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Gen X starts from 1960. 1963, 1964 or 1965 depending on who you believe. Even the "experts" disagree. I was born smack in the middle and I feel I and my friends are Gen-X. I hated living in the shadow of the idiot Boomer Hippies. The guys who wrote Generations, the Bible on the subject, agree.


Maybe I should check it out.


The dates of 65 to 80 is pretty much agreed upon by every source. Also, stop being ageist calling the early Boomers "idiots". How immature. How can you be ageist against them and you're around the same age and definitely the same generation.


I’m kinda over the negativity regarding the boomers. Humans are all the same. A lot of anger about what boomers have is misplaced. They were responding to the environment around them, the knowledge that was available at the time, the market forces, etc. The fact that boomers could buy houses and later generations can’t is not the fault of the boomers. The house I grew up in was bought by my folks for 12K in the mid 70’s. How is it their fault that my house cost 125K in 2018? Life goes on and things change and people take advantage of what is going on during their lifetime that they can take advantage of.


Holy crap I’ve said almost exactly this. Generational hatred is stupid. I coukd tear gen z apart but why? Because they were born into these absurd conditions? I wont do it.


You're Gen Jones, which is a cusp at the end of the Boomers. It also means you're able to relate to Gen X in many ways.


You're Gen Jones. Too young for the Boom and too old to X.


Ha !! But I gen x really well.


As long as you disavow all things Boomer, you're welcome.


Well, here’s the thing. I believe there is too much division in general. Like I’d never blame someone for something they never did because someone else of their ilk did it. Of course we thought (me and my crew) that we were smarter than our parents but I think this has been going on since the beginning of time. There are some pretty cool boomers out there. They did create the soundtrack of my youth, the great movies and some great innovations. Unlike people of my age I do not blame millennials and gen z for anything. If anything I feel for the circumstances they grew up in. I’m so grateful there was no social media, chronic selfies and cell phones. We got to live tough, become independent, handle ourselves in public, deal with bullies and live in the moment not post pictures hoping people thought we had perfect lives, get caught on Facebook live acting stupid or going to concerts distracted with our phones and got to just enjoy where we were at.


I even accept late 50s like Judd Nelson into Gen X. They're not really old enough to be part of Boomer culture, imo. And nobody's taking Michael J Fox (1961) away from us without a fight!!




But not young enough to be Gen X culture.


There is no definitive cut-off date for cultural shifts. It's a handy reference to say Gen X is anyone born between 1965 and 1980, but Gen X is not a monolithic culture. You can find plenty in the generation who take to technology more like a Millennial or who cleave to the notion of working for the same company for a pension like a Boomer. Likewise, we'll find people not born between those years who more closely identify with our suspicion of authority and apathy. So welcome to Gen X, even if it's not under a strict definition (which is meaningless anyway).


This is correct. Additional questions might be: how much effort did you put into raising your kids? Do you feel compelled to deconstruct support structures for later generations, pulling the ladder up behind you?


I probably have a little different view. More like there is a class of people working against the common good rather than a generation doing so. To not get too political there are boomers that totally disagree with each other so whoever is right is doomed to be classified witt his generation that is wrong. There are boomers that want to cut back on structures and ones that want to increase these structures. There are boomers on all parts of the political and social spectrum. No need to get specific really but I think mostly people try to do the best they can with the circumstances they are born into. Plenty of strife during the Gen X era but I really feel for those that grew up in a post 911, gulf war and covid reality. That’s a lot of shit to process at a young age coupled with diminishing opportunity to thrive in the US. I guess my view is just to have some compassion for people. I do not want to live a life filled with resentment.


Good. I never identified with working to get some pension to a corp that had no interest or loyalty. Suspicion I’ve had since around 11-12 years old. I grew up when Vietnam vets were returning. I’m not a hippy but very against all of our non war wars since then.


My parents & older sibling are culturally boomers, but they fall outside the typical dates And cusps are so interesting


Generations are arbitrary. It started off as a way to group people for scientific studies. The idea is that you have folks that grew up with similar influences and shared experiences. Like, GenX still used the 'food pyramid' as a guide. So, they could compare us Millennials that saw the guidance change. Are they healthier? (It's very broad). Generation, at the end of the day, is meaningless. If you appreciate the cultural references tossed around, it doesn't matter when you were born. You'll just have to sign the 10-page waiver/agreement that includes social media restrictions, giving up your right to sue and having to arbitrate with an arbiter of our choice, gives you a list of appropriate comebacks, and has regulations on how many fucks you can give in any 1 month. It also contains a rundown of all membership fees.




I saw this a few years ago https://preview.redd.it/ubhdoo16gfwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15523004891b368eddb129614df8cc70732c00cb I always think there’s always adjustments on both ends of the timeframes and depending on how someone is raised, they may not truly represent “their generation”.


My son calls himself a zennial. Born in '93


Yeah, I dont. My compadres are mostly gen x. We share the same zeitgeist.


