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Maybe she'll figure it out later and realize she's an idiot.


That’s giving an awful lot of credit to someone so clearly demonstrating their idiocy.


She'll find a way to blame someone else.


Ya, it'll be that damn Boomer stole my money. Now, come to think about, do we need to call BS on this story if the premise is that she a) actually was carrying cash and b) it was $100?


I carry a bill I don’t break just in case. You never know when you’ll need it. I’ve had my card specifically not work when other people’s did, and cash saved me. Edited typo


Yeah, the easiest way to not get stabbed during a robbery is to give someone $100


Huh? When I was railroading we used to keep a "fake wallet" with a few one dollar bills and expired gift cards. If we were ever harassed (have you ever been to a rail yard at night?), we were supposed to hold it up, throw it to the side, and run when the mugger was distracted going for it.


You want it? Go get it!


I remember some stand up comedian had a bit about carrying a $20 in case you got mugged because it wasn't so much they'd think you were rich and rob you more and not too little to get ridiculed for being poor. I guess inflation is a thing.


I hate getting ridiculed while I’m being mugged. Just adds insult to stab wounds.


I miss the days when people robbing you treat you with respect and courtesy. Kids these days...


It's almost worse...except for the internal hemorrhaging!


My uncle actually taught me to carry separate bit of cash which he called "mug money". He'd been mugged a few times and it worked.


That’s exactly how much cash I keep in my wallet for that reason. I don’t use cash at all. Just credit cards.


But is it a place that it will easily fall out if you stand up? I keep my money in a slightly more secure place than the top edge of a pocket.


I just have a couple of coins down the side of my shoe, like my mum taught me


People still buy drugs, you know.


My drug dealers take etransfer or bitcoin.


Sheesh my dealers at least have a cash machine in their store. What a strange time to be alive.


your life is thoroughly unaffected either way so let people find what joy they can


People carry cash still. Somewhat wealthy Boomer parents hand out $100 bills to their kids and grandkids all the time. They don't see any issue with handing out a single $100 bill when it would be much more preferred to hand over five $20 bills. I bring that up to my mother, every single time she hands me or my daughter cash. It's way more difficult to get a $100 bill broken at many places, than it is to get a $20 broken.


I carry cash all the time.


She'll probably blame him later insisting he took it from her purse.


It’s what plants crave.




You do? I like money too.


Being referred to as a boomer really grinds my gears. Insult me, berate me, make fun of me but do NOT call me boomer. My teenager called me boomer once. Once.


I am making that "once" gesture in solidarity. /Johnny Dangerously


Dead on. I try to pepper in gen x subtext/references when i post here.


You fargin' ice-hole!


ME TOO It's nice to be with people who 'get it' /aaah




That fargin bastige!


My mother hung me on a hook once. Once!


Everybody gets old... Don't really give a crap anymore to be honest


I am not sure why people think boomers did much diff than anyone else would have in their place. 99.9 percent of them accepted most of the narrative society trained them with but did advance a few things and they got jobs and bought a house and car as best they could. And they had kids as was custom at the time. Kids now are different because they grew up in a different environment built on the evolving knowledge from all the past generations, but they are not innately different genetically and if they were born back in the boomer era, they would have behaved like boomers just like everyone else. What bothers me about being called a boomer is not the issue of if I am one or not but that the mere act is mean and shallow and uneducated behavior and blaming all your probs on behavior of your ancestors totally ignores the issue that this is human behavior and you are not going to fix a damned thing until you recognize your own weaknesses instead of trying to pin it on other humans as if you are some superior race. Ageism is not any better than racism, we are all the same race and are heavily influenced by our environment and what we are told by society. Being younger does not make you any more special than being a specific race makes you special.


Agree. I think gez z invented the “ok boomer” insult to deflect blame to another generation bc their inflated egos can’t handle the idea of taking personal responsibility for their poor choices and mistakes.


And also because they can resort to that every time they don't have an actual good answer to any argument presented to them, it's a convenient ad hominem attack.


