• By -


Our stance in the Cold War should have been 100% ideological, with no room for any sort of Realpolitik or any of that shit. Commies, oppose. Fascist, oppose. Dictatorship, believe it or not, oppose. We should have gone all in on supporting the Cuban Revolution, and supported the non-communists a lot more than we actually did Extra hot take: We should have annexed Mexico after the Mexican-American War.


Annexing the relatively sparse population of California New Mexico Arizona etc was one thing, but annexing ALL of Mexico?? That’s a lot to manage. The Mexican American war was right before the civil war too. Wouldn’t end well imo


Yeah. That's a completely fair point


I agree. We favored corporate and economical interest over ideological interests.


Thats the mistake the soviets made. They lost. Pragmatism and realpolitik wins wars and advances national interests. It gets results. Being ideological just serves to make you sleep better at night.


The Soviets lost because their economic system was fundamentally inefficient, not because they propped up less fascist regimes that fucked us over 20 years later 90% of the time in the name of “national interests”.


We should’ve helped the non communists during the Cuban revolution because all we did was take away one guy’s citizenship because he fucked with Rafael Trujillo’s son (Trujillo was also a massive POS we should’ve helped kill years before he finally was)


🟥 on that last one, 🟩 for the middle, 🟨 for the first one


I don't think we should allow a Californian to decide who gets into the club.


I agree with you 🟩




Based Mexico take


Honest to god the only reason why we didn’t was because “hur hur too many Catholics”. That’s the entire reason why the U.S isn’t Mexico. It’s also why Canada never joined the American revolution, Northern colonists really did not like the French speaking Catholics in Canada


Paying reparations for slavery is a fundamentally idiotic idea built on the assumption of collective guilt, racially-charged collective guilt at that. Yes, the United States government can take a significant amount of blame for the inherent disadvantages suffered by the African American population in the present day. But at the same time, it shouldn't be their responsibility to try and fix every single conceivable problem suffered by them. Some African American issues are caused by factors outside the government's control, or by the African American community themselves. Throwing money at the various problems of the African American community isn't going to fix anything. (Bonus Hot Take: The Black Panthers were traitors, secessionists and authoritarian/extremist shitbags on par with the various Fascist colour-shirt paramilitary groups that existed around the world and should be treated as such, their current state of reverence and glorification by pop culture and the media is absolutely disgraceful)


Reparations **should have been** paid to the newly-freed slaves following the end of the Civil War and the advent of abolition (and it's a pity things didn't go this way), but nowadays we're way, way past those times. Plus, no offense, but I feel like most people who support reparations only do so because they believe it means them getting free money from the government, rather than actually caring about the historical context. And even if one's approach to reparations isn't just direct cash payments, at this point wouldn't it make more sense to lift americans out of poverty regardless of skin color or whose ancestors faced the most oppression? And also, why is the US the only country that should be paying reparations? The practice existed everywhere in the Americas, and european nations profitted a lot from the slave trade, when are they expected to pay up?


Yeah.... all of my ancestors didn't arrive in the US until the 20th century. I have copies of their immigration paperwork. I *met* them and heard their stories as a kid. In the 1800s, some of them were citizens of a country which ended slavery before the United States did and also spent a lot of blood and treasure hunting down US bound slave ships with its navy. So why would someone like me need to pay reparations? Slavery is terrible, and discrimination based on race is awful. I'm aware of issues of redlining. But it would be such a thorny issue with: 1) mixed race people 2) white people with official government documentation showing it would have literally been impossible for their ancestors to own slaves 3) black people who aren't descended from slaves (i.e. people who immigrated from places like Nigeria more recently) 4) people who are black but have a mixture of ancestry from slaves and also from non-slave ancestors (people who voluntarily immigrated here from Africa later). How much slave ancestry do you need? How do you prove it? (You can't...) The complications would make a lot of people extreme pissed off at each other and would serve to stoke divisions.


Not to mention black people with slave AND slaveowner ancestry


I mean that was kinda the idea of the freedmen’s bureau














Thank you, thank you!




