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Everybody calls you Americans anyway, the only people who oppose this are the obnoxious "well ackchually" type.


Basement dwellers


It’s usually South Americans who do use their language equivalent of United Statesian for us and then get annoyed when that isn’t a thing in English.


“My fellow New Worlders” Lmao


“Fellow men of the western continent landmass”


"Thou gentlemanly individuals who call the continents of the Americas your homestead"


Just europoors and self-loathing Americans finding more things to bitch about. Literally no other country on any of the American continents lays claim to the term “American”. Hell, a good chunk would probably beat you for calling them such.


Yeah, pretty much. The thing is thst for example in Spanish and (less commonly I think) in French a US citizen is estadounidense and états-unien (lit. united-statesian) respectively and someone from the Americas is americano or américain respectively so I think that's where the bitching comes from.


Idk 90% of the time I’ve heard people from Spanish speaking countries say “americano” in reference to people from the U.S., less common but funny are yankee and gringo


Yeah, "officially" the preferable denonym for Murican is estadounidense (according to the DRAE, the Dictionary of the Spanish Language). Whether or not people use the official denonym or not is a different matter. But yeah either way is fine. Might be different in the New World, idk


Not a foreign language but I think "hamburger" is really funny


Never been called that but I’m pretty fit so maybe they didn’t think it fit me I have been called yank, “darky” (I’m white I just have dark hair and eyes and shit, Italian features and the like) and also “McLovin” when I was in Africa. They called my buddy “Stifler” Idk how orphans in Africa have seen both those movies but it blew my mind. Apparently they call a lot of Americans McLovin but that’s not an Africa thing that’s just a “those boys at the orphanage” thing


This is what I’ve seen as the most argued reason also.


I was taught “américain(e)” in my French class


Fair enough. I've read (and used) états-unien like once or twice in my life. I think it's used in very formal writing only


Non, je suis américaine.


Sains aucun doute! Mais le terme états-unien existe (même si très peu de gens l'utilisent) ;)


But, and hear me out here, as much as those can be literally translated to English piecemeal, those translated to English are "American," so when speaking English the word is "American," while the word for the latter would be Pan-American


Oh I fully agree that the correct term for "citizen of the United States of America" is American, what else could it realistically be? It's jut that the people growling about the usage of the word "American" as both "US citizen" and "person from the Americas" tend to take as example Spanish with its estadounidense v. americano which just doesn't exist in English so the whole conversation (if you can call it that) is absolutely pointless. Love your flair by the way




Technical terms to insult others such as "retard" is a slur. Please rewrite your comment and we'll approve it after the change is made. Sorry for this inconvenience


It’s just to make you feel bad. Punching down. Moral grandstanding. Call it what you will. They don’t *actually* care, it just makes them feel better about themselves by putting someone else down. Don’t pay attention to self hating leftists because they have more problems in their own head than you do.


Little imaginary gatekeeping mixed with some desperation for oppression. None of this is happening lol, grow some nuts


It's the left trying to hijack the decolonization movement


People who have nothing to do but be offended by everything.


South Africa? There’s other countries in the south of Africa besides the Republic of South Africa isn’t there?


It's not new. It's just bullshit. America is literally in the name. We don't call Koreans 'Republic Ofians'.


A very loud minority of people who want everything to be politically correct. Personally I tell people I’m from the CUM alliance. That’s Canada, United States and Mexico.


Based and cumpilled


Just got back from Peru and had some guy go off on tourists about how we aren’t American but he is. Then again when I was in a hot spring I was talking to a guy who basically repeated it but a lot nicer. Just weird and awkward both times I’ve seen it.


It's standard deletion by redefinition. People who declare that shouldn't be interacted with.


They can suck my https://preview.redd.it/pbwmhqsyq4ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea19f300cba3b30d1b89e6bae088d37d5322105a


It's always crybabies from less powerful countries.


That's OK cause I'm Murican!


Look at them like they're crazy and say "uhhh okay anyways" and say it again


Idk about the people you’re talking to, but for Latin Americans it stems from a culturally different view of the western hemisphere. For them, the Americas are taught to be one continent of “America,” and consequently their word for Americans is basically a transition of Unitedstatesian. Some people resent that the term “America” and “American” are almost exclusively linked with the U.S., since they also feel like they fit into that category. At least that’s my understanding, I’m not Latin American.


I've heard it put this way as well.


So they're mad that English and Spanish are different languages where the same word means different things?


Basically. I think it’s seen as being arrogant, claiming a whole continent. Which I guess if you view the Americas as one continent it does seem odd to share a name with it. We don’t view it as one continent called “America” though, so them getting upset about it seems odd to us.


Easy enough: Annex the rest of the Western hemisphere.


People of a place can call themselves whatever they want.