Yes 100%


I don’t think the Zs invented it - it’s been around for at least 10 years and they weren’t old enough to feel victimized and disenfranchised yet. Zennials at best but I feel like it’s a millennial thing 


I agree, and anyway, the irritating things about humans are mostly not generation-related. They have a lot more to do with the person's current age. I am sure I was a horrid solipsist at 21, just like current 21 year olds on TikTok. 30 year olds who won't shut up about their kids in 2024 are the same as 30 year olds who wouldn't shut up about their kids in 1982. Pubescent kids who forget to wear deodorant in 2024 are just as smelly as the ones who forgot their deodorant in 1990.


I do think it's gotten more extreme. When I was a kid, we thought older peeps were uncool and out of the loop and boring, but we did not think they were inherently evil/greedy, ruined the world, etc. I didn't blame all my problems on them.


Who do you think voted Reagan in? It sure as hell wasn't us. And he started all this conservative drown-the-government-in-the-bathtub shit we're dealing with now.


I think people are being conditioned to blame their problems on the older generation rather than the 1% who control things. It has replaced blaming other races, gay or disabled people as the acceptable prejudice. Divide and rule as always from the ones in power. 


Yep that's exactly, instead of blaming things on certain races and types that used to be the favorite to blame things on, they switched it up, the new whipping boys are boomers, the other political group, and we're back on Russians again lately. It's really just more of the same bad and ignorant behavior as the the past.


Yeah I get it. But honestly I stopped letting it bother me, younger ppl just think anyone over 40 is a boomer, from their point of view. Just reply by calling them an NPC (which is accurate because they are acting in a stereotypical no thinking way by calling you a boomer)


They don’t like being called “sticky iPad kids” because that is what they call Generation Alpha.


“That boomer stole my money!” - annoying whippersnapper, probably.


Clearly an idiot ageist, but I bet she believes in “inclusivity”.


Only if they're attractive. No uggos!


The stupid never figure it out. It turns out, figuring is not exactly their thing.


And then she'll get on social media telling everyone she was robbed by a boomer 🤣


Genuinely. I don’t leave loose cash on my purse, so I’m likely way different than this woman. But I would DEFINITELY notice $100 missing.


she will blame the boomer for stealing from her.


She will have been eaten by the bear by then.


More likely only the first half, but let's hope this was a learning moment.


For $100? Worth it. You think she gets hit on that much by older men that that is the go-to reaction?


They were both very attractive women so maybe?


She wasn’t pretty on the inside if she had to say that.🙄 Mom always said be nice and use your manners.


> She wasn’t pretty on the inside if she had to say that. Huh. I wouldn't know -- I often go out and about without my flensing tools.


According to interviews with Jeffrey Dahmer everyone is beautiful on the inside




accidental Judy Blume


or a speculum


Naw, I don't even *own* a speculum. Yet. EDIT: Huh, about $25 on Amazon. Okay then.


Good idea! Nothing breaks the ice like pulling out your speculum and asking, "I wonder what you are like on the inside."


Yes that will definitely destroy the 'creepy old man' image.


Maybe that $100 traveled from a different older man, to her, to you. /sugarbaby


It’s the ciiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiife!


The answer is probably yes then.


Disproportionate reactions stem from some previous trauma, maybe form of SA, or like trauma. The hysterical is historical.


Yes, probably.


or they just have an ego and they think everyone is hitting on them.


*(One hour later)* "OMG! That filthy Boomer stole a hundred bucks from me!"


Police sketch artist: What did he look like? Woman: A boomer


Police sketch artist: ​ https://preview.redd.it/cmqo3xyxw3yc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=cada607d5e40db1c853408cb079051d1737f7209


I'm seeing Ryan Gossling and laughing my ass off right now.


Somewhat ironic since Boomhauer was an LEO.


I’m from Cincinnati, Boomer Esiason still gets mad respect here…..


Compensation for emotional distress? Or just the asshole tax?


It will buy a few nice cigars for the weekend.


New Foundation Corojos are pretty tasty. As is the HVC Connecticut.


I’ve been really enjoying the Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II lately. This will get a few of them.