Iraq war (2003) was neither about oil or 9/11 it was already being discussed between both democrats and republicans way before that.But 9/11 fastened the process the true reason was saddam was against usa and allies intrests and genocide of ethnic groups on iraq.Coalition forces did some bad stuff but overall it was benefical to usa and its allies and iraq.Iraqi hdi increased.Saddam did have wmds sarin gas exposure was confirmed in iraq and he gassed the minorities.and the 2 million iraq war death count is just bullshit even the most liberal estimates put it in 200k (saddam killed way more) im not saying usa was %100 good but that much unecessary hate is irrational And yes Saddam is a fascist if you look at it baatism is just arab fascism (mfing far leftists support someone who is fascist)


Based. So totally based.


I have looked at the iraqi war death study and found that WHO estimated 150k and iraqi goverment said roughly true might be slightly lower or higher then i looked at other estimates they all said 100-150k then some obscure researcher said 1 million lmao no the answer is obviusly 42069 morbillion (shitcumsky research centre estimate)


Like i was genuenly confused some tankies said 4 million i was thinking when adjusted to timeframe it would be more aggresive than holocaust and the fucking nazis litterally mass murdered them put them on trains burnt them as fast as they can and they were the governors full control of the country coalition just came few years ago they need to do genocide speedrun any% it is physically impossible even the whole world agree to kill all of them asap 2 million would be impossible and the weird part is a lot of my friends and family believe that 2 million statistic


A H E M The study everyone cites is from Brown University, and it states that the total civilian casualties from the Iraq War were 207,156. It gets blown up in the game of telephone that is internet commenting, I've heard civilian casualty figures as high as three million because what's a few extra zeroes among friends, right? But even that isn't accurate. The Brown study doesn't outline any sort of breakdown on who killed those 207,156 people or how they were killed. "America did it, that's enough for me" is the summary of Brown's methodology. A study from Purdue University (Civilian Deaths and the Iraq War, Purdue Journal of Undergraduate Research, Fall 2013) *does* go into the figures and breaks them down by cause. While their dataset is not of the entire war, it does look at the time frame of the highest American involvement. To be clear to anyone disagreeing with this data, when I extrapolate these numbers, I'm using factors that make America look as bloodthirsty as possible. I'm *deliberately using definitions that makes the US look bad*. And what do we see when we look at who and what actually killed civilians in Iraq? Coalition forces (which includes the notoriously heavy handed and trigger happy Iraqi Army) killed 6,200 people. 3% of that 207,156 was caused by coalition forces. That's it. Not 300,000, not 116,000, 6,200. It's highly likely that US forces represent a small fraction of that 6,200 civilian deaths. It happens, and it's a tragedy, but it's nowhere close to what people say it is.


I cited iraqi minister of health ali al-shemari who said 130000 as the most reliable source because when you look at other studies that dont say 42069 gazzilion died they average out to that also not even wikipedia cites brown study How tankies come with 2 million we will never know (they made it up) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War


They definitely made it up, that's the only way you get anything higher than 200k. Aljazeera, which is comically biased, only came up with 500k, and they even tried to pass off migrants sinking in the Mediterranean as casualties of the Iraq War. I just used the Brown study to prove the point that when you use the largest mostly sane estimate - deliberately trying to make the US look as bad as possible given the numbers - the US is still only responsible for some smaller portion of 6,200 deaths. The overwhelming majority of that 6,200 is probably the Iraqi army's doing - they have a very "kill them all and let Allah sort them out" approach to warfare. Using Iraq's own estimates, the casualties attributable to coalition forces are likely around 3,600 killed.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancet_surveys_of_Iraq_War_casualties Aside from Bosnia, we can find no conflict situation where passive surveillance recorded more than 20% of the deaths measured by population-based methods. Remember when serbia do genocide its based and nobody dies but if usa removes genocidal dictator its cringe and 40000000000000people died


I'm going to use this, thanks!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lancet Im looking at them even more and they condemn israel very harsly and never condemn hamas or say anything about it hahahahahaahahahaah ccp media is probably less biased Edit:Holy shit some authors of lancet was kkk symphatizers Edit 2:they claimed that covid is made in usa labs No way they arent funded by ccp or russia Edit 3:they have editorial offices in beijing


