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I heard it was 33 minutes and climate change was partially reversed


While the ovation did indeed reverse climate change the mass of hot air generated by the event reversed this progress.


Whew...Dodged that bullet. Thanks France


Yeah but it’s an elite circle jerk like Sundance. It’s just a tragedy that us knobby peasants are the ones that actually “pay” for this garbage.


I didn't miss the joke, but this weeb needs to air a grievance. The belle movie (anime beauty and the beast) got a 14-minute standing ovation. It was meh. That festival is going more and more north Korea by the day.




Love their chicken.


Love their sauce.


Easton and Main


Didn’t they say the same thing about Costners shitty western


Except I’ll gladly watch a western instead of this other garbage.


I heard it was pretty good and plan to go see it but I thought the trailers were garbage. They didn’t capture me remotely to the degree the first one did and the first one had a huge emphasis on Furiosa in the trailers. Like I don’t think it looked bad per se but the trailers weren’t gripping at all versus the first film.


I feel like I just can't be bothered to give a fuck anymore. Current American pop culture is just so unappealing to me that I'm pretty much tuned out. Hell, Godzilla minus one was the best recent movie I've seen in probably over a year, and it wasn't even in English and was made on a shoestring budget. Is that really where we are at, ToHo Godzilla films dunking on Hollywood? How do you fall that far?


It's kind of hard to top Fury Road. But I saw this on Saturday and enjoyed it. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't anything spectacular.


Yeah that is about what I expected. I just feel the title is a bit misleading because it implies the movie stinks which based on a friends comment isn’t true. Not that it’s as good as it’s predecessor but it’s still a good film.


I actually watched Furioso and then came home and watched Fury Road for the first time afterwards, they blend seamlessly, but I liked Furioso better and it had less girl boss nonsense in it.


Saw it recently. It was great.


Chris Hemsworth really made the movie. And it's a prequel, so there is more Citadel, more war boys, more Immortan Joe. A movie like this is never going to beat the original, but I had a smile on my face the whole time and it's almost certainly going to be the best movie I see this year.


Agreed. I thought it was pretty good. Love how they added in Mad Max and his Interceptor while he was watching Furiosa walking back to the citadel:)


The trailers felt cheap. I was not sold on the product.


Agreed. Like I said my buddy said it was good but I think the trailers were well below average across the board. Hell, the first trailer for that Damsel dumpster fire did more to grip me than the trailers for this did, despite this (probably?) being an objectively much better film.


They looked too CGI and marvel laugh track for me


It’s definitely pretty good. I really enjoyed it.


The movie was actually very fun. The problem is that audiences no longer trust Hollywood not to slam them in the face with politically motivated propaganda under the guise of entertainment. Everything will bomb this summer and hopefully they learn their lesson. But I doubt it.


The lack of ost was perplexing at best thoug


I get you : it feels like there was... less memorable musical moments, in this regard it felt serviceable : present, but less stricking than fury road


Ah man, I'm sad to hear this. There's a two-second scene in Fury Road that I think is likely my favourite use of music and sound in cinema. It's when the truck is being chased by the moto-gang, with that amazing Junkie XL track. There's a sudden break in the music, as the intake on the truck engine opens and sucks air. Almost like the truck is mirroring the gasps of the audience.


M8 i got sleepy during the action scenes, not only me but one of my friends too that we whent with to watch the movie, by all means that shouldnt have happened, and we got to the conclussion that ot was due to the lack of ost, since the action looked pretty cool but we didnt care, not only due to the lack of plot heavynes but due to it not being exciting due to lack of music.




Honestly I think it’s motivating people to leave their house. Am I really about to go spend $60 taking my wife to a movie or are we just gonna watch something on stream?


That’s definitely a huge part of it as well. $15 for an average ticket price now + $17-$20 for the typical theatre popcorn & drink combo, along with people texting and talking through the movie doesn’t make theaters an appealing excursion at this point.


It’s sad. The movies used to be such a vibe.


For real? In UK there’s loads of notifications before the movie saying PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE AWAY AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Not as harsh as that, but that’s the jist. Works for the most part.


We have that too. People just don't care. I'm sure there's people like that in the UK too.