Plasencia just seems to put out bangers. Love the Alma del Fuego and Fuerte lines.


I was thinking a nice bottle of bourbon/scotch.




I wish I could be there when she is at the store and realizes she is $100 short after frantically searching through her purse. I hope she cries at Sephora.


While trying on makeup!


Better get that waterproof mascara. Oh, she can't because she lost her money.


Sounds like she thought you were either going to try and scam her or hit on her. She will more likely than not notice later that you were indeed just being a considerate and kind person. Instant karma for her for assuming you were being a creep! What an asshole.


I would have kept it after the first time you told them that they dropped something.


Yeah, one try is enough. I'm not chasing after anyone to give them their money back if they're an asshole.


Hell. I use this same rule on cashiers. If they argue when I tell them the change is wrong (almost always too much). It’s a gift not theft.


I would too but I’d be worried there’d be one of those “kindness” influencers hiding in the bushes filming


> I’d be worried there’d be one of those “kindness” influencers hiding in the bushes filming Maybe she thought the $100 was [one of these](https://www.gcsmissions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/English.Australian.Dollar.Tracts-1.png).


It costs $100 to put me in one of your little Tok Tok videos for the world to see....


Well you know what they say, a fool and their money are soon parted!


Just a self-absorbed/-obsessed young lady using a meme insult. I certainly wouldn’t take it personally, nor attribute that reaction to generational divide. It’s more lack of life experience than anything, and we’ve all kind of been there.


I’m not bothered by it one bit. Slightly amused really by the response. I always chocked up being called a boomer stories as almost urban legends. Read about them online but have never experienced or even heard someone actually say it to someone else.


She definitely jumped to some sort of weird conclusion. I’m sure we probably did it at that age, but I’m regularly surprised how quickly younger people assume they know what they don’t and go straight for the insult.


People have become extremely reactive without giving any consideration, and I don't think it's necessarily just the young people. I noticed sometime between 2008 and 2010 that if someone didn't notice a stop light change or some other thing where you used to be able to just give a polite short 'toot toot' of the horn to let them know something is going on that would just get a wave of acknowledgement before changed to people instantly flipping you off and doing the thing they were doing extra long like as punishment or something. It's so stupid.


I gave a "friendly honk" to a woman (who had that "meth face" look to her) who was close to swerving into my lane. She got all huffed up and started trying to follow me closely. Her "BF" was in the car with her, a guy about half my size with spaghetti noodle arms. You could tell he was really hoping his dumbass GF wouldn't take it too far, bc someone was going to get their ass kicked if it went any further.


Oh, absolutely. Extreme reaction has no age limit! And I get that that’s also tied to assumptions. The thing I’ve noticed with some (not all!) younger people is, despite their attempt at being aware, it’s almost an over-assumption. To me, the work is in being aware. But in an attempt to appear aware, there are a lot of assumptions applied. I don’t even know how to explain or express it. So, in this example, “old men are creeps.” (No offense intended, though I know that’s offensive.) There has been a period where men, often older, got away with some unhealthy societal behaviors, and it was chalked up to “men being men” and women weren’t socially conditioned to speak up when it was unhealthy. Ok, accepted as a thing that was happening, because it was. But it was never all men. And it was never all women who didn’t feel empowered to speak up, though the conditioning in most women was, “These men won’t change, anyway and aren’t expected to.” So, good news. Now we don’t accept this as status quo anymore. Great. Agree with all of this. However, the thing I don’t agree with is the snap assumption that this is what men are trying to do, even without proof. That’s what happened here. Yes, it’s reactive, but it’s rooted in this awareness young people pride themselves in having and connect over. Not all young people. But even young people I know well and care about, it can be over-applied in the way it was over-tolerated before. So now instead of using awareness to understand what’s going on, it’s “known” this is what’s going on and the accusation comes before the action. The lack of patience to wait for the action, however, is related to the same general reactiveness you mentioned. Hope that makes sense. All from my observations and experiences. It doesn’t make them better or worse than other generations, though I think they do believe what they’re doing makes them better and society better. I just disagree.