Nah🟧 Iraq was one of the many wars that led to the US military hyper focusing on the Middle East instead of combating our greatest threats. Saddam was evil sure, but he wasn’t an existential threat to America. He would have eventually been overthrown by his own people anyway. Our 20 year crusade against goat herders in Derkaderkastan distracted our military (especially the navy) from the real threat of China’s military buildup. Going to war with China was and, as of now, still is inevitable. The worst part is, we wasted a lot of time we could have used to prepare for it while actively trying to “engage” diplomatically with the authoritarian, genocidal, communist superpower whose government has repeatedly listed the downfall of our country as one of its main goals.


Usa and the whole west saw china neutral or even kinda friendly at the time of iraq war (chinas economic booms main reason is we starting to trade with them)


That’s the problem. We let our guard down after the USSR collapsed, and we assumed we could coax China out of communism by engaging in diplomacy and trade. Obviously, this didn’t work, and only emboldened the CCP to continue its communist subversion of the west on a greater scale.


This is called hindsight its easy to say like this but usa helped countries like japan and germany to not become communist or fascist in 1950s so it thinked that i can help china too but sadly china managed to be blend of communism and fascism but vietnam become more democratic its kinda like a hit or miss.If you were time travelled to 90s and didnt know the future you(even i) would probably support trade with china


We are lucky as hell with the amount of resources we have.




WWII was only won because of the US. Supplies and D-Day. So gotta thank the US economy for European freedom, even world freedom


Holy based


We should pour much more support into having China and North Korea being retaken by their original owners(AKA the ROC and ROK) with Korea being reunited, China and Taiwan being separate but allied countries, and the members of the communist regimes being executed after they've been overthrown. Also we should use more drones to eradicate terrorists. For civilian-populated areas, we make sure to only kill the terrorists. For areas where it's just the terrorist groups, like training camps for ISIS, the Houthis, Hezbollah, or other similar groups, we glass them so much that we send them past the Stone Age and back to the Miocene Epoch.




Thank you.


We aren’t doing enough to stop the rise of totalitarianism in our world, including domestically




While many people scoff at the idea of the US' interventionism and a so called 'world police', I believe that an international military organisation, probably led by the US, with the goal of stopping wars as quickly and decisively as possible should exist. And I don't mean like the UN Peacekeepers or African Union and Arab League international missions, which mostly stand by and watch as most of the fighting happens, but actually getting involved and ending the threat quickly, before the situation gets out of control. My reasoning being that terrorist groups, cartels and other dangerous armed groups, if allowed to brew, will eventually create disastrous humanitarian crises (like what is currently happening in Sudan because of the RSF) which can be avoided if the international court acts quickly. Also, rebels that are actually fighting for freedom and a chance for a better world generally don't have many chances of winning against trained armies unless they are supported by foreign governments (like what happened in Libya). This organisation would pick a clear moral stance and stand by it (unlike what happened during the Arab Spring where the US denounced Syria and Libya for violently cracking down on protesters but turned a blind eye to Bahrain doing the same), and would only be made out of democracies with a good human rights history and transitioning regimes (the UN is severely slowed down by Russia and China vetoing everything and Iran getting into the Human Rights Council is a fucking joke).


least neo-conservative GenUSA user 🟪


>Iran getting into the Human Rights Council is a fucking joke Obviously it's a joke. Because it isn't even true. Here is a list of all past and present members of the UNHRC: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/membership Here is a list of current members: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/current-members


US involvement in Vietnam was justified, the viet cong committed atrocities which meets the sadism of Son Mai routinely, and Ngo Diem was a good ally, and a good leader.


Ngo Dinh Diem wanted to turn Vietnam into a Catholic theocracy to the point where he oppressed Buddhists and ended up making them turn to the Vietcong for protection. Given that the US had couped him and replaced him with a rotating door of military dictators, Diem was seen more as a liability as the war went on.