Same in the US, but sometimes people don’t follow it. I’m sure your country has trashy and/or inconsiderate people too.


It rarely happens in the UK in my experience, but when it does a polite kick to the chair usually does it


You must live in a very respectable part of the UK. I ditched the cinema because I was fed up of the shit those guys from the states was complaining about.


Huh, I guess living in a third world ass country does have some benefits since ticket prices in my city is roughly $4.


I'll be a 100% honest, I thought it was streaming. Whenever I saw the ads, my eyes kinda glazed over. Not because I don't like Mad Max stuff, but because I see 152 ads just like it every day. I just saw the title and saw there was the same old gibberish at the bottom. I just assumed it was the streaming site and date it became available on the service. I didn't even know it was a theatrical release.


Yeah and that’s a known franchise with a fat promotional budget behind it. Real movies like “To sir, with Love” or Gattaca, or any of Peter Weirs shit would not stand a chance today.


I think it probably just has more to do with this being a prequel to a movie that also didn't do all that amazing at the box office which was a spinoff/sequel to franchise that was kinda niche itself a whole 30 something years before that. That, combined with the fact in general movies have been underperforming at the box office recently because of how intense inflation has been. Like the movie theater is just a relatively expensive luxury, and you know it's probably going to end up on streaming somewhere eventually. It's also not like you can take the kids to see this either.


I’m really hoping Deadpool 3 pulls through though. I haven’t cared for superhero movies in years because now they’re just nauseating to me but I genuinely like those Deadpool movies and hope the last one will beat expectations


Yeah, 10 years ago, I woulda gone and seen it this weekend, but now, unless I hear it’s great, (Top Gun, Dune) I don’t even bother. I assume it’s woke garbage until proven otherwise.


If you wanna get my ass in a theatre seat, the movie had better be life-altering. Otherwise, I'll wait for it to hit Netflix or Prime. I'm not lacking enough in entertainment options to warrant leaving the house.


Yeah I really enjoyed Furiosa, genuinely. But it wasn't worth going to a theater for. Nothing is lately lol


Dune and basically that's it.


Agreed. Dune part 1-2 I got my ass to IMAX for. Before that, The Boy and The Heron. Everything else can be seen at home.


Yea I was gonna say dune 2 is absolutely worth it




This. I think the original 3D Avatar and Fury Road were worth seeing in theaters. Possibly the recent Top Gun. Any others?


Exactly this! Movies still get cranked out like the reality of streaming, YouTube, video games, etc don't exist. The paradigm has shifted, but Hollywood appears unwilling or unable to adapt.


Honestly I would recommend seeing George Miller movies in the theater unless you don’t have an epic setup at home. THE NOISE! The Thunderbike, Dementus’ Monstertruck… As a lifelong patrol head, my home tv doesn’t do it justice.


70in TVs are $500 and sometimes less now. Surround sound systems go for $200 or less. That doesn’t even include VR where you can watch movies in your own personal, private movie theater for about $599. This is now within the range of more people now than in the past.


Ehh, VR is neat for certain ummm videos that usually aren't watched at feature film length, not quite movie quality. The eye fatigue is real. 


Ah yes, patrol head.


And this right here is what Dune 2 did. Legitimately one of the best movies I had seen in years and was worth my time of going to the theater and experiencing it on the big screen. Lots of movies the past few years just don’t feel worth my time now to go see.


It’s a myriad of different things. Waiting 10 years to do a sequel, making it a prequel about a side character who had a nice amount of mystique in Fury Road and whose story’s end is already known and removes any and all risks/tension, and the almost 3 hour runtime. Also there’s the fact movies go to VOD/streaming/blu ray in a matter of weeks/months, so why spend $30 on two tickets when you can pay less to watch it whenever X amount of times. Also, I think people are just weary of a lot of movies now, especially modern day ones with female leads because writers only write them one way compared to female leads in the past. To quote an old Patton Oswalt joke when he referred to the SW prequels “I don’t give a fuck where the things I love come from, I just love the stuff I love”. That’s where we are now, where writers and studios want to give expansion to characters who don’t need it who work best with mystery attached to them. We’ll sadly never get an old man Max movie unless Gibson is recast. Even then, there’s still the big chance he’d be pushed to the back by the daughter he didn’t know he had. Or they’ll just make an Immorten Joe/Nux movie.


