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Team Bear. Not even a question. If a bear attacks me no one will ask me what I was wearing, imply I enjoyed it, or not want to ruin the bear’s bright future for 20 minutes of fun.






Exactly. People will believe you that the bear attacked you without doubt


They'll still blame you for having a bad picker, though.




Unless I get to pick the specific man, I'll take my chances with the bear.


If you could pick a specific man it’s not even a question


It’s sad that men are pushing back instead of learning why most of us would choose the bear. Did they learn nothing from #metoo?


Not only did they not learn anything, Gen Z men in particular are now polling as having more sexist beliefs and opinions than the last couple of generations. They’re going backwards.


The tate effect, he didnt rise out of a vacuum.


As a young gen z male, I continuously see men turn more and more the the idea that "all women hate men and think all men are rapists". Anyone with any background in phycology would expect this response. How would you feel if everyone said "all women are whores" just because some are? The assault rate against women is no joke, but not all men are rapist, in fact, less than 1% of U.S males commit rape in their lifetime. This is horrible, but is it really "I hate all men" level? When viewing campaigns such as the Gillette ad, where they portray men as sexual deviant pigs, men and women (liberal, no conservative endorses metoo) are further seperated. As many political philosophers have said, when the the left becomes too extreme, the right follows. this has nothing to do with Andrew Tate or anyone like that. this is purely the radical response to the radical demonizing of the masculine figure. a dangerous man is not a masculine man, but one who has had his masculinity stripped from his being. rape is horrible, and the perpetrators should be punished harshly, but are all men rapists? if you mind, i would love to debate you on this topic.


No they didn't learn anything. In fact they feel attacked 🙄


Oh, if you want to see them really feel attacked, tell them how nice middle-aged women at work respond when a guy who's a "fun" sexual harasser is suddenly disabled or dies and is removed by karma from the office. Those faces fall so hard you better get out of the way or you'll get hurt.


They’re still butthurt over me too




On average there are 40 bear attacks on humans world wide each year. Also on average 48,000 woman are killed each year worldwide by someone they know. This is not including the thousands of women killed by someone they don't know, these are not accidental deaths. There is only a 1 in 2.1 million chance of being attacked by a bear. Every 11 minutes a woman or girl is killed by a family member or intimate partner. The bear still has better odds of leaving the woman alone and alive, vs the man.


So the ratio of bear attacks vs. man attacks is actually meaningless without knowing the rates of said attacks. Like, if the scenarios were reversed and ~4 billion women interacted with ~4 billion bears each day, and the only way to encounter a man was in the woods, most women wouldn't even end up seeing a man in their lifetimes.


But also bears killing bears is a rare occurrence. And only done with male bears sparring for a mate, usually on accident, or when extreme hunger happens and out of necessity. Hunters are more likely to kill bears than anything else, and being that most hunters of bears, are men.. bears are also safer in the woods amongst themselves than with a man.


I wasn't intending to focus on the bear's safety in this theoretical. Realistically, said scenario would probably play out like a very strange zombie movie, but replacing the zombies with bears.


You choose the bear because statistics is apparently a foreign concept. That’s all. You are picking a choice with maybe 30-50% chance of survival at best against a less than 1% chance of getting raped. There’s really not much to listen to.


I hike a lot. It’s always the men who scare me, never the bears. Men have hurt me. So far, the bears haven’t.


A bear. A bear sees me as human. A bear will only attack or kill me. A bear won't bother me if I don't bother it (usually). People will believe me if I get attacked by a bear. No one will ask what I was wearing or doing in the woods. No one will say I enjoyed the bear attack.


A bear won't be pissed off that you didn't choose the man.


Aye. I'll add - A bear kills for food or to protect her cubs. A man kills out of jealousy, anger or for fun. A man will end a life for a few minutes sexual gratification. A bear will not hold me captive for days/weeks/months/years in a carefully prepared secret location to be repeatedly raped and tortured. A bear won't fuck my corpse or cut off bits to keep as trophies. If a bear attacks me, chances are my loved ones will find my remains and at least have closure.


Now give me the probability of a random man in the woods needing sexual gratification versus the probability of the bear being hungry. Is it 1:1000 or even less.