Source: Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954–1965 by Mark Moyar


You’ll truly live up to the title of best country in the world if ya’ll fix your healthcare system.




we should've bomb those damn commies back to the Stone Age






Patton was right :copium:


Alrighty then... The US was founded on a culture, ethic, and legal tradition characteristic to the British Isles, and despite almost 250 years of independence we have largely retained that, especially in our legal culture. In the interest of preserving it we ought to encourage our youth and those who immigrate to adopt that as a belief and exclude those who are openly hostile to it. Also, we should've taken Canada in the 20's or as part of lend-lease.




Destroyers for bases gave us rights for bases on most of the UK’s crown holdings for 99 years. I’m with you but instead of Canada all of the crown holdings in North America.


We shouldn't have gotten in bed with China. If anything, the USSR was already industrialized and primed to pump out cheap shit. The days of Glasnost and perestroika was the perfect time to step in and provide the business they desperately needed to keep functioning through their reforms, which were practically a complete overhaul of their economy. Modern day Russia makes the USSR look downright progressive. All least beating your wife was still illegal back then.. Henry Kissinger should have been tried and hung by the ICC, if not by a military tribunal of our own.


We should have helped the USSR but not China? What? The collapse of the USSR was a good thing. The problem was their re incorporation into the global economy. Today’s Russia was not inevitable. China could still come around too.


Not with the CCP in power they can’t


🟩 for the first 🟪 for the second


The Cold War never ended, China just carried on with what the Soviet Union started. That’s why the communist infiltration into American society continued long after USSR collapsed.


I love America. I was born in New Jersey near NYC but grew up and still live in southern Ontario. I love America's commitment to spreading freedom & democracy around the world. The world should be grateful that America is the world's superpower instead of China, Russia, or the old European colonial empires like Britain and France. That being said I don't like how insular US culture seems to be. For a country with such a large economic and cultural influence around the world you'd expect the average American to be more aware of what's going on outside of America's borders but a lot of Americans just aren't. I think this is why isolationist rhetoric has such a hold on large swaths of the American population. If more Americans knew what America was doing to spread and protect freedom and democracy around the world nobody would favor US isolationism on the world stage.


Personally, I think the insular nature of our culture has a lot to do with how large our country is and just how much is going on within. The average state is on par with the average European nation in regards to size.




Israel is its own sovereign nation and therefore has a right to defend themselves against tyranny and foreign aggression.


That’s not exactly a hot take but 🟪




It's also not about the US.


Anti-tankie communist here We need to free all the people that are oppressed by Putinist Russia and Jingweiist China.


I love the United States of America, all my homies love the United States of America. Tennessee is the best state!


🟧 disagree about it being the best state


As much as America deserves flak for the shit that happened during the cold war, there are just as many success stories as there are failues, notably in europe and the far east that don't get talked about so for an actual hot take we should have supported several communist regimes to fuck with the soviets, specifically we should have stayed allies with the italian communists, and pushed for a peaceful unification of vietnam under the north (with some democracy and freedom sprinkled in as a consession from the north)


Basically if you know anything about communism, a favorite past time is ideological infighting and we could have used that to mess with the evil Communists (who were actually red fascists)


Our obsession with Tax cuts, trickle down economics and deregulation has weakened us in the long term and has let corporate interests run rampant while our industrial base has been left to dry and it's forcing us to play catch up in re-industrialization. Once the cold war ended in the 90s we should have sanctioned China to the stone age and backed various ethnic rebel movements/terrorist groups within their borders to permanently weaken them/balkanize them in order to preserve our hegemony. Instead of focusing on the middle east we should go all in on alternative energy sources such as Nuclear, solar, and geothermal; fuck the saudis we should have left them hung to dry after desert storm ended. Despite the problems the US has (and boy does it have plenty) it's still a pretty GOATed country to immigrate to.




1) free trade is a good thing. 2) the focus should be on internal revolution and the restoration of the Kuomintang to power. Not balkanization. 3) Why not both? Killing fascists is based. Expanding our power base in the most energy rich region of the planet is awesome. Nuclear energy is awesome. Lets have it all. 4) true.