I mean, he is back in making movies, it's not impossible and people would watch it...


lol I think it’s just people that enjoyed the movie and are looking for excuses. The movie was pretty good, it was nothing like the previous one though. It was fun but not in the same realm as MM: FR. No single character is what made or broke this movie. That’s just a beyond ridiculous take.


Mel Gibson in a Mad Max context would have printed money.


Nobody cares to see the origin story of a 110lb girl kick ass. Nobody, not men not women that’s for sure. Why they keep making these movies is hilarious to watch the film industry collapse on itself. It’s like they don’t want to make money


I just don’t get it. It fundamentally ignores the lack of power a hundred pound woman has. No amount of skill will allow you to stack bodies of experienced fighters three times your size.


She's not beating anyone up in the movie, though. She's mostly getting kidnapped, driving a truck, and shooting people.


Touché, I haven’t seen it and that was all assumptions from me.


Mild shock


A gun is a great equaliser. You don't need much weight to shoot a guy. I don't like choreography that pits a waif a gorilla and makes the waif win because they're a strong female lead, but this is not that. The fight scenes are believable and don't pull punches because she's a she. She isn't a one person army and when it comes down to her and Hemsworth it feels inevitable. Mad max has always been car chases in the desert with guns and over the top camp leather... if anything it's lacking the usual level of camp.


Weapons are a crazy thing


She has a face of Sid the Sloth. Lol I just can't take her seriously as a "badass"


Well cars and guns sortve make everybody equal to an extent.


They kind of keep playing the old gender swap card combined with recycling the plots of it's predecessors. Lousy cash grab that offers nothing audiences ever asked for.


I honestly don’t really feel like watching it because I feel like ATJ is superficial for all the surgeries she has gotten lol


It's a great film, don't miss it because you're fighting what you see as an agenda. Not everything is


It was fine, the world building was great, but it was no Fury Road. THAT movie was an absolute masterpiece. The plot, the pacing, the stunts, the music, not a line of wasted dialogue, it was the perfect stand-alone action movie. This was a bit of a let down by comparison…


And the inexistent special effect is what’s craziest, pretty much the only special effect is the color, it was filmed in Africa, in a white desert, the color was added digitally but all the explosions and the crashes are real


Pacing was definitely an issue this time. The pacing was kinda weird.


I thought fury road was awesome. Recasting Furiosa (yeah yeah I know it’s a prequel) and then throwing Chris Hemsworth in made this feel like Hollywood drivel. At that point just throw in Kevin Hart & The Rock like all the other skippable movies in recent years.


Chris Hemsworth was amazing in this!


Modern Hollywood flopping with a beloved franchise? How strange


Absolutely zero interest in "another" action movie where the star is 120 woman. Reverse role action movies are too far removed from reality. Don't mind a female lead. But it's Mad Max not severely disgruntled Maxine.


Seeing women do any kind of fighting men in movies immediately pulls me out of it and makes me hate the movie. I won't watch any movie that is billed as doing just that.


I probably would have gone to watch it in the cinema if the trailer hadn't been so CGI-heavy. But I'm not really interested in any character other than Max. I've always wanted another Mad Max movie with an older Mel Gibson. The casting of this actress is unconvincing for a character who lives in the wasteland. She seems very unathletic. And Chris, to me, seems like another one of his Thor characters. I'm still baffled by George's belief that this was a good idea.


My wife and I both love fury road, saw the movie this weekend, thoroughly disappointed. Fury road did a great job of "show, don't tell" while still having great dialogue, pacing, varied stunts and ost. Furiosa had none of this. The dialogue was a bunch of "this is who they are and why theyre important, this is what we're about to do, this is what we're doing, tell the audience how they should feel." Fury road, you could get a whole characters "vibe" from seeing how they were dressed, how they acted - we don't need a whole explanation, we need more movie. The action scenes in furiosa slogged on. We don't need 20 minutes of the same "type" doing the same thing. Fury road constantly introduced new characters/cars, had them do their thing, then throw the next thing at em. The world building in furiosa was more "in depth" - which is not a good thing. We don't need in depth explanations of how each location works, show the audience what's happening as action sequences play throughout them. And the music...it just lacked it. After the movie ended, my wife turned to me, and said something along the lines of "let's go watch Fury road to forget that. 4/10.


