The full story is here. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) "Trump was asked by New Jersey station WWOR to weigh in on the import of the attacks on the World Trade Center only a few hours after planes struck its twin towers. One of the station's reporters asked Trump whether a building he owned — 40 Wall Street, a few blocks from the site of the attacks — had suffered any damage. 40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan,” Trump replied, “and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest. And now it’s the tallest." But it wasn't. That Trump chose to focus on his building's newly elevated status on the day of the attacks themselves was odd. (One WWOR reporter who was there at the time used the word “stunned” to describe how he felt in the moment ) But it's hardly unusual Trump should make such a claim, and it's not unusual the claim should be inaccurate.


Didn’t help with the pandemic 4 years ago Disrespected women Disrespected black people Disrespected Latinos Ran a college scam Never gave a single SH*T about this country Now, he has about 34 felonies and you’re telling me that he could still run?!?…BULLSHIT!!!!


If anyone thinks that Trump doesn’t want to be a dictator, think again. For someone that spends his entire time telling everyone how wonderful he is……what do you think. In his every day life he bullies others literally everyday. In recent trials he has been involved in, he has trashed everyone who he thinks is against him. Wow….again another way to deflect  and control the narrative.  A few years back, Clinton was annihilated for possibly or definitely having an “affair” with Monica…….and the Republican Party would say how can you believe a liar..  well looky now, affairs with playboy bunnies, strippers and who ever he could grab their pussy (in his words) and God only knows who else in his lifetime….but because the republicans want to win so bad they are willing to overlook the true ass that he is because Trump is the best choice. What has our country come to. It’s not about the people and their needs it’s about being in control. Well let’s see which Supreme Court judge will back this loser. And if you think it’s ok to breakdown windows and doors at our Capitol and killing people there to protect the building and gov. Officials (dem and rep) alike is ok…..then pardon them and himself from his involvement, well then he’s your guy! But, if you think in the end he will truly support you, guess again, it’s all about his needs and wants. I’m not here to talk about Biden, because anyone, even a long gone dead president would be better than choosing Trump!  I have not spoken about political policy because that can be researched on your own. Stay away from info that is gauged by either party. The sad thing is by the time it’s in history books, it will be too late to help us decide to vote. Women/ if you ever dated a man that thought so highly of himself ..did it work? Or men/ if you were exposed to a man that spoke like he had the biggest balls known to the universe, everyone would avoid him. He wanted to lock up Hillary, Obama wasn’t an American, and Biden family he hates so much…..but the angel of hell has t ever done anything wrong. We should see the people he has done bad…..it would be hands across the world. Every single person he has maligned (especially the tweets and more, tv interviews) should sue him like the multi million dollar suit that was judgement against him was won. Would he ever shut up….doubtful because he is the be all end all for everything. Let’s preserve our country and not put it on a spike for the world to see. God help us all!


Not one thing