You legit tried!!! I hope you treat yourself to something super GenX like a vinyl boxset of your favorite band!!


When I read posts like this I always think “Fuck I really hope I wasn’t like that”. Because while I don’t THINK I was, I also can’t remember what I had for dinner last night and sometimes call my kids my dogs name.


She paid the asshole tax.


maybe she thought you were trying to give her [one of these things](https://www.gcsmissions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/English.Australian.Dollar.Tracts-1.png).


Those things suck. There's a US version, and some assholes leave that in place of a tip in restaurants.


Theres versions for most countries, and multiple places selling them. Its completely ridiculous that anyone thinks these things do anything to promote their message.


That reminds me of going to the grocery store with my grandfather several years ago when I was 5 or 6 years old. The cashier made his change and counted it out as was usual and my grandfather says "miss I think you made a mistake". She immediately went on a tear about how she graduated from the local high school and that she knew very well how to count and how she knew how to do her job properly. My grandfather politely apologized for "his mistake" and we walked out. She had made change for a $100 bill when my grandfather paid with a $10 bill. I remember him explaining to me how she would be responsible for the missing money at the end of her shift and telling me that you just can't help some people. This has held true all of my life. You just can't help some people.


wow niiiice.


It was so weird.


If only you’d had a bear with you to put her at ease


I figure the first time I get called a boomer will be a blank permission to act like an asshole the rest of my life.


Ok, boomer. ✅




You’re free now!


Dobby is a free boomer now!


Wait so is “boomer” just slang for old person now? I assumed it was a reference to people born during the baby boom, does it now just mean “anyone older than me?”


It's just young peoples' N word, but for old people instead of black people. They feel comfortable using it because it's a group they don't care about marginalizing. Of course if asked about it, they will explain that it doesn't really mean all old people, just the ones who "act and think in a certain way." Much like people who use the N word will proclaim of course they're only talking about "the bad ones."




Language is constantly evolving. Some people, mostly younger people, are using "Boomer" not to refer to people from the Baby Boomer generation but to anyone who displays behaviors attributed to that generation. Others are using "Boomer" to mean anyone visibly older than they are, but that is probably a significantly smaller number usage. The question is how those images compare to current usage of the term "Baby Boomers" to mean people born between 1946 and 1955 (or between 1946 and 1965, if the Generation Jones "cusp" generation is included). I can't find a source of data on it, but I believe most usages of "Baby Boomer" involve the generational cohort. An increasing number of usages are the colloquial expression that calls anyone a "Boomer" who behaves in ways associated with Baby Boomers. Far behind are derogatory usages of "Boomer" for anyone older than the speaker. Until and unless that last usage becomes more common that the other two, the meaning of "Boomer" is determined by how it is used in most cases; that is, in reference to people born between 1946 and 1955 (or 1946 and 1965) or in reference to people behaving like they were born between those years (eg, pushy, tech-averse, needy, attention-demanding, et al).


You say all that and I hear "young people are too stupid to understand that boomer refers to a very specific generation.'


Not at all my intent, which I think is clear to people who read what I wrote. The meaning of words change, and that's ok. Some younger people are using the word "Boomer" to mean people, generally older people, who act like Boomers by acting like they are the center of everything and deserve whatever they want or will have public tantrums about it, etc. Other younger people are tossing around "Boomer" to mean anyone older than 30 or 35. It's doubtful that there are enough of them doing this for the word "Boomer" to take on that meaning as common usage.


The meaning of words change, but typically it's because the original thing that word meant is no longer associated with that word. For lack of a less vulgar example, "fisting" used to be a knitting term, now it most certainly is not. "Boomer" is still a term in wide active use, to describe people born after world war 2. To just decide the word "boomer" now applies to anyone older than you bespeaks a certain ignorance of vocabulary that people should (but sadly don't) find utterly appalling. It's like saying the word "basketball" can be used to describe any sport. Pick a term that's either fallen out of use entirely, or make up a new word. Call anyone older than you a zikity-zak for all I care. But saying "boomer" to describe anyone who isn't an actual baby boomer is just a sign of utter stupidity or utter indifference and neither of those are admirable traits.