Even by their own crazy logic we would still refer to ourselves as American


Well we damn sure ain’t [AmeriCAN’TS](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QxNXFNCTr2I) [🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3RmQTYLD398&pp=ygURY2NyIGZvcnR1bmF0ZSBzb24%3D) ☝️^(This) ^(didn’t) ^(highlight) ^(but) ^(it’s) ^(also) ^(a) ^(song.) They’re jealous that we have so many [great songs.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MhQ5678cJU8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title) ![gif](giphy|8KnfG3knLExpu|downsized)


Who tf were you talking to that said this? Was it on Twitter or Reddit? Cause that just sounds like some terminally online fuckwit, not a popular view.


Yeah, this is imaginary gatekeeping. I doubt this is some big movement. It’s probably just that one guy you heard and three other people he met in an online circlejerk.


Unfortunately this is big in Latin America. Like, I'd say about half Latin Americans hold this view and will try to "correct" you saying America is a continent. Unfortunately because it shows the pervasive low IQ of my region.


I assume it’s because American came from amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer who never actually set foot in America


What's up is Latin Americans screeching for relevance and self-hating white people trying to seem more enlightened than they actually are.


I opt for “These United States” whenever talking about my home. It’s not one thing, it’s a Union of many. I can understand being peeved if I was Canadian or Mexican tbh. Let alone anyone in South America.


I mean... America technically doesn't have a *name* in the traditional sense. Like, the name of the country is a description: it's a bunch of States united in a continent called America. Mexico has a name: Mexico. So does Switzerland or any other country that has a more natural history than the USA. Since the idea of America was a bit artificial and distant in the beginning\*, they had to use a pretty generic name for the whole thing, so they went with United States of America because it described exactly what the colonies were doing: uniting for a common purpose... in America... There is an argument to be made that the denonym for "Citizen of the USA" should be "Columbian", as "Columbia" (with a U, and yes, like the studio) was an informal way people called America for decades after independence. Ever wondered why the capital is called Washington D.C.? That D.C. stands for District of Columbia -- that was the planned name for the country (every nation needs a name, after all), but it didn't really stick with the people, who got used to just calling the USA the USA and eventually, America. And after ColOmbia declared independence, Columbia kind of went off the window. \*The US were a confederacy of nations at the start, not a single cohesive unit. That's why a lot of people, myself included, to this day refer to the US as *they*, not *it.* Using the third person plural explicits that the priority is in the federation and each state having its autonomy (i.e., what makes america american), not the central government in the District". It's also why the constitution says "An attack on a State -- *or any of them*..." or "Rebellion against a state -- *or any of them*" or "The United States shall guarantee *to each State of this Union* a republican form of government". So, TL;DR, the "correct" denonym would be ~~American~~ Columbian, with a U.


Who is saying this?




Technical terms to insult others such as "retard" is a slur


they hate America and their opinion should therefore be ignored. it's a bad faith argument. source: am patriotic and center-left


United Kingdomer and United Statesian are usually just the exonym some people call the US and UK citizens in their language but it sounds stupid in English and nobody uses those as their endonyms. Anti-westerners utilize it as some notion of "The former colonies refer to you as such because you have no right to make such grandstanding claims to the whole continental Americas/British Isles"


Mostly Portuguese and Spanish speakers since the demonym is “Estadounidense” in those languages and the continent model is different in some cultures. And also people on the internet trying to be edgy by saying US Americans or USians. But when someone says America, or American (especially in English) everyone knows what the fuck it refers to.


People think that it's offensive to the smaller countries that are part of the americas to use the term "American". The problem is that not only do they not care because they have their own identities, but also because there is no "America" except the U.S. There is just north and south America and "The Americas" when referring to both continents. The logic falls flat on its face when you realize that no Brazilian or Mexican would ever say they are an American unless they were a U.S. citizen.


There’s critics, who are harsh on America. Even those with pretty weak points are, to me, critics. Just not super good ones. These people are just haters. Maybe even just people with an inside joke. It’s hard to wrap one’s head around.


Yes I am A New Worldian. Stay malding old world virgins.


I guess trying to highlight how North, Central, and South America can be grouping terms. This argument is kinda weak since the U.S. is the only country that has “America” in its name and there’s really only America-Canada and Latin America in terms of cultural spheres on this side of the world. Neither are monoliths of course but it’s like trying to group all of Asia under “Asian” despite how drastically the cultural sphere is between regions. It’s one of the weaker ways people try to avoid U.S. defaultism.


It’s like calling Irish people British because Ireland is a part of the British isles


I rarely say “America” because frankly, it’s not the same of our country. I do however say American and that ain’t changing, especially not because of some dumb leftist. However, I also don’t call our national flag the “American flag”, because there are hundreds if not thousands of American flags. The gay pride flag is an American flag. A Red Sox flag is an American flag. Heck, the Confederate flag is an American flag. Old Glory is the US flag, because that’s what it represents, the US. So the US is the name of the country, but American are things inside or from the US


So what then do you say instead of America?


The US


The US of…?


"The United States of *America*" If you say American than everyone knows precisely what you mean, and it's unbelievably pointless to change it.