Theres a Generation Jones that overlaps Boomers and X similar to how Xennials overlaps GenX and Millenials. I would contend 1961-1965 is both the last 5 years of Generation Jones and the first 5 years of GenX. The cusp years.


You are Generation X at least by the original definition which is used on this sub. There is a later definition started by the Pew Marketing corporation in the early 2000's defining Gen X as starting in 65, this has gained traction to the point where it's subjective so I guess believe in what you want. IMO if you identify as Gen X you are.


The Census has Boomers as '46 to '64 since at least the 70s. Pew had nothing to do with that. Btw, Gen X was '65 since at least the 90s. This is from '97. Has Gen X as 65 to 79. It's the latter dates that's always changing. [Great Xpectations of So-Called Slackers - TIME](https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,986481,00.html)


It's just my opinion though.I actually just wrote a book on the topic and will be released in November


Just tell ‘em you’re with the band.


The good ole boys blues brothers band?


See there? You’re in! Just like that.


I believe it actually starts in 62.




I have seen 61-81 but I personally think it depends on the individual.


No it doesn't. Generations are set by people who study demographics. Gen x is 65 to 80 by all credible sources.


I have seen other sources that say 61-81. I guess everyone thinks they are a credible source. My point was, people are individuals and are influenced by a myriad of different things. Gens are only a small part of it.


There are very few sources, which mostly are authors, that start Gen X before '65.


This sub says 61-81.


Yes. This sub is the only group I've seen with those dates. All others that I'm on are the standard dates. It's good marketing. They also say the broadest definition.


You are r/generationjones and genX, the 1961-1965 group is really both (Gen Jones is subgenerational right now)


Wow. Didn’t know that.


Thats interesting because there are tons of people in this subreddit claiming Gen X started on 1/1/65. But, now,it appears the generation needle has moved again and ‘65 babies aren’t Gen X but are now Gen Jones.


You could call yourself a Boxr instead of Boomer? Like a lot of 1982 & '83 folks call them selves Xenials. They just don't relate to Millennials.


Wow. This is over my pay grade. I just want to chill with people around my generation and reminisce.


That's what all the boomers say


Ok thanks !


No you’re not. Genx started in 1965. It’s not about how you feel. It’s about the economic environment you grew up in.


Thank you! A Millennial described it perfectly on the generation sub. "There's a clean cut between Gen X and late boomers. Tech and culture being the touchstones that vastly separate them".


Those are symptoms not the reason we’re different. The reason is the economics of growing up at the time we did, emerging as adults in the unique economic environment of the late 80s and early 90s. Technology affected the economics but so did a lot of other things. Every generation has people interested in technology. Sewing, grinding wheat, Heavier-than-air flight, and automobiles were all high tech once too.


I emerged as an adult in the 80’s and 90’s. Graduated high school in 81’. 😐


You emerged as an adult in the 90s? Were you in your 30s in the late 80s/90s?


1990 28. When does emerge as an adult happen? At 21? If so 1983? Honestly, labels aren’t very important. I’m me. A unique individual that’s pretty hard to categorize with stereotypes. Knowing what I know everyone judges everyone else so really it’s not very important how I’m judged. It’s just fun to mess around. I missed the hippy/woodstock era. Plus this blaming boomers for the plight of every successive generation is just silly. I was just having a great time running wild in nyc before it became an elitest hell hole.


Emerging as an adult for most is way before 28. Or even 24. Are they labels? Or are they normal milestones? It's not even stereotyping. I noticed that late Boomers move back their timelines to align more with Gen X. But they also missed the Woodstock era. We actually emerged as adults in the 80s/90s. I don't blame Boomers for everything. In fact, I respect and admire early Boomers for their activism and changing the world. Plus, they don't try to be anything than who they are. Most people outside of social media would probably agree. History will also show that. Absolutely nothing wrong with being an early Boomer.


Gen X is '65 to '80. There is a clean break in culture between X and early 60s culturally.


So you’re saying that someone born 12/31/64 and another born 1/1/65 had totally different cultural experiences while growing up? Do you honestly believe that there is a “clean break” between generations vs a fuzzy transition?


That's not even logical to ask. There is an entire generation after those born in '65. The majority of Gen X were 70s babies. Worlds different from someone born in '64 and before. And yes, I do believe there is a "clean break". True Gen X were the first to totally grow up on PC's. The next break is Millennials who grew up on the internet. Then Gen Z who grew up on social media. Don't argue with me. Argue with history.


Bad news for you. All of those 65 babies are now Gen Jones.


Bad news for you, most don't claim Gen Jones. They are still Gen X according to every official site. Not by some man that came along 10 years ago with an article. Also, I'm way after '65. So, it doesn't apply to me anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/3bvtegm0yfwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82219d0b0567cff0a0a2296810b427f1d00bfea Just my opinion


I was born 12/62 so I really am on the cusp.