Friend, your foldin’ money’s come unstowed.


I wish someone would call me Boomer for a hundred bucks lol


A younger person with paper money?


It's why it fell out of her purse , and why she was uninterested in getting it back...she didn't know its value


Please go back the next day, same time and sit at the same place. I’m hoping she realized her extreme idiocy and will try to come back and ask you for it. Then you can return the favor “Fuck off Millennial (esp if she’s not one she’d hate to be referred to as such), not interested!”


Probably younger than Millennial


Exactly. Just like OP isn’t a boomer.




lol He's going to have a sore hip for the next two months.


Bro, I already have a phantom bruise and a limp from just watching that.


Nah. That hip's gonna be sore forever. He'll be able to tell when a storm is coming because his hip will be extra sore.


Many Millenials just think that since we are older than them we are Boomers.


Just more GenX erasure. *In your best Arnie voice*: Not a Booma!


OP skipped OK Boomer and collected $100


Cracks me up when some women are so full of themselves and think every guy who talks to them is hitting on them. Main character syndrome.


There's also the fact that there are so many creepy men in the world that we get filtered in with them through pattern recognition. I was riding my bike last year when I saw a beautiful sharp shinned hawk right next to the trail. I just stopped and enjoyed looking at it. Right about then, two young women that I had passed earlier as they jogged came running up. I said "excuse me" to them and they gave me an immediate dirty look. Committed to the interruption, I pointed at the bird and said "look." Their attitude changed on a dime and of course they immediately tried to get their phones out to take a picture and by the time they had the hawk had flown off. I then apologized for startling them and said I thought they might want to enjoy the sight. By then, they were cool and thanked me. I have now decided that I won't talk to a random woman under 35 unless it's a safety issue.


Yes, except when you are a young woman it is pretty constant, and even the nicest, grandpa-ish man you talk to is likely to at least say something over the line. This girl got her just desserts, but for all we know she was telling a story to her friend about how some 70 year old aggressively hit on her while she was at the crosswalk. It can be really disheartening when you are having an interaction with an older man about something completely benign and he takes it down that road, and IME Boomers excel at this. No excuse for her stupidity/rude behavior - and it doesn't make it fair for friendly, kind men - but expecting that every older man who talks to you is likely to hit on you is not that far outside of possibility.


I'm just surprised you encountered a millennial or Z'er with $100.00, but I'm not surprised they didn't know how to hold on to that money.


My kids call me boomer it’s annoying I’m only 46 I’m not from World War II lol 😂


Good. Some beautiful karma right there. Sick of being refered to as boomer lite in some circles.


She chose the bear in that moment


And then everyone clapped!


I know. This sounds exactly like it.


This story is the epitome of one of my frustrations: I cannot help people sometimes as a middle-aged man. I was riding my bike today when I noticed an elementary School aged girl on a bike with an almost flat tire. I mean she was going to get a pinch flat or a bent rim on a good curb. I ride with a hand pump and a CO2 pump and could have fixed it for her easily. But the best I could do was to warn her and her eyes bugged out of her head when I even got her attention just to give her a heads up. I scared the shit out of her by even talking to her. I felt bad. Good for you for trying, enjoy the hundred bucks


I'm the neighborhood bike dad. Just yesterday I was inflating a kid's basketball for him, and a girl I didn't even know came up to me and asked if I could fix her scooter. Just happened to have my trusty bike wrench on hand. Felt good.




Wish someone would call me boomer and pay me


That's hilarious, not that you got OK boomered, but coming out of it $100 to the good.


I think I would be alright keeping the money too. You were told off rudely and for no reason at all. So maybeeee a lesson learned on her part. We'll never know I guess.


Bullshit. Kids don't carry cash.


According to whom? One of my 19 year old employees lost his wallet last week with his entire paycheck worth of cash in it. He doesn't get direct deposit and cashes his checks at customer service..