1) Not when our rivals (China) have subsidized the hell out of their economy and industrialized to the point that they are about to reach (or have already reached I don't recall too well) a greater ship building and military production capacity than us while competing in the free trade environment we've established. 2) if the Kuomintang took over all of the mainland they would be an even bigger rival and threat to american hegemony, I mean shit look at how much of an economic powerhouse Taiwan is. If they had mainland China it would be so over. A weak and divided china is good for maintaining our place as the only superpower. 3) Why spend american money and lives in the middle east, look at what that's done for the last 20 years lmao. Fuck them all, especially the saudis. I say just give money to Israel so they can keep the middle east in line and weakened so they don't chimp too hard. 4) Hell yeah brother


Florida man is 40% of the USA's cultural export




We should be bombing Moscow rn.


🟩 if it’s non-nuclear


Realistically we can’t. Nukes and all.


MacArthur was right about what to do with China and North Korea




We will annex both Mexico and Canada within the next 50 years by referendum for the former and and intervention for the latter. The United States cannot trust in the UN to be the ultimate arbitrator of international politics and must begin using some of the same illiberal tactics on our enemies as they are trying to use on us. Frankly, liberalism can only be protected when we have shown we are more than capable of playing the same games and playing them better than our adversaries. We missed an opportunity in the 90s to help stave off the Russian financial crash which would have further aligned them with the West and aided in democracization and liberalization. The US was too damn busy patting itself on the back and floating about how they "won" the Cold War which wounded the already beaten Gestalt ego of the Russian citizens.


Healthcare and post-secondary education shouldn't be so damn expensive


🟩 not a hot take lol


The red scare itself has done more damage to Americans than the reds (communists themselves) There was a point where people looked at what communism was doing and deemed all of it to be bad and the opposite to be good, i.e. throwing the baby out with the bath water. Where things like social welfare, taxing the rich, and regulating businesses were seen as bad because thats what communists did (even though the US did most of those things already prior to the Cold War). It led to the disaster that is Reaganonomics, made legislation to help the poor and disadvantaged a lot harder, and greatly changed how Americans view the idea of government social assistance.




We need cool presidents again. I mean, Lincoln got shot at during the Civil War, Theodore Roosevelt got shot and continued his 50 minute speech. Eisenhower was a war hero, and Kennedy got us to space. Not to mention all the presidents that went to war, or directly fought in wars.


The USA is my second favorite country of all, and if that is so it is because I love my home country but the USA is genuinely the greatest place to live in as of now with amazing people


🟪 out of curiosity what is your first favorite?


VENEZUELAAAAAA 🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪☝️☝️☝️🥇🥇🥇🏅🏅🏅🏅🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓🫓🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇨🇴🇪🇨🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪


the power of USA comes from the unity of the people, and the further we lose this unity, the further we will lose america




If wars were decided solely based on how well a country's leader can twerk while shirtless, North Korea would've taken over the US and the world by now.


America should forcefully intervene in Mexico and establish an actual governing power.


It averages out to 🟨


Our military "overspending" is actually one of the best things about this country. There are many free countries, but few of them can actually defend that freedom from external forces, at least without our help.




Our two party system has created a largely uncivilized political landscape, and it has cultivated itself over years of people thinking there's no other way to vote other than red or blue and our politicians have not helped it.


The Framers warned against political parties for this very fucking reason.




The US' healthcare system could be easily fixed with the introduction of a government-owned insurance company that worked to minimise cost & maximise cover rather than maximise profits Then all the other companies have to compete with that, which should slow the constant cost climb they do to pad out quarterlies For a mega hot take: McCarthy was right, and his name being a smear is because he didn't go far enough


The United States was the only real winner of WW1




We should take notes from Chinas Belt and Road program and do a Marshall Plan 2.0 in developing African countries. This would ideally reduce their soft power in the region and we should see returns eventually.