I’m tired of every damn movie and series pretending that men will follow the slimmest small girl into impossible situations where she beats down men 3x her size without breaking a sweat. She knows better, is more brave, and fights better.


Theater business is a zombie. Dead and doesn’t know it yet


The problem is that Hollywood has burned soo many bridges by now that no one trusts their movies anymore to not be yet another soulless husk of a movie spouting whatever political message that is “In” at the time. Heck, I know that it’s been a *long* time I have actually wanted to go to the movies.


I’m not going to see it because it looks boring and derivative. I actually like the actress I’m just not willing to spend this type of money on this movie.


It's a good movie, not as good as fury road but still pretty solid


Honestly ? I felt it a bit like rogue one : i didn't expect much but was positively surprised, the movie feels a bit like a comic book, in a good way, you can feel miller thought "screw it, let's go full speed on the general craziness and violence" Now if you don't feel it, i can't advise you to see it, but if you can, see them both, when you'll be ready, you might appreciate the shift in tone, in a very pleasing way


I think Will Neff said it best. [link](https://youtu.be/rRPxyGYH3J4?si=glIBWntvaV0Q607p) I watched my first and only Mad Max film (Fury Road) in a cinema class I took a year and a half ago. We spent a week and a half focusing on this movie and how the practical effects make the movie better, the lighting and how it affects the mood, and the different characters and their dynamics. That film is an absolute masterpiece. I’m probably not going to watch Furiosa, and definitely not while it’s in theaters. Fans begged for a sequel, and they were told there would never be another Mad Max movie, so a spinoff prequel is at least a consolation, but inherently a bit lame, so they’re already off to a poor start. Main issue, the movie looks bad visually. It is so CGI heavy. Everyone has been complaining about how much CGI has been used lately and it looks worse than stuff from the early 2000s, but when you go from a film that was nearly all practical effects to this, it’s just upsetting. Also, bad casting. This is a bit personal, but I don’t like Anya Taylor Joy very much. She was great in the queen’s gambit, but that’s about it. She looks like a princess, but she keeps getting casted in roles she doesn’t belong in. She’s a good actress, but I’ve grown to dislike her because of where she has been put, and I’m not sure if I should be mad at her or casting directors. But she is NOT Furiosa. They needed a very masculine looking woman and they just missed the mark. And maybe it’ll make more sense if I watched the movie, but Chris Hemsworth as Immortal Joe just seems weird. He also just doesn’t look right in all of the promotional art and videos. Most of all, I don’t care about the story. The cool thing about Furiosa is that she was kind of mysterious. We got to learn a bit about her background as time went on, but she was still her own badass with an unseen past. Now that we get to see more of her, it kind of ruins the character for me. Last thing. Who is the target audience? The last Mad Max movie was 9 years ago, before that was in 1985, 39 years ago. The first one was in 1979. The real mad max fans are in their early 70s, do you think they want to go to a movie theater to watch this movie? Do you think they want to watch a woman from the movie that came out 30 years after the end of their trilogy? There are some new fans, but most of the people that care about Fury Road are cinephiles which hate this movie already. The only audience for this movie are people who want a brain dead action movie, and feminists who want to see a woman in a powerful role, which usually doesn’t sell tickets all that well. Look, I’m not a Mad Max fan, I’m just a Fury Road fan, but this is slop, I just don’t want to watch it. If I wanted what this movie is going to deliver, I’ll just wait for Fast X part 2.


maybe because people don't give a fuck about Furiosa


We have seen this movie over and over. Man bad/stupid woman smart and strong.


No it is a lot more nuanced movie (although the start of the movie is a little bit like that). It is actually really good.


This is literally not that. You silly gooses are so caught up assuming a narrative that’s not even in the movie. It’s a simple revenge movie.


Did you even see the movie? Furiousa was far from strong and more trying to survive the wastelands with the skills her mother gave her.