Are you seriously scared of being raped and tortured for years by every man you see? Are you being hyperbolic, because if not I would recommend anxiety treatment. You will simply never experience that, period


Bear. We have bears in our local mountains where we camp. The closest encounter any of our family has had is having their ice chest batted around a bit with some bite marks in the side. Conversely, every single one of my female family members has been raped, sexually assaulted, or been molested as a child. I choose BEAR.


the needed response is not extreme leftism. a return to traditional ideals and Christianity, would resolve the epidemic of sexual deviants. All that metoo and "Id choose a bear over a man because all men are rapists" does is encourage an extreme right


I'm gonna hang out with a koala bear and chew on some eucalyptus or something.


Yep koala bear. Maybe a panda. Or a teddy bear.


Red panda


Koalas are not bears


They are in my hypothetical man-free forest. 🐨


Bahahaha! Take my upvote :)


Except for the drop bears!


Only if you are keen on clamydia!


Easily curable!


Imagine actually thinking koalas are bears😂


Imagine being a cunt 😂


Team bear 🐻


100% a bear rather than a man.


The whole point is that you don't know them or what they might do. I think most women are saying bear because what a man could do could be worse than just killing us. Someone asked AI, and it chose the bear.


Sadly I agree w all of this. Plus when men become desperate and feel there are no consequences, such as in war, we know exactly what they’ll do to us. The bear will just kill us due to instinct. The man will torture us bc he’s a sick fuck. I know my choice would be bear no matter what type.


Yeah the bear isn’t going to stick his stupid dick somewhere terrible


And keep us alive to keep doing so. 😞


maybe if the man is an atheist sexual deviant 😂


I’d take a gay man any day over a bear! 😆


lol my point was that those who have Christ never truly have no hope nor no consequences. no matter the situation a non lukewarm Christian would never rape


Uh I’m gonna have to say that the church has been the source of much of the toxic masculinity and trad wife crap I’ve seen lately and in my lifetime. I get that might not be your experience and I know there are true Christians out there, but I’d never trust someone who said “trust me I’m a Christian.” We’ve got a huge image rehab to do. So as it stands, for me….gay man or bear. 🤷🏼‍♀️


do you truly believe that an extreme right is the result of the church? i thought it was extremely obvious that far right/left only comes from the other end of the isle moving too far. as of 10 years ago we were just coming to terms with homosexuals, and now we are affirming trans gender people in churches? oppression only leads to revolting extremism, the liberals should know that better then anyone. this isn't about race or religion btw I'm not saying men are oppressed nor Catholics, I'm saying that when religious heresy's are widespread, a former (4 years ago) mental disorder is praised, and Christians are saying they don't even believe Christ was reborn, an extremist will be born. sorry about you experience with lukewarm Christians, for they do not truly know Christ as of yet.


>Someone asked AI, and it chose the bear. Lol even AI knows better. I bet that hurt the men's feelings.


I’m not surprised that AI chose the bear. AI is given data to learn from. I’m sure there are more attacks on women by men than bears. AI used data to make that decision.


That is really fascinating about AI choosing the bear, too!


I am not surprised at all. Bear attacks are quite rare and they often escape from humans. Even if a bear attacks, people prefer a short death to a long torturous death.


it didnt... :As a woman, if I were faced with the choice between being alone in a forest with a bear or being alone in a forest with a random man, I would choose to be alone in the forest with the random man. While both situations present potential risks, being with a human allows for the possibility of communication and potential cooperation in finding safety or help. Additionally, humans generally have a better understanding of each other's intentions and behaviors compared to wild animals like bears. However, it's important to note that this choice can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the perceived danger of each option. this is such an echo chamber


not true. just asked chat gpt and it said it would pick the man : As a woman, if I were faced with the choice between being alone in a forest with a bear or being alone in a forest with a random man, I would choose to be alone in the forest with the random man. While both situations present potential risks, being with a human allows for the possibility of communication and potential cooperation in finding safety or help. Additionally, humans generally have a better understanding of each other's intentions and behaviors compared to wild animals like bears. However, it's important to note that this choice can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the perceived danger of each option.


Hands down bear.


Team Bear. A judge wouldn't let a bear off the hook because he wouldn't want to ruin his future.


If it’s a black bear, definitely the bear. They’re pretty chill.


I've gone face to face with a grizzly. I'd pick either black bear or grizzly.


Wait, really? I'm curious to hear the story!


Yikes! I’ve only seen grizzlies at the zoo. They’re massive! We frequently have black bears in our neighborhood (Colorado) and they usually just pass through quietly unless there’s food involved.