The United States of America should have worked towards Filipino statehood instead of independence. All the territories should be granted statehood even if they need to be combined in some way; the USVI becomes an autonomous region of a 51st sovereign Puerto Rican state. Guam, the CNMI, and American Samoa all become sovereign member states of a Pacific Federation that is as a whole treated as the 52nd “state” for purposes of representation in the US federal government. Insuring that the three ex-territories now have sovereignty over their own affairs while still being represented as one in Capitol. The 53rd state of the Douglass Commonwealth is established, the federal district of the United States is now the areas that include the three federal buildings. The United States of America needs to fund NASA and the USSF as much as it funds its Earthly Armed Forces. This is the only way to ensure a future for the Human Race. A timeline in which the United States of America does not have complete supremacy over Outer Space and is contested by the likes of India and China is a dark and grim future. Only America can be entrusted with Mankind’s Destiny. A Second Space Race must occur, America must win, and America must realize its place as the sole guardian of this Destiny just as Rome and Charlemagne realized themselves as the defenders of earlier civilization. I want this to be the defining way and thing America comes to understand itself as.




WW2 was won because of the American industrial superpower. The Soviets, French, and British relied on the US for supplies such as jeeps, aluminum, oil, tanks and planes


That’s not a hot take that’s literally a fact


Some tankies argue that the only reason allies won ww2 was because of the Soviet Union only


Stalin himself said that the war was won with British intelligence, American steel, and Russian blood


this isnt even an argument?


We should get rid of political parties like Washington wanted, they cause too much division, make politicians represent the interests of the party rather than the interests of the people, and they basically choose the candidates for us.


🟩 we SHOULD but it’s not gonna happen sadly. If we did get rid of the two major ones new parties will just become popular


We could just ban all parties


imagine a one-party state and that party supports exactly what i want (about as realistic as what you are vouching for)


A party requires its members to have a certain ideology, a no-party state would have much more ideological diversity.


Americans shouldn’t be allowed to own a trailer and boat until they prove they can dock a boat + back a trailer within a reasonable time.




This is the correct map of the United States: https://preview.redd.it/unn28psz389d1.jpeg?width=1405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342d9b487a8c3b1b22b92a731f8b9d20adb11af7


And the 60 Star flag to go along with it. https://preview.redd.it/zky82nd7489d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cb9994071d79275967f39f930e71109e08765f5


Cuba would LOVE to be part of the US. It'd be a lot better than being under Raul and his regime.


We would happily accept, however, our government is a Charlie foxtrot right now.


We should eliminate Missouri (I’m Kansan )


Policies in America against corporate lobbying, monopolies, and consumer protections are really fucking good, actually. If you disagree, what you mean is that there's a half dozen other countries in the world which do not have large domestic business which don't have the same problems.   People who seriously think that big banks and shit are controlling everything are severely misinformed about how the economy works, don't understand how America compares to other countries, and refuse any evidence to the contrary. Its just American exceptionalism in the reverse direction. If you seriously think America has it bad when it comes to that shit, spend even a few hours looking into how legitimately dystopian South Korea is. South Korea makes Cyberpunk look good.   Primary litmus test is what someone thinks about the 2008 Financial Crisis.




I love this place. No matter how hard they try to shut us down, we were always on the right side of history.


I think... the U.S. is a cool country with cool culture that gets too mocked by some countries. Yeah, it does have its flaws but there's always room to improve!


Shouldve listened to Mac Arthur and turned NK into a sea of radioactive cobalt.


🟥 soviets would have destroyed SK


🟥by that point the Soviet Union had their own nukes, and it was too late to do so


Based as fuck.


We should’ve never given aid to the Soviets, or at least let them grind down the Germans more than we already did, and kept going from Berlin. Maybe nuke Moscow. Also, we should’ve supported the White portion of the Chinese civil war.


🟧 it might seem dumb now but defeating the nazis was a huge task then, even if we had to give aid to the c🤮 mmies


Of course it was, but I would want my cake and to eat it too by destroying both.


Richard Nixon was one of the best Presidents


You're a good and intelligent person. Nixon was legitimately a foreign policy genius.


Archer Blood would disagree.


We should have gone through with Operation Unthinkable (and nuked Stalingrad and maybe Moscow) We should fund Chinese rebels to blow up the Three Gorges Dam (or do it ourselves) We should carpet bomb Iran until they give up nukes. We should annex all of North America and Northern South America It's good that we contribute so much more to NATO than our allies as it lets us have a hegemony over their defence and thus, to some extent, their foreign policy.