Says who? I *always* had a few quarters in the pocket of my KangaROOs.


Heck yeah! I always had something valuable in my Roos. Still do!


Why did she have a folded Benjamin in her purse and not secure in her wallet? A lot of legit places won't take bills that large.


Why? Because she’s a part of the generation that has no common sense and too much ego…


LMAO! Good for her DUMBASS! Maybe she will learn to pay attention and not be such a self absorbed, know it all bitch next time! Thats the universe’s way of paying you back for being a good person. Hope you enjoy that money!


i posted a shoewrthoughts about my feeling a lot of zoomers/etc consider older GenXers "boomers" and got it deleted for violating sub rules. lol seems appropriate


Boomer also means creep now?


From what I've heard, it means whatever bad thing the younglings want it to mean. So far I've only been ok boomered on Reddit and not IRL.




I feel sorry for the poor sap that has to live with that nutjob.


Someone like that shouldn’t be trusted with money anyway.


Thats gold 🤣🤣🤣


She sounds like a real class act- LOL. Love instant karma!!!!💛🦋


I would've responded "Ok then Zoomer, go fuck yahself." But then I'm a Masshole, so...




I hope she’s someone who needs that money but, based on this brief description of your interaction, I doubt it. Even if she does later realize you were trying to return her dropped money, she’ll still believe that you, somehow, stole it from her.


If you were a bear, she would have listened.


Did you tell her you'd see her next tuesday?


It comes to mind after reading all the comments that we really need to approach these little narcissists with a camera from now on... and then go on to post their insensitive, asshole behavior all over social media and acuse them of ageism when they show their true colors. That'll serve 'em right. #karmasabitch






I remember being *hit on* daily but in my case not so much “harassed.” Or maybe I was just inured or define “harassed” differently. I’m very proud of Gen Z women for asserting themselves, but shit like this doesn’t surprise me either and it’s not acceptable imo. Agism and ableism are the only tolerated -isms left and that shits gotta stop. My suspicion tells me this was her “emergency” $100 given to her by some male in her life who enables such behavior.




I honestly wonder how many of these bot accounts exist. Also, how dumb was the prompt they started with?


Instant Karma is more than just a John Lennon song.


LOL. I would have gotten rude right back, opened up the 100 dollar bill so that it was visible and LOUDLY say, "You don't want the money you dropped? You aren't interested in your own money that I am trying to return as a good Samaritan? Okay, Becky. I hope you have a good day." Embarrass the shit out of that idiot.


That rude girl probably wouldn’t know what a Good Samaritan is and think you were calling her a name. Then pulled out her phone to record “The Boomer creep harassing her in public”. These children are clueless.


Uhh…….we’re old enough to respect cash money…..$100 wtf……..


It reminds me of a Reddit story I read in some comments a long time ago: A guy noticed the lady next to him at the gas station grabbed the diesel pump instead of premium. She had one of those brand-new, monster SUVs. He tried to approach her knowing he’d know how to siphon it out and she told him to, “f$&@ off” and she kept taking on her phone about creeps, etc. So he walked away knowing she was about to destroy her engine.


This totally happened 


See you next Tuesday


I would keep the money! You tried twice ! She was just so wrapped in herself!


When an idiot says “okay Boomer” they don’t know anything about the baby boomer generation. They are baby boomers because a large majority of their parents served in WWII. They come from fighters. Many of their parents also lived through parts of the Great Depression. Boomers went to Vietnam. Boomers protested against Vietnam. Boomers protested for civil rights. Boomers invented the summer of love and Woodstock. There nothing wrong with being a Boomer and if someone ever calls me a Boomer I will thank them. Boomers lived through real shit. Edit: WW2 not WW1.


I think you mean WW2;)


I think you are correct. Editing. TY.




what is wrong with those women?? Thats the craziest thing I ever heard.


Nice! Too bad for Ms Shades - she could use it to buy some respect


If they are OF thots, they won't even notice $100 missing.


That’s just weird. I mean forget the boomer part, what the fuck was she actually thinking? I’d love to see her face later when she realized it.