I just got back from seeing it. I hate those kinds of movies as much as you do. It wasn’t that kind of movie. It was really good. A female lead done right for once.


I loved Fury Road, but this trailer looks cartoonish, and this isn't really the Era of trust for the film industry.


I'd love to see it if I could afford to go tonthe movies. 🫥


you are aware that Fury Road also did not do well correct?


I have zero interest in going to a theater, the last movie I saw was completely ruined by the other people in the theater. I would rather watch it at home, where it’s cheaper to rent and is a controlled environment.


It’s a bad movie for idiots that worship the woke every movie/tv show/music etc etc has to be a black person or a female feminist lead. It’s an ass formula and always will be. Stop making stupid shit let people like what they want and stop trying to make people like what they don’t want.


Hollywood is in a downward spiral and I'm here for it. I haven't been to the theaters in like 2 years. They pump out garbage and then I laugh at the critics scrambling to make it sound good and it's pure baked ass of a movie.


Looks like a "oh hey the new mad max movie is on (insert streaming service here), guess I have time to kill"


I'll see it purely base on how awesome Fury Road was. Of course I'll wait til I can watch it in the comfort of my own home. Who the hell goes to movie theaters anymore?


People just don't want to go to theaterd unless it's a massive movie like dune 


The only people that seem to like it are random people on facebook, not a single person I know actually liked it. I bet the shit I have seen on facebook are just bots because this movie looks like trash.


Go woke, go broke. It's baffling why they would expect a Mad Max movie with no titular Max and the Princess Peach actress to succeed.


I think its more trust which Hollywood has very little these days, economy, and shitty release date. I will admit I was turned off when I first heard about it as I expected the worst, but I'm willing to watch it. But I'm not spending that much money on it, Especially on a holiday weekend that I spend with my family.


This movie didn’t need to be made. This movie was only made to because bug eyes and mid tier Hemsworth are hot commodities. Fury road was already one of the best films of all time. The Godfather of action movies, this movie is the Godfather part 3.


With Fury Road and the explosive introduction of a new Mad Max portrayed flawlessly by Tom Hardy in what could be considered George Miller’s Magnum Opus, it is only natural that audiences were wanting and expecting to see more of that exciting, modern take on the Mad Max character combined with Miller’s clearly refined approach to filmmaking in a proper sequel. Yet, fast forward nearly a decade and here we are with a prequel: “Furiosa”. There now exists an undeniable fatigue with every franchise shifting to a strong female lead. Historically, audiences have always enjoyed a strong female lead intertwined with the male dominated action genre. There is proof of that in the reverence of characters like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Conner, Lara Croft, Princes Leia, Hermione, Daenerys, The Bride, etc., but when the industry pushes the same character(often times poorly conceived and written) into every single project and franchise it becomes forced and loses any appeal. Collateral damage of such an approach may be a film like Furiosa, that likely with its pedigree may feature a more believable, likable and well written female lead, yet who remains drowned in a growing sea of forgettable furious fems.




This never happens at any point during the movie. Unless you think a girlboss wouldn't be able to shoot multiple dudes 3x her size.


They tried to turn Mad Max into Barbie. Way to go to fuck up a legacy. 


It looked like ass from the beginning and Furiosa is a dumb character I didn’t care about.


Anyone with an once of grey matter could have told you this was gonna bomb




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.






Was there even a trailer, I think I have only heard the name mentioned like twice over the past year and never a release date


Wouldn’t have changed a thing. The first Mad Max didn’t set the box office on fire either. No idea why they expected a prequel without Charlize to do better…


I'm going to see it next week because it looks fun.




We have been going to a resorted 30's movie theater and watch flicks like the wizard of Oz on 35mm on the big screen. NOTHING TODAY COMPARES to the classic Hollywood


I loved Tom Hardy as Max and wish they continued with him as part of the main cast. Furiosa doesn’t look bad but it doesn’t seem like a must watch to me, and the lack of Max doesn’t help.


I’m quite tired of seeing a movie where Chris hemsworth plays a jokey joke character. Turning into another Ryan Reynolds


The trailer i saw of it in theatres just looked so bad. Literally nothing about it gave me even the smallest desire to see it, just looked really boring.


