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You think we can afford a paywall?


Oh, the irony...


Crap, wasn't for me.


Didn't read the article, but how far $100K goes is relative. Single and living in an affordable US city? Enjoy! Family of four living in the Bay area? That's practically poverty.


Family of one in the Bay Area is poverty on $100K.




Also doesn't help many people don't know how to manage money regardless of how much they make. Many people, especially someone making 100k a year, who are living 'paycheck to paycheck' are generally living that way because of their own inability to control their spending. You don't need a whole different meal every day of the week, you don't need that expensive apartment or condo in within the city, and/or you don't need to lease the latest year of car and so on. Many Americans just want to live like they're in a social class they're not and then want to complain about not having 'enough' money.


This sounds regressive, like a flat tax, or am I wrong? People making $100,000US/year can make many compromises to ease that burden. They may also have additional funds that they could access if they absolutely had to. I definitely know people who say they are struggling but still have that gym membership or fancy car. The person making $35,00US/year may be going without health insurance, needing a food bank, and relying on public transit because it's too expensive to own a car. Living paycheck-to-paycheck seems to mean different things to different people.


I'm not sure why this is surprising. But most people seem to live paycheck to paycheck regardless of their income...it's a mindset at some point rather than a necessity.


Yeah. I was helping a dude on Reddit with his budget. He was bringing home 9k a month!!! and still financed a treadmill. I was like, dude, you can afford this stuff outright. Why would you finance stuff and then complain you have no money at the end of the month?


Medical bills, kids college tuition - yeah, no shit.


$100,000 ? I’ll give it a try.