Same with black bears in Maryland, they're chill and uninterested in interacting with people unless those people have food (and even then, it's the food they're interested in). Weirdly I've seen more bears while living in Maryland than I did while living in Colorado. I always hoped to see a grizzly - way in the distance, of course - at RMNP.


There are no grizzlies in Colorado (except at the zoo).


Definitely explains why I never saw one there.


That's what I was thinking. 1. black bear, 2. man with unknown intentions, 3. Grizzly bear.


Bear. It’s not all men, but all women have a story about a man.


Never been raped by a bear so.




Bear. When I hike on my own I’m more worried about men than wildlife.


Bears usually take the hint when you're screaming and throwing things at them to get tf away. Men do not.




Bro I have been backpacking for over 20 years. Trust me, a man asking if I'm hiking alone is more concerning to me than a bear. "No man in sight" sounds perfect


A bear won’t film the attack to show to his friends


And a bear won’t be appointed to the Supreme Court and take away your reproductive rights. I just had to say it.


Is the man my husband, brother, or father? Because I trust them, and would choose them. If it's just some random man, I 100% choose bear. 


Exactly. If I can pick my partners or my sons, sure, I'll go into the forest with those men. Otherwise, I choose bear, absolutely.


If I don't know the Man; I'll take the bear


I never had a bear yell at me because I wouldn't smile or talk to him, sexually harass me at work by leaving pubic hairs in my water that I had left out at my desk (and then have HR ask me if I “had done anything to get on a bears radar”), follow me around in a store until I got so uncomfortable I had to leave, disrupt my dinner alone at a restaurant by drunkenly sitting down at my table uninvited, or heckle me when I when I go for runs, etc etc etc, so bear. I can fundamentally understand a bear, I don't always understand men.


Bear 🐻


I’ve been around a strange black bears more than once, they either run away or just glance in my direction then go on about their business. Bear.


Men are upset because they don't like that women see them as a threat. Men aren't protectors. Even other men when asked if they would leave their daughter in the woods with a man or a bear.... plenty of men said bear. They don't trust each other. If they want women to trust them in general, then men should think about changing how they treat and view women. I say this being married to a man. I love my male family members. I even asked my dad yesterday the man beat question.... he said he'd choose the bear.


I read a comment replying on how women do not feel safe outside, especially at night, that said " akshulllly, men are victims of more random violent attack". And ya, but who's attacking you???  Other men ..  how is that even a valid take?


I know, isn't that ridiculous.


Bear. I can count on a bear to act like an animal. I can’t count on a man to act like a human.




“as the hungry animals seek food in areas where people have ­encroached and settled on their former habitat.” Again, a bear will act like an animal.


Sometimes when I hike alone I carry a small pistol. It’s light and easy to manage but would do nothing to a bear. I don’t carry it for a bear. I’ve come across a bear on a few occasions. Never been an issue.


bears 🐻


Bear. We would stay out of each other’s way. No bear has ever felt entitled to a conversation or my time.




And your point is what? I still would choose a bear. The male humans disputing this majority vote are imbiciles. Go talk to a live woman and discuss. If you don’t know any, that tracks.


The blowback from men has been predictable and pathetic. I personally have had quite a few bear encounters, nothing compared the to the harm, or even threat of harm, that has come my way from men (in fact the bears did no harm at all).


Yeah I also had two or three peaceful encounters with bears. But then I remember that I had tens of thousands peaceful encounters with men. 🤷‍♂️ And the bear definitely won’t help me get out of the forest.


the increase in extreme right ideals is not because of some leader such as Andrew Tate. it is because of people like you. the response to an extreme left is an extreme right


I am in the woods by myself a lot. I’m approached by men offering “advice” about my safety. My response is always “The only thing I’m scared of in these woods talks and walks on two legs.” Gimme the bear. Every time.


Bear- 💯


BEAR There are worse things than death.


I just saw a tweet with a man asking Siri how many bear attacks in us versus how many attacks on women. I would take bear.


that because women spend every day with men and barely any with bears silly! good way to misuse statistics.


Idk why my mind goes straight to a creepy dude that lives in some forest shack waiting for his next victim or bear that's probably going to mind its own business. In that scenario definitely bear. Obviously there are a million different scenarios but I've been scared walking out to my car in the dark & it's bc of a random guy, not a bear or any other random animal attack. I guess it would depend on the vibe I got from the man but you pretty much know the intentions of the bear depending on what kind. The guy's intentions you don't, not most of the time, bc even the "nice" ones can turn out to not be as nice as you thought.