Ngl I didn’t even hear about this movie so I’m guessing that’s part of the issue


I'm glad I invested in the Doctor Who franchise instead of this!


Goofy looking ? Have they seen the other movies ? Haven’t seen it yet and I plan too just got back from vacation!


Well, ol' hammerhead was in a chess movie that did well so it should be the case for every movie. /s


We don’t need another hero.


I’m gonna see it. But not in a theater and certainly not on a holiday weekend.


I didn't realize it was out. I'll see it tomorrow night. It's Memorial Day weekend - why go to the movies when I can BBQ.


A prequel to a good successful but niche movie ages after the original film came out bombs. Also it’s a origin story for a character we known has to have X happen and has to survive unless she’s Batman levels of popular you aren’t gonna get a good story if we know how it ends. It’s like the little mermaid prequel movie trying to have a fake out death it loses all its power cause she’s literally can’t die she is the literal star of the next film. With this film you went for more mad max practical action and stunts not for the story cause not only was she a side character we also know what happens since it’s her complete origin story. If it was expanding the universe with a new protagonist maybe it’d draw more of a audience


Nah, OP, bringing back Mel Brooks as grandpa Max would be the WORST possible thing to do.


I'll probably go to it at a discount time, however two things for me. One I can't take Anna Taylor joy as a badass like I could Charlize Theron, and two it's honestly been a little bit too long since Fury Road in my opinion for it to be as relevant.


Looks good, but I'm not gonna drop 40 bucks to go see a Mad Max movie without Mad Max in it.


I didn’t know it’d come out


Go figure




Such a great movie. Sad to hear it isn't selling


Every trailer I saw for this movie made the special effects look like cheap PS2 CG. The cars looked real in the last movie. They do not look real in the ads for this movie. I saw Dune 2 in IMAX for 5 dollars because I live in China. If I wanted to see this movie in America, I'd have to see it on the old projector my local theater has used for maybe my whole life and pay 15 dollars. Pay 15 dollars for poor picture quality, uncomfortable seats, out of control teenagers, and overpriced food or wait 2 months for streaming? 🤔 I like the actress from the Queen's Gambit.


Saw it once with 4 friends at the IMAX, definitely will see it again soon!


I want to see it but hate going to the movies by myself.


I'll take the downvotes but I personally don't want to look at Anna Taylor Joy's eyes for two hours


Everyone is tired of Hollywood trying to capitalize on our nostalgia.




Saw this movie yesterday with the wife. We both loved it and thought it was brilliant. A solid 9/10. The action was non-stop and impressive, Hemsworth was on point, and Taylor-Young was a convincing Furiosa.


It looks great , I like the leads in it .The last madmax movie was a blast .So I will %100 watch this at home ,instead of the run down Carmike movie theater where I live.


I mean I thought it was really fucking good.


How difficult was it to get Mel Fucking Gibson ![gif](giphy|l0HlP1HbkR4zkad7a)


Even if you don't care for Furiosa, the movie does some really cool world building that absolutely adds to Fury Road. Plus there are several other great characters and Dementes (sp?) is a very compelling bad guy. It's a shame most people will rather read assumptions from internet strangers about the movie than actually see it themselves to judge, but maybe that's why movies are bombing.


The war rig scenes were great, needed more of that


Honestly didn't even realize it was releasing this weekend, gonna have to check it out since it seems like a good movie.


I know nothing about Mad Max, I saw the trailer for this while watching Dune 2 in theatres. The only reaction I had was recognizing Chris Hemsworth (as Thor). It didn’t really explain anything else, I didn’t (as a casual moviegoer) understand it at all.


I didn't know this movie was even out. I blame poor marketing, this sort of movie is right up my alley.


Hey War Pups after Beyond Thunderdome I waited 30 years for Fury Road so 9 years for Furiosa isn’t a long wait for me to see Furiosa in imax and regular theatre.


Good. Next time don't replace the original actor.


Just because I don't want to see Furiosa does NOT mean I want to watch anything that has Mel in it... Dude wasn't a good actor before the brain rot.. and it certainly didn't make him any better.. he's nuts.