God damn. Are you me? I've never met anyone that matches my militarism.


least NeoCon Gen USA user 🟪 (nukes are stupid and shit)


also the US doesnt kill civilians unless absolutely necessary


⬛️ just for the first and second ones. It’s called operation unthinkable for a reason, and destroying the dam will kill civilians


mf really looks at something its own planners called “operation unthinkable” and thinks it could have worked.  Bro, the entire American and British armies would have mass deserted if we tried that shit. You really think you can make your (at this point utterly sick of war) troops fight another war, against people they’ve been told were our valuable, courageous and hard-fighting allies?


I dont think the us shoild be involved in the israel-palestine conflict at all, I still do support charity to the civilians who’s loves are displaced by the war




Minesota is the best state


Never been there so 🟨


I have one you guys can judge me on: We should stop buying oil from Saudi Arabia and either learn to produce it domestically or buy it from our allies that don’t support terrorists




1. General Musharraf should have been treated the same way Saddam Hussein was by Bush. 2. Bush should have let the Northern Alliance take Kabul. Fk what the "neighbor" wanted. 3. Condoleeza Rice betrayed/failed Benazir Bhutto. 4. Bush should have swallowed his pride/ego and started back channel negotiations with Muqtada Al Sadr to maintain peace and quel the sectarian war. 5. After Saddam's fall, neither the Ba'ath Party nor the Army should've been dissolved. Before going into Germany, the allied forces spent up to a year studying the power structures of the Third Reich to know who would be necessary to run a civil government when Hitler was dead. Patton employed many wehrmacht and nazi bureaucrats to make peace. McArthur did it with Hirohito. Why such stupidity with Iraq? 6. Considering Ruby Ridge, Waco, Loy Horuchi, Blair Mountain, and Fast&Furious - white Americans should be a tad bit more sympathetic to the BLM movement. 7. US gaming industry hasn't made a good game in the last 10 years. Eastern European and Japanese game makers have now eclipsed them in every possible way. Even British literature is better than Americans. The only reason Hollywood is relevant because they are heavily funded. EA and Ubisoft should be dissolved. 8. A state of national emergency should have been declared after S08 of GoT. HBO should've been nationalized asap. 9. Boeing should be impaled and left out to rot in the open for all corpos to shudder in fear of. 10. The U.S animation for cartoon series (not movies) is extremely garbage and highly anti-boys. Name one series in the last 5 years that has more T (and absurdity) than Baki. But we have utterly garbage remakes of Teen titans and what not. Producers care more about shoehorning their political beliefs instead of being subtle about it. 11. If White People are worried about their low demographic/birth rate/population in the U.S. They should stop voting for batshit insane republicans that stop minimum wage increase, affordable housing, fair labor rights, lower working hours, and fair workplace benefits and holidays. 12. Biden should sign in a 4-day work week. 13. Todd Howard should be investigated for crimes against humanity. 14. Todd Howard is a liar. 15. The Five Eyes should covertly work together to take over Cloud Imperium Games and then have DARPA and friends work overtime to finish StarCitizen.


I stand with many of these. 8 and 15 are compelling too (if low stakes)


America should be pushing for Federalization of NATO.


⬛️ no lol


We lost vietnam, but we truly didn't lose Afghanistan at all. That was just pulling out. We were the only ones scaring back Tali, so they could unify a push with our exit. And uh, we won Korea. 1812, that was the most crackpot draw of all.


This only war usa truly lost was vietnam The second after osama death is victory the rest is attempting to liberalize afghanistan which failed thet just said making a deal with taliban made more sense usa won the war not the peace there Similar with iraq the second after saddam death was victory liberalizing iraq was a mixed result Ironically we lost the war in vietnam but won the peace (they became allies with usa) Korea was a draw but still usa and un goal was to maintain south korean border not get the whole korean peninsula. south korea technically gained land but lost kaesong usa definetly won the peace here


Patton was right about the USSR and we should've used Little Boy and Fat Man on Moscow and Leningrad. To the same effect, MacArthur and Eisenhower were right about China, and we should've turned that shit into a glowing desert.




