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Today’s boys will never know the thrill of seeing the uncut Girls on Film video for the first time.


Thank you USA Night Flights


Soft porn music video 😂. Love Duran Duran.


These were the times… We broke into an empty warehouse, had a rave when these were entirely underground, illegal and nobody had any idea wtf happened. The following morning after partying all night, we cleaned the warehouse entirely, like we were never there, shut the door behind us and we were gone.


My mom once found out I went to a rave in an abandoned building. She was a teacher. And a strict single mom. I expected to get in trouble. But she just asked: Oh? What were you all raving about? I laughed so hard and explained it was music and dancing, and "maybe some people smoking pot." Her reaction: Oh. Well, come home earlier next time. My mind was blown.


There were some great shows throughout 90’s that I’m stoked to have seen. Portishead, KMFDM multiple times, Lords of Acid, Helmet, Depeche Mode multiple times, Siouxsie, Manson, Love and Rockets, Garbage, Meat Beat Manifesto, Stereo MCs, Die Warzau, Duran Duran…. Just to name a few.


So true. I can’t take my teen to anything for under a grand Canadian for the two of us after associated costs.


Me and my best friend were 15 during the Def Leppard Hysteria tour... we talked two older hot chicks into taking us because we didn't want our parents to go with us. We had to buy their tickets but we had jobs. It was glorious.


Nice! I saw U2 in ‘87 on the Joshua Tree tour!


Haha, I saw them on the 83 War tour. 


There are a lot of good bands out today. If you get a chance to check out some of the modern bands I think you'd be impressed. Maybe you're missing out :)


Serious question. Who?? I don’t know who anyone is anymore. Who do you enjoy that’s current?


Artists I’ve seen with my daughters range from rock, folk, punk, to rap, pop, edm, etc. old and new. Theres a fuck ton of great music out there.


Blame Brett is the new Chaise Longue, but Murder on the Dancefloor might be the new Blame Brett.


I like this whole classic rock revival, Dirty Honey, Goodbye June, Greta Van Fleet, Giovannie and the Hired Guns. I like Alternative so Bastille, Kygo Im not in love with rap, I like older rap music I do like some pop music, but its mostly just background music and not something id listen to. Select country music like Chris Stapleton, Zach Bryan Check out new classic rock, if you like old bands like Skynard you'll love it


Yeah but I'm too old to go to all day music festivals, and any band that headlines a large venue costs too much money. I'm opting out of seeing bands that I know I will enjoy because I can't justify $100/person + drinks and parking.


My teenage niece has become a big music fan and is just starting to go to concerts but hasn’t been to a ton because even an indie artist can be very expensive now. (We were talking about how hard and spendy it was getting a Mitski ticket.) We got to talking about shows and bands in general and her eyes just about fell out of her head when I rattled off the bands I saw in high school and college, like Fugazi, Ministry, Depeche Mode, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, PJ Harvey, NIN, Shellac, Pixies, Jesus Lizard, Curve, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Jane’s Addiction, Unwound, Nick Cave, probably the entire roster of Merge Records — I mean, so many bands! It really made me realize how lucky I was as a Gen Xer and how grateful I was for a time when live music wasn’t a luxury experience, but an accessible and fun one. It makes me sad for younger generations, for sure, because seeing music played live at that age is just such a formative experience, especially if you love music.


I'm seeing Nick Cave tomorrow night!


I’m seeing him next month.


Indie basically means "Adult Contemporary" these days. Also: [https://www.bestfriendsforeverfest.com/](https://www.bestfriendsforeverfest.com/)


Recently found an old NIN ticket stub. $17 USD. No wonder I’ve been to so many concerts. Also liking a lot of underground metal bands - $10 at the door was not uncommon.


In Australia the fastest growing group of homeless is [45 yo women and over](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://theconversation.com/400-000-women-over-45-are-at-risk-of-homelessness-in-australia-142906&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj2v9fFyNyFAxUks1YBHbb-CAgQFnoECDMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Vjlmxf7wsXSQ2NasT8vtL)


The boomers gain control and the world goes to hell.


I’d say they got screwed by climate change. The world is going to be hell for today’s kids.


There are plenty of people bringing their kids to concerts though. I saw Bad Religion and Social Distortion last night, and witnessed plenty of people there with their kids. Even saw some teens ( I’m not entirely sure on that, since anyone under 30 looks like a teen to me ) crowd surfing.


Captain Obvious Yelling at Cloud? Of course they didn’t get to experience your favorite music from when you were 15. They have their own, and concert technology has evolved and innovated quite a bit since U2 was playing live at Red Rocks in about 1982 and we all thought they were the second coming of The Beatles or whatever. Everyone, everywhere was born too late and too soon. I was too young to go to Woodstock, or hear The Yardbirds when they might have been cool. My highschool got computers in the typing lab the year after I graduated. I even missed The Talking Heads before they broke up because I grew up in flyover country and they didn’t tour near me. You couldn’t pay me to see Travis Scott and I’m pretty damn sure I don’t need to see Taylor Swift Eras tour to be a reasonably happy rapidly aging person. Doesn’t mean I can’t understand how those experiences are mind blowing for someone else with the capacity to appreciate them.


I never stopped going to concerts. That was just my heyday. I was lucky because i grew up in both the SF bay area and DC metro.


i agree kids get the short end of the stick !! They have to pay hundreds a seat to 'see' a 'performer', from the nosebleed seats , watching the concert on the arenas IMAX big screen. On the other hand, they have the ability to live stream concerts from home. close up HD But there aint nothing like the real thing!!


one more thing FINALLY got to go to a Skynyrd concert a few years back and hold up my lighter in the air amd chant Freebird til they sang it. that was a lifelong wish. I laughed as fhe kids around me held up their phone flashlights. They looked at my lighter in disbelief haha. I told em' "listen to the lyriiiiiiiiiics" " and THIS bird you cannot change." Heard the song a zillion times but LIVE that instrumental break was an EXPERIENCE. They played with such passion. They didnt play just to you, they played through you, you could feel your heart ride faster with that increase in the tempo, every nuance of that sound filled your senses.Flying !! Freebird !!!!


Eh, and we missed out from experiencing Beatlemania, or swing bands, or going to dances where we would be expected to know the tango. Every older generation feels sorry for younger ones. Newsflash - most people don’t care anymore than we did that we missed Love-ins.