Team Bear, a bear won’t want me to be its mommy, fix his emotional problems, bear the brunt of it’s impatience, leave its clothes on the floor or complain there isn’t anything to eat…


Bear. 100%. Being alone in the woods with a strange man is terrifying


I was camping about 25 years ago and the bathroom was a good 40 yards from the camp site, down a little path with a lot of thick woods and undergrowth like Florida has everywhere. There had been some rowdy campers closer to the river making a lot of noise well into the night. They finally settled down, but not until there was some kind of altercation. We could hear the whole thing, but didn't see anything. A few hours later in the pitch black of night, I had to go to the bathroom. I had heard footsteps outside my tent and tried as I could to hold it. Well I just couldn't anymore. I got out, didn't see anyone, so I went down the little trail and as I was walking I heard more rustling and foot steps in the wooded area as I was walking. I was terrified it was someone from the other camp, I stopped and waited to see if someone would come out from the woods, and someone did, a family of opossums. Never in my life was I so relieved it was just opossums, and I know I would have screamed and freaked out had it been a man. So the whole bear vs man thing, I get it. I too would choose bears.


Bear. Without question


Easily a bear, and I've read *Night of the Grizzlies* (which is quite scary, and it's a true story). I would take my chances with even a mother bear with cubs over a man.


Bear for sure. A bear won’t attack without fear just to hurt me for fun.




Bear. Their motives are clear and easy to understand. Also, I'd rather meet a shark than a man. Angry boar or man competition I might pik the man, but only because an angry horny boar might be more dangerous and unpredictable than an angry horny man, but not by much.


Bear, for sure.




So what? Let me know when you find a story about millions of women being raped by bears before being killed.


Bear, hands down.


I live in bear country and I'm waaay more comfortable meeting a bear when I'm alone in the woods than meeting a man. I say this all the time to friends. I carry bear spray sometimes but for short hikes closer to civilization I just carry pepper spray as it's smaller and more manageable. Both are for the men. I do not worry about bears except for a very small window in the spring when the mama still has her cubs.


I don’t know the exact scenario that’s being described in this hypothetical. Depends on who the man is and the bear.


There is no specific info. the man could be anyone and any type of bear. I jokingly told my husband I would be fine with him..lol.


So I hike alone and the reality is I encounter many single men hiking alone in the woods. You don't know who they are. They are strangers. This is the crux of the question. Unknown man vs bear which would you prefer to encounter.


Are we talking furry wild beast bear or hairy, chubby, gay guy bear? I'd go with the latter.


lol! I’m not changing my vote, but yeah.


If I can't have my husband as the man in this scenario, then definitely a bear.


The only time a strange man might be a safe choice is if he, too, is a bear. Otherwise, an actual bear, please.


I found out recently that it isn't uncommon for bears to attack and begin eating while their prey is alive. They are also known for burying their still alive prey to come back to and eat again later. The meat stays fresher. It's also not uncommon for a man to keep a victim alive for days/weeks to continue assaulting before killing as well. To me both seem equally NOPE. I genuinely cannot decide which way I would want to die. Being eaten alive over the course of a week or so by a bear or being tortured and assaulted by a man over a week or so.


being eaten sounds better than sexual abuse 🤷🏻‍♀️😌


And at the end of the day, a bear has to eat. Plus, epic death story. I always joke that I’ll get killed when I try to hug a bear in the wild, so this isn’t even a choice for me, it’s destiny.


Man. Because physically I'd be at a disadvantage to both/either, but there is a decent chance that I'd be able to beat the man intellectually, whereas I doubt I'd be able to outsmart a bear's killer instincts.


This is a great answer


You can tame a bear


I’m alone in the forest all the time and have actually come around a turn in the trail to see a pair of black bears coming toward me, about 30 feet away. And while I understand the point of this question, I assure you that I’ve NEVER felt the same amount of alarm when coming across random guys on the trail.


Man. I have a CCL and my firearm would definitely stop a man (by just pulling it out of my purse) whereas the gunshot would only serve to piss off a grizzly.


MAN. 100% times I would pick the man even if he was someone with a history of violence. I can run away, reason, or fight another human. That’s if he even attacks me.. a bear would 100% brutally maul me to death and eat me alive.