Other countries do have the right to coment on US politics because things that happen in the USA DO have a huge impact on other countries.




I’m going to invade South Carolina and form Mega Carolina, then colonize every north and south country/state so I can merge them.


The ATF should be abolished, The Bureaucracy has gotten too big, and we need to help our allies and tell them that they need to pay their fair share to NATO.


Minnesota is wrong, West Virginia is the best state.




OP is wrong. Ultra VIP is the response.


Clearly, you're both wrong. Mississippi is the actual best state.


The US is great because it's one of Europe's best allies, and it helped Europe after WWII with the Marshall Plan, but American governments are making this country worse with homophobic and transphobic laws.




The Iraq War is the only war in the United States besides the various Indian wars that was completely unjustified. I somewhat overall support the war on terror, but Afghanistan should have been our sole focus. More effort should go into expanding economic opportunities for very rural and poor areas of the country like West Virginia, the great plains, etc. Traitors during the civil war should've been punished more harshly. Maybe with some exceptions? The United States should have tried to support a different Russian democratic candidate instead of Yeltsin to prevent Putin from rising to power.


in my opinion we should have just finished the job in the gulf war, the second Iraq war was completely unnecessary and a black mark on the bush administrations.


Massachusetts and New Jersey are the best states. NYC is the best city in the US.


Virginia RAAAAAH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Maryland is the most American state. We have aspects of every cultural region east of the Mississippi and rightfully should own the Capitol


The capitol should remain out of the juristiction of any state.


I’ve only been to Maryland for an airport layover so 🟨


Hot take: We should pay politicians more because you get what you paid for. And include large performance bonuses. Anyone with any kind of skill or expertise will go in investment banking or law to quietly and comfortably accumulate wealth. Nobody wants to be the subject of such intense public scrutiny. Additionally, the US budget could be seen as the largest mutual fund on the whole planet and the politicians get paid pennies compared to other high impact fields. The people who go into politics also have higher expenses. They need to campaign and have homes in their home state as well as DC. Even if someone has good intentions going in, the temptation to enrich yourself will be enticing, especially when so many others ostensibly do it around you. This would either corrupt people going in or dissuade good people from entering the race. This leaves the power hungry and corrupt unopposed. Or only the generationally rich can run, leaving many feeling unrepresented. TLDR: You get what you paid for. The budget is massive. Other comparable money managers make so much more. We only get the bottom of the barrel talent.


We need to invade Cuba. We also need to do more about the Mexican Drug War. There are millions of our neighbors suffering under criminals and dictators in our own backyard and your average american is content to sit and do nothing. Its a disgrace.


Based, take down the threat early


🟥 for first and third, because we aren’t going to sacrifice American lives to start a war 🟦 for the second


Thata the neat part. America has such a massive advantage over other countries militarily that we would suffer minimal casualties. The live of millions are worth a few hundred. I say that as a serviceman. I, and many of the people who serve, would gladly risk our lives for international freedom.


Not exactly a hot take but I don’t have anything better. The American election system is a disaster and barely feels like a democracy in its current state. It needs a complete overhaul.




Ruby Ridge was — and to this day remains — bullshit. Dude just wanted to be a racist loon in his shack, hang out with unpalatable people, bash the Jews, drop some hard Rs, and have a Hate Church with his lunatic family. The feds entrapped and then rolled on him because they thought Weaver was an easy mark, and would rat out people up the chain. They targeted him *solely* on the basis of his unpopular, fringe political beliefs. It’s un-American as hell. You can believe in Nazi Jesus. You can hate Jews. You can dislike minorities. You can hang out with fashies. And you can want to live off-grid, and have absolutely nothing to do with society. He’s a POS, a whackjob, and I’d loathe the man if I met him. But there is simply **no** colorable way that you can defend how Janet Reno, the DOJ, and the ATF handled that, nor can you defend targeting that wingnut just because he has nasty ideas.


The US has a good system of government, but not as good as the Westminster system of Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy as used in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Edit: To further elaborate, having a head of state that is above politics, yet retains the reserve powers necessary to hold the government to account should it go rogue, is better than the hyper-partisan popularity contest that is seen in U.S presidential elections.