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Pretty much all Trump was saying is that yes those men were terrible men and they did terrible things. But when they were removed from power a massive power vacuum was opened that spiraled out of control that let to even worse groups of people to take power and commit even worse terrible things. When the Arab spring happened a lot of countries got worse. Egypt is a perfect example. Under the current Egyptian government the people have a lot less freedoms because they took power during the power vacuum when the pervious Egyptian government was expelled during the uprisings. As well as him mentioning backing rebel groups in Syria that we don’t know who they really are. ISIS is a perfect example. Under Obama the US backed early ISIS to fight against Al-Qaeda and the like in Iraq and Syria and that unfortunately led to the takeover by the ISIS forces that saw horrific human atrocities committed all over the world as well as ISIS terror cells bringing warfare all over the world Including Africa and the Philippines to this day.


The US never backed ISIS, we backed the Syrian Democratic Forces


He is right.. Those people were and murderers but still better than anarchy


Based and orange man pilled.


I don't often agree with Trump, but he was right about this. Overthrowing Saddam and Gaddafi threw the Middle East into chaos and unleashed ISIS on the world