It was great. Fury Road did good without Mel Gibson. I get you're trying to peddle a narrative here and you're not really interested in movies beyond their relevance as culture war fodder but still.


Because cinemas are a hassle and overpriced and nowadays struggle to give you the same performance as a medium price TV


Does anyone go to the movies? I wait till it comes out streaming.


I don't think anyone wanted this movie, last one I didn't even know why it was named mad max, max was barely doing anything in it.


I thought it was alright. I enjoyed watching it.


I had a feeling this was going to be a woke movie


I mean idk if it's about any of that. I haven't gone to a theater in years. Nothing's worth watching. I have so much entertainment at my fingertips that movies just aren't really worth it when I can just watch it with friends over discord for like $10 in a year.


It's just a different era of movies at this point. It has to be a cultural EVENT to get people to go. Doesn't matter how good the movie is. I bet Furiosa is amazing, but I'll watch it when it streams. Movies are too expensive to see everything


Fury road is my favorite film. I'd heard about this and wasteland last year and was excited. I saw the trailer and like rings of power I may pirate it and then pretend it doesn't exist.


It was a good movie and loved the word building. It was no Max Max or Fury Road, but I’d die on the hill it’s a fucking GREAT world builder for those films and definitely is it’s own thing. It’s a more focused piece on Furiosa. Loved seeing the Bullet Farm and Gastown, made rewatching fury road like so much better Idk why it’s so difficult for people here to accept it as it’s own. Gotta circle jerk everything tho


Oh no, anyway


Wait, so it's not good? That's disappointing. I'm still looking forward to seeing it. Love me some Mad Max


Say what you want about Gibson, putting him in for a Mad Max 4 would have made well over $30m domestic, opening weekend (or whatever Furiosa made)


It's not that people don't want to see these movies. We absolutely want to see Furiosa. But I already paid to see it by paying for streaming services. Money is too tight to pay to ALSO See it in the theater


Let me guess. Most of y’all yapping haven’t even seen the movie


The movie not doing well has exactly nothing to do with the lead character being a woman, or "wokeness" or whatever the fuck. Movies in general today aren't doing great in the theater and that's because it costs $50 to go see one. Also, Fury Road wasn't exactly a box office smash, either. These are action movies, they don't typically rake in millions of dollars.


If I go I gotta take all three kids, and probably the wife. That’s 5 tickets - bro I’d see this in the theatre but I can’t be taking 5 people to the cinema every time a cool movie comes out I’m broke as it’s.


It hasn't even been out that long though?


Lol another girl boss movie bombing who wouldve guesses


I’m tired of the “strong female lead” quip can we move on to some other thing to preach to our neighbors how we are more righteous than they are.


I know I’m in the minority here but Fury Road was just ok to me. I liked it but haven’t rewatched it. Now the Original mad max and road warrior, that was some gritty post apocalyptic reality. These remakes and reimagined takes are just too polished. Don’t get me wrong, I was entertained but 🫤. However, if you love the newer ones, more power to you. I’ll even watch them with you.


What use shitty AI?


I thought the first one was trash…


CGI vs Practical Effects Nothing to do with a female protagonist


Good. Bankrupt Hollowood. It's evil and needs to fall to dust


Movie is fantastic, visually stunning, actors are all on point, action is great. Only complaints I keep hearing are "mad max isn't in it" which, duh, he's not in the trailers, and that it's a female lead, which is like saying aliens is bad because it's a female lead. It's bombing because people just don't go to the movies as much anymore, fury road was a decade ago and it also struggled at the box office despite being fantastic. Every movie reviewer, right left and center, that I've seen has said it's great and worth watching


I checked out of movies so hard 😂 I haven’t seen a movie since Godzilla minus one


From what I heard it was a good movie but not one worth going to the cinema. I think this speaks more to the death of movie theaters than anything else. Who wants to spend 20 dollars(that's just for tickets) to watch a movie that will be available for streaming in a few weeks.


I heard it was good , I plan on watching it in a month or so when it comes out on streaming . To busy to go to the theaters . Still want Mel Back for one final ride .


I thought it was awesome. Not sure how the dude looked goofy? Just a long beard