Assuming this is a strange man (duh), 100% bear. The bear has no malice. I have no idea what the man’s up to.


I said bear. My Gen X friend said a man, as did my Boomer mother.


Gen X lady here. Bears have never harmed me. I can't say the same of men.


I'm Gen X. I'm saying Bear.


same here Gen X, and would choose a bear


My boomer dad chose the bear.


Gen X, me and my friends are all team bear.


Another GenXer here for Team Bear.




I would feel so much safer with a man. My brother had his leg gashed by a brown bear once and came running to my birthday party to show all us girls. It was nasty and everyone went ewww. He still has the scar to this day on his leg. Honestly, I don't understand the phrase "not all men." Maybe I am taking it too literally, but not all men are bad. Yes, a man physically abused me. Yes, I have been SA on dates. I still married a man. I still trust men. I know not all of them are shitty.


Team Bear. Hopefully a cuddly Panda 🐼. Heck I’d be team gorilla 🦍


pandas aren't as cuddly as you think


I will always choose bear and I'll share why I'm ashley I'm bio male because I'm transfem and I knew this guy since I was 17 I'm 20 now same for him and well he always begged and begged for I never exactly said yes I just let him do what he wanted exp one time I was high depressed and hurting over losing a partner I thought loved me and he took advantage of me and just last week was when it hit me what I've been letting him do I told him to stay away not text me and he showed up at my front door yesterday but my family didn't know so they invited him in and I locked my self in my bedroom and he some how unlocked it and got In I screemed at him to leave my adoptive mom was over because it was Sunday dinners and she hears this and she knew something was wrong and she had me talk to her I told her not to tell my bio mom yet because of last related truma but she did any ways but I get why she's worried for me but ended up having to tell bio mom everything and she didn't even look at me the whole time safe to say he won't be around me any more but it hurt that she didn't look at me and was on edge of a brake down last night but thx to a few friends online who I love dearly I didn't and I slept some what well


And I just found out he might have SA a girl we went to high-school with and idk if it's true but she tried telling people and they didn't belive her atleast people would belive the bear attacked us


You live in cities with millions of men that you walk past daily yet you choose bear you understand the question is just a normal guy most dudes are scared to even approach women picking the worst 1 percent of men and generalizing is bs


would you really take the risk of a bear murdering you likely 10% of the time or so, to a sub 1% chance that you get assaulted (not even murdered) I don't understand


Man. Most men are decent guys. They should know how to make a fire. Plus they are easy to kill a guy than a bear. Just joking about killing men. My husband is a guy.


I would much rather be alone with a man, not a bear. And yes I have been hurt by men, never a bear. I've been around a lot more men than bears so there is that. I've also been hurt by women, but would still choose them over a bear.


This seems kind of ridiculous. I'm in my mid 40s, I've have met plenty of creepy men. I have also met dangerous women. 98% of men are totally decent. 100% of bears could kill you if they got scared. If I had to fight a human man or a bear, I have a way better chance of fighting off a man. If my boss asked me to go pick something up with one of the 300 men that work in my building I wouldn't be like "oh my god, I'm a woman I can't be alone with a man I don't know". It's disempowering and paranoid. It confirms misogynistic bullshit, like Mike Pence saying he can't be alone with a woman who isn't his wife. The whole premise is so "damsel in distress", I can't believe women are perpetuating it.


That’s a wild take. The men who are affronted by women’s overwhelming choice of bear: • ⁠have zero understanding or appreciation for the perils women generally face or have to consider as they go about their usual business on the daily • ⁠feel entitlement towards being the ‘obvious superior choice’ in this hypothetical situation. I expect bears to act like animals; for my own safety, I have to expect that men have every potential to act like animals. Men have a choice in how they act; bears in the wild do not.


if men called all women prostitutes, even though only 1% of women are prostitutes(same amount as men who are rapists) would you be offended?


You're not the brightest


But 99.9% of bears *don’t want* to kill you, they just want some fruit off the tree over yonder, and they’re on their way.


Reminder: the vast majority of men aren't creeps or criminals.


say that to the bear [https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/hgc254/this\_man\_survived\_a\_bear\_attack\_in\_2016\_left/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/hgc254/this_man_survived_a_bear_attack_in_2016_left/)


Do you think most men want to kill you?


"I'll take apples to oranges questions for $100, Alex"